Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Obama's Next Big Mistake

The national dead-tree media is still reeling from the explosion that was Obama's "close spiritual adviser" being a batshit crazy lunatic. They were hoping that Obama could release them from the devil's contract they signed with the Clinton's shortly after W took office. The media knows that Hillary carries more personal negatives than any candidate in history and is losing to McCain in every reputable poll conducted nationwide.

Now, the blogs are finding about what Chicagoans have known about for years - James Meeks. From AceofSpades:
  • But one that caught my eye promises to be a more than satisfactory follow-up to the Rev. Wright drama. Meet Obama's next major miscalculation when it comes to choosing spiritual counsel and campaign adivsors: Rev. James T. Meeks, another firebreathing racewarrior and a virulent homophobe.

    Obama is going to face some tough questions about this guy and it will resuscitate the media's flagging interest in Rev. Wright since now we have a pattern. Meeks' sermons are just as stunning as Wright's and are also available on CD, which makes me think we'll be seeing more arm-flapping goodness in the near future. (BTW, is it common for churches to sell recorded services?)

As the democrats tear themselves into pieces, there are bound to be hurt feelings all over the political left.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robert Mugabe would be an excellent Democratic choice for vice president.

4/01/2008 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a scoop!! Perhaps our
"(¿)openly conservative(?)" alder-
person, who openly screams at non-
performing POs, will back the McCain ticket, now that this meeks/obama antigay thing has been exposed.
He'll have to learn to hold his nose and close his eyes to do the right thing; like alot of POs have to do when dealing w/people they wouldn't let within 500ft of thier houses.............

4/01/2008 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barack Obama Bin-Laden says---

I am surprised no one sees the beauty in this. All I am doing is taking the black vote away from Clinton. The mindless non-black liberals are going to vote for me regardless of who I appoint to be my spiritual advisor. The blacks who support me will shame the blacks who originally voted for the mere woman Clinton. Those blacks will become my supporters out of misplaced loyalty.

Look at these numbers. I lead in the popular vote by about 800,000 infidel voters. Of those, I won Illinois by 600,000 and Cook County by 400,000.

Jihad means "the struggle from within". I will win the election and turn America into an Islamic state "from within" Allah be praised.

4/01/2008 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/01/2008 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sermon this morning: “Jesus Walks on the Water.” The sermon tonight: “Searching for Jesus.”

4/02/2008 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote republican. Dummy-crats will sell this country out.

4/02/2008 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meeks' sermons are just as stunning as Wright's and are also available on CD, which makes me think we'll be seeing more arm-flapping goodness in the near future. (BTW, is it common for churches to sell recorded services?)

*Yes, it is common for churches to sell recorded sermons.

4/02/2008 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is not a pray that if Obama is the Democratic candidate that he can beat McCain.

Just as its ok to say that blacks vote for him because he is black, mark my words, many whites won't vote for him now that they saw his "dark" side via his preacher!

4/02/2008 02:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not worried about Obama. Im worried about hothead McCain and his drumbeat for a war with iran and continuing Bush's failed free trade policy that continues to steal American jobs and wealth.

Soon as the dems have their candidate McCain is toast.

4/02/2008 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Meeks the one that demanded the CPD adopt a rule that weapons could never be draw from the holster during traffic stops? This came after he tried to rail road that Sgt in 005 who stopped his car, and was surrounded by about 8 guys who also stopped.

4/02/2008 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know Rev. Wright married Sen. Obama and his wife Michelle. We know he baptized their daughters. Tell us,who is Hillary's pastor? Who baptized Chelsea? If Rev. Wright told a lie point it out.

4/02/2008 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess Obama IS black enough.

4/02/2008 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain is the only logical choice.

4/02/2008 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your not a racist just because you don't agree on a persons point of view. I won't vote for Obama because I don't like his views. The 08 election I'm sure will be turned into the guilt baiting practice "if you don't vote for Obama, your a racist".

If you don't like other point of views go to your one view web site and play in your enclosed little world.

4/02/2008 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

4/01/2008 11:53:00
This is what they talked about with a black candidate for president. Anytime anyone has a problem with his logic and freinds they will be simply dismissed as racist. That is why America is not ready for a black candidate of Obamas status. Powell? Is differnet he screams America from every bone, Obama screams nothing. He says nothing about nothing to nothing. But again we are all just racist.
How can we be racist against him when he has the power (senator)? He can be racist aginst us, we have no power over mr Hussain Obama.

4/02/2008 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
We know Rev. Wright married Sen. Obama and his wife Michelle. We know he baptized their daughters. Tell us,who is Hillary's pastor? Who baptized Chelsea? If Rev. Wright told a lie point it out.

4/02/2008 08:54:00 AM

I dont thinsk they were burning crosses at the church where Chels. was baptised. Last time I checked hatred was sold in dvd form at Obamas.

4/02/2008 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know what happens when you pull Obama's finger? BULLSHIT COMES OUT HIS MOUFF.

4/02/2008 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If Wright told a lie, point it out" ? Ummmm, maybe we could start with whitey "inventing" AIDS to hurt the black man.

Wright is a racist nazi and Obama is his pupil.

4/02/2008 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Royko when he was alive wrote many articles invoving racist statements by these reverands, that may have been a contributing part to his downfall. In the late 70s and early 80s I would listen to some of these Black radio shows, It was unbelievable the statements these individuals would say and the majority of these shows were sponsored by Illinois Bell.

4/02/2008 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Isn't Meeks the one that demanded the CPD adopt a rule that weapons could never be draw from the holster during traffic stops? This came after he tried to rail road that Sgt in 005 who stopped his car, and was surrounded by about 8 guys who also stopped.

4/02/2008 05:59:00 AM

meeks a real pos!

4/02/2008 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much tax payers money was given to Wright and Meeks. Daley has been known to give a ton of free property to these reverands. I wonder what they do with there contributions,? Jesse sure played games with his.

4/02/2008 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not worried about Obama. Im worried about hothead McCain and his drumbeat for a war with iran and continuing Bush's failed free trade policy that continues to steal American jobs and wealth.

Soon as the dems have their candidate McCain is toast.

4/02/2008 04:13:00 AM

McCain is a "hothead" but not in the way you suggest. Also he is not a Socialist like Hillary & Obie nor is he a Corporate Welfare Artist like Bush.

The LAST thing McCain will do is go to war with Iran. Bush is trying to do that before he gets out of office. That's why he's in Europe right now, to get more of their troops in Afghanistan to free up our forces for an Iranian incursion. That's why Admiral Fallon resigned last month - because he thinks Bush is nuts.

McCain is an experienced war vet and will do almost anything to keep our troops out of harm's way. Because he's been there and done that, and that's who you want at the helm of the biggest military machine in the world.

Yes, McCain is a "hothead." He is sick of the corporate influence that has us fighting a no-win war in Iraq, that has us paying $4 a gallon, that allows traitors like Kellogg Brown & Root to move their corporate HQ to the Caymans, that has killed the competitiveness and leadership of American-based businesses.

I laugh at guys like you who think the Pope of Hope or Hillary will change anything. What they WILL do is what all DemoRats (like Daley & Stroger) do; they'll raise your taxes and give out more welfare.

No, I'm not a campaign worker - I'm just an educated voter. God help us, folks. Buy gold and vote McCain...

4/02/2008 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am no Obama fan but the thought of McCain bothers me with the war. Before anyone starts, served in Viet Nam with a purple heart.
What if we are so over extended that there is no one in the Army left to go? Are all of the McCain backers willing to let their children and grandchildren be drafted and go? We do something foolish and go into Iran and ship your sons,daughters and grandkids over there. For what? cheap oil- oil was 36 a barrel when the vietnam draft dodger ( Bush) invaded.

old retied white guy

4/02/2008 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk bad about Obama and you are a racist.
Well since I am a white male, I will be using the same critaria that most African Americans are using when choosing a canidate. RACE.

4/02/2008 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hannity aired the tapes and discussed Meeks last week on Fox.

4/02/2008 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His bigger mistake is saying he has a spot for that buffoon Gore...

4/02/2008 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The underbelly of Chicago is hard for the rest of the country to look at.

Blacks pouring money into stadium churches to keep politicians giving handouts. Meanwhile, preaching "secret" race theories that keep the next generation as ignorant as the last.

Insiders get positions on local school councils, so they can vote in church "leaders" as principals and administrators, who go soft on discipline for the 16 year-old 8th graders and 20 year-old seniors, even when 40% of the 50% who graduate can't read. Then, shipping these illiterate graduates to Chicago State where they gather up bogus degrees on race conspiracies, so they qualify for government work.

Then, using their cut of the city, state, and county jobs with under-qualified Church "members," jacking up taxes to pay for it. Meanwhile, government services go to shit and businesses flee, leaving a rancid, rotting ghetto that only feeds more followers into these Churches.

And at the steering wheel are the race-baiting politicians like Rich Daley, James Meeks, Emil Jones, Todd Stroger, and their newest creation, Barack Obama.

4/02/2008 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they call him E.D. Lenti for a reason! He takes E.D. meds!

4/02/2008 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know Rev. Wright married Sen. Obama and his wife Michelle. We know he baptized their daughters. Tell us,who is Hillary's pastor? Who baptized Chelsea? If Rev. Wright told a lie point it out.

4/02/2008 08:54:00 AM

you sir are an idiot

4/02/2008 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didnt know that there was another Book in the bible.
One my church has never mentioned before.
The Book of Hate.

Why are politics mentioned in church sermons in the black churches.?

4/02/2008 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preach more hate & spread the love.

4/02/2008 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/01/2008 11:53:00 PM

No shit! It's cool though, keyboard cowboys! It's unreal none of these statements can be made at roll call. Most are racist at home and on the street when an advantage is held. Then a segment of officers wonder why they are hated by the public

4/02/2008 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the media can dig up Rev Meeks' sermon he gave soon after the Jesse Jackson baby daddy story broke a few years back. In the Sunday sermon, he talked about how some of the men in his church were sleeping with 8-10 women. "This is Salem Baptist House of Peace..not Salem Baptist where I come to get a piece!!" He also talked about how the females in the congregation see a man who goes to church and "Ya'll panties get all wet!". I saw this sermon with my own eyes and could not believe his congregation actually laughed when he said these things. Around the same time, Meeks also made fun of his visit to Pope John Paul II and mocked the Pope making the sign of the cross. If there are any media types reading this blog...dig up these videos..on sale. Also check out the Feb 28, 1998 Salem classic video "What does the White Man owe us?". I have not seen him in person since 2002. I know he used to have a Mercedes Benz and Jaguar --of course registered to the church. He is a slick tongued minister who hates whites and swindles his majority female congregation out of their rent money. Oh..Rev Wright..the rich White People? Why are you moving out to Tinley Park in a million dollar home. It would have been great if you would build the million dollar home in the neighborhood near 95th and Eggleston near your church and the projects. You could use black contractors and help revitalize the neighborhood. You are a phony, racist!

4/02/2008 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"If Wright told a lie, point it out" ? Ummmm, maybe we could start with whitey "inventing" AIDS to hurt the black man.

Wright is a racist nazi and Obama is his pupil.

4/02/2008 11:44:00 AM

If you studied United States history you would know that during the 1930s the U.S. Navy experimented on some black men in Tuskegee,Alabama by injecting them with syphillis. The men did not know they were being injected with syphillis. Those men passed the disease to their wives or girlfriends. Their children were born exposed to the disease. Some became sterile and weren't able to have kids. The "scientists" believed syphillis affected black men differently than white men. Big lie. You know that type of experiment would not even have been considered on white men. But again, we're talking the Jim Crow south. The U.S. did not formally apologize until the mid 1970s and the survivors were given @ $30,000.00 dollars for a crime against fellow Americans viewed as being less than human. You called Rev. Wright a NAZI. The NAZIs copied eugenics and other forms of experimentation conducted on humans from the United States.

4/02/2008 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

zimbabwe rocks said...
Robert Mugabe would be an excellent Democratic choice for vice president.

4/01/2008 10:57:00 PM

Why are you worried about Zimbabwe?

4/02/2008 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I didnt know that there was another Book in the bible.
One my church has never mentioned before.
The Book of Hate.

Why are politics mentioned in church sermons in the black churches.?

4/02/2008 04:06:00 PM

Because the black church has been the vanguard of black progression in this nation. Blacks were only allowed to gather in large numbers for two reasons in this nation:Funerals and church. The same as the Irish under British rule. That's why black wakes and Irish wakes are known for their celebratory disposition. Don't confuse my passage for the phony revs. that do not condemn the violence.

4/02/2008 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a racist...But i am a realistic!!!!!!

4/02/2008 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To address the traffic stop with Meeks....the Sgt. DID get railroaded. I can still picture Cline kissing his ass on the pulpit. Makes me shiver just to think about how very few came to the defense of the P.O.
Another topic: I love Bernie Goldberg. He is so on target. All these liberals and young endoctrinated college kids will vote for Obama, so they can say to the country (world) "Look at me. I'm voting for a black man. That shows I'm not a racist". Trouble is that they don't know what he really stands for. And they don't care.
Thanks for this blog. Sometimes I need to share my opinions!

4/02/2008 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you sir are an idiot

4/02/2008 04:04:00 PM

Geez, where you been?

4/02/2008 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/01/2008 11:53:00 PM

No shit! It's cool though, keyboard cowboys! It's unreal none of these statements can be made at roll call. Most are racist at home and on the street when an advantage is held. Then a segment of officers wonder why they are hated by the public

4/02/2008 05:26:00 PM

1. It is too bad. Only anti-white comments can be made with impunity.

2. No advantage held. Disadvantage is that one can't make true statements because they are categorized as racist, and the Komrades of Kook Kounty will go after white's jobs if they state the truth.

3. I don't wonder. I know if I am despised by gangsters, thugs, bangers, dope slinging animals and crack smoking no-job baby spewing filth, that I am probably doing my job the way it should be done.

4/02/2008 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/02/2008 09:17:00 PM


That was seventy years ago. Move on already. Quit looking for sympathy from what happened to other people.
We are talking about the present.

4/03/2008 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Black vs. White Batman!!!

The concept of individual freedom is a relatively new one. How many historical documents speak of freedom and has any society ever truly practiced freedom and social equality? We were all slaves at one time. Kings and queens, pharaohs, and the gods ruled us.

What is freedom? Free to think, come and go? Can anyone of us say we are free to do whatever we want? Our souls, our bodies are slaves to the physical world. The physical world creates barriers that defines the paths we must follow. The gift of life may be the only free thing we get in this world, and to keep it, we must fight to survive or parish.

Ask yourself this question. Will Black America ever be completely free and equal? Free to do what? Equal to whom? None of us have an equal- not even identical twins. Equality under the law, we know it to be bullshit? However, no country attempts to achieve freedom and fairness as much as America does. But, make no mistake this country will never seek economic equality, it is un-American and anti-corporation.

The best advise I can give to black Americans. Who is your worst enemy? White, Hispanic or Asian folks? Undeniably, black Americans have been lead down a path of continued victimization by self-serving black leaders and Democrats who have kept the chains of intellectual slavery and dependency on them. Break free brothers and sisters, be individuals in every way. Remember, the Republican party was the party of Lincoln. Individuals can earn trust and achieve success. As a group you are doom to failure. As they say, when in Rome...join the Republican party!

4/03/2008 12:25:00 AM  
Blogger Coldtype said...

Hmmm. Did Wright misspeak during my absence? Let's see...

As I recall it, his basic premiss was that the twin pillars of the US foundation was slavery and genocide. Ok, relatively uncontroversial as a mere cursory perusal American history reveals:

-we established the national territory by ethnically cleansing the native population and launching a vicious war of aggression against Mexico to steal half its territory (southwestern US);

-we established our national wealth by enslaving 20 million Africans over a period of 300+ years and followed this crime with an additional 100 years of Jim Crow in the south and formalized discrimination in the north of their descendants;

-we've launched mass-murderous wars of aggression and conquest from Cuba to Haiti, from Columbia to the Phillipines, from Vietnam to Iraq (yet through it all we're still somehow the "victim").

Wright's most controversial comment, that the events of 9/11 was a case of our chickens "coming home the roost" is backed up by US intelligence estimates and, most significantly, the perpetrator himself, Osama bin Laden.

I thought all this was common knowledge by now. Silly me.

4/03/2008 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
4/02/2008 09:17:00 PM


That was seventy years ago. Move on already. Quit looking for sympathy from what happened to other people.
We are talking about the present.

4/03/2008 12:05:00 AM

I will grant your request and move on. However, since you said that was 70 years ago, I want you to refrain from using any references concerning family or friends and their struggles in years past. I don't want to hear how they worked and achieved anything. Remember,you said that,I did not.

4/03/2008 09:09:00 AM  
Blogger Coldtype said...

You crack me up SCC. No really, you do.

4/03/2008 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coldtype, you're an ass. If you did as much reading as you should have, and perhaps something outside of leftist bullshit, you would know that 9-11 is not a case of our chickens coming home to roost.
The Wahhabi problem has been around for nearly a century and nothing we did could change their fanatical views of Islamic domination of the world. They hate democracy and freedom. Their stated goal is a world dominated by Islam under shari'a law.
Only a left wing prick could take the view that America is to blame for an attack on innocents on its soil. I would say more, but it would be wasted on an idiot like you.
Try reading a little history and make an attempt to understand our enemies instead of taking their side and blaming America for all of the world's ills.
This country hasn't been perfect, but what we stand for is as close to perfection as this world has ever seen.
Try explaining your views to one of those fanatics and see how far you get. I've seen firsthand what they are capable of, and they count on weaklings like you to drag this country down.

4/03/2008 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hannity aired the tapes and discussed Meeks last week on Fox.

4/02/2008 12:58:00 PM

Sean Hannity is a race baiting jagoff.

4/03/2008 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a Lt. on a suburban dept. When these jibba jabbas start their shit out here we say "No one gives a shit about you here. You don't vote and there are no churches." The hopeless look on their faces is priceless.

4/03/2008 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The experiment had nothing to do with the US Navy. The men were not injected they were chosen because they already had the disease. The doctors and scientists did not give these men the proper treatment and let them live with the disease. There was a 10 million dollar settlement split among the survivors. And it was named Tuskegee Experiment because the BLACK university went along with the experiment and many BLACK Doctors, Scientist and Nurses willingly went along with it and Tuskegee University and the university hospital was used and all the BLACK professionals involved never complained they like the University happily cashed the Government checks. There is the history asshole so BLACK'S were just as involved as whites why not at least have the guts to tell the truth instead of being like Wright the liar.

4/04/2008 12:46:00 AM  
Blogger Coldtype said...

“Coldtype, you're an ass. If you did as much reading as you should have, and perhaps something outside of leftist bullshit, you would know that 9-11 is not a case of our chickens coming home to roost”

-4/03/2008 03:48:00 PM

This is an instructive example of just how poorly the MSM has prepared the American public for discourse of any kind on American Empire...and its consequences. You see simpleton, Wright and other critics of American foreign policy don’t make the argument that the US “deserved” what befell it on 9/11, merely that such an event was the inevitable CONSEQUENCE of our militarism and support for tyrannical regimes around the world. The term the intelligence community uses is “blowback”, the unintended negative consequences of actions taken ostensibly in the “national interest”.

In short, the sheer terror most of us experienced on 9/11 was par for the course for millions of others around the world whom we’ve bombed and robbed for well over a century. It’s naive in the extreme to presume that such policies can be pursued without cost.

“The Wahhabi problem has been around for nearly a century and nothing we did could change their fanatical views of Islamic domination of the world. They hate democracy and freedom. Their stated goal is a world dominated by Islam under shari'a law”

-4/03/2008 03:48:00 PM

The so-called Wahhabi “problem” is, in fact, an inextinguishable desire for self-determination by Muslims of the Middle East minus western interference and resource theft. Furthermore, there is nothing remotely democratic about the savage tyrannies we continue to prop up in the region with billions in annual aid to oasis of “democracy” such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and Pakistan. There’s a reason for that. The conditions under which western energy corporations profit so handsomely are immensely unpopular amongst the vast majority of the people of the region and only by undemocratic means, i.e repression and terror via US-allied indigenous elites, can the theft continue.

A little less Fox “News” would do you a world of good simple one.

4/04/2008 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm a Lt. on a suburban dept. When these jibba jabbas start their shit out here we say "No one gives a shit about you here. You don't vote and there are no churches." The hopeless look on their faces is priceless.

4/03/2008 07:45:00 PM

You just need to concentrate on keeping your suburban hypes in the suburbs.

4/04/2008 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone tell me when white Americans became so knowledgeable about black churches.

4/04/2008 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can we be racist against him when he has the power (senator)? He can be racist aginst us, we have no power over mr Hussain Obama.

4/02/2008 10:33:00 AM

You're wasting your breath. I just can't believe people keep voting for Obama. These young kids are really fucking stupid. They are being taken in by all the hype.

4/04/2008 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Barrack is elected president this country will go to shit. He is nothing but a pompous deceitful con-man. Most stupid Americans have bought into his bullshit. McCain may be a hothead but he also has a record to stand on. Barrack has this dark closet.

Did anyone see the speech where his wife introduced him as "my babies daddy". How appropriately ghetto. She's going to be the first lady? Maybe we could go chill at his crib and smoke blunts and drink some forties after he's elected. What a country.

4/05/2008 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Buy gold and vote McCain...

4/02/2008 12:12:00 PM"

Not gold, ammo and the tools that use ammo.

4/05/2008 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dialogue on race could begin on hallowed ground

John Kass

April 6, 2008
Click Here

The wounds inflicted on Barack Obama by the hateful speech of his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, are serious and profound.

Why else would ministers gather at Obama's church in Chicago—Trinity United Church of Christ—to hold a news conference demanding a "sacred" national dialogue on race?

"The intersection of politics, religion and race has heightened our awareness of how easy it is for our conversations about race to become anything but sacred," Rev. John Thomas, president of the United Church of Christ, said last week. "That's why we are calling for sacred conversations, and for the respect of sacred places to begin right here and now."

In other words, listen up you reporters: Back off....


Good article by John Kass

4/06/2008 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not gold, ammo and the tools that use ammo.
4/05/2008 06:41:00 PM

Since you're a tool, are you for sale?

4/11/2008 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If George Stephanopoulos was President and Collin Powell was Vice President, the world would be a better place. We would have a President who knows what the hell is going on and a Vice President that would make things politically correct. In addition, he knows how to kick ass better than McCain.

4/12/2008 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Since you're a tool, are you for sale?

4/11/2008 02:25:00 AM"

Even you couldn't afford me.

4/16/2008 11:23:00 AM  

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