The Future of J-Fled
With the violent summer season just behind him, Police Superintendent Jody Weis now faces a new challenge — a campaign season in which his tenure will be hotly debated among a long list of politicians who want to be Chicago's next mayor.
Already one alderman called for his head just a day after Mayor Richard Daley's decision not to seek re-election. Weis, hired by Daley almost three years ago, has a job until his contract expires March 1.
Weis noted that crime has been down for 20 consecutive months despite a loss of 900 officers. He said the issues of most concern to the rank-and-file had been addressed, citing a new work schedule for officers and equipping them with Tasers to reduce physical assaults. He also lauded a new system that tracks officer performance.
"More importantly, there have been no significant scandals in the police department since I arrived in February 2008, which is why I was brought here," he said.
And is this about the worst picture you've ever seen of J-Fled or what?

Wow. Will we be glad to see the end of that noggin or what? As Pee Wee Herman said, "I've seen better heads on boils!"
Labels: city politics, department issues
I love gold, I love brown..... or whatever it was. Hysterical. That's why I read this. More, more please.
Dart will keep Masters (3M) as Chief of Staff of the City of Chicago if Dart is elected.
At the end of the day, Dart is an old school Machine player..........still loyal to Daley and Jeremiah Joyce/Tom Hynes.
Which also means that Wedster will rise from the 019th Ward ashes once again. Will she now kiss Dart's ass.
Guess who will be singing at Dart's inauguartion party?
Everything will be straight as an arrow with Dart! same!
This picture of Weis reminds me of Jim Carrey playing Fire Marshall Bill.
Don't be too hard on J-Fled, it's not his fault he's hideous.
He's just a product of inbreeding!
If we DNA tested Weis, we'd find he had an extra chromosome of two...
...has anyone else thought Weis looked like Lord Farquaad from Shrek?
Google Image: "Lord Farquaad in bed" Take a look, compare:
Lord J-quaad!? J Fled-quaad!?
That's a picture Daley took during his job interview. He was willing to go ALL THE WAY! DALEY KNEW HE WAS HIS MAN FOR THE JOB
Of his crime stats:
you can't make dead bodies go away
AND you can't make cars reappear.
The two crimes that don't have a downward trend (homicides and stolen cars). All other crimes require a police officer to record the event and the backlogs just force people to walk away from crime without talking to the police.
When will JFed and the FBI solve the murders of the three UNSOLVED Chicago Police Officers?
The CPD has covered up ENOUGH!
When will JFed and the FBI finish the SOS cases?
When will Jerome Finnigan's trial begin?
Where is USA Patrick Fitzgerald on the above questions?
How much does it take to buy a Federal Agent nowadays???
PS.......... I think he should have a 7 1/4 hat size on instead of an eight, no matter how many rhoids and botox you do, you still have a small head (heads). His mouth looks like he is saying SHIT lets get the hell out of here, GOTTA GO!!!!!!!
OH... And after that he is screaming for Masters Masters Masters... It is fabulous being retired we get to say whatever is true!!!!!
JFLED, you are done..... NO ONE RESPECTS you, get the hell out of our uniform! You didn't earn it, you don't deserve it, and can't carry it on your back without the HONOR that comes with it! You asshat have no business wearing the blue!
no significant scandals--- ever hear of the aunt bea drug house, how about the star stricken boss at the airport, the 15 year old traffic cop, henny penny and her jocker problems,
More importantly, there have been no significant scandals in the police department since I arrived in February 2008, which is why I was brought here," he said.
WOW! That fucking nice.
How about $310 a year for TWO jobs, Supt. and WHAT ELSE???
You promoted some of the most scared, frightened, useless hacks the Dept has ever seen.
The majority of the officers involved in those "Scandals" have had the charges dropped.
CCSD thanks you; TWO Divisions at 26th St have been closed because of the lack of arrests, so some of them like you for making their job easier.
Face it, no one here likes you. No one here respects you.
Hint: "here" does not mean just SCC, I'm talking about the Department and the City.
Do yourself a favor: Go to 35th St at 0800, hang out in your office, check e-mail, surf the “net” check your stocks, go hit the gym, lunch for an hour, go back to the office, flex in the mirror, nap, go home at 1630, play with your cats, hang out with the wife.
Keep your decisions and discussions to a minimum, get a calendar where you can mark off the days till 01 MAR 11, take your $930,000 you got from Daley, AND LEAVE! JUST FUCKING LEAVE! Don’t look back, don’t say "adios", nothing, just go.
He looks like Popeye.
If Popeye had just been sodomized by a bull at Pamplona and gored by another.
That's a custom job if ever. I could hold a ton of gold bricks in there. Speaking of major scandals how about the shit happening in City Hall you fucking conduit to the Mayor. I still believe you were assigned to handle him and keep him out of harms way.
One shot and hanging on to life tonight...higher ups quickly changed the 143A to a 033A...crime is down!!!
One would have to say,judging from J-Fled's performance here, that his future in law enforcement is probably shot all to hell by now....
Scandals? Was he referring to that fat off duty punk trying to hit the polish bartender? Nice try but that was no scandal. Oh, you must mean that SOS caper. That one where 90% of the people had their lives and careers put into limbo because of a completely inept criminal investigation that was only matched by an idiotic attempt at prosecution by a useless, politicking, ASA Robert Milan. What was that net? A few misdemeanors, two guys in limbo, and about a dozen back to work and/or promoted. Let us not forget the Jefferson Tap scrape where IPRA and your own detectives told you there was no case. Again brought by ASA Milan and again an NG.
You were brought here by a weak kneed politician who makes his decisions by the 10 O'Clock news. The only thing that would make me happier in the twilight of my career is your exit, a successful lawsuit brought by Cozzi and the policemen maliciously prosecuted, and Robert Milan's law license stuck to the inside of the urinal at Duggans.
Bring in retired chief William Bratton, formerly of LAPD!
Jody Boy is a manly man who does manly things in manly ways. The big pussy!
i like DSLC picture of J-FLED :)
its much more lifelike.
No significant scandals?
How about the second in command having guns and dope in her condo? Wiped away.
How about a Commander involved in some kind of fiasco at the airport, then giving multiple Rule 14 violations?
Wiped away.
A Commander who threatened her lover and his child on tape and was charged for it?
Wiped away.
A Commander who lied to the FBI?
Wiped away.
A civilian Chief of Staff who carried a gun and effected arrests on New Years Eve, then lied about it and had every in the "policy" group lie about it too which resulted in mass dumpings from IAD to protect the truth.
And finally, Ernie Brown.
Enough said.
Perhaps there has been no scandal because Weis and company know how to wipe things away?
The nightmare scenario would be a Rahm/Weis alliance. Please take 15 minutes to register to vote, every vote will count in this election. Rahm plays REALLY DIRTY and once he got in, would be impossible to unseat. He'd make Daley look like a prince.
I think J-Fled is here probably until after May, getting an extension on the contract or hey working without a contract (how will that feel). I don't think the Mayor wants to bolster any potential candidates by doing a pick while he's a lame duck. The safe play is do nothing and let the next Mayor pick a Supt. after swearing in. So for sure J-Fled has a brick on him, a very heavy not made of Gold brick. A lame duck working for a lame duck. Let's see how fast they start jumping ship.
That is one scary picture!! Halloween is right around the corner .... anyone know where I can get a J-Fled mask??
Who gave the Banjo Kid from deliverance a CPD brass hat?
"More importantly, there have been no significant scandals in the police department since I arrived in February 2008, which is why I was brought here," he said.
Depends on how you define a scandal--I guess scandals which are swept under the rug, just plain ignored, or killed early on don't count.
Possibly the biggest scandal was the arrival of J-Fed himself.
(Great picture, though.)
This new shift system SUCKS!!
If you work midnights, you start too early so you have no evening life with your family. You get off to early and that's bad for court or for getting the family going.
I have enough senority to work anywhere at anytime, but midnights has been my choice for years. This system need to be adjusted, everyone turned back an hour and to shorten the midnight tour a half hour.
Jody, you Lame Duck, try not to do any more damage on you way our. We will have enough to repair when you are gone.
IF you want to see what Chicago is turning into go to the following site.
o'v (r)
looks like he got a hold of a bad tofu burrito somewhere--- those cramps are a mother.... code brown, gotta run.....
His hat is too small for his big head.
Jody's hands were tied cause his
strings were pulled by Mayor Daley
and had to dance to Daley's music.
His deployment of personnel to
efectively control the gang and drug element is hampered by the
west and southside reverends who,
when the Police Officers do their
jobs and arrest or shoot one of
the gangbangers or dope dealers,
run crying to the mayor and he in
turn wanting to placate them, tells
Weis to back-off and he comes up
with some B.S. policy, his officers
are hampered in their crime fighting duties and the bangers are
business as usual, killing innocents, and shooting at the Police, trying to kill them.
And the reverends slink away back
to their Benz, Lexus, or some other
expensive vehicle, and drive back
to their church, be it storefront
or otherwise, go inside, lock the
doors and count their cash and
devise ways to separate more money
from their flock and deliver them
to Mayor Daley at election Time.
Meanwhile, the belaguered Police
Officers on the street are catching
hell on all fronts, Headquarters and the brass, the FOP, and the
ordinary citizens on the street.
Chicago Policing is a thankless job. Jody it is said, " how can you
lead where you don't go, and how
can you teach what you don't know "
Okay guys and gals. We've all done our bitching and moaning about the power structure.
One wish has come true. The second, even hanging on by his bitten fingernails will, by March.
If you want to show the people of our fair city what the CPD is about, WORK. After the duds are gone, and before the next crew gives us something to complain about.
Tickets, for revenue. Movers and parkers. Probable cause arrests, improve the clearance rate, if that is possible and show PRIDE in your uniform.
"The Future of J-Fled".
Simple. Replace that scrambled egg police hat with a dirty, greasy baseball cap and send him packing to the South.
His inbred-looking ass will have no problem sliding right into a job breaking down Tilt-A-Whirls for some carnival company.
And I strongly doubt there'd be any kind of "morale" problem traveling with a bunch a slack-jawed, incisor-challenged Hill Jacks that would cause him to say he'd leave if he was determined to be the cause of said morale problem.
OK, after looking at that picture, I guess I am pissed off that he wears our uniform. No one likes a rat. No one wants a rat in our uniform.
Bring in the Chief of the Newark NJ PD!
C'mon people, Possum-Puss has a future when he leaves Chicago. Considering the size of his melon, someone can shove a helium bottle up his ass, tie lead lines to his wrists and ankles and he can lead the Macy's Christmas Parade as the leading balloon.
How much does it take to buy a Federal Agent nowadays???
9/09/2010 02:13:00 AM
Apparently, a 3 yr contract for $310 K per yr will do it.
Anonymous said...
no significant scandals--- ever hear of the aunt bea drug house, how about the star stricken boss at the airport, the 15 year old traffic cop, henny penny and her jocker problems,
9/09/2010 02:21:00 AM
ernie browns lies on resume'
commander at airport with gun
carouthers (enough said)
If you're looking for a replacement, try Milwaukee Chief Ed Flynn.
No scandals ????
What ???
in reverse order first and still unresolved.
Giant 1st Ammendment violation of Lt. A.
Still unresolved
praying squad cars...documented
just within past month
golden anus
The sharks are beginning to circle!!!!!! Buh bye, jackass. Dont let the door hit u in the ass on the way out......oh, fuck it....i hope it does hit u!!!!!
Which also means that Wedster will rise from the 019th Ward ashes once again. Will she now kiss Dart's ass.
Guess who will be singing at Dart's inauguartion party?
Everything will be straight as an arrow with Dart! same!
9/09/2010 01:16:00
hey bustout, get a life capt wedster has taken her lumps and is on mids in 006. after she took her lumps, she returned to work in 003 at the time with no grudge toward anyone. she actually was well liked in 003!
jfled doesn't look good
he should quit
to much stress
The phrase "Dick with ears" comes to mind.
BTW get OUR uniform off, wannabe!
He resembles a certain bailiff that works at 51st and Wentworth.
Go ahead, make my day...
He looks like Popeye.
If Popeye had just been sodomized by a bull at Pamplona and gored by another.
9/09/2010 02:49:00 AM
ROTFLMAO! and a great visual!!
Somewhat off topic, I wish someone in the know would take the time to enlighten us about Daley's retirement and any any connection with impending criminal actions against certain aldermen and exempts, and the wholesale command changes that was in motion even before Daley made his announcement. Thanks.By the way, I'm still elated about Daley leaving.
It is earned not given you fake!
'hey bustout, get a life capt wedster has taken her lumps and is on mids in 006. after she took her lumps, she returned to work in 003 at the time with no grudge toward anyone. she actually was well liked in 003!'
and WHY would she hold a grudge against ANYONE?
Ruth caused the meltdown of her career by her own hand! Arrogance can have a bitter taste when it's shoved down the owner's throat. Rugai might have gotten her to the door but she couldn't keep Ruthie at the party for too long before she turned into a pumpkin of her own design.
How about these photos of J-Fled?
How about not. Dont bring in another outsider. another idiot to reap pension and city benifits hire a chicago cop who was'nt handed a gold brick/star. I.E the police.
Mike Ditka for Mayor. Elect someone into office with some real BALLS!!
this photo reminds me of the Good, Bad & Ugly. well two out of three aint bad.
E.T. phone home!
hey bustout, get a life capt wedster has taken her lumps and is on mids in 006. after she took her lumps, she returned to work in 003 at the time with no grudge toward anyone. she actually was well liked in 003!
9/09/2010 11:10:00 AM
Fuck you and Ruth Wedster. Without the 19th Ward she would not even be a TMA. And her lumps were a gift. She should have been fired. She is a power-hungry sick bitch. She will turn on you in a heartbeat.
HE GONE!!!!!
"Organized Crime, gambling and arson investigating units have ceased to exist...." -- SCC
...and Vice has ceased to exist to the point that it doesn't even make the "Ceased To Exist" list anymore.
That's OK. We need something to fill up all of those empty storefronts (with a new Daley tree planted in front of each one, and a phony iron Daley streetlight) -- "massage parlors" will do just fine, with a payday loan outfit on one side and a third-party cell phone activator or nail-airbrushing parlor on the other.
Whatta town.
20 percent clearance rate. No detectives class since 2007 and numerous retirees. They really care about public safety.
Oh my god he just makes me sick to look at him!!!
NinthWard said...
Somewhat off topic, I wish someone in the know would take the time to enlighten us about Daley's retirement and any any connection with impending criminal actions against certain aldermen and exempts, and the wholesale command changes that was in motion even before Daley made his announcement. Thanks.By the way, I'm still elated about Daley leaving.
9/09/2010 02:12:00 PM
Hopefully daley and his pals will be under a blanket indictment,and the 50 cowards hopefully will be included and marched to federal prison and soon! The city is bankrupt due to daleys criminal actions!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
'hey bustout, get a life capt wedster has taken her lumps and is on mids in 006. after she took her lumps, she returned to work in 003 at the time with no grudge toward anyone. she actually was well liked in 003!'
and WHY would she hold a grudge against ANYONE?
Ruth caused the meltdown of her career by her own hand! Arrogance can have a bitter taste when it's shoved down the owner's throat. Rugai might have gotten her to the door but she couldn't keep Ruthie at the party for too long before she turned into a pumpkin of her own design.
9/09/2010 03:30:00 PM
So true. It was easy for her to boss around Howard the Coward at the Academy but she got arrogant. Unfortunately the Coward is still being bossed around by Lt. MP who tells the coward what staff to dump.
Lame duck piece of shit Daley is now "defending" J-Fled as "very, very good". He's even saying that his choices are the best in all depts. and his successor should keep them. See Tribune Clout Street and TV news.
Between that and J-Fled's "gold brick" comment, I've had enough. A Wednesday 9/15 march at CPD HQ will accomplish nothing. The FOP general membership meeting is on Tuesday, Sept. 21st. Why rush before we take a consensus at that meeting.
Rally at CITY HALL at next City Council meeting for MAXIMUM IMPACT.
FOP will NOT explain their (lack of) reasoning. POSTPONE further action until after the Sept. 21st general meeting. Again, there is no rush. Don't act foolishly and prematurely. CANCEL WEDNESDAY RALLY AT HQ!!! IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.
Why won't FOP mail out "no confidence" surveys to all active CPD below rank of sergeant. The results would all but crucify J-FLED. Total postage: $2,000.
If you recall after the unanimous "NO CONFIDENCE" vote by less that 80 FOP units reps last year, J-Fled dismissed it in the media as only a small group of malcontents.
As I would say it
to 09-09-10, 2:12...
...yeah, it's coming, and it's going to be rrrrrreeeeeeaaaaalllly
...(mark this)
Like 87% of the poll, I agree with 9:07. Demonstration at City Hall. Let entire membership vote by mail on JFled and Shortshanks. The public must know.
Let's get this right.
FOP has a hidden agenda. Cancel HQ march and go to next FOP meeting on 21 Sept.
The guys on my watch are not going to 3510 Michigan B/S. WTF, FOP.
Rosemarie "Ro" Giambalvo said...
Mike Ditka for Mayor. Elect someone into office with some real BALLS!!
9/09/2010 06:21:00 PM
I love when you talk like that.
Boycott F.O.P. next Wednesday. NO SHOW at headquarters. Pack the next meeting on Sept. 21.
City Hall.
and Vice has ceased to exist to the point that it doesn't even make the "Ceased To Exist" list anymore.
That's OK. We need something to fill up all of those empty storefronts (with a new Daley tree planted in front of each one, and a phony iron Daley streetlight) -- "massage parlors" will do just fine, with a payday loan outfit on one side and a third-party cell phone activator or nail-airbrushing parlor on the other.
Whats the problem Vice? You got the impressive Lt o.v. there to straighten things out. You can keep him, nobody wants that prick.
March on City Hall. HQ is stupid.
Can't you take a strong hint, Weis.
The more desperate j-fled gets... The more you'll see him in our vestments made holy by the blood sacrifice of much better men and women than he is.
Get it right you media hacks!
This is the only way this sub-humanoid can achieve and maintain arousal. By blatantly disrespecting that legacy of sacrifice in blood, sweat and tears that he paid not a drop of to wear the blue suit & Silitoe Tartan.
THIS is what burns The Police up about this gully running, coward-assed hill-jack. (thanx for reminding us of that one, WSISDN! The next 4 wing dinner is on us, lol!)
He's a hero when it comes to being a Police Punisher... He's a bitch when it comes to dealing with gang-banging, dope dealing shit heads and the epidemic crime & disorder they've wrought.
"I gave the coppers new guns and tahoes and they still complain."
J-fled, do yourself a favor and stop with this bullshit! Coppers aren't as stupid or easily co-opted as you feebs fervently wished they were.
If you want to see how JWeis got that look check out this clip from the movie Top Secret.
About 6:40 shows the predictive group at work undercover. JFLEDster being the rear in this clip.
Popeye! I knew he looked he looked familiar! hahahahaha
E.T. phone home.
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