Rehashing an old post, but remember when someone posted this on J-Fled's blog (no, we still won't link to it)?:
- Still trying to figure out what Chief Brown did that was sooooo great in the detective division as a lt to get him repromoted several ranks to chief.
Posted on June 09, 2010 at 04:03 PM CDT
- Superintendent's Response
Chief Brown is creative, refuses to accept the status quo, looks to improve efficiencies, pushes his personnel to new heights, demonstrates both courage and conviction, and is loyal to the department. In simple terms, he is a leader. We would be well served with many more like him. JW
Posted on June 17, 2010 at 08:30 PM CDT
Labels: department issues
I was the guy who wrote that on the imitation blog, which is now dead. That was the only version that got posted.
What did Downtown do that was soooo great to get him promoted several ranks after being demoted several ranks? Area One's RBT numbers aren't great. The commander is still there after how many years? What did he do? The guy doesn't even have good enough credit to buy a cell phone or a car! Too many baby mama's need his money.
Oh yeah, he hangs with "gator".
How does jody justify demoting Downtown and then promoting him?
Downtown: lied on his resume, did not improve Area One RBT stat's, owes money to too many baby mamas, doesn't have a pot to piss in, associates with known felons (oh wait, the Chief of Organized Crime doesn't know who gator is).
Yeah, sounds like exempt material to me and well deserving of a promotion. Watch out JJ your job is next.
Does he have a recent sexual harassment beef against him?
As recent as a month or two before making Chief?
If so, how did he still get promoted to Chief?
And if true, how did Jody Weis write these glowing remarks about him if this complaint was just filed. Sounds like a lot more lies by our Supt!
Yeah J-Fled there are 100's like that, but most won't have a photo op. with a violent criminal gang leader.
I wonder if this endorsement by J-Fled will in any way be introduced in court proceedings when D.T.E.B. is fighting his federal indictment?
Since Jody-Boy probably can't wait to blow town after his stint as Supernintendo, I hope he winds up back in Chi-Town on a regular basis as part of multiple corruption proceedings against assorted Brassholes.
It'd be nice to tell him to "Fuck Off" to his face without fear of repercussions of Cozzi-like proportions.
Loyal to the department. Leader. Creative.
Why not create another new exempt dubbed CAAGS Director Gator - Community Activists Against Gangs Strategy.
And give him a gun and a badge while your at it. He and Ernie will clean up the city one block at a time.
Superintendent, please ask IAD confidential investigations about the investigation they had going on Ernie Brown. That way you will stop making such of fool of yourself by saying such things. Instead of surrounding yourself with yes men and women (policy group)pull someone from the trenches (somone with more than 5 years, KB)and have them enlighten you.
If what j-fled stares is true that a womanizing,liar who can't even get a job in a small Arizona town we are then officially done! Are you kidding us? first ernest is demoted all the way,then gets re-promoted to a top spot hmm something really stinks in shitcago and it is not the river! "Respect is earned not granted" no wonder we are not respected in the communities it starts at the top!
why did JFLED dump ernie from ADS to LT
Ernie had 5-7 sustained EEOC CRs ( sexual harrasment) as commander of 003? his first stint as exempt. He was dating one of the Alderwomen at that time. there was also an allegation that he forced himself on a woman. But I heard tell that his entire disciplinary history disappeared while Tina was running IAD. His Facebook page looks like the Players Ball..Hmmm. FOIA anyone
Wasn't EB one of the first dumps when Jody came in?
Is Bubble Head still in 007??
I'm gonna show yall how BIG ERNIE B does it...
Y'all be trippin bout my boy Gator
yall jus some playa haters
Gator no gangsta he's my brother
like them boys Ike and Tina/Tony Carothers!
Gators my brother don't be no hater
He mine personal urban translator
And don't start cryin to J fed
I already pimpslapped his big water head
I ain't worried ain't going to jail
They indicts BIG ERNIE B-I'll tell!
IM BIG ERNIE B the Deputy Supe
get in my way you'll get my boot
Sep 7, 2010 8:13 am US/Central
Burglars Hit Home Of Ald. Freddrenna Lyle
Break-In Happened During Day Monday
Burglars hit the home of Ald. Freddrenna Lyle (6th) in the 7200 block of South Rhodes Avenue.
Blog 501 has not been updated since early Aug. More than a month. Is this signs that JFed is done? Things that make you go hmmmmm.......
(OT) Are you kidding us? With all the crime in the forest preserves they are worried about women planting flowers from 15 years ago! Another reason to move from crook county,and shitcago asap!
Nothing will be done
In that recent photo he didn't look too happy, like he had a bitter taste in his mouth. Maybe he hates the taste of gator.
how about the 2 officers from GES who work straight days so they can take Brown to the gym every day?
It is very hard to respect a liar and a cheat.
He could't get a TSA position with a bad credit score unless you get the OK from derrick Starks.
Announcing a new television show for the Fall 2010 season.
E-BANG and The Gator.
It is about the antics of a Chicago odd couple simultaneously involved in crime-fighting and gang-banging, all taking place in a highly-politicized and highly-corrupt urban environment.
u want to know what happened, he was tagged with a bs cr number and the wesiel overreacted dumped. Remember in J Fled eyes u are guilty until proven innocent
Tagged with bullshit CR? My ass. Squeeze someone in iad to talk about what everyone knows they do with eb's cr numbers. Always mysteriously go away.
Creative? How about total embellishments on resumes.
What about the FBI investigation?
Why would JFife promote him with all the IAD investigations, bad credit history, resume bullshit,baby momma drama, etc. etc.???
He can't be that stupid, or is he?
Perhaps since the wizard of OZ, aka shanks, won't be around controlling the CPD behind the city hall curtain we just might see some well-deserving and knowledgable people move up the ranks and help this poor dept out of it's state of dispair.
NOTE to all decision makers: stop allowing the storefront revs dictate who gets promoted....we aren't telling them what to preach at their sermons...
Look, all I want to say is
"knock it off"
"Tagged with bullshit CR? My ass. Squeeze someone in iad to talk about what everyone knows they do with eb's cr numbers. Always mysteriously go away.
9/07/2010 10:43:00 PM"
Anonymous said...
"Tagged with bullshit CR? My ass. Squeeze someone in iad to talk about what everyone knows they do with eb's cr numbers. Always mysteriously go away.
9/07/2010 10:43:00 PM"
9/08/2010 10:58:00 AM
Until he was caught shopping with an arrestee's credit card IN UNIFORM, Officer James Chevas (clout via T. Byrne & Sgt. D.D.) Had over 40 abuse cases thrown out. Video Tape is a BITCH!!!
Y all the q's about Brown? y not ask about Peterson, Brust, O'keefe or why Dugan was the head to begin with. They're all strokes! How about Bea? Brown's the only exempt ive ever witnessed foot chase, cuff and put hands on these scum bangers. Who gives a f#$% about his personal life. he's the real police...
Brown's the only exempt ive ever witnessed foot chase, cuff and put hands on these scum bangers. Who gives a f#$% about his personal life. he's the real police...
9/09/2010 11:29:00 PM
He is a piece of shit, no matter how many foot-chases he can recount. He is morally bankrupt and hardly a good example for newbies.
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