Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Even Daley Agrees

  • Mayor Richard Daley said Tuesday the city's court-appointed hiring monitor was "silly" to award $75,000 to a losing candidate for alderman as part of a patronage-lawsuit settlement.

    Noelle Brennan, the lawyer picked by a federal judge to monitor the city's hiring process, decided last week to award the money to Jay Stone, son of Ald. Bernard Stone (50th). Jay Stone lost his 2003 bid for 32nd Ward alderman to incumbent Ted Matlak, whose re-election effort relied heavily on a campaign army of illegal patronage workers directed by Daley aides.
We're still waiting to see what other people won awards. We heard a sizable number of police who applied for payouts got money. We're still trying to figure out how people who benefited from a corrupt political system ("merit promotions," rigged hiring, and overtime favoritism) can turn around and claim additional damages when their clout wasn't heavy enough to get them additional positions that were also purely political.

Noelle Brennan must be a complete and utter moron.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/01/2008 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

had we a union every one passed over by a merit appointee should have applied for damages.

4/01/2008 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So a few years later the clout is stronger and can "reward" missed merit promotions from the past?

4/02/2008 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC posted: "Noelle Brennan must be a complete and utter moron."
Labels: city politics


No, she is not a moron, she properly and correctly interpreted the issue. The issue at stake is described below by Brennan:

“The compensation isn’t addressing the purported injury that [Stone] should have won. That’s not the issue. The issue is whether or not there were patronage practices in use against him….He submitted persuasive evidence that there were,” Brennan said.

Patronage was in use, that's the issue, business as usual in the Daley administration, in hiring, administration and in elections. And Alderman Stone's son is the only one smart enough to figure this one out and get some money out of it.

Patronage, clout, the way Daley runs his government, that is the underlying problem, Brennan was absolutely correct in her assessment and award. Too bad others didn't have the sense to submit a claim.

My big question to ponder, why isn't Richard M Daley indicted yet? It seems that more than enough illegal shit has been discovered on him. Surely he lied to the Feds when he gave his statement on the record. Why then is he not standing tall before some Federal judge having his lawyers submit a plea?

I will love to hear the stuttering prick call it "silly, just silly" then.


4/02/2008 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was never promoted meritoriously to anything and that is exactly why I joined the settlement. I did receive compensation, but it is nowhere near the salary increase I would have gotten had I been promoted. Also, I lost out on the pension benefits of the higher rank.

This settlement was for those who were essentially "cloutless". While I'm sure some clouted individuals received money, the vast majority of those who filed had to show that they were passed over by the political hacks.

4/02/2008 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on a second, even though Stone comes from clout and priviledge, he ran against the machine candidate in the election and got trounced. City workers, on the clock, were allegedly used to campaign against him. It is the perfect example of CLOUT and how it works. Mess with Da Mayor, you lose. There will never be change until more awards like this are given out.

If you think CLOUT is dead, lokk at our recent changes.


4/02/2008 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isnt it bad enough that we fight these dogs everyday, with their "entitlement syndrome" but now we have a bunch of supervisors who are whining that they didnt get promoted? Granted, the testing system is not the fairest of them all, but why would you think that just because some douchebag with a chinaman got meritorious that you are entitled to get paid for it just like a dog on welfare. Try studying for the test.
Shame on you! You make me sick!

4/02/2008 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that a politically-connected stooge like Jay Stone will benefit from the efforts of Ms. Brennan. I thought the fight against patronage was supposed to help the intelligent, hard-working, qualified people who have no "juice" at the expense of the dopey, lazy unqualified patronage hacks will all the juice?

4/02/2008 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has this moron mayor of ours ever had a real job?

4/02/2008 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, more "victims", some of them police officers, reach their greasy hand deep into the taxpayer's pocket. Nothing can change in this corrupt city as long as the Daley / Stroger Crime Cartel still exists.

And all of you who are stealing your "victim" money from the taxpayers, I hope you choke on it. Yeah, you too officers.

4/02/2008 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The time for a class action suit is ripe. The awards prove that politics played heavily in the decision making process.
Loevy-Loevy where are you?
can you smell the money?

4/02/2008 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone think that the guys who took the CFD test in 95,passed as qualified, but were never called
should get compensation like the the shackman people? I do. They never completed the list and just gave another test.

4/02/2008 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could give on on fuck about CFD! Get lost carp.

4/02/2008 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brainess Brennan totally dropped the ball, either intentionally or unintentially. Is the only person in this entire area that can conduct a highly professional, impartial, and fair investigation U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald?
Sorry Mr. Fitzgerald, but we need you again,to have the U.S. Attorney look at this kettle of smelly fish too. Competent Investigators are requested, to do the job right this time, like interview in person and take depositions from, the victims, witnesses, accused, and to review employment files, correctly figure out financial loss from future raises, O.T, pension, etc; and investigate professionally this time. The fraud and bungling here is obvious this time. And, U.S Federal Judges, this is what happens when you send a girl to do a Mans Job. I'm sure the politically connected will enjoy their big settlements, as usual here in Crook County.

4/02/2008 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but I need to vent:

I am a recipient of a tier 5 award from shakman. If you go to and click onto the expaination of claim review link thigns may be more clear.

It explains the weight of award for each recipient in tier 1 -8.

I feel OK because I an a tier 5 award recipient. One thinf that I noticed is that tiers above my reward essentially required people to name names.

I feel I was short changed. While I was completing my claim I wanted to name names and eaily could have. I opted not to because I am "old school". CPD and not a rat.

Reading this explanation I couild have easily recived much more.

I hope the City begins to do things right but I can asure you that will not happen... Sorry...

Those that have recieved awards be thankful. I will once I get the check.

Noelle BRENNEAN... Thanks for the explaination.

I should have named names but I did not. All in all I can sleep at night and know I did not sell myself out. I woulf wish thatthis tradition would continue within the CPD but I an doubtful.

Brother in blue. Sorry for any typo's but I am tires... Love you all

4/03/2008 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

daleys wants to have the olympics in chicago. the man can't even fix a pothole. what a joke.

4/05/2008 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brennan a complete and utter moron?
An understatement, to say the least. She missed the entire gist of her assignment, took the easy way out, a sloppy nvestigation. Remember her and her firm, a good attorney to stay away from brothers and sisters in blue. Real good though, if you are an Aldermans brother or sister.

4/08/2008 11:09:00 PM  

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