Tuesday, May 12, 2009

OK, We'll Bite

No Keesing Bandit. Not that kind of biting.

What is this 5300 incident and what the hell happened over in Harwood Heights with the police shooting? We're assuming that 5300 is a Detective Commander (duh). And we understand that although the dead robber worked with an accomplice, none was found at this time. Does that mean he was flying solo that morning or did the white work van disappear in the chaos and someone is playing "CYA" rather than take the ding and move on?

This was a textbook example of excellent police work, identifying a pattern, setting up surveillances at different locations in the city and suburbs, hitting pay dirt at one location, and coming out on top at the end. If an accomplice escaped the scene, oh well, shit happens. That's no reason for some B.S. CR number for radio chatter attempting to clarify unclear instructions or information.

Let's either kill this rumor or flush it out into the open. We'd hate to see a really good piece of police work muddied up by a bruised ego.

UPDATE: Comments closed. Rumor quashed. Read the existing comments.



Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

I understand, but remember that I am always available.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

5/12/2009 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guessing J-Pud put him there, so why should we be surprised ?

It's not like he knew anything about running a major metropolitan Police Department when he got here.

5/12/2009 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if anyone else was paying attention but I saw the white van being towed from the location by the police after the incident. The cameras don't always lie, just some of the reporters.

5/12/2009 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great police work!! It's coming up North and this is just the beginning. Thinking about transfering to protect the home front.

5/12/2009 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard someone call off the search, or the perimeter or whatever you want to call it of the golf course - the country club. This was a LONG TIME after the shooting happened. It had to be at least 2 hours afterward I would guess. I don't know - it made sense to me to call it off. Anyway I'm just a detective - and I was a little embarassed by all the guys on the radio after it was called off. Just crybaby shit really. Didn't even know there was a CR# for it - but I'm guessing there was?

5/12/2009 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THERE IS NO CR !!!!!!!!!

5/12/2009 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I asked this before but for whatever reason, you chose not to publish it: why is it that all this time later the victim/perp's name hasn't been released?

5/12/2009 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Detective involved in the shooting put out on the zone for assisting units to look for a possible second offender who is believed to have participated in some of the robberies.

5300 did what he is supposed to do, he took charge and attempted to conduct a quality search effort for this possible offender.

The zone was very busy as you can imagine, so a lot of officers were upset on not getting confirmation of a description and direction of flight of the second offender.

5300 is a stand up Commander who showed up with the troops vest on and ready to go at 0500 hrs and was out there with us. I believe he was also the ranking officer on scene at the time of the incidnet so he did what he is supposed to do. He took charge of a difficult situation and made the best of it.

Now you have officres who are second guessing and criticizing him, big surprise.

After a lengthy scene investigation it was determined by investigating Detectives that the offender was indeed acting alone on this day and the search for a possible second offender was terminated.

Everybody involved did a good job, the offender was stopped and the pattern is cleared. If there was a second offender he would have been located. There were literally at least 100 responding units out there.

Stop second guessing an exempt who was trying to cover all bases on this one. If you have a problem with 5300 please move on to another issue and leave this one alone.

5/12/2009 08:03:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

I asked this before but for whatever reason, you chose not to publish it: why is it that all this time later the victim/perp's name hasn't been released?.

Because it was published. We thought we'd spare you the embarrassment.

In the meantime, the comment just above this seems to wrap up the situation succinctly. We'll close the comments as we seem to have gotten the answer that everyone was looking for. There is no number; the van was towed from the scene; the robber was working alone at the time. Anything relating to a search for a known accomplice is an on-going investigation.

5/12/2009 08:09:00 AM  

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