Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Political Game is Afoot

A comment and a rumor.

First up, the comment (from the Comment Section of course):
  • Trouble brewing in Det Division. Petersen and Byrne clashing on future supervisors into the D-Unit. Petersen wants detective experience and has JFED backing. Byrne wants best available and has the support of the mayor. Byrne wins mayor to give JFed the order.
"Best available" means best breeding stock via exempt bloodlines we're sure. As if experience in any given position ever meant you had a clue as to what was going on in a certain position within the Department. We mean, why let qualifications get in the way of any City job?

Hey J-Fed - are you getting a clue yet?

Second, the rumor (via email):
  • Little birdie said that J-Fed is looking to institute a sort of "Federal model" regarding Commander positions. No Commander will be allowed to stay in their current position for longer than 18 months. This is to keep them on pins and needles and "thinking outside the box." No idea what it means to the armies or harems that trail along behind them.
Now that would be fun. No consistency for more than a year-and-a-half at a time? How long do SACs and ASACs stay in their FBI posts? Is this really a model we feel like following? We don't see the benefits outweighing the downside, but maybe someone can point it out.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Previous Post:

"OT, anybody know why DC Wysinger was lateral transferred (read dumped)? Maybe because he was running his office like the county, asking for "donations?" "

Is there any truth to this?

This guy is a clout-riddled, corrupt politician-like asshole who has been meritoriously promoted since he was in kindergarten.

Has someone finally figured out this nitwit goof has an IQ of about 40?

7/01/2008 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More Fed nonsense. It takes about 6 months just to get the feel of a new command, ( whos who, who are the suck holes, who are the workers, why is someone on a 2nd watch inside job etc. ) It then takes about another 6 months to get people who are loyal to you in critical spots. Thats a year, then maybe you can start to make some positive changes. Al the while trying to build loyalty among your total personnel by being fair and consistent with your decisions. dont forget getting to know the politicians who will ring your phone off the hook when you dump one of their spies from their inside spot. So far thats about a year. Oh boy I have 6 Months left under this federal model to get something done.Dont forget the aldercreatures and reverends who will have to get to know another new commander all over again in 6 months.A District Commanders Job is one of the toughest jobs in the Department I know this Federal Model would make them happy. This guy is totally clueless more embarassment for the Department. A retired( happily so) exempt member.

7/01/2008 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all the FBI bosses have a 5 year "up or out" rule meaning they have 5 years to move up in rank or they go back to being a lowly agent.

Second, J-Fraud has already completely screwed us with the initial brain drain, creating a complete clusterfuck every 18 months is not going to help anyone!

7/01/2008 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first rumour is absolute bullshit. Peterson is the biggest proponent of no detective experience supervisors I've met. Look at the sgt's that were his picks at Area 4. Another SCC bathroom wall banana.

7/01/2008 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is the truth I back Byrne. Peterson is a misreable asshole!!!!!!! Peterson is a hypocrite by the way. Peterson has been moving his cronies into Narcotics, Gangs, Intel, and Fugitivie. His boys that are being moved into these spots have never worked there before (I guess thats thinking outside the box). This would be the pot calling the kettle black in my book. Or its moving the people Peterson feels are the best suited for spots despite their expierence. I say bullshit!!!!!! Peterson is just a dickhead!!!

Peterson has the nerve to pick on Byrne (A nice guy who isn't arrogant like Peterson)Byrne is a team player. I remember a few years back at one of those area info exchange meetings, Byrne posted pictures of some shitbirds and asked for help. My partner and I had arrested all the shitheads posted multiple times. He asked us for help on a homicide and low and behold are help led to arrests for homicide. The arrogant prick Peterson and the kind of dets that he has would have never let a lowly PO help them. I'll take Byrne any day of the week.

Fuck You Peterson!!!!!!!!

7/01/2008 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't give the skull that much credit. But you imply the backing of JFED give it an air of credibility. Byrne knows which side of the bread his is buttered on.

SCC, You sound actually shocked& dismayed @the micromanaging coming from the runt that's occurring in the Detective Division?

C'mon you aren't really that NAIVE are You?

7/01/2008 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets here from the det's in the areas about the sgts that weren't detectives are any of them any good? Do they know what they are talking about? Are they clout hacks?

7/01/2008 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who gives a fuck about any of this? The only thing you should be concerned about is the assault on your pension being mounted by the Daleys.

7/01/2008 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of incompetant Sgt's in the D unit. If you have never written a closing sup and have no idea what goes into one then why would you be able to approve them. Area 2 is a joke lots of clueless sgts supervising do nothing merit det's and you wonder why they have the lowest clearance rate in the city. I think we all know Byrnes best available is just his way of protecting clout, clout is killing this job and getting people killed/ driving crime straight up.

7/01/2008 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm not really sure what you were insinuating about Byrne, but I'd trust his decisions over Petersons' any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Byrne was one of the best choices that either J-fed or Daley made. He may have a ton of clout, but it was earned by being a good cop and rubbing elbows with the right people, not by who his daddy is. This city will never see a white Irish male as their supe ever again, which is a shame because Byrne would be a good one.

7/01/2008 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political influence is part of every municipality's jobs and position.
As long as the choices are "good Bosses" it doesn't matter what experience they have. They just should not be afraid to say HELP ME learn what you know. They also should not walk in thinking they DO know hat they actually don't, especially in the Detective Division.
Integrity is what it is, whether you know the job or don't, your integrity on how you learn it or do it determines who you are.

7/01/2008 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Best available" is just another synonym for "merit" = CLOUT!


7/01/2008 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Public,
The mayor is robbing you. Violent crime is through the roof yet your police department personnel budget is being pilfered. Vastly under budgeted strength at every rank. Where is the money going?
Little Nero fiddles as Chicago burns!

7/01/2008 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But of course, its who you are not what you know. If you want to have a chance at going up the ladder you need clout. Go look at those defectives in any area. Such a joke....

7/01/2008 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

18 months great idea! that will hopefully make them be more loyal to their troops now that they get no high gold braid pension and will be dumped guess j-fed is showing no loyalty to his royal court, maybe he is taking his cue from daley! Will jimmy keating finally be demoted that would be great. the game is on!

7/01/2008 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Playing exempt musical chairs could work, if the exempts were actual managers. Managers that were all on the same page. Problem is that every time a new exempt comes in to a unit, they have different priorities.

Also, in this department that manages through fear, why would the average p.o. go the extra mile to enable a new program to succeed?

Enjoy the ride.

7/01/2008 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy is either stupid or insane. I dont care how much anyone bitches the old days under the last 3 supts were way better all around. I also heard he's gonna do the same thing with captians.

7/01/2008 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Baldy vs. Hairy Batman!!!

I think the crusty old fart with the bad teeth would win the battle. Byrne is too nice of a guy to be a political boss, he should have refused to cooperate with his breeders, handlers and PR people.

Word of advice to all those who want to be an exempt working for this mayor and alderman...Think twice about taking that job it ain't ever going to be worth the extra $...Don't use that excuse that you think your going to make things better...you can't do shit...they control everything and you cannot even get a fart in.

The politicians are doing everything possible to win votes and stay in their safe political careers. Yuppies don't vote so what good are they? Seniors are dying off and the only people voting these days are those who are use to getting in line for government cheese.

Maybe the 10% plus sales tax, $7.00 a gallon gas and little or no retirement benefits might wake these fuckers up?

7/01/2008 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PETERSEN is a former Mike Acosta Back Massager.

He is as nuts as Maria Maher!

7/01/2008 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the political game have to be afoot? Can't it be a boob?

7/01/2008 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave it to Dailey to find the dumbest ex fed he could find and pay him 1 million dollars. If I ran my household budget, the way this city is run, my home would have been foreclosed on. When is one of our other exempts gonna grow a pair and tell the supt. right to his face that he is clueless on this job. Sorry they are only intrested in their own advancement. But they call you a dog a whinner etc. when you want to protect yourself. The supt brags about pole cameras well why arent they working . Pole cameras where the big idea of the other genius Uberman , who has cta all fucked up.

7/01/2008 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever is posting the BS stuff about Wysinger is 1 stupid MF. Wysinger is one of the best bosses in the Dept. A standup guy, working copper and working boss who treats everyone like a gentleman. As for merit promotions he is the example of what merit promotion should be if thats how he got promoted.

You must be some dogass who didn't get something you wanted from him at some time. You are certainly part of a tiny minority if even that much with a negative view of him.

7/01/2008 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Area One has a couple of nitwit Sergeants.

A.N. Most likely a LAPA merit Sgt. is one weiner in particular.

Constantly busts balls and kicks back bullshit handouts for stupid shit.

But low and behold, he gets involved in a heater murder case and approves a homicide closer by Det. L.O. (Another LAPA pick) that looked like it was written by a three year old.

For those bosses that will be reading that supp, do to the fact that those involved will be crying for commendations, it in no way reflects the intelligence of the other Detectives assigned there.

7/01/2008 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Peterson.

But then again I really don't care about anything really.

Whatever. The Sgt's in the D for one thing SHOULD BE BIDDABLE. It is not. It is a phone call position. This breeds shakey Sgt's. Period. As long as the Sgt is a good guy I guess that's good enough. I don't really care if he is good at doing police work. For Christ sake... these crimes are not too complicated. X stabbed Y. X robbed Y. X took Y's pork chop so Y killed X. Who gives a shit? But there are times when it is serious, when you DO need a boss who knows through experience what's what. Police shooting, a decent person is killed, duped or robbed or victimized in general. But mostly its only west side dog homicides that the bosses care about. It's unbeleivable. Who the fuck cares? And these homicide dics think it's all real too. I'll stick with property crimes where the Sgt just leaves you the hell alone because the big bosses never call about info about a robbery or burglary.

7/01/2008 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO 11:50AM

To answer your question: WHEN PIGS FLY!!!

7/01/2008 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is Byrne's clout?

7/01/2008 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lots of incompetant Sgt's in the D unit. If you have never written a closing sup and have no idea what goes into one then why would you be able to approve them. Area 2 is a joke lots of clueless sgts supervising do nothing merit det's and you wonder why they have the lowest clearance rate in the city. I think we all know Byrnes best available is just his way of protecting clout, clout is killing this job and getting people killed/ driving crime straight up.

7/01/2008 08:07:00 AM

Do they work an 8 hour tour? never more like 4 then back for as much o.t. as they want why? because they are clouted and can do whatever they want!

7/01/2008 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember a few years back at one of those area info exchange meetings, Byrne posted pictures of some shitbirds and asked for help. My partner and I had arrested all the shitheads posted multiple times. He asked us for help on a homicide and low and behold are help led to arrests for homicide.

7/01/2008 07:03:00 AM

Give yourself a Junior G-Man Badge Sparky. You are . . . the best cop.


It's "our" help.

7/01/2008 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"OT, anybody know why DC Wysinger was lateral transferred (read dumped)? Maybe because he was running his office like the county, asking for "donations?" "


Tell us more??? Donations for what?

7/01/2008 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever is posting the BS stuff about Wysinger is 1 stupid MF. Wysinger is one of the best bosses in the Dept. A standup guy, working copper and working boss who treats everyone like a gentleman.

~ Al Wysinger

7/01/2008 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic, but what is the SWAT O/T supp. available at Ohare & Midway???
Who gets to put in for it??
Do you have to be SWAT??
What about Det. heavy weapons guys??
If this is O/T only for SWAT guys there will alot of questions.
If I were in patrol and decided not to take the SWAT test for whatever reason (like the $$$ out of my pocket) and then find out there is O/T available only for them I would be pissed. This sounds like when only housing got the CHA O/T. Look what happened with that

7/01/2008 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of incompetant Sgt's in the D unit. If you have never written a closing sup and have no idea what goes into one then why would you be able to approve them. Area 2 is a joke lots of clueless sgts supervising do nothing merit det's and you wonder why they have the lowest clearance rate in the city. I think we all know Byrnes best available is just his way of protecting clout, clout is killing this job and getting people killed/ driving crime straight up.

7/01/2008 08:07:00 AM


You must be some 2yr wonder recently bounced from TRU. Bitter because an Area 2 Sgt. politely told you get lost with your bullshit.

The three Sgts on days in Area 2 have over 100 years of combined police experience. You could work your entire life in the CPD and still you would never, never hold a candle to any of them.

The Sgt.'s on all the other watches are knowlegable and fair. I defy you to give one example of any Area 2 Sgt. treating a PO disrespectfully, even when that PO acts like a total jackass.

The low clearance rate has nothing to do with the Sgt.'s, or the Det's.

It has everything to do with the rules the department has put into place over the past five years and the many, many lawsuits filed against the hardest working Det's in Area 2. It also has to do with the fact that Area 2 has almost twice the amount of violent crime as Area 1, which means it has more than three times the amount of crime as Areas 4 or 5 and probably almost ten times as much crime as Area 3.

You are just another media suckhead, blaming the recent rise in crime on those stupid, corrupt, and lazy police.

The media, ghetto leaders, and PI lawyers have spent the last ten years pushing more and more restrictions on the police. They have successfully convinced the citizens of Chicago that the police are a greater threat than the thugs who occupy Area 2.

They have won. They got their witness "protections"; cameras; consent form upon consent form for lineups, DNA swabs, hospital records, etc.; DNA tests on every BS case to bog down the whole system; wasting everyone's time on every single tiny detail to stall progress on real cases; turning police shootings into lawsuit defense projects rather than criminal investigations; juries who never believe the police; ASAs whose standard is absolute guarantee of conviction or no approval; making sure every report is written to avoid a lawsuit rather than convict a criminal.

This is the city they created and this is the city they now have to live in. You and your media friends can blame whoever they want. The cops on the beat or the the Sgt's in Area 2. Lie all you want, it won't change the truth.

7/01/2008 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get your shit straight folks, there is no fued between Peterson and Byrne, so hate to burst your bubble. Though both have VERY different management styles and personalities, both will back a working copper 100%.

7/01/2008 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm not really sure what you were insinuating about Byrne, but I'd trust his decisions over Petersons' any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Byrne was one of the best choices that either J-fed or Daley made. He may have a ton of clout, but it was earned by being a good cop and rubbing elbows with the right people, not by who his daddy is. This city will never see a white Irish male as their supe ever again, which is a shame because Byrne would be a good one.

7/01/2008 08:11:00 AM

I'm so glad that you are color blind and haven't noticed that there is a " White " Sup running the show !

7/01/2008 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having 20 to 30 page GPR's (general progress reports/handwritten notes) and 10 to 50 page typewritten reports for felony files are the order in the D unit.

If you have never handled or typed a felony file report, you should not be a Sgt in the D unit. Period.

Many reports written on the street, not all, are half assed lousy to say the least, missing most critical information. You can always tell who has years on the street when you receive a report.

The Sgts that sign off on the GOCR and other reports, are signing their names on some of the most horrendous pieces of preliminary investigation we've seen.

If you have been a sgt on the street, and you have been signing your name on reports you havent read, then you have no business reading and signing off on felony files if you are placed into the D unit.

And you have absolutely no right to tell a homicide investigator, or any other dic, that his paper needs "this or that". That is of course unless you want your name in the report. Then of course, you can car pool to court.

7/01/2008 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think that's a scandal? Check out the FLOP. 3rd term underway and Donahue has already lost the board to TF and his jackals. Let the looting begin!!

7/01/2008 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dep Chief A. W. is a "boss." He has always led by example in my experience with him, appreciates what we do, does not hesitate to tell you when you have done well, pulls you aside and talks with you - not at you - if you could have done something better or have screwed up, and I would proudly work for him wherever and whenever called upon to do so.

Anybody who takes shots at him should rethink their opinion. This is just mine.

-T-10 years to retirement.

7/01/2008 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wysinger has proven himself to be a competent leader who works well in a variety of situations, with all officers, qualities a lot of white bosses should strive to perfect (and I'm white).

If he rose up to where he is by merit, so be it. He has proven to a competent leader at every level he has risen to.

Personally, I think if it's true, that J-Fed wants to move commanders around every 18 months, it's a good idea. If you find that you have a good commander, he will spread his skills around at a few posts before retirement. If a boss moves in to a particular District or unit and screws things up to hell, he won't be there long, and there is hope after he or she is moved that things may return to a more productive state, with less turmoil. So overall, I think it's a good thing. Did a lot of people complain when Carroll left 008? Or the airport?
Or when Cronin was forced out? I didn't think so.

7/01/2008 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THe switchup between Johnson and Wysinger has nothing to do with anybody's incompetency,
unless you want to count Peterson's. The Skull decided to
allow EV to close out his career in a position he has coveted; EJ has to go near the end of the year.
AW will likely return to his old post at the end of this year. Don't get your shorts all knotted up over this.

7/01/2008 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody ever defended anything successfully, there is only attack and attack and attack some more.
George S. Patton

Anonymous said...
Off Topic, but what is the SWAT O/T supp. available at Ohare & Midway???
Who gets to put in for it??
Do you have to be SWAT??
What about Det. heavy weapons guys??
If this is O/T only for SWAT guys there will alot of questions.
If I were in patrol and decided not to take the SWAT test for whatever reason (like the $$$ out of my pocket) and then find out there is O/T available only for them I would be pissed. This sounds like when only housing got the CHA O/T. Look what happened with that

7/01/2008 04:54:00 PM

Your not getting it why? The Commissioer at Midway talked to the mayor and wants only badged employees of cpd who work at the airport to be have the extra sorry guess "no money for you asshat"! Starts sept 01 no more outside at midway! So mr useless hog dectective how much do you bleed in o.t. per month for doing shit?

7/01/2008 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cline said the same thing about only using Sergeants with prior detective experience in the D Unit. NOPE. More than half of the Sergeants now in the detective division were NOT detectives beforehand. When he got called on it he decided that every Sergeant that wasn't a detective should have 3 months of detective familiarity training so that he could say they have all been in the detective division before.
I personally think the Sergenats should have been Detectives, but there are some good Patrolman that make Sergeant that would do a good job in the D-uit but didn't have the chance. They will learn and succeed. Others, not so much. Why not just use Sergenats that were actually on the street working as a qualification. No house mouse desk jockies or administrative people unless they are only going to be assigned CMO.

7/01/2008 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peterson is just trying to eradicate everything cline had done, whatever its his bureau.
If the dept was full of wysingers and byrnes what a wonderful world this would be, both know how to treat you like a human being. They both praise you in public and criticize you in private.
Everett wanted that spot for his retirement, you can bet it has something to do with a job after CPD. If you go to his retirement party get him some deodorant or at least a sweat towel.

7/02/2008 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we need a new position,,,detective sergeant,,only detectives should be able to test for this NEW position,,we constantly lose detective experience when the best are promoted and get lost in patrol,,,we need to follow the new york model,,keep the talent and experience in the d unit

7/02/2008 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the city they created and this is the city they now have to live in. You and your media friends can blame whoever they want. The cops on the beat or the the Sgt's in Area 2. Lie all you want, it won't change the truth.

7/01/2008 05:25:00 PM

Great Post !!!

7/02/2008 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in area 4 and can honestly say that some of our best sgts were guys that were never dets, period; treated people well, didn't act like they knew it all or tried to run our investigations.
The poster who talked about patrol sgts should stfu, they sign reports after being on the street all night long, in most cases the job has been handled for hours, sometimes by arrest, too late to be changing things after it's been approved, especially now that it is all computerized, and sorry, some of the felony files need plenty of scrutiny, just because we became detectives doesn't mean we immediately became the almighty paper writers and know it alls, get over yourself, it's just a job...

7/02/2008 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peterson is the biggest proponent of no detective experience supervisors I've met. Look at the sgt's that were his picks at Area 4. ---

Who cares. A sgt. doesnt have to have det. experience to work in the d unit. I dealt with some "exp." det. sgts. and I wasnt too impressed. One female now runs the office for Bryne. Clout baby who never had a bad job!!

7/02/2008 04:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. Change the commanders every 18 months. We all worked for one that brings in people he "knows" and steps over the workers that have been in the district before him and will be there after him. They get too comfortable and end up only taking care of their own.

Change is good

7/02/2008 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moving senior managers around is a good thing. Every year and a half might be a little more often than is ideal, but people get too comfortable after a while.

The military has a similar practice. Seems to work OK for them.

7/02/2008 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They got their witness "protections"; cameras; consent form upon consent form for lineups, DNA swabs, hospital records, etc.; DNA tests on every BS case to bog down the whole system; wasting everyone's time on every single tiny detail to stall progress on real cases; turning police shootings into lawsuit defense projects rather than criminal investigations; juries who never believe the police; ASAs whose standard is absolute guarantee of conviction or no approval; making sure every report is written to avoid a lawsuit rather than convict a criminal.
While it may make it easier on individual police officers if some o these things didn't have to happen, you seem to be forgetting how it is that they came to be in the first place.

You guys are going to pay for the sins of a few of your brothers in blue for a very long time.

7/02/2008 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its time to do a best and worst white shirt thread so j-fed can read who we think are good and bad.

7/02/2008 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey J-Fraud, Have your FBI buddies caught that guy in Boston, James Bolger, yet? The guy on your 10 mkost wanted list.
You know, the one who had half the FBI on his payroll?

Think they really want to catch him? Doubtful. They might have to give back all that cash he showered on them.

By the way, did you ever work in Boston J-Fraud?

7/02/2008 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be a grievance, the Commissioner can't decide who gets special employment, it's a seniority and fairtness issue, it has to be opened up to everyone, by senority.

7/02/2008 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

badged employees of cpd who work at the airport
So, get badged, it only takes an hour... they should have a training session like they did for the movie detail, then you get your badge.

7/02/2008 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Peterson, not Petersen...Thanks!

7/02/2008 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a little more complexity to this story than reported.

I remember when the Commander of 012 was promoted to Chief of Detectives. He transferred in a large group of supervisors who had worked for him in 012. Some were good, some were superb. But some were completely clueless about the responsibilities of a detective, and of the many, many tasks which are part of a good investigation.

Add to that lack of knowledge an unwillingness to learn, and you have a serious problem. It isn't a morale problem, since these detectives knew what they were required to do, under the federal, state, and city laws, integrated with their own internal moral code.

No, the problem became one of trust. For in the progress of an investigation, there needs to be discussion with knowledgeable people, to ascertain the superior direction in which to move. Without any trust in the immediate supervisor, the detectives had to rely on themselves to do what they believed was best. Then, since the supervisor was left out of the loop, he or she would sabotage the investigation, by ordering them to do some senseless task which merely wasted time, but fed his ego.

So - there are competent and knowledgeable superivors throughout the department. Neither Peterson nor Byrne have the inner gift of prescience to know which will actually perform the detective supervisor job more effectively.

That's why there are two of them, not to mention the Deputy Chiefs, the Commanders of the Areas, and the Lieutenants to hash out who is to be transferred in. Discussion among them is going to occur. Sometimes loudly.

I do wonder however, about the person who works in that office, who found it necessary to report this disagreement. I wonder about that person's loyalty to the Police Department, to the Detective Division and to their own personal self.

It sure seems petty after looking at the situation from a wider perspective, don't you think?

7/02/2008 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
A District Commanders Job is one of the toughest jobs in the Department

I don't fuckin' think so buck-o! Nor are the Unit Commanding Officers job too tough either.

By the by - switching bosses every 18 months? Great... I no more than get a boss broken in so they let you work and they leave.
Can't say I've been sad to see some go, but at least by that time they knew who to bring the heater cases to first and not bring us in after the clout whacks have tainted the witnesses and blown the line-ups.

7/02/2008 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You guys are going to pay for the sins of a few of your brothers in blue for a very long time.

7/02/2008 08:31:00 AM"

And who else is going to be paying?

Think about it.

7/02/2008 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel this story is bullshit.
Byrne and Peterson are friends. I beleive Peterson helped put Byrne in this spot. Tom Byrne is a competent boss, knows his stuff and is wllling to listen and learn. He knows when to listen and when to speak.

Classsic and a real rarity in police bosses, real common sense and a gentleman.

NOw to Peterson, not a bad guy unless you attached yourself to the Maher disaster. He does, at times, have odd choices in Sgt.s in his old Area 4 unit. Some real yellow-bellies who were really "ACHING" and chicken shits.

Go figure it out.

7/02/2008 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You guys are going to pay for the sins of a few of your brothers in blue for a very long time."

Wrong. You are going to pay for it with these animals out roaming the streets looking for prey instead of fearing the police and/or in jail where they belong.

7/02/2008 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your not getting it why? The Commissioer at Midway talked to the mayor and wants only badged employees of cpd who work at the airport to be have the extra sorry guess "no money for you asshat"! Starts sept 01 no more outside at midway! So mr useless hog dectective how much do you bleed in o.t. per month for doing shit?

Can someone who makes sense answer my questions??
You sir, are a mush!

7/02/2008 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. Change the commanders every 18 months. We all worked for one that brings in people he "knows" and steps over the workers that have been in the district before him and will be there after him. They get too comfortable and end up only taking care of their own.

Change is good

7/02/2008 04:42:00 AM

"They take care of their own"(ie: the ones who have never{other than P.P.O. status} worked the streets - or those that have judicial pull. Sorry, they are one-in-the-same).
GREAT IDEA, MOVE C/O's EVERY 18mos. They may bring in new ideas, and clean house.
On a bad note, ANY inside possition (be it CAPS or d/c sec)shoud not be given to ANYONE with less than 20YRS of "STREET" experience. An Officer with 28yrs. was killed today! ANY inside spot, should be reserved for those that have EARNED it!!!!!!!!!!! not political hacks!

7/02/2008 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peterson is the biggest proponent of no detective experience supervisors I've met. Look at the sgt's that were his picks at Area 4. ---

Who cares. A sgt. doesnt have to have det. experience to work in the d unit. I dealt with some "exp." det. sgts. and I wasnt too impressed. One female now runs the office for Bryne. Clout baby who never had a bad job!!

7/02/2008 04:37:00 AM

What is your point? Go back and read SCC's post you fucking twit. You should be a D sergeant...no reading fucking comprehension skills. I bet your supps would make good shitpaper.

7/02/2008 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Your not getting it why? The Commissioer at Midway talked to the mayor and wants only badged employees of cpd who work at the airport to be have the extra sorry guess "no money for you asshat"! Starts sept 01 no more outside at midway! So mr useless hog dectective how much do you bleed in o.t. per month for doing shit?

Can someone who makes sense answer my questions??
You sir, are a mush!

7/02/2008 06:22:00 PM

Sorry I am a lady blew you mind but not your load huh! ;)

7/02/2008 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have worked for Sgt A.N in A/1. I believe he is knowledgeable. I don't agree with all his decisions but would listen because I believe he is experienced enough to have a reason for his beliefs.

7/03/2008 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

07/02 12:06,

If experience gets you a thirty % clearance rate, keep it genius!

7/03/2008 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone who makes sense answer my questions??
You sir, are a mush!

7/02/2008 06:22:00 PM

Sorry I am a lady blew you mind but not your load huh! ;)

7/02/2008 09:43:00 PM


7/04/2008 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im no petersen fan but at least that disgrace to the uniform maria maher is finally gone.

7/24/2008 12:04:00 AM  

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