Analyze This! Part II
You guys and girls like your maps! Via another e-mailer, by further coloring in the industrial and vacant land in 011, the Predictive Analysis Unit looks even more foolish. This map....
...becomes this map:
Probably under 50% of 011 isn't a hot spot. We guess you can pretty much write off Fillmore as a lost cause. In fact, you probably could have done that 40 years ago.
Now who has our Englewood map?
UPDATE FROM THE CRYSTAL BALL UNIT: And a shooting yesterday afternoon that .... wait for it ....was not in any of the hot spots. What a brilliant use of money this unit is. We're going to rename them the CPS Unit - Can't Predict Shit.

Now who has our Englewood map?
UPDATE FROM THE CRYSTAL BALL UNIT: And a shooting yesterday afternoon that .... wait for it ....was not in any of the hot spots. What a brilliant use of money this unit is. We're going to rename them the CPS Unit - Can't Predict Shit.
Labels: dumb ideas
Brett Goldstein has figured out that Fillmore and Englewood are dangerous ? This man is a genius and worth every cent of his 150k salary! Of course he's brilliant , he used to work for a company that reserved tables for dinner reservations. A Nobel peace prize is right around the corner.
This was posted on Shaved, very interesting!
This was posted on the Sun Times:
Thank God this Police Officer survived this vicious attack!
It is clearly evident that the City of Chicago is LAWLESS!
Police Officers are being maimed and murdered with much greater frequency than ever before.
Crime is skyrocketing, citizens are being raped, robbed and murdered due to the severe CPD manpower shortage!
The Chicago Police Department is undermanned by 3,000+ sworn police officers and it is not only impacting officer/citizen safety but taking a huge psychological toll on CPD officers.
The officers have been screaming for more manpower for two years upon the deaf ears of Mayor Richard M. Daley and his 50 Aldermen.
We need the citizens of Chicago to take action and call their elected officials and demand that the City of Chicago hire more officers before something like 9/11 occurs and you are left to fend for yourselves.
Please don't wait until you find yourself or your child victimized as a result of the severity of the manpower crisis affecting the Chicago Police Department.
This is a very serious public safety hazzard that impacts not only Chicago residents and officers; but all the tourists and visitors to the City of Chicago.
Please do your part before Chicago turns into a crime ridden disaster AKA Detroit!
Mayor Richard M. Daley is solely accountable for the current disastrous state of Chicago! This is why Mayor Richard M. Daley is running away from the ruins that he created through his blatant mismanagement and flagrant corruption!
Please join the Chicago Police Officers, their friends and families and other concerned citizens of Chicago on Wednesday Septemeber 15, 2010 @ 10:00AM for a March to Protest the Rampant Crime in Chicago and the Lack of Chicago Police Officers at City Hall 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago Il.
This Protest March has been broadcast on WGN radio.
Bring family, friends, neighbors and co-workers!
Bring your signs and take part in a historic rally to restore order and honesty to Chicago.
The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #7 will also be protesting at Police Headquarters 3510 S. Michigan Ave on Sept 15, 2010.
Together We Can Hold Our Elected Officials Accountable for the Dismal State of Affairs in Chicago!!!
We need all Chicagoans to Demand CHANGE!
Together We CAN!!!
Together We WILL!!!
September 12, 2010 12:02 AM
I work in 011 and the highlighted portions are areas known to every beat officer as being trouble areas, and we didn't need a million dollar computer or some computer guru making $150,000 a year to tell us.
This is a joke! What a waste of money...cameras and computers don't make up for boots on the ground. Go back to making my dinner reservations you hack!
Old Retired Guy Here: I was assigned to the 011th. District. The address was 4001 W. Fillmore. I was assigned there from 1970 through 1975. I handled my first homicide right out of roll call the first day, and they kept coming quite often through my entire time there. The comments I always got from the old timers were:"Fillmore is nothing like it used to be" " "Fillmore has really slowed down" " Hey have the district is burned down, since the 68 riots". I never understood that. Always seemed very busy to me.
Well so much for my thoughts.....
PS: Have A Nice Day ????
So, they have a 50/50 chance of guessing, I mean,'predicting' right. And they get PAID for this????!!!!
Killing Season: Chicago 2010
Here's a map for ya (see link) just draw a three mile radius around each one of those yellow stick pins AND, AND if you need a pict. of the crime scene because you're new to the hood well that's there too.
Killing Season: Chicago 2010
PAU...NFL season has begun. Can you please post (predict) the winners before 11:30 am. Need time to make some phone calls, need to win some cash this weekend.
Ooops, here's the corrected link for that map
Killing Season: Chicago 2010
At least its safe to go to the park.
O T really? When does a county guy on daleys sercurity detail tell a chicago cop what he can and cant do? Well I had some choice words for him in front of his boss daley and when his other securiity boys stepped in well lets say i had to leave . LIFM
Official Predictive Analysis Unit Protocols and Best Practices for Determining Geographical Crime Indicators And Interpretive Data/Algorithmic Anomaly
1) Secure 1 sided district map and planimeter from Vanecko Map Co. ($2600)
2) Carve out segments of map (usually trending towards most populated areas) so total area of said district is roughly divided in half
3) Shake Magic 8 Ball (via Vanecko Novelty Corp, $850), ask question "Oh wonderful and powerful Magic 8 Ball, will crime occur in THIS area?
4) ... "Ask Again Later..."
5) Follow orders given by 8 Ball, three hour lunch
6) Come back, ask Magic 8 Ball same question
7) ... "Signs Point To Yes..."
8) Shade in that area as 'hot zone'
9) Repeat process until roughly 1/2 of district is shaded 'hot', thus making the entire protocol a 50/50 propisition
10) Release map to 35th for general distribution.
11) Station officers at intersections of shaded areas
12) Remember power of prayer
I predict there will be a crime committed in 011 every day for the rest of the year. JACKASSES. The whole bunch of them. Ask any beat copper where the next shooting will probably be and he'd be able to tell you without a math degree or any fancy computer program. FOUR MORE YEARS--not soon enough.
Those Inglorious Freedom Fighters from the Uptown Liberation Army Release the Penultimate Video in the "Bringing Daley Down" series.
Hitler finds out Mayor Daley is not running for reelection.
I can explain the maps easily!!!!!!
Kind of sad, but I accidentally spilled my Shamrock Shake all over the map, after laughing at an asshat comment about Goldmember.
The purple stuff....? Well, you know how sometimes when one Grimace loves another Grimace....and well, one Grimace might kind of get excited and lose control temporarily and, um, uhhhh......Vote Dart!!!!
A real (low) class act is Captain Mike R. of 3rd Watch, 019, who recently, as is his custom, while standing at the front desk began to mother fuck the police who work in his district on another watch, ceiling them "mother-fucking liars" among other things.
Yet another in a long string of class-less displays of a mentally unstable mind. In over 27 years I have never seen a Captain of Police who displays such utter contempt for subordinates and openly cusses out officers, in general and by name, loudly, publicly and in full view and earshot of those same officers and members of the public.
A more miserable and unstable piece of shit has never been seen wearing the two bars of a Captain.
This is what triple merit promotion does, rotten puke assholes like this without any leadership ability whatsoever put in charge of an entire watch.
The Chicago Way, clout in action.
And Commander JK smiles lamely and does... nothing. As if it is a tough place to work, what with the paper cuts and sprained fingers and all.
Instead of kissing the ground in grateful thanks for working in the CPD equivalent of shangri-la this poor excuse for a leader treats his officers to a constant display of immaturity and mental problems from an unhappy captain with no life.
It's still brilliance at work here folks. They predict a shooting will happen at a certain place and time. They deploy police to prevent said crime from happening. If the crime doesn't occur, the prevention was a complete success and they look good. If the crime does occur, they can say they told us so, and they still look good. Where the fuck do they get their ideas from??
our taxes at work. How many cops does Goldstien cost?
I could have told you this for a lot less. Just $9.99, with a valid credit card number, for each question. I won't even charge you $179,000 a year to direct my call in phone number system.
I thought he worked for the company that invented the dinner reservation
Shooting in 011 yesterday at 1400 hours - NOT IN ANY OF THE HOT SPOTS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
BOB ROMAN was overheard talking about how stupid Blagojevich was for getting caught on tape attempting to sell Obamas Senate seat.
Roman said "I'm 2 for 2" referring to the merit picks. "I think I can make some money here on the next promotion." ..."But I won't be stupid enough to get recorded."
You got to love that Bob Roman, he's only trying to feed his family!
they justify the shooting not happening in the hot spots by saying: we had the hot spots saturated with officers, the crime happened elsewhere. See we're good!!!! RIGHT FOOLS. They did same shit at the DOC. This is why a certain DOC Boss is kissing the 4 year wonder boy's ass. He stole the DOC's job of putting out the Level 2's. Well at least the DOC had some restrictions on how big the deployment was not being able to pick the whole fukn district.
AUNT BEA Update...
The secret meetings have begun!
A while back Aunt Bea was in a little hot water for trying to organize her own (support group) Hispanic Organization.
Now that J-Fed has been dealt a devastating blow, Aunt Bea said "I need to start now" referring to her push for Superintendent.
Aunt Bea is trying to build a power base of support rom the Hispanic Exempts. Putting the "arm" on the Brass she helped put in place. From there her plan is to have all Hispanic officers contact their friends who are Alderman and Reverends and try to force her appointment.
She already told a few "I put you there and I can have you removed!"
Look for some damaging info about J-Feds reign being leaked sometime in the near future. The info will go to certain Alderman who will be running for Mayor, but not linked to the "Hispanic coalition."
Aunt Bea did they teach you this counter espionage stuff in bar tender school?
Stay tuned, more to follow.....
9/11/2010 09:27:00 AM
This might be true. My boss received an e-mail from Cuello asking that he attend some parade and ride a float with her. Apparently this only went out to hispanic bosses.
His response "Fuck her!"
Word is that the City after JFED's regime of terror ends will Civilianize the Superintendent's, Assistant Superintendent's and Deputy Superintendent's jobs.
This model will be consistent with New Yorks model of Commissioner and Deputy Commisioners.
They are going to do this in order to bring back retired CPD bosses with knowledge of the job to restore our once proud image, public order and most importantly MORALE.
Hey, they figure if a boss is going to go out and double dip after getting their nice pensions why not pay them, keep them here for a few more years and utlize they're knowledge. For those of you who disagree with this concept, when you go outside the department for the top cop job and hire someone who's never been a Policeman this is what we get, Charts and Graphs. Not only that, look at the top brass, they are either more outsiders (FBI cronies) with no police experience at all or Lt'.s and Commanders that had been recently promoted (just months in some cases) to those ranks prior to being repromoted to top brass.
Buckle up boys and girls because the ride is going to get a little bumpier while we go through the transition of seeking a new mayor and top police brass.
By the way the Predictive Analysis Unit, Deployment Operation Center, and all those other wasteful inside charting and graphing units will be eliminated. Yes boys and girls we will be going back old school. Their asses will be back on the streets in one way, shape or form.
we all have to face the fact that manpower will be short for a long time to come--- municipalities across the country are laying off peace officers--- many police departments now offer citizens the opportunity to make a police report right on your home computer--- we do it over the phone, 311... all of this is designed to have street officers respond to real emergencies hence the police department can do more with less--- national unemployment is currently hovering around 10 percent--- europe has had 10 percent unemployment for a long time and it is not going to get better--- quite possibly we will see double digit unemployment for a long time here--- the chicago police department is currently being reduced via attrition, an unofficial layoff--- we all have to face the reality that we will have to do more with less and our utmost concern should be officer safety--- realize the limitations we are facing and respond appropriately to your jobs with your safety and that of your fellow officers safety in mind....
Anonymous Anonymous said...
O T really? When does a county guy on daleys sercurity detail tell a chicago cop what he can and cant do? Well I had some choice words for him in front of his boss daley and in well lets say i had to leave . LIFM
9/12/2010 02:16:00 AM
"Beware of geeks bearing formulas." -Warren Buffet
Give Goldballs a chance. The problem may be in the software. I'm sure he'll do much better when the second revision is available and all the kinks are worked out.
Here's a predictive scenario....25 May 2011 0235 Hours......Squad: 1134
1134: yes squad
Squad: Yes director, take this domestic, and I'm stacking 5 parkers in your box.
Everyone wants to fight crime without doing the most important thing...GETTING YOUR HANDS DIRTY. Bad guys smell,fight,spit,and don't want to be put in a cage. You don't need a bunch of overpaid COWARDS to tell you that. A good leader leads by example,if this douchebag THINKS a crime is going to occur some place,he should physically BE THERE to assist in keeping the peace. It's real simple but no fun.
You should have beat guys send in where they think the next shooting will be, I bet they can narrow it down to a four block radius. I would bet money that an officer in the district will be more successful and accurate. How humiliating would that be????
Lets atart out saying that I am not a Weiss supporter. That said, the fact that everything this guy does is a joke to most commentators on this web site says to me, that either they do not trust him or they are just bashing for bashing sake and not really looking into the programs. The predictive analysis programs and threatening of gang leaders are nothing new in this country. Many of the largest police depts. in the country have been using these techniques for at least a few years and have found some success. The programs have been backed up by university researchers.Yes, we need more manpower, but why not have both: creative programs backed by research ( something new for this department) and more manpower? At lwast we are not Detroit ( yet), where two recent police chiefs have landed in federal prison. I have heard that gang demographics are different in Chicago then in other parts of the country, but give these programs a chance.
O/T Once the great captain mother fuck's you the captain bars don't mean shit. I saw this happen years ago with Capt Jitney and a patrolman in the old 019. The patrolman from another watch told jitney thats it I'll drag you outside and kick your ass. Jitney ran back into the w/c office and locked the door.Once they start with the mother fucking fuck them right back.Another merit hack brought to you by retired D/S H.G.
I thought he worked for the company that invented the dinner reservation
9/12/2010 08:26:00 AM
According to the media blast to explain his salary, he did. Someone who was booking people for dinner is now saying crime is going to occur when we already know it will.....has been for years before he became the police.
A total waste of taxpayer's money. And if it is fed money, they could have steered it towards hiring more police officers. Another black eye for stupid Weis.
But can he shoot?
This is what triple merit promotion does, rotten puke assholes like this without any leadership ability whatsoever put in charge of an entire watch.
The Chicago Way, clout in action.
9/12/2010 06:10:00 AM
I don't believe Ryan got a meritorious bump in his life. I do believe Ryan hates dogs and isn't shy about saying so. More bosses should.
Stop crying, start working and minding your own business and I'm sure your delicate sensibilities won't be wounded. Crybabies, so many crybabies.
I feel for you ladies and gentlemen
And am grateful for the job you do under horrible conditions
Hurry up and join me in retirement
be safe
Be sure to also color in the abandoned buildings and vacant lots on each block. Then set the dope on your 81mm mortar, check the windage and end the crime problem.
This whole Predictive Un-analysis Department (PUD unit for short) reminds me of that Tom Cruise film, "Minority Report".
Just like in the movie maybe PUD can get arrests approved before the crime occurs.
More silliness from the silly, silly Mayor and his silly, silly boy useless police superintendent, J-Fled.
Masters, Masters, Masters
pau will be gone by june 2011
cpd doesn't need exempt members
assign captains to run district and unit operations
lts as watch commander
no field lts.
sgts. run field operations as directed by lt.
cpd doesn't need all the chiefs deputy chiefs etc everyone knows the po's sgt's and lt's do all their work
jfled demote every exempt with less than 3 years and save the pension for blue shirts
after all you're not getting a pension and most exempts can't stand you
we know you didn't pick 90% of exempts , you were only following orders so send a message
back to patrol for the clouted
Anonymous said...
This is what triple merit promotion does, rotten puke assholes like this without any leadership ability whatsoever put in charge of an entire watch.
The Chicago Way, clout in action.
9/12/2010 06:10:00 AM
I don't believe Ryan got a meritorious bump in his life. I do believe Ryan hates dogs and isn't shy about saying so. More bosses should.
Stop crying, start working and minding your own business and I'm sure your delicate sensibilities won't be wounded. Crybabies, so many crybabies.
9/12/2010 12:08:00 PM
Nicely put Sgt Vail.
Love you SCC and all the comments, Sitting at my computer laughing my ass off.
For some odd reason i have fallen in love with you SCC
Bring back Old School to CPD...
The entire city of shitcago should be highlighted. This entire city is a warzone!!
SCC--great blog! I have an idea after just losing on a Bears' pool (go Bears!). Maybe it's been said before, but here goes: Start a shooting-pool for 'Predictive' areas(days & hours) with $1 per square. You will probably need to black out some squares (per usually quiet hours)and if that square wins, $ goes to the next pool. At the end of the pool, compare with $$$ Predictive Analysis computer. I predict the office pools will win 95%!
Lets atart out saying that I am not a Weiss supporter. That said, the fact that everything this guy does is a joke to most commentators on this web site says to me, that either they do not trust him or they are just bashing for bashing sake and not really looking into the programs. The predictive analysis programs and threatening of gang leaders are nothing new in this country. Many of the largest police depts. in the country have been using these techniques for at least a few years and have found some success. The programs have been backed up by university researchers.Yes, we need more manpower, but why not have both: creative programs backed by research ( something new for this department) and more manpower? At lwast we are not Detroit ( yet), where two recent police chiefs have landed in federal prison. I have heard that gang demographics are different in Chicago then in other parts of the country, but give these programs a chance.
Why can't our police chief land in federal prison he certainly deserves it. He lies, he steals he openly shitted on the shakman decree...gfy
"The programs have been backed up by university researchers.
9/12/2010 11:02:00 AM"
yep, that's it, that's the ticket, put our faith in 'university researchers'.
now pass the #2 mayonnaise jar, you know, the one with the sealed envelopes that have been hermetically sealed and kept under Funk and Wagnall's porch since noon today.....
"Give Goldballs a chance. The problem may be in the software. I'm sure he'll do much better when the second revision is available and all the kinks are worked out.
9/12/2010 09:50:00 AM"
you're right about the problem being something soft.....
Brett Goldstein Officially had the name of the Predictive analytics group changed.
The new unit will be called the
Municipal Intelligence Statistical System
Chicago's Law Enforcement Operations
But he prefers the acronym
Miss Cleo
A few years ago Goldstein sold shares in the start-up company (Open Table) with a value of 250K plus. If he's holding any more shares there is no doubt he is a millionaire. So, why do you fools think he needs a measly 150K a year salary?
Can someone give me tge address to the
Vanecko Novelty Corp? My kid wants a rubber nose and glasses. Thanks.
Brett Goldstein should be ashamed to call himself a cop. How does he live with himself? To think 150 k can buy this man's dignity. Disgraceful.
"For some odd reason i have fallen in love with you SCC
9/12/2010 04:45:00 PM"
why does it have to be an odd reason?
Instead of the new ABC show being called Detroit 1-8-7 it should be Chicago 1-8-7. Lord knows that we wouldn't have to fabricate anything.
Having worked for "jitney" I sincerely doubt if he ran into the office to hide, at least not for that...
O/T Once the great captain mother fuck's you the captain bars don't mean shit. I saw this happen years ago with Capt Jitney and a patrolman in the old 019. The patrolman from another watch told jitney thats it I'll drag you outside and kick your ass. Jitney ran back into the w/c office and locked the door.Once they start with the mother fucking fuck them right back.Another merit hack brought to you by retired D/S H.G.
9/12/2010 11:06:00 AM
If he had the guts to confront the man, he would. Easier to put it on the blog, less scary too.
anybody wonder why....the cops who are in the greatest danger (beat and tac guys, etc.)...don't get paid the most (instead of computer geeks, paper pushers, administrative fools, caps and other house mice, etc.)?
have heard that gang demographics are different in Chicago then in other parts of the country, but give these programs a chance.
HA HA HA REALLY! Sell your bull shit to Daley- you wacko softball.
I don't believe Ryan got a meritorious bump in his life.
What is Caption????? HEllO- Well Ryan those of us who know you-We know what a coward you are. Don't hide behind others, WE know you were NEVER the police. You are nothing but a pimple on a policemen ass. All your so called bumps were Meritorious clout you know it and we know it. look in the mirror see the Devil.
One day our "box" consisted of a mall and Chucky Cheese. Another day our "box" consisted of half industrial area and the other half was quit and calm homes with kids and family's and not a banger in sight. Another box which was not ours consisted of the vacant land that the IDA-B Wells Housing complex used to be. That person or their supervisor complained and the powers that be responded "that's an extremely high crime area, the Browning Extensions are located there, the officer/supervisor responded by saying "yeah, maybe 3 years ago dummy" it's a giant vacant lot now". Just an example of how stupid the over paid brain storm shot callers are in this ever so f**ked up department are.
A real (low) class act is Captain Mike R. of 3rd Watch, 019, who recently, as is his custom, while standing at the front desk began to mother fuck the police who work in his district on another watch, ceiling them "mother-fucking liars" among other things.
Yet another in a long string of class-less displays of a mentally unstable mind. In over 27 years I have never seen a Captain of Police who displays such utter contempt for subordinates and openly cusses out officers, in general and by name, loudly, publicly and in full view and earshot of those same officers and members of the public.
A more miserable and unstable piece of shit has never been seen wearing the two bars of a Captain.
This is what triple merit promotion does, rotten puke assholes like this without any leadership ability whatsoever put in charge of an entire watch.
The Chicago Way, clout in action.
And Commander JK smiles lamely and does... nothing. As if it is a tough place to work, what with the paper cuts and sprained fingers and all.
Instead of kissing the ground in grateful thanks for working in the CPD equivalent of shangri-la this poor excuse for a leader treats his officers to a constant display of immaturity and mental problems from an unhappy captain with no life.
9/12/2010 06:10:00 AM
Fuck him! What can they do if EVERYONE hits the medical?
A real (low) class act is Captain Mike R. of 3rd Watch, 019, who recently, as is his custom, while standing at the front desk began to mother fuck the police who work in his district on another watch, ceiling them "mother-fucking liars" among other things.
Yet another in a long string of class-less displays of a mentally unstable mind. In over 27 years I have never seen a Captain of Police who displays such utter contempt for subordinates and openly cusses out officers, in general and by name, loudly, publicly and in full view and earshot of those same officers and members of the public.
A more miserable and unstable piece of shit has never been seen wearing the two bars of a Captain.
This is what triple merit promotion does, rotten puke assholes like this without any leadership ability whatsoever put in charge of an entire watch.
The Chicago Way, clout in action.
And Commander JK smiles lamely and does... nothing. As if it is a tough place to work, what with the paper cuts and sprained fingers and all.
Instead of kissing the ground in grateful thanks for working in the CPD equivalent of shangri-la this poor excuse for a leader treats his officers to a constant display of immaturity and mental problems from an unhappy captain with no life.
9/12/2010 06:10:00 AM
Fuck him! What can they do if EVERYONE hits the medical?
....or you could get out of the car for something other than to eat or shit. It's not the ghetto, you work in 019 for gods sake!!!
have heard that gang demographics are different in Chicago then in other parts of the country
Thats why there needs to be more police.....START HIRING
Anonymous said...
A few years ago Goldstein sold shares in the start-up company (Open Table) with a value of 250K plus. If he's holding any more shares there is no doubt he is a millionaire. So, why do you fools think he needs a measly 150K a year salary?
9/12/2010 07:16:00 PM
Signed BG. I am legit. I swear.
Anonymous said...
Word is that the City after JFED's regime of terror ends will Civilianize the Superintendent's, Assistant Superintendent's and Deputy Superintendent's jobs.
This model will be consistent with New Yorks model of Commissioner and Deputy Commisioners.
They are going to do this in order to bring back retired CPD bosses with knowledge of the job to restore our once proud image, public order and most importantly MORALE.
fuck that. we are tired of the old bosses racking up jobs on our dime. look at roman in the sups office and a host of others. no thanks. just give us cops. thats all we need.
Yet another in a long string of class-less displays of a mentally unstable mind. In over 27 years I have never seen a Captain of Police who displays such utter contempt for subordinates and openly cusses out officers, in general and by name, loudly, publicly and in full view and earshot of those same officers and members of the public.
A more miserable and unstable piece of shit has never been seen wearing the two bars of a Captain.
You've not experienced the wrath of Capt. L. in least we have Kapt. K.
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