Sunday, December 02, 2007

Best Suggestion So Far

From a sharp wit:
  • Hee Hee... Welcome aboard Mr. New Superintendent, Sir!

    May I suggest that you move quickly and send locksmiths and computer analyst to 35th St. immediately for obvious reasons. Retrieve take home cars immediately from every exempt member along with other department electronic device... Blackberry, radio, cell phone... have them report to HQ in the seasonal field uniform with helmet, raincoat & baton... assemble them in rank formation at attention and cite for any uniform deficiency in addition to irregularities regarding D/L's, FOID cards and city weapon registrations... inform them that they are now detailed to loop traffic for 60 days at their career service rank of lieutenant and that they will assemble in the HQ parking lot at 0600 and given their posts. All recruits will return to the academy for additional training. That is all...
If undertaken, the new Supe would be a hero for the ages. They'd write epics about this guy.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be happy enough with taking away all of their take home cars.

Who the hell do they think they are? You are a clout hack on CPD, not the King of England.

PO's have to pay a car note AND insurance AND maintenance AND gas, and you strokes make tens of thousands of dollars a year more than us!

I am sure the taxpayers would back the idea seeing as it would save millions of dollars.

12/02/2007 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot to give them breathylzer tests hahahahaha

12/02/2007 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a waste of city money paying the new Sup his outrageous salary due to a handful of bad apples and all these race baiting aldermen. i am aware that hes here just to shut them up, but come on, this is getting ridiculous. hes not our hero, dont forget hes law enforcement, not a cop.

12/02/2007 02:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Would be fun to watch, tho......

12/02/2007 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They confiscated everything, even the stuff we didn't steal!

12/02/2007 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new Sup was surprised at how many women were the rank of Lt and above. He was more surprised that only one woman the rank of Lt and above has at least 50 honorable mentions. "The astounding lack of police work is amazing, how did they get promoted to positions that require leading people in the fight against crime when they haven't been a part of the fight". I want to put a requirement that you have to have at least 50 HM's to be promoted to Lt.

12/02/2007 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I want for Christmas is a real old PDT in my car. And maybe MS. Claus.

12/02/2007 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont forget city stickers and state plate stickers!!

12/02/2007 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The New SUP, only have one friend here on the CPD, the federally protected Cynthia White....maybe she'll be moving up????
Actually SCC I wonder how long its going to take before the bubble burst and we find ourselves in a deeper hole then where we started off from, I remember from my military days, how in order to stick it to the morons on this jobs, everyone else had to take a
hit, just for the sake of LOOKING fair.

12/02/2007 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to put a requirement that you have to have at least 50 HM's to be promoted to Lt.

12/02/2007 07:14:00 AM

Lord make them stop. It's time to thin the herd.

12/02/2007 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing that this is the season of good will..and because so many of the CB's (clout babies)will soon be out of a job and/or position,why not start an "Adopt A CB" program?

12/02/2007 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget all the "under the radar rented cars given to clout hacks also! The money is from a different fund! I remember a few short years ago a chick driving "her" crwon vic with m plates dropping her kid off at school, after the crossing guards moved the horses so queen bitch could get in! This is the same chick that was fired after killing her boyfriend while she was in academy but then clout alderman got he job back and put her in the free car make your own hours corp cousels office! Must be nice maybe he could look into this shit also! Another stain on the working coppers!

12/02/2007 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if your sgt is your drinking buddy you already have over 50 HM, 5 dept commendations and a couple of other awards. That crap doesn't mean shit.

12/02/2007 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought! How many messages will the new guy get waiting from all the alderclowns and bullshit revs? I need this! I need that! Hope he tells them all the big "fuck you"! Hope and Pray he runs this department the proper way, 10 hour 4 day work weeks, 25 years 80%, Come on Mark at fop ask, even though you made that idiotic remark about picking him don't be a goof anymore please! Talk to him! Thank you!

12/02/2007 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say everyone at 35th street goes back to where they came from. Just start over. Everyone goes, p.o.s civilians etc

12/02/2007 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The REV. ROBIN HOOD? Didn't Robin Hood steal from the rich and give to the poor? The race pimp Rev. Robin Hood forgot about the giving to the poor part but he's cool with the stealing part.

12/02/2007 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how does a husband and wife who both are on the CPD get to share a take home car?they both work in different units and on different watches!must be nice not to pay $3.50 for gas!how in the f#ck did they pull that one off?sounds like offffisial' meeessconduict!LOOK WEST G-MAN LOOK WEST.

12/02/2007 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back Tom Folliard!

12/02/2007 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start at the Academy and take the cars away from the sgts and lts. What do they need a car to take home for? Just because they work at the Academy doesn't entitle them to anything.

Sam Bass

12/02/2007 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The new Sup was surprised at how many women were the rank of Lt and above. He was more surprised that only one woman the rank of Lt and above has at least 50 honorable mentions. "The astounding lack of police work is amazing, how did they get promoted to positions that require leading people in the fight against crime when they haven't been a part of the fight". I want to put a requirement that you have to have at least 50 HM's to be promoted to Lt.

How about more than ten arrest in your career that you did by yourself.

Sam Bass

12/02/2007 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grading someone for promotion based on honorables is flat out dumb. All of us know that half of these lazy sergeants don't even bother writing them for good pinches. I've had more than a few Agg batt w/firearms where I've caught the offender, recovered the gun blah blah blah and got nothing for it. I dont care, on the other hand you have favoritism where people with 3 years on the job have 50+ honorables because their daddy was someone special or they did a transport and got on the paper.

12/02/2007 01:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meet the new boss, as lame as the old boss...

12/02/2007 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

07:14:00 AM

Get real, fifty honorables is half a days work at most for one of their lackies.

12/02/2007 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I want to put a requirement that you have to have at least 50 HM's to be promoted to Lt.

12/02/2007 07:14:00 AM"


12/02/2007 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds great about having at least 50 honorable mentions. But how many times have you seen someone get one for doing nothing? Or some one get one for who they are, and not what they did to deserve one. Then others who go out day after day and do a great job, and not get one because it is expected of them to do good work.

12/02/2007 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know your self if you have ever been to a dept award cermony some of the B.S. coppers are put in for. so that when bosses kids and girlfriends get promoted they can have an award besides the CAPS ribbon

12/02/2007 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Group Attention! At close intervals dress right dress! Ready front!

12/02/2007 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new Sup was surprised at how many women were the rank of Lt and above. He was more surprised that only one woman the rank of Lt and above has at least 50 honorable mentions. "The astounding lack of police work is amazing, how did they get promoted to positions that require leading people in the fight against crime when they haven't been a part of the fight". I want to put a requirement that you have to have at least 50 HM's to be promoted to Lt.

12/02/2007 07:14:00 AM

Most Honorable Mentions are bogus anyway. Putting 5 P/Os on one caper for psmv.

12/02/2007 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, check their D/Ls for current address,valid FOID,alternate weapon certification,and prescribed ammo. I bet a majority would be in violation of Department policy.

12/02/2007 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12/02/07 7:14:00 AM:

How do you know the new Supt. was surprised at how many women were the rank of Lt. and above and how many had less than 50 honorable mentions?
Were you there when he allegedly said it? I guarantee you were not. Or have you become so tight with him in the last 5 days he’s been here that he just blurts out ignorant and off handed statements to you since you have become his best friend in the last 5 days.

Secondly, try querying the stats before you make such a small minded statement. For instance, there are currently 48 commanders and only 6 are women (3 black, 2 white, and 1 Hispanic). Holy Shit! How Unbelievable! Looks like women are taking over the Dept.!!! Look out!!! The sky is falling!!! Run!!!!! Run!!!!!!

The same general percentage of stats exists for women who are Lt.’s or above the rank of Commander. So I suggest you educate yourself before you make such an ignorant statement next time.

If you think that requiring that you have to have at least 50 Honorable Mentions to be promoted to Lt., you are a complete moron.

It’s YOU who wants to require that you have to have 50 at least 50 HM’s to get promoted to Lt., NOT the new Supt. Why? Because you have your 50 and in your small little mind, you walk around wearing the award because you think it defines who you are as an officer and provides you with a skewed sense of entitlement. You should be embarrassed at your obvious low level of self esteem.

I have seen a ton of hard working guys and girls out there who have worked in ghetto districts get little if any honorable mentions because their supervisor felt that “It was their job”. In other cases, the coppers would write their own, just to get them. So, if you think the award system is fair and that the amount of awards = the amount of police work and job knowledge, you need to go get your head checked.

It’s idiots like you who give this Blog a bad rap.



12/02/2007 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only take home cars sould be for Commanders and higher! They should only be able to drive them to and from work! Imagine all the gas money we could save!!Generals in the USMC omly have drivers during duty hours. He should also make PT part of being promoted.Overhaul the academy!!U have high school guys teaching there that dont know anything

12/02/2007 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol! 50 honorables? hell, 25 would be doing good...remember most of us who pushed a car around would have 50 or more if we didn't work for years locking up murderers, stick-up men and the like with incompetent idiots like claudell e. as our d/c's...

12/02/2007 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck Honorable Mentions, there's no criteria for them, just what boss likes you, and if you do felony arrests almost every day,like where it's busy on the southside, they just look at as part of your job, but if you work in a slow District like 001, 022, 019, then it's a big deal. No criteria or fairness involved at all, more like which cute female with the nice ass that the horny old boss likes gets an Honorable if shes even working the same watch as the ones who did the real work. Or the ones in the right political click that are the bosses buddies, kids, or relatives,etc. Phony place, everyone knows it....

12/02/2007 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man this is great news that a retired FBI Senior Executive is taking over the CPD. This guy is going to scare the shorts of the reverends, the old school clout/11 th ward machine hacks, and the other detritus who prevent the CPD from becoming the best department in the USA. I hope the new Superintendent brings in a slew of new executives who are going bring much needed change to the department. I am willing to bet by the time this superintendent leaves the department he will have had a positive impact that would include smarter deployment of department resources, a transparent promotional process, and a consistent/fair disciplinary process along with a stronger IAD. GOD Bless the CPD!

Former CPD 222 Beat Car Driver / Working FED

12/02/2007 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really,it's simple, all the new Supt. has to do is look at this place as everything is backwards, which it is. The hardest working P.O.'s are kept in the trenches forever, or until they get the juice to get out, or burn out in disgust and just come to work to do just enough to get by. The biggest do-nothings are useless as street cops, so with help from the rest of the politician pencil-pusher police, they get promoted, regardless of past performance, time on the medical, bonified -sustained C.R. #s, numerous complaints, doing stupid stuff repeatedly, etc. They are happy because they did the least amount of real policework, worked the best assignments, and got promoted along with nice raises. Their careers of doing nothing were inflated to stardom by other do-nothings who operate in the political world for what they want, but are lackluster as working cops. So my advice is Supt; look past all the inflated resumes to see if someone is even really a cop here, or just a political whore with a badge. Then and only then, when this is stopped and corrected, can this place begin to resemble a real police Dept. again. Good Luck with Daley, and don't trust him, he's used this place for his political gain since he got elected the first time, and basically, the vast majority of real cops can't stand him.

12/02/2007 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The new Sup was surprised at how many women were the rank of Lt and above. He was more surprised that only one woman the rank of Lt and above has at least 50 honorable mentions. "The astounding lack of police work is amazing, how did they get promoted to positions that require leading people in the fight against crime when they haven't been a part of the fight". I want to put a requirement that you have to have at least 50 HM's to be promoted to Lt.

12/02/2007 07:14:00 AM

--------------------------Honorable mentions don't mean a thing, I've done many good part I arrests and no HM's. Meanwhile, i've seen P.O's make packets and type their own narratives for their sgt.'s to give them an hm for pcs, poss can, or theft recovery.

12/02/2007 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/02/2007 07:14:00 AM

Right on, especially the female idiot lt on the first watch in 018

12/02/2007 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some unit commanders have 2 take home cars.

12/02/2007 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:18 - Adopt a clout baby, great idea, but I pitty the fool who adopts P.O. Carrie Byrne, she'll eat you out of house and home!

12/02/2007 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Start at the Academy and take the cars away from the sgts and lts. What do they need a car to take home for? Just because they work at the Academy doesn't entitle them to anything.

Sam Bass

12/02/2007 01:06:00 PM

Tell me this is a joke right? Sgt's at the academy have "take home" cars? If true, this is incredible.

12/02/2007 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To 12/02/07 7:14:00 AM:

How do you know the new Supt. was surprised at how many women were the rank of Lt. and above and how many had less than 50 honorable mentions?
Were you there when he allegedly said it? I guarantee you were not. Or have you become so tight with him in the last 5 days he’s been here that he just blurts out ignorant and off handed statements to you since you have become his best friend in the last 5 days.

Secondly, try querying the stats before you make such a small minded statement. For instance, there are currently 48 commanders and only 6 are women (3 black, 2 white, and 1 Hispanic). Holy Shit! How Unbelievable! Looks like women are taking over the Dept.!!! Look out!!! The sky is falling!!! Run!!!!! Run!!!!!!

The same general percentage of stats exists for women who are Lt.’s or above the rank of Commander. So I suggest you educate yourself before you make such an ignorant statement next time.

If you think that requiring that you have to have at least 50 Honorable Mentions to be promoted to Lt., you are a complete moron.

It’s YOU who wants to require that you have to have 50 at least 50 HM’s to get promoted to Lt., NOT the new Supt. Why? Because you have your 50 and in your small little mind, you walk around wearing the award because you think it defines who you are as an officer and provides you with a skewed sense of entitlement. You should be embarrassed at your obvious low level of self esteem.

I have seen a ton of hard working guys and girls out there who have worked in ghetto districts get little if any honorable mentions because their supervisor felt that “It was their job”. In other cases, the coppers would write their own, just to get them. So, if you think the award system is fair and that the amount of awards = the amount of police work and job knowledge, you need to go get your head checked.

It’s idiots like you who give this Blog a bad rap.



12/02/2007 04:57:00 PM


I have been on for 15 years, all in districts, 5 years on the west (11 & 15), 5 years south (5), and 5 years in the middle (8 & 9). I have seen some people get screwed on awards b/c the SGT said "it was part of your job". While others got awards for some of the most lame BS....if the process was legit to begin with, then you would have a point; BUT it is not legit - so it should not matter.

Got my fifty too....

12/02/2007 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
how does a husband and wife who both are on the CPD get to share a take home car?they both work in different units and on different watches!must be nice not to pay $3.50 for gas!how in the f#ck did they pull that one off?sounds like offffisial' meeessconduict!LOOK WEST G-MAN LOOK WEST.

12/02/2007 12:24:00 PM

Give me the plate and the area where it is parked i will do something!

12/02/2007 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something I read has me wondering. If what Ive heard and read here is true- in that Stark asked everyone at HQ over the rank of LT for resumes. WHY?

All Ive come up with is:
1- New boss wants to see what he has as far as experience or clout babies?

2- He is looking to see who is qualified for what ever postion?

3- Daley is gonna let him pick his own 1st Deputy?

If #3 is true, which in my head is a long shot, HOLY CRAP things are really gonna change. CLOUT will be eliminated for the time being in the upper echelon? I then forsee a wave of retirements and huge moves. Then is Daley serious about shaking up the Police Dept. But... if Daley tells the new sup who's gonna be the new 1st well then its business as usual.

I understand that at this time alot of short-timers, single-mothers hiding in hallowed halls are shaking in their blue shirts at the thought of being re-assigned or details ended and returned to District Law Enforcement. That will be another sign to see where some of the commanders wives, brothers, sisters, babies momma etc. end up.

BTW- Mr. New Sup your invited to join myself and a few others for coffee right outta the box. I will send you an invite for date and times. Be prepared to hear a little bitching, and lots of suggestions or food for thought. Welcome to Chicago, and good luck your gonna need it.

12/02/2007 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new Supt. was suprised....Tobias, are you ass kissing again??? This sounds like you, following around a boss, telling him your marine /hockey stories...or am I thinking of Dart? I get you two confused. Got my fifty too. (I stole yours)

12/03/2007 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to put a requirement that you have to have at least 50 HM's to be promoted to Lt.

12/02/2007 07:14:00 AM

you need to find a hobby

12/03/2007 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some unit commanders have 2 take home cars

No they don't

12/03/2007 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me the plate and the area where it is parked i will do something

No you won't.

12/03/2007 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lt.'s and above had to submit resumes to Stark's office. It came out in a teletype a couple of weeks ago. All teletypes are posted on the Intranet. The Supt.'s office does it every year. It's not out of the ordinary.

12/03/2007 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Start at the Academy and take the cars away from the sgts and lts. What do they need a car to take home for? Just because they work at the Academy doesn't entitle them to anything.

Sam Bass

12/02/2007 01:06:00 PM

There are no take home cars from academy. Only ADS has a car. There are cars used for training. LTS and SGTS absolutely do not have take home cars unless they are abusing the system. Please check your facts before making such a claim. Academy staff is lucky the cars they have for training even start. Academy is given the rejects from 10 years ago. While not complaining, they need some cars for training. Radios are from years ago, the model not used on the street. Try parcting street stops in a crowded parking lot with everyone forcing their way through the scenario. Embarassing conditions.

12/03/2007 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a new sheriff in town.

His name is Jody Weis.

Y'all be cool now.

Right on!

12/03/2007 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jp "jody" weiss will be live at several random roll calls the week of 12/3/07 so look sharp and smell good , you too guys!

12/03/2007 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is obvious that the original post was meant to point out that most women on the department do not do much police work. Check out CAPS office, district secretary, HQ, and most administrative positions, then they want to be in charge of those doing the police work. It ain't gonna work.

12/03/2007 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Try partcing (sic) street stops in a crowded parking lot with everyone forcing their way through a scenario"

Poor baby.

Such a tough job.

Can I fluff your pillow for you?????

12/03/2007 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/02/2007 07:14:00 AM

Honorable mentions a barometer of success? Are you retarded? I hope you are joking.

You got coppers on the westside getting (or giving themselves) honorable mentions for a bag of dope.

Next time you see a guy with the H.M. ribbon and the bronze and silver doo-hickies think about the cop he is or was. More often than not the guys a tool

12/03/2007 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you know the new Supt. was surprised at how many women were the rank of Lt. and above and how many had less than 50 honorable mentions?
Were you there when he allegedly said it? I guarantee you were not. Or have you become so tight with him in the last 5 days he’s been here that he just blurts out ignorant and off handed statements to you since you have become his best friend in the last 5 days.

Secondly, try querying the stats before you make such a small minded statement. For instance, there are currently 48 commanders and only 6 are women (3 black, 2 white, and 1 Hispanic). Holy Shit! How Unbelievable! Looks like women are taking over the Dept.!!! Look out!!! The sky is falling!!! Run!!!!! Run!!!!!!

The same general percentage of stats exists for women who are Lt.’s or above the rank of Commander. So I suggest you educate yourself before you make such an ignorant statement next time.

If you think that requiring that you have to have at least 50 Honorable Mentions to be promoted to Lt., you are a complete moron.

It’s YOU who wants to require that you have to have 50 at least 50 HM’s to get promoted to Lt., NOT the new Supt. Why? Because you have your 50 and in your small little mind, you walk around wearing the award because you think it defines who you are as an officer and provides you with a skewed sense of entitlement. You should be embarrassed at your obvious low level of self esteem.

I have seen a ton of hard working guys and girls out there who have worked in ghetto districts get little if any honorable mentions because their supervisor felt that “It was their job”. In other cases, the coppers would write their own, just to get them. So, if you think the award system is fair and that the amount of awards = the amount of police work and job knowledge, you need to go get your head checked.

It’s idiots like you who give this Blog a bad rap.


You're right, honorable mentions mean jack shit. It should be about arrests, and trying to make real investigations, not jack potting dude for SOL or DOPW. We should bring back the eval system. If you work the desk with less than 15 years or not on ligit light duty then you get 0. Medical abuser, 0. Won't get out of the car and help search or otherwise just dangerous, 0. No proactive policing, 0. Constantly bitch and complain, 0. Take off all the time and don't earn your spot, ie. time on the street actually working, 0.

12/03/2007 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start at the Academy and take the cars away from the sgts and lts.
Sam Bass

********They don't have take home cars.

12/03/2007 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Try partcing (sic) street stops in a crowded parking lot with everyone forcing their way through a scenario"
Can I fluff your pillow for you?????
12/03/2007 10:23:00 AM

I could care less but recruits are not trained properly. We should give up and graduate recruits in 12 weeks. State requirement. You bitch when they come out not trianed yet we cannot train them properly. Forget the pillow, I have something else you can fluff! WTF!

12/03/2007 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9 times out of 10, when I did get an honorable, the S.O.B. practically jumped into the back seat of the car. When I deserved one, they got lost in hon. men. limbo. Then when I retired, I found out it was all a scam. I could'nt cash them in for anything.

12/04/2007 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee Hee... lots of coal in a lot of exempt stockings this year. Lots of large Snickers bars in 35th & Michigan underwear nowadays too and the no clout police rejoice that their many years of indignity and misery now have company.

12/04/2007 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to put a requirement that you have to have at least 50 HM's to be promoted to Lt.

12/02/2007 07:14:00 AM

Holy Crap Batman thats a petarded statenemt---

12/04/2007 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Keesing Bandit says---

"I have something else you can fluff"

I think I am going to faint.

Now, kees me you fool!!!

12/04/2007 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey--Mr. Instructor crying about the bad conditions at the academy---

What are your qualifications to teach there?

Were you an instructor somewhere else or a pretty good right winger with a center who can win a face-off?

12/04/2007 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did hamilton really shoot himself to gey a medal?

12/04/2007 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey--Mr. Instructor crying about the bad conditions at the academy--What are your qualifications to teach there? Were you an instructor somewhere else or a pretty good right winger with a center who can win a face-off?
12/04/2007 05:43:00 PM

I care about recruits and you question my qualifications? I hate hockey but love to teach. I have the degrees and credentials but more importantly the passion to train recruits. Yes, I love my job and look forward to working at academy. I am fortunate to be assigned there. A goof who enjoys his job. We are always looking for officers who have the desire to teach. Apply sometime.

12/04/2007 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, did he like my poem?

12/05/2007 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Instructor Guy--

If you're telling the truth, God bless you. We need more like you.

How about one more truth?

How many of your fellow instructors feel like you do or have your credentials?

Despite Department policy, the perception is still there that many instructors are there simply to bang the recruits. Different squeeze with each class.

Please tell me I'm wrong!

12/05/2007 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of your fellow instructors feel like you do or have your credentials? Despite Department policy, the perception is still there that many instructors are there simply to bang the recruits. Different squeeze with each class.

12/05/2007 03:47:00 PM

I understand your point and we had and continue to have questionable instructors. It is very embarassing that instructors date recruits. Do not assume we all lack morals. But the majority work hard at training recruits. It only takes one or two stories to tarnish the reputation of instructors. Regarding credentials, every instructor is certified by training board and have degrees. Some bring years of street experience. We do need a few more instructors with the right skills. Are you interested? Send us a resume. Phone calls not necessary. Thanks for caring.

12/06/2007 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the invite, but I will continue to do my part in helping the recruits out on the street.

I can meet all of those requirements to teach, but as a sergeant in a crummy district, I prefer to teach the newbies out here.

Believe it or not, most welcome the input--especially when they step in shit and I show them how to step out and still have a clean boot.

12/06/2007 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The airport commander has a suv and a car.

12/07/2007 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The airport commander has an SUV and a car"

He can still fit in a car?

12/07/2007 03:27:00 PM  

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