Friday, March 05, 2010

Meeting #1

Not a whisper or a sound of anything from J-Fed's first meeting. Did anyone even go? Or have all the Department problems been fixed?
  • 03 March 2010, 1700 hours
    Area One
    John Hope Prep School 5515 S. Lowe
And if no one showed up, that's even bigger news.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why bother, you can give him all your great ideas on his 501 blog. Your answer, if any, will be I'll ask so-and-so to look into that, it's a contract issue, and so on.

Meetings with the sup = 501 Blog = dead letter office.

On a related note, someone asked him about giving only one merit promotion in a career. His answer, it's in the contract. GFY. Just because the contract says 20-30% meritorious doesn't mean you have to give it to the same people.

3/05/2010 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Officer. BUKKAKE said...

Nobody drank the Kool-Aid.

3/05/2010 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



3/05/2010 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK LETS BE HONEST. How many "tact" teams were forced to attend because everyone is afraid of low turnout. And lets not forget the KISS ASSES at 35th street too. So how many "legit" PO's showed up, really.

3/05/2010 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

165 days until our retro check!

3/05/2010 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.Why would anything he says interest you?
2. Nothing real cops say interests him.
3. His mission is to destroy the dept.
4. Any imput you have can and will be used as a way to punish and promote cancer in this once healthy

Maurer and Lopez are in a unique situation that can shed light on this city's very crooked ways. Let us see if they can put something together. If there was any doubt about critically low morale before, just watch this summer's circus comming to a district near you.

Free Cozzi.

3/05/2010 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 18 brave hearts attended the pony show ! Keep up the good work. J -Fed we love you! You're the best leader this deparment has had thanks for your support for the men and women in blue !

3/05/2010 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep on working you hard-chargers! And for those of you who say you work for your own self-pride, get a clue. What is it going to take before we all stand together as one and QUIT DOING A GOD DAMNED THING????? We could bring this dept. to its knees, but you hair gels just don't get it. IT'S ALL A JOKE. We should pick a day, maybe April 1, and show the city and jfuck what we think. No movers, no parkers, and certainly no arrests.

3/05/2010 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still think we should boycott all of these farces. jputz would rather be getting a root canal and is as interested as my dog in what any copper has to say. Anybody know if you can tape them?

3/05/2010 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

most of the apathetic police will not show. the rest are unable to because of obligations. Weis will see this as success, nothing wrong here folks.

3/05/2010 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/05/2010 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC. Do a posting on the arbitration hearing, I would like to hear from anyone that might of been there to see what our labor attorney pitched to get us our well deserved raise. We should get nothing less then New York city received, 17% over 4 yrs. The PBA received the following from NY without arbitration....

The base pay will increase every year to $76,488 after 5.5 years. When adding holiday pay, uniform allowance, average night differential, and longevity pay; a Police Officer with 5.5 years will earn $90,829 before overtime.

The Lodge and the City today completed the hearing portion of the arbitration process. The Lodge, represented at the hearing by our labor attorney Joel D’Alba did an exemplary job in presenting our case before Arbitrator Benn. The issues were difficult at best and almost all were relative to finances. With the conclusion of the Arbitration we now await the Arbitrator’s decision which will be received within 45 days, followed by the receipt of retro money within 120 days after the date the decision is handed down. The delivery of the Lodge’s presentation is one that should leave all that witnessed it feeling optimistic in these trying times.

3/05/2010 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yawn. Wake me when he's gone. Zzzzzz

3/05/2010 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the fire commissioner is in hot, hot water for sexual harassment.

3/05/2010 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL no comment! Jfed if you catch short shanks make him give you his pot of gold..and you must love Mexican food..nice promotions..DORK!..

3/05/2010 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More people would go if we got 3 hours out of it. Or Ck the money box!

3/05/2010 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you went you were either getting out of work to be held down on bs, or soft.

3/05/2010 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it went pretty good meeting. If you had any quesitons you could ask them. Seems like there be a lot of new changes coming. They talked about streamlining CR#'s process. Also don't lie because now cell phone cameras, video taping and security tapes will catch you on tape so don't lie. He said that 007th District is going to get 44 new tahoes. It seemed like 007th District is not a happy place to work. They talked about the moral of the department. Jody pretty much said that he is giving us the best equipnment the dept can get, and also with training. Some disgrutled guys from 007th District. There was not too many people maybe 30 if that. Also the city is getting us 300 new tahoes so it sounded like the dept is going to get rid of the crown vics but thats what I gathered. Also he said that he was going to stay here as long as Daley allowed him to. It seemed like it was a step in the right direction. Didn't seem to be negative. I thought it was more postive then negative. I mean it seemed like he wanted to make a transition the dept into the 21st century. Jody also stated that he wants more District Commanders and watch commanders to do more of the disciple procedures. Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was busy, I had to take a dump. So what happend?

3/05/2010 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well according to Jodys blog someone asked about triple merit promotions at the meeting. And in typical Jody fashion he answered that the merit promotion percentage is determined by a contract. Ok Jody once again you dont know what you are talking about. The percentage of merit promotions are determined by contract. But the people that are promoted meritoriously and how many times they are promoted meritoriously are determined by YOU JODY and your exempts. Can this guy still not know the rules and regs of this department after being here over two years? Or is he that dum? Oh well guess I answered my own question.

3/05/2010 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The address speaks for itself.

3/05/2010 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC do you really think anything will change at these meetings. J-fed is just having a show and tell trying to creat an illusion that he is on the up and up and we the chicago police are happy campers for the media. We cannot speak our mind because his Minions will be sneaking around waiting to screw anybody who speaks.In my career on this job which is 30+, I have gone trough a lot of change on the job, some good, some bad but a least we had old time boss who got you through the bullshit. The people who now hold the gold star don't have a clue in what is goning on, they are political hacks. Promoting by race and gender over the last 35 years have destroyed this department by putting unqualified personnel in positions to run this department. A cocktail waitress making decision, a Fed who has no clue and follows the political wishes of the minority groups, the quite man who had his power stripped but allowed to collect the money, it just goes on and on. I'm leaving but not fast enough. The next Sup needs to come from another department with command experience because we do not have anyone capable in our rank and file. This person must take the civilians out of command and out of the department. Civilian have no business telling the police how to do there job unless they walked a mile in our shoes and dealt with these animals who call themselves human.

3/05/2010 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guessing a low turnout because I haven't heard a thing. The majoriety of the department is smarter than he thinks and understands that it's a waste of time and gas. Just listen to his recent talking points in the media surrounding the death of Sgt. Haymaker and the gun ban challenge in D.C. He's saying exactly what Daly tells him to say. So whats the point of the meeting? Does anyone actually think he will change things because of what a P.O. suggests?

3/05/2010 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go and say what? Fear they will F- with us after. Keep you meetings. Settle the contract!

3/05/2010 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have loved to attend but I was re-arranging my sock draw that evening. Did I miss much?

3/05/2010 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about JFed's meetings. The bears are making some great moves!

3/05/2010 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT shortshanks appoint hispanic as oemc director. does it surprise anyone? go HDO you rock!

3/05/2010 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about JFed's meetings. The bears are making some great moves!

3/05/2010 02:06:00 PM

Now they can be the most expensive third place team in the division.

3/05/2010 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about JFed's meetings. The bears are making some great moves!

3/05/2010 02:06:00 PM

They will still lose to the Packers!

3/05/2010 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We should pick a day, maybe April 1, and show the city and jfuck what we think. No movers, no parkers, and certainly no arrests.

3/05/2010 09:12:00 AM"

plus picket city hall.

3/05/2010 03:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I was busy, I had to take a dump. So what happend?

3/05/2010 11:58:00 AM"

that very same thing.

3/05/2010 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why the fuck do you people care about merit promotions?????


it doesnt matter who is in charge this is going to happen all the time i am sure he would like to get rid of it but it will NOT ever go away

3/05/2010 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC. Do a posting on the arbitration hearing, I would like to hear from anyone that might of been there to see what our labor attorney pitched to get us our well deserved raise. We should get nothing less then New York city received, 17% over 4 yrs. The PBA received the following from NY without arbitration....


The last meeting went well for the city. Our attorney mumbled throughout the proceedings. We'll be lucky if we see 10-12% over 5 years.

3/05/2010 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

165 days until our retro check!

3/05/2010 08:29:00 AM

That would make it 16 August 10 from 04 March 10 (arbitration meeting with Benn); two days after the Bud Kill Again parade.

3/05/2010 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The guy that was too busy to go because he had to take a dump had me pissing my pants.

3/05/2010 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody Davis > Jody Weis

3/05/2010 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey SCC. Do a posting on the arbitration hearing, I would like to hear from anyone that might of been there to see what our labor attorney pitched to get us our well deserved raise. We should get nothing less then New York city received, 17% over 4 yrs. The PBA received the following from NY without arbitration....


The last meeting went well for the city. Our attorney mumbled throughout the proceedings. We'll be lucky if we see 10-12% over 5 years.

3/05/2010 03:34:00 PM

It's in our FOP leaders best interest to please city hall and not get us a good deal. They need Daleys help getting great spots with government when they retire.

3/05/2010 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arbiration complete, now we wait, Benn's decision due within 45 days, likely sooner.

City offered 5% over 5 years, 1% a year, hah!

FOP demanded more than that obviously. Plus increased uniform and duty availability money.

We rolled the dice, now we wait and see, likely by April 15. then retro due 120 days after that.

Either way, DUMP DALEY 2011

Feb 22, 2011 to be exact.

3/05/2010 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM

Holy "I drank the Kool-Aid" Batman! You must be REALLY REALLY new here. Go back to the archives and read about the last round of meetings he had. A note was made by Aunt Bea of people who spoke their minds and several were..."dumped"...after those meetings.


3/05/2010 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I thought it went pretty good meeting. If you had any quesitons you could ask them. Seems like there be a lot of new changes coming. They talked about streamlining CR#'s process. Also don't lie because now cell phone cameras, video taping and security tapes will catch you on tape so don't lie. He said that 007th District is going to get 44 new tahoes. It seemed like 007th District is not a happy place to work. They talked about the moral of the department. Jody pretty much said that he is giving us the best equipnment the dept can get, and also with training. Some disgrutled guys from 007th District. There was not too many people maybe 30 if that. Also the city is getting us 300 new tahoes so it sounded like the dept is going to get rid of the crown vics but thats what I gathered. Also he said that he was going to stay here as long as Daley allowed him to. It seemed like it was a step in the right direction. Didn't seem to be negative. I thought it was more postive then negative. I mean it seemed like he wanted to make a transition the dept into the 21st century. Jody also stated that he wants more District Commanders and watch commanders to do more of the disciple procedures. Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM

Written by one of the girls from J-Fed's policey group and future merit boss.

3/05/2010 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
OK LETS BE HONEST. How many "tact" teams were forced to attend because everyone is afraid of low turnout. And lets not forget the KISS ASSES at 35th street too. So how many "legit" PO's showed up, really.

3/05/2010 08:20:00 AM

Exactly! How many of the 30 P.O.'s actually drove there on their own time and weren't forced to attend? How many came with J-fed? I haven't heard of a single P.O. talking about going. In fact, even the bosses laugh about the silly meetings. I would rather listen Keith Olberman and Rachel Madow talk about how great Obama is for 6 hours than attend the waste of time meetings.

3/05/2010 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went, I needed the sleep!

3/05/2010 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading the fop website reguarding arbitration I think we should all go buy some k y because it sounds like were going to take it in the ass!!!

3/05/2010 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We should pick a day, maybe April 1, and show the city and jfuck what we think. No movers, no parkers, and certainly no arrests.

I thought we were pretty much already doing this.

3/05/2010 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

plus picket city hall.

Yeah that worked....

3/05/2010 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I thought it went pretty good meeting. If you had any quesitons you could ask them. Seems like there be a lot of new changes coming. They talked about streamlining CR#'s process. Also don't lie because now cell phone cameras, video taping and security tapes will catch you on tape so don't lie.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM

Will he hold his own exempt staff to the same ethical standards? That lying will not be tolerated? False resumes, domestic violence, sexual harassment and entering secured areas of an airport? We all make mistakes but lying should not be tolerated for any member of this department. A double standard.

3/05/2010 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you people???


3/05/2010 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was more postive then negative. I mean it seemed like he wanted to make a transition the dept into the 21st century. Jody also stated that he wants more District Commanders and watch commanders to do more of the disciple procedures. Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM

3/05/2010 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in 007 and have contact with the school staff at Hope h.s. I was told by security at the school that less than 50 were there including the people that came with him

3/05/2010 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it went pretty good meeting. If you had any quesitons you could ask them. Seems like there be a lot of new changes coming. They talked about streamlining CR#'s process. Also don't lie because now cell phone cameras, video taping and security tapes will catch you on tape so don't lie. He said that 007th District is going to get 44 new tahoes. It seemed like 007th District is not a happy place to work. They talked about the moral of the department. Jody pretty much said that he is giving us the best equipnment the dept can get, and also with training. Some disgrutled guys from 007th District. There was not too many people maybe 30 if that. Also the city is getting us 300 new tahoes so it sounded like the dept is going to get rid of the crown vics but thats what I gathered. Also he said that he was going to stay here as long as Daley allowed him to. It seemed like it was a step in the right direction. Didn't seem to be negative. I thought it was more postive then negative. I mean it seemed like he wanted to make a transition the dept into the 21st century. Jody also stated that he wants more District Commanders and watch commanders to do more of the disciple procedures. Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM

Overall, I think you're an suckhole.

3/05/2010 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep on working you hard-chargers! And for those of you who say you work for your own self-pride, get a clue. What is it going to take before we all stand together as one and QUIT DOING A GOD DAMNED THING????? We could bring this dept. to its knees, but you hair gels just don't get it. IT'S ALL A JOKE. We should pick a day, maybe April 1, and show the city and jfuck what we think. No movers, no parkers, and certainly no arrests.

3/05/2010 09:12:00 AM

Amen to the above statement....and adding to that would be if your goin to arrest anyone make sure you have a decent victim or that you goto court on it to make your $$$$$$$

Forget the parkers all they do is generate revenue for the city...movers again the city......anovs just the city.....arrests can make you some decent $$$$ in for the rest of this job ......forget about it!!!!!!!!!!!!

3/05/2010 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody certainly did bring all if his Fed integrity to the corrupt Chicago Police Department. This is the worst case of pandering I have ever seen. How does he look at himself in the mirror.

3/05/2010 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

step in the right direction. Didn't seem to be negative. I thought it was more postive then negative. I mean it seemed like he wanted to make a transition the dept into the 21st century. Jody also stated that he wants more District Commanders and watch commanders to do more of the disciple procedures. Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM

thank you masters

3/05/2010 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous themiddleclassguy said...

Jody also stated that he wants more District Commanders and watch commanders to do more of the disciple procedures. Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

And what great desk job do you have? BTW, what are disciple procedures? Are those the steps one takes to become an Apostle?

3/05/2010 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stupidintendent puts out notifications for Exempt applications and then makes Exempts before the due date for the applications. He did the same thing with Trahanas. Isn't there a Lieutenant out there ready to go who wants to file a lawsuit. This idiot put it all on paper for you. By the way, can we do a no confidence vote. Can't we force the FOP to do this by an individual majority.

3/05/2010 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it went pretty good meeting. If you had any quesitons you could ask them. Seems like there be a lot of new changes coming. They talked about streamlining CR#'s process. Also don't lie because now cell phone cameras, video taping and security tapes will catch you on tape so don't lie. He said that 007th District is going to get 44 new tahoes. It seemed like 007th District is not a happy place to work. They talked about the moral of the department. Jody pretty much said that he is giving us the best equipnment the dept can get, and also with training. Some disgrutled guys from 007th District. There was not too many people maybe 30 if that. Also the city is getting us 300 new tahoes so it sounded like the dept is going to get rid of the crown vics but thats what I gathered. Also he said that he was going to stay here as long as Daley allowed him to. It seemed like it was a step in the right direction. Didn't seem to be negative. I thought it was more postive then negative. I mean it seemed like he wanted to make a transition the dept into the 21st century. Jody also stated that he wants more District Commanders and watch commanders to do more of the disciple procedures. Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM
If you work in 007 your on management! 007 Is nothing more than a dumping ground PERIOD!!!! Calhoun is the only REAL supervisor in that building!!!!! Far as the meeting with Jody at hope goes. When I want BULL SHIT I'll go to a farm!!!! Oh and YEAH I'M DISGRUNTLED AS FUCK!!!!!!

3/05/2010 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

r u kidding !!we r gonna get a minimum of 16%!probably more!crime is down and our manpower is way down!go fop!!!1

3/05/2010 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey 11:50am,you are a real dumb fuck,i hope your not the police,learn how to put a sentence together.

3/05/2010 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who can tell me what good came out of the LAST round of meetings that took place? Anyone? What changed? So far, we have had good bosses dumped, bad bosses promoted, no promotional exams offered, equipment has deteriorated to a criminally negligent level, morale is the worst I have ever seen it, Bill Cozzi is still in prison, we are so short handed that damn near everyone rides around 99 these days and people are taking time for those piece of shit cameras not working.
Well, since the last meetings accomplished so much I'll be sure to take a day off to attend one of these new ones. GFY Jody.

3/05/2010 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still want to know why all promotions were hispanic. WTF, mix it up dummy. You (Jfed and shortshanks) are screwin morale lower and lower, just when it seems we cant go lower you mushes do something to make it worse!! How bout some working PDTs on the Northside? How bout better vehicles, naw your salaries take up too much! Both of you are grade A A$$h**es

3/05/2010 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is the deal with this psychopath "gardner" or "ralphie" that keeps getting dumped from units??? TRU, Special Functions.....welcome back to 007!

3/05/2010 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the nitwit who wants everyone to quit doing anything. I think you want everyone to lower themselves to your standards. where did you grow up, Wilmette, River Forest? You are on this job to get lost in the shuffle hoping no one notices your a piece shit and a worthless asshole. Go back to teaching parttime in the burbs.

3/05/2010 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Was flying out of Midway today going to Florida,when 3 DOA Coppers in full uniform were stopped by the TSA (Thousands standing around) idiots, they wanted the DOA police to be screened,even though they had the proper identification to walk right in! The tsa grabbed a DOA copper thought the DOA copper was going to kick his ass! Hey TSA jags you never ever touch a copper with your bullshit "federal badges" your nothing but a bunch of gang banging clouted punks!

Guess Maurer was right talking about lack of security, what if something was going on and the coppers were on a call and TSA stops them WTF! The tsa is run by head honcho derrick starks who got a big tsa promotion (You know starks brother of "The playa" dana), and now Jerry Lewis Robinson is another big honcho! No wonder TSA is so fucked up another 2 idiots getting a big CPD pension and another big salary from TSA and another pension great! Hey SCC How about a thread on what we see as coppers when we fly through our "safe" airports? Do the spirits of SCC want to know? Are there any reporters not in daleys pocket, stuffing it?!

3/05/2010 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it went pretty good meeting. If you had any quesitons you could ask them. Seems like there be a lot of new changes coming. They talked about streamlining CR#'s process. Also don't lie because now cell phone cameras, video taping and security tapes will catch you on tape so don't lie. He said that 007th District is going to get 44 new tahoes. It seemed like 007th District is not a happy place to work. They talked about the moral of the department. Jody pretty much said that he is giving us the best equipnment the dept can get, and also with training. Some disgrutled guys from 007th District. There was not too many people maybe 30 if that. Also the city is getting us 300 new tahoes so it sounded like the dept is going to get rid of the crown vics but thats what I gathered. Also he said that he was going to stay here as long as Daley allowed him to. It seemed like it was a step in the right direction. Didn't seem to be negative. I thought it was more postive then negative. I mean it seemed like he wanted to make a transition the dept into the 21st century. Jody also stated that he wants more District Commanders and watch commanders to do more of the disciple procedures. Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

Looks like J-Fed's minions are posing on the SSC blog again. Why don't you do us all a favor and stay on the 501 Blog, where you belong. Were not buying that load of crap here.

3/05/2010 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing will change in this city-police dept until we get a new mayor/new leadership. Otherwise, status quo.

3/05/2010 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why the fuck do you people care about merit promotions?????


City hall promotes by ethnic background. Next the greeks then the blacks, etc. etc. etc.

3/05/2010 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember about the po's in 025 that found mic's in the new tahoes. Use your head boys and girls.

3/05/2010 10:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM

Over all I think you work for Jody, because you are the only one that thinks he is going in the right direction.

3/05/2010 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I thought it went pretty good meeting. If you had any quesitons you could ask them. Seems like there be a lot of new changes coming. They talked about streamlining CR#'s process. Also don't lie because now cell phone cameras, video taping and security tapes will catch you on tape so don't lie.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM

Will he hold his own exempt staff to the same ethical standards? That lying will not be tolerated? False resumes, domestic violence, sexual harassment and entering secured areas of an airport? We all make mistakes but lying should not be tolerated for any member of this department. A double standard.

3/05/2010 05:40:00 PM

YOU SHOULD WIN POSTER OF THE DAY! That is so freakin true. Command can't tell the po's that and then turn around and ignore it on their end with the exempts that F-up! At LEASt two Commanders, a Chief, a DC and annother high ranking officer all LIED and NOTHING WAS DONE TO THEM. The first poster has drank the koolaid. The second poster deserves a medal for telling the TRUTH.

3/05/2010 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The deadline for Commander applications was extended...but Jody promotes two Latino Political Hack Lieutenants...did they submit applications? Why not wait until the deadline to make your decision? Why extend the deadline for applications, shit, why even accept applications, if you were going to promote POLITICAL HACKS OF HISPANIC ETHNICITY merely to appease aldercreatures and community activists?

3/05/2010 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"To the nitwit who wants everyone to quit doing anything. I think you want everyone to lower themselves to your standards. where did you grow up, Wilmette, River Forest? You are on this job to get lost in the shuffle hoping no one notices your a piece shit and a worthless asshole. Go back to teaching parttime in the burbs.

3/05/2010 08:41:00 PM"


3/06/2010 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM

Are you J-Fed or Masters? I think you ought to lay off the Kool-Aid or get out some and get some oxygen.

"Streamline the CR process??Think that is a good thing??? Think again. a "streamlined process" (proposed by bottom-feeding lawyers that live off of suing the City and Department and destroying reputations), just got your head handed to them on a silver platter. The allegations will be easier to prove. In fact they won't even have to be proved. 2 or 3 beefs of the same type means a "Pattern of Conduct". You must be guilty or why are we seeing these allegations again and again?

A lot more sustained CR#'s, more suspensions, including 30-pendings are coming.

The low sustain rate on CR#s is a political problem for the city. Too bad they don't have the balls to tell the city "Most police are good. There are a few bad apples. And a lot of the complaints are total BULLSHIT."

3/06/2010 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corky Calhoun the only real supervisor in 007??? Are you frigging kidding??? He is one of the worst in the department. You must work 2nd watch. But I will give you he is better than bubblehead. BF is the only decent one we have.

3/06/2010 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noooooooo Not more Tahoe's! Didn't anyone give the message to J-Fed that those things SUCK in the Snow and Rain!?

I fucking hate those things.

3/06/2010 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Overall you think the meeting went well??

Ok who left the door open? who gives a rats ass about that stupid meeting? do you really think its gonna change anything? streamlining cr#??? commanders to handle discipline??? these are not the problems facing the department you fucking wingnut!

How about LOW MORALE. Due to: NO CONTRACT. Or Bad equipment. Or boot licking supervisors. Or non working P.O's who got nice spots because they sport pink tacos and warm the beds of certain exempts. Or because they are hanky droppers who bleach their chocolate spiders and have never worked the streets! Or... a hard working P O can't get into a unit because he ain't got no phone call, chinaman, pink taco or bleached spider!
Or I gotta live in the most expensive city in America with no pay raise in sight!
MY personal favorite!!! getting an earful from the W/C because of lack of activity. i.e MOVERS and PARKERS. Nevermind the 17 arrest in 20 working days.

These are the things that should be addressed. We P.O's don't care how fucking tedious CR investigations are... we don't do them!!!

Give me a raise, remove the residency requirement, buy some fucking squad cars with functionality -not 2 WD Tahoes. And while you're at it if you're listening J-FED... M-4 carbines was the stupidest idea ever!
Can't wait until some 5 year wonder who can pass a power test, shoots and over penetrates the intended target and hits innocent bystander.


3/06/2010 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was planning in going but it was laundry day.

3/06/2010 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

j-fed looks like rain man on steroids--- the hispanics are tired of his shit and want him out--- the patrol division can't stand him--- daley realized right away that he had loose lips and sent masterblaster to spoon feed him--- the circus will be coming to town again and they are always looking for a few clowns.......

3/06/2010 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody certainly did bring all if his Fed integrity to the corrupt Chicago Police Department. This is the worst case of pandering I have ever seen. How does he look at himself in the mirror.

3/05/2010 06:30:00 PM

Easy. He looks in the mirror and says, "I'm the FBI, I'm overpaid, I kiss the right ass, and, damn it, people like me!"

3/06/2010 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
(OT) Was flying out of Midway today going to Florida,when 3 DOA Coppers in full uniform were stopped by the TSA (Thousands standing around) idiots, they wanted the DOA police to be screened,even though they had the proper identification to walk right in! The tsa grabbed a DOA copper thought the DOA copper was going to kick his ass! Hey TSA jags you never ever touch a copper with your bullshit "federal badges" your nothing but a bunch of gang banging clouted punks!

Guess Maurer was right talking about lack of security, what if something was going on and the coppers were on a call and TSA stops them WTF! The tsa is run by head honcho derrick starks who got a big tsa promotion (You know starks brother of "The playa" dana), and now Jerry Lewis Robinson is another big honcho! No wonder TSA is so fucked up another 2 idiots getting a big CPD pension and another big salary from TSA and another pension great! Hey SCC How about a thread on what we see as coppers when we fly through our "safe" airports? Do the spirits of SCC want to know? Are there any reporters not in daleys pocket, stuffing it?!

3/05/2010 08:59:00 PM

Many of The TSA's look like fuckn gang members. Once I was going on a vacation with my now wife and had to smuggle the engagrment ring on vacation without letting her know. To make sure I stood back and looked at the fools doing the screenings and picked out the perfect line to go through. I saw a female TSA screener laughing the hole time, talking to another TSA while they both were eating and not paying attention to the x-ray screen. That was the line I chose and went right through no problems and the wife had a great suprise on the beach the next day. I'm sure a terrorist would have no problem in the same line. SCARY!!!

3/06/2010 03:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody also stated that he wants more District Commanders and watch commanders to do more of the disciple procedures. Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

Gangster or Satan?

3/06/2010 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also don't lie because now cell phone cameras, video taping and security tapes will catch you on tape so don't lie.
Straight from the biggest liar of them all. Maybe he should quit lying and set an example?????
Dumb fuck.

3/06/2010 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many of The TSA's look like fuckn gang members. Once I was going on a vacation with my now wife and had to smuggle the engagrment ring on vacation without letting her know. To make sure I stood back and looked at the fools doing the screenings and picked out the perfect line to go through. I saw a female TSA screener laughing the hole time, talking to another TSA while they both were eating and not paying attention to the x-ray screen. That was the line I chose and went right through no problems and the wife had a great suprise on the beach the next day. I'm sure a terrorist would have no problem in the same line. SCARY!!!

So what were you able to sneak past the TSA people?

3/06/2010 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was the line I chose and went right through no problems and the wife had a great suprise on the beach the next day. I'm sure a terrorist would have no problem in the same line. SCARY!!!

3/06/2010 03:27:00 AM

If I am reading this right...
You were abe to SMUGGLE a competely legal and totally safe engagement RING through security......and nobody stopped you?!!!!!!!

No more airplanes for me. It's just too dangerous.

3/06/2010 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some stupid ass said..."To the nitwit who wants everyone to quit doing anything. I think you want everyone to lower themselves to your standards. blah blah blah."

Contract or no contract , this was never about money. J-Stooge and all the shit he dragged in must go now , THEN we can begin to repair,.........oh and you are a jagoff suck hole.

3/06/2010 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
step in the right direction. Didn't seem to be negative. I thought it was more postive then negative. I mean it seemed like he wanted to make a transition the dept into the 21st century. Jody also stated that he wants more District Commanders and watch commanders to do more of the disciple procedures. Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM

Imagine a commander such as Linda Flores making decisions on discipline? What will be the appeal process? Who will discipline exempt members? What a double standard. The meeting went well because most officers know what will happen if you ask negative questions or complain about anything. Meetings at a time when most officers are not available. Try offering a meeting at 7PM in a convenient location and maybe more will attend.

3/06/2010 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what great desk job do you have? BTW, what are disciple procedures? Are those the steps one takes to become an Apostle?

3/05/2010 06:33:00 PM

Well, it IS Lent...........

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....THAT'S WAS GREAT! The best laugh I've had in a while, thanks. You and the chocolate spider hanky dropper guy. Thanks again!


3/06/2010 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC How about a thread on what we see as coppers when we fly through our "safe" airports? Do the spirits of SCC want to know? Are there any reporters not in daleys pocket, stuffing it?!

3/05/2010 08:59:00 PM

Here's your first installment:
Supply trucks, fueling service vehicles, police, fire and aviation vehicles, the commanding officer's car (always bringing shit in the back door), contruction trucks, are just a sampling of vehicles that are not (adequately)searched when they enter the airport's service drive via 55th and 63rd Street gates.

The TSA puts on a good show up front where the flying public is led to believe they are safe. But in reality, these poorly monitored vehicles and airport personnel who enter the baggage area through the lower level are potential threats when all is considered.

3/06/2010 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a female TSA screener laughing the hole time, talking to another TSA while they both were eating and not paying attention to the x-ray screen. That was the line I chose and went right through no problems. I'm sure a terrorist would have no problem in the same line. SCARY!!!

3/06/2010 03:27:00 AM

I sense the next attacks will not be caused by a breach of the inpection/screening lines but from the rear/internal, i.e. airport personnel who are paid well or forced to, aid/facilitate a terrorist act.

3/06/2010 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I thought it went pretty good meeting. If you had any quesitons you could ask them. Seems like there be a lot of new changes coming. They talked about streamlining CR#'s process. Also don't lie because now cell phone cameras, video taping and security tapes will catch you on tape so don't lie. He said that 007th District is going to get 44 new tahoes. It seemed like 007th District is not a happy place to work. They talked about the moral of the department. Jody pretty much said that he is giving us the best equipnment the dept can get, and also with training. Some disgrutled guys from 007th District. There was not too many people maybe 30 if that. Also the city is getting us 300 new tahoes so it sounded like the dept is going to get rid of the crown vics but thats what I gathered. Also he said that he was going to stay here as long as Daley allowed him to. It seemed like it was a step in the right direction. Didn't seem to be negative. I thought it was more postive then negative. I mean it seemed like he wanted to make a transition the dept into the 21st century. Jody also stated that he wants more District Commanders and watch commanders to do more of the disciple procedures. Over all I thought that the meeting went well.

3/05/2010 11:50:00 AM

Should this be filed under "sarcasm" or "silliness"?

3/06/2010 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Also the city is getting us 300 new tahoes so it sounded like the dept is going to get rid of the crown vics but thats what I gathered."
Anything but those useless Impalas.
Another throw away Chevy shit box.
Chevy should have given up on Police cars when they sunk the Caprice. Not enough space in the Charger, you may as well write that one off too. Does anyone else think its time for the City to look at the Ford SUV ?

3/06/2010 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous retired guy said...

I came on the job in 1968 and had a long career, 35 years, before retirement. The job always gave us poor pay, political promotions/transfers, crappy stations, crappy cars, little support and all of the things that cops complain about on this blog. However, the last 7-8 years has seen the department slide to new lows and now, the lowest anyone has seen the Chicago Police Department in memory. I was often envious of what New York and Los Angeles did for their officers in promotions, equipment and pay. It seems that it will never be like that here. The only thing chicago takes from NY and LA are their policing ideas, not their ideas for taking care of their employees. Daley has made a political mess of this department,so much so, I am embarassed to tell anyone I am a retired chicago cop.

3/06/2010 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could anyone respect a Leader that does not answer your personal letter, won't see people in person, won't return a phone call and passes the problem to one of his underlings. Maybe the Feds do it that way, but Leadership 101 is the class he slept through. He has the personality and leadership ability of a dish rag. Pathetic thing about it, many good hard working officers have to suffer because of the politics involved. Be safe out there.

3/06/2010 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maurer and Lopez are in a unique situation that can shed light on this city's very crooked ways. Let us see if they can put something together. If there was any doubt about critically low morale before, just watch this summer's circus comming to a district near you.

Unique situation to help who? Us? Give me a break. Get real!Meritorius clouted officers cry the most when things don't go their way. Wah! wah! wah! Unique situation to help themselves is more like it. You act as though these guys are General Patton and/or some type of leader I'm supposed to look up to.

Fuck them and Fuck the tit(city) that fed them their whole careers.

3/06/2010 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contract actually says up to...if he had any intent on being legit he would reduce the nummber next time he promotes. Yeah right

3/06/2010 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also he said that he was going to stay here as long as Daley allowed him to.


let the 'NO CONFIDENCE' vote at FOP be reflected in the attendance.


3/06/2010 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seiser please help us !

3/06/2010 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And while you're at it if you're listening J-FED... M-4 carbines was the stupidest idea ever!
Can't wait until some 5 year wonder who can pass a power test, shoots and over penetrates the intended target and hits innocent bystander.

The light and fast .223 cal round actually has less penetration than some pistol rounds. If the City picks the right ammo ,and Im sure they did because Shorty doesnt want liability....This wont happen. Look up the Hornady 55 grain "TAP" ammo.( Tactical Application, Police). See how stupid you think it is the next time some wack job ups a rifle on a traffic stop and the car does not have one. Everyone will hear the rapid popping in the backround while you scream for help over the zone. The only thing J FED got wrong was the power test. And, god forbid a Cop has to use one to save his ass fom the above scenario, 35st. will take credit but at least the copper will go home instead of the morgue.
RIP Sergeant Haymaker and FREE COZZI !

3/06/2010 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And while you're at it if you're listening J-FED... M-4 carbines was the stupidest idea ever!
Can't wait until some 5 year wonder who can pass a power test, shoots and over penetrates the intended target and hits innocent bystander.
Any doubts about the need for Police long guns in this day and age...Google up the Deputy Kyle Dinkeller shooting video that comes up on
And then see if you can sleep without nightmares. The offender was executed by the State of Georgia for this. Many have already seen this video in training

3/06/2010 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the idiot talking about JR at Midway. Come talk to me(RR)at Homan. I school you a little bit about him. Don't be scared!! come anyday and ask for me RR. I will even come when I am off coward

3/06/2010 08:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 18 Po 's showed up!

3/07/2010 01:47:00 AM  
Blogger LATHROP ONE said...

Civilian have no business telling the police how to do there job unless they walked a mile in our shoes and dealt with these animals who call themselves human.

3/05/2010 12:26:00 PM

There are a few exceptions to that......

3/07/2010 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RR your a tough guy- I'm scared and don't even know ya!

3/07/2010 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To "retired guy" (3/06/ 9:11:00 AM)

You shouldn't be embarassed to tell anyone you are a retired chicago cop.
You protected this city during difficult and turbulent times. Thank you for your service. Hope you have a long and happy retirement.

3/07/2010 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Hot Pursuit said...

Now this is only a rumor.. but the grapevine is saying that Shortshanks is really nervous bout the arbitration and he didn't even consider the retro pay... so he has put Grant Park on the For Sale list... with a deal accepted my his Assholiness, the Taliban has purchased the park and will begin contruction of an 160,000 sf Mosque.
Yobama is going to take credit for all the jobs that will be created... so everything is good!Just a rumor...

3/07/2010 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who from Banjo Boy's staff was there?

3/07/2010 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey RR. I work @ Homand, too. keep wolfing. I'll be the one that hits you upside your head. (by the way; how did JR get to the airport)

3/07/2010 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Now this is only a rumor.. but the grapevine is saying that Shortshanks is really nervous bout the arbitration and he didn't even consider the retro pay... so he has put Grant Park on the For Sale list... with a deal accepted my his Assholiness, the Taliban has purchased the park and will begin contruction of an 160,000 sf Mosque.
Yobama is going to take credit for all the jobs that will be created... so everything is good!Just a rumor...

3/07/2010 09:29:00 AM"

so, does this mean that 'Lollapalooza' will now become 'Allahpalooza'?

3/07/2010 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not a bad idea to attend if you want a face to face and get Q&A.......

Just an observation.

3/08/2010 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's not a bad idea to attend if you want a face to face and get Q&A.......

Just an observation.

3/08/2010 09:07:00 PM

Are you saying you would rather be lied to in person? Don't be a fool, nothing but bullshit comes out of weis's mouth. Why take my own time to go to another weis dog and pony show? I might as well go listen to an alderman give a speech.

I would be better off taking a nap on my couch than listening to anything weis might say.

Just a realistic observation.

3/10/2010 06:29:00 AM  

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