Remembering 9/11
Nine years. Seems like yesterday sometimes:

We've just got one of those feelings that the year leading up to the 10th anniversary might have some bad undercurrents. Be safe ladies and gentlemen. Be careful. And always be aware.
This is not an open post and we will be moderating rather closely.

We've just got one of those feelings that the year leading up to the 10th anniversary might have some bad undercurrents. Be safe ladies and gentlemen. Be careful. And always be aware.
This is not an open post and we will be moderating rather closely.
Labels: terrorism
You Never Walk Alone...
This AM I will be at Police Memorial Park in Las Vegas with the NYC 10-13 Club remembering and honoring the departed. There will be many retired PO's from Chicago.........
I will NEVER FORGET.........
I will NEVER FORGIVE.......
God Watch Over US..........
May we all see peace in our lifetime.
I lost four friends. Losing only ONE would be bad, but FOUR? They were "just" civilians.
They were all chasing a dream.
It DOES seem like yesterday, EVERYONE lost their virginity that day.
It's hard to believe that it's been 9 years.
EVERY year I tell myself it won't affect me.
EVERY year it does.
EVERY year, I shut everything out.
I short everything to ground.
During the day, sometimes I doze, but usually it's silent contemplation.
Absolute silence.
I'm not hung up on the time, more on the event.
Bless You, SCC.
Bless Me, too.
TY SCC for posting...... I had to put my papers in at the last minute to the WTC-12 for being there and helping in the rescue (which we all know was a recovery)....... Many, many friends sending emails to me today........... And all I can say is 9 years later, I am still overcome........42 friends and family dead from the "initial" attacks, many more dead of disease from what was in the air, when the EPA said we were OK to go in......
I am not going to go into a long post here....... WE WERE NOT OK...... THE EPA LIED!!!!!!! Our lungs, sinus are shot to hell.........
Please everyone remember what happened that day, who sacrificed their lives in those towers that day unknowingly............AND please remember those that went into SAVE LIVES, never thinking there was not a life to save and selflessness sacrificed their lives years later from the contaminates.
Memories.......Memories......... They will never leave. Nor will nightmares........ God BLESS AND SAVE AMERICA.
To every Officer and Firefighter who fell on that day, to those who suffer the after effects to this day, to the families, brothers-in-arms, co-workers and friends who lost their beloved on that day- may our memories of September 11th never fade. We shall never forget you.
15 days on the job when that happened. B safe everyone and keep doing GOD's work no matter what the climate is.
May God Bless America...
Condolences to those who lost loved ones. My heart breaks for you.
Remember always.
Remember also Rick Rescorla, KIA 9/11 WTC Tower 2, credited with saving thousands of lives.
Rick was Vice President of Security for Morgan-Stanley/Dean-Witter, the largest tenant in the World Trade Center.
Rick Rescorla's photograph, as a young soldier of the 7th Cav, is on the cover of a book, We Were Soldiers Once... And Young, written by General Hal Moore and Joseph Galloway.
Rick Rescorla saw combat in Vietnam in the Ia drank alley at LZ X-Ray.
He had the employees at Morgan-Stanley do regular evacuation drills after the WTC bombing of 1993. Those drills, and his order to evacuate on 9/11, ignoring the advice to return to their offices, saved thousands that day.
Rick Rescorla died like he lived his life, heroically and while helping others.
Never forget people like that.
God Bless America
Never forget those who perished.
one year later we were granted the HONOR of marching into ground zero and Playing Amazing Grace at the base of the towers with debris still clinging to surrounding buildings and trees..I WILL NEVER FORGET..God keep the victims and the survivors in your grace.forver.
Lead Stick Emerald Society Pipes and Drums of the Chicago Police dept. AKA.Lost in Fillmore.
America, America, God shed His Grace on Thee!!
We will never forget . . . . .
Hope everyone remembers the sacrifice that many make and the risks others take on our behalf like you cops and firemen. I don't forget firemen running into burning buildings here in Chicago or the Trade Center. I remember watching those buildings burn and there was no question they would collapse. You cannot have a fire like that unchecked attacking the iron without degredation and failure. Or firemen and police running into those buildings or you street cops running towards the sound of gunfire in Englewood that makes the rest of us flinch and duck. Again, many place themselves in harms way for we citizens routinely and it seems to be a good time to remember this. And if you need another reminder besides today, pick up a copy of "Roberts Ridge" and read that when you go to bed.
My prayers are with the families, friends, loved ones and the country on this 9th anniversary of the 9-11 Islamic Terror Attacks.
God Bless America
Fly the Flag
Don't Let the Bastards Get You Down.
Beautiful tribute and true words. We are always on high alert on this day. And we will never forget. Be safe!
God Bless America
We will never forget those that lost their lives on 9-11-2001
Pray for our troops
It would really seam like yesterday if we took the Jewish model and rebuilt them as soon as possible. "I blew those buildings up." "No you didn't Ali, they're still there."
009 midnights
Remember indeed.
It was not a "man-made disaster".
It was a deliberate attack by devout mohameddans as part of the ongoing jihad against Dar Al-Harb.
Make sure your children see the videos from that day and that they know who did it.
God Bless the United States.
Rick was Security Director at Continental Illinois National Bank here in Chicago in the late 70's and early 80's. While here he also commanded the 2/337/1 Cav in the 85th Division USAR. He made full colonel before his retirement from the Army Reserve. He got all his people out of the towers and died going back in to help get others out. His biography is called The Heart of a Soldier. I forget the author. An American hero. He was born in England. When he came to the US he immediately joined the Army.
"May your strength give us strength
May your faith give us faith
May your hope give us hope
May your love give us love"
Springsteen 2002 "Into the Fire"
This is on a display at the 9-11 Memorial in NYC.
Hang tough!
I remember heading to check-off when the first plane hit. During check-off, someone said a second plane hit.
My first thought was, God help us.
I wish I could say that all have learned to be more aware of the evils around us, but I have found that many have only buried their heads deeper in the sand.
I had several friends who worked in the WTC and thankfully they all were late for work that day and survived.
For the sake of the departed and their families, may we never forget. For our the sake of our children, we cannot forget.
This a day none of us will EVER forget...NOR SHOULD WE!
To those Police Officers, Firefighters and assorted rescue personnel who were there at the scene, you are heroes. To those who lost loved ones, whether they were helping evacuate people or just regular citizens who were at, what was thought to be a normal day of work, they are in GOD'S hands.
To those who perpetrated this cowardly act or those who supported it, you WILL burn in hell!
Its still hard to watch the incident on TV nine years later without crying....God Bless the USA and all the victims of that horrible day....
To all muslims living in this country. Join the melting pot as our fathers and grandfathers have. Become Americans or if you feel too strongly that you cannot wholeheartedly join the rest of us in coming together as one on the anniversary of this sinister tragedy, feel free to go back and be whatever you were wherever that may be. You cannot sit on the fence, are you Americans who are Muslim or Muslims who live in America.
It is sad how so many have forgotten. Even LAPA, that I am a member, did not even pay tribute on their website.
A must read today:
Never forget.
Ten years on the job today:
Class 00-5
I remember watching the second plane hit the tower while having coffee, before roll call. I remember calling all my tact unit in, in uniform. I remember the panic when the eerie silence was broken by the sound of combat air patrols over Chicago; I remember feeling helpless to prevent a tragedy of that magnitude. God bless the USA; God's Peace to the fallen heroes. God protect us all. I will never forget; I will never forgive.
I sit down my Family and we watch 102 Minutes that changed America every year.
Watch that and see if you feel bad about water boarding, predator drones video "highlights" or krazy pastors thinking about burning a book.
Steam roll them all.
America, please remember that fateful day. Remember those who perished and those who brought such hell on Earth to us. Please remember so we can prevent this tragedy from ever happening again.
If we forget our past, we are doomed to repeat it.
God Bless America!
Never forget the anger and hurt of that day. that human beings could do such evil in the name if their god. And the love and sacrifice Americans made in the name of their god and country. Ot, printers row book fest , interviewing officer Martin Prieb author of book " the wagon and other stories from the city", we've got some talented people on the department.
Every book I've read about 9-11 mentions Rick in sterling terms.
I don't know how many times I read about Rick's heroics and thought, "You've got to get out of there, too!", knowing full well that this solid guy didn't survive the attack.
Rick's spirit survives nine years later, however, in the hearts of all of our soldiers, cops, and firemen who answer the call no matter what the odds.
RIP and God bless.
Sorry to say but I feel that we have become desensitized to what happend 10 years ago. We have the media telling us, our government telling us, the courts up to and including the "supreme court all of these asking us to be tolerant, to be open armed to those cultures that hate us and wish us and our country harm.
I look at the list of firefighters and officers that lost their lives doing their job, in addition to those civilians that were just their working for their dreamn their children in day care......
Sorry, I can't be tolerant, I can't forget nor forgive and sorry to say, I can't forgive those who downplay what exactly this was, whether its our goverment present, our courts or our schools that try and teach our children as such. Its also sad to say that I teach my children to not believe everything they see or hear from any of the above mentioned. That's the country we have temporarily evolved to.
To all those who stand up to those who would do. Us harm and try and take away what we have built....Thnak you and God Bless.
Nine years ago, and it seems like yesterday...
My prayers go to those men and women who were assasinated, and to their relatives and friends. We stand with you.
NEVER FORGET 9/11. Stand up for your beliefs and your rights as an American to oppose that which threatens our country and our lives.
Go to and learn what people in our country are doing, and what they are saying about this day, 9/11.
Can't forget, Will never forget 9/11.
Always remember that these amimals did this to America in the name of Islam and their God. Never forget and never stop fighing against this type of evil.
That 102 Minutes that changed America was shown in TARA. It really refelected on how people felt at that time.
Sadly, most have forgotten. I talked to the day sergeant at TARA about some ideas for a new TARA program and he told me he was late for his workout.
We have to take the initiative and prepare for ourselves and our families.
I will never forget that day. I saw the towers fall as I sat down to take break. I remember going back up to the 12th floor of the building I was in and not seeing planes in the sky. I had a good view towards O'Hare. I will never forget.
God bless those who had their lives taken from them and God bless those who continue to put their lives on the line for all of us.
A Grateful Suburbanite
For those who didnt get to see Team Tour Of Duty 2010... I had the extreme honor and pleasure of photographing these HEROS who ran from L.A. to Ground Zero in New York as they passed through Chicago. If you would like to see the video, copy and paste this link.
Anonymous said...
Every book I've read about 9-11 mentions Rick in sterling terms.
I don't know how many times I read about Rick's heroics and thought, "You've got to get out of there, too!", knowing full well that this solid guy didn't survive the attack.
Rick's spirit survives nine years later, however, in the hearts of all of our soldiers, cops, and firemen who answer the call no matter what the odds.
RIP and God bless.
9/11/2010 03:56:00 PM
Rick urged Morgan-Stanley to move to a more secure low rise building, perhaps on the New Jersey side after the 1993 bombing. He told his bosses that they would be hit again and must prepare. His soldier sense told him they would come again.
The bosses said no to the move and that is when Rick started his evacuation drills. So when the day came they knew what to do because Rick Rescorla taught them well.
Rick stayed in the building getting people out until the building came down on top of him. His wife was watching on TV at the time.
We need about a thousand like him here. Instead of preparing for the worst we argue about trivial bullshit.
The entire police department should have a plan and everyone should know what it is and we should drill and train regularly. That is so when the day comes we might be prepared.
Prepare yourselves people, don't depend on the police department to maintain order amid chaos and catastrophe. We all know who among us can be counted on and mostly it isn't the bosses.
it was my last my last day in the duece working mids. cleaned out my locker, went outside, someone said a plane hit world trade tower. i went home and saw the 1st tower hit, on replay. as i watched that they went live and i saw 2nd tower hit. i sat in front of my tv for i thought was forever. i waited for the call to come back to work, thank G-D it never came. but i was up for 2 days anyway. G-D bless our brothers that gave their all and the families of all that passed that day.
Never ever forget
It was long overdue, but I finally found time to stop at our local firehouse and thank the whole crew there for the tremendous job they do in the neighborhood, day in and day out. A visit and a handshake means a great deal, and I was assured that my thanks would be passed on to others on the watch.
May we always remember those who perished on that day. SCC, you are not the only one who has a bad feeling coming upon the 10th anniversary next year. We can only hope and pray that any planned attack is stopped before it occurs. Always be vigilant. Especially in this day and age.
I remember It was a bright sunny day on the southside near the lake, at 10 am a colleague we are under attack. I remember the fighter jets and the and booms and shaking of the windows as the flew by. The Sears tower in view we tried to continue teaching and keep calm for our students. Then the eerie silence in the sky of uncertainty.
Go to and see how the military is paying tribute to the souls lost on 9/11...there's video and commentary.
HOOAH! God bless America.
I remember we were jogging that day from the academy to the lake front and back that day. We all gathered in the gym watching the tearful events unfolding. It was dead silent in the Academy and collectively wished we can be there for our brothers and sisters and the citizens.
I am not from a police family nor have any relatives in the military. 911 made me realize that my job was there so I can be the best I can be for all to come and protect all from the average Joe on the street to the preplanner who is willing to change our humanity.
God bless and united we are.
Musical Memeories In Motion said...
For those who didnt get to see Team Tour Of Duty 2010... I had the extreme honor and pleasure of photographing these HEROS who ran from L.A. to Ground Zero in New York as they passed through Chicago. If you would like to see the video, copy and paste this link.
9/11/2010 09:03:00 PM
For those that aren't aware of the origin of the above site, it's from none other than one of "Chicago's Finest."
Greg has graciously appeared at all our Chicago Police memorials from Honors Funerals to St. Jude and 'captured the moment.'
Greg then unselfishly offers the completed musical montage gratis for all his fellow brothers in blue to enjoy.
Thanks Greg, your talents and dedication do not go unnoticed.
Anybody see Jesse Jackson at bible/koran reading press conference?
The white fake revrun behind him with a beard was none other then Walter "Slim" Coleman. Wealthy heir from WV who was a revolutionary organizer in Uptown during the 70s. He became a fake preacher and now has a church in Humboldt Park.
Beware, he hates you.
On September 11, 2001, I was at work in Tulsa preparing one of our corporate classrooms for a new group of employees. When I went back into our L&D office one of my coworkers asked me to turn on the radio in my cubicle because a plane had hit the World Trade Center.
With my first thought that it was a replay of the B-25 hitting the Empire State Building during WW2, I turned on my portable radio. We listened in growing horror as events unfolded.
Moving to the theater/auditorium where someone had put the television on the main screen, we watched, some in horror, some in anger, as the second plane hit the second tower. I stayed to watch people jumping to escape the flames, to hear about the Pentagon attack, and to see both towers collapse. I was one of the angry ones.
We had an office in one of the towers.
We were all released for the rest of the day. By the time I left the building, the sky was empty of aircraft and what contrails crossed the sky were fading.
I went to get my corporate-length hair cropped, shaved my beard, and trimmed my mustache back to military regs. I called the Army and had a nice young sergeant advise me the that they weren’t currently accepting applications from members of the Retired Reserve to return to active duty.
On Saturday, September 11, 2010, I flew my flag and attended our neighborhood block party. Now too old to be recalled to active duty, having been too high mileage and beat up to be recalled before reaching the magic age 55, I listened to my neighbors chatter and the children play. In the nine years since the attack on our country, people seem to have forgotten.
I haven’t forgotten. I haven’t forgiven. Every time I see people shaking their fists in rage screaming, “Death to America!” for some presumed or pretended slight to their religion or culture, I get angry all over again.
I’m tired of waiting for “moderate Muslims” in the United States to decry the violence and demonic behavior by their co-religionists. I’m tired of being “deemed” a racist and hater by people who hate me because I don’t believe as they do. I’m tired of being treated like some barbarian because I advocate defending our country, our borders, and our families from anyone who would do us harm.
I’m not sure when the change took place, the lessening of the anger, the numbness that replaced the shock, the complacency that replaced the calls to action, but I don’t like it one bit. What has happened in this country is like losing interest in WW2 sometime after Operation Torch and before Operation Overlord.
It’s time to replay the images of that day, complete and uncensored. People need to be reminded of exactly what happened and why. Those foreigners who demand that we honor the freedom of religion of their co-religionists need to be told to do the same in their own countries, allow freedom of religion. Those who don’t want their holy books burned should stop burning holy books. Oh, and the next time someone claims that I am a member of the “Taliban wing of the Republican Party,” I may just punch his lights out.
Captain, Armor
Army of the United States (Retired)
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