Sunday, April 13, 2008

Liberal Socialist Elitist

  • Sen. Barack Obama was criticized Friday by his two fellow presidential candidates for statements he made recently at a San Francisco fundraiser that could be viewed as derogatory toward rural America.

    "You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama said Sunday, according to the Huffington Post web site.

    "And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not," Obama reportedly continued. "It's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
"...cling to guns"? Isn't that a Right enshrined in the United States Constitution?

"...or religion"? Again, a Right. People are free to worship or not as they see fit. And if religion is the touchstone that helps them live their lives morally, ethically and properly, who is Obama to claim they are "bitter"? We wonder why Obama seems to "cling" to the Trinity Church where an obviously deranged "reverend" claims the CIA invented AIDS and 9/11 was deserved.

"...anti-immigrant"? How about "anti people breaking the laws of the United States to come here, drain the economy and demand protections due only to actual citizens of this country"? Everyone here today is descended from immigrants, but most of our ancestors did it properly.

Hillary is circling the drain, but the more Obama speaks, the more people realize he's nothing more than an old-time big-government liberal elite who's going to raise taxes, kowtow to special interests and pretty much destroy the economy by implementing gigantic social programs on a level unseen since the 1930's.

Barring a disaster, it's McCain in November.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC learn to read the man is for the right to own guns and was stating Americans are sick of being shafted by the goverment.when there is a national crisis and money is tight it is true that people cling to religion more when times are rough. Have you noticed the gas prices?? People losing thier jobs and airlines going out of business. I'm not defending the guy but it seems to me that you are blind and out of touch with reality. Asshat

4/12/2008 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them"

As opposed to bitter Trinity United Church of Christ members who cling to:

-hate of whites
-fake preachers
-crack cocaine

4/13/2008 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UUUUUm, If i may?!? The right to bear arms only applies to being part of a militia. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Now mind you, I love the idea of a well armed public but i wish that people would stop misquoting the same rights that they claim to be defending. It's the same as taking scripture out of context. Just plain ignorant!

4/13/2008 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry O. can find faith and comfort in his bullshit "religion", but everyone else is an asshole if they try to find comfort in their's.

Barry's "religion" of hate and propoganda is much more dangerous than some out of work steel worker in Pittsburgh or Gary who goes to mass seeking solace.

I'm just glad Barry's words were caught on tape so he couldn't deny them.

When will the radical chic elements see through this asshole?

And his openly racist wife (who benefitted greatly from affirmitave action) is fucking worse than he is and ever will be. If she becomes first lady, she will make Hillary look like Pat Nixon.

Let's see if Orca (Oprah) jettisons him now to save her ratings.

4/13/2008 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama may technically be only half "African American", but his true color is slowly starting to show; that color being black. As in Westside, racist, hatred-towards-the-white-race, misogynistic, brotha-in-disguise, black-power-preachin' half African American. Be very careful what you wish for liberal white America; the wolf in sheep's clothing will more than likely be on the ballot.

4/13/2008 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This clown, Borat Nobama, doesn't have a clue. He caught fire because the press failed to do their job (as usual) and flesh this guy out. All he keeps saying is "Change." It doesn't matter who is elected president, we are going to get change. He has an elitist attitude because he was recruited to attend Harvard, becuase he is fairly articulate when coached on what to say. To schools in the Evil Eastern Empire, anyone who is black and semi-articulate is as rare as the Yeti.

In the name of diversity a guy like Borat Nobama would be a real "Get." The guy has admitted using marijuana and cocaine while he was attending school. Did he have a job during that time? Because if he didn't have a visible means of income, he just wasn't using, he was dealing.
His wife, Michelle,is just as arrogant as Borat. It would be interesting to see whose dime she used to attend Harvard. I'll bet is wasn't hers. These two racists hate whitey. They just have to keep the cork in the bottle until November.
If Borat wins, think Zimbabwe.

4/13/2008 03:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When uneducated Americans keep breeding uneducated Americans, our future is dim. When Liberal Socialist Democrats keep breeding Liberal Socialist Democrats, our future is dim. When our military was cut in the 1993, we fell fast asleep. In 2001, a multi-trillion dollar terrorist attack occured.The dollar has lost 5th its value. A 9 trillion dollar hole and coppers think that a 4% increase in pay is the issue.

Enjoy your lives when you's over in 3 years. But I'm still voting for McCain. God help us.

4/13/2008 04:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change the location....

4/13/2008 04:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain in november?? are you kidding me?? the guy is a mental midget. He is a veteran but refuses to sign th new GI BILL because it "costs too much".. what a crock of shit.

You want war with IRAN... great then vote McCain, but then YOU send YOUR kid...

4/13/2008 04:56:00 AM  
Blogger 12GA. said...

Did anyone else catch this?

Hillary said, "You know, Americans who believe in the 2nd Amendment believe it's a matter of Constitutional rights."

But no where did she assert her own belief in that amendment. Caveat Votor. (voter beware!)

SCC, I certainly share in your hope that she is circling the drain.


4/13/2008 05:13:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

Ah, we love when the ignorant liberals come out to play

UUUUUm, If i may?!? The right to bear arms only applies to being part of a militia. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Now mind you, I love the idea of a well armed public but i wish that people would stop misquoting the same rights that they claim to be defending. It's the same as taking scripture out of context. Just plain ignorant!

100% wrong. The entire Bill of Rights lists individual rights, not collective rights. Even liberal professors are agreeing on this point AND the US Supreme Court has already said in questioning a case last month that the blanket banning of firearms is about to be declared unconstitutional. Just how much they are going to find for the plaintiffs remains to be seen.

And now for Asshat #2

SCC learn to read the man is for the right to own guns and was stating Americans are sick of being shafted by the goverment.when there is a national crisis and money is tight it is true that people cling to religion more when times are rough. Have you noticed the gas prices?? People losing thier jobs and airlines going out of business. I'm not defending the guy but it seems to me that you are blind and out of touch with reality. Asshat

Then perhaps you could tell the readers why Obama is backtracking and "clarifying" like a liberal caught advocating a tax hike?

Here is what Obama said:

"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them...And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Seems pretty straightforward to us. And remember, this speech was given to a bunch of San Francisco people who have this attitude about small town Americans already.

Oh, and dumbfuck? If you think for a moment that Obama is for gun rights, you are softer than puppy shit that's been sitting in the rain for a week straight. Try reading any of his legislation from his time in the Illinois legislature or his voting record downstate or his voting record in Washington.

100% anti gun.

Remember, he's been listed as MORE liberal than Hillary. His bullshit about guns is just that - bullshit. He knows which way the Supreme Court is going to rule and he's adapted his message to take advantage of it.

And you, you feeble minded idiot, you're falling for it.

4/13/2008 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy What the Fuck Batman!!!

He's at it again...another democratic failure. Fucker goes to church but learns nothing but a bad history lesson from a flim flam man living in a mansion tax free.

Feed the idiots bullshit hate and they devour it like animals. What would Jesus say to this ignorant man? Organized religion is a scam. Everything is about

4/13/2008 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Wall Street Journal’s Steve Moore says Obama’s tax plan would add up to a 39.6 percent personal income tax, a 52.2 percent combined income and payroll tax, a 28 percent capital-gains tax, a 39.6 percent dividends tax, and a 55 percent estate tax. In other words, Sen. Obama is a very-high-tax candidate. Whether Wall Street has fully discounted this, I have no idea. Probably not yet. But somebody in the investor class ought to be thinking about it, because it’s not good.

A vote for Obama is a death sentence for America...he is nothing more than a media creation that is besotted with him ..he will kill the middle class......and small business..

4/13/2008 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its liberals like OBAMA that have stopped any attempts at drilling in this county. We might kill
a bird or fish. WAKE UP PEOPLE

4/13/2008 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IM FED UP WITH DEMS AND LIBS. REPUBS too. All these blood sucking politicians need to be voted out. Damn shame a regular schmuck like me or you can't get elected.... why, because it takes money and press. Our city and country are doomed. I'm going to go watch some Mayberry RFD and reminisce about the old days.

4/13/2008 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sloow down there SCC cowboy. The poster 11:49 is right BO is for gun rights and if you read what you posted about BO he was explianing the frustrations, thatwas from his original speech on the topic not the rebuttal. Where are you getting your facts from? Mccain the maverick wants to go into Iran while still in Iraq and afhganistan that's fact!!! So are you willing to sign up? Or better send your child? Mccain in November?? Mccain shady track record on guns are widely known, so the guy is a flip flopper on the issue like most polticians.

4/13/2008 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the thing:

The problems we, as Americans, face are both complex and simple.

Simple, as in we all can see when something runs contrary to our own sense of making sense, and complex, as in it is difficult, at times, to see the cause of a problem beyond the immediate effects of that problem.

Would we, as a society, have any significant problems, if we, as individuals, were to live our lives in a thoroughly honest, fair-minded, honorable and conscientious manner as we claim that we believe that we do?

How often do we, as individuals, choose to NOT 'do unto others as we would have others do unto us'?

How often are our own actions contrary to our own beliefs?

How often do our daily experiences compel each of us to compromise our own beliefs?

How many falsehoods have we accepted as 'truths', merely because we've resigned ourselves to believe that, in order to survive in a dog-eat-dog world, we sometimes have to behave as dogs?

Why is it that we, as a people, have chosen to relinquish our responsibilities as human beings to the small minority of individuals known as government?

And by doing so, given this minority effectively carte blanc access to our pocketbooks?

Not merely through the power to tax, but also through the power to make the laws that permit other small minorities of individuals to manipulate the essential elements of our economy in ways that have resulted in so many of the problems we are experiencing?

One of the many essential hypocrisies common to many is the willingness to impose onto others those things one does not want imposed upon oneself.

Do we have to experience another Great Depression to relearn the lesson that when a small minority control the real wealth of a nation, said real wealth being the working people who are the majority, that that minority never acts in the best interests of the majority of the nation?

Is it that difficult to connect the dots between the actions of the minority of wealthy, who manipulate our economy, and the lack of honest and decent paying jobs?

Where is the outrage at the claim that we, as a nation, are 'moving' towards becoming a 'service' economy, rather than remaining the manufacturing giant that we 'once were'?

Is it so difficult to see the obvious, that the events of the past several decades have been substantially manipulated by this small minority, economic events, social events and the media propagandas responsible for so many understanding so little about the forces that so thoroughly effect and impact upon all of our daily lives?

We seem to only be able to see a few of the trees, and have been oblivious to the nature of the forest which surrounds us.

When did it become a given that a 'common' man's fate is totally subservient to the whims and fancies of those who dominate the so-called 'free market'?

The economic divisions in our society are the direct result of the abandonment of our principles of fairness, honesty, responsibility and dedication to the common good of our nation.

The American Dream has mutated from being the 'Land of Opportunity' to the 'Land of the Opportunists', with the subsequent consequences being surprising only to those who choose to think less and to care less.

'Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive'.

Especially when we are regularly deceiving ourselves.

4/13/2008 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From AP bronkobama said,
"So I said, well you know, when you're bitter you turn to what you can count on. So people, they vote about guns, or they take comfort from their faith and their family and their community. And they get mad about illegal immigrants who are coming over to this country."

After acknowledging his previous remarks in California could have been better phrased, he added:

"The truth is that these traditions that are passed on from generation to generation, those are important. That's what sustains us."

So it's also tradtition for him the last 20 years to sit and nod his head and say you right when the race baiten rev blamed white people for all the ills of the black race. Less we forget his daughters are being brought up in the tradition of the trinity church.

4/13/2008 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No osama; I tend to "cling" to my gun(s) when someone unwanted is trying to come into my house!!

4/13/2008 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you please repeat this for me?
I donÂ’t think I quite got it the first time.

'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you'll join with me as we
try to change it.'
- Barack Obama

P. S. If this doesn't worry you, forget that I even mentioned it.

4/13/2008 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 01:34 am
You need to get it right...the militia in colonial America consisted of all able bodied free men. They didn't even know the concept of a national guard. It was a general obligation to keep arms by all free men!
Here is a scripture for you, the truth will set you free!

4/13/2008 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barack Obama Bin-Laden says---

I must submit to Allah more. Sometimes I forget my true allegiance and get caught up with all the liberal trappings that America offers. That reminds me, I am due for another pedicure.

The press is again reporting what I really say. My disciples--you must rise up again and boycott the press and force them to gloss over whatever stupid things I say. You must do this for me--it's not like you have any kind of life that is useful.

Praise be to Allah and the jihad.

4/13/2008 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama is a dangerous man. He is a pure hater. He and his wife have done nothing but exploit this country, and white people, and now that they are millionares they want to slap the same misguided liberals who GAVE them every thing they have.
If you are white and vote for this man all I can say is Zimbabwe.

4/13/2008 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barack understands the problems of the common people!

He stated that he understands that the prices for groceries are going up. He stated when he recently shopped at Whole Foods he noted that the price of argula had spiked?

4/13/2008 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know things may change drasticaly between now and the election, but at the moment at least, Obama, if not the whole Democratic Party, appears to be on the verge of self-destruction. In spite of the fact that there ard a lot of mis-guided Americans, the Democrats are just getting way too far left to have any appeal. If they shift slightly rightward, and start making a little sense, then it will be time to beware.

4/13/2008 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't vote for Obama even if the only people he was running against was Adolph Hitler, Fidel Castro or the Devil himself.

The man is a FAKE. A self admitted weed smoking, cocaine snorting asshat! PERIOD!

4/13/2008 09:30:00 AM  
Blogger pathickey said...

Justice has your backs Officers.

4/13/2008 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mccain in november? yikes!

i'm putting my vote in for SCC.

4/13/2008 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

guns and religion are for people with tiny brains and no hobbies.

that is all

4/13/2008 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama wears a blue turban.

4/13/2008 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
UUUUUm, If i may?!? The right to bear arms only applies to being part of a militia. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Now mind you, I love the idea of a well armed public but i wish that people would stop misquoting the same rights that they claim to be defending. It's the same as taking scripture out of context. Just plain ignorant!

4/13/2008 01:34:00 AM

Fucktard,its the bill of RIGHTS,not the bill for militia members.By the the way genius,there is organized and un-organized militia according to the 1903 National Guard Act.I belong to un-organized militia to defend my country.

4/13/2008 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain is not the great leader we wanted as "family" loving, America loving conservatives, but he is the only answer to this ugly evil anti-christ O bam bam a. If Mc Cain takes Romney as his VP he will be un stoppable, if he takes a liberal like himself we are Fu%%ed

4/13/2008 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK. So dumb asses think, or want you to believe, that Obama is FOR guns? HAHAHAHAHAHA.
He and the rest of the socialists want to disarm you. And to the dumbass that thinks that a well regulated militia means the National Guard or something, read more of what Jefferson said. The only thing they feared was a government that disarmed the people.
An armed population is a free population. A government that owns all the guns is one to be feared. An individual has the right to keep and bear arms because when it gets bad, individuals can form a militia and do what has to be done.
How long before people wake up and realize that these subversives will destroy the greatest country on earth? They are dangerous people that have no respect for this country and want to see it as backwards as the third world.
Name one country that banned guns and saw a decline in crime. You can't ban guns. You ban honest citizens from having them. Thugs who don't care what the law is will get them anyway. Take Chicago for example. Has the gun ban here ever worked? No. And it never will.
Do you recall the guy from Wilmette that shot a guy that broke into his home twice? He had a right to defend himself and his family. The idiots wanted to charge him for having an unregistered weapon. He wrote a great editorial in the Trib.
Cops can't be there in seconds when seconds count. It's up to the individual to defend himself and his family until they get there. Libtards can run and hide if they want, but normal people interested in survival will do what has to be done. Taking away that right is sick. Only a shitheaded left wing prick would want to do that.

4/13/2008 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about Obama? 10 hours days is what we should be talking about!

4/13/2008 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to advocate for "voting for the lesser of two evils" but for those who aren't McCain fans I have to ask: Are you really considering voting for either Obama or Hillary rather than McCain? McCain would not have been my first choice for the Republican candidate but there is absolutely no way that I will vote for either Obama or Hillary!

4/13/2008 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MCcain wins vs obama! obama talk about how your black father fled when you were young, and talk about your white mother who raised you! Where is she at? are you hiding her? barry your 1/2 black why not be proud of both sides! come on your losing it! And they you talk shit about people in the state of Pa.? guess your real talk is not to smart! now after you lose election you can still do speaking tours!

4/13/2008 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/13/2008 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When uneducated Americans keep breeding uneducated Americans, our future is dim. When Liberal Socialist Democrats keep breeding Liberal Socialist Democrats, our future is dim. When our military was cut in the 1993, we fell fast asleep. In 2001, a multi-trillion dollar terrorist attack occured.The dollar has lost 5th its value. A 9 trillion dollar hole and coppers think that a 4% increase in pay is the issue.

Enjoy your lives when you's over in 3 years. But I'm still voting for McCain. God help us.
Fuck the clintons they single handed destroyed the military in the 90's. Remember somalia? when asshat refused to send in armored vehicles to help the downed blackhawks because it would look too aggresive? WTF. I remember one time his motorcade passed by our platoon when he was visiting our Marine Corps base, we turned away and didn't salute. Lets just say the next day the whole regiment was out in formation getting bitched out by the general. They still dont know who it was. Thank god for cammies. But the majority of Marines had a good chuckle and hated clinton. So when you go to St Jude just look away don't salute. It's not like he can read name tags from 40ft. No more DemocRATS.

4/13/2008 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

--You want war with IRAN... great then vote McCain, but then YOU send YOUR kid...

4/13/2008 04:56:00 AM

Ok, so If I vote dem, should I just pretend everything is ok and wait for them to attack us? (uss cole anyone?)

4/13/2008 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn SCC you beat me too it.

Hey 4.13.08@1:13am

What part of the sentence below don't you understand?

"...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Mother of god that can't be more clear.

It doesn't say any thing about only the STATE shall be allowed to bear arms.

Ignorance = liberal, circle-jerk logic in spite of the clear English in the the Bill of Rights.

4/13/2008 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
UUUUUm, If i may?!? The right to bear arms only applies to being part of a militia. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Now mind you, I love the idea of a well armed public but i wish that people would stop misquoting the same rights that they claim to be defending. It's the same as taking scripture out of context. Just plain ignorant!

4/13/2008 01:34:00 AM

To understand why you are wrong you need to actually study the constitution, or more specifically the Bill Of Rights, as well as have an understanding of what American society looked like at the time the framers wrote these documents.
The "Militia" you are refering to was nothing more than farmers, millwrights and everyday citizens. Also, consider thi; The rights delineated in the Bill Of Rights, ALL REFER TO RIGHTS OF AN INDIVIDUAL!!! Not the State!
Read the Federalist Papers and you will have a better understanding why your theory is being blown out of the water by the current case before the Supreme Court. You are right about the comparison to scripture however. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE POLITICS, LANGUAGE AND THE INTENDED AUDIENCE OF THE DAY TO UNDERSTAND THE AUTHORS INTENTION!
Let me guess....... You are a Police Officer who went to John Marshall or Roosevelt and have a Law Degree, therfore you are smarter than everyone, Am I right?

4/13/2008 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

vote McCain and you'll need a draft to cover the next 100 years in Iraq...or Iran or where ever else he can fit into a Beach Boys lyric...

4/13/2008 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're and idiot if you vote for this shmuck obama!

4/13/2008 02:00:00 PM  
Blogger Murphy40Pct said...

Obama taught Constitutional law for some time. Even being a socialist he has stated that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right.

As for the poster calling McCain a "mental midget," that is an interesting attack I haven't heard before. Do you have some evidence to show two people who believe in Socialism are smarter than someone who believes in freedom?

4/13/2008 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry's comments are not "elitist." They are racist. "These people" in "small towns" or rural America who hold onto guns and religion are bitter. Small town is another word for white. When Barry spoke of bitter, he was just projecting. I think some African Americans are bitter. Like his own pastor--- "God Damn America." So small town America can not keep thier hunting traditions and guns? Why doesn't he address the prevalence of guns among gang bangers? So Barry can keep his divisive religion, but small town evangelicals can't have their religion?

4/13/2008 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want war with IRAN... great then vote McCain, but then YOU send YOUR kid...

The argument made consistantly by the left in regards to war is "you send your kid." My kid is in the military, he serves the U.S. Army proudly. I didn't make him go, he CHOSE to go. Parents can't make their kids go to the military, the kids choose it.

4/13/2008 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to know what kind of work Obama did prior to becoming a lawyer, not counting internships or office work during summer vacations.

Has this man ever done any kind of scut work, the kind that makes the world go 'round? Based on what I've seen of his record, he went straight from the classroom into that ephemeral world of "community organizer", followed shortly thereafter by law school.

I don't care to hear any candidate who has never performed a real blue collar, dirty job to comment at all about the ubiquitous "working man". It's such horseshit.

I really think Obama could have benefited from a tour in the military. Some field work, maybe a deployment, with all that entails.

Burning and stirring half barrels full of shit and piss down to a fine ash would have done that man a lot of good, given him a better perspective of "how shit gets done".

4/13/2008 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, yup, I guess that I will keep strummin my banjo and keeping my shooting iron close while thousands like me do not vote for Barry Obama.

4/13/2008 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC learn to read the man is for the right to own guns and was stating Americans are sick of being shafted by the goverment.when there is a national crisis and money is tight it is true that people cling to religion more when times are rough. Have you noticed the gas prices?? People losing thier jobs and airlines going out of business. I'm not defending the guy but it seems to me that you are blind and out of touch with reality. Asshat

4/12/2008 11:49:00 PM

Are you that fucking stupid or just a democatic plant trying to lull us into ingorance? Obama is as anti-gun as they come.

It's so much easier for him to blame guns than to blame that segment of society that is responsible for the overwhelmingly disproportionate abmount of violence, requiring most of our police resources!

4/13/2008 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ISRA Alert:


The San Francisco-based “Legal Community Against Gun Violence” (LCAV) will be holding a gun control rally in Naperville on Monday, April 14, 2008.

The LCAV plays a crucial supporting role in Chicago Mayor Daley’s attempts to take your guns away from you. California lawyers write the actual legislation designed to ban and confiscate your guns, tax your ammunition, ration your ammo purchases and register you like a sex offender.

It’s time for Illinois gun owners to tell these Californians, “MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!”

Here is what you need to do:

1. Gather up all your firearm owning friends and assemble at the Naperville Campus of NIU, 1120 East Diehl Road, Room 101C, Naperville, IL. The campus is on the south side of Diehl Road, approximately 1/8 mile west of Naper Boulevard. Plan on arriving no later than 6:45 PM.

2. If you still have your IGOLD t-shirts or hats, wear them. If you have NRA or ISRA hats, wear them. DO NOT bring signs or other items that might get you kicked out before this thing gets under way.

3. Be advised that you will be in close proximity to people that hate your guts because you own guns. They will attempt to insult you and provoke you. Stand your ground, challenge their every assertion. Freedom is at stake here.

4. Please distribute this alert to all your gun owning friends and post it to every Internet bulletin board to which you belong.


Posted Sat Apr 12 10:44:03 CDT 2008

4/13/2008 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Obama voted on something in Springfield or Washington, it was probably upon the orders of his controllers, the Cook County Regular Democratic Party. He is an unimaginative do nothing. The only thing that he has going for him is that he's been trained to be a slick mouthed lawyer.

4/13/2008 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you crap heads ought get your face out of your ass.. The USA will put the commies to shame if we elect a Dem President..Look for Jesse Jackson to be Treasury Sec , to dole out reparations ...Mama Bama to let in of their Harvard elites classmates rule the mere peons , don't arrest no more blacks, let Mexico form a state in the USA etc .Billions will be spent on Socialist's ideas meaning the state knows more than you do when it come spending your money

4/13/2008 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cling to religion? is religion just the "opiate of the masses". your marxism is showing barry.

4/13/2008 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that law-abiding peole are the ones always expected to give up their rights in this country? Has everyone become a lemming, led to follow some misguided politician? Just because a mini-nation of inner-city thugs are shooting and killing, selling dope, gang banging, robbing, raping,stealing, and being allowed to do so unchecked, does not mean that this is the behavior of the entire country. Give me Liberty, or Give me Death, you liberal DemocRAT gass-bag motherfucking lowlife, never worked an honest job in your entire life, bottom feeder politicians. We should all start a movement to stop paying all these non voted on by the taxpayers tax increases, and have recall petitions for every politician. All politicians should have to take regular drug tests and be screened for mental illnesses. If public safety workers have to , so should they. And these politicians should also be required to be in the same public pension funds as we are, maybe then they won't be so quick to loot them. Further, ANY politician who fails to fully follow the immigration law standards of our Nation should be locked up first, as an example to all the pols who think they can ignore the laws of our land.

4/13/2008 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Clinging" to guns and religion. These clingy Americans. Always so clingy to their rights.

And he's a Constitutional Law professor.


You think with McCain you'll have a war with Iran. With Obama you'll be speaking Farci in four years from underneath your Burka.

4/13/2008 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle Obama recently told a group of welfare mothers in Zanesville, Ohio she understood how difficult it is for them to make do.

She said she was having problems finding the $10,000. to pay for her daughters piano and dance lessons?

It sure sounds elitist to me..

4/13/2008 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC: Please post this into your blog re Obama and his connections to Rezko and Daley and slumlords (Obama's former employer who is now hooked up with Daley's nephew Vanecko.) The article exposes his connections to Daley and how Daley's next bid will be somewhere in Washington if Obama is in.

Best Syndication: Barack Obama - Operation Board Games For Slumlords

4/13/2008 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re the PA snafu: Keep on talking yourself out of the election Obama. Just keep on spewing off the top of your head....I bet your staff of speech writers didn't write the putting down of the small town PA folk. Maybe you "mis-spoke" like Billary when she said she walked into sniper fire in Bosnia.

4/13/2008 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama's mama said:

Wait a minute, I didn't raise him either, I dumped him on my white parents.

4/13/2008 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
UUUUUm, If i may?!? The right to bear arms only applies to being part of a militia. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Now mind you, I love the idea of a well armed public but i wish that people would stop misquoting the same rights that they claim to be defending. It's the same as taking scripture out of context. Just plain ignorant!

4/13/2008 01:34:00 AM

If this militia is part of the Government, this right would not be necessary. Why would a militia need a right to bear arms? Citizens have rights, Governments have powers. Our Declaration of Independence states that to secure our God given rights, Governments are instituted, and the Government derives its powers from us, the Governed. People do not get their rights from government, but we are born with them "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Dont feel bad, there is a Supreme Court Justice who thinks we get our rights from the Government and Bill of Rights and not the Creator.

4/13/2008 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We haven't been attacked since Sep 01. During war we lowered unemployment. During war we've witnessed the greatest and highest surge in our stock market. B. Hussein Obama wants to CHANGE this ?!?!
What's he thinking ?!
Going to war in Iran is inevitable and should have happened years ago. As for China, that country is like one giant "projects". They will light the fuse on a war with us. The white box in the microwave isn't the only thing that'll get nuked by Americans !

4/13/2008 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Bravo!! You know the words of his comments very well. Tell me, how did you forget anti-ethnic? Yes
he is calling White people racist.
I find it funny, even you knew that part could not be defended ! That is why you left it out!!!!

4/13/2008 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 years ago the republican party thanked hollywood for 4 more years. This time around they will be thanking obamma for another 4 years. This schmuck gets alot of attention now but hasn't a chance in hell of getting in the white house.

4/14/2008 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama's mother died a number of years ago from ovarian cancer.

His maternal grandmother is still alive in Hawaii. Remember her? He called her "a typical white woman". What would have happened to the other two candidates had they called someone a "typical black woman".

He has a half-sister from his mother's second marriage to the other Muslim. I think she lives in Hawaii.

4/14/2008 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
vote McCain and you'll need a draft to cover the next 100 years in Iraq...or Iran or where ever else he can fit into a Beach Boys lyric...
4/13/2008 12:52:00 PM

Hmmm. Perhaps reinstituting the draft is an idea whose time has come.

SCC Said:
100% wrong. The entire Bill of Rights lists individual rights, not collective rights. Even liberal professors are agreeing on this point

SCC, you might also hav e added that the Bill of Rights is really meant to be a limit on the power of government.

4/14/2008 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
--You want war with IRAN... great then vote McCain, but then YOU send YOUR kid...

4/13/2008 04:56:00 AM

Ok, so If I vote dem, should I just pretend everything is ok and wait for them to attack us? (uss cole anyone?)

4/13/2008 12:05:00 PM

This is for you. April 19,1983 the U.S. Embassy in Beirut,Lebanon blown up. October 23,1983 the U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut,Lebanon blown up. Ronald Reagan was president. Knock off the crap. Semper Fidelis to those Marines and the Sailors that did not return home.

4/14/2008 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
McCain in november?? are you kidding me?? the guy is a mental midget. He is a veteran but refuses to sign th new GI BILL because it "costs too much".. what a crock of shit.

You want war with IRAN... great then vote McCain, but then YOU send YOUR kid...

4/13/2008 04:56:00 AM

Basically there are three democrats running for president. McCain is closer to center, Obama and Clinton are ultra liberal. A democratic win will spell trouble for this country's safety. I am not thrilled with him but he is all the republican party offers, hopefully McCain will keep us safe. Stop your crap about telling people to send their kids to war , just like you libs said there were no W.M.D.'s and this was a war for oil. Iran needs to be slapped before they are through developing nukes in order to wipe Israel off the face of the map.

4/14/2008 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"MCcain wins vs obama! obama talk about how your black father fled when you were young, and talk about your white mother who raised you! Where is she at? are you hiding her? barry your 1/2 black why not be proud of both sides! come on your losing it! And they you talk shit about people in the state of Pa.? guess your real talk is not to smart! now after you lose election you can still do speaking tours!"

She's been dead for more than a decade, Einstein. Do you really want him to bring her with on the campaign trail???? Why are so many people intimidated by this guy? From the perspective of intellect, he's probably the most intelligent potential President since Nixon. While that may not translate into results, he'd bring back some of the world's respect to the oval office that that ten dollar hat wearing fool currently in charge has lost for us. I can't understand why a man of good Eastern breeding, would voluntarily turn into a hick Texan. President or not, Prescott Bush would not be pleased.

4/14/2008 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats blow it again ..We have SNOB-BAMA and rethread HILL/BILL...WHERE IS BLAGO ??????

4/14/2008 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the poster who stated that if you want war, than you send YOUR kid!

Someone's kids have been fighting for OUR country for over a century. Thank god those brave young kids felt more patriotism than you do!

You can send yours to Canada, but I will encourage mine to be as patriotic as is necessary at the time.

I also would encourage MY KID to support himself and his family. You obviously would teach your children to take from the government, but don't give! GREED and SELFISH, thank god that's not the backbone of America. Kids like mine (who serve) will continue to provide kids like yours (who won't) a comfortable home base. The military doesn't exist just to pay for people's educations, medical, etc. This country is what it is because of kids who serve! People with your views teach their kids to capitalize on advantages provided to them by others.

4/14/2008 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
UUUUUm, If i may?!? The right to bear arms only applies to being part of a militia. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Now mind you, I love the idea of a well armed public but i wish that people would stop misquoting the same rights that they claim to be defending. It's the same as taking scripture out of context. Just plain ignorant!

4/13/2008 01:34:00 AM

I am so sick of idiots. The whole point of that sentence is describing the militia as being well regulated. That doesn't mean having its collective shoes shined, you dope.

What would tend to regulate a militia, to keep it from infringing upon the basic rights of the populace it exists to defend? Why, I know! An armed populace would tend to keep the militia honest to an extent, to help "regulate" it and prevent it from crushing civil liberties.

You gun grabbers are all the same. You'd whore your mothers to make shit into sugar.

4/14/2008 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would we, as a society, have any significant problems, if we, as individuals, were to live our lives in a thoroughly honest, fair-minded, honorable and conscientious manner as we claim that we believe that we do?
Yes, it's 'human nature'.

How often do we, as individuals, choose to NOT 'do unto others as we would have others do unto us'?
The last Friday of every month, rain or shine.

How often are our own actions contrary to our own beliefs?

How often do our daily experiences compel each of us to compromise our own beliefs?
What he said.

How many falsehoods have we accepted as 'truths', merely because we've resigned ourselves to believe that, in order to survive in a dog-eat-dog world, we sometimes have to behave as dogs?

Why is it that we, as a people, have chosen to relinquish our responsibilities as human beings to the small minority of individuals known as government?
It's easier to 'defer' to 'your kind'.

And by doing so, given this minority effectively carte blanc access to our pocketbooks?
Is that a 'question' or an 'answer'? Or 'both'? Or 'neither'?

Not merely through the power to tax, but also through the power to make the laws that permit other small minorities of individuals to manipulate the essential elements of our economy in ways that have resulted in so many of the problems we are experiencing?
What was the 'question' again?.

Do we have to experience another Great Depression to relearn the lesson that when a small minority control the real wealth of a nation, said real wealth being the working people who are the majority, that that minority never acts in the best interests of the majority of the nation?
Yes, and then 'we', your Anarchist-Liberalist-Christian-Jeffersonian 'brethren', can finally goose-step together with 'you'.

Is it that difficult to connect the dots between the actions of the minority of wealthy, who manipulate our economy, and the lack of honest and decent paying jobs?

Where is the outrage at the claim that we, as a nation, are 'moving' towards becoming a 'service' economy, rather than remaining the manufacturing giant that we 'once were'?
The 'dog' ate it.

Is it so difficult to see the obvious, that the events of the past several decades have been substantially manipulated by this small minority, economic events, social events and the media propagandas responsible for so many understanding so little about the forces that so thoroughly effect and impact upon all of our daily lives?
Yes, but thankfully 'we' have 'you' and the Demo-rats to get 'us' back 'on track'.

When did it become a given that a 'common' man's fate is totally subservient to the whims and fancies of those who dominate the so-called 'free market'?
January 14, 1784.

Hope my 'insights' were 'helpful', professor.

P.S., SCC asked me to ask you if you could number your 'questions' next time. Thanks.

4/15/2008 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would we, as a society, have any significant problems, if we, as individuals, were to live our lives in a thoroughly honest, fair-minded, honorable and conscientious manner as we claim that we believe that we do?
Yes, it's 'human nature'.

Marx, Trotsky, Lenin

4/16/2008 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hope my 'insights' were 'helpful', professor.

P.S., SCC asked me to ask you if you could number your 'questions' next time. Thanks.

4/15/2008 01:06:00 PM"

1. Not so much. But that is your intention, to not be 'helpful'.

"Yes, it's 'human nature'."

2. By this, do you mean it's human nature to be dishonest, unfair, dishonorable, and without conscience? And is that who you are?

"The last Friday of every month, rain or shine."

3. Can I conclude that you prefer to 'Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You'? Rather than to 'Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto To You'?


4. How is it, then, that you can believe that you have beliefs, when you so often act contrary to those beliefs?

"What he said."

5. Of what value are beliefs when one allows circumstances to so often compel one to act contrary to them?


6. Name your three, if you would.

"It's easier to 'defer' to 'your kind'."

7. Elaborate. Be specific. Don't be shy. Express yourself.

"Is that a 'question' or an 'answer'? Or 'both'? Or 'neither'?"

8. What do you think?

"What was the 'question' again?."

9. What was your opinion, again?

"Yes, and then 'we', your Anarchist-Liberalist-Christian-Jeffersonian 'brethren', can finally goose-step together with 'you'."

10. So, you're in favor of another Great Depression? And you see Christians as no different than Jeffersonians as no different than Anarchists as no different than Liberalists? All these labels you use, how about providing your personal understanding of what these words mean?


11. That difficult for you?

"The 'dog' ate it."

12. Desperate, aren't you?

"Yes, but thankfully 'we' have 'you' and the Demo-rats to get 'us' back 'on track'."

13. Just how much of your assets have you invested in the stock market?

"January 14, 1784."

14. You're confused about the date, it's more like 1984.

As futile as it seems, I will still extend the invitation to the commenter, dependent upon the kindness and generosity of the owners of this truly fair, honest, honorable and conscientious blog, to share his/her opinions with us all.

Perhaps he/she might find it in his/her heart and mind to be more specifically forthcoming in his/her next submission, rather than continue posting comments that ooze with the contempt he/she has for the opinions and perspectives of others.

I wonder what motivates he/she to feel so much disdain for those who are not he/she?

4/16/2008 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also would encourage MY KID to support himself and his family. You obviously would teach your children to take from the government, but don't give! GREED and SELFISH, thank god that's not the backbone of America. Kids like mine (who serve) will continue to provide kids like yours (who won't) a comfortable home base. The military doesn't exist just to pay for people's educations, medical, etc. This country is what it is because of kids who serve! People with your views teach their kids to capitalize on advantages provided to them by others.

4/14/2008 08:01:00 PM

If you have ever had a FHA,VA loan you have taken from the government. How about a guaranteed student loan? Illinois State Scholarship Commission? To name a few. There is not a living soul in this nation that will go through his or her life without taking from the government!!! Don't forget medicare.

4/16/2008 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that's funny, the idea that we, the citizens, can 'take from the government', given that, without our being taxed, governments at all levels would have nothing to be taken from them.

We should all be reminding ourselves that whatever monetary assistance governments 'give' to us is actually our own monies being returned to us, at least to those of us who pay taxes, which, if you hadn't noticed, is, one way or another, everyone.

If you're not earning enough income to pay state and federal income taxes, you're still paying sales taxes on practically everything, still paying a variety of license fees, still paying some portion of the capitol gains taxes that are included in the retail price of goods and services, to the extent that the competition of the market place will allow, taxes are everywhere, on everything, sometimes being taxes paid on taxes.

The thing that's not so funny is the fact that so much emphasis is placed on the misuse of our tax dollars by those who play the welfare system, with the obvious assistance of those in governments who have the authority to approve or disapprove of this misuse, that we forget or neglect to address the problem of there being few decent paying jobs for a certain percentage of the population, that percentage being willing and capable of doing productive work, but not having the opportunity to do so at a wage equal to or greater than what the welfare programs are doling out.

The entire welfare system must be changed, to remove the incentives for misusing it.

Since the basic purpose of a 'welfare system' is to ensure that those who cannot feed themselves do not starve, why not have a food distribution system, separate from the retail sales of food products, dispensing the basic staples, employing those individuals who cannot find work, as a requirement for receiving the benefits of said system?

Define the staples, such as flour, rice, dried beans, etc., distribute same, along with basic instructions on fundamental cooking skills, remove the excessive costs involved in simply doling out money, and require useful work be done to receive said benefits.

When people have to work for what they get, they naturally value what they're getting much more than when they are given something for doing nothing.

The same type of system could be applied to clothing, household furniture, etc., with mandatory participation required for any benefit to be provided.

Anyone old enough to remember the WPA of the Depression years?

4/16/2008 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone old enough to remember the WPA of the Depression years?

4/16/2008 08:44:00 PM


4/19/2008 10:06:00 PM  

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