Monday, September 13, 2010

March On Wednesday

First up, we think the march is a good idea. The last march was an undeniable success in terms of attendance, and the tremendous publicity woke up a lot of people to legitimate grievances we had against the mayor and the city. In the midst of Shortshanks' push for No-lympic glory, it was a "perfect storm" of sorts.

That being said, we (and others) have had reservations about marching at HQ instead of City Hall again. We had such concerns that we ran a poll to gauge others' reactions to the location. Although unscientific in nature, we did restrict voting to one vote per person per week. There are ways around this of course, but a whopping 87% of respondents said City Hall was the better location.

For whatever reason, the boys over at FOP ignored this poll, this site, other sites and numerous letters from concerned cops, active and retired. They have yet to respond to a single e-mail or phone message. They are bound and determined to forge ahead no matter the questions or opposition. We might be a bit rusty on the whole "representative" thing, but we're pretty sure that they represent us, and are answerable to each of us, each of our concerns, and are pretty much supposed to address questions we have. The cop-out (no pun intended) is to have the march, then have the General Meeting next week.

We kind of see this as the cart before the horse. Daley has removed himself from the field of battle, it is true. But he still calls all the shots and pulls all the strings. J-Fled's actions, promotions and words betray that he has no power. Why the march location and all the questions raised can't be addressed by our elected representatives is astonishing. Between this site and Shaved's, we do over 20,000 visits a day. No matter how you slice it, that's a sizable percentage of the membership. The FOP chooses to ignore this and can't even be bothered to run their own poll of the membership - it's a free poll, for Pete's sake.

So we're going to follow the FOP's lead. We have even taken time due to attend the march as we did for the previous one. It is still a good idea to make our voices heard no matter the venue. But the FOP would be wise to take a look at what's happening across the country and in Washington DC to elected representatives who refuse to listen to their constituents. A tectonic shift is underway and many of those feigning deafness are about to be reminded who they answer to. At the union level, we don't even have to register to vote - they mail us a ballot. All we have to do is fill it out.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ill see you at city hall......

9/13/2010 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a relatively new officer with 9 years on. I am confused about the March. I was at the City Hall March last year and don't get this change of venue.

I have read on here, Shaved and in the newspapers that there is a March Against Daley Destroying the CPD being held at the exact same time and date and being sponsored by Lt.John Andrews.

I am going to the March Against Daley Destroying the CPD on Wed @10AM @ City Hall.

Daley and the City Council are the cause of all of this BS.

Maybe it will be good to have two marches going on the same day but I am going to City Hall to be seen and heard.

9/13/2010 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

March at 3510 on Thursday from 1730-1930 while the media, JFled and the Police Board are meeting.

The Police Board will select the next Superintendent and is in charge of the two-tier system of INJUSTICE on the CPD.

We need them to hear and see us and the media will cover it.

We March while the POLICE BOARD meets and let John Nothern speak about our plight during their meeting. FOP is too chicken shit to do the right thing.

Why is Mike Shields so SILENT lately???

Will Mike Shields be at City Hall with Lt John Andrews on Wed?

The members of the CPD are quietly watching and if we feel that we have been soldout again, there will be Hell to pay.

J-Fled was selected by Daley, that is why we march at City Hall on Wednesday and not at Headquarters.

9/13/2010 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP Leadership vs. J-fled & shortshanks.

Does any one of the above actually give a damn about the Police?

9/13/2010 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous "Me" for Supt. said...

The entire police department should have a plan and everyone should know what it is and we should drill and train regularly. That is so when the day comes we might be prepared.

Prepare yourselves people, don't depend on the police department to maintain order amid chaos and catastrophe. We all know who among us can be counted on and mostly it isn't the bosses.

9/11/2010 09:13:00 PM

I agree with this post......

9/13/2010 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So we're going to follow the FOP's lead."

meaning that you recommend showing up at 35th @ 10:00?

and, maybe, implying that, should there be enough of an on site consensus, the march can then proceed to city hall?

9/13/2010 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marching is a waste of time. Jody will not quit. The city will not pay the rest of his contract and another superintendents salary, we're broke remember. To find a new super would also take time, as in months, to replace.

The mayor will wait for his replacement to name a new super. Same goes for hiring. Enjoy the final days of summer doing something fun.

9/13/2010 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may be the most important CPD March ever held. This will either change Superintendents or not, and will determine how the new Mayor handles us.

It can not be understated that weakness and lack of unity will destroy any future gains that we anticipate.

If we fail on Wednesday, we are finished as an organization.

We Must UNITE!

9/13/2010 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NYPD is hiring, here is the link:

Checkout how much the NYPD pays and what their retirement benefits are:

Starting Salary Has Increased
By end of contract, top pay will be $90,829 before overtime for a PO.

Retire with 20yrs service, no minimum age, at 50 Percent.

Retire with 30yrs service, no minimum age, at 75 Percent.

We are getting our benefits cut, furlough days, and an increase on the minimum retirement age on the CPD.

The City of Chicago and the CPD are backwards and it is getting worse by the day!

9/13/2010 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice to retire at age 41?

Join the NYPD at age 21, do 20 years of service and you can.


9/13/2010 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet again another Chicago Police Officer is shot while serving the City of Chicago.

Thank God this Police Officer survived this vicious attack!

It is clearly evident that the City of Chicago is LAWLESS!

Police Officers are being maimed and murdered with much greater frequency than ever before.

Crime is skyrocketing, citizens are being raped, robbed and murdered due to the severe CPD manpower shortage!

The Chicago Police Department is undermanned by 3,000+ sworn police officers and it is not only impacting officer/citizen safety but taking a huge psychological toll on CPD officers.

The officers have been screaming for more manpower for two years upon the deaf ears of Mayor Richard M. Daley and his 50 Aldermen.

We need the citizens of Chicago to take action and call their elected officials and demand that the City of Chicago hire more officers before something like 9/11 occurs and you are left to fend for yourselves.

Please don't wait until you find yourself or your child victimized as a result of the severity of the manpower crisis affecting the Chicago Police Department.

This is a very serious public safety hazzard that impacts not only Chicago residents and officers; but all the tourists and visitors to the City of Chicago.

Please do your part before Chicago turns into a crime ridden disaster AKA Detroit!

Mayor Richard M. Daley is solely accountable for the current disastrous state of Chicago! This is why Mayor Richard M. Daley is running away from the ruins that he created through his blatant mismanagement and flagrant corruption!

Please join the Chicago Police Officers, their friends and families and other concerned citizens of Chicago on Wednesday Septemeber 15, 2010 @ 10:00AM for a March to Protest the Rampant Crime in Chicago and the Lack of Chicago Police Officers at City Hall 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago Il.

This Protest March has been broadcast on WGN radio.

Bring family, friends, neighbors and co-workers!

Bring your signs and take part in a historic rally to restore order and honesty to Chicago.

The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #7 will also be protesting at Police Headquarters 3510 S. Michigan Ave on Sept 15, 2010.

Together We Can Hold Our Elected Officials Accountable for the Dismal State of Affairs in Chicago!!!

We need all Chicagoans to Demand CHANGE!

Together We CAN!!!

Together We WILL!!!

9/13/2010 01:26:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...


9/13/2010 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice that the NYPD does not have a Gold Braid Pension!

You retire at your last civil service rank.

Checkout their pension scales after 20 years of service and NO age minimum:

20 YEARS of Service and you can retire on the NYPD:

The Chicago Police Pension will go bust due to the GOLD BRAID PENSION and the fact that the City of Chicago does not fund it.

Do your research!

It is more than HIGHTIME to March if you expect a pension!

9/13/2010 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

off topic--- look out 017 third watch--- captain bipolar is cooking the sheets and splitting up partners and taking cars away from people--- is she off her meds again ????--- look for the medical roll to double in the next month--- mikey mealer are you reading this, you better put a leash on your lost puppy or it's going to be a long winter, you are the commander aren't you--- captain biploar has a long history of poor decision making and insecurity--- please send this psycopath back to second watch--- how come she has the desk crew and desk sgt doing all her work, is it because she is so busy denying people time due or is it because she is too busy teaching college courses on line while she is supposed to be working for the city of chicago--- isn't that double dipping, using city of chicago equipment for personal reasons--- did she do her ethics statement this year....

9/13/2010 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To take a page out of f-fleds book, everytime he screws up we march on the "gang leader" Daley. If we put heat on him (like weisel wants to do to the leaders) maybe it will have the same effect (or better) that j-fed wants to get.

9/13/2010 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Might as well march on FOP hall since they won't represent us. What good is marching on the city at HQ when they will negotiate with an FOP that ignores us and our desires?

9/13/2010 03:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im telling you, i cant see one good thing coming out of this march. not one. its like going to my boss and saying "i dont like working here, or the way you run things" my boss works for the same company i do and the problem is the company, not my boss. but my boss could take it personally and make my daily working conditions worse. it just makes no sense to go to our own headquarters and march about manpower after a thread of postings about how angry everybody was about not getting time due or having their day offs cancelled. the problem is at city hall, not 35th street.

9/13/2010 04:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today's Sun Times, letter from JW, and an article about him blasting his critics...

9/13/2010 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This march has to be as big, or bigger, otherwise it will be a huge failure.

9/13/2010 05:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, just plain stupid marching against a Lame duck!

9/13/2010 05:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are at HQ you will miss the march.......see you at city last time.
The FOP has lost control !
AND whatever they were promised to control us.
Tough shit, assholes !!!

9/13/2010 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When NYPD Marched they had 30,000 brother and sister officers out!!!

CPD should be able to muster at least 3,000 at City Hall and at Headquarters!!!

9/13/2010 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you editing SCC?

Never ever have I seen you do this?

9/13/2010 05:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP has their March at Headquarters and we have Ours at City Hall!!!

9/13/2010 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Richard M. Daley did not voluntarily step down!

Mayor Richard M. Daley is in alot of trouble and everyone knows it!

Mayor Richard M. Daley has gotten caught up on some terrible things and had to voluntarily step down.

Now is the time to March on City Hall and let the future powers KNOW that we are Real!!!

9/13/2010 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Certain people have a vested interest in keeping US from being seen and heard!

They wish to push us off unto Headquarters, out of sight, out of mind!

City Hall is where I will March with my comrades and my family!!!

9/13/2010 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politicians don't want to see want they can't deny!

City Hall is the Place on Wednesday!

9/13/2010 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

March ,at HQ. Then take it to city hall if you wish. Those of you who do not march , god save your souls for all the bitching you do and then when it comes time, you fold.
If you don't march you are in love with J-Fled.

9/13/2010 05:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If everyone doesn't showup and bring friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc... We lose!

9/13/2010 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Bea wants to LEAD, let her! If she leads the March at City Hall I will follow!

Bea or any other Exempt that LEADS from the front!

Any politician that joins us and leads, may very well have our vote!

City Hall is the place to announce your Mayoral candidacy in front of us and the zillions of media reporters and cameras.

Jesse Jackson is Welcome!

9/13/2010 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You reap what you sow!

The chickens have come home to roost!

Keep fucking good working coppers!


9/13/2010 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scc, here's a letter to you
NO MARCH FOR YOU !! LOL!!!,CST-NWS-weisletter13.article

9/13/2010 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will James Maurer lead the front!

Real leaders always LEAD!

Lead and I shall follow!

What other Retired Exempts will step up and LEAD!

I guess you can steal OUR money (GOLD BRAID) but can't support and defend a sinking ship???

9/13/2010 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the phone calls, personal vibes and the VIBRATION!

This March is going to effect CHANGE and it has everyone from Washington D.C. to Springfield to NYC to LA to Houston watching!

Boys and girls, we are making HISTORY!!!

The Blue Movement is being FELT!

You can NOT expect your police officers to work undermanned, ill equipped and with a Two-tier system of discipline(INJUSTICE).

Everyone is watching!

Do it RIGHT!

Let the CPD SHINE!!!

9/13/2010 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic: Weis whines to the Sun Times
Apparently, Supt. J-Fled has written an 'open letter' to the S-T claiming the source of his apparent discontent with the rank and file as having to do with his stand of no more 'business as usual.' WHO does Weis think he is fooling?

A nationwide search for a Director of Personnel (Human Services) within the Dept. selects a known incompetent City Hall lackey? Can anyone recall so many directives issued from Headquarters over the past 2+ years that have been rescinded? I can't either. In many instances, it would appear that Tracey Ladner has been making things up as she moves along, without regard to rules or contract agreements with the FOP, PBPA and the City. Maybe a prerequisite for the next Director of Personnel (Human Resources) should be that they must READ the various CONTRACTS FIRST!
The issue of Michael Masters, the despised 3M: Why has Weis failed to ever state for the record if Masters is sworn or not, or why Masters sought out and apparently obtained sworn credentials from an OUTSIDE suburban agency in order to carry a firearm? Is our own CPD Training Division 'not good enough?' Why has the media ignored this issue? How was it that Weis would select someone with no police or managerial experience with the City as his Chief of Staff? Before his appointment to that position, Masters was an 'Executive Assistant to the Mayor', largely confined to sitting in on CAPS meetings in various Districts. With a Harvard Law Degree. Go figure.
Weis has been dishonest repeatedly with the rank and file, and even his command staff. He lied to everyone initially about how Cozzi came under Federal indictment. He's lied to exempts in various demotions, claiming at times that the Mayor had eliminated their positions from the CPD budget, and then a few months later promoting people connected to various aldermen to those positions, which had never left the budget at all.
Initially, there were high hopes in Weis, even expressed here by SCC. But Weis proved that the rumors of him being inept, arrogant and unprepared to lead from other feebs proved all too true. Another grand mistake on the part of Mayor Daley.
Can't wait 'til March. Enjoy being officially what most of us have known you to be for quite some time, Mr. Weis....a lame duck.

9/13/2010 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- seems like a certain CCG commander is losing favor with the powers that be. Word is the business community aint happy with you. When chief Keating retires, you are gone. Everyone seems to comment how your in way over your head. Even your friends. Being commander is a little more involved than supervising buy bust stings. Oh and sucking up to Ald. Burnett aint gonna help u either. What would the boys on Taylor street think of that. U done dawg. Peace

9/13/2010 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous SANTOS said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME???,CST-NWS-weisletter13.article

NorthSide, please offer up a fitting rebuttal.

BoxChevyPhantom, would you please retort?

9/13/2010 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Marching is a waste of time. Jody will not quit. The city will not pay the rest of his contract and another superintendents salary, we're broke remember. To find a new super would also take time, as in months, to replace.

The mayor will wait for his replacement to name a new super. Same goes for hiring. Enjoy the final days of summer doing something fun.

9/13/2010 12:42:00 AM"

1. anything that holds the potential to embarrass and expose the daley machine is by no means a waste of time.

2. there is nothing that's more fun than embarrassing and exposing the daley machine's hijinks. not even great sex.

9/13/2010 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is by far the most important posting to date.

Alderman Tom Allen was just on WLS 890 AM talking about the significance of the police. He believes that we are unfairly treated by the current administration.

Alderman Tom Allen is a former ASA and he understands how dire our straights are on the CPD.

I suggest we keep 38th Ward Alderman Tom Allen within our midst.

9/13/2010 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/13/2010 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Divide, divide, divide, divide,divide, divide, divide,

Go ahead split the man power and go to the Hall. make us all look stupid.

The march is set at 35th street, be there!!!

The national media will be all over this. NOBODY has ever marched against their Superintendent at Police HQ.

Lets make a loud and clear statement of unity against J-Loser....

9/13/2010 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CITY HALL is where I will be, what good is 35th St., he can leave and then what. At least when you are at City Hall you will get more coverage from citizens and the media. Not to mention Daley hates when the attention is on his house.

9/13/2010 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is Mike Shields so SILENT lately???

Will Mike Shields be at City Hall with Lt John Andrews on Wed?

The members of the CPD are quietly watching and if we feel that we have been soldout again, there will be Hell to pay.

J-Fled was selected by Daley, that is why we march at City Hall on Wednesday and not at Headquarters.

9/13/2010 12:35:00 AM

Shields is quiet because he doesn't want FOP to get any good press. He'll go whichever way the wind blows.

9/13/2010 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be going to shitty Hall Wed. no parking at hdqtrs.!

9/13/2010 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Might as well march on FOP hall since they won't represent us. What good is marching on the city at HQ when they will negotiate with an FOP that ignores us and our desires?

9/13/2010 03:22:00 AM

Hey Bitch. Guard the gift shop till we get back.....

9/13/2010 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are at HQ you will miss the march.......see you at city last time.
The FOP has lost control !
AND whatever they were promised to control us.
Tough shit, assholes !!!

9/13/2010 05:20:00 AM

The march is at headquarters, fool. Goofy Lt. Andrews is set to parade around City Hall by himself. Which team you with? Disgruntled bosses or rank and file?

9/13/2010 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley should fire this asshole Weis and appoint an acting Super until after the elections,when the new mayor could either make the person permanent or select his successor.

9/13/2010 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

off topic--- look out 017 third watch--
--- isn't that double dipping, using city of chicago equipment for personal reasons--- did she do her ethics statement this year....

9/13/2010 02:41:00 AM

Naw, she already had a beef like that when she used Dept. time, material and postage to further her BS degree.
You know that degree that made her the "Top Cop" nominee a few years back for the entire state of Illinois!
P.S. What year did Paul Anka write that song... "Having my Baby?"
Just asking.

9/13/2010 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weis is complaining that FOP hasn't made his life easy and hasn't offered any solutions to improve morale.

Suggestion: Just LEAVE. Morale WILL improve.

9/13/2010 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word id Barbara Bush is in town and that ahe will be driving by Headquarters to see the march

9/13/2010 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

off topic--- look out 017 third watch--- captain bipolar is cooking the sheets and splitting up partners and taking cars away from people--- is she off her meds again ????--- look for the medical roll to double in the next month--- mikey mealer are you reading this, you better put a leash on your lost puppy or it's going to be a long winter, you are the commander aren't you--- captain biploar has a long history of poor decision making and insecurity--- please send this psycopath back to second watch--- how come she has the desk crew and desk sgt doing all her work, is it because she is so busy denying people time due or is it because she is too busy teaching college courses on line while she is supposed to be working for the city of chicago--- isn't that double dipping, using city of chicago equipment for personal reasons--- did she do her ethics statement this year....
And using, and encouraging the use of, DEPARTMENT MAIL to send assignments back and forth.

And using Department internet services to research and purchase travel tickets.

Jeez, didn't she PROMISE to retire on her 50th birthday, no matter what? Does she think, with all the bosses retiring, that the Dept is going to forget her several lawsuits, and promote her yet again????!!!

9/13/2010 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the face of overwhelming membership opposition, F.O.P. has spit in our faces by organizing a demonstration at HQ rather than City Hall.

Divide and conquer. Right, Mark?

Forty-eight hours away. Tick-tock.
F.O.P. can still change to City Hall. In their arrogance, they insult our intelligence and refuse to explain their self-defeating stupid choice of the HQ venue. WHY?

9/13/2010 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the problem. WE CANNOT AGREE. There appears to be two split marches which will diminish the effect...just like "they" want!

9/13/2010 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous surlypenguin said...

The FOP needs more then "because we said so" to organize a march. This is the same attitude we've been getting from the city, we don't need it from our elected reps too. If we are marching against J-Fled's policies, why? He is a lame duck sup working for a lame duck mayor. Nothing is going to change. If we are marching against manpower shortage, the march should be at city hall. If we are marching because the FOP feels slighted they didn't get their merit picks and want to send a message to the next superintendent, have fun marching at 35th and Michigan.

9/13/2010 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to 35th. I hate j-fed and i can't wait to march around that building. I picture him inside his office curled up in a ball under his desk sucking his thumb b/c of the march. He's such a coward and such an a-hole. HE IS the worst thing this department has ever seen and he is the person we need to get rid of. We gotta show everyone how hated he is so that whoever the next mayor is knows that getting rid of him is a MUST!

9/13/2010 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP...A day late, a dollar short!

9/13/2010 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's face reality:

mayor DICK daley created this situation.

j-fled is just a pawn in the game.

marching on HQ is a joke. daley is laughing his ass off as another pawn takes the hits for him.

9/13/2010 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we don't have a clear united front on this. j-fled is gone in what? 6months?

FOP needs to represent it's members and follow their wants when it comes to a protest like this. doing a poll should have been a no brainer. but it wasn't done. it apparently didn't go along with the FOP agenda.

9/13/2010 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to the March Against Daley Destroying the CPD on Wed @10AM @ City Hall.

Daley and the City Council are the cause of all of this BS.

Maybe it will be good to have two marches going on the same day but I am going to City Hall to be seen and heard.

9/13/2010 12:27:00 AM

ok, bOSS. Have a nice time with Lt. Crazy when you should be rallying about issues that matter.

9/13/2010 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd prefer a march at city hall, it'd be easier since I gotta date at 1300 in my major traffic rm.

9/13/2010 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


all I want know is where will you be marching. Let us know so we can JOIN YOU in this march.

9/13/2010 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Melancton Smith said...

Even if Daley is retiring it is still City Council that ultimately has the responsibility, even if they choose to shirk the duty.

March against them. I'll be out of town on business, but my wife will be there in support of Chicago POs!

9/13/2010 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm jumping into my cruiser while working and heading that way to support my fellow troops.

9/13/2010 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to march between 35th street and City Hall. There's a White Castle at Cermak and State. They got the best jalepeno cheese burgers. Bwwwwweeeeeerrrpppp.

9/13/2010 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is trying to frame the intent of the protest as being against his efforts to clean up the department. He is doing this ahead of time, to get the edge with the local media. Make sure you have someone in place who can effectively articulate your concerns and position. If they grab someone out of line, make sure everyone knows the talking points.

9/13/2010 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop, but it appears that the FOP is "shoving it down your throats." They are letting socialist obama be their guide, it seems.

When power hungry types ignore the wishes of the masses, and/or those for whom they work, you have to deal with them.

The Chicago Police officers have an opportunity to make a strong statement. You need to march, to bee seen, at a location where you can do the most good. You need to embarrass those who are ignoring your dire needs as a work force, assigned to protect the people of Chicago.

May God bless you all, and we citizens will be marching with you in spirit, if not in person.

9/13/2010 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, start at headquarters...hop the greenline downtown for FREE to finish march!!!!!

9/13/2010 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Might as well march on FOP hall since they won't represent us. What good is marching on the city at HQ when they will negotiate with an FOP that ignores us and our desires?

9/13/2010 03:22:00 AM

Hey!! How about some signs to get rid of J-Fled and Mark?? Kill 2 birds with one sign...........

9/13/2010 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of Dan's "Warriors" should attend this one.

9/13/2010 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Enjoy being officially what most of us have known you to be for quite some time, Mr. Weis....a lame duck.

9/13/2010 06:37:00 AM"

I may be lame and I may be a duck, but I can still Quack!


Quack, Quack Quack!!!

Quack, Quack!!!


Jody 'Duckbill' Weis

quack...... quack, quack..... quack?

9/13/2010 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please join the Chicago Police Officers, their friends and families and other concerned citizens of Chicago on Wednesday Septemeber 15, 2010 @ 10:00AM for a March to Protest the Rampant Crime in Chicago and the Lack of Chicago Police Officers at City Hall 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago Il.

This Protest March has been broadcast on WGN radio.


Lt. Andrews, are you fucking kidding?? You asking 50,000 citizens to join you at City Hall during a radio interview does not equal "This protest march has been broadcast on WGN radio." Tell the truth, goof. BTW, see you at HQ.

9/13/2010 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The march is at headquarters, fool. Goofy Lt. Andrews is set to parade around City Hall by himself. Which team you with? Disgruntled bosses or rank and file?

9/13/2010 08:25:00 AM

Hey FOP rep why do you want it at HQ so bad? How many pieces of gold did you get judas.

9/13/2010 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you fucktards saying u r marching on City Hall, why don't you identify yourselves? Probably because you are really J-Fed and his cronies...trying to divide and conquer. So any poor lout that goes to City Hall will be standing there holding his schlong wondering where everyone is. Don't fall for the Department's bullshit, folks. The march is on HQ!! Let's ROLL!!!!!!!

9/13/2010 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sooooo where is the march?!

9/13/2010 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Divide, divide, divide, divide,divide, divide, divide,

Go ahead split the man power and go to the Hall. make us all look stupid.

The march is set at 35th street, be there!!!

The national media will be all over this. NOBODY has ever marched against their Superintendent at Police HQ.

Lets make a loud and clear statement of unity against J-Loser....

9/13/2010 07:20:00 AM

You go and follow a FOP who has pick the mayor's side over its members.

Funny a lot of FOP rats are running around the blog putting stupid comments like this up. I wish they would answer our question with the same drive.

Hope you read this FLOP cause you are all out next election.


9/13/2010 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago lawyer, musician, and friend of police Matt Farmer has written about the protest in the Huffington Post today, calling for citizen support:

9/13/2010 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Stand strong said...

It is obvious that we have two different schools of thought. On one hand people would like to march on HQ. The other hand wants to march at city hall. People pick one and we all should go there. How foolish we will look if there are two marches at two locations. We have an opportunity to make a large statement, lets not blow it. At the very least make sure both locations are well organized. The media will only show the march that is disorganized. This will make us look foolish to the public. Someone needs to take charge.

9/13/2010 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this march is a bust it its the fault of FOP.

They picked a spot without input from officers and when we questioned it they complete ignored us.

Do they believe that the news will cover us with the way they have been catering to Jfled?

Do they think people will join in the march they same way they will at city hall?

Do they truly believe anything that comes out of Daley's mouth? Yeah get another Sgt and Dt class before he leaves so he and his alderfools can plant more clout beasts.

I am sorry SCC, but I have follow my gut and it tells my that city hall is the place to be sorry if you don't feel the same.

I am fine with 2 marches 35th where the sheep will be and city hall where the sheep dogs will be.

I hope you all join me.

9/13/2010 03:56:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the unpublished "undercutting"

Our FOP has dropped the ball. Evidently, we and our readers are the only ones rude enough to point it out.

The same people are also the only ones demanding answers from our elected representatives.

So get your tongue out of the FOP's ass and start demanding answers and explanations. THEY work for US. THEY answer to US. And they better have some damn good explanations for their actions of the past weeks or expect to see a lot of disgruntled coppers looking for better leadership.

We didn't "undercut" shit. We pointed out the game has changed. FOP is still using the playbook from two years ago.

9/13/2010 04:23:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

Ah, unpublished asshat - you arrive again. A few points:

We will be getting a ballot.

Your love interest is at work.

We don't want to run shit. We've never wanted to run shit. We like district law enforcement.

Now go play in traffic junior.

9/13/2010 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How foolish we will look if there are two marches at two locations. We have an opportunity to make a large statement, lets not blow it. At the very least make sure both locations are well organized. The media will only show the march that is disorganized. This will make us look foolish to the public. Someone needs to take charge.

9/13/2010 03:54:00 PM"

if there is a healthy turnout at both locations, how would that be seen as being foolish?

and if, after a short period of time, those at hq take the long hike up north to city hall, how much more positive press do you think that would generate?

imagine those picket signs passing over the Stevenson, on the Michigan Ave overpass, then up past East Roosevelt Rd, right up the Magnificent Mile.

hell, if those bicycle assholes can block traffic, why not go west on Washington, right down the fucking middle of the road, and start circling city hall from the south west corner.

do you think that wouldn't put the fucking midget's panties in a bunch, no matter where he happens to be sitting on his ass at the time?

and give all these phony, mayor wannabees something to think about?

9/13/2010 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the balls will show up, the ball-less will not.

that's it, in a nutshell.

9/13/2010 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was orignaly in the "I'm not going to HQ" group but after reading J-Fled's letter to the Scum Times, you couldn't keep me away, see you Wednesday!

9/13/2010 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems I must chime in to provide clarity for those who may be misinformed as to my words, actions or intent.

On September 1st, I was a guest on the Jim Laski Show on WGN Radio. The content of my participation on that show is available via podcast for anyone that cares to listen to what I "actually" said.

I stated that the FOP announced that they were calling for a march of the membership at CPD HQ on Wednesday, September 15th @ 10 am.

I also stated that the people of Chicago needed to make a decision. If they were not happy with public safety in Chicago, I suggested that while the FOP marched on 35th Street... 50,000 citizens should be marching simultaneously at Chicago City Hall.

My thought process was... if we can get a million people to come downtown to celebrate a Stanley Cup, could we get at least a fraction of that number to demonstrate against inadequate public safety in Chicago?

In the end, it is the citizens of this city that must mandate the change that is so needed today at CPD.

As Chicago police officers, we too, are citizens of this city. Our voices are equally as important - but should not be the only voices heard.

To be clear... It never was my intent to interfere with the activity or actions of organized labor (police union).

My call for citizens to march at City Hall was to be in tandem (support) of the efforts that the FOP announced.

While I did call for citizens to get involved and march at City Hall in tandem with the police march at HQ, I am certainly not sponsoring or organizing any march there. That will have to be done by the good people of Chicago, if it is done at all.

With that said, I will be at City Hall at 10 am Wednesday to meet with any citizens that choose to answer the call and involve themselves through active participation and protest. I hope they bring signs, loud voices and everyone they know. I am only a messenger with a single voice and have no signs.

From there, I will proceed to 35th Street to march side-by-side with the honorable members of the CPD, as I did at the last march called by the FOP.

(I hope someone saves a sign for me.)

It is my personal opinion that police officers must stand united as one. That means (for better or worse) marching at CPD HQ.

The members of CPD are "all in" when it comes to putting skin in the game, by virtue of their employment as law enforcers.

It is time for citizens to start putting skin in the game by actively voicing their concerns in numbers and getting the attention of the Mayor and the Aldermen.

We will keep fighting the good fight together until positive change arrives.

God bless the honorable members of the CPD. I will see you on Wednesday at HQ.

Work safe!

John Andrews

9/13/2010 07:47:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

8:25 AM, 12:22 and 3:38 PM ("Anonymous")

You really must be desperate to resort to ad hominem attacks against John Andrews. The truth must be told. No one can dispute that John Andrews is both sincere and has huge cojones to go public as an informed citizen on a compelling matter of public concern.

Any more "crazy" or "goofy" cheap shots, "anonymous"?

Keep it up and I'll sic "Box Chevy Phantom" (BCP) and a bevy of those toothless Fifth Avenue hos on your cowardly ass.

BCP: When I grow up, I wanna be just like you.

To "anonymous" (12:35 AM) bitching about the "silence" of Michael Shields. His "open letter" to Donahue and Bella is circulating throughout the city since your post. Not too silent, eh?

In an earlier thread, I cited eight reasons why the protest should occur at City Hall. Aside from FOP's "because we said so" on their choice of a HQ venue, they have not proffered one valid reason to hold the protest at HQ.

If I were to offer $1,000.00 to the first person who can cite why conventional wisdom would choose HQ, do contact me at No takers? I thought so.

Mark and Greg: TICK-TOCK at 37:15 hours out.

9/13/2010 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
im telling you, i cant see one good thing coming out of this march. not one. its like going to my boss and saying "i dont like working here, or the

You, my friend, are just the kind of pussy that is part of what makes this department suck. FYI, the mayor is your boss not Jody. Shit, how do you look at yourself in the mirror without getting scared you no-balls piece of shit.

9/13/2010 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop griping; START MARCHING!

9/13/2010 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A house divided against itself cannot stand.. See you at HQ.

9/13/2010 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The march is at headquarters, fool. Goofy Lt. Andrews is set to parade around City Hall by himself. Which team you with? Disgruntled bosses or rank and file?

9/13/2010 08:25:00 AM

Hey FOP rep why do you want it at HQ so bad? How many pieces of gold did you get judas.

9/13/2010 03:41:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you fucktards saying u r marching on City Hall, why don't you identify yourselves? Probably because you are really J-Fed and his cronies...trying to divide and conquer. So any poor lout that goes to City Hall will be standing there holding his schlong wondering where everyone is. Don't fall for the Department's bullshit, folks. The march is on HQ!! Let's ROLL!!!!!!!

9/13/2010 03:42:00 PM

Marky mark and funkmaster greg stay off the blog idiots! Greg you told mike shields to step aside as you run for flop president just to have same old shit with the same crew,as marky mark gets a huge job with the state via shortshanks,a gift for selling us out correct?

9/13/2010 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The march is at headquarters, fool. Goofy Lt. Andrews is set to parade around City Hall by himself. Which team you with? Disgruntled bosses or rank and file?

9/13/2010 08:25:00 AM

Hey FOP rep why do you want it at HQ so bad? How many pieces of gold did you get judas.

9/13/2010 03:41:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you fucktards saying u r marching on City Hall, why don't you identify yourselves? Probably because you are really J-Fed and his cronies...trying to divide and conquer. So any poor lout that goes to City Hall will be standing there holding his schlong wondering where everyone is. Don't fall for the Department's bullshit, folks. The march is on HQ!! Let's ROLL!!!!!!!

9/13/2010 03:42:00 PM

Marky mark and funkmaster greg stay off the blog idiots! Greg you told mike shields to step aside as you run for flop president just to have same old shit with the same crew,as marky mark gets a huge job with the state via shortshanks,a gift for selling us out correct?

9/13/2010 10:13:00 PM

Wow. Last week mark Donahue was getting a county job. Now it's a state job thru shanks? Does the bullshit ever get old? Speaking of bullshit, Anyone seen shields email? He doesn't want to march. What the hell is he thinking? Big baby. If he can't run it, he just pick up the ball and go home. Wah!

9/13/2010 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The march is a very bad idea. I hate these guys as much as anyone, at this point the last thing we should want to do is them martyrs.

9/13/2010 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say the march is ON, and it's at HEADQUARTERS! If you want to carry a sign, bring it; I'll be bringing empty boxes with the names "WEIS", "MASTERS", "ASST. SUPTS." and "DEPUTY SUPTS" written in bold black marker on the sides.

9/13/2010 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


WLS 890AM News is saying that the Police March is tomorrow, not Wednesday.

FOP get out some Press Releases, they are worried about a citizen groundswell and outpouring.

Please let everyone know

9/14/2010 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous same old petrified FLOP B.S. said...

Wow. Last week mark Donahue was getting a county job. Now it's a state job thru shanks? Does the bullshit ever get old? Speaking of bullshit, Anyone seen shields email? He doesn't want to march. What the hell is he thinking? Big baby. If he can't run it, he just pick up the ball and go home. Wah!

9/13/2010 10:32:00 PM

Read the letter, O Blind Keeper O Duh Golden FLOP Kneepads.

Shields argues for a CHANGE OF VENUE with the suggestion that FLOP respond to the concerns of it's membership. Why didn't Marky Mark D + FLOP Muzak Factory schedule this march AFTER the next FLOP meeting?

We/You/Everybody can always count on dat FLOP spin.

9/14/2010 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FLOP is in bed with the mayor. They are getting payed off to have the march at HQ. This is so the mayor doesn't look bad on his last days in office. And just like little puppets we dance without a purpose. Oh, don't let me forget to thank the FLOP for our raise,WTF. What have you done for us lately besides spend our money on BS.

9/14/2010 11:29:00 PM  

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