Monday, December 10, 2007

Go Back to Sleep Al

  • The Rev. Al Sharpton is giving Chicago officials an ultimatum: Do something about what he calls pervasive police brutality and misconduct or he will lobby the International Olympic Committee to reject Chicago's bid to host the 2016 Summer Games.

    ''Chicago does not symbolize a place that can hold an international event when it can't deal with its local problems,'' Sharpton told the Associated Press Sunday. ''They can't say to the world, 'Come to Chicago. We are an example; we are a beacon of light,' when you've got systematic abuse (by police).''

Well "reverend," we've gotten a brand spanking new investigatory body (IPRA) that answers directly to the mayor. We've gotten brand new superintendent who used to be a federal agent. Seems like the mayor is making "efforts" even if the efforts aren't really substantive.

We can hardly wait for this though:
  • The civil rights leader said the Chicago Police Department needs to be held more accountable and he will propose forming a police community review group and employ a special prosecutor who reports directly to the justice system.

    Sharpton said he would lay out a complete proposal at a news conference Monday.

Al is going to show us the way! A racist New York preacher found personally liable for tens of thousands in libel judgments. Words fail us.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I'm first. AL is not a reverend. Did everybody in the news media forget about his false rape accusations a few years back. If we ignore him will he go away?

12/10/2007 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch the City cave to this jerk faster they you can fall on your ass on an ice covered sidewalk.

12/10/2007 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/10/2007 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Extrortion with another name, that's all. Jesse Jackson did it with the beer distribution company, as well as a few other "enterprises". When the city pays out on lawsuits, it hurts ALL city employees. Sharpton is just another "Reverend Bigmouth". He like Jackson, tries to get a payout but in the form of "helping" a certain demographic.

12/10/2007 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

watch this video. its about 10minutes long but very worthwhile. this needs to be done when al or jesse open their mouths

12/10/2007 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al hates black people and loves money! No self respecting black in this city would support someone who got rich off of keeping them "victimized by whitey." Can we get Bill Cosby to come to Chicago to bitch slap this pimp who is whoreing out all poor blacks in Chicago? The man got rich and fat by trying his best to keep other black people poor. Fucking racist.

12/10/2007 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope he does take his "thug delegation" overseas to protest against us hosting the games here.

I would rather see Chicago lose the games (it would save us $$ in the long run, and piss-off Daley)than cave in to this asshole "false prophet" Sharpton!

He's getting like Jackson thinking he can strong arm everyone to give him money to go away!

Fuck that pompous fuck.

Just as Jesse always has a little nursery rhyme..Lets all give them a collective cheer. "Fuck you, you fucking fucks!"

12/10/2007 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Al...Does Tawana Brawley ring a bell? Now go die and burn in hell you asshole.

12/10/2007 02:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im still waiting for him to camp in front of daleys house

12/10/2007 02:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please don't give him the title of Reverend. He's as far away deserving of this title as that Plefger guy. Both idiots and not deserving of God's understanding.

12/10/2007 02:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: have you seen this:

Liberal Chicago public school teacher defending the Chicago Police in the NYT. Ya don't see that every day...

12/09/2007 11:06:00 PM

Good article, but the comments people were leaving were ridiculous. I sent in my own comment, hopefully its not too long scc.

The problem with this country today is that everyone refuses to be held accountable for their own actions. Apparently everyone in Chicago is an Angel, because everyone I've encountered is innocent. It amazes me that when working in a black neighborhood and pull someone over who is black, their response is "you pulled me over because I'm black." Its never because they blew through a stop sign at 30 mph. And when their car gets towed its not because their license is revoked and they don't have insurance, its because I'm a racist or "I'm thirsty."
I've never beaten someone up for no reason, according to the department guidelines, I've only used the necessary force to effect an arrest. I have never planted drugs, a gun, etc on anyone. Never found the need to. What would I have to gain by doing this, I could care less if anyone ever gets caught doing any of the above. I don't receive a monetary bonus for locking up the most people or a bonus of any kind for that matter. I could care less what they get sentenced to in court. It doesn't affect me one iota. Felony / misdemeanor, as long as my partner and I go home safe at the end of the tour is all that matters, we aren't out there conniving a plan to take away someone’s freedom.
Anyone who "knows" the streets, knows its a game out there and everyone knows who the players are. We aren't out on the street harassing the 60 year old man walking his dog because he's (insert race here). We are out there "harassing" the 18 year old self-admitted gang member (insert race here), proudly displaying his colors, because these are the people who either kill someone or wind up dead themselves. And we know sometimes you catch them dirty, most times you don't.
In 2007 thus far there have been roughly 30 police involved shootings. There have been at least 2000 shootings in Chicago this year roughly 80 - 90% of them gang related. Why is there no focus on the gang problems. All you here about is the B.S. report by the Chicago Tribune on how the police shoot someone every 10 days. Why no report on how 7-10 people everyday get shot by people who aren't the police. Because that type of news does not sell.
There is nothing I hate more in the world than the Monday Morning Quarterback. In the time it takes you to read this sentence……. A police officer just had to decide whether or not to shoot someone. A thousand questions just crept into their head, why did he just run from me, why won't he obey my commands, why is he putting his hands into his pockets, what is he reaching for, what does he have in his hands right now? You have exactly one tenth of a second to process all these questions or possibly end up dead yourself. And then a day or two later you have someone at a desk who has never had the pleasure of facing these circumstances, try and critique you on what you should or should not have done. It must be a nice to sit back and ponder your next move, but on the street we are not afforded that luxury.
I challenge anyone who is not the police to volunteer for a months worth of ride alongs in a busy department, and I guarantee your opinions change of how "bad" the police are. Are there cops out there abusing their power, planting evidence, stealing from people, sure. Police are made up out of the pool of society, anyone would be naive to believe they aren't out there. The City of Chicago tells us we have 13,000 police officers working the street. And if the media can only find 100 coppers, which might be a high number because they can't or haven't and not for a lack of trying, who disgrace the uniform by performing in these acts, I'll take those numbers. That means 99.2% of us are out there fighting the good fight. Doing what’s right morally and ethically. And I would put those numbers up against any law firm or media outlet any day of the week. For those in the general public who want to paint every cop with the same broad brush, you are the biggest hypocrites out there. The same people who complain the police are racist against (insert racial or ethnic group you feel fit), are the same ones stating ALL cops are dirty. Somewhat hypocritical, don’t you think? I challenge you to take your blinders off and see what the real world is like out there. I know you didn’t know the truth, its not your fault.......just blame the police, everyone else does.

12/10/2007 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another race pimp heard from. This low life rat spews his moronic blather and is actually a power in the democrat party. You will never see one of his fellow democrats chastize him for his con man antics. Just another reason to deny the democrat party any vote. Local or national don't support this totally corrupt party of race baiters.

12/10/2007 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well he has the right idea. Use the olympics to put pressure on Daley. I said months ago that our unions should use that for leverage to speed up contract talks but it fell on deaf ears. Do you think Al reads SSC ?

12/10/2007 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch for a new city ordinance to wit: any sustained allegation of burtality will result in automatic termination.

12/10/2007 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell al him his battle is with jessie and the media.

SCC for 500 points, and bragging rights, name the agency al has "links" to?

Hint: In the form of a question, Who does j.p. presently work for.

12/10/2007 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This goof needs to go back to New York!

One loud mouth do nothing, law suit seeking, race baiter, in Chicago is enough with Jesse Jackson!

12/10/2007 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but it seems that we both have a common bond. He is going to work to keep the Olympics out of Chicago and we don't want them. So I say a few more beatings, shootings etc., may be a good thing. Let's help him in his efforts to thwart Daley.

12/10/2007 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with ya Brotha Al. NO OLYMPICS in Chicago.

12/10/2007 07:36:00 AM  
Blogger bzzzt said...



uh...just sayin ;)

12/10/2007 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharpton is a douchebag and a tool.

12/10/2007 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al you stuffy nosed dippidy do hair do peice of work. get a job, brush your teeth and for God sakes get rid of the THAT GIRL hair do.

If anybody caves to this goof I will puke. Hey Al Sharpnot why not put your efforts into teaching your poeple how to speak and be self efficient.

Why not pettition the building stores to donate lumber, drywall, paint, brooms, rakes, shovels so you can teach yor peoples how to restore all they have demolished and ruined. If you shall overcome how come you never do??? Fix what you have destroyed.

12/10/2007 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sick of this RACE BAITING PIECE OF SH*T!

No account do nothing POS!

Never worked a day in his life!

Wouldn't know a "job" if it came up and bit him in his stupid a$$.

The people that follow him must have I.Q.s lower than a goldfish. That includes you Moprah!

12/10/2007 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Al Dumbton and Mope-rah get their "hair"(mop heads) done at the same boutique? Mope-rah I still need to mop up my basement floor!! I need to use your mop head to clean it up...

12/10/2007 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. Let him put pressure on Daley. Maybe Daley will finally get some balls and put an end to this ghetto media culture.

12/10/2007 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, sounds like he's challenging the new Super, to see which way Jody's gonna jump.

All it's going to take is one person of substance to put these assholes in their place. Let them make up all the committee's they want. They have no authority over anyone.

12/10/2007 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting that people like Al and Mope-rah make comments or statements and write articles without bothering to investigate the facts? Al's latest commments are a case in point---he comes into Chicago from NY and declares war on a government agency that has addressed all the issues he is bitching about. What does that illustrate? That maybe he doesn't really give a shit about change or police brutality, just flappin' his big mouth to further his own financial well-being.

My only question: when did logic, critical and deductive thinking disappear from public discourse?

Is this a cultural thing?

12/10/2007 08:20:00 AM  
Blogger larry said...

HA HA when will he start talking about black on black crime (never)we have had enough of him over here in the big crapple you are more then welcome to keep him over there.
unfortunately he stays around forever good luck with him

12/10/2007 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Watch for a new city ordinance to wit: any sustained allegation of burtality will result in automatic termination.

12/10/2007 05:31:00 AM"

Unless you're somebody's "GUY". In that case you'll either be promoted or sent to one of the dozens of no-bid units in this department. No Bid? Yeah this department is legit.Keep putting you life & livilhood on the line for the one bagger Morons!!

12/10/2007 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anybody of any significance even pay attention to this guy?

If one looks up the word Buffoon his picture is next to it.

12/10/2007 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm first. AL is not a reverend. Did everybody in the news media forget about his false rape accusations a few years back. If we ignore him will he go away?

12/10/2007 12:27:00 AM..........I remember his accusations.He claimed Sgt Herman jazzed him with a nightstick.Glad to hear it was false.

12/10/2007 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/10/2007 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Watch for a new city ordinance to wit: any sustained allegation of burtality will result in automatic termination.

12/10/2007 05:31:00 AM

I do nothing now! What next? I get in the car,fuel it up, coffee,read, lunch (with travel time), relax take my time to all calls except a 10-1 or police family assist! Fuck it the 1st and 16th!

12/10/2007 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/10/2007 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



12/10/2007 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looky here and what not now to wit he done did sez huh?

12/10/2007 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I have been sitting here trying to think up a good comment to say about Big Al. But rather then do that,the only thing I could come up with was , Fuck you , you race batin' piece of shit ! Go back to NY.

12/10/2007 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that goof Sharpton sees here in Chicago is a damn cash cow for his race baiting bullshit.

12/10/2007 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of bad people michael vick (nfl) will be going away for 23 months in a federal prison for dog fighting. putting the real animal in a cage.

12/10/2007 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somewhat hypocritical, don’t you think? I challenge you to take your blinders off and see what the real world is like out there. I know you didn’t know the truth, its not your fault.......just blame the police, everyone else does.

12/10/2007 03:00:00 AM

TO THIS POSTER - Very well said, I know it was not published, but I am glad you took your time to write something with such passion and something that was well thought out.

12/10/2007 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Neither do I. Let's go step on our dicks so they don't come here !!!

12/10/2007 12:19:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It seems that the Rev has been looking to stir up some trouble for a while now. If anything, he will give the city of Chicago a bad name by making himself look like a fool in front of the Olympic committee. But then again, you can't really stop a racist from screaming his head off about false accusations. Yeah, I said it. A RACIST.

12/10/2007 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sean Hannity was playing all kinds of audio the other day of fat-ass using the N-word.

Hannity asked why Al did not go after any rapper by name for using the N-word ???

Hannity asked why fat-ass did not go after the advertisers who support the rappers who use the N-word ????

Hannity asked why fart-face went after only Don Imus????

Hannity asked why fart-face went after Don Imus' advertisers????

12/10/2007 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the IOC doesn't award the Olympics to Chicago would they ever publicly admit it was do to Dullton and his rantings?
I doubt it.

The IOC always claims to be an apolitical organization. I bet they don't even read the letter or answer the phone when he calls. If Chicago does not get the games it won't be due to Al.

12/10/2007 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is that fat whores real name anyway?

It can't be just 'Al?'

How about we come up with a name contest for that fat-assed race-baiter????

12/10/2007 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no problems with blacks ... I have a huge problem with their self-appointed leaders who besmirch the honorable title "reverand" ...

They all could not hold a candle to MLK Jr. And for all those who do not like MLK ... I know he was labeled an 'instigator' back in the the day ... I recommend you read his letter from Birmingham Jail (or whatever the title is) ... he seemed to be a good man .... and no dummy. I like the guy.

Now the blacks have Al and Jessie .... what a fucking sickening shame ...

There are plenty of honorable black leaders in the USA .... good people .... we gotta get Al Sharpton off the stage ...he's an embarrassment to our country and a detriment to blacks

12/10/2007 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somewhat off the current subject BUT, on Dec. 11th Convicted CFD Lieut. Arsonist Jeffrey Boyle, brother of Quarters, will be released from jail and be free to play with matches once again. Everyone please make sure you have smoke alarms and garden hose on the ready.

12/10/2007 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remind me to give a rats ass about losing the Olympics here in Chicago.

12/10/2007 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA! Going to report to the justice system? Which part of the justice system do you mean alvin? The judges that DALEY puts in place? The attorneys that DALEY puts in place? Maybe the governor that DALEY put in place? Oh, maybe the State house or senate Dems that....DALEY put in place....hey, is Daley really Seiser? Can they BOTH run it? Oh, and PLEASE send some video of yourself hooing and haaing to the the olympic committee....we don't want the games here anyway, and it would be helarious (yes, its with it) for the whole world to see what a nincompoop you are!

12/10/2007 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope he does go to the IOC. Screw the Olympics and Daley's dream. We do not need the Olympics here, this city is not equipped to handle that many people- athletes and toruists-, and we, the citizens do not need the congestion and traffic it would cause.

I hope every single person contacts the IOC and informs them that Chicago is not Olympic materia- ever.

12/10/2007 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well , John Herman just got fucked again. This time by the Judge. No judge in his right mine would have let him off with all this bullshit that's going on in Chicago today. The judge had NO alternative but to put him away and he did. John will serve atleast 12 years. John protect that booty hole. It's been nice knowing you . I just hope that you don't have to "Toss the Salad" Do you like syrup or jelly ?

12/10/2007 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok listen up everyone!!
I am SO DAMN tired of people on this site always complaining about bosses, FOP and elected officals. Time and time agian that is all you hear on this site! I agree however with almost all of the complaints being said on this site! However, very simply put SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

Now you have a problem with how the FOP is run then guess what! Shut up or put up! RUN FOR AN FOP OFFICE! The elections are coming up. Now is the time to do something otherwise SHUT UP!

You have a problem with elected officials or the west side rev. then form a group and get active if the FOP is not willing to come to the aide of what is right and just for our officers! Lets expose the west side rev's. for what they are with actual evidence.

Lets run people for elective office! Even if we have 150 people working on a campgain thats an army and you can very well win! But be for the big picture (helping the 9,000 officers and retires) not ones own individual wants! Like I help you get elected so you have to promote ME! Not I got you elected stop all the merit promotions, stand behind officers, better pay/benifits.

You don't like the bosses because they were promoted by who they know not merit (merit meaning they were not shot in the line of duty or caught Osma Bin Ladin). Then lets file a lawsuit or contact the FEDS about the same politics for jobs that are not only going on in city hall but in the police department as well! Why is a promotion list taken down becasue of clout? Why are alderman's brothers being promoted by merit that don't deserve it. Why hasn't any media outlet investigated this.

SO THE BOTTOM LINE is STOP whinning in less you want to do something about it! This blog is ment to have people dicuss problems and such. However, there are many good ideas out there with no one who wants to take control! STOP talking and start doing. Oh I forgot we are our own worst enemy all talk and now show!

For example how many have gone to Iowa to protest Mette jail? How many have actually sent letters to the elected officials? Why hasn't our FOP or National FOP done a mass pettion or letter campagin.

WE ARE ALL TALK.. Someone please prove me wrong!

12/10/2007 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt. Herman is done. Was this guy merit? Rape or not, this guy was totally soft for even touching a crackhead from 007. Some copper gave me some advice once before, "If the rejects* in the district you work in start to look good to you, that is a clear sign you need to leave."

*(I had to substitute "rejects" instead of the real word or my post would have been deleted)

12/10/2007 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My only hope is Jesse gets a little insecure about "the rev" honing in on his territory and they eventually cancel each other out.Long shot I know but hey they only way they will ever go away is the same way they always have... by defeating each other.

12/10/2007 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another race baiting retard. The city is full of them and the media eats it up. Who cares about him. Even the mayor was quoted as saying..."that's [just] his gig."

12/10/2007 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we write to the Olympics & tell them that we won't be doing much if they come here anyway unless we have a contract and a nice raise?

12/10/2007 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Al follows through with his threat, who wants the olympics anyway?

Hey Al don't worry I won't brutalize any of your people anymore. Why? cause I am done serving and protecting, I'm just a warm body filling a car who gets paid twice a month. And proud of it!!!!

12/10/2007 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On another topic, I'll bet Herman funster never thought "goin down" would have the meaning it has for him today in court.

12/10/2007 04:00:00 PM  
Blogger justice said...

Somebody should get the undercover video of Al Sharpton attempting to purchase 8 kilos of cocaine from an undercover DEA agent in a hotel room in New York city in 1981. Instead our mayor and media let him come into our city and try to bully his why into the Chicago Police department and tell us what where doing wrong. Great job listoning to a two bit crook that has a microphone.

12/10/2007 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where is willie brown???

12/10/2007 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/10/2007 12:59:00 AM

I do

12/10/2007 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GUILTY! Herman will find out shortly what it feels like to be fucked with a big stick!

12/10/2007 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

holding the olympics hostage. When will this nonsense end???
when will these sheep stop following false leaders in it just for self gratification?
stop drinking the kool aid black community and anyone else listenng to these phoney revs.
my reality check has definately bounced !

12/10/2007 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What business does this loud mouth piece of CRAP!!! have putting his nose where it doesnt belong. Stay in NY you JERK!!! Oh yah it got his name in the paper....again!!! How does any self made educated African American have any respect for this idiot? Hay AL...who gives a fuck what you think!!!!

12/10/2007 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a proposed ordinance amending chapter 8-24 of the municipal code of chicago creating section 8-24-015 concerning breathalyzer testing of sworn police and peace officers who fire weapons within the city of chicago - is on the agenda for wednesday december 12 , 2007 committee on finance meeting at 9 am at city council chamber .

our union reps better be there to hear this.

12/10/2007 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/10/2007 03:00:00 AM:

Nicely stated, my friend, nicely stated. Hit the nail on the head.

12/10/2007 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Poster :12/10/2007 03:00:00 AM
Very well said.
Perhaps you would like to write that very same thing to the editors of the ScumTimes and the Tribone, as well as to all the major news outlets in the City of Shitcago.

Maybe the FOP might like to take out a full page ad (spend some of OUR money in a productive manner) and state something simmilar.

We sit back silently while we are attacked daily. It is only a matter of time before many go on the Medical for stress/depression/etc.

12/10/2007 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree we the police should stand up and say: "We don't want the Olymics"!
This is a purely daley brainchild and we don't want it!

It's going to cost us too much money!
Da connected will get the contracts, not the working man!
Not enough security! You can't even man a police district let alone an event like this!


12/10/2007 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Canadian Robert "Willie" Pickton, regarded as Canada's most prolific serial killer, was convicted today and sentenced to life in prison. Pickton admitted to picking up 49 female prostitutes in a seedy Vancouver neighborhood and taking them to his pig farm outside town where they were sexually assaulted and murdered. The skeletal remains of many victims were found on his pig farm.

Just to the south, Seattle's Gary Leon Ridgway, "the Green River Killer", still holds the North American record, 50+ females prostitutes.

Per capita, Washington remains "the serial killer state".
Could that Pacific Northwest rainfall have something to do with it?

Why doesn't the MSM just ignore Sharpton?

12/10/2007 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why in God's name does the media give this fat fuck Sharpton ANY time in the spotlight. What an embarrassment to the black community in general. I knows that there are a great deal of hard working blacks who also want nothing to do with this goof.
As for Al's verbal attempt to hold the City of Chicago "hostage" to his demands...well...Al, go fuck yourself. I've already been doing this tactic.

12/10/2007 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok al you win, we will stop the allege abuse , so that we can get the Olympics.

but in return, we ask for some things from your followers:

1. no more selling drugs

2. no more weapons ( guns knives )

3. dont rob anyone

4. dont rape anyone

5. dont steal

6. if a officer as you a question , dont run .

7. dont take a car that doesnt belong to you

8. if you want money , go work and make it.

i think if we all can follow the requests made by the other parties, we can get those olympics.

And i will publicy state , if this happens , that you be allowed to run that last stage and climb those stairs and light that fucking torch , and say i won , i won.

you do this and i swear Jesse will shit in his pants , and say why didnt i fucking think of that.




12/10/2007 06:09:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

SCC for 500 points, and bragging rights, name the agency al has "links" to?

Hint: In the form of a question, Who does j.p. presently work for.

Someone answered this. The FBI ran an op on Al where Al was offered $3,500 (10%) finders fee on upwards of 8 kilos smuggled in conjunction with a Don King associate. The Feds later used the tape to have Al wear a wire and "consent" to taps on his personal phone.

HBO ran the tape years ago.

12/10/2007 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis Byrne's writings in the Trib today, quoting the magnificant mind of Jesse Jackson.
This is after Jackson appointed himself to appoint a committee to find a Supt. after Hillard.
"A black chief is needed because we are the most VICTIMIZED, we are the most PROFILED, the most ARRESTED, the most JAILED, and the most BRUTALIZED.

Well whose fault is that Jesse?
People are profiled for a reason, arrested and jailed for a reason and as far as being brutalized, well that is mostly a state of mind.

When you are victimized it is usually by your hoods from the hood.

Poor Jesse, what a crazy mixed up asshole. Al is close behond him.

12/10/2007 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al, who are you to demand anything? Don't you think our Mayor, who by the way is an elected offical, have more say than you? Please stay in New York and tend to your own city. BTW, your weight loss surgery caused you to grow a larger mouth.

12/10/2007 07:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has come to the point where it is better to take time for doing nothing than get indicted or fired!
Nothing else. We have fulfilled our responsibilities, now let the rest of them fulfill theres!!! Society, prosecutors, socail aid centers etc etc etc...
PRO-ACTIVE POLICEING IS A THING OF THE PAST!!! Don't attempt to stop a crime before it happens! Respond, give flash msg, do case report, tour area!

12/10/2007 07:37:00 PM  
Blogger Murphy40Pct said...

Please take the time to read this Wikipedia article about Al Sharpton's 1987 "Tawana Brawley Rape" escapades. Having been there at the time, I can say it's very accurate. It tells you everything you ever need to know about one of the most racist pieces of trash in America:

Our brothers and sisters in the NYPD often appear at protests with signs askings "Where's Tawana Al?" Any Chicago media printing his bullshit without an admonishment of his racist ways is not legit.


12/10/2007 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Al, please come here. I don't want the Olympics here either. Eventhough we know this is another shakedown by you and the (IRPA) Indigent Reverends and Preachers Assoc. Chicago does not have the money to pay it's police or firemen a decent wage. Also, I don't even have a gas mask to protect myself from some simple tear gas. So please come!

12/10/2007 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good lord is this Sergeant gonna get fucked bad in prison for the next 20 years!!


A Chicago police sergeant was convicted today of sexually assaulting a woman while on duty in 2004.

"The defendant's testimony was unreasonable and nothing short of perjury," Cook County Circuit Judge Joseph Claps said in finding Sgt. John Herman guilty of two counts of aggravated criminal sexual assault, one count of aggravated kidnapping and one count of official misconduct. Claps, who presided over a bench trial last week, acquitted Herman of one count of aggravated criminal sexual assault.

12/10/2007 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls--(drum roll). We present you with THE REVEREND AL SHARPTON'S

12/10/2007 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Sgt convicted of rape today should have taken a jury trial.


12/10/2007 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rev Sharpton listen up! You think you can start throwing around your weight in CHICAGO!! Your not even from CHICAGO you dumbass southerner!! When you start these threats, who do you think is going to be watching you very closly, THE REAL POLICE! Keep inciting these people you think are supporting you!! When you incite them enough and these people start turning over cars, burning things in the street, looting, you'll be one of the first people to be held accountable for what you did and said JACKASS!! Watchout, because were watching you!

12/10/2007 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Herman got a raw deal on the rape case. He didn't rape the crackhead. He is guilty of official misconduct. He is also guilty of being an asshole. However, being an asshole shouldn't send you to prison.

12/10/2007 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't Al Sharpton on tape selling a half kilo of cocaine to an undercover ?

12/10/2007 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neither do I. Let's go step on our dicks so they don't come here !!!

12/10/2007 12:19:00 PM

please do... another benefit ticket I wont be purchasing... enjoy life loser

12/10/2007 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/10/2007 05:47:00 PM
I do... and Im a CPD

12/10/2007 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say bring on the beat downs!!

12/10/2007 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a pussy Rev Al is. What happened to his sleep-in in front of Daley's house? Now that is one detail i'd volunteer to work for free.

12/10/2007 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bobby Lupo's widow said...

John Herman got a raw deal on the rape case. He didn't rape the crackhead. He is guilty of official misconduct. He is also guilty of being an asshole. However, being an asshole shouldn't send you to prison.

12/10/2007 09:05:00 PM.......It would be easier to give Herman Funster the benefit of a doubt if this was his first rape trial.He's had a loooooong history of sordid sexcapades,some of which he'll actually brag about.I really hate to see any get jammed up,but this fools been pushing his luck for years.

12/10/2007 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whew!!! How bout what happened to Herman?
Our guy in 19 has got to be wiping
his forehead; thank gosh his victim

12/10/2007 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Al,
I hope you get hit by a trian. Or bus. Or get cancer.

You fatfuck racist prick.

12/10/2007 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al Sharpton is an amusing and funny little fucker. He is like a live cartoon. How can anyone with any intelligence take him seriously? He is a joke in all phases of his life.

12/10/2007 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go back to NY you nappy headed medis ho.

12/10/2007 11:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a jackass.... I personally don't want the olympics... so good..


On the other hand the stadium will be located in the poverty stricken area of Jackson Park.. (where mostly black people live) Just what they would need to help re vitalize area.. creating jobs etc... So who's side is on... ANWWER>>> HIS OWN

No olypics though, leave those people alone over there.

12/10/2007 11:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch for a new city ordinance to wit: any sustained allegation of burtality will result in automatic termination.

12/10/2007 05:31:00 AM

"To wit" huh? You must have watched Judge Wopner

12/11/2007 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Good lord is this Sergeant gonna get fucked bad in prison for the next 20 years!!

He won't unless he wants to. IDOC will protect him like a virgin at a Viagra convention. He'll be in and out of Stateville's NRC in about an hour and shipped off to an 'unspecified' location. IDOC takes care of defrocked coppers. Not outta kinship....liability. The bigger story now will be how high will Chicago have to raise the taxes in order to pay for the civil matter and they should track every dollar this (woman) will spend. It won't be found at Neiman Marcus or Gibson's. She'll have flamin hot cheeto's, honey buns, and grape pop in between puffin the devil's dick until the money gets spent. And it will get spent. EVERY damn penny of it.
Someone said 12 years?....I'm guessing at least 20 as an example.

12/11/2007 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls--(drum roll). We present you with THE REVEREND AL SHARPTON'S

AL Sharpton my makes me prout as a mufugger.

Signed...Bobby Rush

12/11/2007 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....thanks for getting me pushed to the second news story of the night!

12/11/2007 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Jennifer from Russia---

Thank you for your kind words. I'm sure if our people saw what you had to see in Russia, they would begin to appreciate what they have here.

By the way, if you need an American husband to say here, I can hook you up.

12/11/2007 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He won't unless he wants to. IDOC will protect him like a virgin at a Viagra convention. He'll be in and out of Stateville's NRC in about an hour and shipped off to an 'unspecified' location. IDOC takes care of defrocked coppers. Not outta kinship....liability. The bigger story now will be how high will Chicago have to raise the taxes in order to pay for the civil matter and they should track every dollar this (woman) will spend. It won't be found at Neiman Marcus or Gibson's. She'll have flamin hot cheeto's, honey buns, and grape pop in between puffin the devil's dick until the money gets spent. And it will get spent. EVERY damn penny of it.
Someone said 12 years?....I'm guessing at least 20 as an example.

Excellent commentary. Thank you!! SCC, this is the material we need. Not some fucking pussy who's never done a thing or knows anything...shooting his fucking mouth off about something he has NO KNOWLEDGE of!!

12/11/2007 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for big mouth racist Al Sharpton,
I have to say, im with him on some of his mission. I will be happy to assist him in putting a stop to the 2016 games here in SHITCAGO. Too much money will be wasted on bullshit! All the Da Mayors friends will get a cut somehow and we will most likely be working without a contract and still living in this fucked up city.
So to Al, if you want help derailing the possibility of having the games here, lets make a deal.
1st - Forget about our new guy, leave him alone. Lets see if he can make thing work. Just because he’s white doesn’t mean his new ideas are not good for Shitcago.
2nd - Forget a civilian on a review board for police shootings, unless they have expertise in law enforcement and have knowledge in the psychological effects that take place in a high street incident.
3rd - If you want to improve public and police relations, remember the simple rule. A Happy police officer is less likely to have conflict with your people if you in turn show respect for authority. Since were on happy police officer, it would also help if the police did not have to live in the same shit they patrol. Reminds me of another simple concept. A dog would not like to eat where they shit, so why would the police want to live here with all your racist, political and police bashing media.
You always get what you pay for. Pay the police better, allow them to live where they want.
My fingers hurt now. Too much work. Just let me know when the bus leaves, I’ll be on it. I don’t want anything happening in
Shitcago in 2016 except a nice sunny day sitting on my lonely suburban desk, drinking an RC Cola while watching the cubs game. Not too much to ask.

12/11/2007 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Al does not want FBI involved with Chicago....what does Al have to hide? Who does Al hang with in Chicago?

12/11/2007 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al , You are a greasy pomade long haired fat ugly son - of - bitch . Get the fuck out of our city.

12/11/2007 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raymond Babbit says---

It's four o'clock. Time for Wopner. Are you on any prescription medication? K-mart sucks. Al Sharpton gives me fishsticks on Wednesday.

12/11/2007 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't fuck with pomade.

12/12/2007 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al not-so Shartpon, my toilet called..It wants its shit back!

12/12/2007 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems one of our own is joining the Al Sharpton CPD bashing bandwagon. A heavy drinking racist who resides in the 022 District is crying, "racial profiling." The Officers gave the asshole a break and this is how he repays them. Pieces of shit like this do not belong on this job. Maybe he should quit CPD and start rapping and write a song about his bad experience called,"My name is Bernie and I'm fantastic,they got me on a racial prophylactic."

12/13/2007 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice hair gel.

12/13/2007 01:07:00 PM  

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