Friday, March 06, 2009

Answering Critics

From the Comments:
  • So here's a question for SCC.

    You're a great straight-talker. And I love you. And I will keep loving you.

    But you have a stubborn streak that really diminishes your credibility.

    In this post, the Superintendent is clearly going to bat for the front-line officers. He's standing behind you in a big way. He's doing something you *always* ask him/ want him to do, and call him out as soon as you perceive him not doing it. And then he does it, and you ignore it.

    Admit it. Weiss is coming through for you in this instance. For whatever reason, he's coming through.
You're putting the cart before the horse. You're assuming that J-Fed is going to win this battle. Let's back up a little bit're assuming that J-Fed has any input whatsoever in this entire incident.

Did you see the Captains list that just came out? Every single name on that list is politically connected in some way, shape or form. Some of the clout isn't as blatant as other's, but it's obvious that J-Fed had absolutely no say in who was promoted - how could he? He's been here a year and couldn't tell the players anyhow. Politics as usual.

In regard to the CR List, we aren't assuming J-Fed is going to win. We are personally of the opinion that he's going to lose and the list will come out in some form. So everything that comes before the "final score" is merely theater. And any attempt to gin up support for what is obviously theater is dishonest at best.

Should he win, we'll give the props to the lawyers who beat back a Federal Court's overreaching, not someone attempting to undo a year worth of damage for one incident that was going on long before he got here and something he should have been doing since Day #1 in numerous other instances.

As to the other incident you mention, wow. NBC checks our blog after the weekend, posts a two-line tidbit in a out-of-the-way corner of it's local news section, refers the entire story back to our blog posting and we're supposed to jump for joy at their coverage of "downtown wilding?" Pardon our incredulity, but you are too easily impressed. We don't check the referral log as often as you it seems. And we don't think the "grow[ing] up" needs to be done on this side of the keyboard.

UPDATE: You still think J-Fed is "clearly going to bat" for us now?

God, we hate it when we are 100% accurate.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess at about 9:00am, monday, we're all going to find out!

3/06/2009 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JPUD is refusing to release this list for two reasons and two reasons only and it isn't because he gives a flying fuck about the CPD rank=and-file officers that earlier in his career he would sell his soul to the devil to catch doing something wrong. The reason he is in contempt is:

(1) Daley told him to do it. JPUD is Richie's "yes man." Richie is afraid that releasing those names might in some way come back to hurt him.
(2) JPUD knows that if that list get released coppers won't do a fucking thing (I mean less than they are doing now) because this list will open us up to all sorts of civil liability. Crime will skyrocket to levels we haven't seen in Shitcago in years.

The city's policy of accepting every and any complaint any ghetto shithead makes against their hard working officers has finally come back to fuck them in the ass, LITERALLY!!! Hey Richie, if you had studied in law school you would know that EVERYTHING IS DISCOVERABLE!!!

3/06/2009 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not the poster of the statements you responded to here in "Answering Critics". I am the one who posted....

Anonymous said...
Look, I know it is in the city's best interest to keep a lid on those names but c'mon. To sit here and bash them for it really doesn't make much sense. What would the reaction be if they said "O.K. here are the names you asked for.". I can't stand the mayor any more than any other one of us and our Sup has shown his true colors too but ripping on them for this just seems strange.

I guess I'm just wondering what would be the right thing for the Sup. to do. We are always stuck in Lose / Lose situations and it seems like this too is the same thing. I don't think J Fed is a hero now for "sticking up" for us I'm just being realistic and saying what could he do in THIS instance that would be right. And to the responses to my post that day....

2/27/2009 01:58:00 AM

Nothing Strange @ all. There's an alterior motive afoot here & it's the Hypocrisy involved. If you can't see that either you're naive, ignorant or just plain STUPID

2/27/2009 11:38:00 AM
Or an active participant in the hypocrisy

I'm neither stupid nor involved. Maybe you could tell me what the proper response would be. There's more than enough stuff for us to bitch about when it comes to the City, the Department, and Bosses. Complaining about this just makes us sound like whiners.

3/06/2009 12:28:00 AM  
Blogger LATHROP ONE said...

Again SCC We MUST burn huge slabs of Ribs and consume somewhat mass quantities of Frosty Adult Beverages.

AKA: You Da man!

Keep tellin it like it is.

3/06/2009 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stand corrected. Twice. I buy the Weiss explanation. Pure games on his part. It's nice to see it acknowledged, and explained, in a post rather than in comments from others.

As to the NBC Story, I get the idea that you're displeased with the *amount* of coverage the incident got. And that the "reporting" was nil. Certainly it would be nice for them to maybe pick up the phone and call an actual police precinct and ask actual questions. But your lead was that it would be ignored, and it was not. Many commenters said the same thing, and no one piped in.

Perhaps I'm asking for some nuance that would ruin this whole damn blog.

So anyway thank you for the response. I'll continue sending you links instead of assuming you've seen them. And sorry about the "grow up" thing. Uncalled for.

3/06/2009 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

coppers getting into trouble right and left, poor morale, no new pdt's, no new vehicles, no mounts for long guns, almost 2 years without a contract. did anyone notice how a lot of this shit started when the fbi gangster came to town. and now he's the hero for snubbing his nose at a federal judge-- hardly-- he is the quintessential "thorn in the side" of all working po's in this city-- NO CONFIDENCE-- you are only worried about yourself and everyone knows it.

3/06/2009 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of you that listen to the LIBERAL likes of "The Kathy and Judy Show" on WGN Radio.. these liberal degenerates revealed their true colors on the Thursday morning show.
They basically stated that a great number of police officers abuse people and that all the names of coppers with unfounded CRs be released.

My boss wrote the below rebuttal to these piece of shit communists.

YES, “Change” is Coming to this Police Department


I was the Chicago Police lieutenant that was going to speak with you on the radio on today’s date in regards to releasing the names of officers with unfounded complainants. Unfortunately I was cut off.

There are two very different Chicago’s ladies. The one that you are familiar with and then there’s the one I happen to work in on the Southside. The Chicago that I work in resembles a suburb of hell. I had young aggressive officers that worked for me in years past and every night they put their lives on the line. 3 out of 10 times when they would make a felony arrest the criminals they encountered would put up a fight and therefore NECESSARY force was used to put these individuals in custody. To say the least, 3 out of 10 times they would file a FALSE complainant against the officers. In the end, these would amount to numerous unfounded complaints. Now, you believe these innocent officers’ names should be released? If one of these officers or detectives happens to testify in a serious criminal trial, say the murder and rape of a child, the offender’s attorney can bring up the fact that the policemen’s name is on such a list to discredit the officer thereby setting up an acquittal of a child murderer. To say the least, this is a very dangerous practice to release names of innocent officer’s names which is in fact nothing more than an attempt to receive monetary gains for greedy lawyers.
Remember, it’s the taxpayers, YOU that will pay for their greed.

How would you like to be arrested for driving under the influence and subsequently it’s learned that you had a diabetic seizure. You are of course are NOT GUILTY. HOWEVER, you are blacklisted from any driving job because your driver’s abstract shows you have been arrested for an unfounded, false charge of driving when drunk.
Is that fair?

In regards to “Change”, yes I see it coming on this police department. I have seen in the past year how young officers with only a few years on the job have waken up. These cops are just going through the motions. Although they follow all rules, regulations and department general orders they are operating in a very passive and non-aggressive manner. Cops are becoming nothing more than glorified secretaries. They observe a drive by shooting and they drive around the block slowly before coming back to complete the report. They arrive at a roach infested apartment where a woman is beaten half to death and the boyfriend runs out the back door. Do they chase him? Well, maybe for about 10 feet just for show. What the heck, why fight with him? It’s no longer worth it.

We get paid on the 1st and 16th of the month NO MATTER WHAT.
After 29 years of service we receive a 75% pension with benefits.
And guess what? You CAN NOT get in trouble for being a rules abiding, competent, passive, non-aggressive police officer.

The next time you have to call 911 in this city, God forbid your well being is not so in danger. You should pray that the responding officer will not take the scenic “long way” while responding to your emergency because he worries more about receiving an unjust complaint.

"People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
- George Orwell

For more religion go to:

3/06/2009 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weis isn't doing this on his own volition. As pointed out earlier Cline stonewalled on this same issue.

Believe me if that wasn't the case, it would be out and all those listed would be thrown under the proverbial Bus.

3/06/2009 02:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-fed is now a coppers best friend?
No way!!!
I'm willing to bet that the list will contain at least one boss that has been promoted at a time where the mere allegation should have eliminated him and didn't due to clout....That my friends is what the secrecy is about. My guess is the ex-academy boss.

3/06/2009 03:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the list is released, the career criminals will know getting a CR#, regardless if it is sustained or not, will ruin a copper's creditbility and career.

PO does job and locks up Joe for beating the shit out of his baby's momma. Joe then obtains fake brutality CR# against PO stating while in police custody, he was mistreated and unnecessary excessive physical force by the PO was used. A CR# is automatically obtained to conduct an investigation, PO is now fucked and has brutality CR#.
Now take every shit head Joe doing this to POs every time they are locked up. You will have POs afraid to make / affect an arrest when warranted for the fear of spiteful brutality beefs.

3/06/2009 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again SCC We MUST burn huge slabs of Ribs and consume somewhat mass quantities of Frosty Adult Beverages.

AKA: You Da man!

Keep tellin it like it is.

3/06/2009 01:25:00 AM


Tonight, we dine in HELL!

3/06/2009 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this post, the Superintendent is clearly going to bat for the front-line officers.

Listen here party liner, J-fuk is merely Daley's TOOL between the shitbag attorneys in this state and his personal pocketbook ( taxpayer dollars )

This is Daley's decision, and don't think for a second it's motivated in the least at protecting officers, it comes squarely from Daley's fear of the inevitable inrush of bullshit lawsuits that will take payoff money outta his friends pockets and put it into scumbag attorney's who DON'T have a city hall connection to Daley. See, by keeping an eye on which attorney, scratch that, Daley knows who he's gonna pay off and settle with because his buddy attorneys call him and tell him they have a case against the city, Daley gets to feed his politcal machine the grease it needs from our tax dollars. When this list DOES come out and the names are spread out on the media and the internet and to anyone who'll pay for the list, there's gonna be a HUGE inrush of bullshit lawsuits from no-name attorneys who Dale doesn't WANT to pay off because THEY don't vote for his ass.

What YOU determine is J-fuks vindication, is J-fuk trying to take advantage of Daley's desire to keep his pocketbook open only to his personal lawyer friends, and NOT the rest of the two-bit perry masons who vote against him.

People like you only have the ability to see either the shiny layer of crap in front of your face or at the most 1 layer deep, where Daley REALLY burys the false message of his doings. You just need to open your eyes and do some Chicago history review buddy, you'll get there one day.

3/06/2009 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, but this is exactly why we need long guns or at least shotguns in our cars before this happens to one of us:

3/06/2009 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But you believers will still go out there and get those numbers like fools until you are jammed up.

We dont stick together!

3/06/2009 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With regards to the "Wilding" postings; I am still waiting for the person who called me an alewife smelling liar to respond. Too much truth for you ?

3/06/2009 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As to the other incident you mention, wow

SCC, just some housecleaning, what did the critic say about this incident ? Its not in your blog.

3/06/2009 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aside from the usual bed-wetter comments usually posted here, maybe things would be easier if the readers of this blog could determine what the fuck your job and your responsibilities are anyway. Aside from shifting your sworn responsibilities to 14 year old explorer wanna-be's, what is it about the Chicago Police Department that prevents you from doing what you've sworn to do? Can't make pinches, did they stop paying overtime for going to court? Did they do away with the medical? Did McDonalds and 7-11 start charging for coffee? From what I can see, there's no interference from anyone stopping you from doing your job? Honestly, if Chicago, or as you call it Shitcago is so bad, why not pull the plug and leave? You know and I know that there is hardly 1 per cent of anyone on the CPD, blue shirt wise that ever organized any kind of a movement to oust the current administration. Most of you sit on your ass and whine on this blog. While most coppers I talk to say this blog doesn't represent the rank and file, its distracting enough to give the impression that being the police is an insufferable pain in the ass.

So why do you stay? Why live in Shitcago, why work in Crook County? Why not find a different gig? Why not take your talents and market them somewhere where they'd be appreciated?

When you boil it all down, it really makes you look like an asshole to stay someplace where you're miserable, underappreciated, underpaid, and worst of all the GPS and PDT's in your cars don't work. So why stay?

Honestly, for all the bitching and moaning that goes on here, it really makes you look stupid for staying when the job sucks as badly as you say it does.

Ever consider barber college?

3/06/2009 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Weiss,

You are killing my husband.

Each night he comes through the door after working in a crappy neighborhood, I thank God he made it through another night. You are making this job of his and the many others out there every night a living hell. Every officer puts their life on the line just by putting on the uniform. In the old days, it was a simple fear of being shot. Now, it is the fear of being sued, having too may citizen complaints on record ( which any one can make one and you are guilty until proven innocent), idiot supervisors who don't take your years of experience into account, demoted supervisors who think they know what to do and put your career in jeopardy and supervisors who demand activity yet don't allow overtime and will not back you up. Criminals have more rights than a man doing an honest job. The daily stress of worrying if the i's were dotted and t's crossed has eatten away at his proudness to be apart of the CPD family. My husband's health is failing fast. Very high blood pressure,chest pains, headaches, numbness in his arm, joints worn down so badly that he cannot remember a time when they did not hurt. He will not go to the doctor because he knows his spot will be taken if goes on the medical or worries that the medical integrity unit will check on him at home while at the doctors. The job sucked to begin with but with the current working conditions, you will make me a widow very soon. I am making an appointment for him today and hope that he will keep it. To all unions, the working conditions of why unions were started in the first place are back. You need to step up and fight. To all of the officers out there, yes it is fortunate to have a job in these economic times but your families need and love you. There isn't a job for you if you are dead.

3/06/2009 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We get paid on the 1st and 16th of the month NO MATTER WHAT.
After 29 years of service we receive a 75% pension with benefits.
And guess what? You CAN NOT get in trouble for being a rules abiding, competent, passive, non-aggressive police officer."



This should be our new "motto"!!!

Perhaps it should be at the top of your blog!!!

3/06/2009 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine career FBI guy Weis, law and order and rules and regs and all, actually refusing a court order. He will refuse until the last minute and then produce the list.

This PO is done producing anything. IPRA now allows citizens to lodge a complaint ONLINE!!! Disgusting.

Dear citizens, I hope you don't need my help to keep your house safe or to keep your family safe or anything like that because my family and my pension and my house are way more important to me than yours.

Best of luck Mr and Mrs Citizen. I will show up after the fact and do the report for you, no doubt. And maybe someone else can catch the offending party but I am looking out of myself in these last few years of a police career. You are on your own.

You can thank Jody Weis and IPRA. Lot's of luck.

3/06/2009 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could this be a set up by City Hall to make Jail-Fed look good the working cops? This could just be a ploy to change our opinion of him.

3/06/2009 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone in 008 explain why the Taz-Gal - Y.D., who works off duty for Marq. Park Security has access to a police zone radio on her side job? Since when does a private neighborhood security watch company get to chime in on an official police radio zone? And she rides on jobs given to real police cars and gives "disregards.., and the dispatchers take the disregard...???

3/06/2009 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JP is doing what he is told. A broken clock is still correct 2x a day.

3/06/2009 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to be cynical but we are, for the most, coppers and that one thing we all have learned is that talk is cheap, it don’t mean nothing until you back it up with actions.

The days of bosses with brass balls standing up to anyone is but is a throw back to yesteryear for the most, but it is almost unheard of now a days.

The bottom line is a dozen lawyers telling you what to do will work until Monday, then we’ll see what really happens…

Obviously the one who started off this post also believes the second coming of the messiah has occurred and that they just voted him into office as the President…

3/06/2009 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly, Daley does not give a flying fck about our morale. So this move is not about that. And it is Daley's move. NO WAY is Jfed doing this on his own.

So what is the real reason? Is there a new scandal brewing? Or are they protecting clout? Were some merit promos out of hand?

Where there is smoke MAYBE just maybe there is a fire.....

3/06/2009 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very clever of Jody to misspell his own name in his post to SCC!

3/06/2009 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-fed is now a coppers best friend?
No way!!!
I'm willing to bet that the list will contain at least one boss that has been promoted at a time where the mere allegation should have eliminated him and didn't due to clout....That my friends is what the secrecy is about. My guess is the ex-academy boss.

3/06/2009 03:18:00 AM

True that is why he put the " ex-academy boss " in a 35th str spot to hide him

3/06/2009 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The next time you have to call 911 in this city, God forbid your well being is not so in danger. You should pray that the responding officer will not take the scenic “long way” while responding to your emergency because he worries more about receiving an unjust complaint."

Very well said! I wish they would print this in the paper. After reading the comments for this story on the sun times and tribune sites, no one understands what this whole thing is really about. They just think "Weis is protecting corrupt cops!" Idiots don't know what they're talking about.

3/06/2009 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

coppers getting into trouble right and left, poor morale, no new pdt's, no new vehicles, no mounts for long guns, almost 2 years without a contract. did anyone notice how a lot of this shit started when the fbi gangster came to town. and now he's the hero for snubbing his nose at a federal judge-- hardly-- he is the quintessential "thorn in the side" of all working po's in this city-- NO CONFIDENCE-- you are only worried about yourself and everyone knows it.

Weis is not a good super, I agree. He has never been a patrol officer, so what do you expect. But blaming him for the equipment and contract and everything else... that stuff falls on Daley, not Weis. If Weis had his way I'm sure we would have new equipment, new cars, and a contract. Weis came in wanting to make the department better. But Chicago is a political, bureaucratic machine where it's impossible to get anything done without the machine's backing. With some of you, including the authors of SCC, Weis is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. There are plenty of legitimate things to rip on him for, but he is doing the right thing with this list. I know it may be all for show, but that's the way the game is played here. He can only dance to the tune the machine plays for him. At least he is supporting us publicly.

3/06/2009 11:55:00 AM  
Blogger Elm Creek Smith said...

Off topic, I know, but my next door neighbor, a Tulsa Police Department officer, went through the Rifle Class and was issued his Rock River AR. Both the AR and the Remington 870 he's issued will ride in his car. While he is in good shape, he's been battling some injuries and subsequent surgical repairs (knee and shoulder). No "power" test for TPD officers.

Wish you guys the best.


3/06/2009 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So here's a question for SCC.

You're a great straight-talker. And I love you. And I will keep loving you.

But you have a stubborn streak that really diminishes your credibility.

In this post, the Superintendent is clearly going to bat for the front-line officers. He's standing behind you in a big way. He's doing something you *always* ask him/ want him to do, and call him out as soon as you perceive him not doing it. And then he does it, and you ignore it.

Admit it. Weiss is coming through for you in this instance. For whatever reason, he's coming through."

Too little too late......jpud has done nothing for the blue shirts to get our support. This ripple does not dig him out of the hole he has put himself in with our department. SCC good job.

3/06/2009 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Weis should be doing is purging unsustained CR#'s after 6 years like the contract demands. These non-sustained CRs should have been removed from officer's records after 6 years.

Why weren't they?

3/06/2009 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
- George Orwell


3/06/2009 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A jagoff Sarg in 025 took a third party CR against two PO's! A THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT!!!! Someone completely not involved got a CR# against two PO's on behalf of another shithead and this jagoff took the CR#?!?!?!?!? The third party wasn't even on scene!!! They heard about it though the other shithead!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK SARG ASSWIPE!!! GO BACK TO MAJOR ACC'S!!!! I know you DESK SARG and you have been afraid of your own shadow your whole life! Enjoy 2nd watch you COWARD!!!

3/06/2009 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Facing contempt, top cop says he's handed over list of officers

March 6, 2009 1:23 PM

After being found in contempt of court by a federal judge, Police Supt. Jody Weis said today he has handed over a list of officers who have repeatedly been accused of misconduct.

3/06/2009 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now take every shit head Joe doing this to POs every time they are locked up. You will have POs afraid to make / affect an arrest when warranted for the fear of spiteful brutality beefs.
how is having the list published going to change anything? lawyers have been encouraging offenders to file complaints against the arresting officers for years. its just part of the game.

3/06/2009 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Complaining about this just makes us sound like whiners.

3/06/2009 12:28:00 AM"

No, your complaining about the astute observation skills and accurate conclusions that result just makes you sound like a whiner.

If you're not one of the hypocrites, nor naive, ignorant or stupid, perhaps you are one of those individuals who prefers to simplify the complex in life.

Or are you saying that we should simplify the complex because many citizens are naive, ignorant and stupid, thus said citizens, to whom, presumably, you refer to in your '...makes us sound like whiners.', aren't capable of understanding the complex?

To whom are you referring, when you say "Complaining about this just makes us sound like whiners."?

As for "....what the proper response would be.", well, you've been reading the many responses, including your own.

Why do you feel the need for there to be only one, proper response?

3/06/2009 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tribune said JFED is giving up the names on monday. So much for him having our backs!

3/06/2009 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you have to worry about CRs being made public.

3/06/2009 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes,let the list come out.I'm number 6 on the list.let's open the list and see how many bosses are on it,right cooter.jfed is a shame.let the lawsuits start.

3/06/2009 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-fed has just given the list to the court!!

3/06/2009 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dear so call leader just released the names of over 2000 Officers. 3/6/09 at 14:00. So much for standing up for the rank and file.

3/06/2009 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the honeymoon can end now... The WEISel turned the list over a little while ago. Sad, so sad.

3/06/2009 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dear so call leader just released the names of over 2000 Officers. 3/6/09 at 14:00.J-Fed stated" He feared they may be less aggressive on the street worried about their reputation." So much for standing up for the rank and file.

3/06/2009 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanted: A lawyer to sue the City of Chicago and anyone else who allowed this list to happen.

I know it is tradition not to sue for damages when falsely accused, but I will now sue any and everyone who makes a complaint against me for doing my job.

I would like a list of lawyers who continually sued the Chicago Police Department made public.

3/06/2009 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" There are plenty of legitimate things to rip on him for, but he is doing the right thing with this list. I know it may be all for show, but that's the way the game is played here. He can only dance to the tune the machine plays for him. At least he is supporting us publicly.

3/06/2009 11:55:00 AM"

You must have no problem taking a shit, what with that 6"+ wide anus you've got.

3/06/2009 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ever consider barber college?

3/06/2009 08:15:00 AM"

Why, has it worked out well for you?

3/06/2009 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I cannot imagine career FBI guy Weis, law and order and rules and regs and all, actually refusing a court order. He will refuse until the last minute and then produce the list.

This PO is done producing anything. IPRA now allows citizens to lodge a complaint ONLINE!!! Disgusting.

Dear citizens, I hope you don't need my help to keep your house safe or to keep your family safe or anything like that because my family and my pension and my house are way more important to me than yours.

Best of luck Mr and Mrs Citizen. I will show up after the fact and do the report for you, no doubt. And maybe someone else can catch the offending party but I am looking out of myself in these last few years of a police career. You are on your own.

You can thank Jody Weis and IPRA. Lot's of luck.

3/06/2009 08:32:00 AM

As was predicted and so it is. Weis produced the list to the court this afternoon. Did anyone really think that the beady eyed muscle bound prick would stand up for US? Hah!

Watch your own back, Weis might be there waiting to shove a knife into it.

3/06/2009 03:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it is tradition not to sue for damages when falsely accused, but I will now sue any and everyone who makes a complaint against me for doing my job.
who would you sue?

on what basis?

even if you could no lawyer will take the case unless you pay upfront. and most of these guys have no money to take.

3/06/2009 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These non-sustained CRs should have been removed from officer's records after 6 years.
is it just possible that unsustained accusations are indeed removed from the offciers personnel file, but that records of the investigation are kept? It seems doubtful a government agency would destroy any records at all unless forced to.

3/06/2009 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 8:15:
Obviously, you haven't been there and don't know what you are talking about. Every man (and woman) who is a member of the department is very pleased with their lot in life. After all, who wouldn't jump at the chance to live in Mayor Daley's kingdom--how lucky can you be that it's mandatory. And talk about the contract! (I guess we can't because its been 20 months). But to hell with it, we'll work without one. And so what if the PDT or GPS won't work--we're SOL, but that's OK. This morning I heard a unit transporting a prisoner to bond court--starting milage 200,450. And bosses! Every boss from the supt. on down has our back as long as we're 100% right. Of course, when you are 100% right you don't need any body to have your back. But God help you if you are 5% wrong--then you are on your own (if you are lucky) or you'll have the bosses on your back instead. Not to mention the citizenry who jump on you for taking some time to get to their barking dog commplaint when theirs is the seventh call stacked in the backlog.

But like I said, you don't know what you are talking about anyway. I hope your career is lucrative and fulfilling as ours and that you never have to put up with the nonsense we enjoy every day.

3/06/2009 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a problem but I just can't quite get my hands on it.

We work, pay taxes, obey most rules,yet those in charge or in the "upper-classes" of our society don't seem to do the same.

When we goof up...and not always in a major way. We get hammered.

When they goof up, they get exonerated, promoted, forgiven, or excused.

I just can't put my hands on the words to describe the imbalance in our society.

When you add the fact that most police are dealing daily with the dregs of the social order it makes me wonder how the police function at all.

If the "elite" can be excused from law violations while living the high life, avoiding the payment of taxes, associating with known felons, multi-millions in theft,
perjury to indictments, perjury to federal inquiries etc...
Why can't the police who deal with the most common denominators in life get an equal pass??.

There's an imbalance somewhere and I can't seem to put a hand on it.

I suppose our respect for authority will soon be gone, our obeyance of law gone, trust in others gone, ethics, gone, ....

Why, we may all as well become politicians.

3/06/2009 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
- George Orwell


3/06/2009 01:23:00 PM

Now the ROUGH MEN are being fucked with and fired and so they will be theones SLEEPING!

The violence Orwell speaks of......WELL GOOD LUCK!

Stay stable GUYS AND GALS!

3/06/2009 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A jagoff Sarg in 025 took a third party CR against two PO's! A THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT!!!!


Third party complaints are a fairly common occurrence. There is no restriction on who may file a complaint within our GOs.

So what is this sergeant suppose to do in your eyes? Blow-off this complainant? Who will then call IPRA and get the CR anyway but now it will include the sergeant for failure to obtain the CR in the first place.

3/06/2009 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the list was turned over by J_Fed.
you have just been sold out again.
keep staying apart instead of united and watch yourselves fall further & further down the cess pool of this citie's leader & his 50 thieves. 51 now that the white house is occupied.
stay safe out there

3/06/2009 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not a criticism -- but I'd love to see follow-up on the idea that every name on the captain's list is political.

Why not a post listing them and their known connections?

It'd either be a lot of work, or maybe you couldn't do it without revealing yourself. Right now, I'm not particularly disposed to doubt you, but it's little more than scurrilous rumor without posting something that someone could refute.

3/06/2009 06:24:00 PM  
Blogger LATHROP ONE said...

let me get this Off Duty P.O working Marquette Park Security has her own Zone Radio? All well and fine I would imagine if it is used for emergencies only.(IE:10-1) But for her to code out a job and hand out disregards....not wise at all.(Im sure it falls under the blind eye of the WC and is NOT addressed) Side note, MY personally owned radio SAVED MY ASS at ABLA when some shit head and 3 of his Shithead friends held me down and disarmed me.(yeah it took 4 of them)with the piss poor 911 response in sending calls to the Dispatcher would you rather A; wait the 7-10 minutes for your call to be dispatched or B: have the ability to get help RIGHT NOW?
Ill side with you on the giving disregards,as it will get someone hurt.Never in all the time I carried(and still carry) mine did I use it for anything but 10-1 situations.(and its been used 3 times in 15 years)As with anything there comes 2 things. Abuse and responsibility. My money is that she is abusing that privalege.And once again one bad apple spoils the bushel.

3/06/2009 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just so you in 008 know, several neighborhood security agencies are "zone capable". SSA on diversey in 019,Lathrop Homes Public Safety,Irving Park Plaza (until 2003)The CTA,The Nighthawks(Scottsdale neighborhood patrol)Sears Tower Security(Zone 4)
John Hancock Security(Zone four) chicago park district security(All zones) Park District Harbor masters (until they were privatized and then only Belmont Harbor(Zone 2) and montrose harbor.Maybe this ODPO signed out for a radio? Stranger things have happened in 008. I agree with Lathrop One that she should NOT code jobs out or give disregards. In her capacity as MPSSA-14,that is NOWHERE in the contract or in the job description.A bug in the right ear would be to the TX-1 guys.Barring that.....well you know what to do.

3/06/2009 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 2:50 is public, do a little digging (like a clerk's computer open to the PUBLIC) and research the city as defendant ....stop whining ..carry on...

3/06/2009 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""A jagoff Sarg in 025 took a third party CR against two PO's! A THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT!!!! Someone completely not involved got a CR# against two PO's on behalf of another shithead and this jagoff took the CR#?!?!?!?!? The third party wasn't even on scene!!! They heard about it though the other shithead!!!!!!""

Um, hate to break it to you pal, but there are MANY CR#'s that start out: Complainant, WHO DID NOT WITNESS THE EVENT, stated X,Y & Z.

This is just the way its done. Wrong, but it's how it is. So, your sgt. may still be a jag, but I guarantee you, he's not as much of a jag as you think for taking this beef. If he doesn't take it and Joe calls IPRA, they WILL take it and guess who will get F^^%ED for not taking the original complaint? Your jag sgt.

3/06/2009 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


j-fart gave up the list quicker than a Cook County gump bending over for the soap...

Constructive & meaningful policing in Chicago is done... period.

The citizenry may or may not come to realize how good they had it... they will wish they had the hard fisted, head-knocking, ass-kicking, non shit-taking, putting EVIL, dirty dog-ass mutha-fuckahs in prison/in the ground REAL CHICAGO MUTHA-FUCKIN' PO-LEECE!

I remember how hard I laughed when Robocop came out and how the poor coppers in the movie were portrayed... Now I feel bitter irony in the fact that in my working lifetime I'm beginning to live the fast approaching nightmare.

Condemned to second class citizenship, denied certain rights & protections all because I'm a Police Officer?

There is only one reason these lawyers want the list of officers names, to mine it for future pay-days for their barking rat clients.

The clueless civilians make mealy mouth about "you shouldn't worry if you have nothing to hide." This is simpletons reasoning. Even Ray Charles, R.I.P can see this is a slippery slope fraught with officer safety issues, good names & reputations being sullied and so on.

Releasing this list is guaranteed to grind this department to a halt... As it is, the powers that be are shitting their pants because as soon as this contract is settled, between 1000 & perhaps as many as 2000 coppers will run for the exits & retire. CPD is greying rapidly & becoming an old police department again, though not quite as grizzled when I came on, (guys on days with a star & two bars were considered snot-nosed punks) but more & more people are saying 20 years & fuck it. Guys with 15 years are basically the new KMA club and the poor copper is trying to get to the end without being sandbagged or put in the jackpot.

Yeah be aggressive blah blah blah.
You can see it on the bosses faces, they don't believe that donkey-dung either... Policemen are trying to survive & keep their homes and families intact so they're in deep self preservation mode...

*rant on/(off)*

rdo... where's the booker's bourbon at? A saucer of milk for you j-fed, only real police are allowed to partake the drink of heroes... a toast to my brothers & sisters in blue.

Heaven help us all...

3/06/2009 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""A jagoff Sarg in 025 took a third party CR against two PO's! A THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT!!!! Someone completely not involved got a CR# against two PO's on behalf of another shithead and this jagoff took the CR#?!?!?!?!? The third party wasn't even on scene!!! They heard about it though the other shithead!!!!!!""

Um, hate to break it to you pal, but there are MANY CR#'s that start out: Complainant, WHO DID NOT WITNESS THE EVENT, stated X,Y & Z.

This is just the way its done. Wrong, but it's how it is. So, your sgt. may still be a jag, but I guarantee you, he's not as much of a jag as you think for taking this beef. If he doesn't take it and Joe calls IPRA, they WILL take it and guess who will get F^^%ED for not taking the original complaint? Your jag sgt.


Here's the good and the bad.
Good - No Affidavit - UNFOUNDED

Bad - 5 of these and you're on the "LIST"

3/07/2009 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:37 PM ("the Box Chevy Phantom")

"...a saucer of milk" for the WEISel.

I love it! You're my type of copper, BCP!

3/07/2009 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About a third party CR complaint.

Go ahead and take them. If a sergeant knows what he/she is doing, they can make the initiation report so useless that the thing goes nowhere.

I'd rather do that than give the person complaining another avenue to talk to someone who might do some real harm.

3/07/2009 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tonight, we dine in HELL!

3/06/2009 07:54:00 AM

You have to stop watching them MAN movies!

3/07/2009 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As it is, the powers that be are shitting their pants because as soon as this contract is settled, between 1000 & perhaps as many as 2000 coppers will run for the exits & retire.
maybe that is part of the plan. new cops get paid less than older cops.

bottom line is there will be no proiblem replacing anyone who retires. plenty of qualified people out there who will be looking for a steady job.

the tough part will be getting them trained.

3/07/2009 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UPDATE: You still think J-Fed is "clearly going to bat" for us now?
I don't think delaying releasing the list had anything to do with going to bat for anyone.

Get this through your heads. A FEDERAL COURT ordered the list released. He had NO CHOICE in the matter. You do not get to decide whether to obey a federal court order. It does not matter if you are a police superintendent or the dog catcher, or a plumber for that matter.

Delaying it was just a little bit of drama.

3/08/2009 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old Sergeant, go get yourself a freebee cup of coffee and quit your fucking whining

3/09/2009 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Old Sergeant, go get yourself a freebee cup of coffee and quit your fucking whining

3/09/2009 08:06:00 AM"

Bite me.

3/10/2009 02:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old Sergeant, go get yourself a freebee cup of coffee and quit your fucking whining
Gee, I thought I was standing up for our side. Guess not. Oh, and I don't drink "freebee" coffee, but I will have a cup if you buy.

3/10/2009 03:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Gee, I thought I was standing up for our side. Guess not. Oh, and I don't drink "freebee" coffee, but I will have a cup if you buy.

3/10/2009 03:40:00 PM"

You were and you are.

It's just that your sarcasm hits too close to where some fuckheads live.

3/10/2009 08:25:00 PM  

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