Sunday, September 06, 2009

Society is Doomed

The comments after these articles merely confirm it:
  • Chicago Breaking News - Police shot and killed a pit bull this morning while serving a search warrant for firearms in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, officials said. Two juveniles also suffered minor wounds as a result of the shooting, according to published reports.

    At about 12:15 a.m., tactical officers entered the rear entrance of a residence in the 4800 block of South Wolcott Avenue when they were confronted by a pit bull, according to a news release from Chicago Police News Affairs. An officer fired at the dog and fatally wounded the animal, police said.

  • Sun Times -Chicago Police fatally shot a Pit Bull and injured two minors while serving a search warrant early Saturday on the South Side.

    One offender was taken into custody, and a weapon was recovered, according to a release from police.

Go read the linked articles. Then if you can stomach it, read the comments. It's disgusting. Quick summary:
  • Coppers serve a search warrant. A warrant that has already been reviewed by a sergeant, maybe a tactical lieutenant, maybe even a captain of police, a states attorney and a judge. They make entry into a yard and are confronted by a dog. Dog doesn't make it and the through-and-through pieces of bullet grazes two juveniles.
The comments? Cops should have used TASERs. Cops should have retreated. Cops should have used OC. Oh poor doggy.

What the fuck? We jump though a million hoops, go through a tedious process, get the approval of the courts, apprehend a felon, recover a weapon, and we're still wrong. We're still the punching bags. We're supposed to go out undermanned, underarmed and work miracles with people who have zero respect for the law and societal norms. What are we supposed to do? Sprinkle them with magical fairy dust and wish them into prison? Why bother?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I have to say is WOW!!!! I was reading the comments on the Suntimes website and I seriously got sick to my stomach. Society truely is doomed. People truely are out of their minds. Hopefully things will start to turn for the better ASAP....because the future is looking gloomy for "US!!"

9/06/2009 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for those still doing work out there, you have to ignore these people. there are those that still do appreciate at us. at the very least, protect where u live.

9/06/2009 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago: Mushes abound.

Pull out, wall it off, let them fight it out. Come back later and pick up the pieces.....maybe.

9/06/2009 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luckily the two juveniles were just struck with bullet serious injury. This is an accident that happened. The parents should be blamed for the kids being in a house where a Gang Banger was arrested and a Gun and Drugs were recovered in the first place.....and a high ranking Two-Six from 48/Seeley "Damenville Two-Six" threatened retaliation on the police because he was related to one of the juveniles wounded. He showed up after the incident (he was not the target of the S/W). F%$K these Two-Six Mo%$#@%S. No breaks...ticket them, lock em up, & impound their cars whenever's on Bunnies!!!

9/06/2009 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually haveing been there and knowing the sgt was told by the capt and the 2 former military personel not to bring that weapon, they might just be in the right....

9/06/2009 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Westside, Inside Do-Nothing said...

Let this be yet ANOTHER lesson to all you hard-charging, hair gel, wanna-be super cops.

Is that illustrious spot on the gang, tact or Area "whatever" team worth it? Undoubtedly the lawsuits are being constructed and fine-tuned by some leech attorneys as I type (if they haven't been already).

If this is, by chance, the first lawsuit for any involved (which I'd suspect it might be, given the average age of the dummies that are actually working such assignments), prepare to be sickened by the verbiage used to describe the "atrocities" perpetrated by you in that residence.

"Officer Hair Gel, acting without lawful authority, knowingly and intentionally violated the sanctity of the (blank) household, when, without producing a search warrant, forcibly made entry, maliciously and without cause, shot to death the lifelong canine companion of plaintiffs".

"Plaintiffs, while trying to comfort said canine as it took it's last breaths, were descended upon by Officer Hair Gel and other CPD officers present, who, without being justified to use deadly force, purposely drew their service weapons and commenced to discharge several rounds of ammunition if the direction of plaintiffs, wounding both".

"Plaintiffs seek the sum of $50,000,000.00 to compensate them for the loss of feeling in their lower extremities, loss of projected earnings until retirement age of 63, and emotional distress and trauma".

"Plaintiffs petition the Court to order Officer Hair Gel and other officers named in this filing to produce a complete list of all assets, to wit: A) - all property(ies) owned, whether in full of mortgaged, with or without co-owners, B) - all retirement accounts, including, but not limited to, Deferred Compensation, C) - pension contributions, D) - IRAs, E) - deferred college tuition savings, F) - personal checking and savings accounts, G) - vehicles, watercraft or aircraft and H) - any other yet-to-be disclosed items of value".

And for those of you who have been through this fiasco before, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOUR PUT YOURSELF IN A POSITION LIKE THIS AGAIN? For your sake, I hope you have any and all assets hidden, and hidden well.

I've got news for all of you young, impressionable, hard-chargers involved in this: the "bosses" who said they'd "have your back when the shit hit the fan" aren't going to be taking your calls. You're going to on your own with this one, boys and girls. The Department isn't going to even acknowledge you exist until it's time to stick it in your ass.

I sincerely hope that all involved land on their feet. And I also hope that the trials and tribulations you're about to experience because of this incident (which will probably be the next several years) forces you to open your eyes and realize that "being the police" isn't what it's cracked up to be. And it sure the Hell isn't what it USED to be.

Long rant? Absolutely. But incidents like this have the potential to ruin the lives of those of us "living-in-the-moment" and not thinking about long term consequences and those of us that are too young, naive and "invincible". And incidents like this need to be addressed from time to time to ensure our personal longevity.

On a side note: for statistical reporting purposes, was this counted as two people shot, or just one incident?

9/06/2009 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares any more? Give them the police service they deserve.

That is all.

9/06/2009 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know much about Chicago Breaking News, but considering the content of the Sun Times, the comments to that story don't surprise me. Anyone who would waste their time reading that rag, and then commenting, isn't worth getting all worked up over.

Nice job Officers.

*Not a PO*

9/06/2009 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there should have been at least a trick shot, like shooting the gun out of the offender's hand. Or a barrel roll across the hood of a car, a la TJ Hooker.

9/06/2009 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..."Why bother?"

Look around, more of us are saying it each day. Its a lot less stressful being an armed secratary!

9/06/2009 03:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heres an easy solution. Dont do warrants.

9/06/2009 04:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are getting what they wished un civilized society...

9/06/2009 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/06/2009 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why bother?"

Ah, but you see I don't "bother". Put on blinders, code calls, go home. Rinse, lather, repeat.

9/06/2009 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do you expect from a generation who grew up on snoop dogg music videos and xbox games.... the thug life becomes a norm to some of these retards and the police become a nuisance to the "party all day and night" mentality.... the police have no right to bust into dudes pad, shoot his dog, and take his strap and interrupt his drug sales... mtv and vh1 and bet have made millions selling this agenda to our youth....

9/06/2009 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the public will NEVER understand what we do. Just a bunch of fucking idiots

9/06/2009 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two times in my 16 years in Chicago I called 911 because I was in a situation where I was truly scared for my safety. I am eternally grateful to the officers who showed up promptly and handled these situations with an extremely high level of professionalism. For the officers, it was all in a days work. For me, years later, I still really appreciate their help.

My point is – For every pathetic idiot with nothing better to do on their holiday weekend than post hate filled comments online bashing the Chicago Police Department, there is probably some decent and law abiding member of society whose life you positively touched and you don’t even know how you helped them. There are plenty of citizens that appreciate you and realize the risks you take every day to serve and protect. Thank you for your service and keep up the good work.

One of those grateful citizens

9/06/2009 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get discouraged by the morons commenting. You know damned well there are PETA people out there who think a dog's life is worth more than any person. That's the kind of moron making these comments. People who comment on news stories usually have an agenda, they're not the norm. Normal people read "pit bull" and think of the stories of pit bulls attacking kids and figure that the police were in the right.

9/06/2009 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should have took a shotgun loaded with 00 Buckshot. BY BY Doggie no pass thru. This could be more ammo to end the carbine program which is what I suspect they shot the dog with. Just a guess.

9/06/2009 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does it really suprise you. This is the county that elected Todd Stroger as CC Prezident and Obama as US prezident. I miss living in DuPage County.

9/06/2009 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flash bang's (NFDD'S) work great on pit bulls. That's why you have a SWAT team that does warrants.

9/06/2009 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why bother is exactly right!

9/06/2009 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone that worked gangs and served many a search warrant just a little bitta advice.

I left because I saw the way it was turning, "We want search warrants" was the common theme, hearing that a police officer with pride in his profession and the desire to stay on the team would do just that.

The search warrants went from 1-2 per period to 7-8 per week!!! The info used was in my opinion not credible in most of them, the coppers knew it and come on the judge and asa are basing their approval on the officers word.

When your word becomes worthless, you become worthless.

I'm not talking about this particular warrant, I know the area well and the gangs that populate it.

All I'm tryin to say here is do your homework, make the warrant count, do not be the affiant just because your sgt(who wants to be lt) or your lt(who wants to be a captain) and so on tells you to do it.

We are all trained on how to execute the warrant, just be sure that when your name is on that piece of legal document you can verify all the information.

Times have changed, the pendulum has swung FAR to the left, it would eventually swing back, bide your time, stay safe and back each other up....WE ARE ALL WE HAVE

9/06/2009 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct SCC, our society has devolved to barbarism. The same pusheads who are horrified by a dog or cougar being shot, will 9 times out of 10, fully support things like partial-birth abortion. Unfortunately, the savages of "back-O'-the-yards" and the barbarian yuppies on the lakefront are both major constituencies of the Democratic Party.

....and in the other corner, we have right thinking Americans of all colors who are getting sick of this shit.

There's a freight train coming down the tracks at our society and it's accelerating.

9/06/2009 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous NineteenDavid said...

The comments cited are exactly why proactive policing is no longer part of my lexicon.

The sheeple don't know what we are dealing with on the streets.

The sheeple don't know that, by law, police officers do NOT have to retreat from the lawful execution of their office. The sheeple don't know that police officers do NOT have allow themselves to sustain injury during the performance of their office. The sheeple don't know that when a police officer gives a law full order, it is not open to debate, a judge and jury will decide the case.
And my favorite, the sheeple can't understand that the police do NOT issue warrants, they apply for warrants.

Cover each other.

9/06/2009 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The total wingnuts of the left and right are the ones who leave comments on the trib and suntimes. Better not to read them at all. Lots of Monday morning q-backing, and then always someone who says, "hmm, that's odd. There must be more to the story." I've had to force myself to quit reading the trainwrecks at the bottoms of the articles.

9/06/2009 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of the comments are PRO-POLICE, to wit:

Big Brother on September 5, 2009 9:14 AM
Oh those nasty cruel cops.....

What should have happened is this:
The police enter the house with a warrant for guns which are quite possibly already in the hands of suspects and pointed in the direction of police as they entered.
But suddenly from nowhere comes Fluffy the beloved pooch ambling cheerily toward the officers, ready to lick their hands and beg for a scooby snack. But still a mild hinderance to the task at hand.
At that point the police should have stopped advancing and requested "Would the owners of this fine canine please restrain him with a leash so that we may continue our search of the house for guns?
Of course the owners would have then complied fully, and then after offering some coffee and crumpets, proceed to relinquish all those hidden weapons.....

Is that what all you morons whining about the shot dog think should have happened?

Some are even funny as hell!

9/06/2009 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/06/2009 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City will beat this one, and I rarely say that.

9/06/2009 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PO shot nasty pit bull dead while serving warrant. I don't have a problem with did what needed to be done.

Many of us absolutely appreciate the job you do. Don't give up hope.....lets get new leadership in 2011.

A grateful city worker (not a cop).

9/06/2009 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous The Mad Hatter said...

It seems like being on Tac has not been all its cracked up to be lately. In 020 they are practically doing reverse seniority to fill the tac and gang spots. In 025, however, guys would arrest there own mother to get one of the coveted plain clothes spots. Plus, after they make a team, god forbid they talk to anyone else. I'm curious how other districts are. Is it the slow districts that no one wants to go to a team and the busy districts have no problem keeping the teams filled? Seems to me like it should be the other way around. Stay safe out there.

9/06/2009 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

some of the comments seemed off the wall and others seemed spot on.

no matter what anyone does, and that includes cops, someone else is going to think it was done wrongly or could have been done better. really has nothing to do with cops so much as human nature.

Its 2009 and cops no longer get a pass on anything they do as was mostly the case in 1959. Just the way it is.

A few people will whine about this case, but most people will see it for what it is and figure the dead pit bull is the fault of the dog's owner and not the cops.

9/06/2009 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:21 am you are a moron for putting that on the blog--I hope you are not the police and that you are just trying to incite the situation---Pit Bulls are deadly--and we have the right to use Lethal Force when confronted with an attacking Pit Bull--Taser's don't have to be in the equation at all---I would love to see your split second reaction with a charging pit bull!

9/06/2009 10:18:00 AM  
Blogger Big City Police (Ret.) said...

Westside, Inside Do-Nothing said...
"Let this be yet ANOTHER lesson to all you hard-charging, hair gel, wanna-be super cops."

"Is that illustrious spot on the gang, tact or Area "whatever" team worth it? Undoubtedly the lawsuits are being constructed and fine-tuned by some leech attorneys as I type (if they haven't been already)..."

"...Long rant? Absolutely. But incidents like this have the potential to ruin the lives of those of us "living-in-the-moment" and not thinking about long term consequences and those of us that are too young, naive and "invincible". And incidents like this need to be addressed from time to time to ensure our personal longevity..."

9/06/2009 01:21:00 AM

((((((((((((((((( * )))))))))))))))))

Once upon a time, in the late 70's, I was hired by The Big City Police. In those days, you were EXPECTED to be and COULD be the REAL POLICE. You only got sued if you REALLY screwed up. That was then, my friends, and this is now.

These days, the scum that the police deal with are much more treacherous than in my day... no conscience, no moral compass, total disregard for society and only looking to get rich on the public dime and don't care who gets hurt in the process, or how badly . Yes, these POS LAWYERS have no redeeming value whatsoever!

Look, I was fortunate enough to never have to fire my service revolver OR get sued in over 27 years of crime fighting. You may not be that fortunate. But, there are more lawyers in our society than there are gang bangers, so if you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO use deadly force, at least remove one of these losers from society. You'll be getting sued either way!

9/06/2009 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, Seems like these attitudes span the globe.

PSP [Public Security Police] officers fire into the air after being surrounded by a hundred people defending a drug dealer.

From Portugal

9/06/2009 10:39:00 AM  
Blogger The North Coast said...

Ignore the comments on the Scum Times website.

Believe me, most citizens appreciate what you do, and nobody I know gets undone over the episodes like this one. Nobody out here cares that a pitbull got shot and a couple of delinquents got grazed a little as you did your jobs properly.

Try not to be so thin-skinned, guys and gals. I know it's difficult not to take this crap to heart, but most of the citizens out here approve of strong law enforcement.

We only sometimes have a problem with some of the laws to be enforced, but the police are not to blame for those.

9/06/2009 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We cant win! Even in the eyes of our own My team did a warrant with two pitbulls on scene that were going ape shit in the yeard and prevented us from entering the back. Everyone wanted to shoot them but I said let me try this...and OC'd them. This calmed them down and sent them off running and we were able to secure them in adjacent shed. During course of warrant team found dog fighting material so we called dog unit who sent over 2 "real police" who proceeded to chastise us and say "why did you OC really didnt have to". WTF!

9/06/2009 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The perp was the one who put the kids in the middle of this.

9/06/2009 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'actually haveing been there and knowing the sgt was told by the capt and the 2 former military personel not to bring that weapon, they might just be in the right...'
Sorry pal, but the Capt. doesn't get to decide what the team leader needs or doesn't need on a warrant.
Truth is, you should bring heavy weapons on EVERY warrant! Better to have it and not need it than the other way around. It was an accident, plain and simple. Look at all the warrants that have been executed by CPD where trained attack dogs have been killed, and no persons were shot or harmed. These accidents are going to happen, and it's a rare occurrence in this Dept. Don't go MM Qtrbacking when you weren't there.

9/06/2009 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why???????? the same pay not to do those things. Just answer your calls..........

"they can't make a dog a policeman, but they can make a policeman a dog."

what a shame!

9/06/2009 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually haveing been there and knowing the sgt was told by the capt and the 2 former military personel not to bring that weapon, they might just be in the right....

9/06/2009 01:21:00 AM

Either you are a troll or an idiot and have never executed a search warrant. If I am qualified to carry a certain weapon, I'm bringing it on a search warrant. No boss can tell you that you can't bring a certain firearm if you are qualified by the department. You were there and are second guessing what your team members did ??? You are exactly the person that any working police officer would not want to work with if the shit hits the fan. My boss said to bring a taser instead of an assault rifle that I'm qualified to carry. Yeah, great idea. Ask the supervisor to come through the door with you and have his taser in his hand and not some type of firearm. Are you an idiot?

9/06/2009 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We exist in a fluffbunny society, where animals are more important than people.

I can't blame the officer for taking out the pit bull. It's not like the dog was quietly curled up in a corner, thumping its' tail in welcome to the officers.

9/06/2009 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually haveing been there and knowing the sgt was told by the capt and the 2 former military personel not to bring that weapon, they might just be in the right....

9/06/2009 01:21:00 AM

What the fuck do your case reports look like?

9/06/2009 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Internet comment boards seem to bring out the lunatic fringe, which I really hope is what goes on with the newspaper comment boards.

It seems to be the same recurring nutjobs whenever there's a police post.

9/06/2009 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you thought there was some reward for this job other than your pay than you should have investigated a little more before you signed up.

The second guessing comes with the territory. These guys did there jon and went home. As long as the Jfed and little dick don't fuck' em who cares what a bunch of cowards and chicken shits think.

If you want people to like you join the fire department.

9/06/2009 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have been teaching the "victim" doctrine for decades. Poor them, they didn't have the advantages that we had. We must excuse this behavior because: they ate lead paint, they grew up in a drug infested neighborhood, their parents didn't hug them enough or any number of "scientific" theories out there.

These dime store scholars have shoveled so much garbage in front of us over the years. They rewrite the politically correct version of history & decide what goes in our children's education. It scares me to think that the educators of today's college students are mostly left wing nut jobs. The right wing nut jobs are no less scary.

I think back to my college years, they were crazy back then. Now they are clearly around the bend. They are so afraid of offending anyone in our society, they will give up our safety to please people and nations that wish to do harm to us.

Repeat after me: Richard Kimball was a fictional character, Teddy Roosevelt was not.

9/06/2009 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole incident was an accident, but the Sgt involved in this S/W is kinda of meatball trying to make a name for himself. He was involved in two S/W about two weeks ago, tons of O.T. paid out, a bunch of resources utilized...with a negative on both S/W. He's a nice guy, but I don't know who he is trying to impress with all these S/W....he needs to stop acting like a rookie with this running & gunning before he winds up losing his house & pension in a lawsuit (as well as bringing others down with him). Take a deep breat Sarge, it's not that serious...remember, J-Fed WILL throw you under the bus.

9/06/2009 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Is jackie heard being extridited back to chicago from moscow? j-fed would have the feds do papers right away if it was a chicago copper like he did it to COZZI! The right thing is bring heard back in leg irons along with co conspitor defuror daley!

9/06/2009 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Beast has come to Naperville. Armed robbery (gun) on street.

9/06/2009 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taze a pitbull? I wouldn't want to second guess that. that dog should have been locked up in a room by the targets and the kids should have been out of site and not near the dog while this was going on. Only bad parenting here and what do you expect from gangbangers. They have guns and dope in the house and it's the police's fault..go figure, our society is clueless.

9/06/2009 03:22:00 PM  
Blogger fencepost said...

There's no excuse for some of the comments, but one reason some folks are down on police serving warrants is that there's frequently no penalty or discipline for fuckups.

If IAD won't penalize cops, DAs won't press charges and other cops will defend no matter what was done, the only other alternative is outside lawsuits and loss of respect for the entire institution.

There are plenty of folks out there who are never going to like cops, but in the past 10-15 years it seems like the police are going out of their way to increase the number of people who think of cops as "the people who break into the mayor's house, shoot his dogs, then never even apologize."

Crap like that without even an apology means that every time police shoot a dog in the future no matter how justified it's going to be called "puppycide" and people will be up in arms.

9/06/2009 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too bad the dog had to associate with these pieces of shit. I'm sure the dog would hve chosen better company.
Send the whole family back to Mexico or wherever...

9/06/2009 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phooey on the police-bashing posters. Just give them all the consideration that is their due (which is none) and click on "Report Abuse".

"Hate speech" or "Personal attack" generally fit the bill. These people are posting just to hear themselves talk and really get disgruntled when their rants get yanked.

And if the suntimes refuses to yank such posts (no reporting option with trib breaking news), well then just deny them your readership traffic.

9/06/2009 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you doing warrants? Is there a warrant bonus I'm not aware of in addition to that ticket-writing bonus?

9/06/2009 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

many years ago two hillbillies jumped the wall on the first base line at cellski field and put a whoop ass on the first base coach for the kansas city royals baseball team. coach gamboa was a senior citizen, hispanic, and pummeled by two caucasians who's motivation can be inferrred to be racial in origin... coach gamboa suffered permanent hearing loss in one of his ears. this atrocity was witnessed by thousands of fans, both young and old... the father and son team (offenders) got probation, no jail time much to the disbelief of coach gamboa(victim) and the kansas city royals baseball organization... both offenders eventually violated probation and served time in the penitentiary.... the united states government put william cozzi in prison for four years for something far less serious than what happened at cellski field... the state of new york is putting a football player in prison for 2 years for shooting himself in the leg with his own gun... " society is doomed" is an understatement--- society is "FUCKED" would be more appropriate....

9/06/2009 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/06/2009 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are right scc,society is doomed. And that includes the CPD. As of this post there are 44 comments on the tagging of our CPD memorial wall and 54 on this. Whats that tell you? priorites are fucked across the board, including on this job

9/06/2009 08:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I left a south side district where it was busy as hell and now am up north dealing with the occasional idiotic liberal, yet sooo much more relaxed. I can drink my coffee in peace, relax, and go home much less stressed than in the past. Dont get me wrong, anywhere in this city can be stressful at any moment, but it happens a lot less in a nice quiet district. God Bless every copper still dealing with the BS

9/06/2009 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha. Ha. Ha. Useless pieces of shit. Even when they try to do something constructive, they can't.

9/06/2009 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Pastor James D. Manning said...

Since the fools elected this long-legged mack daddy, society is doomed. He is not "the Manchurian Candidate". The trick baby is the Kenyan Candidate.

Most Americans are damn fools.

9/06/2009 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tasers blow donkey dick,they fall to ball.

9/06/2009 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fencepost said...
There's no excuse for some of the comments, but one reason some folks are down on police serving warrants is that there's frequently no penalty or discipline for fuckups.

If IAD won't penalize cops, DAs won't press charges and other cops will defend no matter what was done, the only other alternative is outside lawsuits and loss of respect for the entire institution.

There are plenty of folks out there who are never going to like cops, but in the past 10-15 years it seems like the police are going out of their way to increase the number of people who think of cops as "the people who break into the mayor's house, shoot his dogs, then never even apologize."

Crap like that without even an apology means that every time police shoot a dog in the future no matter how justified it's going to be called "puppycide" and people will be up in arms.

9/06/2009 04:20:00 PM


Dear Mr. fencepost,

I'm assuming you are not the police by your use of the term "DAs" which we don't have here in IL and coppers know that.

I have a couple of incites for you.
1) - Due to the nature of police work and specifically search warrants, and the amount of litigation that they cause, the concept of apologies is considered very unwise and tantamount to an admission of guilt for anything that goes awry.

2) - The process of obtaining a search warrant includes a review by a judge, a states attorney and at least one police supervisor, (but often several more). The law enforcement community believes that the process eliminates mistakes. A negative search warrant only means that the dope/guns/etc were moved, not that they are innocent.

That being the case, you can't discipline or prosecute the officers, either.

Look, our training and experience dictate how we function as police officers. Most of us function within regulations all the time. We're the ones you don't hear much about, the "silent majority" if you will. We cannot be concerned with what the public thinks of our rules and regulations. We follow the rules that are there.

9/06/2009 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..."the people who break into the mayor's house, shoot his dogs, then never even apologize."...
9/06/2009 04:20:00 PM


9/06/2009 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "animal rights" screwballs who seem to run anything to do with animals around here spend more time putting out anti-dogfighting material and urging prosecutions while they do precisely jack shit about dog attacks on people. Typical.

Yeah, you're right, "doomed."

9/06/2009 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Beast has come to Naperville. Armed robbery (gun) on street."

--9/06/2009 03:04:00 PM

Naperville, Naperville. People keep repeating the name as though it were a talisman against evil. We can all move to Naperville and be safe and happy. At least one young white couple has been attacked and beaten on the "Riverwalk" by gangs of Mexicans from Aurora, and this was years ago.

You back away from something until you back into it.

No place left to run. Not as long as we keep the borders open and the benefits attractive.

9/06/2009 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Van Jones resigned already.

9/06/2009 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that there are citizens who support what we do and who want to have safe neighborhoods. To all of you I say, thanks, We need more like you.


That police officer will be someone from your own city, who is a citizen just like you and who is willing to do something you, the ignorant citizen won't do. Namely, he/she will put themselves at risk for your sorry ass.

So remember, if you don't like the work of your police, don't call us. Gather your support network and have a meeting over it.

I swear, some of you nitwits are unfucking believable with you ignorant understanding of what the police do.

9/06/2009 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous S'up playya said...

Damn Dawg, if it was the top secret, super eleite, Area 2, covert stike, search team task force, them cats woulda shot all dem damn dawgs dead, dawg...

Straight up playya!


9/06/2009 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't the red shirts, oops, I mean officers just put their phasors on stun?

9/07/2009 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sheeple don't know that when a police officer gives a law full order, it is not open to debate, a judge and jury will decide the case.
And my favorite, the sheeple can't understand that the police do NOT issue warrants, they apply for warrants.

Cover each other.

9/06/2009 08:51:00 AM

I believe that it's more the case that the sheeple do know these things and are offended by, and fearful of, the power we have. That's why they do everything in their power to stick it to us. Luckily, they're mostly gutless left wing morons and about as annoying and threatening as ants at a picnic.

Dey jus be playa hatin. Laugh at them and they'll go away.

9/07/2009 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A pit will tear you appart like a lion. Some people wish they were shot instead of feeling the life threatening jaws of a gangster pit. Tasers and mace will only anger the beast. Gangmembers abuse pits by torturing them and fighting them. The teeth will rip right through muscle and crush bone like a high velocity bullet. If you servive you may be lucky enough to keep the limb. The neighbors that have children and pets will be relieved when animal control takes the beast away.

9/07/2009 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap like that without even an apology means that every time police shoot a dog in the future no matter how justified it's going to be called "puppycide" and people will be up in arms.

9/06/2009 04:20:00 PM


Now go back to being the she-male prostitute on West Madison Ave!

And as a parting gift, we’d like to extend to you a huge “THANKS” on the way to the alley where your next trick is waiting. You just proved our point! You have NO CLUE what goes into preparing for a Search Warrant! Go talk to the next “John” who is a “D.A.”, you might be better informed than your usual sitting in front of the Idiot Box watching this weeks episode of “Law and Order”, "The Sheild" or “CSI Bumb-fuck”. See; County, State and Federal law give us the right, during a Search Warrant, to TEAR DOWN your door, and SEARCH ANYWHERE the item to be seized can be found. But than again, your “D.A.” fuck-buddy told you all about it when you were going balls deep, you just failed to listen. They also give us the fundamental right to PROTECT OURSELVES! Up to and including attacking dogs.

Realize this fact: 90+% of “Negative” Search Warrants still yield packaging or items related to the sale of narcotics, “Gang” paraphernalia, or indicators that illegal activity has occurred in the location. The bad thing is, those items aren’t illegal!

“apologize” That cracks us the fuck up! That might just be the most liberal, cry-baby, panty waist thing that has EVER been posted on this blog. I don’t think “Left is the best” could post some shit like that.
As an animal lover, I am sorry I have to face shooting a dog who is about to attack me or one of the people on my team. The bad thing is; #1- the dog is only doing his job. #2- doesn’t know any better. #3-can’t grasp the fact that I’m sorry for putting a bullet in him.

Now,” who” exactly are we supposed to “apologize” to? The dope dealer who is selling poison in that community? Fueling crimes such as murder, robbery, burglary, theft, battery, aggravated battery… to be committed to the very neighbors in the area of which he lives? To his parents, who own the house that they sell the drugs from and hide the guns in, while turning a “blind eye” to the activity? “Oh, my baby, he a good boy, he would never do no shit like that”, makes me want to puke every time I hear it! Also makes me want to arrest them for polluting our society with their spawn.

And “what” exactly are we supposed to “apologize” for? Placing myself and my fellow officers in harms way? To the community, (which, in most cases, we don’t live in) for the attempt in cleaning it up? To the bad-guy who brought us there in the first place?

I’ll tell you what we do: We “apologize” to our spouses and kids, because we work 24-7-365. Sometimes we go to court during the day, and we can’t take our kids to school. We work nights, and can’t tuck out kids into bed. We work weekends and holidays, and can’t spend times like that with our families. We are, because of work, late to birthdays and anniversaries. We “apologize” to the family of the cop who is lying in the casket, wishing we could have done something else, or things to be different, and that loved one not be dead.

Now do us a favor: When you become a Victim, call that “bad-guy” that you seem to be so compassionate towards. Ask them to solve your problem. Until then, put some more chap-stick on, try not to break a heel on the way into the alley, the next car just pulled up, you know what to do! (Slurp, slurp, bitch!)

9/07/2009 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A pit will tear you appart like a lion...the neighbors that have children and pets will be relieved when Animal Control takes the beast away.."

--9/07/2009 12:17:00 AM

...and probably adopts it out to some Oak Park housewife who thinks she's getting a "dog for protection."

Nothing more frightening than a tiny woman -- or today's fearful/aggressive, bitchy little girl-man -- depending on a half-cent rivet in the leash catch to hold a huge animal they can't control and which will not listen to them.

If your dog attacks an innocent person, you should be held as liable for the attack as you would be if you had done it yourself with another weapon. I mean felony, I mean prison.

9/07/2009 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't the red shirts, oops, I mean officers just put their phasors on stun?

9/07/2009 12:11:00 AM

For the uninitiated: the red shirt guy in the landing party on Star Trek was always the guy that got killed. Very appropriate.

Live long and prosper.

9/07/2009 12:27:00 PM  
Blogger fencepost said...


You're quite correct - I'm not involved in the criminal justice system (or the civil side) and my only dealings with the police have been as a witness to accidents or speeding tickets (20 and 5 years ago).

I think that overall the police do a very good job. Unfortunately, doing a good job doesn't get noticed, just like doing a good job anywhere else doesn't stand out - it's part of the job, just like it is for everyone else.

What does get press is the fuckups, they get plenty of it, and it's not helped by the perceived attitude of "Respect Mah Authoritah!" I'd lay odds that among folks who don't deal with the police regularly, the only officers or former officers they could actually name & identify as police are the ones most officers would prefer they forget.

I'm sure that sometimes apologies would be a bad idea and the resistance is going to be high, but look up malpractice apologies. Turns out that if doctors actually sincerely apologize for bad outcomes or even mistakes, it cuts down both the number and size of lawsuits.

As far as the procedure of having a judge, state's attorney and one or more supervisors review warrants, that's fine and dandy but it can also lead to "Person X should have caught this problem." Multiple inspections alone will never eliminate errors - only reduce them. If police handle things as "we never make mistakes" then when things do go wrong (as they sometimes will) the impact will be heightened. I'm sure that a circle of "It was Jim's fault!" "It was Bob's fault!" "It was Joe's fault!" is no more attractive in police than it is among those busted in a drug house - it's just more accepted as "it's nobody's fault."

The "shoot the mayor's dogs" part of my comment was referring to Cheye Calvo out in Maryland last year.

Someone shipped 30+ pounds of pot from Arizona to his wife. The package was identified near its origin, and the police at its destination were already investigating drugs being shipped and the delivery driver intercepting them. In this case they delivered the package, then no-knocked the house (the warrant was not no-knock), shot his dogs, etc. - stuff that I suspect regularly happens on drug warrants. Oh, and refused to show the warrant for 3 days. Oh, and didn't involve the police in the town where they were serving the warrant (it was the county doing it). Eventually someone realized that perhaps they'd better check and see if his claims to be the mayor were correct. After that they went into full damage-control mode.

9/07/2009 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things will get better if you would stop "adjusting" these fucked up rules to get the job done, instead of just doing nothing and waiting until this fucked up city commits itself to justice by changing the ridiculous rules they have set up.

9/07/2009 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the posts in the Sun Times. Do not ignore what you are reading.

These are people with nothing to do. Therefore, these are people who commonly fall into "the jury pool."

These are the people who sit in judgement of you and decide how much of your money to put into the hands of a criminal.

The problem with inexperienced coppers is that they think that everything will turn out just like the few things they've seen before.

They never saw anyone get shot, so they tend to think this is not going to happen.

They never saw anyone who was 100% in the right get totally screwed over by this department, so they think this can't happen.

They never knew anyone who got sued AND LOST, so they think lawsuits are no big deal.

They never knew anyone who got fired, so they think their job is safe.

They never knew anyone who went to jail, so they think they're in the clear no matter what.

Unfortunately for them, the only way they can learn these things is to experience them first hand.

9/07/2009 02:25:00 PM  
Blogger fencepost said...

By the way: For the record, nothing I've seen makes me think that this is a situation where any sort of apology would be merited or that the officers did anything wrong. Pit bulls may have gotten a bad rap, but they're still large, territorial dogs that would be a danger in situations like this. As for the other injuries, that kind of thing happens and doesn't mean that the officers did anything wrong.

9/07/2009 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No place left to run. Not as long as we keep the borders open and the benefits attractive.

9/06/2009 11:27:00 PM

Concealed carry laws might help in Illinois might help....

9/07/2009 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Van Jones resigned already.

9/06/2009 11:49:00 PM

And given another Administartion job

9/07/2009 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...stuff that I suspect regularly happens on drug warrants.."

9/07/2009 01:55:00 PM

Let someone else do your "suspecting" for you---you admit that the only ones that make the news are "unusual"; I "suspect" that henceforth your comments will be IGNORED

9/07/2009 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9/07/2009 03:23:00 PM

Did it take a long time to learn to talk out of both sides of your mouth or is it a natural ability with you?

9/07/2009 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn't swat handling these types of warrants. You have information that weapons are present and you send in the two year cavalry with their windbreakers and a sledge hammer!! God forbid its a matter of time before some mope unloads on the front door with some major fire power. And where is the intel that there may be an aggresive dog on the premises. Look toward any other major city, the forced entry teams with the real training and serious equipment are the first to go in. Is it really worth the fleeting glory and all the stories you'll tell at the local copper watering hole?? Thank God this time it was pookie catching the round, be safe.

9/07/2009 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These same Mothas------- will be the first ones to call you in the time of great need.....or maybe not. Who cares! You guys do the very best job you can do and you should be proud of the fact. Maybe we should asked them what they would do in the same situation and then let them "tag along" and see how they respond. I am sure they will shit in their panties!

9/08/2009 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fencepost said...
By the way: For the record, nothing I've seen makes me think that this is a situation where any sort of apology would be merited or that the officers did anything wrong.

Well gee, thanks there (as dumb as a)"Fencepost"! We are damn glad this incident is up to your "standard", since you are the obvious expert in this subject matter.

From now on, could you do us a favor? Post on your blogs. You know the ones: ,, cheap male

You are not gaining any favor around here. You talk WAAAYYYY to much shit for someone that admittedly knows ZERO. You are some obvious jag-off that, when faced with a mere 10% of what we do on a daily basis, would piddle in his panties. AND cant make up his mind or take a stand on an opinion formulated in the mushy shit between his ears to save his pathetic, small, empty life. Fuck you, move on to the next “John”… Adios.

Love; The Police

9/08/2009 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: Westside, Inside Do-Nothing

I would like to take the time to thank you for your rant on your extensive knowledge of the civil lawsuit process. I would hope that your rant will not discourage other officers from doing their jobs. Well get back to that a little later. If I may enlighten you on a couple of points. That I'm sure you just overlooked or understated. Not every officer on Tac and gangs are as you stated "young, naive and invincible wanna be super cops." For that comment sir, you are an unsanitary douche nozzel. For your information can I call you "DN"?There are alot of experienced officers out there that are doing there jobs with percision and efficiency. If I may go on a rant of my own. The city has made it the status quo to "settle" with attorneys. The shear volume of lawsuits is enormous. You did forget to mention the deposition and possible trial ( in case you realy Fd up.) The actual trial process and how the city must find you NEGLIGENT. Little phrases like preponderance of evidence. Unfortunately I have experienced the aforementioned. If you take the time and effort to do your job correctly and take the time to justify your actions on paper this will certianly indemnify the officer in his possible "dealings" with OPS/ IAD/ Civil suits. I'm sure that things have changed a little since you executed your last search warrant. Established CI's and credibility with judges. It is easy to sit back and judge others. Personally, I remember the oath that i took when i came on this job 15yrs ago. I do this "job" for myself. I consider it my civic duty, my sence of pride. I do it for my family, friends and the citizens who actually appreciate me. I have if I may an opinnion of my own. If you have no physical ailments or "war" wounds keeping you on that desk please keep the snide comments to yourself. You did you time. Great. You have stories, Outstanding! If you are part of the KMA club, even better. Please remember that no one has aked you to stay. Retire. You can train a flipping cadet to do a desk job. Go work at Walmart or tell your stories as a bartender. What you are realy doing is causing a disservice to the city and the cpd by deterring other officers from doing their jobs. Not to mention the possibility of some officer second guessing themselves in a critical situation that may cause injury or death to themslves or another officer. Not everyone can work the desk / lockup/ erps/ give hand jobs, whatever it is that you do inside. But it is almost inevitable that "todays" cpd; just resopnding to regular calls may have to go hands on or leathal with some shithead. Wouldnt it suck if you caused a hickup in his or her training. Now the poor guy is thinking about loosing his house instead of killing the guy shooting at him. Hey "dn" when you came on the job the old timers were telling you the same thing. Hey kid the job aint like it used to be. Just an opinnion signed ofc Hair Gel.

9/10/2009 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't agree with OFC hair gel more. We all came on this job to be the Police...and do the job. Retire if you want to stop being the police. It's a an easy choice. Some of us like our jobs, even with the constant criticism and shitty comments from all. We do make a difference, it may not be huge but together we keep this city safe. We keep each other safe. It's all a matter of perspective, you wanna be a grouchy old timer, have at it, you want to change the world, have at it. Know your laws and your limitations, use your 60 credit hours and write good paper. Stop bitching about how bad it is and go to McDonalds or Walmart and get a job!

Stay safe my brothers and sisters!

9/10/2009 08:52:00 PM  

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