Monday, May 11, 2009

Lefty? You're Still Gone

We remember we banned you after you were caught using three or four different sock puppets to bolster your extreme liberal leaning nonsense. For that reason alone, we're dumping your latest comment.

We're also dumping it because of your oh-so-predictable race bating. You know what? If the picture showed some white trailer trash woman bleeding out on the ground, we'd make it a permanent header for the blog. Because it would shut up your constant harping that police cheer minorities being shot. We cheer that a criminal who attempted to disarm a fellow officer got a tiny taste of what she deserved. That she happened to be black matters only to you and your ilk with your anti-police agenda.

We also don't think that, as you so cavalierly allege, that this criminal was attempting to "make ends meet" at the Louis Vuitton store downtown. Unless you are admitting that her entire income and probably her entire existence is based on thievery? We could go along with that.

And finally, it wasn't a "bad credit card." It was stolen. Get that straight asshat. And in the course of this felony, she attempted to drag one officer and disarm him - both additional felonies.

Frankly, she got off easy.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Make ends meet" at Louis Vitton? Those are some pretty high ends there lefty.

5/11/2009 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit- I thought the bitch was Asian.

5/11/2009 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come reporters never go after the "rest of the story" anymore? Because there are no real reporters left, and with no more bosses with a set of balls these days are you SURPRISED that Little-Miss-Stolen-CC ringleader has no problem strolling into a security camera filmed business and slapping down victim's ID's on a very regular basis?? I'm not. I'd just love to know how much swag the inside of her crib is filled with right now.

5/11/2009 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Conservative Jews in Rogers Pk said...

You see...

If Leftisthebest was on the scene, this woman never would have attempted to flee in her car. Leftisthe best would have given this woman a ride in order for her to make good her escape.

Some day when the American flag has a sickle and hammer on it, Leftisthebest will be happy.

5/11/2009 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My only comment is MEDIA GO FUCK YOURSELVES! You are no different than the communist rags during the reign of the USSR. You are scum sucking jagoffs who will never get a break from me. You are true pieces of dog shit.

5/11/2009 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous "Far-Northside" said...

Speaking of those that should be banned from SCC, who is this "Near-Northside" that uses a pic of "Capitan Gay" (printed on his sunken chest) with a multicolored cape and pierced nipples?

Couldn't he come up with an original nickname or is he just trying to bust the balls of our "NorthSide"?

5/11/2009 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem here was that this chic never learned the first few rules of being a felon:

Rule #1: When you're caught, you're caught; don't make it worse by trying to pretend, to yourself, that you're not caught. Or that you can, somehow, get yourself 'uncaught'. Save your strength for the lockup.

Rule #2: Comply with the arresting officer's instructions. Do not resist being arrested. Only amateurs resist being arrested. And they still get arrested.

Rule #3: Keep your mouth shut. Nothing you could ever think of to say to the arresting officer is going to result in you not being arrested. Nothing. Save your words for your lawyer.

Rule #4: Keep keeping your mouth shut. Nobody is listening. Nobody.

Rule #5: If you can't adhere to rules #1 - #4, don't break the law. Figure out some other way to make a buck.

5/11/2009 03:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lady will retain Flint Taylor or Loevy and sue for millions.

Taylor or Loevy will demand the Justice Department indict the officer for violating her civil rights and they will comply.

Taylor or Loevy will then arrange for the City to settle for millions and he will keep 40% of the money plus expenses.

Justice in Chicago!

5/11/2009 07:15:00 AM  
Blogger Colin Howe said...

When I saw the picture I actually thought she was white. And then I thought to myself, "well good, now people won't cry racism"

Oh well...

5/11/2009 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Shaken not stirred said...

Sad reading the comments about this story on the Tribune. According to the IDIOTS defending the minority youth who strut the Mag Mile in "hip-hop inspired clothing," they are not gangbangers, just a bunch of fun-loving, harmless city kids.

Already they have forgotten the Taste of Chicago.

At one time Englewood was Magnificent. Of course the "I'M NO RACIST" liberal hypocrites don't shop there. They should at least drive through Englewood and see what the Mag Mile will soon become. Rome burned while Nero fiddled. Now Chicago is smoldering, and Daley's doing...what? History repeats itself.

5/11/2009 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit- I thought the bitch was Asian.

5/11/2009 12:19:00 AM

I thought she was FaRench.

5/11/2009 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any word on what Barry Obama thinks about Father Phleger hanging his flag upside down???

5/11/2009 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Lefty.........
Go Fuck yourself....(took the time to spell it out)..P.O. Francis was killed becaue he was disarmed....So
FUCK HER......Yeah, for US.

5/11/2009 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After she wins the lawsuit and Taylor or Lovey get their piece of the pie don't forget Daley gets his kickback. With all the money he has hidden he should give back his salary for the next 2 years.

5/11/2009 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come reporters never go after the "rest of the story" anymore? Because there are no real reporters left, and with no more bosses with a set of balls these days are you SURPRISED that Little-Miss-Stolen-CC ringleader has no problem strolling into a security camera filmed business and slapping down victim's ID's on a very regular basis?? I'm not. I'd just love to know how much swag the inside of her crib is filled with right now.

5/11/2009 12:38:00 AM
It is because reporters are being indoctrinated in liberal Universities, by the likes of scum such as William Ayers, that their job is to change the world, not report facts. The media isn't even shy about showing their bias now. This is their final big push to help the socialist agenda over the top. It's all or nothing for them now. But we shall overcome....

5/11/2009 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets face it. the news today is managed news much like the Der Sturmer of nazi Germany or Pravda of USSR era. they only give of their own agenda and what the owners want them to report. a real shame. the Tribune used to be a great paper but it has fallen into the liberal ilk, thanks scc for giving the real deal of what goes on along with other venues and blogs in these rooms.

5/11/2009 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, don't tell me you're trying to reason with a liberal. They all have some sort of mental illness.

5/11/2009 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was gun grabber Sheila Ferguson thinking?

I must say that a $5,000 Louis Vuitton handbag would be quite a fashion statement at Roosevelt and Independence.

Many locals couldn't tell the difference from a brown shopping bag from Jewel or Dominicks or even a douchebag.

5/11/2009 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Lefty Who Supports Cops said...

Just a suggestion, but you guys should chill on the left-hate. For one, it accomplishes nothing. Absolutely nothing. I don't waste my breath bashing douchebags on the right and their news (fox, O'Reilly, Beck, Hannity & Combs, Rush, Ann etc). Why? It's a wasted exercise. I'd rather build with people than try to destroy them. There's problems with the left and right alike. Neither is perfect and neither has all the answers. We both have our strengths and weaknesses. Rather than wasting all of our time bashing one another, I wish we could just find some common ground that would allow us to work through societal problems together and listening to one another, instead of constantly assuming my way or the SCC way is better because it's rooted in a certain political frame of thinking.

More importantly though, the constant left-bashing, other than being redundant and quite frankly useless, it also alienates lefties like me who frequent your blog and proudly support our police officers who are risking their lives for us everyday and night. I marched with you guys downtown, I fully support your struggle for a new contract, I think the city residency laws are complete bullshit, Weis is a dummy, Daley is a crook, and this city is going to hell but you guys are doing a damn good job despite being undermanned trying to keep us safe. I live in a gang-infested area in 017 and I KNOW for a fact that those guys are packing some serious weapons and aren't afraid to fire against police and I'm for the most part proud of the job you guys do (random parking tickets aside!). So, for the sake of lefties like me, who actually defend the work you guys do, I'd appreciate a little respect for the other side. I'm not a socialist. Yes, I believe health care should be accessible to all and based on preventive care, yes I think we should have better funding for schools and try to put more kids in College, but those are the kinds of things that IMO would benefit society as a whole and I think that's something each side can agree on.

Anyway, as a side note, I live in 017 directly across from Reilly elementary, I saw last Tuesday night while on my evening jog that the police had some gang members rounded up on Belmont and Monticello? I don't know what was going on but there were about 10-15 gang members out in the street along with a half-dozen squad cars, a couple of undercover cars, maybe 20 cops in total. I know the cops know that house they live in on the west side of Monticello right next to the alley is a house for gang members. I see them all the time out there, 15-20 deep, throwing up signs at cars passing by etc. What was going on? By the time I passed Monticello again, they were all gone, a few cops were standing there talking but those gang members were back on their porch just hanging out again. What's it going to take to throw these little punks in juvenile or county for awhile? They're a serious nuisance to the entire neighborhood and known gang members, why isn't anything done?

5/11/2009 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many locals couldn't tell the difference from a brown shopping bag from Jewel or Dominicks or even a douchebag.

5/11/2009 02:44:00 PM

That shit was funny.

5/11/2009 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only good communist is a dead communist

Lefty, this includes you

5/11/2009 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you thing the media is failing, that papers are going out of business? I don't subscribe to the shit they print now. It's awful. It's like "reading" Channel 5 news. Does anyone have the guts to investigate and print the entire story? They must think we are all half-witted.

5/11/2009 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's it going to take to throw these little punks in juvenile or county for awhile? They're a serious nuisance to the entire neighborhood and known gang members, why isn't anything done?

WHAT? And violate their CIVIL RIGHTS??? What the hell are you complaining about? It's because of people like you society is in this situation. For years society has been beating up on the police, telling them to be more patient and understanding. Well congratulations, you got what you asked for. Oh, it took several years for it to happen but it's finally here; most officers will not put their hands on ANYONE for fear of being sued.

But you didn't count on these vermin moving into your neighborhood. Yes, it's one thing to argue about giving pookie yet ANOTHER chance when he gets pinched for committing his 20th crime when he lives far away. But now you actually live in the same neighborhood. All I can say is GOOD! Now you can see what you have been fighting for all these years. ENJOY!

5/11/2009 09:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're a serious nuisance to the entire neighborhood and known gang members, why isn't anything done?

5/11/2009 04:21:00 PM

Hey Liberal puke, what do you want done? Arrest them for hanging out? Being a gangbanger isn't against the law. These liberal yuppies are so proud of their civil liberties but when something happens that affects their neighborhood, their property or their family then its the same old story. "Can't you just arrest them for something?" I smile and say no sir there is something called the U.S. Constitution that protects even criminals. Keep voting Democrat, maybe Obama, Stroger, Daley and Plegher can start patrolling your neighborhoods and protect you from crime.

5/11/2009 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lefty Who Supports Cops said...

What's it going to take to throw these little punks in juvenile or county for awhile? They're a serious nuisance to the entire neighborhood and known gang members, why isn't anything done?
5/11/2009 04:21


Because the Lefty courts have held that Police can't have their peace disturbed and just can't throw people in jail "just because"

Citizens need to sign complaints and go to court and that doesn't happen much.

We would love to throw all these little shitbirds in the hoosegow. but then the media will put mama on tv, complaining on how little pookie is always being picked on. Then the PLO will file suit and take away some coppers house and get an injunction against violation of 1st Amendment rights.

5/11/2009 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lefty, count one citizen hoping she shits in a bag on her waist for the rest of her life. She will always remember why she has to change her bag; because she is a POS thief.

5/11/2009 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the perp was latino personally.

Fuck her anyhow.

And screw Lefty.

5/11/2009 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous FRIEND OF THE GOOD RABBI. said...


Our good Rabbi, Rabbi Moeshe WOLF's mother passed away in Israel.

The man has always been there for us no matter what faith you pratice or not. He always has time for any copper with his candy and great advise.

Remember this good man and his dear mother in your prayers.

5/11/2009 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Lefty Who Supports Cops said...

The only good communist is a dead communist

1) Lefty, this includes you


I'm not a communist. But if it makes you feel better to label me as such you can do so until you're blue in the face.

2) Hey Liberal puke, what do you want done? Arrest them for hanging out? Being a gangbanger isn't against the law. These liberal yuppies are so proud of their civil liberties but when something happens that affects their neighborhood, their property or their family then its the same old story. "Can't you just arrest them for something?" I smile and say no sir there is something called the U.S. Constitution that protects even criminals. Keep voting Democrat, maybe Obama, Stroger, Daley and Plegher can start patrolling your neighborhoods and protect you from crime.

You're naming a bunch of people I've never voted for or supported. Ever. As an aside, people from this country should live in other parts of the world if they want to see true leftist politics. What's called leftist here is moderate/centrist at its most extreme. Same for the right. Obama is as left as Bush is a black male.

And I'm not some "liberal yuppie," I've lived in this community virtually my entire life (29 years young). Things aren't as bad as they were 5-10 years ago but they're not great either. I know your hands are tied by the law, I'm well-aware there's nothing you really can do. As I said, it's a nuisance and my comment was meant more in the sense of expressing my frustration with the situation and not necessarilly imploring you to do something about it that would have bad ramifications for the CPD.

The fact that the situation exists in the first place indicates a failure to some degree at each level of society.

Oh, and by the way, I was completely respectful in my original comment expressing my views. You start out immediately with name calling. What's the point of a discourse if you're going to act like a 4th-grader? Grow up.

3)WHAT? And violate their CIVIL RIGHTS??? What the hell are you complaining about? It's because of people like you society is in this situation. For years society has been beating up on the police, telling them to be more patient and understanding. Well congratulations, you got what you asked for. Oh, it took several years for it to happen but it's finally here; most officers will not put their hands on ANYONE for fear of being sued.

But you didn't count on these vermin moving into your neighborhood. Yes, it's one thing to argue about giving pookie yet ANOTHER chance when he gets pinched for committing his 20th crime when he lives far away. But now you actually live in the same neighborhood. All I can say is GOOD! Now you can see what you have been fighting for all these years. ENJOY!


Read my prior comment. I've been in this community a long time.

4)And screw Lefty.


That's what she said?

5/11/2009 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relax Lefty Who Supports Cops. The vitriol is directed at a moron not seen in these parts for at least two years now. A moron known as "leftisthebest" or just "Lefty."

He was a communist from the word go, supporting confiscation of property and wealth for redistribution, assorted restrictions on speech, guns, religion and a devout follower of the old Stalinist regime.

SCC busted him out badly using three or more different screen names (sock puppetry) and banned him from appearing under any known names. I suspect he appears anonymously from time to time. But only the truly discerning can spot his crap and call it out for what it is.

5/12/2009 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous rightisright said...

"What's called leftist here is moderate/centrist at its most extreme. Same for the right. Obama is as left as Bush is a black male."

In United States politics, Obama is very far left. Look at his meager voting record. Add to that his far left and sometimes militant far left friends and associates and it paints an even broader picture of his thought process.
Obama campaigned as a moderate because he knew that is what it would take to get elected. He knew his radical left views would turn people off. He pays lip service to bipartisanship when he invites (liberal) Republicans to the table, but once there they have no voice. What he says and does are totally different (for example, no lobbyists in his administration, then appoints 2) and no one in the mainstream media calls him on it.
The media likes to call conservitives "divisive" but I submit to you that Obama is the divisive one. His divisiveness was no more evident when he couldn't get one Republican to cross party lines to vote for his stimulous package. Of course, the media will blame the Repubs for that because Obama can do no wrong.

5/12/2009 08:22:00 AM  
Blogger Rue St. Michel said...

The real shame is that she's not dead.

5/12/2009 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a suggestion, but you guys should chill on the left-hate. For one, it accomplishes nothing. Absolutely nothing. I don't waste my breath bashing douchebags on the right and their news (fox, O'Reilly, Beck, Hannity & Combs, Rush, Ann etc).

I love when you dickheads start this bullshit when it is painfully obvious that you have not watched half these shows. Combs is a total fucking liberal you dumb fuck!!! Ann doesn't have a show on the channel and is probably is on your stations as much as Fox. O'Reilly gets a bad rap because fuckheads like you who never watched his show talk out of your ass. How the fuck can you say anything about a show when you haven't watched it. I'm sure you've seen Beck he was on one of your stations and he annoys me also. Hannity at times makes good points but often goes overboard and transforms into a militant retard. Now get fucked and suck off.

5/12/2009 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Deuce,

Talk about checking somebody. Damn! Whoever Lefty is you clearly and with no mercy used the written word to dismantle this person. I post to your blog and often times I am not in agreement with you but I have to admit your response to Lefty was appropriate. There are enough pressing issues out here without someone trying to legitimize blatantly criminal bahavior and using the shooting in self defense by a police officer of a criminal to label you and your blog as racist. Who knows maybe you are a racist, misogynist, something but this incident kind of leaves Lefty looking like a moron.

El Gordo Lindo
Retired CPD Wagonmaster

5/12/2009 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Now get fucked and suck off.

5/12/2009 02:17:00 PM"

Another shameless attempt to bait the Keesing Bandit?

5/12/2009 08:34:00 PM  

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