Analyze This!
This fun bit of policing brought to us by an e-mailer. Click on the below image for larger version:
No, we didn't spill a Shamrock Shake on the map. Those are about thirty (yes thirty) deployment areas in the 011 District that the Predictive Analysis Unit has decided "have the potential for violence."
What a freaking joke.
We haven't totaled up the blocks, but it appears that over 25% of the district is a "hotspot." Another e-mailer tells us 011 runs maybe a dozen cars on midnights, days has around 18 cars running around 10-99, and afternoons seldom has more than 25 cars up. So one watch out of three can even drive by the spots and wave the flag if they aren't going from the normal domestics, assaults, batteries and disturbances every minute if the day.
Can anyone with a crayon send us a map of 007 and their hotspots? It has to be pretty similar. Remember, we're paying someone Commanders pay for this along with pulling how many police off the street?

What a freaking joke.
We haven't totaled up the blocks, but it appears that over 25% of the district is a "hotspot." Another e-mailer tells us 011 runs maybe a dozen cars on midnights, days has around 18 cars running around 10-99, and afternoons seldom has more than 25 cars up. So one watch out of three can even drive by the spots and wave the flag if they aren't going from the normal domestics, assaults, batteries and disturbances every minute if the day.
Can anyone with a crayon send us a map of 007 and their hotspots? It has to be pretty similar. Remember, we're paying someone Commanders pay for this along with pulling how many police off the street?
Labels: dumb ideas
does the unit predict where the beat guys should pray?
Thanks to the Predictive Analytics Unit for letting me know I can move to Beat 1111 and be in relative safety! The Westside is the Bestside!
lol all of beat 1112 is covered in shamrock shake
Call in an air strike and blow the whole fuckin' shithole up.
Something funny I noticed about that map. A Large section of the Green from Kedzie to Central Park and Arthington to Roosevelt is made up of a retail strip mall, Homan Square, parking for Homan Square, a private elementary school, a senior living center, the abandoned Sears buildings, and a city water treatment plant. I wonder how much violence there will be in that area. The area that isn't in green? Anything West of Kostner from Adams to Madison, where there were three homicides and other multiple shootings about 5-10 days ago. What a great way to utilize resources.
wow, now thats worth 150k a year!!!!
Secret Tape Has Police Pressing Ticket Quotas
For nearly every New Yorker who has received a summons in the city — caught at a checkpoint monitoring seat-belt use, or approached by a small army of police officers descending on illegally parked cars — quotas are a maddening fact of life.
Atleasts Ferdenand and Throop is safe...
Damn...who would of known. This is incredible how they can narrow it down like this, lmao, this is actually funnier than any episode of Reno 911.
God help us...though he's probably finding this whole charade at HQ's amusing as well. What a bunch of clowns. Tax payers should be incensed as well that they're paying for this utter nonsense.
Be safe all,back each other up, it's all we have left.
Are you sure?? Maybe they are just the next "Power of Prayer" zones?
Wanna real joke: try 51 'boxes" in Area 1 just for yesterday! Most boxes are boxes within boxes. Wow.
And again we say the smartest people in the history of CPD (just ask them, they'll tell ya) have NO ANSWERS OTHER THAN THE OBVIOUS ONES (man power, more man power, stop dicking around with this plethora of members only/secret hand shake/pulling bullshit numbers out of j-fled's ass units, etc) to set a course of correction.
What can you do other THAN laugh at this shit?
The Policeman in the beat car is not as dumb as these people wished he was.
Old crazy is repackaged and being sold as new and improved... Sell that shit elsewhere, we're stocked full up to our eyeballs in it.
Tell me how this is different than the old pins on a map?
old retired guy
Ha! In order to fill the event # "quota" the 3rd watch desk crew has to man cars 99 for the last hour of their tour every night! 1102a & 1102b!
What??? 011 has the potential for violence?? gethefuckouttahere! Who knew? Hey Carnac, anybody on this job coulda told you that. In fact, anybody in the CITY and most suburbs coulda told you that. Wow. And you get paid how much?
Last night, coming off of the Ryan, which I haven't used in years for obvious reasons, I went past the new 111th district station and noticed that the entire south side of the building is glass, they have officers lined up at a counter and a white shirt was standing behind them. I'm wondering, is that bulletproof glass? If not, who in the hell would put officers on display from the street like the front counter at McDonald's without concern for their safety? They are not bank tellers. I really got upset. What kind of people do they have in charge of things now?
---not a cop
I predict a shooting on 1111's Beat!
They are only paying me commander's pay to get the $3M in Obama police funding kids...if no money, then no PAU so Im gonna deliver, boy am I going to deliver.
Brett "the computer guru" Goldstein - "Sir" to all you blue & white shirts.
Kids with crayons always like to make little maps and stick pin charts, so they can attempt to keep bullshitting their way out of doing real police work.
This kindergarden fed is a complete failure simply because of the inexperienced nit wits (AKA: policy group, goldberg, etc.) he takes advise from, and shame on the deputies and chiefs who stand around and allow this to happen. Now how about a map of the 11th District showing the corners of the Thursday night "Kumbaya Klub"?
What would be interesting is take this map and superimpose the map of the homicides and agg batteries for the last week and see (even though 25% of the map is predicted) how many are STILL outside the green areas
Anyone have any word of a field trip of honor students in River Park in the area near where the bike path crosses under Bryn Mawr? I had a small unpleasant exchange of words with an apparent member on Wednesday afternoon a bit after 5:00 PM.
So now I bike armed. Lovely.
Last night, coming off of the Ryan, which I haven't used in years for obvious reasons, I went past the new 111th district station and noticed that the entire south side of the building is glass, they have officers lined up at a counter and a white shirt was standing behind them. I'm wondering, is that bulletproof glass? If not, who in the hell would put officers on display from the street like the front counter at McDonald's without concern for their safety? They are not bank tellers. I really got upset. What kind of people do they have in charge of things now?
---not a cop
9/10/2010 01:50:00 PM
That was brought up when designs first went out for that building. The 006th Dist at 79 & Halsted was fairly close in design......We were told that in order to avoid shots fired at the station by a passerby, the desk was raised 4 feet off of ground level, rather than be at ground level like the 006th District....No, it is not bulletproof glass.
If I wasn't laughing I'd be crying.
What a joke!
I predict day time followed by night time.
You should see what they predicted for the 6th District, unreal!!!!!
Hey anyone see my green crayon??? Oh crap my kid grabbed it and scribbled all over my work stuff.
Apparently CPS graduates prepared the map.
Most CPS Schools Get Near-Failing Grade: Report
Updated: Friday, 10 Sep 2010, 9:58 AM CDT
Published : Friday, 10 Sep 2010, 9:58 AM CDT
FOX Chicago News
Chicago - There is a disturbing report out from Chicago's Public Schools Friday.
The Chicago Tribune is reporting internal documents show that nearly half of the city's elementary schools have failing or near-failing grades, as well as almost three-quarters of the city's high schools.
The Tribune got a hold of those documents.
District officials give each school a score each year based on academic performance.
Schools Chief Ron Huberman talked about releasing those scores to the public, but he did not.
Huberman said he did not release the grades because they need to be studied further, and he also wanted a plan in place before they were released.
Proof the streets have been lost.Google Utube Criminals Gone Wild Chicago2
They are only paying me commander's pay to get the $3M in Obama police funding kids...if no money, then no PAU so Im gonna deliver, boy am I going to deliver.
Brett "the computer guru" Goldstein - "Sir" to all you blue & white shirts.
9/10/2010 02:33:00 PM
But what a waste of gov. money!!!...they could have hired more cops or get us some cars that work or radios that work....this is a travesty.
Why was the Area 1 Midnight Sgt crying and threatening to get a CR# on a female officer that ACCIDENTALLY took the wrong flashlight out of the office? (happened to be his) Give it up pal....go back to the beat no one wants you around.
"Tell me how this is different than the old pins on a map?
old retired guy
9/10/2010 01:27:00 PM"
the old pins on a map were far more accurate.
"...and delivery us from Weis and Daley, Amen."
...Or, maybe issued prayer rugs. Five times a day we unroll them, kneel facing east...
Whose turn is it to carry the cross down Madison Street?
All female officers will wear burkas while on duty.
Is Penny going to wear the Virgin Mary or the Mother Theresa outfit today?
Weis, Master and Brust will wear sackcloth and ashes and kneel in front of City Hall during the day.
Chickens will be issues along with radios and TASERs for San Tarino slaughter rituals in middle of Central Park at 0001 hours.
Don't forget your candles and insence.
Anonymous said...
Call in an air strike and blow the whole fuckin' shithole up.
9/10/2010 12:32:00 PM
If I had been drinking coffee I would have spilled it all over, good one.
What an absolute scam! How dare the Supt , in times of extreme manpower shortages, slap us in the face with this. This new " Wonder Pussy" would be the 1st person dumped when Weis goes. He can predict all he wants from inside a beat car, in 6 on Midnights.
Daley: Let's reverse flow of Chicago River back into Lake Michigan
Thank God this fuckin' MORON is leaving. With all the people(savages) shooting and getting shot,CPD being so short,the city getting ready to lay off even more people,schools not having enough money and the city nearly bankrupt,this is his idea??????????
The next Mayor will be saying to himself,why did I take this job.
Anonymous said...
Last night, coming off of the Ryan, which I haven't used in years for obvious reasons, I went past the new 111th district station and noticed that the entire south side of the building is glass, they have officers lined up at a counter and a white shirt was standing behind them. I'm wondering, is that bulletproof glass? If not, who in the hell would put officers on display from the street like the front counter at McDonald's without concern for their safety? They are not bank tellers. I really got upset. What kind of people do they have in charge of things now?
---not a cop
9/10/2010 01:50:00 PM
If you read this blog do you really have to ask that question?
I wish you could take a tour of 001 and Central Detention in the same building. the building is coming apart inside, parts have settled severely and there are 4 inch cracks between sections of walls, cinder block walls have settled as much as 4 inches, maybe more while the upper section is held up by who knows what, a Dick Tracy magnetron for all I know.
In short, major structural damage is clearly visible inside, the building is only 10-12 years old and is falling apart. Terrazzo stairs crumbling, concrete broken, really screwed up. And nothing is being done, no lawsuit, no outcry.
So the glass issue is a joke, the damn building might fall down. Soon.
john said...
Tell me how this is different than the old pins on a map?
old retired guy
9/10/2010 01:27:00 PM
The pins thing was done by an old guy with a revolver and worn holster smoking a cheap cigar.
The new stuff was done by a Commander who doesn't smoke making $140,000 a year, on high tech computers costing many thousands of $$ and carrying a state of the art semi-automatic European made pistol who pays $5 bucks for the coffee the old guy got for free.
That's what is different.
Anonymous said...
They are only paying me commander's pay to get the $3M in Obama police funding kids...if no money, then no PAU so Im gonna deliver, boy am I going to deliver.
Brett "the computer guru" Goldstein - "Sir" to all you blue & white shirts.
9/10/2010 02:33:00 PM
LOL !!!!!!!!
FREE COZZI !!!!!!!!!
Off topic- RIP Officer Jack Hurley (retired). Simply a legend. A real police officer. Rest in peace brother.
Off topic.
Hey SCC analyze this: The Arson side of Bomb and Arson is quitely being reduced by 1/3 of Detectives. They don
t want to put out an official reduction of manpower notice cause they don't want the bad media coverage. According to CPD stats, Arsons are down 15%. However, they are skewing the numbers. They only use arson related ucr. they don't iclude all 5091, 5090, and others that make up a bulk of the fires in Chicago. From a budgeted 36 Det they now have approx 14 det.
Familiar with this. Correct terminology is Counter-Productive ANALysis as I recall
Today, Area One has over 60 hot-spot locations.
Look at Image #9 wearing the Chicago Police T-Shirt! I hope hes not a copper!,0,5488047.photogallery
*looking as if in a dreamy trance*
Yes... Yes... I see it now...there is a gun and a person... now another person is present... an argument is taking place... no it's a drug deal gone bad... no, just a second, it's a robbery... no wait, wait, I see it now...there is a car... with wheels... an engine is running... the car is on the street... it is a Chicago street... in the 011 district... well maybe on the boarder with 010... then a loud noise... a gun is fired... no the gun is dropped... no it is fired then dropped... someone running... someone falling... someone running and falling... sirens... the sound of them is loud... it's hurting my head... stop them I can think anymore...
*coming out of trance*
Well, there is my prediction. It came to me in a vision. Somewhere, at sometime, in the 011 district, maybe bordering with 010, or 013, or one of the other districts, but there will be a crime, a very, very bad crime.
Hey! That's not hard at all. I can do that for 100k.
Accounting for the industrial lots across the district: (Ferdinand/Trip... Roosevelt to Fifth/Keeler to Cicero)(Roosevelt to Harrison/Campbell to California)
your estimate of 25% of the district will increase to about 40% of the residential area is represented on that map
With a New Mayor and Superintendant coming, I predict those Analytical appointees to be eliminated. Now, what to do with all those green crayons....?
Is there an expiration date on these things like I find on a carton of milk?
Slightly O/T...
It seems that there is no REAL answer or affirmative defense forthcoming from our fraternal leaders as to why, (especially in light of the news that crime king is not running for a seventh term) the membership is STILL slated to march at 3510. A lot of things have happened in the last 72hrs and we need to focus on being on a stage where our collective voices can be heard far and wide, loudly and clearly that the current Police and Municipal administration are playing games with the public's safety and the safety of The Police.
Common sense dictates we march at City Hall to maximize our impact and encourage those citizens who LIVE here and Work here to stand with us in sending a message that intentionally putting us all at risk for the sake of politics and spite is a no go.
Our fraternal leadership has cynically tied themselves to a seemingly indefensible position.
Let's hold off on the march for now and have them justify themselves to the membership at the upcoming meeting.
Be courteous and give them a chance. We're sure they have an explaination that would appeal to the reasonable Policeman.
it's consensus that j-fled is an absolute stink in everyone's nostrils. So is Crime King Daley along with his loyal henchmen, goons and affiliates.
At the moment of truth, Policemen seek to eliminate the threat. Not by shooting it in the anus, (3510 S. Michigan) but through the heart and brain. (111 N. LaSalle)
J-fled is just an expulsion from the reeking bowels of the decayed and corrupted body politic of Chicago that resides at 111 N. LaSalle.
See you at the next FOP meeting...
Perhaps we can strike a decisive blow for what's right.
Isn't that the way of The Policeman?
4 yr wonder HE GONE!
Just wait until the citizens are informed in the Aldermanic races about police manpower. John Garrido is going to ignite the spark that will lead to a full blown revolution in Chicago.
When John Garrido lets the truth out he will be the next former CPD Alderman.
Here's what predictive analyzing can't do. It cannot predict gang conflicts. Last year Unknown Vice Lords (UVLs) and Black Souls had a violent conflict throughout 1123 and 1124s beat resulting in 16 agg bats and about 8 homicides. This year so far on 1123 and 1124s beat(s) it is only 7 shootings and 3 homicides. Predictive analyzing cannot predict when someone wants to take over a new dope spot.
How about this. A direct challenge to HQ. Every district at check off have each regular beat officer underline one block on their beat as the next chance for a shooting. After 1 period compare with wiz kids projections, I'll bet the beat officers would win hands down. Up for the contest wiz kid? Doubt it.
"Chickens will be issues along with radios and TASERs for San Tarino slaughter rituals in middle of Central Park at 0001 hours.
Don't forget your candles and insence.
9/10/2010 05:42:00 PM"
hey, don't underestimate the power of a dead chicken.
Uh oh, trouble at a bowling alley in 016. It wasn't the ghetto man up there was it?
"Off topic.
Hey SCC analyze this: The Arson side of Bomb and Arson is quitely being reduced by 1/3 of Detectives.
When you factor in the housecats and inside admin people, it is more like 1/2 the manpower. Leaves about 14 to cover 3 watches and D.O.G's and furlos.
So when you get an Arson, the district will have to secure the scene until an Arson Det can arrive. Might be a while.
"How about this. A direct challenge to HQ. Every district at check off have each regular beat officer underline one block on their beat as the next chance for a shooting. After 1 period compare with wiz kids projections, I'll bet the beat officers would win hands down. Up for the contest wiz kid? Doubt it.
9/10/2010 11:23:00 PM"
ya know, that would work.
i mean, seriously, that would work.
" Predictive analyzing cannot predict when someone wants to take over a new dope spot.
9/10/2010 11:22:00 PM"
predictive analyzing can't predict shit.
i take that back, it can predict that a body that eats will, in due course of time, shit.
that's about it.
just shit.
Why was the Area 1 Midnight Sgt crying and threatening to get a CR# on a female officer that ACCIDENTALLY took the wrong flashlight out of the office? (happened to be his) Give it up pal....go back to the beat no one wants you around.
get a life does someone accidently take a something out of a sgt's drawer?
The Box Chevy Phantom said...
Slightly O/T...
It seems that there is no REAL answer or affirmative defense forthcoming from our fraternal leaders as to why, (especially in light of the news that crime king is not running for a seventh term) the membership is STILL slated to march at 3510. A lot of things have happened in the last 72hrs and we need to focus on being on a stage where our collective voices can be heard far and wide, loudly and clearly that the current Police and Municipal administration are playing games with the public's safety and the safety of The Police.
Common sense dictates we march at City Hall to maximize our impact and encourage those citizens who LIVE here and Work here to stand with us in sending a message that intentionally putting us all at risk for the sake of politics and spite is a no go.
9/10/2010 10:01:00 PM
The FOP is all we have. I am tired of infighting causing us to be divided publicly like this. Agree or not, we need to stand together, I am not too keen on going on the march at 35th St but I will go to support my union leadership. When there is other leadership I will support them as well.
I will express my differences at FOP meetings or in email and letters or by phone to the current leadership. Not in public.
Everyone is missing the obvious here. Since a shooting/homicide is likely to occur in ONE of those green areas (at least) the PAU can take credit for being on target!
Hey Guys, you know how they sometime have chickens or monkeys pick sport teams?? Couldn't you try the same and see how they measure up to brainiacs computer ANALysis??
>>>Anonymous said...
Why was the Area 1 Midnight Sgt crying and threatening to get a CR# on a female officer that ACCIDENTALLY took the wrong flashlight out of the office? (happened to be his) Give it up pal....go back to the beat no one wants you around.
get a life does someone accidently take a something out of a sgt's drawer?
9/11/2010 03:00:00 AM<<<
Damn things all look alike.
I engraved my name in mine with an electric pen. Years ago I had my name and star number nicely engraved on my Mag-Lite at a trophy shop. That's still tucked in the front seat of my own car.
"Anonymous said...
Just wait until the citizens are informed in the Aldermanic races about police manpower. John Garrido is going to ignite the spark that will lead to a full blown revolution in Chicago.
When John Garrido lets the truth out he will be the next former CPD Alderman.
9/10/2010 11:13:00 PM"
Appointed by Daley to succeed William J.P. Banks as Alderman of the 36th Ward, John A. Rice stated at a public meeting when confronted with that information, "We can't afford to hire more police, we just gave them a 10% raise."
I heard that there is a 25th District Sergeant running against him, is this true?
We don't need the PAU "predict" that there is going to be violence in the 011th, 07th and 02nd god we already know that, what is wrong with these people? How can you give "credit" to some knucklehead who is predicting the obvious? How stupid do they think we are and the general population?
the units assigned to these deployment locations are ordered to stay within the designated areas and will be checked by GPS should they venture out of them. the areas are to manpower them and the districts are suppose to supplement where needed.
Brett 'crayola' goldigger is being shoved down CPD's throat to justify his position and salary with all the news media attention its been given.
Again, CPD and its citizens are the losers...with manpower shortage and backlogs in busy districts.
justify the following units which i believe overlap with predictive analysis high tech mumbo jumbo:
DOC, Fusion Center, Gang Intelligence
BOTTOM LINE: the above all represent BODIES that can be used on the street.
GOD, please help CPD stay safe.
Anonymous said...
Hey Guys, you know how they sometime have chickens or monkeys pick sport teams?? Couldn't you try the same and see how they measure up to brainiacs computer ANALysis??
9/11/2010 07:22:00 AM
Those aren't chickens of monkeys, that is our command staff! Ain't they fine? Don't it make you just swell with pride at the sight of them smugly and arrogantly marching around with their gold braid just all glowing?
Yeah, makes me want to puke too.
Not much time left for me, thank God!
"How stupid do they think we are and the general population?
9/11/2010 09:28:00 AM"
apparently, pretty damn stupid.
are they correct in their assessment?
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