Saturday, December 06, 2008

Burge Tab

Well, for some reason we got quite a bit of abuse for not having this story up instantaneously when it broke this morning. We even got e-mail from Eric Zorn asking why this wasn't a front page subject - we guess he's taking trolling lessons from Fran and Frank. If everyone would just send us scads of money, we could afford to quit the Department, stop going to court, stop wasting our lives on pointless mission that do nothing to deter crime and devote our entire lives to blogging the Department. But until that day comes along, we're just going to have to deal with things every evening.

In the meantime, it appears the FOP is going to pay to defend Burge:
  • Chicago's police union voted to foot either some or all of the legal bills for Jon Burge, perhaps the city's most infamous former officer, as he faces federal charges tied to allegations of torturing suspects.

    Tuesday night, the board of the local Fraternal Order of Police, which represents thousands of officers below the rank of sergeant, voted to pay for Burge's defense in his upcoming federal perjury and obstruction of justice trial, a police source confirmed Thursday.

    Attempts to reach FOP President Mark Donahue about the move were unsuccessful. A source familiar with Tuesday's vote says the board OKd funding Burge's defense because the onetime lieutenant -- ultimately fired -- is facing criminal charges linked to his time on the police force.

We don't understand all the machinations behind the decision. On one hand, Burge was never convicted of criminal wrong doing and all the allegations of torture remain just that - allegations. There has never been a trial, never been a hearing, never been a single piece of evidence introduced in court that would tie Burge or any of his co-defendants to torture. And two of the four people paid off by the City are in jail or under investigation again for various felonies, including a arson that killed a few people. Not exactly your stellar examples of humanity there.

On the other hand, Abbate, Cozzi, the Jeffersonn Tap boys, the SOS cops are all footing their own bills last we heard.

All paid into the fund. All have some expectation of being able to draw on the fund to defend themselves. How does one get a pass and one doesn't?

We'll withhold judgement on the merits of paying for Burge until we see the reasoning behind it. It's not nearly as cut and dry as the media would have everyone believe.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me guess...this is the same F.O.P. board that let Bill Nolan steal from the members and walk away...with our money!!!!

12/06/2008 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i can see why they are paying for his defense. the feds really have no case. the only evidence they have is the word of the bad guys on the word of the police. you all know as well as I do, that "one on one" he said, she said testimony will never hold up in court. you need evidence to prove. as they say in the movie training day, "its not what you know, its what you can prove." I know this is not a movie or tv, but it is the truest thing i have ever heard. how many times have we as police officers known that ol' boy was dirty and commited the crime but had no proof.

12/06/2008 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of those guys had duty related beefs. Burge should be defended! He helped to convict the "Wilson" brothers. They were POLICE KILLERS! Fahey and O'Brien are rolling over in their graves. God bless John Burge and his family. This is a political witch hunt by the U.S. Attorney. FOP should pay the legal bills.

12/06/2008 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hang on there kiddies don't get your super hero underoos in a bunch. This witch hunting trial is just that. If there was credibility they would of arrested him long time ago. But now every one thinks it's the right thing to do. Because nailing a cop brings smiles to people. Remeber to stand for something or you will fall for anything.

12/06/2008 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the legal defense fund of around 4 million dollars is in place to be used in defense of our fraternal brothers. if burge was found guilty of these "pimpy" charges placed against him he may never make it out of prison. so i say yes, pay to defend him.

12/06/2008 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question(how does one get a pass,etc)
SOS and Billy were on duty, so they
should be equal w/JB.

12/06/2008 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

burge was not FOP, or was he still paying. if he wasn't paying; shame on you.
burge was a lieutenant. was is his union doing for him?
please don't waste the money of all the good officers who are still contributing via their monthly dues.
don't force us to vote to have the FOP decertified.

12/06/2008 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More than likely there is someone that is volunteering their services to the FOP that was an acquaintance with Burge.

Also the charges are weak and should be somewhat easy to refute(perjury). It may not be as big a cost as the MEDIA expects!

Hold your heads up!

12/06/2008 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP is footing the bill to keep Burge quiet about Daley's involvement.It's all on the legit.

12/06/2008 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burge is a member of the machine The machine has to turn against Burge right now because the public would cry foul if the machine backed him. Well, the only feasible entity that could stand up for Burge is the FOP. Probably through some end around, Daley made the FOP foot the bill for Burge's defense.

12/06/2008 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon Burge is a great man. I'm proud to help with his legal defense.

12/06/2008 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senator Dick Durbin, Governor Rod Blagovich, former Governor Jim Thompson and many others desire that George Ryan be pardoned.

Alderman Ed Smith, a major Burge critic, has called for the pardoning of convicted former Alderman Larry Bloom.

I believe the FOP should petition President Bush to pardon Jon Burge!

12/06/2008 05:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) F*ck Eric Zorn he is a total hater

2) Jon Burge is a respected member of the Chicago community just like Bill Ayers

12/06/2008 05:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Eric Zorn....He's a liberal piece of shit that deserves no more attention than any other media scum who read this blog!Who the fuck cares if this prick breathes.

12/06/2008 05:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but he should pay his own way. More of the same ol Bullpucky!

12/06/2008 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I truly believe the FOP should be defending Burge. The allegations against him are all duty related. Burge supervised the dicks who are cleary covered by the FOP. I don't have a problem with it.

Abbate - Hell No!!! He was off duty

SOS - Thats debateable. Some was on duty some supposedly was off. They are accused of alot more. The gov't has alot more evidence. U said it yourself. The feds don't have shit on Burge other than a stack of people I don't believe a word of.

Jefferson Tap - Hell no!!! Off duty. Thats their problem.

Cozzi - Hell yes!!!!!!! He was on duty and he served his punishment under the provisions of the contract. The FOP should be ashamed not to help him.

SCC suprised you didn't mention Ardelein (sorry if I didn't spell it right). He was off duty but is getting some help as the County is trying to screw him by violating our contract.

I know alot of people were talking about this yesterday. The city should be defending Burge. I glad the FOP is but its the citys problem. His allegation of perjury was in a deposition related to an investigation while he was a boss. Thats the citys nickel that should be spent.

12/06/2008 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the other hand, Abbate, Cozzi, the Jeffersonn Tap boys, the SOS cops are all footing their own bills last we heard.

Hey SCC, a little unfairsome were while in the performance of there duties others were out drinking, BIG DIFFERENCE

12/06/2008 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHY oh WHY is the U.S.Attorney wasting his time with a case like this when he should be going after the real criminals in this city,THE MAYOR AND HIS MACHINE.WTF FITZ! Looks like you are turning into a LITTLE BITCH!

12/06/2008 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric Zorn was one of those whiny guys in school everyone thought was a creep. Why would anyone care what he thinks. Cancel your subscription now and put him out of a job already. I know, Kass is fair, but he has talent and will get another job. Zorn I see in retail maybe. Like an Eddie Bauer or something. And if you can't see the difference in Burge and the other guys problems, look again.

12/06/2008 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT-----a quick usm g/022 last night showed yet another home invasion/burglary (107th/drake). it was hard to tell by the narrative what happened other than the offender's plate was obtained. of course if registered to some female in 006. an rd was obtained for an 0650. anyone with more info?????

12/06/2008 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Burge should get the $ from FOP - all this crap happened on duty

12/06/2008 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to understand why the FOP would pay legal bills for an alleged offense that occurred long after the guy was no longer a cop.

the suggestion made by one poster that the machine is looking to help one of its own may well have some validity.

12/06/2008 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once asked DETECTIVE MARK DONAHUE who makes the decisions on the legal defense funds and he stated in front of several PO's " I MAKE THE D-E-C-I-S-I-O-N " on who gets a free attorney or not.

Do I think we should defend Burge. I say YES!

I'll explain why. We work in a city that doesn't care about the working police, the city could care less about the effects of a BS lawsuit on a police officer, only that the city is not held liable. The fact we are without a contract for soooo long is an example the
city considers us as mere stooges to do the mayors bidding ie: parkers.anovs, impounds- all money generating activities that the bosses will be harping upon the PO's so they can keep their safe inside job away from the BS lawsuits.

So DETECTIVE MARK DONAHUE got a call from the mayor and now he's gonna do what every president of our union has done, and that is whatever the mayor wants.

Mark if you were a stand up guy you would of came out sooner and publicly and stated your defense of BURGE was a team effort to protect one of our own from false allegations, but you just keep doing the bidding of your master " KING RICHARD ".

Oh by the way we'll see if you and the rest of your cronies are re-elected.

12/06/2008 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still have an old t-shirt I bought at a Burge Fundraiser. It says: 'SUPPORT BOY



Truer words were never spoken. Congratulations to the F.O.P. for taking such a courageous stance.

12/06/2008 08:16:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I always get a laugh out of these type of cases, where there is a lot of smoke and mirrors, its a house of cards, even if its brought by the US Attorney's Office. Can anyone imagine bringing this turd of a case to a local prosecutor?

12/06/2008 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another home invasion on the west end of 022! 107th Drake male black and female black home invaded a white lady home alone. This is getting ugly people!! We need to gather a posse and fix this

12/06/2008 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Trib and Suntimes should issue SCC Press Credentials. But I'm not sure SCC would lower the reporting standards here to meet the current Chicago media requirements.
Which would equate to Having wearing a set of blinders, using a seeing eye cane, a roll of duct tape and the burning desire to drink large amounts of city government approved Koolaide.

12/06/2008 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, the nerve of you having a life outside of this blog.

12/06/2008 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zorn needs SCC to do his leg work.

12/06/2008 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont they have real news stories to report on? The media is such lazy scum, they ignore real news to promote propaganda and race. Where do we get the news?? From blogs and neighbors and conservative radio, we have gone back in time.
Burge was a cop when these alleged things occures he is covered. Story over.

12/06/2008 08:53:00 AM  
Blogger Ink Bomb said...

There shouldn't even be a reason to mention Burge or Cozzi in relation to this topic. These matters were investigated and determinations were made to bring them to a conclusion. It's unfortunate that concluded cases drag on and on simply because the result of the investigation was not the result desired by some. At this point in time it shouldn't even be necessary for the FOP to have to make the decision to defend Burge.

If anyone resurrects a case that has already run its course competently through the criminal justice system why shouldn't they also be responsible for footing all expenses to do so?

12/06/2008 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

White shirts are assisted and P.O.'s are ignored. Cout rules again. Should FOP offer a explanation to the membership why they are willing to spend a alrge amount of money for Burge? There should be some accountability.

SCC, that is a compliment that Eric is sending you email. That illustrates your status despite what J-FED said about this blog.

12/06/2008 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will always be a double standard. My fellow brothers. We all started wearing the Blue uniform. The boss's who looked out for us were always the boss's of yesterday. You officers who feel that we shouldn't back Burge up, well why don't you ask your father, or uncle how many times they were given the benefit of the doubt over A pimp, thief, preying on the weak and innocent.

You complain that boss's don't back us up. Well what are you saying that if a boss's who used to back us up should be forgotten,. Than shame on you! You forgot all about the "espirit de corps" of being a member of the finest. Every time we sell out our brothers we are no better than "JUDAS".

My brothers the Zorns of the world have no brother hood, no "espirit de corp" or courage. They are "JUDAS". Do not play into that game. They have no honor, They work soley for their own benefit. To prove my point. Go To "Devils dungeon by Karl Kovlowski". Here is the link.

Here is a reporter who hated the police, and wrote articles about how evil they were.

All that changed when he became the victim of a violent strong arm robbery and the only help he got, from all the people standing around, was some off duty copper. Like the PPO a couple nites ago. Now thats courage.

ZORN if you trully wish to understand, I challenge you to a journey of our world. There are many agencies in IL. That have Reserve Police Officers, take a ride on the wild side. SIGN up, take the training and ride around on midnights. (for the real Police stop... I know what your going to say, suburban departments? Well those coppers in Joliet, Dolton, Calumet, Evanston, Maywood, ETC....They Do the job everyday. Besides, CPD emptied the jets and went to those towns. ZORN needs to start out slow. He would piss in his pants at seeing a gun point at him...

Hey SCC Perhaps you can start another post titled, Who really backs who up.....

12/06/2008 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Burge was never convicted of criminal wrong doing and all the allegations of torture remain just that - allegations. There has never been a trial, never been a hearing, never been a single piece of evidence introduced in court that would tie Burge or any of his co-defendants to torture."

And what, exactly, has been indicted for?

That might give some a clue as to why the FOP is 'doing this'.

Precedent setting is a bitch, if precedent is allowed to be set.

12/06/2008 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I believe the FOP should petition President Bush to pardon Jon Burge!

12/06/2008 05:05:00 AM"

Pardon him for what conviction?

12/06/2008 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Let me guess...this is the same F.O.P. board that let Bill Nolan steal from the members and walk away...with our money!!!!

12/06/2008 12:11:00 AM


He hasn't completely walked away...with our money!!!!

He's still suckling at the Cook County gov't nipple as well as, FOP's. I think he's still prepared to walk away with more of your money!!!!

12/06/2008 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP Board has a fiduciary responsibility to administer the legal defense fund within the guidelines established. the legal expenses of Burge for the allegations/charges of lying to the feds while he is a CIVILAIN DO NOT meet those established guidelines. Sgts and above who are members of FOP pay greatly reduced fees and those are only for FRATERNAL benefits, not legal defense.
FOP instead of using FOP members money should do everything they can
what they could have done is sponsor a FUND RAISER this way the members who feel they want to support BURGE can do that and maybe FOP will not be sued for violating their fiduciary responsibilities to the members that do not agree. The Donahue led board has a way of getting sued and using the members dues to pay off their mistakes..
I support Burge's actions and would contribute to his legal expenses in the name of the officers killed by the scum arrested by Burge and his detectives but don't confuse a noble cause with a bunch of gutless Donahue led hacks using membership dues improperly

12/06/2008 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I have a couple of different ways to look at this. In one way i applaud the FOP for backing burge, as the fact is he locked up MANY shitbags and MANY of those animals deserved a lot more than what they actually got. Things were a lot more under control in this country in the "good ole days." On the other hand, if the FOP didnt pay legal bills for many of the other coppers charged with wrongdoing, i dont quite understand why they are now. Unless of course its political in some way and Burge is heavy im sure. Fact is im not sure why people are really surprised, this IS CHICAGO! And the media has all day to come on here, but i guess they dont have anything to say about king richie getting billions from privatizing everything in this shit city and NOT 1 of the pussies in the media has the sack to ask where all that money goes. Investigate the REAL criminals you dumbfucks. Not to mention these are ALLEGATIONS against burge, or does the media feel only ghetto unemployed convicted felons should have rights? I mean any REAl copper knows that we have BS allegations against us everyday. I am in my 3rd lawsuit and i can honestly say EVERY single one was and is BS. Completely false accusations, but again as PO's we have no way to clear our names and fight back. We just deal with what the city does and let them settle and fuck us. Its the city way! So to the media I say wake up and realize that YOU are main players in the problem in this city, for you never can report the real TRUTH!

12/06/2008 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Jon Burge is a great man. I'm proud to help with his legal defense.

12/06/2008 03:41:00 AM


Thank you for your opinion, Mr. Mayor, but could you please do it at your own expense!!!!

12/06/2008 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I figured that some of the negative comments, i.e. Burge in other topics were posted by scum like Zorn and those from the peoples law office. Burge was a full dues paying member of FOP and a member, just like many other supervisory personnel and exempts. FOP doesn't represent those members regarding contractual issues, they are not members of the bargaining unit, but are union members. Thus entitled to all other benefits. So the phony non-police that keep posting here f--- off.

12/06/2008 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard there was a home invasion in 22 last night, where 2 m/1 pistol whipped the lady inside. Anyone have any info?

12/06/2008 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric Zorn has the balls to call this blog to task??? GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK! Hey, Zorn, GO FUCK YOURSELF! YOU AND THE REST OF CHICAGO MEDIA CAN ALL CRAWL UNDER A ROCK AND ROT LIKE THE SCUM YOU ARE!!! There are no good reporters in Chicago...not Every fucking one of them is biased and unfair in their reporting. Yet, if you ever call them to task, they act so fucking righteous it will make one want to puke! The fact is the media scum are much MUCH more powerful than a burge, Abatte, Cozzi, SOS could ever be... The media can do more damage in 30 seconds with their bullshit camera and microphone than a crooked cop could in a lifetime! How many lives are ruined by these over zealous reporters looking for their version of "numbers"? Yet hardly ever are they ever held accountable for their mis information! These scum suckers deceive the general public on a day to day basis with their biased, skewed, unfair reporting. Yet NEVER are they held responsible... WHO POLICES THEM??? This local media is OUT OF CONTROL!!! FUCK YOU ZORN AND ALL YOU OTHER FUCKING PRICKS!!! FUCK YOU FOR THE LIFETIME OF INJUSTICES NEVER A BREAK FOR YOU EVER!!! FUCK YOU

12/06/2008 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey capt C of 007/1st watch. You want to know why I'm
not going to the district Xmas party?

1. I don't want to risk a DUI.
2. I don't feel like watching another steppin' contest.
3. I know that there isn't a decent boss on that watch that'll hold my slip
4. I could give a shit about Mary Rozell
5. I'd rather go to the watch party and hang out with the guys whom I can rely on and have trust in
6. It's my fuckin' choice so back off

And while you're at it tell that Sgt, the Hispanic or Asian or whatever the he'll he is to lay off the beat guys that actually work. Same with Sgt Dickhead. Why don't you go hunt down the dogs and mess with them instead. Cuz when the day comes when u need some help, who would you want en rout? Think about it

12/06/2008 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Ryan pardoned Hobley, Orange, Howard and Patterson on the basis of they being innocent.

Someone is responsible for the 15 deaths that they were found guilty.

I am still awaiting Flint Taylor and George Ryan to tell us who committed these murders.

I have a strong belief that the above four are the guilty parties and they used Ryan to get out of jail and Taylor used Ryan to make a great deal of money.

12/06/2008 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anther cops home broken into last night in Mt Greenwood! 107th and Drake. Shots fired, unknown if anyone was hit as 2 m1 and 2 f1's were not caught. Lt Blue Pontiac this is at 10pm at night!!!!!

12/06/2008 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Burge was active, there was no Lieutenant's Union. Supervisors were not allowed collective bargaining. Supervisors, especially the "working police" supervisors all remained FOP Members for the legal defense benefits. Burge's case is duty related, and as such, as much as I hate to see Spike Bueke get the money, we should spend it.

12/06/2008 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you still draw on the fund if what you're being tried for was off-duty? Just curious...

12/06/2008 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anyone have the whole story on what happened last night on the 10700 Bl of Drake in 022?

12/06/2008 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless and save Jon Burge. Fahey and O'Brien are still dead. I hope Fitzgerald chokes on his soda bread. Pussy.

12/06/2008 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Eric Zorn, I have a headline for you...............M. SEISER RUNS IT!!!!!!!

12/06/2008 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abbate and the Jeff Tapp Boyz should pay for their own defense. All that was off-duty drunken bullshit. On-duty drunken bullshit, well that's another story...

12/06/2008 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The legal defense fund, a "superfund" was set up for cases like this. However,it was also started with the understanding that the money would be used to defend AND assist POs who were wrongly accused of wrongdoing to get their day in civil court, then the fund was to be repaid any expenses from the winning judgement.
Its funny how only a boss, who alleged crime predates the union fund, is given the use of this money.
How about the rank&file who are harrased by greedy lawyers every day????

12/06/2008 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon Burge, has never been proven guilty on his torture allegations. Just because the media convicted him the courts have not. This happened almost thirty years ago and like it or not policing practices were different. Not justifying it if he did it. Ten years from now when I am retired I do not want the feds to come knocking on my door because of something I did twenty to thirty years prior.

12/06/2008 11:04:00 AM  
Blogger willie the whale said...

The one question I have is whether or not he was an FOP member paying in while he was an exempt member. If not, I don't think FOP (us) should be paying, let the white-shirt fund pay. That said, it is bullshit this federal witch hunt, spurred on by the liberal media and a bunch of useless reverends and aldermenses.

12/06/2008 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/06/2008 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP should not pay for Burge. He allegedly did not tell the truth at a deposition. The cost of lawyer should be his. I don't see how we FOP should pay. Something is wrong. Where is Mark Dnahue hiding?

12/06/2008 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Donahue,

Why did the board vote for undisclosed percentage increases for your office staff at FOP without stating the percentages of incresases to the VOTING members.They basically voted blind with no specified increase. How much of an increase are you proposing for your crack staff? Just asking. Also, why did other board members vote for an increase, without parameters?

12/06/2008 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we should form our own watch. 016/022/008. ODPO's that want to take an hour a day and patrol their area's. Understand that we are still off duty. I'm willing to do this. We don't have any manpower in the districts, and twice in a month i've chased off potenial burglars from 1622's beat. I know people will bitch about not being paid and i have court, and i have kids. Stop making 1 rock arrests and you won't be in court, fuck joe & the ghetto. Let it rott. Who's in?

12/04/2008 12:30:00 PM

I live in 022. You can count me in.

We need to seriously start doing something so we can be heard.if it be complaining to the alderman or start putting this talk about patroling our own neighborhoods into action

If the bad guy knows he is being watched or is seen, he will go elsewhere. you don't even have to announce your office or get close, get a lic plate number call it in, stay a half block away (or a safe distance) again if they are seen, they will leave.

What would be the guidelines?? Since you are off duty, are the same as the average citizen? How can you stop anyone without jamming yourself up?

433's beat up for grabs. the police arent doing enough. shit, i might see 1 police car in 2 weeks time, other the times i call them about burglars and drug dealers on my block. wtf

Would we be limited to calling 911? and reporting what we see, than waiting and hoping the beat car can get there in time??

sounds good, instead of bitching about shitheads on the computer we should put it in motion.

In 008 Al C. Who owns the lindys/gerties on archer and nashville was trying to set it up with the help of alderman zalewski (23rd ward) what happened?

well if you live on the west end of 008 you better have something to protect yourself. Becasue by the time you call 911 and actually get a car to respond you could be laying there dead for hours.

12/06/2008 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So everyone understands, on-duty, doing Police work, covered; Off duty; drunken shit, not covered.

Well then, how 'bout Cozzi, you ask. Did he request representation by FOP defense fund? And if so, when did they vote and how did they vote. And is he seeking their help right now?

He deserves it, just like Burge does.

12/06/2008 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO . .

if a sergeant, lieutenant, captain or exempt rank "steps in it" .. the FOP will pay for THEM also??
This is WRONG!

12/06/2008 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like everthing else, Daly controls the FOP. He doesn't want Burge convicted and singing like a canary. Thus the paid defense.

12/06/2008 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

...the charges are weak and should be somewhat easy to refute(perjury). It may not be as big a cost as the MEDIA expects!...

12/06/2008 01:46:00 AM



Am I missing something? Unless a lawyer agrees to defend Burge for free, his biggest quest is for billable hours, no matter who their client is...

Of course I guess it's better than seeing the legal defense fund being drained by the likes of the stripped officer Brown out in Rosemont!

12/06/2008 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the time of alleged occurence, John Burge was indeed a dues paying member of the FOP. The FOP then is not the same as the FOP now. membership was not only by Active patrolmen, but by all ranks.
As an active member at time of occurence he IS entitled to these benefits. Like it or not, if 20 years from no you get a resurrected beef, you will get the same benefit. I believe that Cozzi is indeed getting legal defense assistance, but the others, NO.

12/06/2008 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time to Dump this Donohue, [the Detective that Never Detected] & Company before they bankrupt us, like Daley is.

12/06/2008 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little Dicky Durbin wants Ryan pardoned because he is afraid that Ryan, in failing health as is his wife, will start singing to the Feds about the Corruption of the Durbin/Daley, Crook County pols, all in it together to rob us blind, despite their political affiliations. If Ryan is released, no more pressure. Also, don't be surprised to see it happen, because Bush and Daley are also in it together.

12/06/2008 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One can not up on a uniform and commit a criminal act then expect FOP to pay for a defense. The fund is designed to defend officers that are performing a police function. Not stealing from or beating people.

I believe Burge was a good man. It is apparent that they had no evidence to charge him with anything all of these years.

The problem that I have is the Legal Defense Fund was established years ago (how many I am not sure). I doubt the Burge paid into it. I am also not sure that he was an FOP member. He may have been a fraternal member. They are not eligible for legal defense.

At one point I was on the legal defense committee. I have seen people petition the committee to have the fund pay for their defense. Accommodations were made at time in error (those people had some sort of clout / whay else is new).

I am not on the committee at this time so I don't know the reasoning behind this decision. What I do know is there were members that were previously very protective of the fund to make sure that whores did not drain the fund.

I believe that this decision could open up Pandora's box. I hope the decision was made responsibly.

Burge was on the job when there was no Lts union so I don't know who should be representing him.

Another example of the city dropping someone like a hot potato.

12/06/2008 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burge? Was he as a Lt; a dues paying member of the FOP? If not, why are we paying with our members money? Whats next? Paying Legal Defense for Chicago Illegal aliens?

12/06/2008 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When these alleged crimes occured weren'the Paper Hangers union and the CPA viaing to represent the police? By the way, who was Burge's boss at the time? Did anyone higher up have any even remote idea of what was being alleged?

12/06/2008 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the difference between burge and abate jefferson tap etc is burge was in the line of duty and the other assholes were off duty

12/06/2008 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC what has happened to the jefferson tap boys the ones Leo schmitz walked out on and left them in the lurch? Did he get it "taken care of?" Maybe he could use his influenece to help out Cozzi? Come on someone please help out Cozzi, but then again Cozzi has no clout and is being thrown under the daley express bus! As usual we need a tea party this mayor keeps on taking along with the cronies!

12/06/2008 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
None of those guys had duty related beefs. Burge should be defended! He helped to convict the "Wilson" brothers. They were POLICE KILLERS! Fahey and O'Brien are rolling over in their graves. God bless John Burge and his family. This is a political witch hunt by the U.S. Attorney. FOP should pay the legal bills.

12/06/2008 12:26:00 AM

I agree the pos wilson brothers murdered 2 of our own in cold blood the savages when will we as police tell the administartion fuck you and right this ship?

12/06/2008 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burge arrests cop killers and the new gen x hair gel police are complaining about it
what a police dept we have it's all about them do nothing police,
only on the jobolice for a paycheck
Mr Mayor civilianize more jobs and make the new police earn their salary
glad i retired last year

12/06/2008 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

burge was not FOP, or was he still paying. if he wasn't paying; shame on you.
burge was a lieutenant. was is his union doing for him?
please don't waste the money of all the good officers who are still contributing via their monthly dues.
don't force us to vote to have the FOP decertified.


You can tell how new you are to the job. You weren't around when all this crap hit the fan. He WAS an FOP member, don't know if he still is. He should be covered by the FOP. This situation is different from SOS.

SOS guys are flipping on each other left and right. Hell, they even want to pit hits on each other!

No one is saying Burge and the boys did anything wrong except the bad guys.

Remember that. The SOS boys screwed themselves.

12/06/2008 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's request some of the TARP money, everyone else is.

12/06/2008 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the Fu(K! Why is the fop involved in this? Shouldn't This fall under the Lts union? I agree the union should pay the bill because the torture allegations were on duty, however it should be his own union! The guys from sos should get the same courtesy! Guilty or not they paid their dues and are entitled to due process!

12/06/2008 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Zorn, what are your plans after the Tribune folds in a few more months?

12/06/2008 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why are we paying for a criminal charge that had noting to do with his job as a FOP Lodge #7 Member. He is accused of lying to the useless FBI recently, he has been retired for over ten years. Playing Devils advocate why don't we pay for the thiefs from 022, or 007, or the dumbass from rosemont.

12/06/2008 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duty related allegations never substantiated. It is a witch hunt. Stand for Burge now so in the future such witchhunts will not occur. I only wish they put this much time into hunting down criminals. It may not be double jeopardy per se, but it really is. And making payouts is not necessarily indicative of guilt.

12/06/2008 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expect FOP to defend Burge, as usual, to many people do not under-stand what can become a precedence setting case. PERJURY is what they are now trying to get him on and if they do, it will come back to haunt a whole lot of PO's. If we let them open the door on this, there won't be any going back. As far as I am concerned Burge, O'Hare and Yucaitis are heroes. The wilson bros. should not have made it to any lock up, let alone trial!!!

12/06/2008 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media is trying to push their adgenda on us. No one here likes Burge. But he was on duty and under orders to do what he was alleged to have done. Therefore he deserves the legal rep. Just like we all do and will.

12/06/2008 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you are wrong. Burge lost a "torture" case in federal court and he lost his police board case. So, to say it's all just "allegations" when apparently the whole world (including a special prosecutor) knows he did it is just nonsense.

12/06/2008 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of those guys had duty related beefs. Burge should be defended! He helped to convict the "Wilson" brothers.


No, Burge did not! In fact, his bullshit allowed those Wilson monsters to get life with no parole rather than the death penalty.

12/06/2008 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"None of those guys had duty related beefs. Burge should be defended! He helped to convict the "Wilson" brothers. They were POLICE KILLERS!"
Burge should be defended with his own money. Yeah he helped convict the Wilson brothers. Thats like jack haley (former bull) saying he helped the Bulls win all their championships. You idiots! The Wilson brothers didnt need to be tortured to get a conviction. THey would have been convicted anyway. Of course they deserved it, but it was still wrong. How many officers that have been accused of misdeeds while working have had their legal defenses paid by the FOP? Did Flagg, or Finnegan get the same treatment from the FOP? I dont think so. Burge is not a hero, hes a sadistic idiot who gives good coppers a bad name. I hope he rots in a cell with OJ.

12/06/2008 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More than likely there is someone that is volunteering their services to the FOP that was an acquaintance with Burge.

Also the charges are weak and should be somewhat easy to refute(perjury). It may not be as big a cost as the MEDIA expects!

Hold your heads up!

12/06/2008 01:46:00 AM

Man, what fucking planet are you living on? Easy to refute charges? Volunteers? You must be fucking kidding. This case will let all Friends of FLOP get rich ---- on our dime.

12/06/2008 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck eric Zorn that liberal puke is stealing our air. Move along nothing to see here. Burge is innocent until proven guilty.

12/06/2008 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me guess...this is the same F.O.P. board that let Bill Nolan steal from the members and walk away...with our money!!!!


Different board. Same plan.

12/06/2008 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/06/2008 03:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was NO LT union at that time...

12/06/2008 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was Burge even a member of the FOP when he committed the act alleged in the indictment?

No. He was not. He was a civilian, retired for a number of years at the time. He was not indicted for anything that occurred on the job, and he may or may not have been an FOP member. he was a Lt. of Commander at the time,

The indictment is for perjury. that most definitely did NOT occur while on duty but rather, while retired. A civilian.

Why is this? Why do we blue shirts get to foot the bill for this? This has nothing to do with anything done on duty or during the course of acting as police. He is alleged to have lied to the Fed years after he retired. And we pay the bill on what might be a very expensive defense.

Why is this Mark Donahue?

12/06/2008 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abbate and the Jefferson Tap boys and even Mike, Head Butt, Mette cases are very different circumstances for one small detail. Those three incidents were while the officers were off duty and under the influence. I support paying for the defense fund of Burge. I would want the defense paid for on any garbage case put against me stemming from when I was working on the department.

12/06/2008 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/06/2008 05:13:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

SCC, you are wrong. Burge lost a "torture" case in federal court and he lost his police board case. So, to say it's all just "allegations" when apparently the whole world (including a special prosecutor) knows he did it is just nonsense.

If you could just cite the Federal Docket number or case or even a judges name, we'd appreciate that.

As for the Police Board, do we really have to trot out their record of cases overturned or cases that should have gone completely the other direction due to clout?

12/06/2008 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to seriously start doing something so we can be heard.if it be complaining to the alderman or start putting this talk about patroling our own neighborhoods into action.fact of the matter is this is BS that home invasion was not approved there has to be a way to get the burglary bumped up to home invasion it might not seem like a lot to some of us but I am sure most of us would agree. Job very well done by retired sgt the odpo and the 22nd district officers!!

SCC, Were calling you on this! whats up? i know this might sound dumb, however if every copper goes to their next beat meeting (as a rally point) we could exchange/ start from info there. This isn't a knock on any district or beat car,I haven't seen a blue & white in months, along with the rest of 016,008,022, ok and maybe 004 too. we understand there isn't any manpower .

Scc, Lets get it started, i'm in!!!

12/06/2008 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I think this is horse shit with everyone piling on this guy at this point. No one was bitching when his people were making the pinches and getting the convictions. Now these bullshit stories of black torture boxes (give me a break already)and this other bull---sure they probably got cracked a couple of times. So what? Think what they did to their victims. Of course he deserves representation---he paid in just like everybody else. And the rest of the guys, too. Wasn't the idea, whether we were wrongly accused of something, or otherwise? If he's guilty and they convict him, fine, but shut the fuck up about the guy until then. No one bitched back in the day when they were catching the rotten cop killers.

12/06/2008 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric Zorn was one of those whiny guys in school everyone thought was a creep. Why would anyone care what he thinks. Cancel your subscription now and put him out of a job already. I know, Kass is fair, but he has talent and will get another job. Zorn I see in retail maybe. Like an Eddie Bauer or something. And if you can't see the difference in Burge and the other guys problems, look again.

12/06/2008 06:57:00 AM

Careful what you say about Zorn. He's 6'4", Kass is only 5'4"

12/06/2008 05:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I support Jon Burge and if he has a benefit I will gladly pay $100.00 per ticket just to have my picture taken with him! He is a Chicago Icon and a True American Hero. Fuck all you dirty cocksucking liberal-criminal pieces of shit! Long live Jon Burge!!!!!!!

12/06/2008 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen many innocent coppers hung out to dry and not represented by FOP. The injustices of the past are not UNNNOTICED>

12/06/2008 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edward said...
I always get a laugh out of these type of cases, where there is a lot of smoke and mirrors, its a house of cards, even if its brought by the US Attorney's Office. Can anyone imagine bringing this turd of a case to a local prosecutor?

12/06/2008 08:21:00 AM

Hey Ed, what do you mean by "these types of cases?" While you mull that over, tell me the names of two people acquitted in Federal District Court in Chicago in the last 15 years. Idiot. Burge is going to jail.

12/06/2008 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/06/2008 11:08:00 AM

Bullshit. Prove it.

12/06/2008 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duty related allegations never substantiated. It is a witch hunt. Stand for Burge now so in the future such witchhunts will not occur. I only wish they put this much time into hunting down criminals. It may not be double jeopardy per se, but it really is. And making payouts is not necessarily indicative of guilt.


For the last time, you and everyone else. This shit has been substabtiated. What do you call his firing? What do you call a JUDGEMENT (not settlement) in Fed Court. What do you call the Special Prosecutor saying he should have been charged with crimes way back when? Yeah, I guess none of that shit is substantiation. What was I thinking?

12/06/2008 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Eric during the supposed misdeeds of Lt. Burge we had a whole judicial system except Police collecting money for fixing cases. And as many know the Maybrook Branch of the Cook County judicial system at that time would have been basically wiped out due to the federal investigation that had occurred there. Yet Eric you never write about this or the Congressman that is currently representing the southside of Chicago and his involvement in the narcotics trade that he was about to be indicted for, that was quashed by the Daley and Clinton political machine to keep his father, the poverty pimp reverand in the machines control.

12/06/2008 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea what happened in 022 last night but I do know a lot of us live out here and we could form a group of guys that drives around an hr or 2 each day to patrol. I am willing to do it off duty to take back the neighborhood. I also think we need to march on rugais office and let her know if something doesnt get done fast out west that she may as well enjoy her final days as alderman. WE WILL vote her out! I am not going to rip coppers in 022 or coppers on 2211 or any other beat. I used to work in 008 and we had same problem out west. THERE IS NO MANPOWER OUT THERE OR HERE! The city doesnt care because white people dont make noise and even when we do the media wont cover it. Its the ghetto that makes the noise(reverends, marches, etc) they get all the special units and shit. I cant rip the coppers in 022 because i worked in 008 and it was damn near impossible to stay west when they were constantly assigning the beat cars to other beats. There was a copper on here who told me that u should just go down on BS street stops or traffic stops when they try assigning you a job on another beat, well I have been on long enough to know that I dont want to be a dog that fucks the other coppers in the district. By doing that all im doing is passing the job off on someone else. Thats bullshit too! I have relatives living west in 008 and i tell them all the time, get to summit side if u need police. At least u will get a response within 2hrs. If u live west in 008 or 022 u are simply fucked by the citys lack of manpower. i know because i have been there. i say lets step up and plan a walk to ginger rugais office and be heard and if we have to start our own security thing like marquette pk did then so be it. Just dont hire the dogs to do the job!

12/06/2008 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello SCC,

Judge Gettleman's judgment orders against Burge, which received no notice in local newspapers or on radio or television, were handed down in mid-July of 1996.

The breakdown in payment ordered by Judge Gettleman was as follows: The city had to pay $900,016 to Wilson's lawyers—Flint Taylor, Jeffrey Haas, and John Stainthorp of the People's Law Office. An additional $100,000, earmarked for Wilson, is to be paid directly to the widow and two children of William Fahey, who are identified in court documents as "judgment creditors" of Andrew Wilson. The Fahey family won a wrongful death suit against Wilson years ago, and thereby ensured that they could garnish any money awarded him in his civil rights suit against Commander Burge, his comrades, and the city.

So you see, it's not just "allegations." If you want a docket number, it's not hard to find.

12/06/2008 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course they deserved it, but it was still wrong.

Well, which is it? In my book, they can't hurt enough for what they did. Too bad you can only kill someone once. Luckily, god invented torure.

12/06/2008 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burge arrests cop killers and the new gen x hair gel police are complaining about it
what a police dept we have it's all about them do nothing police,
only on the jobolice for a paycheck
Mr Mayor civilianize more jobs and make the new police earn their salary
glad i retired last year

12/06/2008 12:10:00 PM

Not everyone agrees with them. I have 3 years on, and would rather see the FOP bankrupt then Jon Burge in jail. Defend him to the end. Money can be replaced.

12/06/2008 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone,

Did you enjoy the post by Wayne Harej? In case you missed it, Wayne supports Jon Burge and would contribute to his defense. However, Wayne also supports suing the FOP because it is sponsoring Burge's defense. WHAATT!?!?

Wayne has run for FOP President, Pension Board, and every other office in our world. And this moron wonders why he keeps losing. Look in the mirror, retard.

12/06/2008 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Another home invasion on the west end of 022! 107th Drake male black and female black home invaded a white lady home alone. This is getting ugly people!! We need to gather a posse and fix this

12/06/2008 08:31:00 AM

There was also a strong arm robbery of a senior at 111th and Avers at 1700 hrs. Things have become so bad on the west end of 022 that we need to explore the possibility of contracting with a nearby suburb for police protection. Anybody know if this can be done?

12/06/2008 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A dangerous precedent is being set

12/06/2008 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where does it say that the Burge accusers are allowed to lie in front of grand juries, at trials and to the public.

If they, the brothers and others, were all charged with perjury there would be no room in the federal courts,

Why are the accused murderers, witnesses, lawyers allowed to lie
day after day, month after month and year after year. This is why we, the police, don't trust offenders, lawyers and most witnesses. Youse people have to earn your trust from us. Ha Ha

12/06/2008 07:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say pay the tab. It isn't for Burge, it is the principal, these are bullshit charges.

From a 40 yr vet.

12/06/2008 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people in the African-American community who are calling for his head should be the one's lining up to pay his legal defense. He did what was necessary to protect THEIR neighborhoods and THEIR children, for the most part.He put guilty scum in prison.
Any copper that criticizes his methods.....Pray that if some shitbag takes your life on this job a man like JB is handling the case. Fuck these Feds and their trumped up case. I didn't see them hunting down O.J. when he violated those two people's civil rights by CHOPPING THEIR FUCKING HEADS OFF!

12/06/2008 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you say Bullshit , prove it ? I've been retired for over 10 years and I still pay my dues so WTF .

12/06/2008 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burge is my hero!!!!

12/06/2008 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My understanding of the timeline is a bit fuzzy: the alleged offense for which Burge was charged - the perjury from a deposition in a civil suit - did that not occur AFTER he retired from the Dept? If so, then why is he covered by FOP? Whether he was/is a member or not. If my retired partner is charged for a crime he allegedly committed AFTER he retired, would he be covered?

And BTW, Burge was a dues paying member of the FOP, and there was no Lts. collective bargaining agreement when he was around.

12/06/2008 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The home invasion in 022 last night was not all it seems.
Here we go: M-2-mid 20's is slightly "slow" mentally, not quite retarded, but not all there. He has had his "girlfriend"/prostitute coming and going from the house for several months. Well, they decided to have a party and invite some friends from 78th and Green, where girlfriend has family (right behind the 006th District).
Mom didn't like the fact that all these people were in her house and told them to leave. Son says they are my friends, and told them to stay. Mom runs out onto the street, and starts yelling, drawing the attention of the neighborhood. everyone scatters from the house. Money comes up missing.
Check the history of domestics/mental health calls at the house going back 2 years. The son is a handful, and mom coddled him, trying to keep him under control by pacifying him. A no win situation for her, but really, not a home invasion, not by any stretch of the imagination.
Now the other one from 112 and Whipple was a straight up home invasion where the ASA's office refused to press charges, approving Residential Burglary instead. A felony yes, but not the most severe felony, and not the appropriate one.

12/06/2008 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

12/06/2008 11:08:00 AM

Bullshit. Prove it.

12/06/2008 05:53:00 PM

Go over to FOP and ask to see the rosters and membership records from the years in question you fucking idiot. Do you think for a second that they would just this for the hell of it? what the hell is wrong with you. Go type a memo.

12/06/2008 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I have seen many innocent coppers hung out to dry and not represented by FOP. The injustices of the past are not UNNNOTICED>

12/06/2008 05:43:00 PM

Can you name any off the top of your head?

12/06/2008 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
well, i can see why they are paying for his defense. the feds really have no case. the only evidence they have is the word of the bad guys on the word of the police. you all know as well as I do, that "one on one" he said, she said testimony will never hold up in court. you need evidence to prove. as they say in the movie training day, "its not what you know, its what you can prove." I know this is not a movie or tv, but it is the truest thing i have ever heard. how many times have we as police officers known that ol' boy was dirty and commited the crime but had no proof.

12/06/2008 12:13:00 AM


You DO know that this case has nothing to do with "one on one, he said she said testimony" or "the word of bad guys", right? Are you even aware that this has nothing to do with torturing suspects? A REAL cop would be aware of this!

This is about testimony Burge gave years after he was fired. This is about his words in a deposition in a civil lawsuit, that did not match up to his previous testimony, under oath, while he was being investigated. This is the perjury that he allegedly committed.

Sorry, ol' boy, but there's just no proof that you aren't a clerk at Hollywood Video or a shopping mall Santa!!! Please spare us the quoting of fictional characters in fictitious movies. It's obviously the only recruit training that you've had!!!

12/06/2008 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like the names of those on the board that actually voted. I know Greg Bella voted for this.

This is just a way for Greg to appeal to those that actually vote in the FOP- the old timers and retirees. This is completely blatent. The retirees love Burge. This will cost us active members.

All I can say is that appeasing the old timers is a dangerous political strategy to take without considering the needs of the active guys.

This will drain our legal defense fund almost 25% to 50%. Grow some balls FOP Prez and put Greg in check

12/06/2008 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12/06/2008 05:42:00 PM

It aint the size of the dog in the fight...............

12/06/2008 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

willie the whale said...
The one question I have is whether or not he was an FOP member paying in while he was an exempt member. If not, I don't think FOP (us) should be paying, let the white-shirt fund pay. That said, it is bullshit this federal witch hunt, spurred on by the liberal media and a bunch of useless reverends and aldermenses.

12/06/2008 11:05:00 AM


This has nothing to do with Burges' actions as a white shirt or police is based on his change of testimony during two separate depositions years apart!

12/06/2008 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES YES YES! the FOP should pay for Burge's defense ~ he was an outstanding boss who did his job and put away cop killers. I can't believe anyone cares about those pieces of garbage that gunned downed police officers!

12/06/2008 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
FOP is footing the bill to keep Burge quiet about Daley's involvement.It's all on the legit.

12/06/2008 01:55:00 AM

Absolutely! Thanks. Someone has finall said it.

12/06/2008 09:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

12/06/2008 11:08:00 AM



The ALLEGED purjury was after he was fired, when there was NO LEGAL DEFENSE fund provision for white-shirts!

12/06/2008 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burge was OFF DUTY and RETIRED when these crimes occured. He is accused of lying in a civil Lawsuit deposition in 2001. He was long retired by then. So drop the BS about this being duty related. I believe this to be a witch hunt and a disgrace for the US attorney to bring this case, I also have no problem with helping defend Burge but everyone needs to understand this was not duty related.

12/06/2008 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Jon Burge is a great man. I'm proud to help with his legal defense.

12/06/2008 03:41:00 AM

Great? At what. Abusing people?
He is a "yes man". He did what his superiors told him to do which includes taking the "hit" for this travesty.

Go after the real culprits, hero boy; but in the interim, keep your fuckin' hands off my money.

12/06/2008 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cryin' ryan

You are a piece of garbage!!! The Wilson Brothers were Cop Killers. Burge is Hero!!! Fuck you and your money from the lame ass FOP.

12/06/2008 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your opinion, Mr. Mayor, but could you please do it at your own expense!!!!

Dude you are a fucking idiot. These savages killed cops. It wouldn't bother you because you wear the uniform but are not a cop!!!

12/06/2008 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

12/06/2008 11:08:00 AM


Donahue is pulling out all the stops, getting all of his staff and the mayor's staff to add comments here to try to form a consensus opinion that he was right to back up Burge. what a jag!!!!

12/06/2008 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as I am concerned Burge, O'Hare and Yucaitis are heroes. The wilson bros. should not have made it to any lock up, let alone trial!!!

12/06/2008 02:37:00 PM

Heros? Some bunch of heros you worship. They dropped the ball.

12/06/2008 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another home invasion on the west end of 022! 107th Drake male black and female black home invaded a white lady home alone. This is getting ugly people!! We need to gather a posse and fix this

12/06/2008 08:31:00 AM

Hmmm. Wonder who keeps Ginger in office? White contituents or black constituents.

And, why wasn't this on the news?

12/06/2008 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric Zorn wonders why the Jon Burge legal fees are not front page on this blog like they were on his stupid newspaper? A newspaper that fewer people are reading let alone buying? Sorry Eric, the Sun-Times isn't a player and neither are you. This citizen SCC reader would rather tip one (on my tab) and shoot the shit with the likes of Jon Burge any day, any time rather than the little Sun-Times twerp Eric Zorn. There are a number of articles on the net about Burge and also the Wilson brothers. An American hero meets, greets and picks up ghetto trash. Someone had to. I'm glad Jon Burge did. One wonders if there can be a god in heaven with people like Andrew and Jackie Wilson living among us. Of course Eric Zorn is too intelligent to believe in God and wonder about such things. There was an article a while back in the Reader about Burge and his response to the murders of Fahey and O'Brien I thought "somewhat" fair and comprehensive. Better than anything in our "big" newspapers it was. The world isn't perfect, way less so in the ghetto as you cops know. Burge functioned well in a very imperfect world. He has not EVER been convicted of ANYTHING and the charges against him now are most assuredly and obviously a political vendetta championed by the various media outlets playing to their constituents rather than players of objective fact finding. Many of us are damn sick and tired of a government and legal system that fosters and nurtures criminal activity to the maddening frustration of those of you who are responsible and charged with preventing and arresting crimial activity. So fuck you Eric Zorn and the horse you rode in on. If you had any balls, you would move to Englewood and show everyone what a great man and mentor of community justice you think that you are. Until you do, you are nothing but a two bit piece of shit with a newspaper column and periodic, irriating appearences on WLS radio once in a while on early Sunday nights. A crummy way to make a living. Hopefully another problem will be resolved soon. The final ecomonic collapse of the Sun-Times and elimination of another major problem in this country; corrupt agenda driven journalism AND Eric's job. Oh, Merry CHRISTMAS Eric you asshat from one private citizen.

12/06/2008 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
we should form our own watch. 016/022/008.
ODPO's that want to take an hour a day and patrol their area's. Understand that we are still off duty. I'm willing to do this. We don't have any manpower in the districts, and twice in a month i've chased off potenial burglars from 1622's beat. I know people will bitch about not being paid and i have court, and i have kids. Stop making 1 rock arrests and you won't be in court, fuck joe & the ghetto. Let it rott. Who's in?
12/04/2008 12:30:00 PM
I live in 022. You can count me in.
We need to seriously start doing something so we can be heard.if it be complaining to the alderman or start putting this talk about patroling our own neighborhoods into action
If the bad guy knows he is being watched or is seen, he will go elsewhere. you don't even have to announce your office or get close, get a lic plate number call it in, stay a half block away (or a safe distance) again if they are seen, they will leave.
What would be the guidelines?? Since you are off duty, are the same as the average citizen? How can you stop anyone without jamming yourself up?
433's beat up for grabs. the police arent doing enough. shit, i might see 1 police car in 2 weeks time, other the times i call them about burglars and drug dealers on my block. wtf
Would we be limited to calling 911? and reporting what we see, than waiting and hoping the beat car can get there in time??
sounds good, instead of bitching about shitheads on the computer we should put it in motion.
In 008 Al C. Who owns the lindys/gerties on archer and nashville was trying to set it up with the help of alderman zalewski (23rd ward) what happened?
well if you live on the west end of 008 you better have something to protect yourself. Becasue by the time you call 911 and actually get a car to respond you could be laying there dead for hours.
12/06/2008 11:20:00 AM






12/06/2008 10:48:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

>>>Well, for some reason we got quite a bit of abuse for not having this story up instantaneously when it broke this morning.<<<

It could be worse. My hard drive crashed and I forked out $200 to get it fixed. Perhaps it was the pic Det Shaved sent my pc over the edge... lol

12/06/2008 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


optimistically, maybe this is heat on burge to open up on daley. these cases could not of gone forth for prosecution without daley's consent.

12/06/2008 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A PO did something off duty and hurt some people. FOP wouldn't help. Why then are they helping this guy who is charged with lying to the Fed while he was officially retired and a civilian?

If anyone wants to pay extra, feel free. I would like my dues money saved for on duty defense of members.

12/06/2008 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you are wrong. Burge lost a "torture" case in federal court and he lost his police board case. So, to say it's all just "allegations" when apparently the whole world (including a special prosecutor) knows he did it is just nonsense.

No sir you are wrong This perjury case is like the end around run that the feds pulled with the Rodney King case. ASA's, media and public outcry unhappy with the results or lack of results in a state court go Federal court with more latitude in charging. There is no evidence that Burge and co. did anything wrong. Just the word of convicted crimminals with extensive records both prior to and after these arrests and subsequent release. That is not proof beyond reasoanable doubt. There is more reasonable proof and evidence that the offenders committed the crimes they were unjustly freed by the Felon George Ryan. This is another example of how our word and integrity is questioned and the arrestee is just another victim in the eyes of the black community, forced on them by the Race baiting ministers, reverends and media persons like Eric Zorn who troll this blog for tid bits to twist to their quest for anarchy and chaos.

12/06/2008 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Message for Eric Zorn: Go east until your hat floats.

12/06/2008 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Im not mistaken a supervisor could be an FOP member for about $50 a year

Obviuosly the FOP doesnt bargain for him, ut for $50 ayear he gets the legal plan?

Sorry but that aint right

12/06/2008 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I believe the FOP should petition President Bush to pardon Jon Burge!

12/06/2008 05:05:00 AM"

Pardon him for what conviction?

12/06/2008 09:17:00 AM

The President can pardon you for crimes you haven't been convicted of. Old man Bush pardoned Casper Weinberger for Iran-Contra on Christmas Eve 1992. Weinberger was scheduled to begin trial 2 weeks later. Weinberger was never convicted of anything.

12/06/2008 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many questions. So much alcohol to consume.

1. Jefferson Tap resulted in 3 indictments by the State's Attorney against the Sergeant and two others. Amazingly the initial incident was two years ago this month. Time flies when you are being investigated. Run a google search the information is out there.

Personally, I would like to thank the brave Jefferson Tap Rangers for hastening the departure of Superintendent Cline. I hope it was worth the risk of your freedom and trashed careers. Of all the superintendents since 1986 he was by far the fattest and the worst. Those are not easy tasks to accomplish. The competition is stiff.(think Viagra)

2. I loathe Jon Burge and don't think the Fraternal Order of Taking Care of the Elected Officers should pay a dime for his defense. However, the ironic thing is he is in this particular portion of the trickbag because he and the other retirees in Fitzie's sights took the advice of the City attorney and testified in the civil case against the city.

Therefore, and ,this is funny, the city should pick up the tab. The indicted should have just asserted their constitutional right to keep the hell quiet.

3. Presidents have virtually unlimited pardon power over federal offenses. They can do it even before someone has been charged. Think back to Ford pardoning Nixon or Bush the first pardoning a bunch of Iran Contra folks. The only limit on their ability to pardon is regarding those impeached and convicted by Congress. The Prez can't pardon them.

4. "Fuck Eric Zorn"?

He's not really my gender preference, but give me a few more beers and put some lipstick and wig on him and I'll take a Cialis and do my best for God and Country.

5. Did I just type number 4? Geez, I need to go back to AA

12/06/2008 11:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you all compaining about Burge??? Daley was States Attorney at the time and APPROVED all the charges!!!! you should be wondering why he wasn't arrested for approving the charges. It was HIS office prosecuting these cases and had knowlege. Why aren't you media a/o's doing a story on that? Ya goona lose you press pass from him.

12/06/2008 11:58:00 PM  
Blogger POTUS Hussein said...

Eric...............the sidewalk in front of the house Rezko bought me better be shoveled and salted when I get back from Hawaii.

12/07/2008 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paying Burge's fees is the right thing to do. All you newbies couldn't hold a candle to that man!! I can't believe all you so-called Chicago Police Officers would let him hang out to dry! You are an embarrassment to this job!

12/07/2008 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
YES YES YES! the FOP should pay for Burge's defense ~ he was an outstanding boss who did his job and put away cop killers. I can't believe anyone cares about those pieces of garbage that gunned downed police officers!

12/06/2008 09:05:00 PM



Just where in that peabrain of yours did you determine that "anyone cares about those pieces of garbage that gunned downed police officers!"

The only discussion going on here is who should be paying the legal bills of Jon Burge.

Anyone who thinks this discussion equates to caring about cop killers, is seriously a F*CKING MORON!!!

12/07/2008 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Burge should be defended. I believe that FOP is looking at the larger picture here and what is at stake financially if Burge is found guilty. It will open up the door for further indictments of Detectives who worked under Burge, some who are still on the job. Imagine the cost involved in defending several compared to defending one.

12/07/2008 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Fact of the matter is that if Mark Donahue and the rest of the empty holsters at the FOP want to pay for Burges' legal fees they should be able to do so, out of their own pockets. They should not however be able to do so with the money that was taken out of our checks without at least 51% of the memberships vote. There must be something in place that allows us, the memberhip, to challege the use of our money defending Commander Burge. Its not a matter of how weak the case against Burge is, its the fact that those jagoffs at the union feel that they know best. Sorry assholes but if you truely were in touch with the membership you would have inquired about this before making this decision. This is just another example of how out of touch you clowns are. Then again you guys are the same dickheads that couldn't be bothered to go and qualify with your weapons, which is the second most important tool we have on this job. The first being your head, which you have proven time and again to be affixed firmly up your asses.

12/07/2008 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Thank you for your opinion, Mr. Mayor, but could you please do it at your own expense!!!!

Dude you are a fucking idiot. These savages killed cops. It wouldn't bother you because you wear the uniform but are not a cop!!!

12/06/2008 09:36:00 PM



There has been no discussion anywhere here about sympathizing with savages or cop killers. The sooner they're dead, the better!

But how the hell you can turn a discussion of who should foot the bill for legal defense into your stupid post is ludicrous!!!!

Dude YOU are a fucking idiot.

12/07/2008 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is that appeasing the old timers is a dangerous political strategy to take without considering the needs of the active guys.

Officer,you are so wrong you can't see the the forest because of the trees.
I'm an old timer,I have 13 working days left on this job,then I will retire with probably more time on this job than you have on this planet.
It is not a question of old timers against the newbies,it's what their doing to all of us,whether you just got off probation or you carry 2 stars on your sleeve.
It's us against them!Follow the money trail,you think they give a fuck what Burge or anyone else did.
It's where they can can get the money,if it takes a 20 year old case to find somthing (anything) wrong they'll go after it.
20 years down the line it could be "YOU",don't judge Burge or second guess him.
From your statement,I gather you were'nt even on the job,when Burge was.
I came on in the early 70's,and believe me the CPD of today was a differant breed than the one we have today.
I'm not saying we were better or worse than policing is today,but it was a lot differant.
When I came on the districts were like family,you had a differant breed of supervisors,and everything stayed in house,if you had a real stand up W/C most of the time the D/C did'nt know what went on in the district,everything stopped at the W/C,the D/C was on a need to know basis.
I'm sorry you'll never see those days nor have the pleasure of working for the bosses that I did.
But what is happening to Burge is just the start of what can happen to you.
My career is over,yours is'nt I wish you a long and prosperous career,
but it is a lot easier today to end your career than it was mine,somthing that you were involved in this year,can turn around and bite you in the ass 10 or 15 years down the line.
Please don't judge us old timers against you new guys,it's two differant worlds but we are still family wearing the blue.
Your generation is no better nor no worse than ours were.

12/07/2008 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would be the guidelines?? Since you are off duty, are the same as the average citizen? How can you stop anyone without jamming yourself up?

While this off duty neighborhood patrol is not a bad idea, remember if you do it, you are a cop first, off duty or not. Anything you do will be subject to department guidelines and (unfortunately) disciplinary procedures. Sign up, drive around, see something? Call for an on duty car, or hold the offender till someone gets there. You can make an arrest off duty (we all know this) but be careful. Years ago a few of us were working a part time job, watching some business parking lots. One of us sees a guy acting foolish, approaches, the goof gives some lip, the copper gives him a crack, ends up taking 10 days. The rules still apply, so everybody be careful.

12/07/2008 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's get to the bottom line people - Burge needs to be defended so that a precident of harrasing retired officers (who were never convicted) is not set. No officer needs to go through that after he's (or she's) served his time in hell. Cozzi should be defended as his punishment was already served. They should not be allowed to hit him up again.

Whether feds are trying to set up daley or not,it's the wrong way. That scum breaks laws and ignores the Constitution right out in the open anyway.

These morons need to go after daley & his minions, alderscum and the gangs. Do they really have to go that far back in the past, with utter scum of the earth as their witnesses, to prove some media/ratings-driven point?

This precident must not be set. What a f*cked up world.

12/07/2008 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are out there off-duty looking for crime, and find it, you are authorized to make the pinch, call the beat car, they do the case and make sure you are on the arrest report/ When off-duty and you see a crime occur, you need nobodys permission to take action.

12/07/2008 03:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is'nt the lieutenants association funding his defense? He was a lieutenant. little guys bailout the big guys once again.

12/07/2008 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHY is the FOP not defending Cozzi, or at least hosting a series of fund raisers at FOP hall on his behalf?

12/07/2008 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Home invasion ? All one needs is a dog that barks and a .38 revolver or other dependable weapon(G-word)
or what ever you retired dad and I have a saying...
The dog tells you when to get the gun ! End of story.

12/07/2008 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/07/2008 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The people in the African-American community who are calling for his head should be the one's lining up to pay his legal defense. He did what was necessary to protect THEIR neighborhoods and THEIR children, for the most part.He put guilty scum in prison.
Any copper that criticizes his methods.....Pray that if some shitbag takes your life on this job a man like JB is handling the case. Fuck these Feds and their trumped up case. I didn't see them hunting down O.J. when he violated those two people's civil rights by CHOPPING THEIR FUCKING HEADS OFF!

12/06/2008 07:20:00 PM

You sir are a Moron and an AssHole! Your pomposs thought process, unfortunately is rampant amongst the society of this job. "THEIR, THEIR, THEIR"...No one hired your sorry ass to protect ONE people or any ONE segment of society! YOU stood there just like many reading this diatribe and SWORE to protect and serve in an unbiased manner! You what? Get a job when no one else would hire you! And then all of a sudden you're pissed with all of society because of a few asswipes? Guess what Moron... if society was perfect they wouldn't need to hire any of us!

12/07/2008 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"12/07/2008 01:03:00 AM"

All true.

But, will youth take heed?

Youth, being afflicted with tunnel vision, see only what is approximately 2" beyond the tips' of their noses.

Which is one of the many reasons why the 'old' saying "Youth is wasted on the young" is so very true.

12/07/2008 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

828pm THANK YOU, Finally the truth on here

12/07/2008 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

POTUS Hussein,
You're one crazy dude, man. Thanks for the chuckle. I'm glad we still have some,great thinkers with a good sense of humor left out there.
Stay safe my brothers.
O'V (r)

12/07/2008 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to ...
29 and a day said...
Yes, supervisors CAN become FOP members for $50.00 annually.
Don't get your tighty,whitey's in a wedgy though as they are only, FRATERNAL members.
NO legal plan, non voters on issues.
They are basically FOP supporters as "brothers" (generic term, offense)and as such, aside from the support and brotherhood they get a decal and calendar book.
Now you know, da rest of da story, bro'. Amen and stay safe!

12/07/2008 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I say pay the tab. It isn't for Burge, it is the principal, these are bullshit charges.

From a 40 yr vet.

12/06/2008 07:17:00 PM

40 years why are you still working? Goof!

12/07/2008 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Careful what you say about Zorn. He's 6'4", Kass is only 5'4"

12/06/2008 05:42:00 PM

Didn't know they could stack liberal, racist shit that high.

12/07/2008 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OJ will be able to continue his search for the real killers for the next 9 years in the right place.
George Ryan can look for the real killers of the 15 people killed by Howard, Patterson, Orange and Hobley inside his prison.
What neither will admit was the right people were charged the first time and the search is futile!

12/07/2008 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Burge should be defended. I believe that FOP is looking at the larger picture here and what is at stake financially if Burge is found guilty. It will open up the door for further indictments of Detectives who worked under Burge, some who are still on the job. Imagine the cost involved in defending several compared to defending one.

12/07/2008 12:39:00 AM


12/07/2008 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does everyone keep saying Burge retired? He was fired. then again, why does everyone keep saying that he was responsible for putting away cop killers when the truth is that his shennagins prevented two cop killers from getting the chair? Thats the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me Blog..

12/07/2008 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Burge should be defended. I believe that FOP is looking at the larger picture here and what is at stake financially if Burge is found guilty. It will open up the door for further indictments of Detectives who worked under Burge, some who are still on the job. Imagine the cost involved in defending several compared to defending one.

12/07/2008 12:39:00 AM


12/07/2008 04:58:00 PM


12/07/2008 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody know if this can be done?

What do you think, genius?

12/07/2008 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like the names of those on the board that actually voted. I know Greg Bella voted for this.

This is just a way for Greg to appeal to those that actually vote in the FOP- the old timers and retirees. This is completely blatent. The retirees love Burge. This will cost us active members.

All I can say is that appeasing the old timers is a dangerous political strategy to take without considering the needs of the active guys.

This will drain our legal defense fund almost 25% to 50%. Grow some balls FOP Prez and put Greg in check

12/06/2008 08:55:00 PM

you hit the nail on the head.

12/07/2008 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess coppers in the 008th, 016th
and 022nd Districts should band together to form citizen patrols of their hoods. ANd it shouldn't be too much trouble to come into the station and sign out a radio or two, since we don't have the manpower to fill up all available beats. You can even use the moniker of MPC1 (Morgan Park Citizen Patrol car 1), etc. Everyone who was listening in who would be on duty would know who you were. You could call in suspicious groups or vehicles.
NOW, all you'll have to do is wait for a working beat car to take an interest to come to your aid, or to make the stop of the suspicious people/cars that you would call in.
Good luck.

12/07/2008 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Im not mistaken a supervisor could be an FOP member for about $50 a year

Obviuosly the FOP doesnt bargain for him, ut for $50 ayear he gets the legal plan?

Sorry but that aint right

12/06/2008 11:54:00 PM

Prior to 1999 all of us were full dues paying members of FOP, regardless of rank. Most ranking officers opted out of being full paying members in 1999 when the supervisors formed their bargaining unit/and joined PBPA. So, it may be that Burge was actually a full dues paying member of the FOP in spite of being a LT/cmdr when he was separated from the job. I really don't know, but it is possible.

12/07/2008 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is who gives a fuck anymore ? Face it , its over the whole city is done. Burge was doing what was expected of him now he is fucked. Do everything for yourself in the end thats all you have. Retire in peace. Burge lived for this job no kids no wife now a prison cell. This is truth.

12/07/2008 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is unfucking believable the FOP Lodge 7 should not be spending our money to pay for Burges' attorneys for a perjury charge in relation to a cilvil case stemming from allegations bs or not from 20 something years ago.He was a fucking commander not a P.O.FOP would never do this for one of us.If anything let the Lt's and more so the detectives who worked for him contribute toward his defense.

12/07/2008 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of hearing about the crime in 22 what do you expect buying on the godamn southside?Send more resources to 016 where we pay double the taxes of any southside neighborhood and there is still a possiblity of saving it all southside neighborhoods are shit and unsaveable with the exception of Garfield Ridge.

12/07/2008 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are only, FRATERNAL members.
NO legal plan, non voters on issues.
They are basically FOP supporters as "brothers", and as such, aside from the support and brotherhood they get a decal and calendar book.
12/07/2008 11:12:00 AM


AND BEER, TOO !!!!!!!!!

12/07/2008 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't know they could stack liberal, racist shit that high.

12/07/2008 12:05:00 PM


wouldn't a liberal be the opposite of a racist?

12/07/2008 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of hearing about the crime in 22 what do you expect buying on the godamn southside?Send more resources to 016 where we pay double the taxes of any southside neighborhood and there is still a possiblity of saving it all southside neighborhoods are shit and unsaveable with the exception of Garfield Ridge.

You obviously haven't been there in a while, it sucks now too...

12/08/2008 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 008 Al C. Who owns the lindys/gerties on archer and nashville was trying to set it up with the help of alderman zalewski (23rd ward) what happened?

well if you live on the west end of 008 you better have something to protect yourself. Becasue by the time you call 911 and actually get a car to respond you could be laying there dead for hours.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That would be very nice if we had a right to carry law in Illinois. thank GOD i live with my brother who is a Cook county sheriff with a hand gun in the house LEGALLY.

I was at Midwest Guns over the weekend getting a price for a nice tactical shotgun.

criminals will always find a way to get a gun. Now if I wanted to carry a gun for my own protection I would would in turn be arrested and prosecuted !

concerned citizen / city worker 8th Dist.

Sorry about the side streets, direct order NOT to plow them. They actaully pulled us off the clock so we wouldnt get any OT

12/08/2008 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"wouldn't a liberal be the opposite of a racist?

12/07/2008 11:04:00 PM"

Only in their own minds.

12/08/2008 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

016 can't be saved either. Too bad the people living there haven't figured it out yet.

12/08/2008 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what was excepted back in that a different world today.what are the conviction rates compared then to today? instead of stopping at burge...why not chase the rabbit all the way down the hole? it may lead to some of the ghosts of the past?

12/08/2008 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wouldn't a liberal be the opposite of a racist?

12/07/2008 11:04:00 PM

Not hardly, liberals are the biggest closed minded, racist individuals around

12/08/2008 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12/07/2008 11:04:00 PM

Born yesterday, huh?

12/08/2008 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

016 can't be saved either. Too bad the people living there haven't figured it out yet.

Sorry but the area in 016 I live in is still great(Edison Park) it's not without it's problems of course, property crime being the biggest, same hold true with Norwood Park, Forest Glen and Edgebrook and O'Hare area west of Canfield, but nothing on the scale of what's going on at the south border of 025/017, gangs have overrun it, that's almost 30 blocks south and 25 blocks east of me, bottom line is that we need more officers in 016, officers that want to be there and protect the homeland; can't compare to 008 or 022, the shit is 5 minutes away in any direction down there, sad but true.....

12/09/2008 01:44:00 AM  

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