Monday, March 10, 2008

City Over a Barrel?

Has the FOP suddenly stumbled into a position of power during negotiations with the City?

We were noting the frequency with which J-Fed seems to be throwing out "ideas" to send everyone into a tizzy. We also remember that the FOP and the City have a "gentleman's agreement" not to negotiate the contract in the media. Yet every time J-Fed opens his mouth, he brings up a situation that not only begs for a response, but ought to be the subject of negotiation at the bargaining table, not in the papers. Also, the increased emphasis on movers and parkers in assorted districts hints that the City is noticing a drop off in officer related revenue generating.

One must imagine that J-Fed doesn't have much experience with contracts as he's a former feeb and feebs don't have contracts per se. Is he merely a stalking horse (as many have opined in the comments) for the mayor's Olympic dreams? Or something else entirely?

Regardless, you can be sure the mayor is really going to have his people demand the kitchen sink in concessions for this contract.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

He has already confided in some of his Feeb buddies that he is in over his head. Now I guess will see how bad he F**ks up.

I pray for a huge spike in homicides, then he's gone.

3/10/2008 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read the national news websites, you will see that in two different crimes, young white female students were killed by black males.

I have a feeling that if these females would of been black and the offenders white, a national outcry would of happened.

We have to hear the bullshit that blacks are pulled over more than white in traffic stops but nobody mentions that although the black race is about 14% of the US population, their percentage in violent crimes is over 63% based on the US DOJ website.

As many of these criminals are being shipped into hard working neighborhoods now that the CHA projects are being given to Daley friends to make billions off of in condos and residences, who is really paying the price of all these new free homes to people who have no respect for life or property?

Somebody should be speaking out on this!

3/10/2008 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me why 1612 2nd watch is running plates on parents cars while they are dropping their kids off at school. I personally saw this and was under the assumption that their was a burglary problem involving a Dodge Durango not minivans with Mom's driving them.

Hey 1612 if your trying to generate revenue do the rest of us a favor and stop. In case you don't know we do not have a contract. It must be because you need to keep your day spot with 3 years on the job. And if you must generate revenue do it to non tax payers.

3/10/2008 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought that tickets are down now? Hahaha, wait till we get cameras in the cars, THEN they will see a drop in activity! hahahahaha, moreons!!

3/10/2008 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Cline propaganda machine has been in overdrive this past weekend. The Superintendent has been in office less than 6 weeks and is making very effective progress in redacting the destruction that Cline did to the Chicago Police Department.

In my humble opinion Cline and his evil minions set the CPD back 50+ years.

3/10/2008 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

doty is getting demoted to po and will work 3rd watch in 6 under the tutelidge of mags working the wagon

3/10/2008 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were J-Fed I would clean house tomorrow and pull the Lieutenants list down ASAP. I would erase all of Fat Phil's fingerprints and control over the CPD and start clean with a blank slate.

If need be bring in outside assistants and begin implementing change. The faster you take charge the more credibility you will gain with the troops.

Good Luck Boss!

3/10/2008 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless and until J-Fed publicly acknowledges the systemic, politically corrupt, clout stranglehold on this department, the very best he can hope for is three years of spinning his wheels.

If he continues his silence on the cancer of clout, consider him in Daley's back pocket.

3/10/2008 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing like all the bitter,former, exempt CPD/Cline bosses spending hours on SCC conjuring up malicious and false visions of J-Fed's failure.

Get a hobby,go down to Florida and enjoy life.

3/10/2008 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/10/2008 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let hope the greek 2430 retires or gets dumped what a yacker on the radio JUST SHUT THE F**** UP PLEASE!!!STOP PUTTING UR 2CENTS IN OUR JOBS WE AREN'T YOUR KIDS!!!!!

3/10/2008 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

police are in place to serve and protect. in the old days you did police work first and then you wrote tickets when it was slow. cpd 2008 is now write tickets and get event numbers blah blah blah. don't do any police work because we will not back you up and locking up all these guys is not making us any money. you reap the seeds you sow. now you have a turned off patrol division that has turned into an every man for himself mentality.

3/10/2008 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here's a great idea...10 hour days, 8 hours for work, 1 1/4 hour for work out-shower, 3/4 hour for lunch at a decent place so as to eat reasonably healthy food. how about an allowance for food, so that we can eat healthy as the good stuff is not as cheap as a mcdonalds burger. this is "his" idea, lets work with it !!!

3/10/2008 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is certainly a reason Daley picked HIM. It is definately Olympic/Police relations related. That we know. What is J-Taps area of expertise? Anyone know? Any special schooling? Can we get input from some outside agencies please if you're reading? He's not going to dance his way into our hearts, we've had Michael Flatley and we also just assume at this point that any and every great "leader" will eventually screw the shit out of us and then himself end up in the joint. So what is it J-Tap? Are you here to preserve disorder or are you here to create disorder?

3/10/2008 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fop like them or hate them is trying to keep the contract process out of the press! But it sure sems like the contract is being vetted by the boss through obviously the daley criminal team! WTF! morale is still low, we still have junk cars and equipment, and the exempt process is still flawed! same shit DD!

3/10/2008 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:07, and you learned this how? He told one of his friends that he's in over his head and they then told you? After only what, six weeks or so? I seriously doubt it. Next time you have a brain storm and post blatant bullshit at least make it somewhat believeable bullshit so that at least .1% of the readers will believe you.

3/10/2008 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Union? What Union gives an employer a gentlemans agreement? It is time we get rid of FOP they are part of the problem and not the solution. All they do is take are money and get good jobs for their buddies. When was the last time they got us something instead of just protecting things from being taken away?

3/10/2008 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aint gonna happen,J-Fed will be here for awhile.Rumors are he has a play or pay contract;the other rumor is that Daley has a unofficial consent decree with DOJ.We shall see what happens...

3/10/2008 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/10/2008 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as the drop in parkers and movers, i will say that we have been told at roll call about that. Honestly its the first time in my 8 plus yrs that i recall ever having them tell us openly at a roll call. We all know that no quota exists for us and never has, contrary to the opinions of many citizens but the bosses still want us doing SOMETHING without actually saying it. If u really consider it, if a copper rights 2 parkers a day(one being a fire hydrant, which is i believe $150 fine) he has paid his OWN salary for that day. This angle needs to be played by the FOP. Hey if we decide we arent doing shit believe me the bean counters at city hall are going to realize that loss of income that they use for all their buddies. STOP writing, we CANNOT be required to do anything and if everyone stops they cant really choose to fuck with an entire watch. We have the numbers behind us, its time to start using the power we have to get the contract we NEED!!!

3/10/2008 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/10/2008 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/10/2008 08:05:00 AM

Amen....If we just unite we can send this sup packing. We are the power in CPD. The fact that bosses are telling us to increase activity shows what we can do. Let J-fed continue sending his messages. We can send them right back and there is nothing he can do about it. NO MORE PARKERS NO MORE MOVERS PERIOD!!!!

3/10/2008 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Somebody should be speaking out on this!

3/10/2008 12:09:00 AM"

Maybe father Phlegm can lead a protest down State Street, south of the Loop, into the 'heart' of 'da sowth syiiiid' some hot summer evening.......

3/10/2008 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Oh what a tangled web they weave, when they practice to deceive.....'

3/10/2008 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOTHING that the feds do is ever unintentionally out in the open.

Machievelli would be beaming with pride.

3/10/2008 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are you here to preserve disorder or are you here to create disorder?

3/10/2008 05:43:00 AM"

I love it when you boys get all historical.

"Now keeeeeeeees me, you fool."

3/10/2008 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About 2 months ago I called 911 about a shady looking individual who happened to break into a building next door to me and begin to place items on by the door to leave with. It took officers 45 minutes to respond!!! This all happening on 1611's beat afternoons!! WTF?

3/10/2008 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A figure we will never see published, how much revenue that is created by the patrol division while doing their job.(tickets,anov's....) Another figure we wont see published. The actual amount of active police officers on the job. We always hear 13,500, but the city only cuts around 9,500 checks each 1st & 16th. Isn't this a rule 14 violation? Finance dropped the ax on recent incoming police and fire recruit classes. Some moved into the city, quit their jobs....Welcome to the city that works...Mr. Weis, goodluck.

3/10/2008 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/10/2008 12:54:00 AM

I'm assuming that you either rent an apartmnet or condo or are still living in your mother's basement.

Lift Residency? Then What? Your house (or your mother's) won't be worth shit. POs that bought $450,000 to $500,000 homes will be fucked. They better hope they didn't buy on a block with inexpensive homes because those are gonna be the ones that are sold....most likely to scumbags.

So "LIFT THE RESIDENCY GUY", shut the fuck up.

3/10/2008 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah contrar 1:04, u are 2430's children. Didnt u hear j-fed when he first was sworn in, your sgt's are ur mom's and dad's. u wanted j-fed, u got j-fed!

3/10/2008 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey FOP and LODGE 7 MEMBERS, I occasionally visit a Miami Police Blog. That department also have the FOP that represents them. I assume that they belong to the National FOP as we do. Well their FOP seem to be fighting for their membership in ways we cant even imagine Lodge 7 doing. They are currently having demonstrations (the membership are participating) against the city. The issue is on the city building a new baseball stadium for the Marlins. I think that in Miami any public venue needing police precense must hire off-duty Miami Police Officers to work the event(it is in their contract). The funding for the new stadium is being paid by the county of Miami-Dade, so the hiring of poplice and ems to work the games want to be handed over to the Miami-Dade police and Fire departments.The FOP and its members are waging massive protests against the city and county on not letting them give away their contractual off duty jobs to the county. A Miami Lieutenant found a FHP trooper working a side job whitin the city limits and demanded that trooper be sent home because by contract only MPD can work side jobs. That has caused more friction between the MPD and FHP(not that there wasnt friction already).
My point is why doesnt our FOP #7 demand the same for our members from King Daley. His reasoning for Residency is that if the city is good enough to work for, its also good enough to live in. Well that theory should be also applied to city events and functions, if we are good enough to police during normal operations we are good enough to work side jobs at city events. That means no TMA, parking enforcement, ISP and CCSP_,working whitin the city limits on city events. IT should be in our contract that all city events must be worked by CPD personnel and in uniform paid the orginization holding the event. That will provide extra income to P.O.'s that are forced to live in the city with all these icreasing taxes. In my fifteen years on the job I have only seen the FOP organize only one demonstration against the city. I think along with the majority of the membership that in those 15 plus years there should of been more. You need to understand that the city is not going to give us nothing in contract negotiations and we need to start fighting for what is only fair for us. If you guys don not know how to do this I suggest you contact your fraternal brothers in Miami ask for tips on how to get this done.
Finally, back to residency really quick and I know the same idiots are going to say " You knew it when you took the job, so if you dont like it quit" but when you think about it if and when we recieve a little raise, will it cover the sevral years of increased taxes that have been passed? I think not and if they do give us a raise the first thing the city is going to do is raise taxes to pay for it. Since we are forced to live here we have to also pay the tax increases so in essence we really did not get a raise and are giving the money right back to thye city. FOP I AM READY TO FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS, take a cue from the MIAMI PD FOP.

3/10/2008 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sure he went crying to his FBI friends and they couldn't wait to find a discreet CPD to share this with. Also knock off the black/white shit, it's old and tired. In furtherance, 1612 is probably trying to get a date with a hot mommy lunkhead.

3/10/2008 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a great idea! I think that if all of us, as a group, could learn Michael Jacksons "Thriller Dance" like those Chinese prisoners did, J-Fed would really, really like us. Maybe even begin to love us, you know. He would then be so much on our side. We could be called "The J-Fed Dancers". I think at that point there isn't anything that sweet, sweet man wouldn't do for us. Greg, I think you could probably start planning on having that boiled brocolli after all!

3/10/2008 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bare minimum work, us units got it. we are with you patrol

3/10/2008 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

old timer says:
back in the middle 1960's there was a mysterious message over the radio (no raise/no tickets). it worked then and should now. good luck to you guy's if MOST of you follow. to get everybody is impossible. after 3 months of the slow down, the expected drop in revenues for the next year did it. its works..the raise came. good luck....

3/10/2008 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bratton has better sense than to come into this messed up city runned by 5th floor a-holes.

3/10/2008 02:29:00 PM  
Blogger sharky said...

How many districts and units have problems getting copies of the new parking ticket books? They are in extremely short supply since coming out 2 weeks ago. I know of several districts, mine included, which ran out 4 days ago.
IBM supposedly told the city that a full supply will be forthcoming sometime between 17-19 March, but I have not heard anything about why the extra time needed for printing.

3/10/2008 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Union? What Union gives an employer a gentlemans agreement? It is time we get rid of FOP they are part of the problem and not the solution. All they do is take are money and get good jobs for their buddies. When was the last time they got us something instead of just protecting things from being taken away?

3/10/2008 06:34:00 AM

Fartface, did you not GET a raise? Did you not GET a uniform allowance? Did you not GET duty availability pay? Quit, already, please.

3/10/2008 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope J-fed takes notes every time he gets a call from city hall on who to promote, who stays, do this and do that.....I'd be jotting down every insane command and bring it to the US attorney

3/10/2008 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that the Commander John Franklin of the 003rd district does inspection of ticket books every week and threatens the P.O.'s if they haven't written a ticket. Heard it and thought it was a joke until I heard it from a few other offiers who work over there. Doesn't seem right that a commander is threatening his troops with disciplinary action if they don't write movers and parkers. I would like to make a suggestion to those officers if I may..... YOU SHOULD ALL STOP WRITING TICKETS AND SEE WHAT HE DOES.

3/10/2008 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that if these females would of been black and the offenders white, a national outcry would of happened.


The media only reports the abnormal, not the normal. Unfortunately, crimes committed by people of color, no matter the victim, are a fact of life. Witness the DOJ statistics cited in the entire above response (3/10/2008 12:09:00 AM). When a white person commits a crime against a person of color as suggested here, that is big news because it happens so infrequently. Also, there is no profit to mentioning black on everybody else crime. Only in noting white on black. (See Lenard Clark). It's a shame that it is that way, but facts are facts.

3/10/2008 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, from a copper who has been employed by the city since 1968,civilian and sworn, do not write any type of ticket, answer your calls,have a good lunch,treat the public with courtesy and go home. Always get a good nights rest. The golf season is right around the corner. Forget about the bosses. Who cares. The check is in the mail.

3/10/2008 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were J-Fed I would clean house tomorrow and pull the Lieutenants list down ASAP

I have taken the lieutenants test 3 times. I never bitched to take the test down when I did bad. Why is one jag off here such a cry baby. They already made Biggane and the rest off the kiss asses.

3/10/2008 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sharky said...
How many districts and units have problems getting copies of the new parking ticket books? They are in extremely short supply since coming out 2 weeks ago. I know of several districts, mine included, which ran out 4 days ago.
IBM supposedly told the city that a full supply will be forthcoming sometime between 17-19 March, but I have not heard anything about why the extra time needed for printing.

3/10/2008 03:48:00 PM

Hey SHARKY, who gives a rats ass??!! Our contract expired almost 10 months ago, we're taking a beating in the media with no department heads backing us up and you're worried that your district doesn't have parking ticket books? WHO GIVES A SHIT!

3/10/2008 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give'em a Hazardous Dilapidated Vehicle w/a Tow attached to it, always worked for me...

3/10/2008 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I for one don't understand the whole idea about keeping negotiations out of the press. I know I'm not the brightest bulb in the bunch but I don't get it. Other cities; Boston is a great example; their department march and demonstrate trying to get good contracts. We have a Mayor whose friends and family have robbed our pension fund and the city blind yet we say nothing. The Mayor ensures goofs like Abbati stay on the front page so his own son's insider deals don't get press. How can the city say it's keeping things out of the press when we are all over the front pages and lead stories? You don't think that by creating ill will between the public and the police, they don't gain some strength in negotiations. I say lets march until he deals fair. We want a full restoration of health benefits, like when many of us started. We want our pension fund restored to full funding. We want to be the highest paid officers in Illinois, we deserve no less. We want an elimination of this barbaric work schedule. Mark, he wants the Olympics, that's our leverage. Why are you giving that away so easy?????

3/10/2008 08:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that the Commander John Franklin of the 003rd district does inspection of ticket books every week and threatens the P.O.'s if they haven't written a ticket.


Say what you want but he's a good guy. He may demand a lot but he'll also be there right beside you, leading not managing...

3/10/2008 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that if these females would of been black and the offenders white, a national outcry would of happened.


The media only reports the abnormal, not the normal. Unfortunately, crimes committed by people of color, no matter the victim, are a fact of life. Witness the DOJ statistics cited in the entire above response (3/10/2008 12:09:00 AM). When a white person commits a crime against a person of color as suggested here, that is big news because it happens so infrequently. Also, there is no profit to mentioning black on everybody else crime. Only in noting white on black. (See Lenard Clark). It's a shame that it is that way, but facts are facts.
I really hope you two bitches are not on the job! If you are I sure you only arrest Black people! White people have raped and pillaged this whole planet and still do to this day! So SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THE DUMB SHIT!!!! That was a WHITE SHOOTER AT NIU!

3/10/2008 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your boss demands tickets there are always plenty of illegal parkers by the churchs and schools.

3/10/2008 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First week of April - "Ticket flu" - write no tickets!!!!!!

3/10/2008 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rest In Peace

R.I.P. Traffic Enforcement

Cause of Death; In-Car Camera

3/10/2008 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief Bratton would be by far the best thing that ever happen to CPD. Chief John Timoney would be great as well. Both have extensive police experience, however they both know to stay far away from Chicago because Daley would never allow them to do their jobs.

3/10/2008 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only does the Miami PD FOP fight for their members, check out what the San Fran. PD union does for them. Those guys are always in the press and they fight the city on everything...thats why in 2011 they will be the highest paid police in the United States...not to mention they also have 4/10's...

3/10/2008 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see lots of rants against the FOP here on this thread. Some of the points even have some validity.

But tell me please, does anyone know or care that there is an FOP election going on RIGHT NOW? What have any of the complainers done to ensure that there is a good slate of candidates running that might challenge the current leadership to shape up?

Has anyone on this blog gone to any general meetings and spoken up in a meeting about issues that might be important to them?

I thought so.

Enjoy your FOP leadership the next three years because I guarantee that the next group of FOP officers will look a lot like the current leadership and will have been elected with LESS than 50% of the sworn members even bothering to send in their vote envelopes, the ones with the stamp already attached.

Sp please, don't waste your time ranting "down with FOP, we need a real union" and that other bullshit.

Get out there and DO SOMETHING because that is the only way anything will change. The only way we will maybe get a union that fights tooth and nail for us is for a group of dedicated and highly motivated individuals to get organized, run for office, get elected and change things.

That's how any change happens, not by complaining but by channeling that anger into action. Won't happen any other way.

I sincerely hope that some young officers with less than 10 years on read this, learn a little history about the union and get motivated and take over the union in the next election. They sure won't do it this time.

The choice between Donahue, Jans and some slug of a bodyguard for Ed Burke is no choice at all. Donahue will be re-elected and it will be on the FOP web site on March 15 and there will be howls of complaints. Too bad. No one worked to get new people in there so we get what we get. When we sworn officers care enough to work very hard for change, we'll get something different. Not before.

3/10/2008 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez, I am reading that there is a shortage of parking ticket books. No shortage here, my one book will last a good long time.

3/10/2008 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/10/2008 09:24:00 PM


And a black shooter at Tinley Park.. What's your point?

3/10/2008 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. White said.....
As many of these criminals are being shipped into hard working neighborhoods now that the CHA projects are being given to Daley friends to make billions off of in condos and residences, who is really paying the price of all these new free homes to people who have no respect for life or property?

Somebody should be speaking out on this!

3/10/2008 12:09:00 AM

The answer is "white flight". You pussies started it all by moving out and creating vacancies.

You fail to understand others so your fear of others, forces you to run away.
There goes the neighborhood.

In other words: learn to live in harmony.

Don't run. You cannot hide. Subsidized housing will find you.

3/11/2008 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
NOTHING that the feds do is ever unintentionally out in the open.

Machievelli would be beaming with pride.

3/10/2008 09:48:00 AM

That is God's truth. Let us not be stupid, people.

This blog is perused by the administration for one measure the weight of public (department) opinion.
It is used to garner information (tips and clues) from the posters (rank and file) about other peoples' weaknesses, strengths,and underpinnings, and gain some insight on potential scandals.

If the readers and contributors of/to this blog had insight to J-fed's intentions for Shields; the court of department opinion would have flooded this blog with enuff info to derail his promotion.

J-Fed (respectfully Supt. Weis) please leak out some more info on your intentions for our department and then read (heed) our responses.

3/11/2008 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/10/2008 09:48:00 AM
Anonymous said...
If your boss demands tickets there are always plenty of illegal parkers by the churchs and schools.

3/10/2008 10:01:00 PM
Case in point: 1983, Joey DeLeonardi is assigned to 010. he said write some parkers. I wrote a lot of parkers in the area where he got his free pasta fasoule. I got his attention and respect and he suggested I work in tac for a little while. Hahahhahah!

Morale of this story: go get them church folk. You'll see how fast that boss is stopped.

3/11/2008 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A FIGURE WE WILL NEVER SEE PUBLISHED....WTF Hey, Invite everyone over for snacks and a cocktail. You know how coppers are, everyone will show up for a free-bee. Put a big chalkboard by the door and just start tallying as they come thru. You'd have the only true CPD census. That'd be worth something huh? What time's the party start?

3/11/2008 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Keesing Bandit says---

...those Chinese prisoners....

They were Filipino.
Chinese have no rythym

Now, kees me you fool!!!

3/11/2008 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thses spot will drive a commander nutz if you right tickets!








3/11/2008 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

008 has seen a 45% drop in tix....parkers/movers. Not one curfew written I believe in 2/3months. This is the whole district. Down something like 800 parkers. :)

3/11/2008 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 2430; Shut the Fuck up and stay off the radio!

3/11/2008 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/10/2008 02:27:00 PM
Anonymous said...
old timer says:
back in the middle 1960's there was a mysterious message over the radio (no raise/no tickets). it worked then and should now. good luck to you guy's if MOST of you follow. to get everybody is impossible. after 3 months of the slow down, the expected drop in revenues for the next year did it. its works..the raise came. good luck....

3/10/2008 02:27:00 PM
An at Least as Old Timer said...
Actually it was repeated numerous times over the various zones and citywides, but it did not work; tickets continued to be written, but we got a pretty substantial raise. The actual year was 1968, the year of rioting, the "shoot to kill" order, the Democratic convention and some other incidents. Those were the issues that brought the raise.

3/11/2008 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a blue barrel.

3/11/2008 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to all of the police that feel good about writing parkers , stop it , stop doing any activity that brings revenue to the city of chicago. you dont have a contract and are not getting one soon. activity includes anovs , parkers, movers, impounds, burglar alarms, tows, etc.. this includes you lex

3/11/2008 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on a squad car in a unit and DO NOT write any tickets for this crappy city or mayor!

3/11/2008 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that the Commander John Franklin of the 003rd district does inspection of ticket books every week and threatens the P.O.'s if they haven't written a ticket.


Say what you want but he's a good guy. He may demand a lot but he'll also be there right beside you, leading not managing...

3/10/2008 08:58:00 PM

He's a micro-managing idiot.

3/11/2008 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hope you two bitches are not on the job! If you are I sure you only arrest Black people! White people have raped and pillaged this whole planet and still do to this day! So SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THE DUMB SHIT!!!! That was a WHITE SHOOTER AT NIU!


I wrote the post which mentions the reporting of crime by the media. I am the police, I work in patrol, on the street 6 days a week. You are right, white people have been raping and pillaging for centuries, from Gengis Kahn to Hitler to Stalin to modern atrocities in Bosnia and other countries. No denying that. But my response was speaking to modern day Chicago, and other large urban areas. When you look at black on black crime statistics, there is no denying the fact that black youth kill their own at an alarming rate. Recent events here in Chicago back that up. Of the 16 CPS students killed this school year, or the 23 or so from the last school year, how many of the offenders were not minorities themselves? The percentages of young black men in prison is way out of proportion to the number of blacks in the population as a whole. I will admit that this is the result of some systematic deficiencies most of which can be attributed to lack of education, which in turn leads to high unemployment, which then leads to idle time and the search for alternative means of making money (committing crimes). In addition, there are very high rates of single parent homes in the black community, again due to under education, idle time, and the lack of familial role models. And yes, the shooter at NIU was white, as were the Columbine shooters, Charles Whitman, and countless other white serial type killers. For some unknown reason, when looking at multiple victim, institutional shootings, minorities are not often the perpetrators. It's really hard to break those all down, and the reasons for the shooters most often being white are unknown, at least to me. Maybe someone else can shed a bit of light on that.

My post, in speaking about how the media reports crimes, was meant to show the disparity in the way that these crimes are perceived by the public, through the media. And despite your capital letters, and the apparent anger or inability to accept the truth, these are facts supported by empirical data (oh, sorry-that means you can look them up) which is published by various sources like the DOJ and other think tanks and schools which study the statistics. But to hell with those statistics-just go to the computer in the station, or where ever you work, and instead of checking your e-mail, or surfing the net, do a bit of looking at the location, frequency of occurrence and offender data that is available there. It will open your eyes. As I said in my earlier post, it is an absolute shame that these things are true. But no amount of burying your head in the sand will change the truth.

And look at that, I wrote this whole post without using caps.

3/11/2008 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: 3/10/08 10:20 PM
I have been to fop meetings and have eyewitnessed first hand when an issue the board doesnt want to hear or deal with, that person is out of order. Then another board member seconds the motion and the p.o. is silenced.
What have you done besides tell other p.o.'s to do something about. At least I am trying to advise fop members how other FOP chapters are fighting for their members.
Im sorry but our FOP elections are turning just like regular political elections. Different faces, same b.s. If anyone in the know on how to get a vote of no confidence and disolvement of FOP be my guest I dont know how to but will participate.
I have a thought on granting time due. Keep the request time due book in the unit.P.O.'s put in the date they are requesting off. Once the slots allowed for that day are full,any p.o. needing that day off must give 48 hr notice and find a replacement for that day. Now the p.o. who took cu will their hours transfered to the books oof the p.o. working for them and the city pays that p.o. 4 hrs. pay. So a officer working for another p.o. wiil bank 8 hr cu and 4 hrs pay from the city.

3/11/2008 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote the post which mentions the reporting of crime by the media. I am the police, I work in patrol, on the street 6 days a week. You are right, white people have been raping and pillaging for centuries, from Gengis Kahn to Hitler to Stalin to modern atrocities in Bosnia and other countries. No denying that.


This is to sensitive a topic to write about especially when not put into proper perspective. The issue is not one of race but of economics. Yes, whites and blacks both have had tainted histories and current atrocities. Here in the United States the black community is right now the one most focused on but the proper question is why, not who. It has nothing to do with the race of any person. Since "The Great Society" was put forth by Lyndon B Johnson the African American family has been slowly torn apart, for the second time, slavery being the first. What was put forth as an effort to deal with years of oppression and prejudice simply replaced one form of oppression with another. The answer, as most, can be found in the bible. "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day." The truth is a nanny state government robs a man or a race of their pride and dignity. It also, in the case of African Americans set forth policies that forced the male from the home. Section eight is an example of that. These policies set forth to help caused more harm. However, ending these policies is not the only answer. We as a nation must also make tremendous strides toward ending prejudice and hatred. We have passed our bigotries down from one generation to another; which generation will be the first to stop this trend? Our common interest are far more plentiful then our differences, especially now days as we face the threat of terrorism and an overflow or illegal immigration. We are Americans first and we need to unite and work together to lift all Americans up.

3/11/2008 09:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

05:20:00 You're not ALL CAPS GUY, but you might be the liar.

3/11/2008 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Say what you want but he's a good guy. He may demand a lot but he'll also be there right beside you, leading not managing...

3/10/2008 08:58:00 PM"

This is the same suckhole mindset that's illustrated through out the Department. Every Commanders Secretary, Watch Secretary, etc fits this mold. I have one question for these Spineless Sellouts, how do you look @ yourself in the mirror each morning& honestly tell your wife& children you possess integrity &character??

3/11/2008 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Revisionism Batman!!!

If you research Chicago politics and the Police Department you will notice a repeating theme of corruption. In with the new out with the old. Nobody really could blame any Superintendent for the stupid acts of all the rank-n-file. However, you could criticize the favorable treatment that clouted members benefitted when they get caught fucking up vs. the rest of us who are legit idiots. In six weeks time J-Fed hasn’t achieved anything but embarrassment with stupid remarks to reporters, reverends and roll calls. Twenty-five exempt positions unfilled? More to lose their positions. Spring has sprung early this year! Crime and chaos in the streets? I would take back Cline, Hillard, Matt Rodriguez even O.W. Wilson in a heart beat compared to this goof who’s in charge now. J-Fed ain’t got a clue and ain’t ever gonna either. Stay on the fence with your friends and go play with yourself!

3/11/2008 10:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have to hear the bullshit that blacks are pulled over more than white in traffic stops but nobody mentions that although the black race is about 14% of the US population, their percentage in violent crimes is over 63% based on the US DOJ website.

actually if you use the numbers according to the traffic study cards whites are pulled over three to one over blacks look it up its true but no one want s to acknowledge that fact, and we all know why!

3/12/2008 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that the Commander John Franklin of the 003rd district does inspection of ticket books every week and threatens the P.O.'s if they haven't written a ticket. Heard it and thought it was a joke until I heard it from a few other offiers who work over there. Doesn't seem right that a commander is threatening his troops with disciplinary action if they don't write movers and parkers. I would like to make a suggestion to those officers if I may..... YOU SHOULD ALL STOP WRITING TICKETS AND SEE WHAT HE DOES.

Franklin is a big eared tool hey john suck it asshole , you can't make me write what i don't want to
and guess what , what will they do to me send me to 003 on midnights.
003 is a shithole among shitholes and i won't lift a pen to write any revenue for it and frankilin can bitch all he wants we don't have quotas do we john? hahaha
fuck you tool
3rd district guy!

3/12/2008 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it that the Commander John Franklin of the 003rd district does inspection of ticket books every week and threatens the P.O.'s if they haven't written a ticket.


Say what you want but he's a good guy. He may demand a lot but he'll also be there right beside you, leading not managing...

3/10/2008 08:58:00 PM

he is a clouted unqualified fucking hack fuck you john suck it hard oh yeah bitch!!!
3rd distirct guy

3/12/2008 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that if these females would of been black and the offenders white, a national outcry would of happened.


The media only reports the abnormal, not the normal. Unfortunately, crimes committed by people of color, no matter the victim, are a fact of life. Witness the DOJ statistics cited in the entire above response (3/10/2008 12:09:00 AM). When a white person commits a crime against a person of color as suggested here, that is big news because it happens so infrequently. Also, there is no profit to mentioning black on everybody else crime. Only in noting white on black. (See Lenard Clark). It's a shame that it is that way, but facts are facts.
I really hope you two bitches are not on the job! If you are I sure you only arrest Black people! White people have raped and pillaged this whole planet and still do to this day! So SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THE DUMB SHIT!!!! That was a WHITE SHOOTER AT NIU!

And it was a black shooter 2 years ago downtown and only a certain etnic group was targeted.

3/12/2008 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/11/2008 10:38:00 PM

What about Superintendents Martin,Rice,O'Grady,Brezeck,DeLeonardis,Rochford?

3/12/2008 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys and gals,

here is a post where you could speak out on issues with the contract and you degrade it down to talk about race...Do you know how stupid you all are????

3/16/2008 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Do you know how stupid you all are????

3/16/2008 12:55:00 PM"

If we knew how stupid we 'all are', we wouldn't be stupid, now, would we?

3/17/2008 11:31:00 PM  

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