Glocks for All
According to the Lieutenants Association website, the weapon policy is about to change:
- We just were informed that the department plans to implement a new policy for duty weapons. This policy will be effective at the end of the year. For more information please read this letter.
The letter is at this link or here's a blurry copy you can click on:
So a "phased-in" all-Glock-Department? That almost sounds like a required "first issue."
As someone pointed out, any other weapon purchases that are not "duty related" (that is to say, not Glock) are going to be charged the City registration fees that were usually waived for Officer's alternate weapons.
Exclusivity in Chicago usually means someone somewhere got a bit of grease. Was FOP consulted for this change? Did other manufacturers get a chance to bid? Something here smells a bit funny and in Chicago, where there's a funny smell, there's usually a connected relative making some dough.
UPDATE: We know what the letter says and we know it isn't a mandatory switch over. Standardizing for recruit training is one thing. Restricting what feels right in your hand and lets you do your job properly once you're off probation doesn't seem like a good fit. Read the letter please, as we did.

As someone pointed out, any other weapon purchases that are not "duty related" (that is to say, not Glock) are going to be charged the City registration fees that were usually waived for Officer's alternate weapons.
Exclusivity in Chicago usually means someone somewhere got a bit of grease. Was FOP consulted for this change? Did other manufacturers get a chance to bid? Something here smells a bit funny and in Chicago, where there's a funny smell, there's usually a connected relative making some dough.
UPDATE: We know what the letter says and we know it isn't a mandatory switch over. Standardizing for recruit training is one thing. Restricting what feels right in your hand and lets you do your job properly once you're off probation doesn't seem like a good fit. Read the letter please, as we did.
Labels: department issues
Gee... Is the Glock not the weapon of choice carried by the Feds??? And now Jfed??? And now we are going to be required to carry Glocks??? HMMMMM How much do you think Daley made in this deal??? Fucking thief
Can the Vanecko Glock Gun Shop be far off?
Glocks are overrated pieces of junk!
I'll be dammed if I switch from a Sig to this piece of crap.
Ray O'Herrons has the in.
The midget mayors cousin works for glock. I was told this 8 months ago ( I thought it was B.S.) and cannot remember his last name..not Daley.
I did not believe that this crook would do this. But,
Mr. Richard "Bi-Polor" cannot stop his curruption and greed.
Man, this man needs a few years at "club-fed".
Oh Boy! Another great idea from J-Fed!
I'd be willing to say that your S&W, Sig, Beretta.. will have to be grandfathered in when it comes to gun registration. If you came on the job prior to 2009, you can carry from the prescribed list; the weapon is still classified as a DUTY WEAPON. Unless the department, during these hard economic times, is willing to shell out $425(ish) per Glock for ALL department members.
The classes that came out since Jan ’09 have no other choice but Glock 17 or 19.
So we have to shell out to re-reg our other guns? What if we forget? Will they grab those guns?
come on SCC. the letter makes it quite clear we can still carry the weapons we have now for years. If i decide to purchase a new weapon in 2010 then it must be a glock. this is not a "first issue" thing. so if you want to carry a sig or springfield buy it now and you are good.
Just another tax.
Who has this contract/ the vanecko daley (kicked out of the army) kid? The daley criminal empire continues to grow!!
Great for a prosperous economy! Limit purchases to one importer. Nice. Not even a U.S. company, okay pistols though. Keep up the good work. U.S. employees need your support! Is a Dem in charge of this one too?
The 2009 OBummer Apology Tour.
Well, after he trashed the United States in Europe OBummer is going to Mexico to make nice with the country whose residents have invaded us, burdened our health and education system, and refuse to learn the language of the country in which they have squatted. We can only guess if OBummer will bow down to the president of Mexico like he bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia. This coconut head is a real danger to the safety of the U.S. Our only hope is that the ReFLUBlicans can regain control of at least one arm of government in the 2010 elections. If they do, and they miraculously develop a backbone, they can hamstring this nimrod until 2012 when hopefully, the American People realize the terrible mistake they made when they bought into his “Change” bullshit.
Who cares, if you already have a gun you like and trust keep using it. Unless you are a gun stroke who would rather play with a new gun then get laid it will not matter to you. It would be nice though for the department to buy us all a new Glocks but we all know that will not happen. We all should have seen this coming when the academy mandated all new recruits to buy Glock 9mm for their training.
its not a required first issue
Those with other weapons including wheelguns can keep them and carry them and pass inspection with them
All NEW purchases for duty use will be Glock UNLESSS theyre replaing that same make model caliber style
So do I have to purchase a glock now? I have a SW 45 TSW and have been carrying it since 2001 and love it! I don't want a glock nor do I have the money for it. I have the mandated 9mm frm my academy days and qualify every year with it and then put it away. If the glock is mandated then they must pay for it.
This is one more step in the process of national uniformity in policing, one national police force, united under the United Nations.
Look into it, the next step will be a change of uniform shirts to dark blue and squad car colors.
Years ago when I heard this talk of nationalizing the police departments I chaulked it up to nonsense, now I am literally watching it happen.
not glocks for all.... clocks for all! i refuse to give this mental midget one extra minute! where is my retro check? PAY ME!
Pay for previously approved duty weapons yearly for registration? Mayor Shortshanks can blow me before that would happen. I would place those weapons in my bank's safety deposit box and tell Shortshanks to come and find them.
And what about carrying a snub nose revolver off duty? Sounds like even off duty you couldn't.
I bet you a few bucks that either Daley's son or his nephew just purchased the licensing rights to Glocks in Illinois.
Go figure.....
I distinctly remember Mr WEISsel at a town hall meeting saying "Wouldn't it be nice if we all had the same gun so that, God forbid, you or your partner could return fire if one of you were to go down having all the same guns on the Department would help in these instances." (Of course that schmuck doesn't carry one!)
I will take a nice solid alloy Sig over that Glock garbage any day of the week. Besides we all know Oherrons and Shore will just jack up the price.
This letter does bring to light why the factory
Glock rep was over at Homan Square for SWAT and MSF cutting factory direct deals. 17's were gonna be 415 from sources.
It is not a "first issue" issue as they are not requiring you to transition to a new weapon. You can still carry your whatever as long as it is serviceable.
And seeing that the recruits are required to have Glocks exclusively while in the academy (and who would spend all the money to go to another brand after the academy), it is just a running change bringing the rest of the department in line. Tho whatever happened to carrying what you felt most comfortable with? As it is YOUR LIFE.!!!
And since there is no competition, you know that the gun prices will jump several $100's.
Why no US gun makers like S&W, Springfield Armory or Ruger?
But I, like everyone else, wants to know: Who is getting the gravy???
I dislike the Glock’s tricky trigger. However the Glocks are very reliable. Officers should opt for the Glock 21 (.45 ACP) with or without the short frame grip. Small handed officers would find the short frame is more controllable. Be sure to have the night sights installed on these weapons.
Because of the trigger the Glocks must be carried in a holster at all times. Take those 9MM glocks and use them for paper weights. The .40 is a pussy gun too small and ineffective for all but the daintiest of pussies.
Over all this is a step forward when all officer can carry a .45 ACP. Be safe!
There is an advantage that all officers know and understand each other officer's weapon.
Also the Glock is the best value for the dollar. I like HK amd Sig better but they cost nearly twice what the Glock costs.
Quit with the first issue crap. WILL NEVER HAPPEN! They are just gonna make it so that any gun you buy after this must be a Glock. They are not going to force you to go out and buy one. I am ashamed at SCC for not seeing how this is gonna actually work, and trying to stir some shit. While I side with SCC on 99.9% of the issues...... this whole 1st issue thing will never fly and this doesn't even come close to a first issue requirement. While I will also agree with this being a contract/union thing
I do think it is a step in the right direction. Especially coming from a training and officer safety standpoint. IF every officer used same gun (like issued in tons of other departments across the nation) when the shit hit the fan or an officer ran out of ammo in a bad scene others could toss mags and what not as we woud potentially all have the same firearm. I think that is one bonus.
imagine what the cost would be for the city to purchase and train 13,500 ahem,,, i mean 10,000 officers with this weapon-- sounds like a pipe dream-- just like the rest of the stuff we have been hearing lately.
That's their way of not having to purchase the Rank& File Glocks. Typical Shitty of Chicago maneuver.
Somebody needs their cut, that's why they couldn't agree on one weapon when they went to autos 18years ago.Screw Them,I'll stick with my S&W.
Time to buy that .40cal SIG 226 I've been thinking about...
On a serious note, WTF is this supposed to accomplish?
We won't be restricted to one model/caliber, so lack of magazine interchangeability isn't affected. Range guys will still have to be armorers for various manufacturers' guns for 30 more years. They'll need to stock said various manufacturers' guns for decades as loaners. We buy our own guns, so it's not like the department saves money there. They still have to stock 4 different calibers of pistol ammo for a while (.38spl, 9mm, .40S&W, .45ACP).
The only "plus" that I see is that our guns'll look similar. I'm sure this policy was really well thought out by people who actually shoot regularly. Stupidity/ignorance or graft seem the only possible explanations.
Alledgedly,the grease was applied and accepted during MT's reign at the CPD Academy.Rumor has it some clouted people got 2-4 Glocks free of charge.Geez,situational ethics at work...
This is a reliable pistol, you can run it over with a car and put it back together and it will work. Some say the pistol will not feed if "limp wristed". I have an old G-22 .40 thats never jammed. I think the .40 sucks due to its nasty, sharp recoil impulse, I think the .45 is a better choice. The trigger pull is short compared to a conventional DAO. Three trigger pull weights are available, 5.5,8 and 11 pounds. It makes you wonder who knows someone at Glock. Then again, someone likes Glocks and Tahoes...
more freedom lost.
i can't believe they let us carry glocks. the trigger is more like a 1911 than a dao and the safety is truely between the shooters ears.
if you're a 9 guy carry the 19 or 17 w/ a couple of 19 rnd mags and a 26 as backup and you are all set.
buy your self a 3/32 punch & a book and you can keep it running easily by changing parts.
you can purchase it anywhere, it's not a hard to find dao version, so shop around and find the best deal.
don't forget to practice with it.....a/d's are common w/ this pistol due to the light trigger so give your self plenty of rounds to adapt.
glocks are not a bad thing.
Smacks of another great idea in Policing from the Superintendent's Policy Group. SIx junior jag offs setting policy for the clueless Weis and equally clueless Masters.
It is in the contract that any first issue is paid for by the Department.
New hires will, of course, be required to buy their own, unless the Department goes the way of other Departments and starts issuing weapons.
It actually is an excellent idea, uniform weapons across all ranks etc. The military has been doing that for, oh, a long time now.
Any officer could pick any other officer's gun or clip and use it. I don't see Daley paying for 13,000 Glocks, extra clips, holsters and training however.
The letter says ALTERNATE prescribed and/or auxiliary duty weapon.
It is not requiring anyone to replace their currently approved handgun.
But is you do choose to buy a new weapon it must be a Glock, that seems to be how it reads. The only way you could replace say a S&W revolver is if you have one now and it is registered, you are using it as your primary weapon and it is lost, stolen or destroyed.
The way this letter is writen would seem to skirt the "first issue" clause because it is not requiring anyone to replace their current gun.
So this is the cheap ass CPD's way of going to an all Glock armed Department. It will be 30 years before everyone has all Glocks. Everyone now currently empyed who carries other than a Glock can use it and are not required to replace it. If so, the department must purchase it for them.
Typical CPD cheapskate mindset once again.
400 quatloo's the new comer goes before the plastic kinetic energy weapons arrive....
Not the right post, but its all the same. I just listened to the Weis radio interview. I am sickened by the fact that he has graduated to the school of Daley. He never answered a question. He lied about manpower, he lied about the Cozzi incident, he lied about exempt accountability, he lied about the crime stats, he lied about district deployment, he lied about msf training, he lied about department morale, he lied about giving officers names to the judge, he lied about the number of arrests = he bold faced lied during that entire interview. Daley absolutely chose the right man for the job = someone just like him = a no good lying coward rat fink.
Crime File, with all due respect, you don't know what you are talking about. Check out Winchester's law enforcement site. Make a comparison. You will discover that the 147 grn. 9mm is one one the best rounds out there. The only round that really beats it is the 180grn. 40 caliber. Other than that there is minimal difference between calibers. Years ago the 45 was king. Not so anymore. I want rounds. I can fit more rounds in my 9 than I can in my 45. If a Mumbai style attack occurs here and you don't have a M4, what would you rather have, a 9-13 round 45 or a 15-20 round 9mm? Shot placment and penetration is what it's all about my friend, not the size of the bullet.
Glocks are overrated pieces of junk!
I'll be dammed if I switch from a Sig to this piece of crap.
Shore Galleries
The way I read it it only applies to new PPO's, we will still be allowed to carry the weapon that we have now unless you want a new gun, than it must be a glock. No big deal
In my last 5 or 6 shoot outs I really was lucky my partner had the same ammo. Oh wait- I was 99..
Alledgedly,the grease was applied and accepted during MT's reign at the CPD Academy.Rumor has it some clouted people got 2-4 Glocks free of charge.Geez,situational ethics at work...
4/10/2009 02:39:00 AM
Your that one guy that has an axe to grind with Tobias. Let it go, dude, what, you were dumped? yelled at? This stupid decision had nothing to do with the Academy, period. This came from left field which is where most stupid idea's come from. BTW the Policy group is in left field. Just another example to losing more and more rights and a police officer and citizen. This is stupid, and MUST be stopped. Whats next, you must leave your duty weapon at work, can't take it home?
buy it or quit luv ray hamilton
Glock equals crap!!!!!!!!!!!! Like SCC said the gun you carry is the one that feels best in your hand. That is why I carry a sig!
I was at shore the other day looking to buy one of the baby guns. Shore only had the GIock and I was not impressed. I didn't buy one.
I just heard OBAMA is sending "SISTER SLEDGE" to solve the PIRATE PROBLEM in SOMALIA.He said he remebers how they united WILLIE STARGELL and KENT TEKULVE and the rest of those ragtag scallywags!AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGH.
I love all the idiots saying we should carry the same gun if the shit should hit the fan. I have been on the job over 15 years and the shit has never hit the fan for the circumstances being talked about. Tell me one instance in the last 15 years where an officer ran out of ammo and was SOL because his partner had a different weapon???? Anyone who responds with a tale of some incident like this is full of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't get some story out of the archives from another dept.
When an officer gets into a shooting it is almost guarrenteed to be less than 10 shots fired by the officer and over in under 1 minute. Those are the facts!!!
I have the glock 22 and 27 .40 cal models (27 can use 22's magazines) and they are fantastic combat proven pistol. Do they have reciol? Yes, but nothing practice can't resolve. I don't agree with the change except at the recruit level and we will not have uniform weapons other than brand across the dept because they are approving all calibers, 9, 40 and 45.
So whats wrong with everybody carrying the same gun? There's already too many approved weapons allowed out there. Different makes and models. .
Let me just say I am Not defending this decison. BUT...If you read the letter it is the same same wording that was used when the switched to the DOA pistols. If you owned and were registered with a conventional Double Action you can continue to carry and qualify with that weapon.. I still carry a Double Action Semi and am allowed to use it. If the gun breaks you can even replace it with the same make model taht broke... Just like when they switched from revolvers to autos.... how many guys still carry revolvers.... no reason to get upset. But yes someone did get a contract somewhere as for years teh department was anti glock... funny how things change..
Daley hates guns period; here is the scheduled deterioration of our rights:
1. New guns will be of required make and model.
2. New hires will be issued with city-owned pistols (fed-funded of course).
3. City-owned pistols may not be carried off-duty, except with exempt approval.
4. No pistols will be carried off-duty except with exempt approval.
I am willing to bet all you glock haters have not shot more than fifty rounds through one
I used to worship sig and hate glock until my sig 226 broke and I put a hundred rounds through a buddy's glock 17.....I shot it better than my sig!
Glocks are easy to shoot, more reliable, cheaper, and easier to clean
not to mention the short trigger reset and consistent pulls makes for quicker more accurate second third fourth fifth sixth and seventh shots.
GLock 9mm also allow for a 32 round mag which I carry in my vest.
As for you goofs who are saying daleys relative is gettin urs online and have it shipped to an FFL
there is plenty to complain about about weis...this is not one of those things .....anybody complaining about this sounds like a crybaby
Quit ur bitchin and be glad ur new guys will be carrying the number one pistol WORLDWIDE
Blogger Crimefile said...
I dislike the Glock’s tricky trigger. However the Glocks are very reliable. Officers should opt for the Glock 21 (.45 ACP) with or without the short frame grip. Small handed officers would find the short frame is more controllable. Be sure to have the night sights installed on these weapons.
Because of the trigger the Glocks must be carried in a holster at all times. Take those 9MM glocks and use them for paper weights. The .40 is a pussy gun too small and ineffective for all but the daintiest of pussies.
Over all this is a step forward when all officer can carry a .45 ACP. Be safe!
There is an advantage that all officers know and understand each other officer's weapon.
Also the Glock is the best value for the dollar. I like HK amd Sig better but they cost nearly twice what the Glock costs.
4/10/2009 01:34:00 AM
A few things... first, yes, glocks are reliable. Very reliable. Second, there is no such thing as a short frame grip... the SF is for SLIM frame, and there is not that much difference between the regular 21 and the 21SF- so little, in fact, that the SF takes the SAME magazines and fits the SAME holster. Also, glock is making ALL of their new models in SF, so it's a bit of a moot point. As far as 40 being a bad round, whaaaa? For those that want a higher capacity than a 45, its the way to go. And even though the 45 is a slim frame, its WAY too big for a small hand. I LOVE the 45, but I have a large hand.... Personally, i detest the 9mm round, but to call a 40 round a sissy round is is almost as large as the 45 and is faster. Just my 2 cents...I carry a glock 45 and love it, but its nice to have a CHOICE.
Here's the problem for all those carrying other than Glock. Let's say you shoot often and break some parts that can't be repaired. Let's say a new trigger system comes out on your gun and a newer version and you would like to "update". They are either limiting or not allowing you to do this. You have to buy a Glock. When we switched from revolvers to autos and you were a revolver guy, you could still update or replace with no question. Now you can't. This is bullshit. The best confident shooters achieve this by carrying the handgun that fits them best, not fits the dept. best.
I have my sig 226 9mm. it's a great gun. I've recently switched to a glock 22 .40. It's a great gun, low maintence, and lighter then my sig. Great gun for police work. BEST PART, IT WAS HALF THE PRICE OF MY SIG. $425 PLUS TAX.
I have to say after 20 years on I transitioned to a Glock 21, .45 caliber. For years I carried a da/sa S&W 9mm. I do like the Glock, after trying the S&W MP45. the Springfied XD45 and the Glock 21. With the shootings involving the CPD, the 9MM is just as bad as the 38 plus p round. I may never get into a shooting, but God forbid, I wanted a caliber that will do the maximum damage. The Glock 45 has less recoil than my 9mm does. I can see everybody's point being forced to carry one brand only. It's what you are comfortable with. I'm happy with the Glock. Other people are happy in one of the other brands. If you plan on purchasing and transitioning to another brand, do it before this goes into effect.
Funny how Glocks and other striker fired weapons were forbidden just a few years ago.
I've always liked Glocks, all of their mags are interchangable (with the exception of the Glock 36) in whatever caliber.
Many departments have only one type of pistol--at least the CPD is letting us go up to a .40 or .45 instead of being stuck with a pea shooter 9.
I'm surprised they aren't going to mandate the "New York Trigger" it will cut down on the ADs greatly.
Good move in trying to get uniformity.
The only Glock I fool with is the 30 sf with a sleeve on the grip... Tried to hold out until Springfield dropped a high capacity (10 rounds or more) less than 4" big bore. (read .45 acp) The skinny from Springfield was "ain't hap'nin no time soon." The idea is that your primary & secondary should at least be the same caliber if not the same manufacturer...
Big 1911 aficionado & the closest thing to it is the Springfield XD .45 Tactical which works well for me... Might have to buy a twin just in case someone asks for a heaping portion of ka-boom (& i ain't talking about the cereal) because I doubt seriously that the city has a replacement... 5" sidearms are "too militaristic & intimidating" Remember the joke about a citizen asking a Texas Ranger why he carried his 1911 in condition one?
citizen: "why do you carry a .45?"
Ranger: because they don't make a .46?"
citizen: "but yours has the hammer back, isn't that dangerous?"
Ranger: "well, that is pretty much the whole idea." (or something to that effect)
citizen: ...clueless
j-fed & the policy group... more than clueless
Glocks for all after an arbitrary cut off date is not a good idea just for the simple fact that everyone's hands are different, no two people grasp & present a side arm the same exact way...
Whatever the case, stay safe... This is going to be a long, hot, busy & brutal summer so practice practice practice & tell your partner(s) to practice too...
Since this Glock gun is a new part of the uniform doesn't the city buy us the first one? I already have enough handguns. I am looking to buy a nice rifle for multi purpose usage.
You'll have more conformity if ever caught in a prolonged shootout with common firearms. Yes the Feds are carrying glocks, But remember they go to the lowest bidder....
It will be a great way to spot undercover police 15 years years from now. They carry only Glocks or the person would have to be in their 40's to be eligible to carry something else.
So we have to shell out to re-reg our other guns? What if we forget? Will they grab those guns?
4/10/2009 12:26:00 AM
Yes and Yes. Unless of course, you forget to register your entire collection (Ald. Mell) at which time you have the city council pass legislation that affects only one citizen in the city (Ald. Mell) thereby giving him a 7 day window to re-register every single weapon he owns!
Anyone remember this?
I will take a nice solid alloy Sig over that Glock garbage any day of the week. Besides we all know Oherrons and Shore will just jack up the price.
You mean a stamped steel metal pistol don't you? Sigs are made up of mostly stamped sheet metal.
Some of those American gun manufacturers that you speak of, don't even make most of their guns here in America anyway. look on the side of the new Springfield's and S&W's. American name, built somewhere else. That shouldn't even be the outcry in this matter. Bottom line, We should be able shoot what the fuck feels good, no matter what fucking country manufactures or what fucking brand it is!
Read the letter idiots, before you leave ignorant comments.
Why, in this time of extreme economic crisis for our country, would our esteemed leader choose a weapon made by a foreign manufacturer?
It would appear that police officers are not the only American workers that Jody has chosen to not support.
You would think a former fed would be a little more patriotic.
"If they do, and they miraculously develop a backbone, they can hamstring this nimrod until 2012 when hopefully, the American People realize the terrible mistake they made when they bought into his “Change” bullshit."
Thanks for the update Nostradamus, could you look into your crystal ball & give us the winning Lotto Numbers for Saturday's drawing?
So what. When jody gets kicked to the curb, the new supernintendo can get rid of this in the order and it will be back to business with the guns we can carry now.
Do you people have a brain? Stop with the 1st issue bullshit! We can't get a contract and you brain children think you are getting a free glock!?!?!?!?!?!?!
They are going to the glock and slowly phasing out the others just like the old school wheel guns.
So, save your money on the glock and buy a clue!
This letter does bring to light why the factory
Glock rep was over at Homan Square for SWAT and MSF cutting factory direct deals.
Two words
What happened to all the good white shirts? They're all worried about getting Lt. now, than taking care of the the people that work.
Glock = Tactical Tupperware
City of Chicago politics and CPD policy aside, this might be a good thing.
As a suburban officer with fourteen years of experience, I was a die hard Sig Sauer P220 fan. Then my department transitioned (they paid for the gun but not the leather) to the Glock 22C over a period of three years. I was very skeptical of it at first but once I started shooting it, I quickly changed my mind.
The trigger pull is the same every time, it has never jammed or malfunctioned in any way despite some poor cleaning habits at times. It has a very nice feel to it and no more decocking lever.
The topic of duty weapons is a very personal one but I think everyone should be open minded about the Glock.
Disclaimer: I do not work for Glock or any of its dealers nor do I own any stock or part of those companies.
Revolvers are more reliable Glocks have jammed on me before
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The 2009 OBummer Apology Tour.
Well, after he trashed the United States in Europe OBummer is going to Mexico to make nice with the country whose residents have invaded us, burdened our health and education system, and refuse to learn the language of the country in which they have squatted. We can only guess if OBummer will bow down to the president of Mexico like he bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia. This coconut head is a real danger to the safety of the U.S. Our only hope is that the ReFLUBlicans can regain control of at least one arm of government in the 2010 elections. If they do, and they miraculously develop a backbone, they can hamstring this nimrod until 2012 when hopefully, the American People realize the terrible mistake they made when they bought into his “Change” bullshit.
4/10/2009 12:46:00 AM
Where were you when Bush kissed the hand of King Fahd and held his hand in the United States? According to Saudi custom, it is considered a high honor for a subject to kiss the hand of a Saudi king and hold his hand. You political partisans see only one side. Face it, Democrat or Republican they are all the same.
HMMM! wonder. Is the sgt/commander in the think tank some how connected to glock? Is sgt/commander friends with a certain celebrity rep from the glock corp? There is only one reason to adopt all glocks. Clout and kickbacks.
First off it is not a clip, it is a magazine. Second the idea of uniformity while good on paper is impractical in police work for 99% of the time. When was the last time an officer ran out of ammo and needed to pass it to a fellow officer? The last time I can think of this was the LA Bank Robbery. However they needed rifles rather than interchangeable ammo for their pistols.
Not to mention that if you ran out of ammo and the threat is still going, a pistol probably won't help. And you need to work on your marksmanship because you suck. I would suggest that you just slip an extra few mags in your duty bag.
The Glock is a great gun, but I prefer the DAK Sigarms. The lack of an exposed hammer on Glock's gives me cause for concern because I train to put my hand over the hammer when I draw and if there is something in the trigger guard that will prevent an accidental discharge or negligent discharge.
I think personally the department should move to the same policy of Las Vegas Metro and allow damn near any gun as long as it is a 9mm, .40 S&W, or .45 ACP. From Wilson Combat 1911s to Glocks to Sigs with all the trigger types being approved.
It is your firearm and it may save your life. Shouldn't you choose the gun that you fit the best and that best fits you. Glock is not known for having stellar ergonomics and it may affect your performance. I think you should be allowed to choose what you carry as it is your life on the line, not J-Feds or Daleys.
God Bless the CPD and nobody else.
And dont forget $150 for a new holster and maybe a magazine case !!!
"It actually is an excellent idea, uniform weapons across all ranks etc. The military has been doing that for, oh, a long time now."
Can you Gun-nut/Tactical Ops WIley X wearing types tell me how this is accomplished if there are 3 different caliber types offered?
Knowing zero about the glock, can a glock 9mm fire a 45 Round & vice versa?
The Tulsa Police Department issues Glock 22s to every officer and Glock 23s to plainclothes/detectives. There was a competitive bid system in place, and Glock won. Off-duty weapons don't have to be Glocks.
There is nothing wrong with Glocks mechanically, but not everyone likes the feel or the trigger. I understand that, but don't badmouth them as "crap." I currently don't own one, being a revolver kinda guy, but I had an early Glock 23 (no finger grooves) that I fired more than 5,000 rounds through before I cleaned it the first time. (Call it my own personal torture test.) The thing to watch with Glocks is what ammunition they like. My 23 hated the standard 180 grain bullets but would shoot 155 grain or lighter bullets like a target pistol.
I'm all for standardization, but it seems to me that Little Dick Shortshanks could come off some of his ill-gotten gains and buy guns for everyone.
Not to upset anyone, but anyone who passes the TPD's rifle course is issued an AR to be carried in their take-home car with the 12 gauge.
Wonder how much Glock is paying Daley for this policy....
I can only hope that the other major gun manufacturers file suit against Mayor Mumbles for this policy.
Eventually we will have a supt who hates glocks and this will change.
Did anyone notice on the new TV show Southland that their Police Bulletin looks exactly like our Daily Bulletin?
Bill Daley's Glock Shop in the suburbs will be the exclusive dealer.
Sounds like a lot of political kick backs!
Pat Fitzgerald are you watching this payoff!
I like my Beretta, best on duty gun for me!
City can't give us our raises and retro pay in a timely manner unlike Alderman and the Mayor who get their raises via a voice vote!
How in the hell they going to buy Glock weapons for everybody?!
We have no pool cars, 10 year old computers, cars with over 100,000 miles on them that are considered a cream puffs!
This stupid city want to try something as dumb as this!
Besides anyone tell this ass wipe that the city MUST by the first issue of anything!
That's a whole lot of money to be fancy!
What's wrong with buying American as in Smith and Wesson?!
Then people wonder why this country is so fucked up!
All I want to know is, How much was the payoff for this goofy stunt!
Sorry SCC but for once I disagree with you. I don't see a problem in this and am wondering what everybody's crying about. Nothing in the order says that you can't carry a Sig or S&W, it just says that after a certain date if you want to replace your weapon with something other than the one you have now, it has to be a Glock. This is no different than when they phased out the old wheel guns. Those who originally came on with them can still carry them and still replace them as long as it's the same model they already have. There is also nothing that says we will now have to pay every year to register our duty related Sig's or Smiths as long as they were purchased and registered before the date specified just like those with the revolvers are not required to register them every year. Departments around the world along with militaries around the world have a standardized weapon so why should we be any different? Also for those saying that the city has to purchase the new Glock for them, like they did with those crappy ass stinger lights, because they are requiring you to carry a particular gun I say reread the order and contract because the city is not saying that you have to go out and buy a Glock, all they are saying is that if you so choose at your own free will to go and buy a new type of gun after a certain date, it has to be a certain make. And before I get called a desk jockey, inside guy or any of the other names, I work in a district, in a marked patrol car on the first watch.
Relax, SCC. First of all the Dept's not requiring anyone to change guns. Second, it's really not a bad idea to transition to a single weapon. Stop it now, not everything that comes from 35th St is stupid.
Google search for the problems that the Indiana state police had with one batch of Glock .40s ...a town in NJ returned all of them and bought something else.
You mean a stamped steel metal pistol don't you? Sigs are made up of mostly stamped sheet metal.
4/10/2009 10:57:00 AM
The original SIG pistols had stamped steel slides, the current models have stainless slides CNC milled from a single piece of metal, the same machining process that Glock uses. They had to change to accommodate the higher pressures that .40cal and .357SIG generate.
According to the range guys I talked to, J-Fed is qualified with a Springfield XD45, so this new policy may not actually come from him.
Will it kill a pirate,aaaaarrrrggh-uably it will.
Glock schmock,if the city has coin to spend how about... A RAISE or maybe Olympic logo nipple rings.
Who the fuck cares. We still don't have a contract.
This is just a distraction.
Ignore this nonsense and focus on the contract!
I love all the idiots saying we should carry the same gun if the shit should hit the fan. I have been on the job over 15 years and the shit has never hit the fan for the circumstances being talked about. Tell me one instance in the last 15 years where an officer ran out of ammo and was SOL because his partner had a different weapon???? Anyone who responds with a tale of some incident like this is full of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't get some story out of the archives from another dept.
When an officer gets into a shooting it is almost guarrenteed to be less than 10 shots fired by the officer and over in under 1 minute. Those are the facts!!!
Thank you officer know nothing. Obviously you have neve been involved in a "shootout" Just wait til that one time you wished you had an extra mag? HOw offten was it before this year that coppurs were killed in the amounts they have been this year across the country. OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES AND GO OUT AND GET RID OF THAT WHEEL GUN AND THE HOLSTER HANGING OUT THERE FOR DUDE TO GRAB!
Go back to you desk and leave the real policing to those with brains
I can't wait to oil up my Glock!!
I love all the idiots saying we should carry the same gun if the shit should hit the fan. I have been on the job over 15 years and the shit has never hit the fan for the circumstances being talked about. Tell me one instance in the last 15 years where an officer ran out of ammo and was SOL because his partner had a different weapon???? Anyone who responds with a tale of some incident like this is full of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't get some story out of the archives from another dept.
When an officer gets into a shooting it is almost guarrenteed to be less than 10 shots fired by the officer and over in under 1 minute. Those are the facts!!!
Obviously never been in the service or ever been in combat. You shouldn't be giving policy. I am sure you are a white shirt with a gold star. Just because you would be cowering under you desk while the shit hits the fan doesn't mean the rest of us will be.
this is a ald burke deal, he has been trying for years to sell glock for a friend who has the franchise.
"Thanks for the update Nostradamus, could you look into your crystal ball & give us the winning Lotto Numbers for Saturday's drawing?
4/10/2009 11:57:00 AM"
But then I'd have to split it with you.
All upside for you, all downside for me.
Not gonna happen.
Get your own crystal ball.
Buy American!!!!
I purchased a glock 17 in 1992 for $475 and in the last two years purchased two for $439 each. So all those officers that think one company will raise prices just because you can only purchase a glock have no concept of the free market. Competition will not allow allow it...unless you believe in conspiracy theories.
The glock is a proven pistol around the world, and although you may prefer another brand it does not make the glock "suck". Get a life!
How much do you think snubs just went up at shore and oherron's? if you've gotta shoot from your pocket, snub won't jam.
also, if you make the striker fire transition, make sure you practice your malfunction drills. tap rack is the only way to reset the firing pin if you get a bad primer.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
4/10/2009 10:09:00 AM
Yea, Robert Blake was great in that role.
Those who ride,should decide.
All this stuff about tossing magazines to each other... If you missed with the 3 mags you started with, Im not going to give you my ammo to piss away...get close to the front wheel and use the engine block for cover while someone else takes out the badguy. The letter ends with something about them defining approved guns AND ammo in the near future, i wonder if they will select Winchester Ranger, the police ammo of choice these days.
"A RAISE or maybe Olympic logo nipple rings.
4/10/2009 06:54:00 PM"
Shameless baiting of the Keesing Bandit is not only allowed, but encouraged.
Something's rotten in Denmark, as the saying goes.
Back in 2000 the ISP switched over from the issued Smith & Wesson 9mm pistols to Glock 22 .40 cal pistols. We were required to undergo a week long training session at the range learning about the new weapon and qualifying with it. Had they simply issued a new version of the Smith & Wesson, training would not have been necessary, which would have saved the state the expense of sending everyone to training for a week, plus the added cost of the more expensive Glocks. I thought at the time that someone had their palms greased on that deal. Now with CPD seemingly heading that way, my spidey sense is tingling again.
I say this and had to laugh I was in shores when JFed bought his XD. Even JFed does not even carry a Glock. This is coming from someplace else in the department and there was a very big kick back and do not be surprised when this person retries and go’s and works for Glock after he is done on the department
Boy is this going to help morale. Mr. Dick must have a relative working as at the Co.
Anonymous said...
Something's rotten in Denmark, as the saying goes.
Back in 2000 the ISP switched over from the issued Smith & Wesson 9mm pistols to Glock 22 .40 cal pistols. We were required to undergo a week long training session at the range learning about the new weapon and qualifying with it. Had they simply issued a new version of the Smith & Wesson, training would not have been necessary, which would have saved the state the expense of sending everyone to training for a week, plus the added cost of the more expensive Glocks. I thought at the time that someone had their palms greased on that deal. Now with CPD seemingly heading that way, my spidey sense is tingling again.
4/11/2009 12:08:00 AM
What's that you say, a hint of corruption? Not in Illinois and certainly not in Chicago!
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised of the Feds have tapes of Lon Monk or Jon Harris or Blago's brother talking with some Glock representative asking for campaign donations.
My Sig P220 is the best semi-auto I have ever fired. I will stick with that.
What is the sense of entering into a 40 year process to switch over to Glock but then allow three different calibers? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Or maybe I misunderstand the purpose.
Anonymous said...
I can't wait to oil up my Glock!!
4/10/2009 07:52:00 PM
Glocks do not require alot of lube.Keep lube off the firing pin and firing pin channel.
Small drop on each frame/slide rails,very light film on outside of barrel.
Glock Armourer.
Anonymous said...
I'm surprised they aren't going to mandate the "New York Trigger" it will cut down on the ADs greatly.
Good move in trying to get uniformity.
4/10/2009 10:28:00 AM
NY1=8lbs pull
NY2=12 pull
Standard Glock is 5.5lbs.The NY trigger options offer horrendous trigger pulls in my opinion.They due however offer more reliability over the standard Glock trigger spring.
Glock Armourer.
I'm a 1911a1 man.Give me single action and I'll show you some real shooting.
"I have been on the job over 15 years and the shit has never hit the fan for the circumstances being talked about. Tell me one instance in the last 15 years where an officer ran out of ammo and was SOL because his partner had a different weapon????"
In 15 years you couldn't figure out that it's for the ONE TIME instance when it does happen? Thats the point! You see, you 15 year wonder, ONCE is enough. Now maybe you should get out from under your desk and take a look around. How many cops have been killed this year? You are the first turd to announce your "time on the job" and all that means is you managed to have your head up your ass for 15 years!!!!! Most people who have to announce their time use it to hide that YELLOW streak on their backs. 15 years didn't make you any smarter! Watch out for those papers cuts on the desk, or in your case, under the desk!
-10 years and not yellow!
It doesn’t matter what gun you get because there is no ammo available for it.
I have an XD45 and have been trying to get the 400 rounds of ball ammo needed to take the class since December 2008.
All the shops tell me that they get a case (1000 rnds) here and there but they don't get it like they used to.
They tell me most of the ammo being manufactured today is going out to the military.
"Gun Control" is being able to hit your target. NOT "spray and pray"!
The fuckin weapon don't put down the bad guy, the SHOOTER does!
Militaries and police departments around the world have been using the Beretta 9mm for decades now in battle, and it's been working just fine.
We're still w/o a contract after two fuckin years and we're getting "woodies" over a plastic gun. And yes, i CAN speak about the Glock, I carried a "17" in the burbs back in 90 before I came to CPD. I had to switch to a Beretta and S&W and still qualify 100 every qualification. So it's not the "gun" that will determine whether you survive a shooting incident. YOUR SKILLS AND TRAINING WILL!
While I do believe the Glock is a decent weapon and if you want to carry it, fine. The civil suit will still be the same whether you used a wrist rocket, Glock or Howitzer! But let's not forget that we're still working out there w/o a contract and for a department and society that hates us! Remember that before you go playin "John Wayne" with your new mattel toy.
And after seeing how a lot of P/O's qualify with the weapons we already have, you can bet we'll have many more "accidental" discharges with the striker fire system. Mark my words. Most coppers never take their weapons out of their holsters but ONCE A YEAR to qualify!
Anonymous said..
A few things... first, yes, glocks are reliable. Very reliable. Second, there is no such thing as a short frame grip... the SF is for SLIM frame, and there is not that much difference between the regular 21 and the 21SF- so little, in fact, that the SF takes the SAME magazines and fits the SAME holster. Also, glock is making ALL of their new models in SF, so it's a bit of a moot point. As far as 40 being a bad round, whaaaa? For those that want a higher capacity than a 45, its the way to go. And even though the 45 is a slim frame, its WAY too big for a small hand. I LOVE the 45, but I have a large hand.... Personally, i detest the 9mm round, but to call a 40 round a sissy round is is almost as large as the 45 and is faster. Just my 2 cents...I carry a glock 45 and love it, but its nice to have a CHOICE.
My reply,
You are a moron. NO idea about glocks right? 1.All their new weapons are not SF models. 2.The SF with the glock rail fits all regular holsters because the grip length is decreased. Excellent weapon.
I love all the idiots saying we should carry the same gun if the shit should hit the fan. I have been on the job over 15 years and the shit has never hit the fan for the circumstances being talked about. Tell me one instance in the last 15 years where an officer ran out of ammo and was SOL because his partner had a different weapon???? Anyone who responds with a tale of some incident like this is full of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't get some story out of the archives from another dept.
When an officer gets into a shooting it is almost guarrenteed to be less than 10 shots fired by the officer and over in under 1 minute. Those are the facts!!!
Obviously never been in the service or ever been in combat. You shouldn't be giving policy. I am sure you are a white shirt with a gold star. Just because you would be cowering under you desk while the shit hits the fan doesn't mean the rest of us will be.
4/10/2009 07:53:00 PM
Here's a story!
Last summer in 006 with the police involved shooting when SWAT arrived and eventually shot and killed bad guy after several hours of himm shooting at police and helicopter...First p.o.'s to meet this savage got into a nice shootout where some p.o.'s ran out of ammo. Little birdie told me one p.o. was yelling out to other p.o's on scene prior to SWAT arrival "anyone got a SIG" meaning he was out of ammo and needed more...I guess morale of story is if we all had same make model gun then that would be an incident of "shit hitting the fan"... If we all had 15 years of "desk jocky" experience we too would probably not have any stories to draw from.
Am i full of shit or is their others will similar stories?
Well gentleman let me lend a hand here and a little helpful info. The glock family of pistols are quite reliableand durable. These pistols have been put through much more abuse than you will ever give them. Check out this website anything you may want to know regarding this pistol, you will find the answer here.The main gripe I hear about this pistol is the trigger,If you have been doing extensive shooting with any other type of firearm , you may not like it.You can have it adjusted though. As far as all the negligent discharges, it is not the guns fault it is operator error. NRA gun safety 101 , keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.The problem comes when taking the gun apart for cleaningyou have to depress the trigger prior to disassembly. People just take the magazine out then squeeze the trigger without clearing the round thats already chambered !It was also mentioned that some officers here are worried about a mark up. If you join the GSSF (Glock Shooting Sports Foundation) you get a law enforcement/military discount and a total of 3 magazines. There are several companies out there that specialize in nothing but glock accessories.You can also go through a FFL dealer if you don't want to go through a brick and mortar establishment.Glock also stands behind their product unlike some of the other companies.Glock is made in the USA it was made in Austria and the still make some over there, but the ones you will be getting are made in Smyrna ,Ga.
I do agree with one thing, they will have to have some type of grandfather clause for all the sig lovers out there (as well as S&W and ack Ruger) The city will not want to come up off another allowance for a new duty weapon.
Good luck on the contract,stick it to shortshanks and break it off !
June 26,2009 will be the second annual SAFR (Second Amendment Freedom Rally) at Daley plaza.
National police force? I only pray for revolution. Only this time it will come from the right. If you think this country cant have a second civil war just look at France....they've had 17 of them!
Isnt there a general order in regards to uniforms/equiptment
If the department makes any changes to required equiptment-uniforms that the first issue must be issued at the departments expense.
This is a good example for the uniform allowance that they want to take away
Isnt there a general order in regards to uniforms/equiptment
If the department makes any changes to required equiptment-uniforms that the first issue must be issued at the departments expense.
Fuck a Glock, Fuck Daley, and Fuck You....
All this stuff about tossing magazines to each other... If you missed with the 3 mags you started with, Im not going to give you my ammo to piss away...get close to the front wheel and use the engine block for cover while someone else takes out the badguy. The letter ends with something about them defining approved guns AND ammo in the near future, i wonder if they will select Winchester Ranger, the police ammo of choice these days.
4/10/2009 11:21:00 PM
hilarious! almost spit my scotch all over the computer screen in my moms basement!
Thank you officer know nothing. Obviously you have neve been involved in a "shootout" Just wait til that one time you wished you had an extra mag? HOw offten was it before this year that coppurs were killed in the amounts they have been this year across the country. OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES AND GO OUT AND GET RID OF THAT WHEEL GUN AND THE HOLSTER HANGING OUT THERE FOR DUDE TO GRAB!
Go back to you desk and leave the real policing to those with brains
4/10/2009 07:46:00 PM
How many shootouts have you been in? When, in recorded history, has a chicago copper ever completely run out of ammo during a shootout? Never!!! Quit watching early 90's schwartzenegger movies, baby dick!
Why is it that all gun crazy cops are the guys who never, and I mean never, get laid?
How many shootouts have you been in? When, in recorded history, has a chicago copper ever completely run out of ammo during a shootout? Never!!! Quit watching early 90's schwartzenegger movies, baby dick!
Why is it that all gun crazy cops are the guys who never, and I mean never, get laid?
Just remember when the time comes WE TOLD YOU SO! I am glad you have a crystal ball. Apparently you never leave your mom's basement otherwise you would know this has occurred on more than one ocassion in Chicago PD history. I won't even mention how many times across the nation. Get a frikin clue jackass.
Although I agree with the one uniform gun across the rank thing it has nothing to do with what is going to occurr. So that argument isn't valid. Regardless the above poster is a moron. They are still allowing you to have any caliber 9mm, 40, 45. Shit why not go with the much better 10mm round? While it would be a good idea our department is going to screw it up as usual.
So now what happens when you have to take the Glock course and you can't find any ammo in bulk to shoot the course with? Anyone been out to get ammo lately ZERO TO BE HAD! I know the doeartment ain't gonna give you any
A Smith and a couple of speed loaders beats those German "Crocks!"
S/ Old Retired Guy
With all the talent on this job we can't find any good investigators to get the DALEY crime family and their associates on any criminal behavior! Hey FRITZ what's da matter someone call you and told you to layoff DALEY crime family what about the good people of Chicago who need your help to get rid of these crooks. The appointment of another connected family member to the crook county board is just another example of the free will of the people stolen by these bastards!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It is not a "first issue" issue as they are not requiring you to transition to a new weapon. You can still carry your whatever as long as it is serviceable.
And seeing that the recruits are required to have Glocks exclusively while in the academy (and who would spend all the money to go to another brand after the academy), it is just a running change bringing the rest of the department in line. Tho whatever happened to carrying what you felt most comfortable with? As it is YOUR LIFE.!!!
And since there is no competition, you know that the gun prices will jump several $100's.
Why no US gun makers like S&W, Springfield Armory or Ruger?
But I, like everyone else, wants to know: Who is getting the gravy???
The Springfield is made in Europe by IM (HS metal) and not of the same quality as a regular Springfield.
To 4/11/2009 07:38:00 PM
You say you want a revolution.....
those German "Crocks!"
S/ Old Retired Guy
4/12/2009 09:06:00 AM
those German "Crocks!"
4/12/2009 09:06:00 AM
4/12/2009 07:38:00 PM
Forget it, he's rolling
"I dislike the Glock’s tricky trigger. However the Glocks are very reliable. Officers should opt for the Glock 21 (.45 ACP) with or without the short frame grip. Small handed officers would find the short frame is more controllable. Be sure to have the night sights installed on these weapons.
Because of the trigger the Glocks must be carried in a holster at all times. Take those 9MM glocks and use them for paper weights. The .40 is a pussy gun too small and ineffective for all but the daintiest of pussies.
Over all this is a step forward when all officer can carry a .45 ACP. Be safe!
There is an advantage that all officers know and understand each other officer's weapon.
Also the Glock is the best value for the dollar. I like HK amd Sig better but they cost nearly twice what the Glock costs."
---Do not talk about firearms if you're only going to rattle off "facts" you read on the internet or worst yet, heard from another officer in the locker room. It amazes me how many police officers have little to no knowledge of firearms or bullets.
"Here's a story!
Last summer in 006 with the police involved shooting when SWAT arrived and eventually shot and killed bad guy after several hours of himm shooting at police and helicopter...First p.o.'s to meet this savage got into a nice shootout where some p.o.'s ran out of ammo. Little birdie told me one p.o. was yelling out to other p.o's on scene prior to SWAT arrival "anyone got a SIG" meaning he was out of ammo and needed more...I guess morale of story is if we all had same make model gun then that would be an incident of "shit hitting the fan"... If we all had 15 years of "desk jocky" experience we too would probably not have any stories to draw from.
Am i full of shit or is their others will similar stories?"
---True story, from a guy that was there
You could give most coppers a pistol with a rifle scope on it and they cant hit shit with it. The last time I went to the range those targets looked like they were hit with a shotgun. Even the range guys will tell you most coppers shoot like shit. This whole Glock issue is bullshit meant to distract us from the real issue which is the contract!
I carry a Sig 220, it was expensive but I'm happy with it. The trigger pull weight is atrocious and you need to practice a lot to get good groups. I have shot Glocks in the past and wasn't impressed. I really like the Springfield but don't have the money to buy one. So, I'm sticking with the Sig. What I would like to carry is a double stack 1911, best handgun ever, hands down. I think we should be able to shoot and carry what we are comfortable with and can hit the best with, for me that's the 1911. I'll probable just have to save up and buy a Glock, even though I really don't want it, it may be the only option. Google Glock and Kaboom to see why I really don't like them.
GLOCK 18 fully auto check it out on u-tube.
It should not be limited to the Glock 17 or 19 9mm. Smart choice would have been Glock 22 or 23 model .40 cal. So, who ever decided this one you are a moroon!
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