Friday, October 03, 2008

Nice Article

  • Through hard work and donations, volunteers have been able to identify and add gravestones to the resting places of many police officers who died in the line of duty.

    Rosehill, located in the Ravenswood community, is Chicago's oldest and largest non-sectarian commentary. It's the final resting place for Chicago Police Officer Phillip Robinson killed in the line of duty in 1887. The gravesite is old but the marker is new; it was put there recently by a group of volunteers because the burial took place without one. Norman Schwartz of the Chicago Jewish Historical Society is one of them.

    Officer Henry McDowell was killed in the line of duty on September 7th 1892. His marker and others placed by volunteers were donated by Tom Gast of Gast Monuments.

A noble cause to remember our fallen. Especially in light of today's funeral. God Bless Nate Taylor and all of the CPD Officers taken before their Tour was completed.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/03/2008 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

off topic: police chase in 008. i'm in 003 and heard a bunch of sirens west of the ryan so i switched over to zone6 to see what was going on. have to say that was one of the more entertaining chases i ever heard. good job 806e and whoever else was over there. chopper made it over there pretty fast from the north side.

10/03/2008 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a 2nd watch lt. in 020 is acting w.c on 3rd watch and is refusing to allow cars to go to the wake of a fellow officer. he should never see anymore activity from anyone on his watch when he is w.c.

I think you guys know what to do...
What an ASSHOLE. What's his name so we all know who the fucking jagoff is that wouldn't let you go to a police officers wake.
These bosses are just unbelievable now a days.

10/03/2008 01:56:00 AM  
Blogger Det. Shaved Longcock said...

As beautiful as a thing it is for all those citizens involved in placing these markers on the graves, it is a total shame that with all the money this city blows that it is up to private citizens to place markers on the graves of police officers killed in the line of duty. I don't care if that officer was killed 100 years ago or yesterday. How much can a marker or tombstone cost? Especially if the city asked a company to supply them all at a discounted volume rate.

It is truly sad that due to the corruption and the spending habits of these elected officials, that a city the size of Chicago can not purchase grave markers for police officers, firefighters and other first responders killed in the line of duty.

I hope each and every police officer and firefighter reading this actually thinks about this. You are KILLED IN THE LINE AND DUTY and you get a "paupers' field” burial.

This city will hand out thousands of dollars to illegal aliens who can't afford their rent, their utilities just to mention a few freebies.... but "US"... we get SHIT!

The time is coming and I believe soon that the citizens will get so pissed off at what is happening, that they will take it to the streets and city hall. Not just here in Chicago but across the nation.

10/03/2008 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless all officers that were taken away from us too soon. As we all can see our family is getting smaller and smaller. The visitation at brother Nate's wake last night was outstanding. Nate will always be that brightest star in the sky. If you never had the pleasure of meeting Nate like I did upon joining the unit. I can honestly say you missed out on meeting one of the best men that god gave to this earth. Everything that you heard on the news, read in the papers and by word of mouth about Nate is right on and then some. My team and I had that pleasure of work with and enjoying Nate's short life. All of the unit will truley miss Nate. As big as he was he wouldn't hurt a soul. The words that best describe Nate if you didn't know him are "The Gentle Giant". That alone should describe the man that Nate was. God bless you and your family my brother and may you rest in peace.

Dan Nunez / Unit 189

10/03/2008 03:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shavedlongcock is so right in his post. Why doesn't this city buy tombstones for these fallen officers? Chicago and Mayor Daley can find money to give to every tax absorbing low life in this city but once again nothing for the people who give so much to this city.

I would like to know if the city of Chicago even donated any money at all to this venture?

10/03/2008 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to what Det. SLC said - yeah my dad died in 1982, and there was tons of support from his fellow officers but little from the dept. The army gave us a headstone for him. Ironically, my dad hated his time in the army, but lived and breathed for the job.
About 15 years after his death, my mom and older sister replaced the stone with a marker that included his star and star #. He's over at St. Boniface.

10/03/2008 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll never forget Porterfield's "Someone You Should Know" interview with the late "Chairman Fred" Hampton's brother.

10/03/2008 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your comment Shaved - I'm sure you are well aware of the Battle of Athens that happened in Tennessee just after WWII? Perhaps history's repeating itself, and that's why Shortshanks sticks to firmly to his "gun ban?"

Don't worry; even law-abiding citizens are willing to bend the unconstitutional law - we have your back, so long as you have ours. What's Daley going to do, order the massacre of hundreds of armed police officers and citizens? He's not the one doing the shooting, and I doubt that his detail would either.

Pick a date in advance, and make it public.

10/03/2008 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

? My great grandfather was CPD. Back in the day of horsedrawn wagons. His wagon overturned and eventually died of internal injuries due to this. Is this considered in the line of duty?

10/03/2008 10:07:00 AM  
Blogger Loaded Dice said...

Detective ShavedLongcock said...
As beautiful as a thing it is for all those citizens involved in placing these markers on the graves, it is a total shame that with all the money this city blows that it is up to private citizens to place markers on the graves of police officers killed in the line of duty. I don't care if that officer was killed 100 years ago or yesterday. How much can a marker or tombstone cost? Especially if the city asked a company to supply them all at a discounted volume rate.

It is truly sad that due to the corruption and the spending habits of these elected officials, that a city the size of Chicago can not purchase grave markers for police officers, firefighters and other first responders killed in the line of duty.

I hope each and every police officer and firefighter reading this actually thinks about this. You are KILLED IN THE LINE AND DUTY and you get a "paupers' field” burial.

This city will hand out thousands of dollars to illegal aliens who can't afford their rent, their utilities just to mention a few freebies.... but "US"... we get SHIT!

The time is coming and I believe soon that the citizens will get so pissed off at what is happening, that they will take it to the streets and city hall. Not just here in Chicago but across the nation.

Shaved has said what needed to be said. We are third class citizens who have no rights and are thought of as supernumeraries. We are damned it we do and damned if we don't. Act accordingly.....

God Save the CPD...........

Retired in 2003......

10/03/2008 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry Porterfield has always been a gentleman, an old school journalist. I've rarely, if ever, seen him slam or disrespect the police.

10/03/2008 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All real heroes. This should be all over the news. Police, Firefighters, Military, should be treated and receive more praise, recognition, and POSITIVE media time than ANY pro athlete. I wish all the morons who cry over cubs, sox, bears or any other team - shed a tear for the Hero at rest today, and for his family. What the Taylor Family and Chicago Police Family is experiencing is devastating and my prayers are with them and all those who have suffered a loss so tragic. Thanks CPD.

10/03/2008 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

a 2nd watch lt. in 020 is acting w.c on 3rd watch and is refusing to allow cars to go to the wake of a fellow officer. he should never see anymore activity from anyone on his watch when he is w.c.

I think you guys know what to do...
What an ASSHOLE. What's his name so we all know who the fucking jagoff is that wouldn't let you go to a police officers wake.
These bosses are just unbelievable now a days.

10/03/2008 01:56:00 AM

Who is he? What is this acting Watch Commander's name? What a total and complete ASSHOLE!

10/03/2008 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless you and Rest in Peace , Officer Taylor.
ISP D-Chgo

10/03/2008 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great big thank you for those helping in this charity.

Shavedlongcock is right, the city should at least be a donor to this program. This city is a rip off.

10/03/2008 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC, how bout giving a slain P.O.'s funeral top billing.
Sheesh, what the hell.
I could care less about some "nice article" today. all i care about is our fallen brother.
Would have thought everyone would feel the same way

10/03/2008 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey mayor daley... thanks for showing up to the funeral this morning...what do you know.. out of state again... how convinient

10/03/2008 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I attended Nate's funeral today.
Nice job on the speech Cedric, very well done.
Govenor Blago - Good Job. Your speech was from the heart and meaningful.
Now as for J-Fed and Mayor Daley's rep since the Mayor is never around - Give me a break (what bullshit) Neither of you care about us (troops on the street). Both your speeches were totaly fake.

Thank you goes out to all the officers (Illinois State Police, Cook County, Illinois Suburbs and all the CPD) that showed. The numbers were very impressive and well appreciated. A whopn' 581 cars in the percession.

RIP Nate!

10/03/2008 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
a 2nd watch lt. in 020 is acting w.c on 3rd watch and is refusing to allow cars to go to the wake of a fellow officer. he should never see anymore activity from anyone on his watch when he is w.c.

I think you guys know what to do...
What an ASSHOLE. What's his name so we all know who the fucking jagoff is that wouldn't let you go to a police officers wake.
These bosses are just unbelievable now a days.

10/03/2008 01:56:00 AM

That is Bullshit, several cars from the watch went there. More BR,DH and JS LIES.

10/03/2008 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I wanted to take a quick moment to say "Thank You" to all of the suburban guys, ISP, CCSP, etc. who came out last night to the wake and today for the funeral. I saw PO's from Phoenix, Elgin, Schaumburg, and all kinds of other suburbs and outlying regions. I also wanted to thank Oak Lawn PD for last night, each one that I encountered, a true class act. It was good to see so many brothers and sisters, I just regret how we came together. My hopes, prayers and best wishes for us and for all of them. BE SAFE!


10/03/2008 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city and the FOP couldn't spare a few bucks for this? What is wrong with this city?

10/03/2008 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did some research and failed to locate any blood kin to Mayor Shorty who are in the headstone business.

10/03/2008 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, but timely....I went to Nate's funeral today, very nice turnout, Pipes and Drums do the usual fine job, all the arrangements worked out fine (traffic and the like). a good job by all involved.
As with all Police funerals, it was very very sad. Emotionally draining. Memories of other friends/officers who have died. In the church, the Mass was beautiful. The music was fantastic, with the clarinetist standing out. Also the man who sang the spiritual was excellent. Fr. Nangle did not give the eulogy, the Pastor did and did alright as well. Speeches: Weis did ok, he seems to be getting better with the unfortunate experience. He actually made some comments where you might think that he respects what we do. I'll let everyone else be the judge of that. Blago spoke off the cuff, and well. Quoted that Lincoln speech from the Civil War. Nate's nephew (cousin?) the police officer, gave a GREAT talk, made some personal observations and then quoted a Bible passage which had been read at the wake the night before. He hit it out of the park, as commented on by Fr. Nangle "sound different when a police officer says it, doesn't it?". Too good. Then Nate's wife with the translator. Heartbreaking.
It was a very sad experience, the whole week. But the brotherhood was fantastic. Thanks to all of the outside departments who were there. To Oak Lawn at the wake, to all the Dept's on the route. To Alsip at the cemetery. To our own: Traffic Unit, 022 at the wake with help from 004 and 006 as well as all of the units working the funeral. Good job by all involved.

And now a note to the Mayor:

Where were you? Only a sick family member should have kept you away. A very sick relative. If you missed this funeral for any other reason, you should be ashamed. I will not get into your politics, as we disagree on many things. But missing this funeral is unforgivable. Your Chief of Staff did as well as could be expected, but in my opinion, and I was close, she was VERY uncomfortable, and not through her fault. Please, Mr. Mayor-tell us why you weren't there.

And finally to St. Xavier: A class move all the way. I am proud the be a Graduate of your Institution.

I am also proud to be a member of the Chicago Police Department.

God Bless Nate Taylor

Signed: a friend and former co-worker

10/03/2008 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attended the funeral today. Great to see the great showing by all CPD and outside agencies. Keep this young family in our prayers whichever god you believe in. I sat in the basment where the spillover was and even down there everyone was respectful. Can we find out who the female paramedic was that rode with the body from Christ to the ME's Office. This was mentioned in the service and this person should be commended. God bless us all and the CFD!

10/03/2008 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/03/2008 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T.: I was pretty angry with Fox32's 9pm newscast tonite, running Nate Taylor's funeral coverage 20 minutes into the show and directly after a story about a former CPD P/O who is a murder suspect. I had to email them, and I was as civil as possible:

I think it is disgraceful that your coverage of the funeral for Chicago Police Officer Nate Taylor Jr. was not the first story covered in your 9pm newscast - it didn't air until approximately 9:19pm. To further this awful treatment, you ran this story directly after running the story about Alex Sierra, a former CPD Officer that is a possible murder suspect. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Officer Taylor was killed trying to make this city a better place for you and me. I am sorry to say that this does not surprise me, and simply reinforces my lack of respect for your organization.

10/03/2008 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shaved has said what needed to be said. We are third class citizens who have no rights and are thought of as supernumeraries. We are damned it we do and damned if we don't. Act accordingly.....

After the loss of several friends and an old partner on this job, I can tell you one thing for sure, the only cop the city gives a shit about is a dead one. Big media event and photo op. Remember the newspaper photo of that drunkard ex-super in the phonebooth at Little Company of Mary Hospital after a police officer was killed? Allegedly talking with family members? Years later, revealed that he was calling his whore for a quickie. The same bosses that lined-up to pose at my old partners wake, wouldn't have returned a "Hello" in the elevator from her. These same smug bastards gave her a bad time when she asked to take CE time when her kid was sick.

Fuck all of you boss types -try supporting the living / working POs for a change.

10/03/2008 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry Porterfield's series "Someone You Should Know" has pretty much run the gamut of occupations and has been unsullied by any racial or ethnic biases. He is truly a gentlemen who seems to believe that a good story can cut across those ridiculous boundaries. He is respectful to all and his understated portraits are often fascinating.

10/03/2008 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recall several years back a group of Officers, on their own time, trying to locate the graves of our past fallen heros. They too wanted to replace old or missing headstones. One person was from Area 3 (The old Area 6)Youth. His name may have been Dolan but I am not sure.

Does anyone remember these guys ???

10/03/2008 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recall several years back a group of Officers, on their own time, trying to locate the graves of our past fallen heros. They too wanted to replace old or missing headstones. One person was from Area 3 (The old Area 6)Youth. His name may have been Dolan but I am not sure.

Does anyone remember these guys ???

10/03/2008 10:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: 10/03/2008 08:36:00 PM

Well said and right on all points. The funeral and procession were very well planned. The outpouring of all the other departments was wonderful. Even at the entrance to the cemetery where the CFD had an American Flag draped between 2 ladder trucks. The speech by Weis was decent and it appeared he did care. The Governor had a good speech which was not written, but given off the cuff. Nate's relative, the police officer, was very good and St. Xavier's presentation was heartbreaking. I agree the Mayor was way off base for not being there personally. His Chief of Staff tried but she did seem very uncomfortable. Daley shoud have been there. My personal thought was the Governor took the time to be there, but Daley is too busy to pay his respects to a fallen hero. Shows you how much respect he has for us. All in all it was a great tribute to Officer Taylor. Everyone who was there showed utmost respect. Hopefully we don't lose anyone else to this senseless violence. If anyone on the Fire Department can post the name of the paramedic who rode in the back of the ambulance with Officer Taylor's body, I know many PO's would like to thank her for her actions. One other thing is thanks to the members of the fire department who stood at attention at the cemetery entrance. They showed respect for our brother. We may not do the same job, but they deserve our respect for the job they do. They put their lives on the line everyday as we do.

Signed: A former co-worker and somebody who would have liked to have known Nate much more.

10/03/2008 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please reprint this. I saw it under the officer's wake story. I don't think many people saw it. It made me so angry. It needs to be viewed by everyone.
Anonymous said...
Good evening all,

Allow me to preface this comment by stating that not all exempt fall into the category identified hereafter, to the contrary, there are some exempts who are exceptional and who genuinely care for and are concerned with the well-being of their troops. With that being stated, I proceed.

Today in the 008th District I learned of a most disturbing fact. Some exempts decided that they required a breakfast before the funeral of Officer Taylor. This is not just a donut and coffee breakfast because that would be beneath them. This is an all-out breakfast consisting of eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, juice, etc. I am not sure why this is necessary. One might remind those insisting on this breakfast that this is not a celebration that might precede a softball game but the funeral for an officer slain in the line of duty. I find the very thought reprehensible that our command staff would demand, and demand is the proper word, a full breakfast for themselves prior to the funeral. And if that is not bad enough, they have taken over the basement of St. Bede's for this function, which was to be used for hot lunches for the children, who now have to find someplace and something else to eat so that our exempts can gorge themselves. I find this most disturbing and it exemplifies the rift between the rank and file and most exempts. True leadership does not entail ensuring that your own belly is full first. True leadership means that you ensure that the needs of your officers are met first and fully. Then, and only then, do you take care of your own needs. The concept of leadership is a dying art in this agency, and continues to grow weaker by acts such as this. Once our leadership realizes that rank comes not only comes with power, but also the responsibility to use that power for the greater good, rather than for their solitary well-being and comfort, can this department begin to experience the culture shift necessary to pull ourselves out of this morale nose dive and create real change. Change begins at the top, and unless the leadership is willing to change how they do things and shift from the old ways of thinking, this department will continue to find itself in a quagmire of poor morale, low motivation, and a lack of trust and faith in our leadership that continues to grow daily and grows even wider by acts such as demanding a breakfast on the day of a slain officer's funeral.

Rest in Peace Officer Taylor.

10/02/2008 09:22:00 PM

10/03/2008 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to beat a dead horse, however; here goes...first off the services for Nate today were very moving and touched my heart to see all the p.o.'s from Chicago (of course) and all of the outside units including the awesome Chicago Fire Department for always being there! The remarks were delivered by J-Fed I was totally disgusted as he read some scripted speech about Nate a man he has never met He sucks bad...really bad. The mayor's chief of staff showed up because the mayor was out of the state not the country mind you...the state barring a lifer death situation involving his family is the only acceptable reason for missing the funeral. The Gov stepped up there script-less and delivered words of kindness,encouragement and sympathy, he was very sincere. Nate's cousin was eloquent as he talked about Nate. I thank God that I had the opportunity to know him then pay my final respect, and salute our fallen brother. But as he walked through the gates of heaven and The Lord said "Well done my good and faithful servant"

10/03/2008 11:37:00 PM  
Blogger FTO JOE said...

Being a northsider I was very happy to see many of my northside brothers and sisters attend todays services for OFFICER TAYLOR. Northside, Southside, Westside and Eastside we all came together to pay respect and show solidarity.

10/03/2008 11:49:00 PM  
Blogger cpd4176 said...

I was at the funeral today and Officer Taylor really seemed to be a great man and great Police Officer. God bless him, his wife and daughter, and all the fallen officers.

Remember to stay safe!

10/03/2008 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to the Ravenswood area guy that wrote the S/T with an article of our lack of manpower, etc. in todays, Fri., edition. His name is Kugelman. Anyone know this person?

10/04/2008 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a 2nd watch lt. in 020 is acting w.c on 3rd watch and is refusing to allow cars to go to the wake of a fellow officer. he should never see anymore activity from anyone on his watch when he is w.c.

You see, the problem is not the watch commander, it's the crybabies who thought that they could waste the whole tour by driving to the wake and then going to lunch.

The car in question are the biggest dogs and should be called out for using the wake as an excuse to get through their tour.

That Lt. would save a P.O.'s ass without thinking about it. But if you are a dog ass, he will let you stay on the porch.

10/04/2008 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a 2nd watch lt. in 020 is acting w.c on 3rd watch and is refusing to allow cars to go to the wake of a fellow officer. he should never see anymore activity from anyone on his watch when he is w.c.

I think you guys know what to do...
What an ASSHOLE. What's his name so we all know who the fucking jagoff is that wouldn't let you go to a police officers wake.
These bosses are just unbelievable now a days.

10/04/2008 04:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the police memorial fund has money for Cline, How about monet for the gravestones?

10/04/2008 06:43:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the asshole "former reader" angry about his Cubs post being censored.

If you didn't notice, the tag says "officer down" at the bottom. If you didn't notice, the last three lines read as follows:

A noble cause to remember our fallen. Especially in light of today's funeral. God Bless Nate Taylor and all of the CPD Officers taken before their Tour was completed.

Your Cubs rant was totally out of place and we have stated before - we will delete all off topic posts in "officer down" threads.

Don't say you weren't warned, don't whine about how many times you've been censored (obviously, you're a dickhead who can't express themselves in anything but the most childish ADHD manner) and don't pretend you were ever the Police.

Now go fuck yourself asshole.

10/04/2008 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ouch! the dogs of 2024 got called out!! too bad your fav sarg isnt there to keep you in know with the toughbooks you cant see what jobs are pending in your beat,,no more "traffic stops"" or 'personals" work in 020 for god sakes...if you ever saw some real crime you would @#$&* yourself..go back to your coffee and paper,,,

10/04/2008 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 10:27 his name is Mike Dooley, to 12:04,Bill Kugelman was the head of the Firefighter's union.

10/04/2008 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to the Ravenswood area guy that wrote the S/T with an article of our lack of manpower, etc. in todays, Fri., edition. His name is Kugelman. Anyone know this person?
Kugelman is a retired Battalion Chief and ex president of Local 2.

10/04/2008 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I recall several years back a group of Officers, on their own time, trying to locate the graves of our past fallen heros. They too wanted to replace old or missing headstones. One person was from Area 3 (The old Area 6)Youth. His name may have been Dolan but I am not sure.

Does anyone remember these guys ???

10/03/2008 10:27:00 PM

The Detective was Mike Dooley, he is a class act. He and several others were doing historic research into the CPD and found that numerous officers graves were either unmarked or destroyed by the ravages of time and vandalism. Mike approached the Pipes and Drums of the CPD about doing a fund raiser to buy headstones. At that time Danny McGiure Jr. was the pipe major and he jumped in with both feet. A committee was organized and a fundraising event was held at McCormick Place. It was a resounding success and markers were placed on all the graves that could be found. There were about six graves that could not be located at all. The markers for these officers lay in the center atrium at the Academy. This all took place back in 2001. It is sad that memories are so short and this auspicious event has been forgotten so quickly. Mike is retired now and recently suffered a heart attack. He is recovering nicely. He is very humble and if you were to ask him about this he will just say, "it was my duty."

Bill Schield
Vice President
Pipes and Drums of the CPD

10/04/2008 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gotta say the suburbs were great during wake/funeral. Saw one guy from Crestwood, dress uniform on his own time in line for almost an hour to pay his respects. Class act. Merrionett Park blocked streets too. Our honor guard also did us proud. They really make us look good. Hats off to them.
God Bless Nate.

10/04/2008 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also wanted to thank Oak Lawn PD for last night, each one that I encountered, a true class act. It was good to see so many brothers and sisters, I just regret how we came together. My hopes, prayers and best wishes for us and for all of them. BE SAFE!


10/03/2008 04:23:00 PM

Asshole officer vetter must not have been one of them.

10/04/2008 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True leadership does not entail ensuring that your own belly is full first. True leadership means that you ensure that the needs of your officers are met first and fully. Then, and only then, do you take care of your own needs.

Allow me to share the following with you. During one of the immigration marches downtown. A large contigent of officers were on "standby" near Columbus drive and far from food and drink. Two sergeants and a PO left our location and returned with a loaded catering truck. We all ate well that day.

I'm proud to say these two bosses and the PO were from headquarters and showed they cared for us.

10/04/2008 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A 2nd watch lt. in 020 is acting w.c on 3rd watch and is refusing to allow cars to go to the wake of a fellow officer. he should never see anymore activity from anyone on his watch when he is w.c."

How respectful is it to attempt to use a police officer's death to dog your entire tour? And then, like the big whining babies you are, use the blog to try and get even with someone who basically called your whiney asses on it.

The third watch in 20 knows who you assholes are and the rest of the district will shortly. Your problem with the lt is that he knows what dogs you are and knows what you're trying to pull off. The Lt in question is a stand up guy-and one of the few bosses that not only has your back but has a heart for other coppers. He's gone to bat and helped out sooo many cops it's unbelievable. You guys really are stupid.

You're not Norma Rae.

You tried to use a dead P.O.'s funeral to get out of work.

And now-you're trying to trash a guy who has a city wide reputation for being a stand up boss by blogging because he saw through you and said no?

Are those milk bones in your police bags?

You are lower than whale poop.

So your little blog-organizing campaign to have the second watch revolt by not bringing him activity is really stupid. Most of the people on 2nd watch have enough time on the job to know what a prince this guy is. The people on 1st watch know it because they aren't dogs and they know he backs them up. And the people on third watch who aren't pooches, respect him and are laughing their asses off as to how lame-lame-lame you are.

Grow up.

10/04/2008 09:02:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

Again to the asshole:

You don't have any clue about blogging. We can't move comments. We can only publish or delete. So guess who's job it is to follow the rules? Yours asshat. Don't blame us when you can't follow the rules or else you sound exactly what you described.

10/04/2008 09:31:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

Yeah, like we run an entire blog site and can't figure out how to copy/paste. Are you that retarded?

Like we said, you have no clue. Blogger isn't set up like that - you can't copy/paste in the screening area. Otherwise we'd have you complimenting our typing, you praising the attributes of inflatable women and you offering to jump off a fucking building.

Just stop reading like you promised to. We won't miss your visit

10/05/2008 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Thanks to the Ravenswood area guy that wrote the S/T with an article of our lack of manpower, etc. in todays, Fri., edition. His name is Kugelman. Anyone know this person?
Kugelman is a retired Battalion Chief and ex president of Local 2.

10/04/2008 10:35:00 AM

Kugelman had balls as opposed to the new fire local president who is just like lazy donohue so far up daleys ass they will never see daylight!

10/05/2008 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Just stop reading like you promised to. We won't miss your visit

10/05/2008 03:56:00 PM"

My hats off to you, the things you guys have to put up with......

10/05/2008 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe no one knows were the mayor was at !!

Think my friends, In L.A. for the playoff's with his beloved White Soxs.

10/06/2008 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a 2nd watch lt. in 020 is acting w.c on 3rd watch and is refusing to allow cars to go to the wake of a fellow officer. he should never see anymore activity from anyone on his watch when he is w.c.
Like 020 is really busy on days, that was the reason. Out this asshole

10/06/2008 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Like 020 is really busy on days, that was the reason. Out this asshole"

I'm thinking your reading skills be lacking. The little mutts who wanted to USE A FALLEN OFFICER to dog work are the ones who should be outed. The same crap every day. The lt is a great guy and we're lucky to have him in 20. The mutts? not so lucky to have them.

10/06/2008 09:23:00 PM  

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