Nice One Barack
Is there anyone he won't bow to?

That's the mayor of Tampa for pete's sake. Did he think she was a communist dictator, a Saudi prince or a Japanese emperor?
Thank goodness the Wall Street Journal has declared the Obama spell is broken.

That's the mayor of Tampa for pete's sake. Did he think she was a communist dictator, a Saudi prince or a Japanese emperor?
Thank goodness the Wall Street Journal has declared the Obama spell is broken.
Labels: national politics
Obama and the dummycrats are through the next big election
what a dork!
He tired!!!!!!
He sleepy
Obama is a lost cause and has been since day one. He is a one term president. Now move along, nothing more to see here.
Mayor Daley has him trained to always bow to Mayors!
That picture is pathetically hilarious; bowing to the Mayor of Tampa... geeesh. I guess you need only resemble a foreigner to get Obama to bow down.
BTW...Thanks for the WSJ link.
I'm not a big fan of Obama, but after watching the actual video, it appears he either coughed or sneezed while talking to Mayor Lorio.
Here's a link to the video:
Old Wheel Cop
all hail the mayor of tampa.LOL
Judging by the image, they are standing on the tarmac at MacDill Air Force Base. So he flew in on Air Force one. A LARGE aircraft with four LOUD engines. ALL turned off...but the APU, (Auxiliary Power Unit remains on to ensure the aircraft systems stay on, so that in the event of an emergency, the aircraft can leave IN A HURRY...
The APU, is a smaller jet engine located in the tail of the aircraft and ALSO VERY LOUD.Those of you who've worked at O'Hare or MIDWAY on a smaller scale can attest to their noise level. Try standing next to one and having a conversation. Even at a distance of 150' I have to get in close to hear my partner speak/yell because that APU is CRAZY LOUD...I would imagine the APU on the 747 used for Air Force One is modified to account for the EQUIPMENT aboard. Add to that it's an Air Force Base and there are probably a FEW Fighters flying in and out of there for ESCORT of Air Force One and other BORDER and DEA OPERATIONS in the GULF supported out of MacDill, and you've got a loud place to have a conversation with a SOFT SPOKEN MAYOR...oh yeah..did I mention she was a SOFT SPOKEN LADY???
I ain't sayin' nothin'...
I'm just sayin'...
Barry's approval ratings are going down faster than Monica Lewinski in the oval office.
he dorky? he sleepy? he sneezy? no he be dopey!! the fuckin mutt!!
Maybe he's just passing gas....scuzzzzzzzzme
Bowing like that is just one of the many practices he learned at a young age at that school overseas
Its because he knows deep down inside that she is more qualified than he is...
"What did I step in. Michelle! Stop tweezing those crazy eyebrows and get over here."
If you watch the video, at the end he puts his hand in is pocket when talking to the AF guy. Is he going for his keys to the plane, to give to him to park it?
Judging by the image, they are standing on the tarmac at MacDill Air Force Base. So he flew in on Air Force one. A LARGE aircraft with four LOUD engines. ALL turned off...but the APU, (Auxiliary Power Unit remains on to ensure the aircraft systems stay on, so that in the event of an emergency, the aircraft can leave IN A HURRY...
The APU, is a smaller jet engine located in the tail of the aircraft and ALSO VERY LOUD.Those of you who've worked at O'Hare or MIDWAY on a smaller scale can attest to their noise level. Try standing next to one and having a conversation. Even at a distance of 150' I have to get in close to hear my partner speak/yell because that APU is CRAZY LOUD...I would imagine the APU on the 747 used for Air Force One is modified to account for the EQUIPMENT aboard. Add to that it's an Air Force Base and there are probably a FEW Fighters flying in and out of there for ESCORT of Air Force One and other BORDER and DEA OPERATIONS in the GULF supported out of MacDill, and you've got a loud place to have a conversation with a SOFT SPOKEN MAYOR...oh yeah..did I mention she was a SOFT SPOKEN LADY???
I ain't sayin' nothin'...
I'm just sayin'...
2/02/2010 04:12:00 AM
Interesting point. The only problem is you can actually hear them talking in the video, even with the APU running It's faint, but still audible. And he wasn't cocking his ear towards her as a person would do to try and hear what they were saying. No, it's a quick bow form a goof, not someone trying to hear.
Add to that it's an Air Force Base and there are probably a FEW Fighters flying in and out of there for ESCORT of Air Force One and other BORDER and DEA OPERATIONS in the GULF supported out of MacDill, and you've got a loud place to have a conversation with a SOFT SPOKEN MAYOR...oh yeah..did I mention she was a SOFT SPOKEN LADY???
...................................Thats a fuckin bow moron!!!!!!!!!!Get some glasses
I heard a democrat actually try to put forth the argument that Jimmy Carter was the greatest president. The same idiot will probably include President Bowdeeplyatthewaist in that group. Jesus Christ, I cannot imagine what the valient men and women who shed blood for this country would say if they could see the President of the United States BOWING DOWN BEFORE ANYONE WHO LOOKS FOREIGN. I wonder what the Mayor of Tampa said to that act of humble servitude.
Now how does this country stand up to anyone wishing to do us harm when the fucking president bows to almost all comers?
he was just making sure the teleprompter was plugged in
He was looking for his contact lens.
Impeach Obama!
He just shuck'n man.....
"Thank goodness the Wall Street Journal has declared the Obama spell is broken."
You've only now just noticed? Yes. Thanks.
To 1:58 and 4:12 a.m.:
Can't anyone just fucking laugh anymore?
Another bow wtf! he should just resign in shame now! He will go down as the worst president in history!!
That's not Chairman Mao's wife yo dipshit!
Besides Obama being the most incompetent president we have ever had, he is now the most embarrassing president. Jimmy Carter should thank him!
What a frick'n idea!!!!
Your the POTUS.....She's a Mayor....How sad! What part don't you get????
12:09 said:
Another bow wtf! he should just resign in shame now! He will go down as the worst president in history!!
Naaaa that award has already been given out.
Man is this guy ever dopey.
It did take him nearly a week to decide whether he should/should not be upset about someone trying to blow up an airliner with 300 people on it for Christmas.
The guy TOLD us that "he was an empty vessel" and he still got elected. Then he refers to himself as a "mutt."
Daley, Weis, Obama...another link in the Chain of Weirdness.
Apparently the protocol people who have worked the White House for decades and are also generations of the same families were let go by Obama so he could hustle in his Chi-town hustlers. They normally give the pres, v-pres a heads up on who people are so these things never happen. They and many in DC are getting a kick out of these many screw ups. Clinton did the same thing when he loaded the WH up with Arkie hillbillies who not only did this shit but kept stealing their own office supplies and computers. His old lady finally got rid of them after her debutante friends wouldn't let her play any more.
Look it is plain to see the real truth. Obama has a shoe/foot fetish. His past histoy indicats that he is Bi-Leather; male or female shoes, it doesnt matter. Nike, Black just turns him on to see the shoes of those in power. From a prince to a mayor, no matter, he measures their power in the nature of their footwear.
He would come home from a hard day of teaching, trying to get a look at her "shoe du jour". See, knowing that he was expected to fulfill his husbandly duties, but trying to find something to stir the passion, he would look down at her feet, can you blame him.
This got him addicted to shoes.
He bows so low when looking because when Michelle figured out what was up, she would give him a crack in the head. So if he bows low, due to her height, she would swing and miss.
It would also explain the thrown out copies of "Leg Show" littering the White house garbage.
So what would you rather think of our President; an apoligetic subserviant spineless nerd?
Or a perrvert?
Anonymous said...
12:09 said:
Another bow wtf! he should just resign in shame now! He will go down as the worst president in history!!
Naaaa that award has already been given out.
2/02/2010 09:20:00 PM
Not talking about crook county president stroger sir/maam!
i would have bowed to her Tampa has the finest strippers in the southern US........
All you haters out there. He wasn't bowing to her, he was looking for a clue. So stupid! Sorry Barry, carry on.
i'm surprised that nobody's figured this one out.
she was checking him for head lice.
He's not bowing. He's looking at the name tags on the ground where everyone is supposed to stand for photos.
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