Friday, October 03, 2008

ASA's Continue Attack

  • Cook County Circuit Judge Thomas Gainer set bail today at $50,000 for a Chicago police officer who had DUI charges dismissed against him in a fatal November crash only to be indicted last week in the same Roscoe Village car accident that killed two men.

    The judge also rejected a request from prosecutors to confiscate the John Ardelean's service weapon.

$50, 000 is about the lowest possible bail in a case like this. For a judge to set a bail this low, he knows that something stinks. And even after the judge set bail so improbably low, the ASA makes a request for Ardelean's gun.

Is this because Ardelean has been threatening witnesses? No. It's because without a gun or being banned from carrying a gun means Ardelean can't be assigned to callback and therefore he has no income (at least no City income) and therefore he wouldn't be able to mount a vigorous defense based on the inadmissibility of the State's "evidence."

After the Nifong disbarment out east, one would think that lawyers everywhere would take a step back and maybe actually review and understand the law. But then again, Illinois has always been friendlier to incompetent lawyers. They usually end up getting elected here.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

keep helping out the asa's give them your cell number your home address whatever they want...the asa's will fuck you over every time i hope people will realize that now..convicting a cop of anything now a days is probably better than a murderer in cook county

10/03/2008 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go get em John! B-I-G payday waiting for you at the end. Kick back and enjoy the ride. Try not to laugh too much! ;-) hehehe

10/03/2008 01:18:00 AM  
Blogger 12GA. said...

Off Topic:

The following excerpt from an article out of London, might serve to give J-Fed a pause to reflect of what's in store for him:

Under pressure from new mayor, London's police chief steps down after tenure of controversies

LONDON (AP) _ London's police chief had weathered controversy over terrorist attacks and the shooting death of an innocent man, but he quit Thursday, done in by a showdown with the city's new mayor.

Sir Ian Blair's announcement came as a surprise. It is unusual for the force's top officer to resign early — his contract ran through 2010 — and even more rare to openly air political disagreements.

Blair made a point of telling reporters that he was being forced out by Mayor Boris Johnson rather than any criticism of his dramatic time at the Metropolitan Police.

"The new mayor made clear, in a very pleasant but determined way, that he wished there to be a change of leadership at the Met," Blair said. "Without the mayor's backing, I do not consider that I can continue in the job."

10/03/2008 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But then again, Illinois has always been friendlier to incompetent lawyers."

Too bad they are on "our side".

10/03/2008 03:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Nifong case is a good example of what should be happening to these lawyers. We get screwed for doing our jobs, so should they. The do carry badges and call themselves law enforcement, don't they? Welcome to the club.

10/03/2008 05:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many ASAs do you think are working for criminals? We all know former ASAs who now defend drug dealers. Don't you think there are a few who are working it from the inside? Hundreds of millions of dollars are made my drug dealers in Chicago. They have infiltrated police departments. I'm sure they have a few working for them as ASA's and maybe a couple of judges.

This type of shit has been going on since the Capone days. But hey, you can never question the big bad lawyer, can you?

10/03/2008 05:36:00 AM  
Blogger Too Many Rectums said...

Since Dick Devine took over, I noticed a big drop in knowledge for ASA's for DUI in Traffic Court. When O'Malley was State's Attorney, the ASA's seemed sharper and had a clue. A long time ago, a guy named Pete Troy was in charge of the ASA's in Traffic Court and the ASA's under him knew what they were doing. Present day ASA's appear indifferent and look at P.O.s with contempt. I remember having fun in my major room at 321 N. La Salle. Maybe it's me being an aging baby-boomer police officer getting older, but the new generation ASA's today are not up to the quality of past ASA's.

10/03/2008 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again and again the asa's prove they are not friends of ours! Why do they take the job? Simple! They are not qualified to be a real counsel! Like the 1 comment states, I will never give my cell out to them, let them do their easy job and notify us! What a bunch of liberal jagoffs! Hope your drunk in my district or any violation, "I am an ASA", "Oh ok get out of the car", Then I will personally nitify the press and make it a "heater" case like they did to John!!

10/03/2008 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go get em John! B-I-G payday waiting for you at the end. Kick back and enjoy the ride. Try not to laugh too much! ;-) hehehe

10/03/2008 01:18:00 AM

What big payday are you talking about? State Law, you CAN'T sue the ASA's or judges and it's not the city charging him for this. The ASA's know they can't be sued which is why they continue to do whatever they want to make headlines.

10/03/2008 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is prosecutoral misconduct plain and simple. I hope this comes back to haunt the ASA they no damn well there is no case here but chose to go ahead this is so wrong.

10/03/2008 08:37:00 AM  
Blogger Colin Howe said...

I'm still trying to understand this case... didn't the cop in question not get a breathalyzer until hours after the accident? And, isn't there video of him doing shots before he drove his car?

Look, I'm the last guy to "pile on" cops just because they're cops, but if this guy was a DUI, then he should get punished, cop or not.

10/03/2008 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Violation of Civil Rights, call Attorney and Feds NOW John, file the Complaints in Federal Court.

10/03/2008 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can we contribute to a defense fund?

We need to see that Democrat Alvarez is NOT elected States Attorney...or else there will be more bad new like this.

State safe, vote and see that all your family and friends vote anti-Democratic.

10/03/2008 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. ASAs working as "moles" for the drug dealers. Some great thinking there. Way to help the credibility of this blog.

10/03/2008 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there were sos guys working at callback after being indicted for multiple class x felonies. the gun restriction was amended on felony bond form. so ardelean should have no problem getting the same from asa. if he doesn't, then it's definitely personal.

10/03/2008 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How many ASAs do you think are working for criminals? We all know former ASAs who now defend drug dealers. Don't you think there are a few who are working it from the inside? Hundreds of millions of dollars are made my drug dealers in Chicago."...
10/03/2008 05:36:00 AM

There is a huge list of ASA's that have made a name for themselves and went on to a private firm (where the money is), or started their own practice defending these shitheads out there! Then there is the other side of the coin, want to go from 2nd chair to 1st? Make a name for yourself! Get to a “special Prosecution” unit? Make a name for yourself. Want to be a Judge? Make a name for yourself. Right now, the ASA’s office actually thinks that the majority of these cases at 26th and Cal that CPD is involved in are screwed up in some way by CPD! (bogus confessions, planted evidence, lies on case reports…) So the easiest way to make a name for yourself at the ASA’s office is by jumping on the band wagon and bash the Chicago Police. To them, prosecuting a Police Officer is a feather in their cap! (Kinda like this 3 letter federal investigative/law enforcement branch we all know and love!)

Sad, aint it!

10/03/2008 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the public and victims actually knew the back door deals that are made, they would flip. Yes people, the ASA's reduce charges, plead out defendants to a mear slap on the hand just to get the cases off of the docket and reduce their case load. Cook County, great place to live if you like crime.

10/03/2008 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT -

I wonder how much a "speaker" gets paid by the city to conduct these seminars.
This guy is Sgt. R. Ham^!t*#'$ best friend.
I'm not saying that he is not qualified, I'm saying how much is he getting paid and are other trauma doctors in Chicago offered this same opportunity?
We all know the answer!

Speaker Series

This course brings critical life-saving training to all levels of law enforcement and non-medically trained individuals.
This course is designed to maximize officer survival in tactically challenging environments.
Given by:
Dr. Andrew Dennis
Attending Surgeon, Trauma and Burn Unit, Cook County Hospital
Chairman, Department of Surgery at Midwestern University
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Rush University
SWAT Team Surgeon for Northern Illinois Police Alarm System (NIPAS-ERT)

Thursday, 23 October 08, 0900 until 1600 hours
Multi-purpose Room, Headquarters
All Department members are invited to attend this training opportunity. Seating is limited, please register in advance at the E-Learning website, login, click on catalog, enter the keyword: “medical tactics” and enroll. Refreshments will be served, including a box lunch.
Karen M. Bartuch
Chicago Police Department
Superintendent's Policy Group
3510 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60653
Office: 312-745-6145
Facsimile: 312-745-6963
Cell: 312-399-1995

10/03/2008 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After months of denying the City of Chicago was planning for riots if Obama wins ore loses the election an internal memo has surfaced to confirm the concern. Supt. Jody Weis has updated a memo that set forth plans if the Cubs or Sox went into the World Series. It planned for celebratory unrest and or mass arrests. The order was updated to include election night and possible violent riots! The internal memo dated 22 Sept 08 asks all police units to take inventory of tear gas (pepper spray) and dispensers along with CS gas (military tear gas) and dispensers. Units are to have their request for emergency purchase orders in by 3 Oct 08. What was added to the Cubs/Sox order was planning on the anticipated monitoring of planned and coordinated civil disobedience. (i.e. celebration riots if Obama wins & violent riots if he losses). Equipment & supply is to prepare mass arrest boxes for gang and tactical teams. Training Academy is to provide refresher training for gang and tact teams in civil unrest, mass arrest, and first amendment issues. Exempt members will met every Monday to coordinate and the 1st deputy will provide the Supt. With a weekly report which outlines progress and requirements.

Let the overtime begin!

10/03/2008 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least the judge had the good sense to let him keep his weapon. Who knows when a nut job will go after him, in view of the media coverage.

10/03/2008 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't paint all ASA's with such a broad brush. Afterall, JA's attorney, Tom Needham, is a former ASA. Smart, successful, honest as hell, and knows the ropes.

10/03/2008 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First Off everyone should realize ASA's only get there through political connections.
Second Most come out of law school with a serious condensending attitude.
This could be a cover, for realizing they are totally untrained and overworked.
They know PO's are making more than they are.
They look at us as incompetent thugs.
We bring them cases, that they do not know how to present.
Plea bargain everyone, and lets keep the case load down.
They soon look for the fastest way out of the job.
Few stay.

10/03/2008 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC you know as well as anybody that the rank and file ASAs are not responsible for this case or any of the cases of which you have complained. Its the supervisors and bosses in that office, not the courtroom ASAs, that make those decisions. Holding all ASAs responsible is like holding every cop responsible for the decisions that J-Fed makes.

10/03/2008 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in the courtroom for this hearing and it was a travesty what the ASA was trying to do. The biggest travesty of this courtcall was that the case that was heard immediately prior to Ardelean's case and ironicly right after the Jefferson Tap case was the women on trial for murdering Officer Rick Francis!

All three cases were in the same court room on the same day. I thought the media was there for the psycho bitch that murdered a police officer. NO...not a mention in the paper. But the officer that the media is dragging through the mud was all over the news.

FYI..The case against Rick's murderer is continued until 21 October in Judge Gainer's Courtroom-Room 302 at 9:30.....The same day the officers from the Jefferson Tap case were continued
till......I wonder which one the media will mention? Dragging officers through the mud and ruining their lives obviously makes viewers tune in.

10/03/2008 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rest In Peace Brother Nate...
A few days ago, I too had an epiphany in court like so many working police officers. ASA's really do not care about the well-being of CPD officers. We are second class citizens and not worth their time or energy.
Back in August, as I was coming into work I observed an offender acting very insolent and suspicious...attempting to open at least 9 po's personal car doors...fighting with me in my own vehicle...fighting me "tooth and nail" for no less than 10 min (I literally was exhausted and had reached my limits of human endurance), knowing full well I had no handcuffs or backup coming! That's the short end of it.
Offender was charged with:
Agg Bat to P.O
Resist/Obstruct-Peace Officer/Correctional Emp
Criminal Damage to Property

Now, this particular Boy Scout has an extremely violent background and his family is known as being "police fighters" in 006.

The fact that he took a brick to an officer on Midnights personal 2008 Toyota vehicle did not even come to play.ASA asked me was I injured? Yes, both arms and legs. I went to the hospital for the injuries sustained. ASA's decision...give the NASA technician a month or two of SWAP.
The saintly individual even admitted to the detective that he broke out the Midnight officer's driver side window.
Now, I read all the negative, cowardly comments on here telling me I should have let the guy go, but let me remind you, he was in our personal vehicles police lot trying to break into OUR cars.
Sadly, those of you who said I should have done nothing...proved that the "Thin Blue" is not as strong as it used to be. We, collectively, MUST regain our ability to be the police. The City is burning and Nero is playing his violin...TRUST ME, I have already witnessed the horrors of a lawless society. I do not wish to revisit anarchy again.

P.O Martin E. Tully
006th District 2nd Watch


10/03/2008 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.O Tully...who is telling you that you should have done nothing? They are cowards themselves. This asshole should be in jail, and yet I'm not at all surprised by the outcome. It is part of the reason that nobody wants to work anymore. I truly believe that karma is a bitch, and hopefully it will come back to bite that piece of shit in the ass.

10/03/2008 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not all ASA's get there by clout me on that one.....there are some hard workers who f'ing earn their spot there and want to make a difference. Saying BS like that is like saying all cops are high school d-bags who just want a badge and a gun to push people around.......generalizations go both ways....this coming from someone very pro-cop....stay safe out there

10/03/2008 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to understand this case... didn't the cop in question not get a breathalyzer until hours after the accident? And, isn't there video of him doing shots before he drove his car?

Look, I'm the last guy to "pile on" cops just because they're cops, but if this guy was a DUI, then he should get punished, cop or not.

10/03/2008 08:37:00 AM
Colin. How many times can you be told that HE WAS NOT AT FAULT for it to matter to you? Dead guys blew a stop sign, copper smashes into him, dead guys are dead. Why should the copper be charged with reckless homocide because two fucking morons ran a stop sign? Who was reckless in this situation?

The police have the same protections legally as you. The evidence was obtained through a administrative procedure in which he was forced to abandon his civil rights. Do you see a problem now?

10/04/2008 04:10:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

7:07 PM

Brother "Purple Shades" keepin' it real!

Stay safe, Marty!

God bless Nate Taylor.

10/04/2008 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answered the phone at the desk the other morning and it was an ASA from 26 & Cal. (failed to get his name) but he wanted to verify if a certain PO was on furlo, even tho' he stated the Police Room had told him the PO was on furlo. He then demanded to know when the PO would return from furlo, I told him the PO was on 3rd watch and we would not know, or he could call the front office and they might know. He then said, in essence but not verbatim, that you all need a new order that would make us notify them of our furlo's and lengths of same. Needless to say he got passed to the desk sgt., but what got me was his tone of voice, and he really was talking down to this lowly PO. He truly sounded like he was trying to deviate the PO.

10/04/2008 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without a breathalyzer result after being given his Implied Consent Warnings, they have nothing. The Administrative blow is inadmissable as he was ordered to do so, which would violate his Fifth Amendment Rights.

I guess Cook County ASA's never read The Constitution.

10/04/2008 02:12:00 PM  
Blogger Have it Better Than Most said...

P.O Martin E. Tully
006th District 2nd Watch


10/03/2008 07:07:00 PM

SCREW THEM, I am glad you did something when you saw mopey messing with your co-workers cars... Nice Job!!

10/04/2008 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today at rollcall, I received a letter from the Office of the State's Attorney concerning my case I shared with you yesterday.
The offender was sentenced to two years probation. This was good news to read! In my opinion the two years probation was far better than the SWAP Community Service I was originally told the offender would get. I was just thankful the offender was convicted of Agg. Battery to PO. One for the good guys!
The offender was additionally charged with $575.00 in fines and the People recommended IDOC.
I just wanted the truth to be stated from my case above.

P.O Martin E. Tully
006th District-2nd Watch


10/04/2008 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't fret about this. There isn't enough evidence to convict the officer, and everyone knows it.
Sure, it's going to set him back somewhat in attorney's fees, which a couple of quietly held fund raisers can restore the hole in his wallet. Let Devine and his minions have their little bullshit trial, the quicker the better, and this officer can put this behind him and move on. And for those of you who believe you can still go out to these clubs and carry on like you did in your co-ed days without repercussions? Forgetaboutit! Be responsible.
YOU ARE THE POLICE. Once you accept this job, you have, in essence, forfeited all rights as a private citizen? Think I'm lying?
How much proof do you need? Far too many bars have cameras in them to protect the owners (liability wise). "One and done" is the only way to go in the clubs now.

10/04/2008 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marty, don’t let their shit talking get to you. They are the last ones to show up to help another P/O on the street and would be the first to cry to a boss when they don’t get what they want. Unlike you, these people have no honor or integrity. Unfortunately, over the years I have noticed more and more of these types coming on. To not give a shit about the animals is one thing, but to not help a fellow P/O when they are in the right is something totally different. If we had a few hundred more P/O’s and some bosses like you this job would be fun again.

Take care of yourself,
009 P/O

10/04/2008 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't paint all ASA's with such a broad brush. Afterall, JA's attorney, Tom Needham, is a former ASA. Smart, successful, honest as hell, and knows the ropes.

10/03/2008 04:58:00 PM

You mean: Wired like a muthafucka!.

10/04/2008 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First Off everyone should realize ASA's only get there through political connections.
Second Most come out of law school with a serious condensending attitude.
This could be a cover, for realizing they are totally untrained and overworked.
They know PO's are making more than they are.
They look at us as incompetent thugs.
We bring them cases, that they do not know how to present.
Plea bargain everyone, and lets keep the case load down.
They soon look for the fastest way out of the job.
Few stay.

10/03/2008 05:06:00 PM

They are a bunch of dumbshits. No one that goes to a reputable law school and graduates at the top of his/her class becomes an ASA, After all, what kind of retard goes through three years of postgrad schooling only to make LESS than a Chicago Cop? Idiots, one and all.

10/04/2008 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answered the phone at the desk the other morning and it was an ASA from 26 & Cal. (failed to get his name) but he wanted to verify if a certain PO was on furlo, even tho' he stated the Police Room had told him the PO was on furlo. He then demanded to know when the PO would return from furlo, I told him the PO was on 3rd watch and we would not know, or he could call the front office and they might know. He then said, in essence but not verbatim, that you all need a new order that would make us notify them of our furlo's and lengths of same. Needless to say he got passed to the desk sgt., but what got me was his tone of voice, and he really was talking down to this lowly PO. He truly sounded like he was trying to deviate the PO.

10/04/2008 12:38:00 PM
You should have dropped your nut sack and told him to eat a dick. That information is none of his fucking business, if he wants to know then he should call the officer. Besides if he was excused than that little pussy can deviate all he wants, it ain't doing shit. FUCK HIM

10/05/2008 04:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Screw all those idiots talking about you Tully...those of us who know you also know ur the real police and when a bad mf like you sees someone disrespecting us via our property or other means ur going to make them regret crossing your path. keep keeping it real.

10/05/2008 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:09 a.m.

Yeah, there's never been a dirty judge or lawyer in Chicago. They're here to help you because they respect you so much.

10/05/2008 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wow. ASAs working as "moles" for the drug dealers. Some great thinking there. Way to help the credibility of this blog.

10/03/2008 11:09:00 AM

Yeah,your right.....they ,the ASA"S
are all very honest. They would never do anything wrong.They would never have a thug working for them.They would never leave the State's Attorney's office and defend the same drug dealing,murdering,raping,stealing, drunk driving,rock slinging pieces of shit that they were trying to put in jail the week before.

10/05/2008 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marty, your old man raised you right. You didn't run from the fight. You had a choice "fight or flee". You put your co-workers property ahead of your own safety. That was fucking admirable! Goddamn when I see you walking around I swear I'm looking at your old man from the OLD building. He too was one that never let a badguy disrespect the police. You are of the same cloth. Tell the old man I wish him good health. Now that guy deserves to enjoy a long retirement. Stay safe Kid. We need you healthy and strong. By the way, 2 yrs probation makes me wanna puke!

10/05/2008 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful Purple ain't in 009 anymore homey. You are now facing the real deal out there! Nothing but danger.

10/05/2008 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't paint all ASA's with such a broad brush. Afterall, JA's attorney, Tom Needham, is a former ASA. Smart, successful, honest as hell, and knows the ropes.

10/03/2008 04:58:00 PM

You mean: Wired like a muthafucka!.

10/04/2008 10:18:00 PM

Wired and also overcharges coppers for everything a true thief!

10/05/2008 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marty your a tool! What kind of nutball worries that much about a motor vehicle? Who gives a shit about someone breaking into cars? We don't even have a contract and your trying to make arrests off duty. Your a tool!
By the way, Johnny Cash called and said he wants his wardrobe back.

10/05/2008 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who gives a shit about someone breaking into cars?

10/05/2008 11:16:00 PM"

If you really believe this, post your vehicle's plate number, your home address and the watch you work.

Wait a week or so, and see if you still don't give a shit.

10/06/2008 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tully, you are tough and physical. I'd have you as my wing man any chance I could get. Fuck them do-nothings giving you a hard time. Thank God there are still coppers like you in 006!

10/06/2008 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't drink and drive.

10/06/2008 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm an ASA. You guys are right. Our office is wrong. This prosecution is ENTIRELY political. I guarantee Officer Ardelean will win this case. I know it seems like many of us are against you, but not all of us are. Keep up the good work.

10/06/2008 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love listening to you guys interpretting the Constitution, railing on about how stupid ASAs are and how little we know about the law. To the constitutional scholar who said the results of an administrative blow are not admissible because they are a violation of the 5th amendment, try reading People v. Rolfingsmeyer. This case holds that blood and breath tests are physical evidence and not communicative evidence that would violate an accused's right to remain silent. Ardelean's blow is entirely admissible. I guess those ASAs DO read the constitution. Perhaps you need to brush up on it before you spout off again.

10/06/2008 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tully! Nice job on defending the police lot in 006. Was it worth the pain and aggravation? Probably not. You were always stubborn. $20 bucks says you will again volunteer for the new SOS unit.
Didn't you learn enough from the disbandment this time last year? Guys like you are a dime a dozen. Betcha you still wearing them purple sunglasses too? God love you for giving a shit though! Talked with people who know you in 006 and from I hear, you still the same dedicated copper you was before. Like I said stubborn.

10/07/2008 05:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/07/2008 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Needham? Is that the son of the piss-pot responsible for the checkerboard hatband? Is he the sell-out turkey who tried to deep six the testimony, and credibilty, of a PPO working the desk in 023 when Daniel Taylor committed a dope burn double homicide in 1993? Needdham would sell you, his mother, and any policemen in the same lot. He is indeed cut from the same cloth.

10/07/2008 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not being able to sue the ASA's or judges stinks of cronyism at best! Get past the law somehow! There have got to be attorneys who know how to get around this shit!

How about DOUBLE JEOPARDY? I thought a person couldn't be tried twice for the same crime?

God bless you guys and gals at the CPD! There are a whole bunch of us who are citizens and we love you for what you do and what it means!

10/08/2008 03:31:00 PM  

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