Documented Stupidity
This past weekend, we noted that Henny Penny was allegedly using marked police vehicles (owned by the government) along with uniformed police officers (paid by the government) in some sort of psuedo-religious effort involving making them stationary targets with absolutely no regard for the participating officers' religious beliefs or lack thereof.
You can remove the "allegedly" part of that statement thanks to some 011 District contacts:
Section K, about five lines down - "Power of Prayer Special Attention."
Ladies and Gentlemen, ACLU exhibit #1. Exhibit #2 should be the OEMC tapes. Hey J-Fled? How about asking Shortshanks if you can borrow your nut-sack and putting a stop to this insanity?
You can remove the "allegedly" part of that statement thanks to some 011 District contacts:

Ladies and Gentlemen, ACLU exhibit #1. Exhibit #2 should be the OEMC tapes. Hey J-Fled? How about asking Shortshanks if you can borrow your nut-sack and putting a stop to this insanity?
Labels: department issues, dumb ideas
Holy Fucking Shit.
Cmon Yall she just tryin to keep it REALZ
so Queen of All Saint in 017 Saugnash uses lights connected to the city of Chicago street lights to light up the outside of the church at night. Your taxes at work for the clout catholic church
Wow, sucks to work 1102! Is 011 now on wheels or a Winnebago?
Sounds like a rule 14 violation.
Wait, you dumped Commander Washington for THIS FUCKING IDIOT?
J-fraud, its called "seppku", figure it out and do us the favor.
WOW! LAW SUIT!!! I say fuck it the city pays every pooke that cries and we get treated like shit.
This is a slam dunk.
And fu2k 35th its city hall when mayo is here or bust!
She should be dumped for this!
Typical boss that should not be a boss. She's a danger to the coppers and the public.
Un-fucking-believable. This woman dodges one bullet with "her man" and now tries this shit.
Will our local media even pick up on this?
Squad let me get an event # for "WALK WITH JESUS"
Hello out there/their fellow tactical warriors, and a special hello to you Engleweird Rangers!!!!
This is a glorious day for you troops in the killing fields of 011. In fact, your fellow brothers and sisters in the whole department should be happy for the great opportunity that the almighty Penny has bestowed upon you. Thanks to Penny, you should be able to make thousands, dare I say, millions!
What's that you say? You haven't contacted a lawyer yet because you're unsure if suing is the right thing to do since mostly shitheads and bottom feeders do it? Fuck that noise. It's bad enough you've got to push a squad car around, dressed in blue, and not work on a tactical team like yours truly, you got a woman in the I-clear system ordering you to stand out in the middle of one of the scummiest places on earth besides Teasers. Hopefully you guys treated yourself to some healthy Jimmy Dogs after it was all over. Last time I checked, "Protect and Serve" didn't have "Professional Target" written underneath it on the squad car doors.
Plus, that whole power of prayer thing violates your rights. It would be different if she got on the air and said something cool like, "Keep on boppin' Warriors," but she didn't. It's not your fault that the retards downtown listened to Reverend Rufus Ribs and the funky bunch and put this monster back in control of one of the hardest places to work.
Warning: As an old retired Detective/Gaylord Hunter once told me, if you sue the department you might get sent to callback. Some type of conflict of interest thing with your employer until the lawsuit is settled. Please don't let that deter you. Callback is filled with some of the most brightest, passionate, thrifty human beings you could ever hope to meet. Just don't play 3 card Monte with anybody that offers to play for money at lunch time.
Good luck blue shirt tactical warriors in training. I envy you. If I wasn't working in the ghetto of 014 (Wicker Park) I'd definitely be lining up with you for quick cash. Look at it this way, some dumb exempt just gave you a scratch and win lotto ticket that's guaranteed tall cash. You just got to pull out a 'penny' and scratch it off. And when It's all over, you can hold your head up high and shout out a Ric Flair victory, "Wooooooooooooo!!!!!!!"
Until next time warriors, take care out there/their and never underestimate the VALUE of prayer.
Dear SCC:
I'm a regular reader of this great blog, but have never felt the need to contribute...until now. Allow me to elaborate.
Yesterday (Labor Day @ approximately 1:30 p.m.), after finishing my lunch early, I had the opportunity to enjoy the weather and walk around the block before returning to work. I stopped to light up a smoke in front of the Weber Grill at Grand and State, where I observed two uniformed officers engaging the public via giving directions to various landmarks, restaurants, etc. One exchange between the officers and a citizen almost made me piss in my pants. Following is a summation of this particular conversation:
Citizen: "So? Are you two officers here as bodyguards for your boss?"
Female Officer: "Excuse me?"
Citizen: "Are you here because your boss is inside (Weber's) having lunch?"
Female Officer: "What boss are you talking about?"
Citizen: "Your Superintendent Jody Weis is inside eating and I thought you might be here as his bodyguards".
Male Officer: "Jody Weis is in there right now eating lunch?"
Citizen: "Yea, he is".
Male Officer: "Really...No kidding?"
Citizen: "Sitting right over there" (motions into restaurant)
Male Officer: (Almost instinctively and without hesitation) "With any luck, he'll choke on his fu**ing ribeye".
Citizen: "Ooooohh..., OK then. Have a nice day officers".
I laughed all the way back to my job, and I have tears in my eyes as I submit this still thinking how funny that officer was. I've heard stories from friends about the various senses of humor police officers possess, but to be able to witness it firsthand was truly a treat.
I respect what you guys and gals do on a daily basis, and please realize that you're supported more than you know or hear. Keep your heads held high and believe that levity such as I witnessed today goes a long way towards sanity.
I'll NEVER forget that officer or his words regarding your Supe. His soulful eyes that matched his blue leather vest will also be hard to forget. In addition to being "Chicago's Finest", he should win an award for being one of "Chicago's Funniest" as well. And quite the handsome fella, to boot ;-)
An appreciative citizen
I wish I could have participated in the Power of Prayer patrol. First I would call up some media vultures and let them know about what is going on. Next I would have knelt down on my assigned spot and I would have prayed out loud calling for God to stop the violence. I'm sure some concerned citizens would have joined me in prayer. It would have been a fucking great show. Maybe I would have made the news and got a promotion for stopping violence in Shitcago!
Wow. Pretty crazy stuff.
I really don't know about publishing department documents on here though. I mean the w/c log is something i've never seen and i been around for quite a while. Not really too much confidential stuff on there, but still, it is POLICE matters that really shouldn't be leaked out to the general public. Just my 2cents.
I'm a big fan scc and bringing these things to light is something that needs to be done sometimes. I'm glad i'm not faced with those dilemma's.
I can't believe that this white shirt is that dumb. Wait a minute, yes I can.
This is pathetic, this department is a joke. I am so embarrassed to be a member of this nonsense political crap, called the CPD.
Every officer that was subjected to sitting in front of some bullshit ghetto church because of this latest TrahanASS abortion needs to file a complaint with FLOP as well as consult an attorney to see what recourse is available for violating their Constitutional right of separation of church and State.
In addition to the whole religious aspect of this debacle, affected coppers need to relate how this stunt further depleted a severely undermanned watch, as well as put them at risk while they were sitting ducks with their blue lights inviting the attention of police-hating savages that would love to take shots at the police.
Henny Penny needs to go, and go NOW. "Bosses" have been launched for a lot less...even those with clout similar to Penny's. Don't let this one fizzle-out, SCC. This may be the thing to finally get her dumb ass dumped from 011. The guys there would thrown a party like no other should that come to fruition.
ut oh.
just another day in the life of a patrolman--- this crazy shit has been going on for at least 20 years--- if you haven't adjusted your behavior to mirror the ineptitude of the current command structure of this department then you get what you deserve---i.e. quit messing with pookie or you may end up in prison----
I'm a witch doctor. Can I practice my voodoo in 011? I've got needles to stick up a J-Fled doll's fat ass and I need to do it on company time for the ritual to work.
Booga, booga, booga.
Masters. Masters. Masters.
Now that is proof positive that henny penny is "phenomenally stupid"
Thought maybe it was just another rumor but no SCC it is proven fact! The management at the top, the gold star club have lost all control,the ship without a rudder is moving faster,the side is listing, we are sunk! Fled you and all your cohorts need to go and now!
so Queen of All Saint in 017 Saugnash uses lights connected to the city of Chicago street lights to light up the outside of the church at night. Your taxes at work for the clout catholic church
9/07/2010 12:17:00 AM
let it slide ... you know how much those parishioners pay in taxes?
WOW! LAW SUIT!!! I say fuck it the city pays every pooke that cries and we get treated like shit.
This is a slam dunk.
And fu2k 35th its city hall when mayo is here or bust!
9/07/2010 01:00:00 AM
NAH, I think you would have had to have some type of injury to collect any "damages."
I worked for Penny when she was a Sgt and I used to stick up for her on these boards ..
No more
squad car keys - check
radio - check
taser - check
tambourine - check
bible, King Jame Version - check
phone number, ACLU - check
ACLU of Illinois
Executive Director: Colleen K. Connell
180 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 2300
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 201-9740
Fax: 312-201-9760
Even dumber we have a placard in a General Managers office which reads Faith, Family and Friends.
Funny how the pseudo religious don't talk to employees who aren't politically connected.
Haven't heard of too many faiths that advocate shunning people.
At least the weekly shakedowns for the March of Dimes have ceased.
First the crystal ball unit, now this bullshit. Stop the madness.
Squad that's okay don't send me an assist car...Jesus is my co-pilot
Squad can I get an event# For a collection plate mission
Nothing will happen to her, praise the Lord and pass the Tambourine. Maybe we can name 011 from Harrison to the Pure Prairie League
just insane
Wow. Just, WoW.
---not a cop
here's a link to the new 011 district fight.
for you HP and all the law abiding citizens of 011..Lost forever In fillmore
Nothing will be done with this issue. Just do as your bosses tell you.
OT *** FYI At a time when the city is BROKE and drowning in debt,and manower is dangerously low, Jody Weis has been busy with his seemingly unlimited city budget, suing his own Chicago Police Board in Cook County Chancery court whenever they failed to terminate an officer and gave them suspensions instead. This Weis has sued the Police Board at least 12 times since he got here, and is himself getting sued and has been sued by many officers due to their subsequent railroading by the scared police board,(who is now firing everybody like an assembly line because they don't want to answer law suits from Weis). How can the city afford to sue itself in this economy??? He presides over the decimation of the police department by forcing retirements of top brass, railroading officers to the police board, encouraging retirements. Crime goes through the roof and then he cries that he has no manpower and there is nothing he can do about it, as coppers and kids get shot. Again he lied to the department,to the press and the citizens of chicago. This guy needs to exposed even more by the press and a federal class action suit needs to be filed on behalf of the wronged officers. March from HQ to the city hall, this is terrible.
Where is the media on this??? Oh forget it Frank Main is the media.
Doing this was dumb but actually documenting it?How fuckin stupid are these people?
Next time get the ticket books out and start writing around the church's. Every Sunday the congregation parks wherever they want so make Da Mare happy with revenue and write everyone.
You guys in Patrol just shut up and do what your told. Again, Patrol has to do this crap but when it comes to merit, step aside and let special units move to the front. I still can't believe what was done regards to merit picks.I can't believe anyone in patrol is doing work after that slap in the face. You people in patrol are being led by these special unit hacks. Penny was one of these narcotic secretary promotions.
This is pathetic, this department is a joke. I am so embarrassed to be a member of this nonsense political crap, called the CPD.
9/07/2010 02:23:00 AM
I feel the same way. What they've done to this once proud department turns my stomach.
At leas this won't upset the Reverends on the Westsdie. It has to be bad when you have to form the God Squad and ask for protection or was it to lower the crime rates in 11? Be safe out there.
i cant believe what is going on in this department
I Need a FUCKING Event # !!!!
ya know guys i don't know this commander and don't really care much about her but I have to admit I hate when these CRAZY athiest bitch about a little prayer in our schools with our kids especially when other religions(muslim/islam) seem to get all the considerations of the liberal slanted media, etc- therefore I think there's bigger fish to fry within this department.
Quit ripping on commander penny. She didn't promote herself! It's not her fault she is dumb. Maybe she is the smart one, and all the blue shirts are the dumb ones. Who's laughing there way to the bank on the 1st & 16th?
J-lie said today on wbbm radio if you give some people (chicago cops) a gold brick they would complain how heavy it is.... No, j-lie its the shit brick your handing out we're complaining about
That's not how I want my tax dollars spent.. This makes me sick.
The only thing stupider that initiating and leading a "power of prayer" vigil, is any PO participating or acknowledging it.
Like Robert Plant said,
"Cryin' won't help you, praying won't do you no good"
I'm so embarrassed.
She deservs fair treatment. If there is even one other bipolar, currently heavily medicated, precariously mentally situated supervisor that is being allowed to blatatantly violate the constitution while breaking the contract and making bad use of already depleted manpower, than she she should be allowed to do the ame thing without everyone bitching an pointing fingers.
Please tell me somebody on that watch is going to sue. Please.
nothing will happen...nothing...nada....zilch...henny penny will keep her spot. I will bet $100 to SCC's favorite charity that by this time in 3 days not a word will be even whispered about it! This will get swept under the rug UNLESS one of the POs assigned to this bullshit sues. Then, and ONLY then will it maybe have a shot at blowing up! Wish I was an atheist cop right about now assigned to 011!
I am sooooooooo glad Harte put the Power of Prayer entry on his WC log. The ball is rolling!
The good news is she'll be 'promoted' away from the problem. Like all the rest of the useless turds that are our bosses. P.O's get hammered, bosses get promoted. It's the Chicago way.
Nothing to see here...can I get an event # squad...?
I heard J-Fled does a rain dance in HQ parking lot every Thursday. "Stop the violence, Almighty Rain-Gods!"
we are allegedly doing this this "take back the corners thing" every thursday in september. by the way, no cars available for jobs. the most tender moment of the entire event happened after vigil when penny stated over the air, "the power of prayer". on a side note some rev-run passed out a make shift flyer with comments bordering on anti-semitic. the shitty that works
Thank God for those city college degree'd goofs who run this department into the ground.
I would of went home sick. Whats next they going to have us poor beer with the bangers at a shooting site where poor boombox and boo was kilt deeeyid?
OT: 07SEP10 A beautiful, cloudless, blue sky blankets the city.
God Bless all CPD KIA.
Reminds me of the commerical with the fat girl, "Its the power of pine sol baby"
Lovey & Lovey may handle this suit on behalf of the Officers against the city.
Wish I was working that night on those cars! Cha-Ching!
Rev's run the show, get used to it.
FACT: The majority of supervisors in 011 can't stand Henny Penny, well aware that she's a clout heavy political and religious hack that will hang herself if given enough rope.
THEORY: The Captain whose name is on the W/C's log is no dummy, is mere months away from retirement and probably doesn't give a rat's ass attaching his name to something that has the potential to bury Henny Penny once and for all. I'd bet my next few paychecks that she made sure to tell him to include this on his log because she's just that dumb...and he happily obliged! The Captain is a great boss and I wouldn't be surprised if this was done by design; make Penny look like the idiot that she is (again) and give the boys and girls in 011 a glimmer of hope that their useless Commander may be on the way out after this latest fuck-up.
As Hannibal from the A-Team used to say: "I love it when a plan comes together!"
Considering they used the term special attention they basically made it legit. On the south and west side numerous churches are given special attention every week. So the beef will go nowhere.
SCC.... Just got a FB post from Lt John Andrews..... When he was interviewed on the radio last, he asked for a call to arms and to march on CITY HALL on 15Sep at 1000 hrs............ Here is the link to his newest blog......... It might be worth it's own post up here on your blog...... Let's see if we can muster some people for the march he is organizing! Here is the link...
things are going to change now that daley isn't running......look for more rats to jump ship.
Sure, begosh, begorrah, an' great day in the mornin'!
Mayor Daley announced today that he is not seeking another term.
A public official has to know when it's time to move on, Daley said during a press conference. "For me that time is now."
Daley said he's thought about the decision for weeks.
"I've done my all," Daley said. "I've done my best. Now, I'm ready with my family to begin the new phase of our lives."
"In the end, this was a personal decision, no more, no less," Daley said, declining to answer questions. "I've been thinking about this for the last several months . . . . It just feels right."
13:45 hrs
Per WGN Breaking News
Mayor Daley won't run for re-election!
breaking news the little asshole daley is not running again!!!!!! this means that weis will also be gone!!!
Breaking: Mayor Daley not running for reelection!
Daley will not seek re-election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uh, might be time for an update. See the Daley news today.
RUMOR MILL: Donahue got Daley to resign. BOOK IT ! Donahue has to take OEMC when he retires.
It's finally here.... WGN News just reported Daley officially reported that he will NOT run for reelection! Let the good times roll!,mayor-daley-announcement-090710.article
There is a God...Thank You!
The king is dead and Jody will be out out out yipppeeeeeee. Fuck you jody weis who is going to pick you up now you SOB.
The witch is DEAD!!!!
Daley is done.
Now watch all the obama like candidates throwing their name in!
Daley says he will not run for re-election!!!!
Mayor Daley announced that he will NOT run again! Yeah!!!!! Now lets elect a Republican in an attempt to clean this shit---- of a city up!
next comes the 2nd shoe.....
Wow! Fop got Daley to retire. What next? Donahue for MAYOR!!!!
September 7, 2010
Mayor Daley announced today that he is not seeking another term.
A public official has to know when it's time to move on, Daley said during a press conference at City Hall. "For me that time is now."
Daley said he's thought about the decision for weeks.
"I've done my all," Daley said. "I've done my best. Now, I'm ready with my family to begin the new phase of our lives."
"In the end, this was a personal decision, no more, no less," Daley said, declining to answer questions. "I've been thinking about this for the last several months . . . . It just feels right."
It sure does!
NOW it's time for everyone to get out and stand next to the car with the Mars lights on. Turn the siren on too!
The white shirts have to understand..... If the blueshirts are getting screwed over, they will get screwed over too. If u send an officer to prison for four years for slapping..... U wool be screwed if you allowed drugs being sold in your house....u will be called out if u steal money....u still be called out if you're friends with felons.... If there are led officers on thee street, we want better bosses that we feel that will back us up and actually lead us to fight crime (not run)....we want bosses that actually have done more than what we have done.... Not someone that only preaches (a doer not as sayer). Make the blue shirts happy and the white shirts can be happy.
Food for thought...
before the inevitable Witch Hunt begins in 011 to identify the "leak" of this damning document, those in the hunt better be VERY careful who they put their sights on. There's ALOT of sources that have access to shit like this once it enters cyber space via the IClear system. This has the potential to be much better than a real-life game of Clue. Whodunnit? The jilted mailman ex-lover? Disgruntled supervisors? Disgusted blue shirts?
All I say is that anyone that gets called on the carpet for this is potentially looking at a BIG payday when/if theyre wrongfully accused of ANYTHING. Besides, will the department push this issue and risk further embarrassment of the CPD & "The Lyin' Hawaaiin"? Crystal Ball Unit can and should make this prediction. ANSWER? A resounding "YES"!
I'm not sayin'. I'm just sayin'.
Power of prayer? Moronic
Since Henny Penny has returned from her sabbatical, she has been walking around like she can walk on water...
Rumor has it that effective change day, neighborhood relations will be going down to two p.o.s and one sgt. and two civilians...
I heard JFLED in the radio today and said that the morale of the Chicago Police Officers is very good and that only a handful of the Officers is complaining about his leadership and to those handful of people that are complaining - even though you give each of them a bar of gold they will still complain how heavy the bar of gold is. This guy just don't get it, still lives in his own bubble, feels good about himself too much. The hairline respect that was left for this goof is gone!!!! and he will be gone also because the Mayor is gone also! My prayers will be answered!
Can I put a cross on my squad rear-view mirror now?
How about a "I yield for Jesus" bumper sticker on the blue and white?
We can't have nativiity scenes anymore at public places, but we can collectively pray on-duty, 99-cars in war zones where cops are known to be shot at?
just axin
Tell ya what SCC......
I'm not restricted by CPD General feel free to email me anything you need stored for "Safe Keeping" photo wise.
I have a copy of that Document saved on my Hard Drive, and I will even save it to my photobucket account.
When's the next one? I want to sit in a squad car with my guitar and strum Ku-Bye-ah.
Lordy, Lordy Penny !!! What art thou doing????
Thou hanging around too much with thy storefront hooligans, er, I mean reverands....
a one, a two, a three:
Aaaaaamen...sing it over, AAAAAAAmen....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAmen.
I heard JFLED in the radio today and said that the morale of the Chicago Police Officers is very good and that only a handful of the Officers is complaining about his leadership and to those handful of people that are complaining - even though you give each of them a bar of gold they will still complain how heavy the bar of gold is. This guy just don't get it, still lives in his own bubble, feels good about himself too much. The hairline respect that was left for this goof is gone!!!! and he will be gone also because the Mayor is gone also! My prayers will be answered!
9/07/2010 03:12:00 PM
Where's the morale survey results boss????????????????????????????? the way:
The concept of separation of church and state refers to the distance in the relationship between organized religion on the one hand and the nation state on the other. The idea was the subject of much discussion over 2000 years. The term "wall of separation" was first used in an informal letter by President Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to a committee of Baptists in Connecticut. Jefferson referred to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as creating a "wall of separation" between church and state.
This includes the Local and State level as well as at the Federal Level.
First Amendment Violation by a Serving Police Commander.
32:00 AM
Anonymous said...
ya know guys i don't know this commander and don't really care much about her but I have to admit I hate when these CRAZY athiest bitch about a little prayer in our schools with our kids especially when other religions(muslim/islam) seem to get all the considerations of the liberal slanted media, etc- therefore I think there's bigger fish to fry within this department.
9/07/2010 08:34:00 AM
Your comparing prayer in school with praying in a high crime area on a weekend night? Are you that big on a idiot? Is prayer the answer to stop gang shootings? Where the fuck did you crawl out from? Those officers were targets for 45 minutes. Fry your own fish.
ya know guys i don't know this commander and don't really care much about her but I have to admit I hate when these CRAZY athiest bitch about a little prayer in our schools with our kids especially when other religions(muslim/islam) seem to get all the considerations of the liberal slanted media, etc- therefore I think there's bigger fish to fry within this department.
9/07/2010 08:34:00 AM
SEPARATION of CHURCH and STATE is how this country is allegedly set up. It's a violation of Federal law to do otherwise.
caps sgts and caps officers will be stabbing each other in the back to stay inside
do it by seniority
.....I worked for Penny when she was a Sgt and I used to stick up for her on these boards......
And Who merit promoted that idiot to Sgt.?????
to those handful of people that are complaining - even though you give each of them a bar of gold they will still complain how heavy the bar of gold is.
--Sounds like Mayor Daley's cushioned toilet seat comment
an order to park the car, stand there, and pray?....if so, absolutely not...give the discipline, and let's go to federal court...
ya know guys i don't know this commander and don't really care much about her but I have to admit I hate when these CRAZY athiest bitch about a little prayer in our schools with our kids especially when other religions(muslim/islam) seem to get all the considerations of the liberal slanted media, etc- therefore I think there's bigger fish to fry within this department.
9/07/2010 08:34:00 AM
Shut the fuck up you nitwit! It's crazy enough that morons still believe in ghosts, spirits, superstitions, and we are paying policemen to stand around as part of a fucking prayer vigil! Go ramrod yourself.
How about this for documentation?
DSM-IV 296.44
Bipolar I Disorder,
Most Recent Episode Hypomanic/Manic
Severe With Psychotic Features
Did someone call for a pysch eval?
So Weiss thinks if he gives us a bar of gold...We complain its too heavy???? Wonder what a Bar of Gold is worth too him? $310,000 a year??
Just reaffirmed my opinion of Penny......useless.
Anonymous said...
.......... U wool be screwed if you allowed drugs being sold ... If there are led officers on thee street.....
9/07/2010 02:07:00 PM
Thou comment confuseth me
The city will need alot of those stupid forms.
Ain't shit gonna happen!!!
Why would she do something so stupid as that?
I'd like to see one of those flyers the revs were passing around.
Hopefully a new mayor will put a stop to these rabble-rousers who hide behind "the cloth" and try to run the city. They've put in waaaay more than their 2 cents, and guess ain't working.
That's the power of Pine-Penny, baby.
Now go take your mop and bucket and clean my floors.
ooooweee, help me baby J!
ACLU Illinois Intake Department. Some one with standing (I.E. one of the officers that was made to participate) needs to contact them at the number on the website and see what they have to say.
100 churches for 100 blocks--
they're doing this in 015 too, and are trying to start in area 2.
Now we know what the police were praying for ... perhaps it does work - LOL
like I always say, if you cant stand behind our troops, (including us) then stand in front of them and see how u like it biatch
A little point: before everyone gets all excited about the "impending lawsuit" that the ACLU will swoop in and file, you first need to identify the PO who was forced, after having asked for a reasonable accomodation (such as, not taking part in this and just going about their job) and who was denied.
That's where you can start to see an actionable case.
Now, someone is going to jump on me and point out that you don't NEED to complain first and be denied to file a suit. It just helps with the winning of the case.
And they dumped Washington from 011 for what reason???
100 churches for 100 blocks--
they're doing this in 015 too, and are trying to start in area 2.
9/08/2010 12:27:00 AM
The million church (missionary baptist - storefront church) March!!!
This sounds like the westside revs are running the dept. Someone do some digging. This is crazy, when will it make the national 5:30 news? It's taking heat off the crystal ball unit for now.
Oh Lordy, help me baby jesus and 19-Paul!!!!! Gotta pray and tell them to "knock it off".
General Order 10-2010
"Amen" will now be used in place of "10-4" or (more likely) "10-99" when acknowledging a nonsense job.
who was commander that sold captains out last contract
When commanders such as this screw up this bad, why aren't dumped immediately?
The cardinal has a car sent over to his residence 24hrs a day they sit in the basement watching the monitors if someone rings the doorbell the officer answers it.
Talk about separation of church and state. going on for years. (18th dist officer retired).
An appreciative citizen
If your a regular reader- please understand the views on this blog are NOT held by all the officers insofar as political views go.
sorry SCC truth be told.
ya know guys i don't know this commander and don't really care much about her but I have to admit I hate when these CRAZY athiest bitch about a little prayer in our schools with our kids
Really! Another Wacko- lover.
As an American I pray in my own way and you do the same. Pray at home.
Please tell me somebody on that watch is going to sue. Please.
You first!
100 churches for 100 blocks--
they're doing this in 015 too, and are trying to start in area 2.
You will have the suck ass officers in the line. the man in the mirror.
Knew her when she was a Lt. and we in grad school together at St. Xavier. DUMB as a box of rocks. (No insult to rocks here). Nice person. Just dumb. In way over her head. Thankfully we all know this isn't for real. Many years on this job and this is the worst I have ever seen it. The light at the other end of the tunnel is getting brighter.
so Queen of All Saint in 017 Saugnash uses lights connected to the city of Chicago street lights -so what moron
Thanks penny, I didnt know how to spell control, now I see it's with 2L's
so Queen of All Saint in 017 Saugnash uses lights connected to the city of Chicago street lights to light up the outside of the church at night. Your taxes at work for the clout catholic church
Wow, thats all you got. Your tax dollars at the cost of 1 million went to rebuild a rev's church, thanks to the ex gov. I really am not too concerned about a few lights asshat!
What does that even mean? What was the assignment?
How can anyone work for this woman?
I promoted myself. I've been here for years and no one's ever questioned a thing
Although to be fair, on the southside, C/O's per Daley have pimped us out to every building calling itself a church as security, parking lot attendants and valets for decades. Regarding the city vehicle at the event.
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