Thursday, October 11, 2007

Jesse the Jackass

  • Jackson appeared with about 20 area ministers and representatives from City Colleges. Rainbow/PUSH Coalition distributed 500 turkeys and other food items to area residents. The college representatives provided information about GED and trade programs.
Then, point out the obvious:
  • "If they are skilled enough to work in Iraq and Vietnam, they should be skilled enough to have a job back here at home," Jackson said of the residents.
Um, yeah, but there isn't much call for small unit infantry tactics in the 'jets. Those with marketable skills learned in the military can usually use them in civilian life, if they APPLY themselves. You know, like make the effort to go out and find a job, then show up on time, every day, earn money, respect and responsibility. Jobs aren't like government handouts. But what would Jesse know about a job?

Then we have this:
  • Jackson stayed with 55-year-old Vernice Sanders, a resident since 1973, who found a home at Ickes after being shot while pregnant. Sanders moved in with Jackson's support and now resides in an eighth-floor, two bedroom apartment with an adult brother and four grandchildren.
Wasn't Public Housing meant to be a temporary assist? Until you finished up all those job programs and were able to actually become a contributing member of society? Instead, Jesse highlights exactly what's wrong with the whole system - 3 generations living in the same apartment from 1973. That's 34 years of "assistance."

And finally, the over-the-top bullshit:
  • Jackson decided to come to Ickes Homes, at 23rd and South State, after fielding numerous complaints of police harassment.

    "We intend to break up the Gestapo-like techniques used in this area," Jackson said.

Yeah, because we're out there rounding up 12 million black folks and gassing them all for mass graves.

Newsflash for Jesse and the dumbfuck media that prints his bullshit: There really was a Gestapo. They rounded up Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally handicapped, physically handicapped, communists and anyone else who didn't fit in with the Nazi "ideal" and they killed 12 million of them in camps by some of the most heinous means known to mankind. You do each and every single one of the dead a disservice and dishonor by spouting this BS, printing this crap and attempting to compare Chicago Police Officers to these war criminals.

So unless Jesse has found some heretofore unknown mass grave containing 12 million dead somewhere within the corporate limits of the City of Chicago, shut the fuck up.

UPDATE: post changed - "German ideal" to "Nazi ideal" as Nazi is a more apt description.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's just "stay away" and watch what happens surely the jets without police will be much safer and more secure after all jackson says so and he advises our goofy mayor who is deathly afraid of jesse!

10/11/2007 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse... I am out of a job b/c of Clout, i need health benefits, a roof over my head, and food on my table for myself and family. Can you help me??? Oh yes, I'm white and don't do drugs and abide the laws.. What? You cannot help me? You only help felons and con artists and those that work to get around working?

10/11/2007 12:28:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm just glad that Jesse has found safe haven with one of the biggest shithead families in the Ickes. It must have put the hurt on them having to appear legit for almost 24hours. I'm not sure which of those two families is dirtier, Sanders or Jackson.

10/11/2007 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/11/2007 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor only lives about 5 blocks from where Jesse was at, I wonder if they had a pajama party and the mayor's detail handed out hot coco and cookies??

10/11/2007 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think if Jesse ordered a pizza from nearby Ricobene's would they have actually delivered the pizza or refused delivery to the jets like usual??

10/11/2007 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse Jackson is listed as a paid columnist with the Chicago Suntimes. Don't you think they should state that in any article they report on him in their newspaper?

10/11/2007 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say "amen"...stay out of the jets, just go in when called, and then get the hell out...expand that psychology citywide, give the people what they want, the type of police department they want, I mean, can we serve them any better?

10/11/2007 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe the ultimate response, one that would be the most successful, and benefit the members of the CPD, is one fashioned after the Cincinnati (?) P.D., some years ago; minimal response to calls, no aggressive police action, i.e., no contact cards, no aggressive/"zero tolerance" arrests, just smile, take reports, a lot of public relations....can you imagine?

10/11/2007 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you SCC!

10/11/2007 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. The media is painting a picture not to trust you.
2. Your union is so silent, that you all don't trust them.
3. You now have a head of O.P.S. that is a former federal prosecutor that will dig deeper than any other.
4. IAD is being overhauld inside and out.
5. Suspension times have been tripled.
6. You have a majority of supervisors that can't STAND the new generation of police.
7. You have a States Attorney that has indicted more policeman in its history.
8.Cameras have more of an impact than the human officer. According to the Mayor.
9. You have absolutely NO voice other than a blog.
10. You continuously have orders that limit your abilities to fight crime in a logical, human way.

I hate to say this, but that star that you all have is like a tooth under some kid's pillow. As if it has a bigger meaning, or calling. Which it really doesn't in this day and age...
Its now just a legend, a thing that once stood for good vs. evil.

I hate to say this, but I think the police memorial wasn't just built for the fallen, but for the department a whole.

If you all want to turn this tide so badly, as you seem to do; Go to work, answer your jobs, write the paper, and just go to the next.

Dic's kill that investigation as soon as any "INACCURATE" statement is made by ANY party involved.

Bosses; Your sergeants are over worked, and consistantly put in the middle--READ THE DAMN TOP TEN POINTS! Let it go! Let it go!


10/11/2007 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect example of Jesse Jackson's selfish, racist, hateful existence toward blacks: For 34 years he has done nothing to help or encourage this woman to better herself. Once again he uses her for his own gain, and to keep the black victimization crowd energized. The police officers on that video are there to help blacks by creating a safe environment for the people who live their to have a hope of getting out. Jesse is there to hurt blacks-to keep them in their place as he sees it...downtrodden and victims. The media obviously doesn't care for the blacks who live their either. JESSE, SUN-TIMES, TRIBUNE, CLTV, ET AL, STOP HATING BLACK PEOPLE!

10/11/2007 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's "public housing" and the residents don't own the apartments, the government does. The police don't harrass people in the complex, they ask for proof of residency. If you don't live there, and are not visiting immediate family, the government(police) can have you arrested for trespassing. It's that simple. If the police never went to the Ickes and let non residents hang out all day on the complex the residents would complain that the police are never around. If you choose to live for free in government housing then you must accept the fact the police may stop you and ask for proof of residency. It's done for the protection of the people who live there. If you don't like it, then pay your own rent. Move to a non government subsidzed apartment. And Jesse, you're being used by drug dealing gangs. When the police arrest non residents it makes it harder for them to set up shop and sell drugs there. It also scares away their non resident customers. The gang leaders are the ones really behind this demand to relax the police presence in the Ickes you dumb shit.

10/11/2007 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

attention all cars .. dont do a thing at the ickes. let the reverends respond to the drug dealing, domestics, lost my child, cousin stole my link card with the the pin number,stole my car etc etc .. no more police service, demand jesse to apoligize, the times should retract that comment.. this is a real slap to all of the police

10/11/2007 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, I fuckin' love it.

10/11/2007 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preach it SCC!!!

10/11/2007 02:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I protest you'all slandering me all the time. I'm an honest, hard working, ummm scratch that last part, about the working shit, reverend out here fleecing my flock, ummm, scratch that part too, I mean the fleecing stuff..I am a certified babydaddy, my boy is a congressman, my daughter is an alderman and I am the world's leading authority on all matter regarding spending other peoples tax money. Yours: Babydaddy Jesse

PS That damn Obama is getting all the press, it just aint right. It took me years to become a millionaire without ever having a job. And he's one already, also without ever having a job. Just aint fair.

Up with down, down with up!

10/11/2007 03:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC you jackass !

"and anyone else who didn't fit in with the German "ideal" and they killed 12 million of them in camps "

That was the Nazi "ideal". Many German citizens were targeted and exterminated by the Nazi Party.
Let's not accuse all Germans of genocide.

Thanks now I'm going to drink beer while listening to accordians and finish eating my pretzels while planning a war.

10/11/2007 03:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bet you my paycheck that more Chicago Police Officers have been killed by CHA residents than Chicago Police Officers fatally wounded them.

10/11/2007 03:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say give all the residents all brand new free homes.....

In a land far far far away! From the mean nasty Chicago Police.

Can somebody say....... Alaska?

Sorry make that Texas, I don't want to end up paying their heating bill in Alsaka.

Oh, I forgot where in our US Constitution that it says, the government can take money away from us to give free homes, free utility bills and cash money to those who CHOOSE not to work.

10/11/2007 03:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Jackson stayed with 55-year-old Vernice Sanders, a resident since 1973, who found a home at Ickes after being shot while pregnant. Sanders moved in with Jackson's support and now resides in an eighth-floor, two bedroom apartment with an adult brother and four grandchildren.)

It's a good thing renee ferguson and the other reporters didn't ask ms. sanders about her kids criminal records (roy sanders). They just might find out they sell as much dope as the ones that were interviewed on tv crying police harassment. Jesse helped her move in already 33 yrs ago. Seems like it was just yesterday.....

10/11/2007 04:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We will all see the RAINBOW just as soon as they PUSH jesse off a cliff" .... Amen !

10/11/2007 04:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe he alligned himself with the sanders and vances in the ickes. There are actually some real citizens that live there ,but jj chooses the peeps that run the "businesses" there to stay overnite with. Unbelievable!!!!!

10/11/2007 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a civilian who recently started reading this blog, wouldn't it behoove the powers to be to assign more African-American officers to higher crime areas? To the public eye, it doesn't appear that you see a lot of black officers getting into trouble? What percentage of the actual city of Chicago has African-American citizens? Also, I never hear on the radio or see on the t.v. or papers, your union leaders.

10/11/2007 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't Public Housing meant to be a temporary assist? Until you finished up all those job programs and were able to actually become a contributing member of society? Instead, Jesse highlights exactly what's wrong with the whole system - 3 generations living in the same apartment from 1973. That's 34 years of "assistance."

SCC, that is so funny you said that. When I was watching the news and they said this rocket scientist has been living in the jets since '73, I said to my family, "Even after she was shot while pregnant in the projects, she still didn't get a clue to leave or even make an attempt to leave those sh*tholes filled with sh*theads." We all know why: somone would have to actually get up everyday, that's right folks, everyday and go to work. Thanks Jessie for highlighting one of the dumbest people in the Ickes. Hurrah for stoopid pople.

10/11/2007 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hasn't any member of the media ever read, SHAKEDOWN: Exposing The Real Jesse Jackson: by author Ken Timmerman?????????? Why do they continue to take Jesse seriously???? It is no wonder that as time goes by less and less people get their news from the major networks and the major newspapers.

10/11/2007 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer is MOAB

10/11/2007 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessie should tell the residents to get off welfare, get a job, and move out of the projects. They complain about living there, so move.

10/11/2007 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just do an arc light raid on the ickes and be done with it.

10/11/2007 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the civilian who posted the question as to why the black officers don't seem to get in as much trouble. the only people who get in trouble are those who actually do something. your answer is contained within that statement. back in the early 90's just prior to C.A.P.S. Booz-Allen did an exhaustive audit of the police dept. and revealed that 8% of the p.o.'s made 93% of the arrests. guess who led in absentee and medical roll use and abuse. the same demographic that is forever claiming to be a victim or in your mind those who never get in trouble.

10/11/2007 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To : All young officers
From : A veteren officer
Subject : Activity

1. Effective immediatly stop all police work and ticket writting what so ever especially in the jets. If you have not learned anything from recent headlines, go back and read the papers again. Daley, Cline, Starkes, Williams, Grau, any other boss you can name, and especially jesse jackass dont give a fuck about you or your families. Officers, KEEP YOUR JOBS! Refuse to be a part of the machine that brain washes young police officers. They are hanging coppers by the dozen. Now is the time to crunch them with NO TICKETS and let the jets run ramped. That is what the fine outstanding third generation project rats and daley deserve!

10/11/2007 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
maybe the ultimate response, one that would be the most successful, and benefit the members of the CPD, is one fashioned after the Cincinnati (?) P.D., some years ago; minimal response to calls, no aggressive police action, i.e., no contact cards, no aggressive/"zero tolerance" arrests, just smile, take reports, a lot of public relations....can you imagine?

10/11/2007 01:03:00 AM

You found out that is exactly what I do, but only after the lunch,travel time,personals,coffee,read all the papers,watch tv then i do that style of police work no cr's no ops idiots talking shit! I love this job!

10/11/2007 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in the Ickes and we've busted our asses (and some of us have been injured) shutting the business down. To all of the civilians/media who are interested in the truth, here it is:
-we know who the players are & what they're doing. So when we see them in buildings that they don't live in, we know why and we stop them (more often CHASE them) and catch 'em dirty & take them to jail. THEY ARE THE ONES BEEFIN'!!!

-as a result they call Jesse, arrange a donation to PUSH, and Jesse comes down and performs his service. The people that Jackson is associating with are notorious drug dealers and gangbangers. JACKSON KNOWS THIS!! This is business for him. This is the story that the media should pick up. On top of it being the ethical thing to do, it would sell more papers for them. AMERICA IS WAITING FOR THE LAST STRAW THAT WILL BRING JACKSON DOWN! Be that reporter who ushers in a new age for the exploited.

-from there the media picks up the torch and (attempts) to legitimize the whole event. They don't interview the dozens of people who are glad we're there and know Jesse is exploiting them, they put people like AAron Boyd (IR #XXXXX) up to spout lies. The incident he cited involved me & my partner, just sitting one day watching this car roll up, park, and get on the phone. After sitting for 10 minutes, he gets back on the phone, then waits. Plates come back to a Polish name on the Southside, hmm. After another 10 minutes, the car starts to roll to the rear of 2320 State. We stop this vehicle which is not registered to an Ickes address and interview the driver. Boyd comes out and instantly starts the tactic of calling us racists, even though my partner is black and well-respected in the Ickes after 21 years of service. Name checks are clear, Boyd has some papers to give to the driver, who was polite & cooperative, driving his girlfriend's car that he was able to recite the registration info on. From there we calmly and rationally explained what we observed and why we investigated, to the point where Boyd actually thanked us for doing what we did (for whatever that was worth) and we cut them loose after doing contact cards. Boyd's story last week to the media was that his friend was arrested before he even got out to meet him. Media sells that lie, just like all the other lies...

-no one, not a Department boss or politician, has demanded that Jackson retract his insult of calling us Gestapo, essentially Nazis. Have we reached the point in history where the meaning and implication of this reference has been totally watered-down and accepted to mean anyone who is an authority figure who uses lawful force to perform their duty?

-there is no mention of the homicide Monday of a guy who was trespassing in the Ickes and had his head blown off by a .45. Shooter still at large, and it seems like a lot of people there prefer it that way...

Stay safe...

10/11/2007 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Craddle to grave

10/11/2007 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jackson decided to come to Ickes Homes, at 23rd and South State, after fielding numerous complaints of police harassment.

"We intend to break up the Gestapo-like techniques used in this area," Jackson said.

All 001 and SAT and TRU personnel should self-regulate themselves. DO NOT DO ANYTHING in the Ickes for atleast a year. It will be a good experiment. To see how they can handle themselves with out us!

10/11/2007 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote a letter to Santa Claus today and axed for a pair of blue jammies just like Rev. Jackson has. He be lookin' so comfortable in them.

10/11/2007 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessie Jackson is taking payoffs from the gang leaders in the Ickes homes... Fitgerald investigate him. U will find out.

10/11/2007 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse Jackson is the biggest racist hypocrite EVER!! Guess he thinks people forgot about his comments years ago calling Jews 'kikes' and referring to NY at 'hymie town'. Go ahead JJ you bleeding heart piece of shit, glorify the ghetto scum to benefit yourself. You're nothing but a hater who knows how to puppet the media to your advantage.

10/11/2007 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jesse is an idiot. To compare CPD's use of contact cards with the acts of the Nazis during WW2 is just stupid and offensive. Notice he doesn't mention the reasons for a police presence at the Ickes; Agg batts,homicides and drugs.

10/11/2007 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it not self evident that residents of the housing projects do not want the Police there?

Why then are we expected to get numbers (either event or arrests) there?

Supervisors, Exempts, Politicians please do something about your deteriating testosterone levels Have your COJONS re-installed or take the medication. Since CPD is a totally reactionary Department, and takes action solely based on public opinion give the vocal public what it wants. ZERO presence in the ICKES or all housing projects for that matter.

If you wear a white shirt you are ususally political animal. So cowboy up grow a set, or get a spine what ever is needed. TAKE A STAND, and PUT THE KOOL-AID DOWN.

Thank you I will now step-off my soap box. FLAME AWAY

10/11/2007 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/11/2007 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a doctor, nor am I all that smart, but one thing I am coming to realize is that Jessie has a severe breathing problem, this is not a joke. Even while seated he can hardly catch his breath, he is in distress, he should seek peace with his maker.

10/11/2007 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Stop being so hard on Jessie. After the book "Shakedown" came out and the revelation that Push is paying for Jessie's child support every month, donations have dried up. Jessie now has to tap into a new source. This new money is protection money. Pookie and Lil Killer will now be donating to help pay for Jessie's love child. The drug trade will now flurish and police wont be able to stop and check anyone coming into the buildings. Shootings will go up along with the homocide rate. Thanks Jessie!

10/11/2007 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took a road trip a while back and went through a half dozen states and maybe a dozen urban metropolitan areas (cities both large and midsized.)

All of them had a Dr. MLK Jr. (ST,BLVD,RD,HWY,etc.)

You heard the phrase "two birds with one stone"

Jesse..why can't you just die already?..

That way you'll get your street(after all that is what you really want! It's always been about JESSE!) and we'll be done listening to your shit! (because we're sick and tired of it!)


You are an insult, to the true man MLK, jr!

10/11/2007 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'll bet you my paycheck that more Chicago Police Officers have been killed by CHA residents than Chicago Police Officers fatally wounded them."


10/11/2007 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is jesse at his best, keeping his peoples down. This bitch has been in public housing since 73? Where has jesse been all this time for this good person?

10/11/2007 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO:10/11/2007 06:22:00 AM

Anonymous said...
As a civilian who recently started reading this blog, wouldn't it behoove the powers to be to assign more African-American officers to higher crime areas? To the public eye, it doesn't appear that you see a lot of black officers getting into trouble? What percentage of the actual city of Chicago has African-American citizens? Also, I never hear on the radio or see on the t.v. or papers, your union leaders.
You makes sense, but what exactly are you saying? Blacks should be assigned to black areas, and whites to white areas? wont happen. In my experience the working black officers are called "Uncle Toms" and other slurs cause they do the job. Im sure that takes its toll on these officers.

10/11/2007 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you don't live there, and are not visiting immediate family, the government(police) can have you arrested for trespassing.

Have you ever tried to figure out how some of these families are structured!? Sometimes it just makes me go "Huh?".

10/11/2007 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a civilian who recently started reading this blog, wouldn't it behoove the powers to be to assign more African-American officers to higher crime areas? To the public eye, it doesn't appear that you see a lot of black officers getting into trouble? What percentage of the actual city of Chicago has African-American citizens? Also, I never hear on the radio or see on the t.v. or papers, your union leaders.

10/11/2007 06:22:00 AM

Great idea Mr. Citizen. Put black officers in high crime areas and white officers in low crime areas. Who will handle the majority of work? Let citizens decide the race of the officer when calling 911. Not ability but race. Even tho the majority of all officers, regardless of race are honest, hard working family men/women. You should talk to jessie.

10/11/2007 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These people will never become "productive members of society" as long as dickhead daley keeps stealing from the true productive members of society and giving it to these mopes. Fuck daley, fuck his tax hike and fuck all those mopes, especially JJackson.

10/11/2007 01:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got a pack of blow for half off (10 bags @ $50) at the Ickes promotion drug sale. I think I saw Jesse get a cut of the proceeds. I bought the bags right out in the open while I was smoking my blunt and drinking my 40 oz. I was in heaven. I sold 1/2 my bags further south near 63rd/ Cottage and broke even. Thanks Jesse for taking the police out of the jets because they were picking on my skinny white ass when all I was doing was trying to buy some blow for me and my old girl. She sprinkles some of the blow on her to spice up our sex life. I talked to my guy, "Joe", and he said he's been making a fortune this week. Many more "business professionals" have been buying there... they recently started selling coke now that there has been no gestapo policemen there...that's what "Joe" told me. He said the business men from the board of trade have been there recently and he was trilled to see some of the "elite" news anchors from Channel 7 and 32 there to get "back on the shit" since they have this "Jesse buy one get one free sale" going.

10/11/2007 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a civilian who recently started reading this blog, wouldn't it behoove the powers to be to assign more African-American officers to higher crime areas? To the public eye, it doesn't appear that you see a lot of black officers getting into trouble? -------------

-#1 Most of the feamale black police officers who work in mostly black communities, are working inside behind the desk or in the commander's office. That's a fact.

#2 It was just a few years ago that a group of black police officers (5-6 of them)from Englewood / Area 2 were splashed all over the news for robbing drug dealers. That was a major story for months. How quickly we forget. Usualyy if you have a police shooting or major police incident in the black community, and you don'r hear Jessie, Mary or Al talking or writing about it, it means that the officers involved were probablt black. No whitey = no controversy.

#3 Whether you black or white as a police officer, the public only sees blue...Drug dealers in the projects are complaining about the police storming their building because - it's bad for sales. That's it. So Jessie is aligning himself with drug dealers, families who harbor and condone drug sales. Jessie should stay for a few months, maybe a year and work on stopping the drug sales, killings and trying to make theses young black men productive citizens.

Finally - we don't have a true Union, we habe a bargaining unit. We are not allowed to strike, so we are not typical union. Plus, those voted in this bargaining unit who are supposed to voice our opinions have remained silent most of the time. They should be holding press conferences everyday to respond to the papers and news stations. demand apologies, present stats on crimes at The projects, criminal histories of those who are complaining.

Thanks for Reading.

10/11/2007 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont you people see that all you are a pawns in thier world.

you people look like little rats following the piped pipper (jj)
it is so funny when i see you at the rallies.

dont you understand they walk with you so you give business to thier people and then they get a kick back.

good night little rats

10/11/2007 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those who haven't heard. Only 2 days after jesse, danny, the gangs lawyer and renee ferguson along with her media buddies were finished gang raping the officers for being proactive, a trespassing shithead was shot in the head. It happened right in the middle of the playground where those poor children had to witness those out of control police strip that innocent. I guess this story isn't good for ratings. Jesse couldn't look like more of a fuckhole !!!!

10/11/2007 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/11/2007 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their was a poster that said get your GED and you can achieve anything you may just be the next superintendent.

10/11/2007 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse. I have an idea, how about we take everyone in the project buildings and place them in 007. We could build a 20 foot wall, to keep the bad/dirty po-leese out and let the hard working misunderstood residents just live their lives in peace. Hal Baskin says he's tired of the white police coming around and messing things up. No problem, Jesse. Why don't we make you mayor of a shining star of a town known as Englewood. In your first month, invite Mr Bill Cosby to do the speech he did about providing for yourselves and getting an eduation. Stop pointing the finger and blaming all of "them" for making your lives so hard. Recognize the opportunities that are way more available for some groups of people and not for others. You can even hire your own police force. I wonder how long before the businesses would be ransacked and the Hennessey runs dry?

10/11/2007 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media will never criticize Jesse, Obama, or any other high-profile black man. They do not want to have their liberal card revoked.

10/11/2007 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excatly, stay away from those projects. They don't want you there, so don't go there. Let them destroy each other. Come on people you have to start understanding that when you try to help them they take it as an insult. Just give it a month or two they will be begging you to come back-when fetanyl is back on the menu...

10/11/2007 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish everyone would read "Shakedown". It is such a revelation. You simply won't believe it. How can the world ignore what this man has done.
O'Reiley had him on and was much too soft with him. He double talked O'Reiley. Hannity had him on last night and told him that he should apologize to the Duke boys. He double talked Hannity and said that he did not owe them an apology.He doulble talked so much that Hannity rolled his eyes and finally just shook his head and gave up. Why does anyone even have this POS on TV? He must really be hurting for publicity when he decides to go on Fox.

10/11/2007 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder where Jesse laid his head in that Apt. , seems it would be a little crowded with that bitch , her "adult" brother & fo gran chirrens , perhaps another Jesse Jr. is on the horizon.

10/11/2007 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessie is only donig this because he does not want to be outdone in his home town by the great Al Shapton.

Jessie should be more concerned about the real citizens in the jets and their security. Yet he chose to stand and fight for the gang banging dope boys, only because the fight is againt the Police.

Jessie is a self proclaimed Man of the Cloth. Yet he fights for the rights of the dark (evil)side of sosiety. But we all know this is the only way he will get his face in the press. Even he knows unless he is bashing the MAN, he is as insignificant as those he pretends to protect.

Jessie if you only knew what the majority of the black community realy thinks of you! But I am sure you do.

Jessie judgement day is comming for you too. I just hope no good people are standing next to you when the wrath of good finds it's mark.

POW, big flash of lightning, big puff of blue smoke and then the lingering stench in the air.


10/11/2007 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I get a mother fuckin AMEN!!!

10/11/2007 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Jesse, you're being used by drug dealing gangs. When the police arrest non residents it makes it harder for them to set up shop and sell drugs there. It also scares away their non resident customers. The gang leaders are the ones really behind this demand to relax the police presence in the Ickes you dumb shit.

Jesse was aligned with the BPSN. His brother, Noah Robinson, is serving a Life term in the Fed BOP and was very tight with Jeff Fort and the El Rukins.

10/11/2007 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer is MOAB

10/11/2007 07:52:00 AM


I agree. The mother of all bombs.

10/11/2007 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried to figure out how some of these families are structured!? Sometimes it just makes me go "Huh?".

10/11/2007 12:43:00 PM

It's full of play aunties and play cousins and baby daddies twice removed.

10/11/2007 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

am not a doctor, nor am I all that smart, but one thing I am coming to realize is that Jessie has a severe breathing problem, this is not a joke. Even while seated he can hardly catch his breath, he is in distress, he should seek peace with his maker.

10/11/2007 11:25:00 AM
---------------------------- the bambulance stat!

10/11/2007 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/11/2007 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You friggin' moron. You must live under a rock. If you believe that go submit a piss sample. The true medical abusers get a pass because of who they are. I know P/Os that were hanging out with bosses and nothing happened!!! Get a grip dummy.

10/12/2007 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for defending those murdered and tortured by the Nazi Gestapo. This type of rediculous comparison used by Mr. Jackson, and Mr. Ahmadinajad cheapen the memories of these victims.

10/12/2007 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse Jackson got out of the shower and was drying off when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to the top of his head.

In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.

The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately.

After an examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to Jesse, and told him to drink it all.

Jesse drank the concoction and replied, "God, that tasted like bull shit!"

The doctor replied, "It was, Jesse. You were a quart low."

10/12/2007 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All public housing should be made in Alaska. Plenty of open land, residents do not have to live in apartments-each person given an acre to farm, clean air to breathe, plenty of clean water, seasonal environment, and plenty of food high in protein. The Eskimos did it for tens of thousands of years on less than what people in the jets get in government handouts.

10/12/2007 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A-fuckin'-men. We walkin' wit Jesusss today.

10/12/2007 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I took a road trip a while back and went through a half dozen states and maybe a dozen urban metropolitan areas (cities both large and midsized.)

All of them had a Dr. MLK Jr. (ST,BLVD,RD,HWY,etc.)

You heard the phrase "two birds with one stone"

Jesse..why can't you just die already?..

That way you'll get your street(after all that is what you really want! It's always been about JESSE!) and we'll be done listening to your shit! (because we're sick and tired of it!)


You are an insult, to the true man MLK, jr!

10/11/2007 11:37:00 AM

Lest we forget that Jesse was not allowed to speak at MLK Jr's funeral?...A funeral that lasted for hours and hours and hours.

That got glossed over in the press.

10/12/2007 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hee hee!! i guess jesse's ride got hooked from the icky parking lot... you're not special fool! have your crack slinging non working hosts get you a visitor parking permit... jesse looked like he was about to!
now get your trespassing ass out of here before you become another baby daddy again... you thieving, fornicating, fund misappropriating jeff fort loving charlatan...

10/12/2007 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all public housing in the city should be eliminated... now is not the time for us taxpaying hard working people to carry dead weight... no work, no residency...
not going to school, you can't stay here...
ya don't pay taxes, ya can't stay here...
watch the budget surplus when spending on dead enders is curtailed, especially on these "we been livin' heah in dah 'jects fitty years" idiots...
bunch of no talent yapping, asthmatic mutts... get out of our pockets!!!

10/12/2007 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

moe biscuits boss, moe biscuits, I say!

10/13/2007 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

should'nt jessee jackass i mean jackson have been charged with trespass since he is not a resident of the project

10/13/2007 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hee hee!! i guess jesse's ride got hooked from the icky parking lot... you're not special fool! have your crack slinging non working hosts get you a visitor parking permit... jesse looked like he was about to!
now get your trespassing ass out of here before you become another baby daddy again... you thieving, fornicating, fund misappropriating jeff fort loving charlatan...

10/12/2007 11:16:00 PM


10/13/2007 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect example of Jesse Jackson's selfish, racist, hateful existence toward blacks: For 34 years he has done nothing to help or encourage this woman to better herself. Once again he uses her for his own gain, and to keep the black victimization crowd energized.


Was it Boston or Philly where Jackson strong-armed his way into the home of a kid that something happened to, he tells the family, "Look, this is how it's going to go, blah blah blah." And the African American father told him to get the fuck out of his house?


10/13/2007 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just thinking, when Sharpton and Jackson go to the big revival tent in the sky, other than Don King, I can't see anyone replacing them. Just think, there might actually be a future that includes dignified public discourse on important issues without Amos and Andy creating an issue where there isn'nt one.

How old are they anyway?

10/13/2007 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish everyone would read "Shakedown". It is such a revelation. You simply won't believe it. How can the world ignore what this man has done.
O'Reiley had him on and was much too soft with him. He double talked O'Reiley. Hannity had him on last night and told him that he should apologize to the Duke boys. He double talked Hannity and said that he did not owe them an apology.He doulble talked so much that Hannity rolled his eyes and finally just shook his head and gave up. Why does anyone even have this POS on TV? He must really be hurting for publicity when he decides to go on Fox.

10/11/2007 05:18:00 PM

Does it say anything about all those envelopes his off duty CPD bodyguards passed along to him in Roseland?

Cuz' there was a whollllllllle lot of them.

The man "of the cloth" is a pietz a chit. His suits are lined with $1000 bills.

10/13/2007 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tha' Box Chevy Phantom sez:

in honor of jesse's fact finding junket to the ickes they had a special 2 for 1 sale with a free crackhead starter kit (rock in the pipe ready to smoke, 1 extra for later and a book of matches) like they used to in 011?

10/14/2007 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to 10/11/2007 06:22am:

No apology for bursting your bubble but it doesn't matter if you have martians or 50 foot tall hermaphrodites shooting laser beams from their eyes on patrol in these areas of entrenched criminal behavior, NOTHING WILL CHANGE! I think you are very naive to even assume that the race of the officers assigned to these areas will make one iota of difference in the big picture. As a black man and a police officer with 17 years experience working westside and northside housing projects, I take exception to what you say as it's an oversimplification. Some of the people in these areas seem to think that because a black officer is on post that they have special dispensation to act more of a fool and when a black officer arrests them for breaking the law, there's more crying, complaining, fighting with the police and accusing the same black officers of being "uncle tom ass niggas." Not that I give a Rocket J. Squirrel mind you, but it burns them up to hear "you're under arrest because YOU broke the law."

Personally, I have tried my best to serve the people who need service and lock up truly bad people who do/have done things like violent home invasions, rapes, murders and the like... things that 99% of sheeple couldn't comprehend but you know what? That's ok because when someone is climbing through your window and you call for help, myself or/and my brothers & sisters in arms will be there.

Most of us are burnt out and tired of being shat on from all fronts but we still believe in what we do, yeah a bit corny but it's true. Are we perfect? Hell no. (well, maybe!) Are we crazy for running toward gunfire and other stuff when sheeple are running away? Jury is still out on that... Am I going to let some 15 year old (whose mother should have swallowed him)or anyone hit,shoot, stab me or someone else? Nope, think again. You see, the mayor, the aldercreatures and all the brass & bigshots love nothing better than to show up at a police officer's funeral and mumble about bravery and wipe false tears for bright lights... what a wonderful photo-op and sound bite...they seem to think dead officers are good press and dead OFFENDERS WHO COMMIT FORCIBLE FELONIES reflect negatively on the department and the men and women thereof...sheeple and some of the inhabitants in these high crime areas seem to think the same as well. "The police shoulda, coulda." The police did what they could in a BAD situation to make sure they go home to their families and loved ones.

I apologize for the length of my rebuttal. I don't anticipate that you or the general public would understand. Perhaps you've gained a little insight or perhaps you may think this is an apologist screed and a waste of space and time. You're entitled to your opinion...

For the blueshirts (and some whiteshirts) who show up when the bell rings, stay safe...
For the whiteshirts who stand down the street with the clipboard in their hands... your shoulder patch says CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT damn you... there are no spectators on this job...get muddy and bloody with the rest of us...

10/14/2007 03:39:00 AM  

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