Friday, December 07, 2007

Kass Column

We wonder if Kass was told to throw this line in his Thursday article:
  • Daley's excellent instincts rightly tell him there is more trouble ahead with a department clotted with clout. The Tribune's series this week on sham internal investigations of police shootings of civilians underscores this.
...or perhaps John is drinking from the same Kool-aid that Roe, Heinzmann and Mills are making with the water from Loevy and other ambulance chasers. Round tables aren't investigations - never have been. And this mischaracterization of them as "investigations" is fueling the conspiracy epidemic among certain lunatics that cops run around with spare guns and drugs in their cars looking for altar boys and brain surgeons to plant this crap on.

Other than that paragraph however, John rightly points out that the new Superintendent has quite a bit of built in resistance to his upcoming regime. Clout, reverends, connections, interference, and of course, being a feeb never helps.

It's going to be a very interesting spring.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

CLEAN HOUSE!! Im tired of these clout bosses that dont even no how to lead or do their job!

12/07/2007 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kass is RIGHT!! Flush this department once and for all!! Start over with new boses that can do the job. First place is to remove Tobias from the academy and get rid of his SOS Hockey team instructors that are hiding out at 1300 W. Jackson. Make the academy the model. The training their is the worst. Clout plays alot with who teaches there and the recruits that make it through.The FBI is known for its academy.

12/07/2007 12:45:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

I was about to fire off an eMail to the Tribune's Voice of the People concerning Daley's political stranglehold on the CPD. However, after reading Mr. Kass' column, I realized that he is totally aware of the clout "elephant in the (CPD) living room."

Combined with his four separate columns on the outrageous plight of Mike Mette, I regard John Kass as our Knight in Shining Armor atop his mighty stallion. I believe he's not only a gifted columnist, but a fair and honorable man who traces his roots to the Southwest Side.

I believe that only an apolitical outsider has any chance at restoring some semblance of morale and professionalism to the CPD.

Imagine a police department where the best and the brightest officers actually have a fair and transparent opportunity at assignments and promotions.

It can't get any worse. Even this skeptical retiree says let's give Jody Weis a fair shot at it. Decades of corrupt mismanagement can't be changed overnight.

In any event, all of us must agree that 2008 will be most interesting to say the least.

12/07/2007 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like Kass....unfortunately, I will not be able to read him....I canceled my subscription... He is an equal opportunity slammer....would probably make a good patrolman (hell, he knows enough people he'd probably be a boss)...hey, come to think of it, I've never seen Kass and Seiser in the same room together....hmmmmm...crimefighter by day, political columnist Hmmmmmm...

12/07/2007 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kass drinks the FED water.

He has been all over the Family Secrets case with inside information all the time.

Also is it just me or did anyone else see that the head of the FBI here recommended the new guy to the mayor for the job.

When did we start letting the FBI run our department?

12/07/2007 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do NOTHING! Answer your calls, write the paper, leave. If its a domestic, make the arrest, do the paper, leave. If it's a man with a gun, answer the call, write the paper, because as we all know, he isn't going to be there when you arrive, leave.

12/07/2007 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not cancelling any of my newspaper subscriptions. You need to see what others are saying, feeling, and thinking. SCC is not divine, only another opinion.

12/07/2007 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SUNTIMES: New top cop may have to go to Police Academy.....I agree with this...if he wants to wear the uniform have him sit through 6 months of that shit academy and maybe he will change the training so it is relevant to this century ala FBI Academy....and not some abbreviated class. If he is able to just take the state test....he has never worked patrol and never done the grunt work to earn traffic stops or domestics. I have no problem with this guy in a suit...I think overall it makes more sense.

12/07/2007 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read the suntimes, page 3 article how they want the enw supt. to go through our academy to get police powers even a quote from Ike(never met food i could not eat) carouthers the alderclown about how "Jody" should do the right thing to get the powers! Could you imagine the new boss going through the academy? he would laugh his ass off! Tobias would be gone (But after the indictments from sos he will be leaving soon anyway). Maybe the new supt will put more heat on the alderclowns that would be the best, he could use his fbi friedns to get the real criminals! Kass is pro police all the way and he knows the clouted up bullshit exempts we have will put every road block in front of the new boss o try to stop his progress! It is going to be an interesting 2008! Go get em' new boss don't be the same as the old boss, support the Blue shirts who actually do the work!

12/07/2007 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

daley atated today he wants all officers involved in shootings on or off duty drug and alcohol tested! ok to be fair mayor with that goofy hairstyle and streetwise looking appearance could you please lead by example and get tested! Thank you hey maybe all the 50 criminals could get a test also?

12/07/2007 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to do NOTHING then quit!Good take your HS education and get a job that pays the same amount.LoL Fat chance. Im tired of the lazy fat cops that dont want to do anything. Get another job! Why are you here to collect apay check?Your a looser!Im here to do my job and help in some small way to make this city better for my family.Your attitude is counterporductive.It is like those cowards that want to be in the resvbut dont want to go to the war and fight in Iraq. Sempre Fi

12/07/2007 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kass is right about the clout,etc;
dead wrong about the round table. Its one of the few places an unclouted Copper gets a fair shake after a traumatic incident.
Kass takes orders like everyone else;he must've got called in to some draft-dodger bosses's office,and told to toe the line on this one!!!

12/07/2007 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A agree with 12/07/2007 5:54:A.M.

Don't cancel your newspaper subscriptions. It is important to know what the other side is thinking and saying.
As for John Kass, except for that one paragraph, everything he said is correct. This department needs a thorough house cleaning, and I hope Weis is the man to do it. Dis you ever think that his appointment is a compromise that Daley made with the Feds to keep federal oversight out of this department?

12/07/2007 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Lts this afternoon. See how many merit have Daley's stamp of approval. Farce that there is a merit selction board when we know Daley has final say so. not too late to make your call...
Kinda like the independant power all dem mayoral appointed boards and commisioners have

12/07/2007 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd give long odds that any critics of John Kass and Jody Weis are clout babies who will fight tooth and nail to keep the status quo. Any takers?

12/07/2007 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right ! Round tables are meant to let the bosses know what happened ... that's it.

It was never meant to be any type of intense interrogation.

It's the "cliff notes" .... in a sense.

12/07/2007 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Listen up, Fartface. Your union is there to get you good wages and benefits and give you some level of job security. It does a damn good job.

12/05/2007 09:31:00 PM


Listen up fartface. The last raise and yearly cost of living increase was below the national inflation average which is below the inflation average of the city of chicago. As far as benefits, my insurance payment went up and they took away the BCBS HMO Il. which every doctor accepted and replaced it with Blue Advantage which nobody takes. So let's see, my raise is less than the inflation rate meaning I'm actually making less and I'm paying more for my benefits which are getting worse. Yep, sounds like the fop is definately doing their job fartface!!! Now stay of our blog donohue cause next election, "u gone!!!!!!"

12/06/2007 09:09:00 AM

12/07/2007 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that we should stop all aggressive patrol. Answer all calls, if the victim wants an arrest then make it, write all paper, but no more going out and looking for stuff. Its been done before and the citizens learned how much they needed the racist, corrupt police. It would cut down on lawsuits at the minimum.

12/07/2007 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read Kass' column and didn't find it that bad at all. For the most part, its pretty fair in regard to the current state of the Department as perceived by Joe Citizen via the news media.

Constructive criticism is a good thing. The point of the article is that Weis, while brought in from the outside to clean things up, won't actually be able to do so by the Mayor. Kass is exposing Dailey for the duplicious bastard that he is.

Keep on writing Kass!

12/07/2007 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Round tables aren't investigations - never have been. And this mischaracterization of them as "investigations" is fueling the conspiracy

SCC, just because they pretend to be stupid does not mean they really are. Recall that the ASA's have pulled out of the round table process? This might be a slow push to get rid of the round table process. Perhaps start over again with an advisarial method with OPS and the ASA treating victims as criminals and criminals as victims.

12/07/2007 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine a police department where the best and the brightest officers actually have a fair and transparent opportunity at assignments and promotions.


sorry sorry could not help my self!

12/07/2007 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when the round tables started. The reason for the round table was two fold:

To garner preliminary information of a shooting to give the bosses an idea of what occurred and to make a PRELIMINARY determination if it was justified- which is why OPS sits in.

The other reason, more importantly, is so the deputies and bosses on the scene know what to tell their higher ups and the Superintendent.

It is not an investigative tool- that will go where it goes- it is not a final determination. It is only a preliminary informational session.

The round table was not designed to be adversarial and all questions were to be strictly for information. Accusations were not allowed. I was a witness at one where the racist OPS supervisor got out of hand. Before I could answer her question, she was thrown out of the room.

At least that is why they were started and how they were run for many years.

12/07/2007 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is before your tour starts you are going to be required to pee into a cup and blow in a portable breath machine. It will all be ordered "administratively" so you won't have any constitutional protections. This is currently being agreed to be the FOP in exchange for a .000025% cost of living raise for the next 4 years!!!

12/07/2007 11:45:00 AM  
Blogger Murphy40Pct said...

6:54- SCC is an opinion blog. The Sun-Times and Tribune claim to be reporting facts. They do not. They attempt to mold public opinion, not offer facts so that the public can mold their own. I will not pay to read half truths and outright lies reported as facts. There are some citizens in this country-many of whom serve on juries and vote-that still see the print media as having integrity and reporting facts. The old rule for journalists was "simplify and exagerate." Now you can add "lie if it suits your purpose." Support for those papers is support for propagande dressed up as "news."

12/07/2007 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, I think you and others are being a bit overdefensive about the Tribune series.

Sure, most, almost all, or all shootings are justified. But to say that the roundtable is not the investigation is missing the bigger point.

The bigger point is that the CPD is charged with the investigation. The CPD spokesman/spokeswoman used to come out within hours and say that the roundtable preliminarily concluded that the shooting was justified. So from the bat, the agency that will investigate has stated a preliminary conclusion though, as you indicate, no investigation has been in any way substantially completed.

How would that look to you?

Than the Tribune gets a whole bunch of tidbits about how contradictory evidence was not followed up later. You get the dick on paper (transcripts) saying that she has no idea what entry and exit wounds were, though the ME indicated a patter of entry and exit wounds inconsistent with the account of the officer which was accepted by the media.

And so on and so on.

I don't think the Tribune could be properly read as calling for any particular officer's head. I think what they were saying is that the CPD does not even give the appearance of a proper investigation.

This is something y'all have to accept. Rather than being defensive about it, try and figure out how to at least give the appearance of a proper investigation.

And, for starters, keep the spokespeople from giving ANY account of such an incident for at least a few days.

On the other hand, the Tribune sure as hell did screw up that transcript of the 911 call, and some of the tidbits. But the bigger point is still made pretty well. And that is, as often as not, nothing about the process of a police shooting makes it look like a criminal investigation.

12/07/2007 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Im not cancelling any of my newspaper subscriptions. You need to see what others are saying, feeling, and thinking. SCC is not divine, only another opinion.

12/07/2007 06:54:00 AM

Ummm, SCC is not a news source, it's a blog that can be informative. I get my news for FREE....there's this thing called the internet, and there is this thing called tv. both have free news. Oh, and there are radio stations on the am dial that report news for FREE, often 24 hours a day...Why pay into a company that does not report on the up and up? You must be their targeted demographic....loyal and slow.

12/07/2007 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone worked for this Sgt? I am pretty sure he is innocent, but what a scumbag!


Herman testified that about three weeks before the alleged rape, the woman had invited him to her home for a sexual rendezvous while he was off duty. He said he and the woman played with "sex novelty toys" and had protected sex. He said he took the condom with him when he left. "I didn't know if she was going to make any beefs or call my wife or anything like that," he said.

12/07/2007 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/07/2007 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off the subject, I'm watching Fox news who are interviewing "Dr Michael Baden regarding Peterson case.

What a blow-hard goof. This is the same guy who declared Peterson guilty before the 2nd autopsy. He should be working for Cook County, he is goofy enough.

12/07/2007 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not cancelling any of my newspaper subscriptions. You need to see what others are saying, feeling, and thinking. SCC is not divine, only another opinion.

12/07/2007 06:54:00 AM

Your a Liberal, Puke, Goof!

Besides you can get it on line for free without giving money to these ASSHATS!

Use the Dollars that you would spend on these junk papers on lottery tickets instead! It has the same effect and you ust might get lucky!

12/07/2007 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Cline's kid the only clout baby on the Lt.s list. Look for the Starks idiots to be worked onto the list. So much for reform, Weis can start his watch dealing with even more rubes.

12/07/2007 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can still cancel your subscriptions and read the "on-line" edition of those papers for free. I REPEAT, FOR FREE! (for all you cheap fuckers out there!)

Just like you read knuckleheads!

12/07/2007 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Im not cancelling any of my newspaper subscriptions.

If you blog here, you must have a computer. Both papers are available online...for free!

12/07/2007 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Kass regularly reads SCC or has one of his people read it. So does Mark Brown and serval other reporters at the Slum/Scum Times.

12/07/2007 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some years ago, in a discussion of police misconduct, the late, great Commander Moe Daley said:

"80% of the time, what we've got is a bunch of very good people doing a very good job under very difficult circumstances, for not enough money. Sure, the other 20% of the time, we've got people making mistakes, or doing something wrong. But I'll match those percentages to any other profession, including yours, counsel, and I think we come out ahead."

I had to respond with the truth, cuz Moe was that kind of guy:

"Ya got me there, Moe."

It used to be that lawyers covered each others' backs, and made sure that nobody got hit too hard for making a mistake, or pulling a fast one. But then we had a scandal called Greylord, and that ended.
If a lawyer draws a beef now, it's like the Spanish Inquisition, no matter how innocent he is. The backlash from that scandal made life miserable for even decent lawyers (and there really are such things.)

It looks like Abbate and SOS may be your Greylord.
It will make life harder for everyone on the job, including that "very good" 80% Moe talked about, and that sucks. But, in the long run, that 80% will grow to 90 or 95%, and the vast majority, who do their jobs honestly and well, will come out ahead.

I hate to see good police officers treated like criminals, or given a black eye in the media (just like I hate it when that happens to lawyers. ) But it looks like we may be in for some of that for the near future.

Be careful, watch your back, and keep your nose clean -- it will be rough, but most of you will survive, because most of you are exactly what Moe said you were.

12/07/2007 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I aqgree with Northside. If Jody Weis can pull it off, more power to him. Time will tell if he's his own man or just another puppet for Mayor Daley.

12/07/2007 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat Sajak won't return my calls. I took his picture down.

I must say that John Kass seems to be a totally decent fellow. I have his picture on my wall now. Maybe he could be my best friend. A totally decemt fellow, I must say.

Time to do my dance.

12/07/2007 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Academy should be for training in officer safety, shooting, report writing testifying in court law and logic...instead it’s a place for redundant class instruction by ego driven teachers. I you have a daughter or other young female going through the academy please warn them about the instructors who B.S. the girls with fake bravado just to get layed.

12/07/2007 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB FOP/DONAHUE on the written response to the Tribune!!

You not only said what needed to be said, which probably made you feel good, it also made the men and women you represent look like bitter, petty and vindictive children who are overly sensitive to what the media says about us.

Man, you really showed them. You've got to be the first person in the history of journalism to ever call a newspaper biased. I am sure they're wetting themselves over at the Tribune, wondering what impact publishing your letter will have on the world economy, the price of oil, the tides and on the outcome of the 2008 national election.

I am sure it's being circulated widely -- in the mail room.

It's likely Sam Zell, upon reading your letter will give his investment in the paper a second thought.

The letter, so profound, will be broken in to several paragraphs and turned in to a week-long series in the Tribune. It will replace Tom Skilling's weather page because -- when's the last time you read anything positive in teh Tribune about the weather?

The Pope plans to incorporate excerpts of the letter into his Christmas mass from St. Peter's in Rome.

In a small village in China an elder with mystical powers is currently inscribing the letter, FOP logo included, on to a grain of rice. The wise man will scatter the grain across a fertile field. A rare, beautiful bird will eat the rice, digest it and in mid-flight, expell what is a more proper version of your truth across the land.

NASA is planning to include a copy of the letter on its next space probe that will be fired into deep space in order to convince aliens that intelligent life does NOT exist here on earth.

So, congratulations. Another problem solved by the FOP. Thanks.

12/07/2007 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every person is this department should have to reapply for the job they currently have. This includes every unit, every desk job, every supervisor, and even every beat cop. Arrest statistics, tickets, citizen complaints, production from your sector/unit (for supervisors)...put it all on the table.

Its time to stick it to the loud-mouth-do-nothings who regularly write on this blog.

Ten percent of the police do ninety percent of the work. And if you're asking yourself if your in the 10%, then you ain't.

Its time someone made the bottom 30% of this department walk a beat.

12/07/2007 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An Open Letter to The New Supt.

The Rank & File of the CPD are hopeful (but not optimistic) that you will be allowed to operate independent of the historic interference from the various interest groups i.e. the South and West side "reverends" some of whom actually represent the interests of the gangs, as well as interference from the Alderman and City Hall. Rest assured we will know the minute you appoint the 1st Deputy and your top Command staff whether you picked them or whether you bowed to pressure. If it's business as usual you will IMMEDIATELY lose ALL credibility and the Department will go from bad to ridiculous overnight. ITS YOUR COICE

12/07/2007 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this appointment just a convenient way to apply Federal Oversight to the C.P.D.?

12/07/2007 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say this Jody Weis seems like a totally decent fellow. He's an FBI man. I framed his picture and put it on my wall.

Gimme a break! Madame Cleo and Madame Shaniqua of the Psychic Friends Network have nothing on me. It's so exciting! If Jody Weis was my best friend, he could send me to FBI school to become a profiler in the BS Unit, maybe even CSI. My nation calls, I must say!

It took them half a lifetime to catch up with that Green River guy Ridgway and BTK Rader in Wichita.
Hannibal Lecter is still on the lam. I must say this is so exciting. Ed Grimley, master FBI profiler. Kinda catchy, I must say. I want to hunt down some cereal killers.

What should I do? I'm going to play my triangle and do my dance. This is so exciting, I must say.

Maybe sometime, John Kass, Jody Weis and I can go out to supper together. Pat Sajak, eat your totally decent heart out.

12/07/2007 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new Sup may have to attend the Police Academy? Very interisting...

12/07/2007 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic...

They report to the academy on Monday.
Duane De Vries
Mark Adduci
James Lavoy
Brent Fidler
Sean Loughran
William Looney
Karen Konow
Barbara West
Anthony Carothers
Linda Flores
Daniel Godsel
Osvaldo Valdez
Maureen Biggane
Kevin Hannigan
Errol Davis
Anthony Wojick
Carol McLaurin
Patricia casey
John Garrido III
Kevin Chambers

12/07/2007 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any copper who is NOT reading the Trib, Times, Washington Post, hell, even the READER is a tool!
You best be informed of what public (and media) sentiment is before you strap on those irons and hit those streets. Can't afford to be the ignorant, uninformed Police today!

12/07/2007 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just in. . .

The Lieutenants List is as follows:

004 DE VRIES, Duane
006 ADDUCI, Mark
006 LAVOY, James
007 FIDLER, Brent
010 LOUGHRAN, Sean
019 LOONEY, William
045 KONOW, Karen
121 WEST, Barbara

123 CAROTHERS, Anthony (Yes, he is the alderman's brother)

127 FLORES, Linda
141 GODSEL, Daniel
189 VALDEZ, Osvaldo
192 BIGGANE, Maureen
216 HANNIGAN, Kevin
601 DAVIS, Erroll
606 WOJICK, Anthony
620 Mc LAURIN, Carol

650 CASEY, Patricia
(took the test in the privacy of her own home with Capt. Dillon as a proctor) Aren't they personal friends, and didn't Capt. Dillon assist in developing the test? Hmmm....

650 GARRIDO, John
701 CHAMBERS, Kevin

12/07/2007 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The training their is the worst. Clout plays alot with who teaches there and the recruits that make it through.The FBI is known for its academy.

12/07/2007 12:45:00 AM

Can you be more specific about the poor training? There are 3 hockey players out of 100 instructors? How is clout involved when few officers apply for openings? What suggestions do you have? Remember, FBI academy has a very large budget and FBI is serious about training. CPD academy has low priority in this department. Many exempts look down on academy and use recruits as free workers. FTO program is in shambles. Tobias can only work with the resources available to him. I hope and pray the new SUPT will make training recruits and inservice a priority.

12/07/2007 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone who has ever gone through the academy knows what a joke it is! The instructors are POs that got dumped there because they are unfit to work the street. That range was a joke too; we did more push-ups in the range than we did shooting. Real winners they got there, and obviously ill equipped to handle positions of authority.

12/07/2007 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is clout involved when few officers apply for openings?

12/07/2007 06:28:00 PM

Oh God...make them sides are hurting from laughing at the above statement...Damn that was funny..

The new Sup may have to attend the Police Academy? Very interisting...

12/07/2007 05:27:00 PM

I wonder if he'll be allowed to park in the lot? lol

Oh BTW, would someone at the academy tell the officers who work there as well as the recruits alike that a tie is to be worn with the long sleeve shirt..

12/07/2007 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


_ _ _ _
Y _ _,
_ _ L E Y !

Ed: Pat, can I buy a vowel? A "U"...

Pat: A "U"? Yes, we have two. Vanna?

12/07/2007 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If you want to do NOTHING then quit!Good take your HS education and get a job that pays.....BLAH,BLAH,BLAH
12/07/2007 07:37:00 AM

Keep drinking the kool aide, and don't forget the STROKE!

12/07/2007 07:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Ed Grimley use hair gel to make him look like a unicorn?

12/07/2007 07:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is clout involved when few officers apply for openings?

12/07/2007 06:28:00 PM

where do i apply

12/07/2007 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did we start letting the FBI run our department?
Why not? SOMEBODY has to...

12/07/2007 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ed Grimley,

I must say there are some hilarious clips of you on YOU TUBE.

12/07/2007 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Academy is a JOKE.First run by Matt Tobias who ran SOS and is going to be fired.Next you have instructors that havent worked the district in 7 years.Most have only HS degrees and cant teach police work.Most can even do the runs or the pushups with the recruits.Now lets talk about the graduation gisfts that instructors recieve from recruits.Most total over the $50 limit.Then you have the part time relators who sell to recruits.Then the academy is to have state certified instructors by state law.They dont.Next there is supposed to be a library there at the academy.Again another state requirement.Then you have Harold Washington cops teaching bad habits to the recruits.Then you have instructors that Never put in a full 8 hr day.Then you have instructors dating recruits.Then you have an instructor that attends law school on tax payer time. Then you have IDQC former IAD POs working on their masters dgress again on company time.How many recruits have been fired for BS reasons?How many variations are there to the classes that are being taught?How many times has Matt Tobias sat in on a class?How can instructors teach the Stae Exam and give out the answers?How come almost every recruit makes it through the academy?Why are instructors always late for class or cant teach the subject. WHere do you think is the root cause of all of our problems?The TRAINING...Hello MEDIA investigate.

12/07/2007 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone who has ever gone through the academy knows what a joke it is! The instructors are POs that got dumped there because they are unfit to work the street. That range was a joke too; we did more push-ups in the range than we did shooting. Real winners they got there, and obviously ill equipped to handle positions of authority.


What's your deal? You have a problem with the academy. Who gives a shit about that place? Unless you were fired, which I guess for the most part the ADS fired you. The range staff is great, so from me to you, fuck off and Merry Christmas I hope you found a new job.

12/08/2007 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/07/2007 07:37:00 AM

we're all ready and willing to do our job. but the bosses, the mayor, the liberal media, the reverents, and the criminals dont want us doing our job. so why risk your livelihood and your freedom? -- im referring to honest hardworking cops getting jammed -not assholes from 007 or sos

12/08/2007 02:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read this: 12/07/2007 10:58:00 PM

If any of you need to understand the main reason our department is going to hell, just read the above post for the answer.

That is by far the most disgusting example of what type of police officer we have among us. Lies fill that post, and calling for the media to investigate? Are you kidding me? SCC posts almost every day the sort of investigations the media does and the nonsense they call journalism and you ask for them to investigate your own department? Not to mention the fact that everything you stated in that post is complete bullshit.

My guess is you were just a fuck up going through the academy, got slapped down or disciplined and now you want to get some pay back by posting a bunch of bullshit to make yourself feel better. Or you're an ugly female or a queer and a male instructor turned down your advances and now your feelings are hurt. Go back under your rock.

The academy and every other aspect of this department is far from perfect no doubt. What I can't stand is posts like that, filled with nothing but nonsense and total lies posting by someone with an obvious axe to grind.

12/08/2007 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sued by former employee, money out of OUR (PO's) Dues.

12/08/2007 02:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the great bosses that were the police and still are as supervisors are a dying breed (aka - dinosaurs). Lt. Banahan , Capt Farrell GREAT BOSSES. so so many sgts, lts and yes commanders that have never and will never "be the police". fucking tragedy

12/08/2007 03:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Then you have....blah,blah,blah..

12/07/2007 10:58:00 PM

What's wrong funny face...mommy didn't pack your lunch and cookies?
Poor baby...

12/08/2007 04:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is more worried about the racial and sex make-up of the recruits than whether or not they are even qualifed to work at mcdonalds because many aren't.

12/08/2007 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Academy was a joke! Most of my instructors just read their lessons from a sheet of paper.But they were cool.The tests were easy.My HRI had all the answers for the multiple choice.He said that he had to have us do well to stay there.He was proud to be our teacher.So big deal about the academy.Every body cheats and gets over.Isnt that they way this is supposed to run?All I can say is that It was fun and tons of ass babey! They pay me to have this job.My HRI said you can only do work if you want too.He was right.He saw it all in 15 Dist.

12/08/2007 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most Depts send their best and brightest to teach in their academy.Not so in CPD.Just look at the FAT! Yes FAT from the ADS to the Lieu to the POs that teach their.The old and un-educated.Thats our best? Sempre Fi!MCRDPI was never run like that.

12/08/2007 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC...was if forced to dring too much , again, or did i really see the mayor's brother bill saying that obama was his guy? hazy recollection of 6pm newscast, please tell m e i have , again, lost my mind, another reason to go picking up chicks with sgt. herman...and i cannot find the baton...i hate when that happens!

12/08/2007 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/07/2007 10:58:00 PM

A little bitter? Did you get the boot from the Academy? Are you trying to collect unemployment?

Let me just say if you look at the people that are getting indicted and fired for stupid shit, they aren't recruits. These guys all have time on the job.

So asswipe, your post has nothing to do with the topic. Go get a library card and go to the library since the Academy doesn't have one and find something better to do with your time that post your bullshit. ----Troll---

12/08/2007 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The city is more worried about the racial and sex make-up of the recruits than whether or not they are even qualifed to work at mcdonalds because many aren't.

12/08/2007 05:47:00 AM

You are 100% right and it's not only the bosses. A lot of the PO's are unqualified for this pathetic job.

12/08/2007 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come almost every recruit makes it through the academy?Why are instructors always late for class or cant teach the subject. WHere do you think is the root cause of all of our problems?The TRAINING...Hello MEDIA investigate.

12/07/2007 10:58:00 PM

Please check your facts before posting. Most if not all instructors are certified by state training board. What do you consider late for class, 5 minutes? "cant teach the subject"? Please pray tell, what school did you graduate from? Your grammar and spelling are a clue the academy failed to fire you. Academy works with the same conditions as officers face on the street. lack of staff, equipment and proper supervision. Suddenly the academy is a target? Compare this academy to the six other academies in the state? We are years ahead of any other academy except for state police. You can always find fault with every unit in this department. Heck, you cannot find two officers to agree on anything. I am proud to work at academy. I welcome the new leadership next year. WTF!

12/08/2007 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you like the Academy then your a suc up ADS luving BSer who cant get a job in the real world!They Academy is a joke.I have been on this job over 15 yrs and I have seen the quality go down.BTW-There will be a house cleaning soon, so enjoy ur rant!

12/08/2007 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


_ U _ _
_ _ U,
_ _ L E Y!

Ed: How about an "F", Pat?

Pat: Yes, there is one "F".

Ed: Pat, I'm gonna solve...

12/08/2007 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of you dimwits posting about the FBI academy have attended?? I have....and the way it, and the agency itself is run is not that far off from the city. The politics and backstabbing is ten times worse on the Federal level. Think it is so great, try finding out how may coppers worked for the FBI and came back....keep on thinking this place is going to be night and day next year....

12/08/2007 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flush this Department? Yeah, OK, I agree, but what about flushing City Hall along with it? They're the ones who let this place and made this place into the out-of-control political whoredom it is.

12/08/2007 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is against your civil rights if involved in an on-or - off duty shooting to have to take any type of test to prove you are sober, for no reason. Dilly-Daley and the Alderthieves are the ones who should have to take a piss-test. The Aldermen are allowed to carry guns aren't they? Then why are they exempt from the whizz-quiz?

12/08/2007 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Complete FEDERAL oversight NOW!
I'm tired of being embarrassed by the antics of the pea-brained decision makers in this City.

12/08/2007 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God for Freedom of Speech in the USA!

12/08/2007 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is more worried about the racial and sex make-up of the recruits than whether or not they are even qualifed to work at mcdonalds because many aren't.

12/08/2007 05:47:00 AM

"Diversity" is the buzzword of the 21st Century. I still haven't figured out why it's so necessary. But I guess they'd rather have a diverse bunch of heart surgeons working on them than a bunch of smart Asian guys.

12/08/2007 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How come almost every recruit makes it through the academy?Why are instructors always late for class or cant teach the subject. WHere do you think is the root cause of all of our problems?The TRAINING...Hello MEDIA investigate.

12/07/2007 10:58:00 PM

bitter because you were fired?

12/08/2007 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Superintendent meet Chicago's trilogy of terror.... DEMOCRATS, LAWYERS and last but not least ............... the MEDIA. No salary can be worth fighting these guys.. CALL THE MARINES. Every one keeps talking about this clout ladden dept and its bosses... No one talks about clout when the media is sticking it to the working stiff on the street. The clout is inside and all the rest of us are outside getting involved in the BS that is on the street. Its street officers in the spotlight not our clout ladden bosses. Th Revs only care about who shot Johnny crook and that would be the street cop, not Mr/Ms clout. Nice fantasy a police dept without clout. Every corner of this city stinks of corruption.

12/08/2007 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dating" the recruits is a nice and quiet benefit for working at the academy. should see the ass down here. Hotttt!!!

12/08/2007 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check how many shootings in Chicago have not been committed by the police. I REST YOUR HONOR

12/08/2007 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Academy is great!!! Tobias was a true leader there.He lead our class in runs and told us what to expect on the department.

12/08/2007 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do they teach grammar at the academy?LoL asshat

12/08/2007 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fake Bravado?Hey asshat the instructors at the academy are the real police and war heros of the streets!!! Where do U work? 19?

12/08/2007 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My academy expierence was the best. I learned from all of the teachers there. How plastic boobs will get you far on this job!!!Beats working

12/08/2007 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Offtopic is it its or it's? I cant understand it for the case report.ANy help?

12/08/2007 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bitter because you were fired? Bitter because you were working the academy range on midnights and never showed up for the full 8 hours?BTW Most are not fired frfom the academy.There are no standards or rules there.Just look at who is getting the star and gun these days.If it was tough then a majority would be fired but most are not!! Bitterman go get a real job without your clout!!

12/08/2007 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The academy will be closed in 2 yrs. Look to see a new CPD Academy built soon

12/08/2007 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...the root cause of all (CPD) problems." - 12/7; 10:58 PM



12/08/2007 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How come almost every recruit makes it through the academy?
12/07/2007 10:58:00 PM

They study hard and attend review classes. What is your point? Many barely pass the state test but they do pass. This is a great job and they work hard to pass. Really, do not hold back. Tell mommy what is wrong! WTF!

12/08/2007 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bitter because you were fired? Bitter because you were working the academy range on midnights and never showed up for the full 8 hours?BTW Most are not fired frfom the academy.There are no standards or rules there.Just look at who is getting the star and gun these days.If it was tough then a majority would be fired but most are not!! Bitterman go get a real job without your clout!!

12/08/2007 07:03:00 PM


12/08/2007 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come almost every recruit makes it through the academy?

****Tobias has fired over 40 recruits since he's been there. More than any other boss that headed the academy.
It starts with personnel and background investigations, then they go to the academy. They have to pass written & physical exams and qualify with a firearm at the academy... THAT IS IT! If these recruits slip through the cracks with personnel or at the academy, then the FTO's should be documenting their qualifications re: street stops, people skills, report writing, tactics etc and work towards having them fired. Why are the FTO's passing them through their cycles???

Just because you think they suck, it doesn't matter. If they can pass the tests they get on the job. Now that doesn't mean they should be on the job, but then again, FTO's are the next step.
The academy can't do it all.

Oh and I forget those that are criticizing the newbies must have forgotten what it's like to walk in those new shoes. You knew it all didn't you? The minute you stepped out of the academy doors....High & Mighty. Gimme a f*in break!

12/08/2007 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want Tobias in charge of SOS and now he is head of the Academy?

12/08/2007 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tobias and crew will be GONE soon!

12/08/2007 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt T = SOS
Academy=Poor Recruits
Matt T = the reason for both
Thats why the Clout bosses have to go. Out or to jail pick your choice
Christmas is coming

12/08/2007 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Do they teach grammar at the academy?LoL asshat

12/08/2007 06:55:00 PM

Yes, lesson #1: Space after a question mark.

12/09/2007 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is against your civil rights if involved in an on-or - off duty shooting to have to take any type of test to prove you are sober, for no reason. Dilly-Daley and the Alderthieves are the ones who should have to take a piss-test. The Aldermen are allowed to carry guns aren't they? Then why are they exempt from the whizz-quiz?

12/08/2007 03:53:00 PM

NYPD now has to undergo testing when they shoot someone, not for just discharging the firearm, but if someone gets shot they have to submit.

12/09/2007 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... is against your civil rights if involved in an on-or - off duty shooting to have to take any type of test to prove you are sober, for no reason...

And which civil right would that be?

12/09/2007 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Academy works with recruits sent from personnel. They have made mistakes in the past, Missed crimes in background checks. Academy can only follow state requirements. Prior to Tobias, recruits were nevered fired. Many mistakes were tolerated because of clout. MT stood his ground and enforced the standards. I wish he did the same in SOS. Do not forget the FTO's. They are afraid or too lazy to fail PPO's in their cycle. Many stories of incompetent FTO's. FTO's should be qualified and paid more for the job they do. Unfortunately, department is so desperate they promoted everyone who applied. The CO in charge of the FTO program should be held accountable. Many variables involved with recruits on this job.

12/09/2007 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I will reserve comment about Tobias's responsibilities in his previous position as commander of SOS, I think he's done an overall good job at the Academy. Finally the place looks like what it should be, instead of the dump it was for many, many years. Tobias has fired a number of recruits there who couldn't cut the mustard:
failing to maintain endurance to pass the power test, failure to show up for work on time, disrespect/discourtesy to officers, poor disposition, etc.
The other poster is correct, for the few the eke through who should have been fired but do just enough to stay in the game, the FTOs, or the acting FTOs, are responsible to weed these retards out. By and large, they don't have the stomach for it. And, truth be told, a number of FTOs shouldn't be allowed to wear the second patch on their uniforms either, but that's a discussion for another day.
With regard to staffing at the Academy, of course it can be improved. A number of people are there who have no business teaching anything, including a supervisor or two who are there only because they are friends with the boss. If you can figure out a way to stop that in Chicago, call the feds. They're scratching their heads on that one as well.

12/09/2007 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The academy will be closed in 2 yrs. Look to see a new CPD Academy built soon

12/08/2007 07:04:00 PM

After spending millions to upgrade the current academy? Who will build this project? Instead build a new range and driving school. Unfortunately training is last on the list of priorities for 35th street. Exempts like using recruits for free labor. Bring a leader to academy and fix FTO program.

12/09/2007 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staffing at academy could be improved but unfortunately, clout has infulence. A new leader who would assign instructors based on qualifications, not friendship or favors. Do not tolerate useless sgts. The majority of sgts at academy are qualified and work but three are useless. You pay a price for every sgt that does not work. Tobias has set high standards and enforced rules for recruits. But his selection of instructors is questionable.

12/10/2007 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . Prior to Tobias, recruits were nevered fired. . .
12/09/2007 10:14:00 AM

And did you get hired after June of 2003?
As long as I have been on this job (20+ yrs) recruits have been getting fired.
Just because MT has fired more than any other ADS/Commander at the Academy does not mean that recruits were never fired.
Remember, he makes a recommendaiton for dismissal, it then goes to Personnel and to the Sups office for final approval.

12/10/2007 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . The CO in charge of the FTO program should be held accountable. . .
12/09/2007 10:14:00 AM
Again, beyond the realm.
Listen, PPO stick to what you really do know and the Academy aint it!
Over the years there have been many changes to the FTO program and recently there have been many proposals to change the FTO program. 35th St. has yet to approve any of those proposals.
I believe that less than 100 people took the last FTO exam and the one before that as well.
Unless and until the entire program is revamped it is what it is! Deal with it.
What you need to realize is that there is little or no money being spent on recruit training or on in-service training. Training never has been a priority nor will it be.
Deal with it.

12/10/2007 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . Finally the place looks like what it should be, instead of the dump it was for many, many years. . .
12/09/2007 10:15:00 AM
The credit goes to Huberman not Tobias.
The city was going to spend money on a Police and Fire training facility - until Tricky Dickey decided to make a bid for the Opympics.
The money for the training facility went to the Opympic bid.
Then Huberman found about $200K and dumped it into the academy to make it look a little better. But then that money ran out and now, all ya got is a nice fitness center (soon to be shit = po's breaking stuff) and some pretty looking hallways. Gym was pd for by the park district with the agreement that they use the gym for Skinner Park = then it will really go to hell, unless of course the firday night basketball w/the "crew" of neighborhood bangers doesn't ruin that too!

12/10/2007 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . Tobias has set high standards and enforced rules for recruits. But his selection of instructors is questionable.
12/10/2007 06:22:00 AM

You should see some of the resumes that are sent in. Most of those people are not qualified to man a beat car let alone instruct a class of recruits.
The F/1 on the front desk is an example of clout getting you in the building. Is she qualified to teach? Hell, no!
As for MT bringing in "his" people, every C/O brings in people that they trust = you would too!

12/10/2007 06:50:00 PM  

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