Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wasting Time

And taxpayer dollars. First up:
  • A joint City Council committee will hear testimony Tuesday in support of a proposal introduced by Aldermen Edward M. Burke and Margaret Laurino that seeks to expand measures used to punish cyberstalkers.
Add this one to the foie gras ban and various smoking ordinances passed by the City. It duplicates State law, wastes police time, and promotes disregard for law in general. All this does is give various aldercreatures an "accomplishment" to tout come election time.

Then there's this questionable item:
  • Like a parent tightening the reins, Mayor Richard Daley told teens Tuesday that he wants them home a half-hour earlier each night.

    Children younger than 17 would have to be off the streets by 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 11 p.m. on weekends, if the mayor's proposal is approved by the City Council.
Kids who get killed after curfew are either the ones that defy every parental attempt to control them or the ones who never had any parental supervision in the first place. Curfew violations were down during 2006 (29,000 to 26,000) and even those 26,000 violation only resulting in a drop of 398 young crime victims. The stat quoted doesn't define what crimes they weren't victims of, but we seem to have hit that point of diminishing returns. This smells of another money grab and the Police Department is being used as cannon fodder again.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the supervisors are the new "moms and dads" of this department can they continue this initiative and send the working P.O.s home a half-hour early? I could use an early duck after an arrest once in a while.

1/10/2008 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Since the supervisors are the new "moms and dads" of this department can they continue this initiative and send the working P.O.s home a half-hour early? I could use an early duck after an arrest once in a while.

1/10/2008 05:17:00 AM

Priceless!! Good idea and then on the way home we could use our phones and call in any possible curfew violators to make the neglected, under manned officers do more with less! maybe the alderclowns who come up with all the idiotic laws could drive around and do this! Hey Now burke has that big detail they could drive around and round up curfew violators while eddie talks on th ephone in the back seat! "Move over ed we have more to take home great idea, lets stop at burger king and get the kids something to eat"! They come up with these laws why? To act like thay have something to do with all the millions they take from the city for the family and friends programs!

1/10/2008 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to the Tribune Web site and click on the John Kass "interview" of the late Richard J. Daley. On the Trib home page, it's entitled "HIZZONER SPEAKS UP" and it accompanies today's Kass column.

Columnist John Kass will have morning coffee snot running from your nose with his "interview" with actor Neil Giuntoli who portrays "da Mare" for the interview as well as a local play ("Hizzoner").

Add "ball buster extraordinaire" to the satirical skills of Mr. Kass.

1/10/2008 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we now refer to the sgts. as mom and dad I have to admit I'm guilty of incest with Sgt. Mom. SILLY. Just silly silly silly.

1/10/2008 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

E.B. must have some half-wit relative who needs an inside job and who likes to cruise the porno sites.

1/10/2008 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't these alder-creatures pass an ordinance that makes sense? Maybe pass an ordinance for example that would stop all liquor sales at 10 or 11 pm out of those corner stores. It would keep the thugs and lowlifes from having a bullshit excuse to hang out in front and to either sling dope or get shot (which is not always bad unless you're assigned the paper). If you ever noticed that when these stores close for the night which is usually between 12 and 2 in the morning, shit slows down in that area. Just an idea of a logical ordinance to be passed.

1/10/2008 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call me DADDY!!!!!!!

1/10/2008 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who be da baby daddy?

1/10/2008 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 9:13am

Thanks, enjoyed it. Kass is "something else"!!

1/10/2008 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be the new slogan. "Hey Mommy(sgt) can I have some milk?
"Hey Daddy(Lt) I just wrecked the car and got my gf pregnant!

1/10/2008 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you guys don't understand (or care about?) the logic behind this ordinance. What upsets you - the extra work? The mayor telling you what to do?

Those of us who live in gang-plagued areas need every tool possible to get these kids off the streets at night. True, the real trouble-makers are the ones less likely to obey the rule, but the ordinance gives you (and the community) another point of leverage against them.

Another thing to consider: there is a fine line between a nanny state and maintaining law and order. If some people are so poorly socialized that they refuse to act like human beings, please don't cry "nanny state" when you, as law enforcement officers, are asked to step in to make life bearable for law-abiding citizens.

1/10/2008 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the curfew form wasn't one whole page of information and then you certifying your life away that you absolutely DID NOT violate this persons right to free assembly, maybe a few more would be written.
I'd rather not write one then be in federal court accused of violating someone's constitutional right to stand on a corner and get shot.
Go back to the old days; grab a phone book.

1/10/2008 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF is cyber stalking??Is the boogey man going to jump through my monitor??

1/11/2008 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you guys don't understand (or care about?) the logic behind this ordinance. What upsets you - the extra work? The mayor telling you what to do?

Are you kidding me? You want the "logic behind this ordinance"? Just the same as ANOV's, the reason Fines on tickets went up, the revenue dept was expanded (more ticket writers). One reason, and one reason only, and its the same reason you kinda feel like an "armed revenue collector". FOLLOW THE $$$ TRAIL in this city! O'Hare expansion project, Olympics, the last Democratic Convention, the flowerpots, Maggie Daleys pet project Millennium park, and on and on and on... Money spent, money taken off the top by the mayors buddies, and we are the enforcers for this shakedown...

1/11/2008 03:11:00 AM  

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