Sunday, March 08, 2009

Fran Writes Fiction and Truth

  • Police Supt. Jody Weis' decision to defy until the bitter end a federal judge's order to release the names of police officers most often accused of excessive force was a thinly veiled attempt to bolster morale that has hit rock bottom on his watch.
A "thinly veiled attempt" Fran? It was as shameless an effort to win over a few people who haven't been truly paying attention - mostly members of the press and political underbelly. But everyone who mattered knew exactly what it was when it started.

The article continues with a few more of the obvious examples of J-Fed attempting to lead by carefully orchestrated publicity stunts. And then it delves into the ugly truth of the situation. And we'll do Fran the honor of quoting her at length because it deserves to be quoted:
  • Weis' decision to wear a uniform even though he has never been a street cop offended the rank and file -- and so did his $310,000-a-year salary at a time when his officers have spent years working under an expired contract.

    The new superintendent yanked gang investigators out of police districts, ordered an unprecedented housecleaning that swept out 21 of 25 district commanders and dipped down into the ranks of district commanders to replace the first deputy and other top brass.

    He talked about getting overweight cops in shape and having them work 12-hour shifts before broaching the subjects at the bargaining table, then rankled the police union by asking officers to give up their DNA at crime scenes and using GPS to track squad cars.

    When a 14-year-old police impersonator managed to scam his way onto the streets, Weis asked the U.S. Secret Service to evaluate station security instead of trusting his own officers to do so.

    But the most damaging move of all was Weis' knee-jerk reaction to Officer William Cozzi, who was captured on a hospital surveillance camera beating a man shackled to a wheelchair.

    After the video was posted on the Chicago Sun-Times Web site, Weis called the officer's actions "deplorable" and vowed to "review the facts of the case before taking further action." He wound up contacting federal authorities, who obtained a civil rights indictment against Cozzi on the day before he was supposed to return to duty.

The article is titled "Nowhere to go here but up, for top cop." We're afraid there's still a bit of digging to do. And then a year or more of muddling around in the sewer while the policy group tries to orchestrate some more BS to show how that isn't really a knife in every one's back.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, the midget's spin whores are working overtime to coat that piece of shit with layer after layer of Teflon.

Note the complete absence of any mention of who hired Weis.

Note the complete absence of any quotes from the rank and file.

Note the complete absence of the fact that Officer Cozzi served a 2 year suspension, after pleading guilty in state court and serving the sentence which the court saw fit to impose upon him, and the deliberate use of said absence to strongly imply that, because Officer Cozzi was about to return to work, somehow Weis's subsequent contacting of his fed buddies was a good thing.

Note the heavy reliance on several quotes from 'a former high-ranking police official', 'Another police insider', and 'One police insider', all soft pedaling the few relevant issues on which she barely touches.

It's all about covering the midget's ample and odorous ass.

Sorry, Fran, all you'll ever get out of your deal with the daley's is the enduring stench of your 'journalistic' whoring covering your entire body.

Fran, you filthy whore.

3/08/2009 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see what you are saying, SCC... but the Cozzi nonsense only makes our case that much weaker... I know he ended up in a bad spot, but lets be honest here... nothing that the feds are saying is untrue! And even bill cozzi would (and actually has as evident with his plea of guilty) agree with me... The fact is he got off very easy the first time around. He got lucky, and his luck ran out... I know it is taboo to say, but reality is he committed a civil rights violation, and that is the feds playground... I guess what Im saying is maybe they would have picked it up without Jfeds encouragement, maybe not... but should we really be wasting time, money, and resources fighting this out? I think the rank and file (at least the many I have spoken with) would agree this is a battle not worth fighting. Im not saying we should throw our hands up and say "fuck it, we lose" but this Cozzi case is different... He is not Mike Mette and I wish people would stop acting as such. Apparently there are a few who have made the Cozzi crusade their agenda, and that is a problem... But the way things are right now, the climate we work in, I do not think we need to make this "police brutality caught on tape" our battle cry. It only empowers those who think we back our own NO MATTER WHAT! To back Cozzi says "we stand behind our own, and we do not care if they are caught on tape" There are many MANY coppers whose names are being dragged through the mud with this "list". We know it is bullshit, but the court of public opinion, and apparently the federal courts disagree... To say we back Cozzi only says we back heavy handed cops... this only makes the case for the dirt bag attorneys pushing for this list. Please, we need to pick our battles, and unfortunately, cozzi just is not a battle we need to fight! Critics will call me Jfed, or some 35th street hack, or some tee shirt vendor in Bucktown but believe me, I have been through the shit! I have been and still in the trenches... I know when to fight and when to say lets move on... And as long as those who make the call think we back cozzi, we will always lose! So please, for the sake of this department, for the sake of our guys and gals who put their livelihood on the line each and every day LET IT GO!

3/08/2009 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the FOP website.

The Department issued AFMN090750 on 03Mar2009. The message related that the W/C or Field Lt. would respond to the scene of a traffic crash where it was alleged that a Department member had failed to remain on the scene.

Several members interpreted this to mean that they had to remain on the scene of a traffic crash until the W/C or Field Lt. arrived.

The Department issued AFMN090771 on 04Mar2009 to clarify the meaning of the original message. In essence, the original referenced message pertains to incidents wherein members intentionally leave the scene of traffic accidents.

Members are not required to remain at the scene of traffic crashes until a W/C or Field Lt. responds provided that members abide by the Illinois Vehicle Code Statutes and follow all procedures currently delineated in Department General Orders.

Members should log onto the CLEAR system to review the referenced Administrative FAX Messages.

3/08/2009 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/08/2009 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with it... i think she wrote a pretty decent article

3/08/2009 03:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/08/2009 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, like fran knows what's really going on in the CPD. Another distorted story from a distorted reporter. Just like most of the other reporters.... DEAD from the neck up!!!!

3/08/2009 04:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you, SCC. Yes it's true that Fran plagerized comments made by you and all of your faithful readers but if it wasn't for you, none of it would have been brought to light.

In the words of the pimp "reverend" Jeremiah Wright: GOD DAMN THE FOP!!! Instead of a lone crusading blogger doing something from the heart to provide solace for the troops, where the hell was Mark Donahue, Bill Dougherty, Frank DiMaria, Greg Bella, Sidney Davis, Tim Fallon or Rich Aguilar who we PAY to look out for us???

We are so, so lucky to have you out truly "have our backs!"

3/08/2009 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-fed is a Joke, but the problem started long before him. The problem is city hall! Yeah watching J-fed and the brass sit around and preach about activity while they collect fat checks doesn't help, but the mayor is to blame. He hired J-fed and gave him the big salary while he insults us time after time with no contract. Morale is CRUSHED and it's kinda sad. No one has confidence any more and watching the day to day corruption, lies and wasted money from city hall just drives morale even lower.

3/08/2009 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey.....03/08/09 12:43 AM....YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. I couldnt have said it better myself. Its unfortunate and even Cozzi said it himself in court "I just lost control that day". Hopefully the judge will have some compassion but this chapter has to come to a close. We must move on as a department. There are much bigger fish to fry!

3/08/2009 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Fran article is definitely soft soaped but youneed to understand the reason behinf everything Fran does. IN short she is an extension of Jackie Heard (Mayoral Press Secretary ) she might as well run the piece by Jackie Heard as if she was an editor. Jackie OK,d the piece because Shortshanks is fed up with Jody and cant dump him directly because he hired him, He is giving the press and aldermen a hint to go after Jody so he either quits or by ordinance the aldermen throw him out and Daley can say it didnt fire him. J-Fed get wise, your days are numbered. Be a man and fess up to the press how much interference you actually get from the hall. Rat out the Ted O Keefs and the Masters placed in side the PD by Daley to pull your chain and make the political decisions he wants.

Ratting out Dley and quitting in disgust would truly put you down in the CPD history as having recovered your balls from the 5th floor and being a man.

3/08/2009 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media in Chicago refuses to show all of the Cozzi video, most people think that Cozzi was beating a hanicapped person in a wheelchair, not some abusive drunk, that was being UNCOOPERATIVE and could walk just fine, as I have not seen the whole video myself I believe he was spitting too, I truly believe that the only reason Cozzi was convicted of anything is the short part of the video that shows him hitting the guy while he is in the chair, and most people just see that part and are blind to the other facts, was Cozzi wrong? I do not think so, he went a little overboard and was punished, Certain people where unhappy with that punishment and wanted MORE, and damn it if they did not get him more, I can see the CPD typical cop saying "Whats the fucking point of doing this job anymore"

3/08/2009 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"policy group" LMAO, An old boss once told me, "enjoy your nice spot kid, nothing last forever".

mission upon mission for what?
Cutting edge technology (lol)
No pool cars
No cars
Merit promotions

What a mess

3/08/2009 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe J-Fed should just give up and strep aside. He made some money and ows the time to quit. When is FOP going to give this guy a no vote of confidence. Fop is all talk and no action. How difficult is it that this guy cant serve as our Superintendent. Morale needs to be addressed. Since this guy has taken office I feel like I have been stripped of my constutional rights.

3/08/2009 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fed...don't renew your lease! Hope the trial with Sanchez snares Shortshanks too. IÞ would be good to see both of these bums gone before the end of this year.

3/08/2009 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:43 AM

J-Fed, it's past your botox bedtime now go to bed you sanctimonious jackass!

3/08/2009 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about a new contract? It always just gets worse. A chump change raise in pay, then a raise in insurance cost (with less service) its just a loss in the end. Remember when medical was almost free? Or drug costs just $3?

3/08/2009 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first poster on this thread had it right. Fran rights a decent article. She hit on some points that in reality were true. She did the rank and file injustice by not getting more specific about what the police are upset about.

She convienantly left several things out. Not mentioning Daley being the big. Not Mentioning that Cozzi plead guilty in a court of law. Not mentioning Cozzi got a harsher sentence than any other citizen would have gotten for a first time offense. Not mentioning he jumped through several hoops to save his job. Fran makes it look like Cozzi was a connected clout hack who knew he wasn't going to be fired. That just isn't the case. Cozzi was one of us. He was a jo schmoe average blue shirt who didn't deserve to be fired. He didn't deserve to go to jail!!!!

I'm sure Cozzi wishes the police board would have fired him. None of this would have happened had the board canned him. I know I'd rather be unemployed than on my way to the federal pen.

Take care Cozzi, I wish you the best!!! I will never forget what the shitbirds in the media and then the feebs did to you.

Hey Fran we all know you read this site. Cozzi is the reason I quit being the police. I sleep very comfortably at night and in the squad car. I didn't know how nice it would be not to care anymore!!

3/08/2009 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic...
CLTV reporting a female was locked up for impersonating....What is it with these people ? You want it that bad... apply for the damn job and get it the right way!

3/08/2009 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this isn't the captains threat, but I'm just curious. The captains are picked by the assnt supts and the dept supts. All of the lt.s who busted their rear ends working on their applications, ask any of those who did the picks if they read over all of the applications. Better yet, ask them to look you in the eye and tell you they read even one application. District law enforcement lts just waste theri their time working on those applications. if you don't personally know a dept or assnt supt, you're not even considered.

3/08/2009 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boston is currently going through what Chicago is with shortfalls and the Mayor talking of layoffs and salary freezes. BUT, unlike King Richard, Mayor Tom Menino and the City Staff have taken a 3% pay DECREASE VOLUNTARILY. Think this will happen in Chi-town?

3/08/2009 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that the FOP should now sue the State of Illinois and the ARDC and demand that the complaints and records relating to attorneys be released.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

I would really love to see the complaints registered against Flint Taylor and Loevy!

3/08/2009 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Copied from AT&T Yahoo Today’s highlights March 9, 2009

10 Least Taxed cities in America

Top 10 Tax-Friendly Cities
Mar 5th, 2009
It's not what you earn, it's what you keep that often dictates your standard of living. With that in mind, take this quick tour of the ten cities in the nation that have the lowest overall tax burden. These cities came out on top (er, at the bottom, really) of the 2007-2008 District of Columbia survey of state and local tax burdens for the largest city in each state, plus D.C.
Tax rankings are based on 2007 tax return computations for a two-income couple earning $75,000 with one school age child. The real property tax is a function of housing values, real estate tax rates, assessment levels, homeowner exemptions and credits. The auto tax figure assumes the couple owns two cars and is based on the estimated registration fees, state and local gasoline taxes, and personal property taxes, if any.
No. 10 Chicago, Illinois
Income tax: $2,019
Property tax: $1,023
Sales tax: $1,624
Auto tax: $478
Urban Facts: Chicago's effective real-estate tax rate of .70% and various exemption programs keep real property tax low. Just keep in mind that this surprisingly tax-friendly city doesn't offer the same breaks for other cost-of-living expenses.

Now we know what the PR firms were doing. Can you believe this BS!

3/08/2009 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While JFed could care less about the rank and file, he was chosen for just that reason. Mayor Mumbles wants to break the back of the union and FOP. He wants the infighting to create such a distraction that he can shove through anything he wants and people will accept it. Jody is a POS, but King Rich is the real problem.

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK (or lack thereof). Hurt King Rich where it counts, in his pocket book.

3/08/2009 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF? SCC, Why did you leave out Donahue's comments of support for J-Fed? It's about the ONLY part of the article you did not copy for your post. Apparently, the only guy that "has the Weisel's back" is our FOP President. Marky Mark makes me puke. Why you protecting him?

3/08/2009 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fed deserves a big 0 from our police department for being clueless on police work.

3/08/2009 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So please, for the sake of this department, for the sake of our guys and gals who put their livelihood on the line each and every day LET IT GO!

3/08/2009 12:43:00 AM

couldnt agree more

3/08/2009 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see what you are saying, SCC... but the Cozzi nonsense only makes our case that much weaker...


3/08/2009 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"rethinking cozzi said... "

Every one of you that glanced over this or thought this was wrong, go back and read it again. This is the best written opinion I have read here in a long time. Take it to heart. This shows a fair and objective view that a good many of us share.

Go back and reread it. It is second from the top. Whoever postd this, keep it up.

That being said, I hope they do the right thing w/ Cozzi and throw it out or suspend it. He's off the job and the offender wasn't hurt (was too drunk to even remember it)and got paid. Cozzi served honorably in the military and as a Police Officer. He screwed up and is suffering the consequences. Stop wating taxpayer dollar crucifying him.

3/08/2009 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the post 3/8/09 12:43 fuck you punk and Im not a big supporter of cozzi but fuck you punk u must be some kiss ass boss with connections to j fed worried if jfed goes so do you so fuck you again and if your so sure about your views then sign your fucking name punk!

3/08/2009 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fed knew from the begining that he was going to turn over those names. This was not a Supreme Court decision, it could have been appealed if J-Fed truly believed the names should not have bee turned over. They think we're stupid. The Olympic people are coming and they want the Politicians and Rev's to be supportive. IPRA does a 100% turn around from what they say they wanted to do, and publishes findings from P.O. shootings. They turn over the names without am appeal. As i hear on the street every day, "F@#k the Po-lice." If anyone thinks these FBI police haters, Altercreatures, Reporters Mitchell, Main or Spielman, or Mayor are saying anything different, you’re soft.

3/08/2009 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW- is it true that Monique is being replaced by a Lieutenant?

3/08/2009 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone see this in the Scum Times yesterday? City Hall: Hiring abuse? 'Ridiculous'
DISPUTES REPORT | Fed monitor says problems ongoing.,CST-NWS-hiring07.article

I was amazed. You mean to tell me that Patronage in Chicago still exists? I find that hard to believe. You mean to tell me hiring and promotions are not legit, even after the City settled the Shakman suit and agreed to be good and honest in the employment and promotion process? Mayor Daley and Aldercreatures, I am shocked.. shocked I tell you. Oh yeah, that's right, Mayor Daley's mouth piece says the Monitor is ridiculous, never mind. Move along here nothing to see.

Federal Monitor, the Merit process alone should make you sick. Is there any wonder why moral is so low?

3/08/2009 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see what you are saying, SCC... but the Cozzi nonsense only makes our case that much weaker... I know he ended up in a bad spot, but lets be honest here... nothing that the feds are saying is untrue! And even bill cozzi would (and actually has as evident with his plea of guilty) agree with me... The fact is he got off very easy the first time around. He got lucky, and his luck ran out...


It is not as simple as you portray it.

Cozzi's federal indictment was sheer retribution by the Police Superintendent.

Cozzi was charged with a misdemeanor. He was suspended. He plead guilty. He went before the Police Board. The Board did not fire him, instead they suspended him for 2 years. He served that suspension and then before he came back to work, J-Fed used his personal connections to get Cozzi charged with a crime that he otherwise would not have been charged with.

J-Fed did it because the story was in the newspapers and he thought that he could use his connections with the FBI to garner public support for himself and his new administration. No different than an alderman using a police commander to punish a working PO that the local drug dealers don't like. It's just as crooked.

The story is more about J-Fed than Cozzi.

Yes, Cozzi was a fool. He should have been fired. He should have resigned when he saw public heat back on him. He thought he had won the war and there was nothing more this crooked city could do to him. He was wrong.

But, the real story is that J-Fed is not here for you, or for the department, or for fighting crime. J-Fed is here for J-Fed. He wants to get paid, look good, and use this job to leapfrog to something better. He will use and abuse you and every other officer on this job to get to where he is going.

BEWARE! He is going to fail. Crime is going to get out of control and he is going to get fired because of it. He knows this. He is going to watch his ass and his next move is going to start burning coppers, lots of coppers, so he can blame his firing on a crooked mayor protecting a crooked department.

3/08/2009 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do they count Log #s too?

3/08/2009 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best way to get back at the City counsel is to ask for arbitration. I know they want to "stick" it out because the city has more to lose with the Olympic bid if we are not under a contract. With this news floating around, we will get fucked anyway because obviously we don't deserve a nice raise.


3/08/2009 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 12:43 a.m.-- you are correct in stating that there are a myriad of other problems we need to focus on besides the cozzi situation. BUT, the real problem is that cozzi is looking at 8 years in federal prison for committing a class a misdemeanor. who will be the next cozzi--probably no one because the police board fires everyone now. i know bill personally-- a little goofy--maybe-- but the good kind of goofy and a heart of gold. bill got railroaded and everyone knows it which is why weis will never be respected by me or any other po's i know. he should just resign and leave now because the longer he stays the worse it's going to get.

3/08/2009 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He wound up contacting federal authorities, who obtained a civil rights indictment against Cozzi on the day before he was supposed to return to duty.

I wonder if there is an angle for Cozzi's lawyers there...

3/08/2009 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more we harp on Cozzi, the more the media and public think we beat people. Maybe he deserved to be fired. I don't care what you say. Protecting guys on camera with proof is a losing battle.

We all have stories of cops on the job that never should have been hired. Who are we protecting?? Not ourselves.

3/08/2009 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "thinly veiled attempt" worked on no one. Except Donadork over at FLOP. Why am I not surprised? Publish the whole thing.

3/08/2009 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"until the bitter end?" I want to vomit. If he had any balls, he would have been all over the news bitching about the unacceptable and morally reprehensible behavior of ghetto rats making false accusations against police officers, because the Daley crime family and the fake reverends and Jesse Jackson et al have taught them how to fuck the system and get rich in the meantime.

And THEN he would explain that the ghetto baby bangers, family members, etc are not prosecuted or held accountable AS REQUIRED by law for making those false allegations and explain the deleterious effect it has on the overall morale of the department and the individuals who serve and protect unselfishly and with the knowledge that on any given day they may not come home.

Sorry for the rant, but I HATE injustice and Weis is a gutless, ball less embarassment to the police officers who put their lives on the line everyday to protect me and my family!

He is a useless prick and an embarassment as a man who is a supposed leader of men, but I have a feeling he is where he is right now because Daley knew he was the right man for the job. I can't wait to see Daley run him out of town after he had Weis fuck and suck his salary out of the city to keep his job and carry water for Daley. He's morally bankrupt, disgusting, and without a conscious or backbone. I don't know how his wife can even stand him.

As for Fran, she must buy Carmex and K-Y gel by the case for her mouth and ass from allowing herself to be a conduit for the Daley empire in order to have a job. It's quite obvious, she doesn't work for the Times, she works for the fucking Mayor.

Society is going down the toilet.

---not a cop

3/08/2009 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... To say we back Cozzi only says we back heavy handed cops... this only makes the case for the dirt bag attorneys pushing for this list. Please, we need to pick our battles, and unfortunately, cozzi just is not a battle we need to fight! Critics will call me Jfed, or some 35th street hack, or some tee shirt vendor in Bucktown but believe me, I have been through the shit! I have been and still in the trenches... I know when to fight and when to say lets move on... And as long as those who make the call think we back cozzi, we will always lose! So please, for the sake of this department, for the sake of our guys and gals who put their livelihood on the line each and every day LET IT GO!

3/08/2009 12:43:00 AM

If you really are a cop, thank god I don't have you as a partner. You don't understand the first thing about our outrage. Everyone agrees he was out of bounds. He's a human being. He reacted to being spit on. He was wrong. He admitted it and paid a heavy price. And after all that, J-FED sicced the FEDS on him and he's looking at jail time.

If you think this is justified, that trench your in must be full of the shit you keep shoveling.

3/08/2009 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The fact is he got off very easy the first time around"

Bill Cozzi got off easy the first time around? With that statement I can tell the rest of your pretend experience, the "have been and still am in the trenches" is bullshit. On camera or not, Bill made a mistake and he paid a $150,000 fine in the form of a 2 year suspension for it. That's easy? You see, Bill has no clout. Here is the difference between him hitting a guy, who wasn't injured, and say a copper with clout shooting a guy in the head on the CTA platform. He had clout and is now a detective. That's how clout works. We aren't backing Bill Cozzi because he fucked up. We are backing him because he admitted to it and took his punishment and then had our superintendent re-punish him. Thats what happens when you don't have clout. There are a lot more no-clout people than there are clout and I think the moral of the CPD shows that.

3/08/2009 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nowhere to go but up for top cop!

Guess he's gonna get on his knees instead of his hands?

3/08/2009 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You miss the point "rethinking Cozzi Said" . You must know that there are Federal laws for everything. In furtherance of your line of thinking, than every UUW, plan to commit a crime, lying on the stand and on and on should be referred to the feds for a federal indictment. Yes, have the feds wait outside county jail or the IDOC and just snatch them all up and drag them down to the Dirksen fed building. Think about it, it doesn't work that way does it?
!!!!!!LONG LIVE COZZI!!!!!!!!!!


3/08/2009 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: 12:43

I understand your point, but you still do not get the point of why we stand behind Cozzi. We argue for Cozzi because he did make a mistake and was punished for it. The police board ruled to give him his job back. J-Fed to look good and tuff before the media felt the punishment wasn't enough and had him brought up on federal charges. The feds were not interested in the case after it happened 2.5 years previously. It is the policemans double jeopardy. If Cozzi was indicted for federal charges at the beginning of this incident it would be a non-issue.

3/08/2009 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:43 am
Lets try this again!

No one disputes the main facts of the Cozzi case.

What we have an issue with is this; Cozzi paid the price the city required of him, AND IT WAS A STIFF PRICE!
Name for me ONE shitbird, that has taken a $140,000 fine (two year suspension) for a simple battery?

After paying his penance, J-Fed decided he didn't like the result so he changed the rules and screwed Cozzi... BECAUSE HE CAN!

You could be the next Cozzi!

This case tells you all you need to know about J-Fed...NEVER TRUST A FED!

3/08/2009 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she hit the nail right on the head, even though she took most of these quotes from SCC and our comments. BUT IT SPEAKS THE TRUTH!!!!!

3/08/2009 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suppose you are a passenger on an airplane, a problem happens, you are heading for the ground at 500 mph. At that time you better turn it around and go up, once you hit the ground it's to late.

The CPD under weis has crashed and it't to late for him, maybe we need a new pilot who know the territory.

3/08/2009 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About J-Fed"s "Policy Group" didn't Sgt. R. Hamilton have a Traffic Altercation on the Edens Expressway back in late October or early November. Didn't R.H. get punched in the face by the other driver & allow him to drive away, without getting the license plate number? Was it because the other driver was a Minority & R.H. did not want to HAVE him apprehended & have the true story come out? Just asking Jody, just asking!!

3/08/2009 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear rethinking cozzi........

I must disagree with you. Cozzi got the royal shaft that you would be hard placed to see any civilian offender get. Bringing up on Civil Rights charges has set a very dangerous precedent because now all those plaintiff lawyers have a case to refer to everytime someone sues a police officer.

We will see more officers getting double hammered because of this. You say we should pick our fights? I say we fight for Cozzi, no matter what it makes us look like in the press. People are going to spit on us no matter what we do so we owe the public nothing but 8 hours of our lives each day. After that i lookout for my family and colleagues.

3/08/2009 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

never herd Boos and Jody W in same sentance. Even the worst Boss is still a boss and Jody isn't even near that level. If he make it past 01 Jan 2010 i'll be shocked.

3/08/2009 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without a doubt, not leaving the Cozzi thing well alone will be forever inexcusable. Speaks volumes about this carpetbagger.

3/08/2009 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I said it before, and I will say it again. J-Fed, is nothing more that a "Puppet" of the mayor.
He created him. He allowed him to do the harm, he has done. He will get rid or him, or chase him away, when the time is right.
J-Fed is a "Big Nothing" do not be fooled. It is the mayor that is responsible for these conditions.

3/08/2009 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not know if Jfed has caught on yet, but the mayor designed him to fail. No matter what he does, right or wrong, he will always be the blame for what happens with cpd. Its always been that way, always will be.

Jfed is an independent and he is the only supt who can get away with telling the truth of how the mayor makes all the decisions within cpd, and then lies and denies making those decisions.

But Jfed isn't doing that, and that is my main reason for disliking the man. He folded and sold his soul to play the chicago politico game.

3/08/2009 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all about covering the midget's ample and odorous ass.

Sorry, Fran, all you'll ever get out of your deal with the daley's is the enduring stench of your 'journalistic' whoring covering your entire body.

Fran, you filthy whore.

3/08/2009 12:38:00 AM

The entire politics of Frans' editorial is morally offensive.

3/08/2009 04:09:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

Every time I see da WEISel wearing our uniform, I'm outraged.

I think of guys that paid the ultimate price while proudly wearing the CPD uniform--guys like Jim Severin, Tony Rizzato, Ray Kilroy and Greg Hauser.

WEIS! Did you ever have a mortally wounded copper in a blood soaked uniform go into his death rattle in your arms?

I have--and I speak for him and others, both dead heroes and those alive, active and retired:


3/08/2009 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rethinking cozzi said...
I see
You still don't get it. Cozzi WAS punished, in State Court where it belongs. Any case that goes to state court where the public opinion doesent agree, can be re-tried at the Federal level. J-Fed was not happy with the pound of flesh from Cozzi, he wanted more and got it. Now every time a copper screws up, we run the risk of State AND Federal charges. J-Feds biggest mis-step was Cozzi, period. Should Cozzi be a cop? Probiblity not, BUT the Police Board saw otherwise. You need to re-think your profession, if your a Police Officer, as you seem to lack common sense.

3/08/2009 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you didnt do that bad fran...but just so you know, morale is not going to go up no matter what.. its not j fed...its daley and the machine.. j fed is just a puppet and figurehead for daley, he is the real problem not just with the department but for the whole city.

3/08/2009 04:47:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

Just got back into town from my old Marquette stomping grounds in Milwaukee and checked my eMail.

Our old NYPD friend Larry ("19th Pct." on the THEE (NYPD) RANT) mailed me a link to an article from yesterday's New Orleans Times-Picayune titled "Chicago Needs Few Lessons on Crime Cameras". [See and SEARCH using "Daley" and "cameras"]

At the recent U.S. Conference of Mayors, Shortshanks implied to N.O. Mayor Ray "Katrina" Nagin that cameras can be effectively used to REPLACE police manpower. As expected, the Stuttering Prick only cited the Salvation Army kettle anecdote in his Kool-Aid laced spiel. No mention of all the homicides and other forcible felonies where the cameras proved useless. Likewise, silence on OEMC assholes sending humping beat cops out to write up illegal parkers, loose cigarette sellers and miscellaneous nonsense.

Perhaps Mayor "Katrina" should check with our homicide dicks on the "effectiveness" of Daley's delusional and worthless bullshit.

In "da Chicago Way", we know that public perception is everything with reality being coincidental, if not downright irrelevant.

I passed the article on to SCC and our favorite Tribune columnist.

P.S.: Thanks again, Larry. While the NOPD could never outdo the NYPD for "hospitality", they were great to us during Mardi Gras last week.

3/08/2009 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spielman neglected to mention that $310K was compensation for the two job titiles JFed had when he was hired.

We all know he lost one of those job duties. Yet, he still gets paid for it.

Funny how the media forgets these details.

Just like another detail the media made sure to keep buried regarding Judge Shadur's laughable sentencing of Darth Vrydolyak.

Aside from the 42 years he could have got, he could have been fined $250,000.

You very rarely hear the media report the fine could have been a $250K maximum.

The media is bought. On one hand, they report how outrageous the sentencing is while in the same article they report how highly rated Shadur is amongst other scumbags in the court system.

Do they mention Shadur is the Judge who ruled against the USSC's 2nd Amendment ruling as it related to the Beruit by the Lake Citizens (Chaulkietown)? Nope.

3/08/2009 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see what you are saying, SCC... but the Cozzi nonsense only makes our case that much weaker...

so f'ing true! We need to stop wasting our collective breath on this clown who made us all look like fuckups and keep our eye on the real prize!

3/08/2009 05:34:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

In the Draconiam treatment of Bill Cozzi, why do they continue mentioning the WHEELCHAIR, giving the reader the perception that the mutt was a quadriplegic rather than an able-bodied resister disrupting the entire E-R.

What should have Cozzi done? Send him back to the lock-up? Asked a nurse to tranquilize him with a needle? No duct tape was handy.

Hey, WEIS. Sometimes these assholes deserve a few wacks. As an avid proponent of douchebaggery, you would never understand.

But you just had to stick your "politically correct" fuckin' nose into something where Cozzi paid dearly for his "sin" before you even arrived. Fuck you, Weis! Your "15 minutes" was up over a year ago. You're nothing more than a clueless backstabbing bitch with your tongue up Daley's ass. How can you look in a mirror and call yourself a man? Time for your saucer of milk, you big pussy!

The East Coast calls. Au revoir, muthafucka!

3/08/2009 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So please, for the sake of this department, for the sake of our guys and gals who put their livelihood on the line each and every day LET IT GO!

3/08/2009 12:43:00 AM

I gotta agree with this one... unless we all move on and let it go, we will forever be handcuffed by the image that we protect our own even when they are dirty! I dont know whether cozzi got a raw deal or not, Im just sayin lets all move on!

3/08/2009 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anyone that calls the newly made captains asskissers...maybe some are, but sometimes it's called,"playing the game." Anyone that says that they wouldn't like the salary of a captain instead of a lowly patrolman (like me) is full of shit. I would love to be on my way to the $110K a year to be a captain, but I don't test well and really don't know the right people to help me out. What I do know is that I would "play the game" if I was invited. I know some merit bosses that are great bosses and I know some that made it because they studied and tested test well, but are complete idiots as bosses when it comes to street sense. I still make alot more than most patrolmen because I still enjoy working and going to court. I would definitely like to sit behind the w/c's desk and make my money without going to court and extending my tour. Kissing ass for a nice pay raise is not selling out, it's a means to an end. Don't be jealous because you never found the right coattails to ride ! I would not say no to a merit promotion, but, don't begrudge those that get one...even though most didn't get it because of hard work.

3/08/2009 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the comments section on the:

March 8th - 5:23 p.m.

Al is a nice guy and one of the hardest workers I've ever seen. Talk about 24/7. Al was embraced by the mayor as a good company man, and now he's probably going to take a fall for him, like Sorich.

Daley has avoided trouble through luck. In 1989 he inherited a buffer group(Degnan, Bedore, etc.), who taught Daley to stay out of trouble and taught others (Grzb, Carr) all the oldschool government tactics on how to steer the government work and look the other way-- this activity has been around in US politics for more than a century.

Daley's buffer group continued to expand during the early 90s (Carey, Reyes, O'Grady, Teele, Pucillo Ochal, Harris, Vroustouris) they all taught their underlings, and their tactics got bolder (Hired Truck, HDO, minority contracts, closed internal investigations).

Daley was continually advised by this buffer group to stay out of the details for his own good--that they'd handle it. Daley could simply drop a hint, mention a name, or just nod, and this group knew how to interpret the message and institute the rewards. Daley was thereby able to remain unaware of the details.

The buffer group taught their underlings to be sycophants, and the discipline trickled down to many department managers and even some line staff, particularly the HDO departments.

Al Sanchez was a neighborhood guy who was so happy to get to the top, to the inside. Like the others, he'd do anything for the Mayor, the organization. Al had an infinite belief, as they all do, that the Mayor can make it all right, he can fix anything.

This is a new day with a hungry prosecutor and new rules for which there was no advance warning to the likes of Sorich, Tomzsak and Sanchez, other than their own consciences, which were overridden by their sense of mission."

3/08/2009 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

firing John Krupa doesn't help the morale either.

3/08/2009 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see the special "Gangland" on the discovery channel?
Well get this, in 1996 Atlanta held the Olympic games and had problems getting all there construction projects ready for the Olympics. Apparently, they hired anybody they could to get the job done. The problem was they hired all these unknown gang members from out of state. I thought we have enough gang members in Chicago.

3/08/2009 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Donahue fell for J-Fed's ploy. Why you hiding that?

3/08/2009 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more we harp on Cozzi, the more the media and public think we beat people. Maybe he deserved to be fired. I don't care what you say. Protecting guys on camera with proof is a losing battle.

We all have stories of cops on the job that never should have been hired. Who are we protecting?? Not ourselves.

3/08/2009 11:58:00 AM

well stupid ..we do..when its necessary. gotta be one of the college millienium wanna be's.
Whats with the "we" ?

3/08/2009 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/08/2009 12:43:00 AM

You miserable piece of excrement, I pray that you are the next victim of this witch hunt.

I will NEVER let what happened to Cozzi go, nor will 99.9% of the cops on this department.

J-Fed used Cozzi as a scapegoat along with some other unjustly punished coppers and ruined any chance he may have ever had to effectively manage the CPD.

The sentiments that I have just expressed run throughout the rank and file, from blue shirt to gold star. The gold stars are obviously much more reserved in who, what and when they comment on Cozzi.





3/08/2009 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Now that will get daleys attention. But are we strong enough to hold to it??

3/08/2009 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The more we harp on Cozzi, the more the media and public think we beat people. Maybe he deserved to be fired. I don't care what you say. Protecting guys on camera with proof is a losing battle.

We all have stories of cops on the job that never should have been hired. Who are we protecting?? Not ourselves.

3/08/2009 11:58:00 AM

Fuck you cozzi got fucked over simple as that please stay off the blog merit!

3/08/2009 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Please limit the J-Fed think group's redundant commentaries.

This is worse than some of the past juvenile postings.

3/08/2009 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is what the rank and file of the Chicago Police Department demand:


3/08/2009 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about a new contract? It always just gets worse. A chump change raise in pay, then a raise in insurance cost (with less service) its just a loss in the end. Remember when medical was almost free? Or drug costs just $3?

Im right there with you! But we only have ourselves to blame. I could give a rats ass if we ever get a contract. I am on to bigger and better things. 1st and 16th and I could care less what you call me! as long as the money is tranfered twice a month Im happy!

3/08/2009 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- What ever happened with aldercreature S. Dixon's DUI case? Any updates??

3/08/2009 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all those who repeatedly say Fuck Cozzi, we must move on, Cozzi gets what he deserves, etcetra. I say FUCK YOU!

Everyone realizes this was J-Fed's fatal downfall, there is nothing he can do to rectify this and it has destroyed him on the CPD.

You want us to move on Mr J-Fed and leave our brother all alone to die? NEVER, we remember and we hold the blue line!

One brother or sister railroaded is too much and we can and will NEVER EVER FORGET OR FORGIVE!

JUSTICE for cops is essential, otherwise NOBODY will work.

The City of Chicago has railroaded plenty of standup working coppers int he last few years and until they are reinstated and exonerated the old school working cops won't lift a finger to stem the tide of violence in Chicago.

NOBODY wants to be the next posterboy of PUNISHMENT!


3/08/2009 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"3/08/2009 12:43:00 AM & 3/08/2009 03:34:00 AM & 3/08/2009 07:28:00 AM & 3/08/2009 11:04:00 AM & 3/08/2009 11:06:00 AM & 3/08/2009 11:58:00 AM"

First, you start out thinking you can make a case for forgetting entirely about Officer Cozzi.

Then you stay up all night trying to figure out a way to soft sell your bullshit, with each successive post, you think, getting a bit more 'reasonable'.

All the while pretending you're 'one of us'.

Suck cock, troll.

(Oh, I forgot, you already do.)

3/08/2009 07:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While Shortshanks is THE problem, this J-Fed is a shameless, spineless POS. If he's not going to roll over on Daley, why doesn't he just leave?

If he doesn't, Daley will distance himself from this loser and come up with an indirect scheme to drive him out of town on a rail anyway.

Is J-Fed that obtuse?

3/08/2009 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more we harp on Cozzi, the more the media and public think we beat people. Maybe he deserved to be fired. I don't care what you say. Protecting guys on camera with proof is a losing battle.

We all have stories of cops on the job that never should have been hired. Who are we protecting?? Not ourselves.

3/08/2009 11:58:00 AM

Speak for yourself, you self-indulgent rat bastard. I hope you are fired based on your sentiments, and we can all write about you on the blog, you piece of shit.

3/08/2009 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen brother Northside.

3/08/2009 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is quite eveident, that even the media realizes that J-Fed is a horrible failure; and any hope of things changing under his tenure is pure futility.

3/08/2009 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they think things are bad now, just wait until it gets warmer out. After all the PO's thrown under the bus even recruits are refusing to work.

Welcome home caulkie!

3/08/2009 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tp where's FOP: they're at Gibson's buying the rounds of drinks? they've done nothing about raises and have voiced no objections in our benefit. its wait, wait & wait. by the time the waiting is over we'll see no justly raise or benefits. but the FOP people will benefit themselves and we''re going to wind up with a lousy contract for the time to come AFTER they are not re-elected. we got a serious problem pending. they got 30K more?? for what?
stay safe out there

3/08/2009 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fiction & truth? Perhaps embellishment.

3/08/2009 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

last night in 17 there was a M-2 filming officer's responding to disturbances on the EL Lines, this liberal hack carried a microphone in front jacket and a camera crew positioned across the street on Kimball/Lawrence where they proceeded to tape any wrong doing if committed while officer's respond to the disturbances. Be carefull out there as the story goes you are on camera AT ALL TIMES...

3/08/2009 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The longer the CPD goes without a contract the more of a "Paper Tiger" the FOP appears to be.

This organization might need to realize that it's their collective responsibility to speak up in matters of the day to day business of the CPD.

You know, the dues payers.

The FOP needs to rethink PUBLIC RELATIONS and put it to use now.

3/08/2009 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did the midget hire this carpetbagger ($310K) in the first place? He must have known he had total control over him. You would think an outsider could bring reform to Cloutville. Now it's worse than ever.

What was J-Fed thinking when he took the job? He does not have any balls, honor or integrity.

This guy is a train wreck.

3/08/2009 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want to see morale skyrocket? Let the Feds walk Daley out of City Hall in handcuffs! Short of this, forget it!

3/08/2009 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a crazy thought:

Could Weis be setting up daley?

3/08/2009 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the so called officer that said we should drop the Cozzi issue I say to you a big" FUCK YOU!!!!!".
The video of the Cozzi incident was out and broadcasted throughout many media outlets. I am pretty sure the Justice Department had seen the Cozzi video and probably agreed that the state leve conviction and punishment was adquate enough for the crime caught on the video. That is why they didnt indict him on federal charges back then. It was not until J-Fed the Weisel himself called a buddy at the Justice Department to take another look at the video to see if it rose to the level of civil rights violation (wink, wink), his own words at a town hall meeting at headquarters. He did to show chicagoans he was going to be harsh on rogue cops. I and the majority of other officers would have no problems with federal charges if they were saught in lieu of state charges and were filed when the incident first happened. What we have a problem with is that Cozzi plead guilty, paid a fine, went to anger management, apologized to the shit head, and served a two year suspension. Everything was fine and the Police Board said he return to work, but the Weisel had to come into town guns a blazing and call his buddy. He wasnt seeking to get him fired but re-tried for a crime he already had served a punishment for. That is why Cozzi is just not the person buy a president on how a boss can side step contractual agrrements in place and get a officer 10 years in federal prison. If you think this could never happen to you I must suggest your quit this job right now!! Cozzi is the perfect example how a city will throw under the bus to look good in the eyes of others, NEVER FORGET COZZI!!!!!!!!!

3/08/2009 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fran is just one of a string of street level media whores.

It's the pimp editors who pull the strings, and they do so under the thumbs of those who sign the checks.

Daley inc. ain't the only crew milking this city, county and state.

3/08/2009 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone thinks that Bill Cozzi beat up that drunk, then you have never seen a real number 9 ass-kickin. The FOP want to fight for Burge, then they or any other POLICE OFFICER should never give up on Cozzi. Nuff said

3/08/2009 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So please, for the sake of this department, for the sake of our guys and gals who put their livelihood on the line each and every day LET IT GO!

3/08/2009 12:43:00 AM

I gotta agree with this one... unless we all move on and let it go, we will forever be handcuffed by the image that we protect our own even when they are dirty! I dont know whether cozzi got a raw deal or not, Im just sayin lets all move on!

3/08/2009 06:12:00 PM

If you were a police officer sitting in jail, would you want everyone to let that go? Mike Masters and crew, get off of our fucking blog. You are not the police, so shut the fuck up!

3/08/2009 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cozzi was charged with a misdemeanor. He was suspended. He plead guilty. He went before the Police Board. The Board did not fire him, instead they suspended him for 2 years. He served that suspension and then before he came back to work, J-Fed used his personal connections to get Cozzi charged with a crime that he otherwise would not have been charged with.

Cozzi gave up because he didn't have the money to fight the government. What hasn't been talked about is that the victim of the Cozzi incident wanted nothing to do the government and is said to be dead. On a civil rights violation the government then becomes the victim. J-fed knew this and went out of his way to make a federal case on a guy where there was no public outcry or political pressure. And to the idiot that says move on... imagine what eight years in a federal prison feels like for making a mistake and paying for it twice. Also, do you think J-fed has ever called the FBI or ATF for federal charges on the banger that just mowed down the three kids with an ak-47 or any of the others. You probably have never lost your cool when the only thing stressful in your day is when you forget the cream in the bosses latte!

3/08/2009 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I think it is quite eveident, that even the media realizes that J-Fed is a horrible failure; and any hope of things changing under his tenure is pure futility.

3/08/2009 08:04:00 PM"

The media realizes what they're told to realize.

How long have the media had ample opportunities to realize the massive amount of failures of the midget?

3/08/2009 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/08/2009 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Please limit the J-Fed think group's redundant commentaries.

This is worse than some of the past juvenile postings.

3/08/2009 07:30:00 PM"

Sorry, but the use of 'ALL CAPS' just reveals your asshat status.

And redundancy is in the eye of the beholder.

Tell your masters to grow a little hard bark on their skins, it ain't going to get any better for them.

3/08/2009 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very confused about something...
Are Daley and Weiss the Abbott and Costello of Chicago Crime Fighting, or are they, along with Donohue of FLOP, the Moe, Larry, and Curley of the Chicago Law Enforcement Upper Eschelon????
Please help, inquiring minds want to know.....

3/08/2009 11:30:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

To the "anonymous", shameless suckhole wannabe at 6:18 PM.

You are pathetic. PROFESSIONALISM, EXCELLENCE, HONOR and INTEGRITY mean nothing to you. Have you no PRIDE whatsoever?

It's the apathy and stupidity of people like you that allow the city to perpetuate CLOUT. And poor baby doesn't "test well", the inference being that legitimate testing actually has something to do with advancement in the most dysfunctionally managed big-city police department in the nation.
You really are dumb and without scruples.

And you're such a loser that you don't even realize that you're condoning corruption in your endless pursuit of mediocrity.

God help us!

And to any troll(s) that want(s) to drop the abomination that Weis perpetrated on an already severely disciplined Bill Cozzi, you could use a few whacks yourself. Weis wanted Cozzi as a scapegoat to create his "reformer image". It backfired.

3/08/2009 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to Shortshanks main pimp John Doerer? He seems to have hidden under the machines magic carpet and never gets brought up by the media anymore. Maybe turned stoolie?

3/08/2009 11:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

should have voted for jans for least he goes to meetings and knows what the f*** is going on.think about it next time it comes around.

3/08/2009 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But you just had to stick your "politically correct" fuckin' nose into something where Cozzi paid dearly for his "sin" before you even arrived. Fuck you, Weis! Your "15 minutes" was up over a year ago. You're nothing more than a clueless backstabbing bitch with your tongue up Daley's ass. How can you look in a mirror and call yourself a man? Time for your saucer of milk, you big pussy!"

Wow.You certainly don't beat around the bush.Well said sir.

3/09/2009 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt that Jody will now or ever say anything about the mayor or the workings of the CPD. Don't you think he had a clause in his contract to keep his mouth shut now and after his contract is done?

3/09/2009 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 6:18pm:: Do not toss all of us in the same salad bowl that you were raised in. There are many of us on this department who have not and would not sell ourselves to these dirty lying exempts and other thief politicians just to be promoted.

You definitely do not know what playing the game really means. Its a whole lot more than kissing ass.

3/09/2009 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cozzi made a mistake and was punished and that should have been the end of it.

It boggles the mind that J-Fed took this to another level (Fed) to fuck him. I would love to get inside of his mind to see what his logic and motivation for it was. I truly think that if he could erase this mistake now J-Fed would do it after seeing what its done to his credibility and any chance to gain acceptance by the rank and file.

Cozzi was J-Feds terminal mistake. No matter what he does he can't take this back and his tenure as Superintendent will be fucked forever by what he did in this case. We are al taught that once the bullet leaves the gun you can't pull it back. I like to think thats how J-Fed feels now.

3/09/2009 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fed started his administration with his actions towards Cozzi. J-Fed wasn't even working as Supt. when he called the SAIC in Chicago and asked him to "take a look at" the Cozzi incident for possible civil rights violations.

When one SAIC asks another SAIC to "take a look" it carries a lot of weight. J-Fed was clearly sending a message to the rest of us with that move. We got the message. And how, did we get the message.

We got the message so much that now we will never let J-Fed forget his cowardly action against one of our own whose transgression and trial and conviction and suspension all occurred a couple of years before Jody Weis came to town.

Do you think that with the constant din of Cozzi that J-Fed ever has one of those "Wanna get away?" moments?

Good, and don't ever let that miserable coward Weis forget Cozzi and keep activity in the dumper until two things happen: We get a fair contract and Jody Weis is sent packing.

Hey stuttering prick: Your move.

3/09/2009 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is fran's husband in some way( indirecly) connected to the daley adminstration

3/09/2009 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/08/2009 11:04:00 PM

I guess not...10 hour day are fuckin great. 12 hour would be out fuckin standing

3/09/2009 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new superintendent yanked gang investigators out of police districts,.......GAVE LEO SOMETHING TO DO...

3/09/2009 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/8/09 11:19 AM

. . .so fuck you again and if your so sure about your views then sign your fucking name punk!
Am I correct that you posted this anonymously?

PS--My dad told me a long time ago that in a proper screwing, two people get screwed at the same time. Bill Cozzi got his; and now, Supt., I hope you are enjoying yours.

3/09/2009 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

last night in 17 there was a M-2 filming officer's responding to disturbances on the EL Lines, this liberal hack carried a microphone in front jacket and a camera crew positioned across the street on Kimball/Lawrence where they proceeded to tape any wrong doing if committed while officer's respond to the disturbances. Be carefull out there as the story goes you are on camera AT ALL TIMES...
this situation is not going to change anytime soon. get used to it. cameras are everywhere. on the dashes of cop cars, on poles, in stores, in cell phones.

besides, as cops frequently point out, if you aren't doing anything wrong, you got nothing to hide.

3/09/2009 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The new superintendent yanked gang investigators out of police districts,.......GAVE LEO SOMETHING TO DO...

3/09/2009 08:24:00 AM

True and put ellyn the "destructionist" at the airport come on boss move her you need lts in the districts! How about 003 then she could maybe return crumps gun that she tried to board an aircraft with,but crumpy gots away with it!

3/09/2009 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I gotta say is...pack up and leave soon, you arrogant son of a bitch!

3/09/2009 11:52:00 PM  

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