For Real?
Sent to us by some of our west side correspondents. We certainly hope this is some wise ass poking fun at the MSF boys and girls:

The truly sad part is, someone else is reporting J-Fled and Masters Masters Masters were seen at the Jade Dragon this afternoon.

The truly sad part is, someone else is reporting J-Fled and Masters Masters Masters were seen at the Jade Dragon this afternoon.
Labels: sarcasm AND silliness
any restrictions on where?
Sad thing is you could see some of them getting this tatoo.
Talked to Jade Dragon and they know nothing about this, maybe there is a secret password.
Either way the 11th district comes up with some of the funniest shit, I guess its there way of coping with moronic bosses.
It is true that they have to wear a pin that looks like this, it shows pride in their unit. If they are caught without out it they will be disciplined. How can you discipline someone for not wearing a pin that your not allowed to wear?
"The truly sad part is, someone else is reporting J-Fled and Master Masters Masters were seen at the Jade Dragon this afternoon".
They were there for the 2-for-1 Special "I'm With Stupid"------> tattoos.
sarcasm and silliness aside, this isn't a joke. more than a handful of handjobs got this tattoo. wait till they get dumped or the unit is disbanded.
To those so inclined, I believe that a pair of tattoed thunderbolts flanking a scarlet "A" on the forehead would be much more appropriate.
Save the pictured logo for the left side of your buttocks.
Another flourish would be to shave your pubes and tatoo "M.S.F. RUNS IT!" directly above your junk.
you think j-fled & masters know that is Joe Miedzianowski's old hang out?
I hope that this is a sad joke...
However, I have it on good faith that Lt. S.L. has it tattooed on the small of his back.
Did they run a similar sale on 011 ranger forearm tattoos a years back???
Well, since "appointment" is not spelled correctly I'd say quality control is in need of improvement.
What is it they're never forgetting? They've only been around 18 months.
MOBILE STRIKE FORCE. The best of the best just ask them. By the way if your going to represent this Dept. Do it with a little more pride. Here's an idea for a patch. J. Feds silhouette and atop his big ass forehead the words MSF "WE WILL CONTACT CARD YOU TO YOU DROP". Now go wolf pack and howl at the moon stupid, hopefully you will be forgotten sooner then later.
$65 seems like a good deal for a detailed tatoo that size. ........I really hope that is a joke??
I heard that if five go at the same time u only pay for fiur of the tats and the fifth is free. I sig the backwards hat on the copper. What douchebags last time some one played a joke on msf in 011 went over the intercom att msf and every single mfer put their ears to the radio. It was funny as hell and u could just see them all turn red when they saw all the coppers from 011 laughing.
MSF what a joke!!!
I sure hope this is not a joke ! because I just got one to cover up my Marine unit Tattoo
Jeez, I just had my 11th District Ranger tat covered up! Can I still get this tattoo if I am not in MSF? Can I get it with a mean angry fire breathing dragon wrapped around it?
Sounds real cool. I just pinned my new crime reduction award on my uniform. That gives me three rows of totally bullshit colored ribbons. Why are they calling me Generalissimo at work? I feel they are laughing at me behind my back and I don't like that. I am a commander! I am not dumb, I'm smart!
I like the look of that tattoo. It looks better than Predictive Analytics Group.
-- Brett
im going to get an alternate response section tattoo!! Unit #376 baby!!!!!!!!!!!
Scc... Print the ad from the 15 dec scum times on page 14 or 15... You will find it... The one sponsored by lovey/lovey regarding the law suit for those strip searched in cook county jail... There must be 100,000 claims!! What a jagoff lawsuit.
Mine will say
MSF = 10hr day
can u say tramp stamp
All members will be REQUIRED to get the tattoo on the small of their back, known colloquially as the "Tramp Stamp". This is to ensure total unit loyalty, akin to the SS during WWII, so that there will NEVER be any question of your loyalties.
Y'know, one of the best pieces of advice my old man gave me before I joined the Army was "Don't get some broad's name tattooed on you, because as soon as you do, she'll dump ya." I can't help but think that this would be kind of the same thing.
ISP Sgt said...
Well, since "appointment" is not spelled correctly I'd say quality control is in need of improvement.
12/16/2010 12:49:00 AM
Sarge, the misspellings on this pale in comparison to those that come out on "official" department documents on a regular basis.
I heard that if five go at the same time u only pay for fiur of the tats and the fifth is free. I sig the backwards hat on the copper. What douchebags last time some one played a joke on msf in 011 went over the intercom att msf and every single mfer put their ears to the radio. It was funny as hell and u could just see them all turn red when they saw all the coppers from 011 laughing.
12/16/2010 01:11:00 AM
DUDE, please don't drink and type, doesn't make u 11th District rangers look to good.
I had the misfortune of working with an elite member of the msf on a detail not long ago. After issuing a mover to a 50 yr old lady she followed it up with a dui for smoking the green. I can see why everyone is afraid of the msf cuz they pimpy as hell
Why is it that many officers on this job are always talking down to officers from MSF? Are we not on the same team? There are goofs in this unit, but there are some very good officers in this unit too. Don't judge all of us by the same brush please.
Its a joke I work in MSF No one has this tattoo its B.S.
How can you discipline someone for not wearing a pin that your not allowed to wear?
12/16/2010 12:09:00 AM
A pledge pin! On your uniform?
Fake cops versus real cops of the CPD:
This could be true. Anyone remember the goof that had the checkerboard tattooed on his bicep? IIRC, ( he was a vey forgettable kind of guy) he worked in 025. Almost as bad as the dic from Bomb and Arson that carries two ivory handled pistols both crossdraw. Where do we find these guys or better yet, how do they find us? Don't they realize people are laughing at them.
I got one on each arm below my Chicago flag and CPD shoulder patch tats.
I got a discount since I'm a repeat customer. I previously got an impressive "tramp stamp" tat emblazoned with the 023rd District Town Hall logo of the Boys Town Ninjas!
These are sooo COOL!
I didn't notice anyone of the six MSF officers that were sitting at the DD on Cermak/ Western last night for about an hour having this tattoo or the pin for that matter. They did look extremely elite however.
I know this is off topic. Is it true that OEMC sent out a message that the E.Ts will not longer get an automatic back up, that if they want one they nedd to ask for it and the Dist. Sgt has to approve it.
I`m considering the tatoo "LIFE IS A 19 PAUL" placed along the length of my p&^!$. Large lettering of course.:)
I remember a SGT in TRU that had the TRU designator tattooed on his anke. It was an outline of a sniper scope with the city siloette in the background. What a total stroke!
did j-fled get half price for the rat he had tatooed on his torso---- I heard they threw in a skunk stripe for free.... it compliments the "death from above, fifth floor ranger" he got last month....
you think j-fled & masters know that is Joe Miedzianowski's old hang out?
12/16/2010 12:28:00 AM
Theres the poster child for getting fucked by the system.
Life for dope and misconduct ?
I could see a 15-20 year stretch
but life in a box ? They fucked this guy like he was the mastermind of 9-11.
I heard there is a lawsuit ongoing with one of the officers getting a tattoo. Rumor has it the tattoo artist tattoed farce instead of force.
013th officers are All forced to sport a Golden Peirogi tattoo, even the Irish sergeants are required to show their allegiance to those true golabki grinders who run that district. Stolat, Stolat!!!
If they are caught without out it they will be disciplined. How can you discipline someone for not wearing a pin that your not allowed to wear?
12/16/2010 12:09:00 AM
Hey douche bag, you can't and they don't... How bout u get your facts straight, then when your done with that you can play hide and go fuck yourself.
"A pledge pin on your drop and give me twenty!"
If someone gets this tattoo you are a straight up knob. Then again, most of you asshats, sorry, a majority (98%) of you in that unit are knobs.
If anyone really got this tattoo, I am truly embarrassed for you
Lt. S.L. was the one who set this deal up. He was also the one who told the paper that when the animals on the streets see MSF coming they say damn those be the rolling 44s. What a fucking handjob.
If we are tatting places we worked I wonder how much half an fop book goes for?? In addition, if I worked in 007, and got an englewood ranger tatt, and then left and went to the deuce, subsequently moving back to 007 a year later, does the first tatt count, or do I need a new one??
I hear the guy doing these tattoos is on work release, he normally does his artistry on D-Block at County.
Awww they're proud of their unit, that's sweet, leave em alone poor lil buggers
What's an appiontment?
i have a tat of a time due slip on my chest.
Does the price include the book "How to be a major douchebag" or is that extra?
this is almost as cool as the checkerboard around the bicep. FUCKING ABSOLUTE HARD ONS ON THIS JOB!!
i dont think i'd get a tatto from an idiot who cant spell appointment right....
man i wish i were the real police like those guys. i can only dream...
Will some please............. design a J. I. S. C. tatoo?
interesting, looks like it would be quite painful to have done
Bitterness will get you there are no dogs in 011...please...useless coppers in every district and unit....I wish I had ten hour days like MSF...
I'll get it right next to my saturation unit and SOS tats.
please,get a life!!lets long form a public drinker,nab someone for standin outside ghetto gas station-cttl,or alittle bud!please...get over youself!!
Didn't officers from the T.R.U. UNIT boast their secret Tattoo logo? It was their Tribute to the Clout Sergeants that work there.
From what I'm told you must show your msf pin before you can get the tatoo. If you don't show them the pin and department i.d first they will not even acknowledge the tatoo even exists. But sadly it is true.
you shoud see the TRU tattoos
shows a po with spiked hair
Give us the name of the first nitwit to get the tattoo!
I want a "Fuck You J-Fled" tatoo
Being from MSF I will say that is pretty funny! But the anonymous who posted it should know that guys from MSF have joked about this for months you just took the idea and time to put it on paper. What else ya got, this made my day!
can i get a 1271 tattoo on my behind with my pants sagging exposing my flat behind
I think this is a top notch unit and the awesome tatoo shows how we work as one great team. I was showing my new tatoo to one of the Marine unit officers who are detailed here and he showed me his tatoo of a shark biting Georgas in the ass! Tatoos are a great way to show pride in your unit and they should be mandatory, besides they look better than those stupid baseball hats. HOORAHH MSF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh no boys and girls this is real. Im in msf and I know a few guys who have it... I know you guys dont like us but hey, were not all bad guys. I can take a ball bustin as much as the next guy but dont hate just because were in a matter how pimpie and lame it may be, its still a nice change from the watch. I think doin 11 years on the watch earns me the right to go somewhere and screw around for a year or two...that being said, there are PLENTY of strokes in this unit... some of which, do have that tattoo, i cant confirm that it was from jade dragon but it does exist.
12/16/2010 12:21:00 PM
"I have a tat of a time due slip on my chest"
first question. Male or female?
next question. Time or money?
still next question. Did the w/c "sign" it?
i wanna have j-fled's mug on a 1000 plasticized cow turds... charge $100 bucks and they'll still sell like hotcakes.
Isn't that the same placed that misspelled the Town? (Towe) I think I remember see that somewhere. "Mobil Strite Farce".
"Its a joke I work in MSF No one has this tattoo its B.S."
Wow...I know you guys are supposed to be a "tight knit" group and all, but I had no idea you had nude roll calls to inspect EVERYONE in the unit for tattoos.
This has D.S. (previously from 010) written all over it ! This STROKE would get one !!!!!
Sarge, the misspellings on this pale in comparison to those that come out on "official" department documents on a regular basis.
12/16/2010 06:44:00 AM
You're right... I forgot about our regular report narratives, too.
"I remember a SGT in TRU that had the TRU designator tattooed on his anke. It was an outline of a sniper scope with the city siloette in the background. What a total stroke!"
On his ANKLE ???
Only bitches get shit tattooed on their ankles.....Well, bitches and amputees I guess.
This SGT he did have arms, right?
"Lt. S.L. was the one who set this deal up. He was also the one who told the paper that when the animals on the streets see MSF coming they say damn those be the rolling 44s. What a fucking handjob."
What a douchebag! Does he get all his "street" from the discovery channel? The Rolling 44's...........YHGTBFKM
That does it. If all these cool kids can get their special tattoos so can we.
I'm staying up tonight and designing the Behavioral Intervention System tattoo.
Yeah, with a Call-Back rocker underneath it
You get a free year supply of hairgel with tat and black hoodie.
I heard that thats how they will get into districts.Instead of a swipe card they ,put their forearm under a scanner system,like a price check machine at walmart and it buzzes you in. Theres even a barcode that wasnt displayed in the tatoo.It has identifying numbers in it.
Im getting mine branded on like Davis car in kung fu. And the city logo on my other arm
Doesn't GG have these "thunderbolts" somewhere on his body?
1st off, you shouldn't hate that I take pride in my job and am in a unit you can only dream of getting into.
2nd of all I should have waited on getting my tattoo to get the better deal, but I still wear it with pride!
MSF BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoooo Yeaaaaaaa!!!!!
Anonymous said...
Sad thing is you could see some of them getting this tatoo.
Talked to Jade Dragon and they know nothing about this, maybe there is a secret password.
Either way the 11th district comes up with some of the funniest shit, I guess its there way of coping with moronic bosses.
It is true that they have to wear a pin that looks like this, it shows pride in their unit. If they are caught without out it they will be disciplined. How can you discipline someone for not wearing a pin that your not allowed to wear?
12/16/2010 12:09:00 AM
Yes it is true! You get paddled with a MSF paddle 5 times, and you must say, "thank you sir, can I have another"
This must be the same outfit that tattoo'd that guy in the paper last year, who had the Notre Dame tattoo with the words "the fighing irish" Too funny!
I hope the tattoo artist uses spell checker software on his ink gun!
where can i get my "SAT" tattoo covered up with "MSF"??
I work 1611 on days. Got "LEISURE VILLAGE" tatooed on my bicep.
How sad this job has become. Years ago almost everyone worked and you never bragged about the work you did let alone brand yourself with a tattoo. You didn't bring attention to yourself and only talked with the guys you worked with over a couple of beers and laughed. You weren't in any special unit (Maybe SOS). You were a Tact. Officer, Rapid or Beat Car and confined to that District and did everything most of these MSF Officers are doing and more.
I never respond on this post, but this is assinine. I have read paper written by several of these officers and it truly scares me at this time what little knowledge some of these officers have.
You read arrest reports and search for the P.C. They'll have every notification on the report, but no P.C. Four hours to complete a case report. My Sergeant told me to call you to find this out....No, have your Sergeant figure it out and then call. Better yet, you firgure it out.
If you are so proud of your Unit, great. Show it by the work you do and not some tattoo. You are not a Green Beret, or Delta Force. You have know freedom to act. You are a glorified City Wide Tact. Team. I have never heard one of Chicago's "Finest Citizens" state, "Damn, those 44's (LOL) are really keeping us down or shutting down our operation". I've worked in Districts where a sh#*head would damaged a squad car and we would shut down an entire area of a neighborhood. A day or two later a certain individual would talk to one of us and ask what it would do to take the heat off. By the end of the day, the offender would be turning himself in.
I know I will get some negative responses, but who cares for I speak the truth.
"I know I will get some negative responses.....
12/16/2010 11:50:00 PM"
only from the retarded.
"1st off, you shouldn't hate that I take pride in my job and am in a unit you can only dream of getting into.
2nd of all I should have waited on getting my tattoo to get the better deal, but I still wear it with pride!
MSF BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoooo Yeaaaaaaa!!!!!
12/16/2010 09:25:00 PM"
go cubbies!
maybe next year......
"I heard that thats how they will get into districts.Instead of a swipe card they ,put their forearm under a scanner system,like a price check machine at walmart and it buzzes you in. Theres even a barcode that wasnt displayed in the tatoo.It has identifying numbers in it.
12/16/2010 08:27:00 PM"
but what about the guys who have it on their 3rd arm?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This must be the same outfit that tattoo'd that guy in the paper last year, who had the Notre Dame tattoo with the words "the fighing irish" Too funny!
I hope the tattoo artist uses spell checker software on his ink gun!
12/16/2010 10:08:00 PM
A Sgt in 012 has that one!!!!
I work in MSF. You speak the truth. Nicely put.
Ha, ha, ha, SCC how do you post some of these comments and not the ones I've posted in the past? A lot are hilarious and just as demeaningful. Mine are directed to the same mopes as these ones, the coppers who think they're better than the rest, Busting balls is great but remember to back each other up.
Lt.SL. Ahhhh. I remember the day he walked into the rollcall room in 013, pulled up a chair in front of the podium and spoke to the guys in a "fatherly" tone,tellng them what the job was all about, what they could do to be success, how to avoid all the pitfalls etc.,etc. Only problem is looks to be about 16 yoa and was talking to a group of guys that had on average 15-20 years of service.He really pissed em off with that one.
I know I will get some negative responses, but who cares for I speak the truth.
No negative response from me. I totally agree with you.
i dont think i'd get a tatto from an idiot who cant spell appointment right....
12/16/2010 12:34:00 PM
Or a tattoo from an idiot like you who can't spell tattoo right.
How about a wagon task force or bum mission team tatooo?
getting on of these tats is every bit as dumb as the 4CH tats one regularly documents on arrestee's on the westside. what a joke
remember a SGT in TRU that had the TRU designator tattooed on his anke. It was an outline of a sniper scope with the city siloette in the background. What a total stroke!
12/16/2010 08:58:00 AM
It was the top of his back
i have a tat of jimmy carroll on my bottom.
I didn't notice anyone of the six MSF officers that were sitting at the DD on Cermak/ Western last night for about an hour
And I know because I sat there for an hour drinking my coffe watching them
Say what you will, but we enjoy our 10 hr days and all our days off
getting on of these tats is every bit as dumb as the 4CH tats one regularly documents on arrestee's on the westside. what a joke
Really? Have you ever made an arrest before in your life you moron? Now you're ripping on coppers for taking the time to identify someone? You're a handjob...
By the way, I'm in MSF, I don't wear the pin, I haven't been "disciplined" for not wearing it...however, the flyer is hysterical and I would not be surprised of some strokes in the unit get it...
Save the pictured logo for the left side of your buttocks.
Another flourish would be to shave your pubes and tatoo "M.S.F. RUNS IT!" directly above your junk.
But I thought SEISER RUNS IT??? Geez am I confused!
"i have a tat of jimmy carroll on my bottom.
12/17/2010 01:08:00 PM"
you must be so proud......
Really? Have you ever made an arrest before in your life you moron? Now you're ripping on coppers for taking the time to identify someone? You're a handjob...
No you are the handjob...the poster meant getting a stupid MSF tat is as dumb as a shitbird getting a 4CH tat.
I wish they would run this special for us CAPS people!!! This isnt fair!!!
These silly kids have been watching too many episodes of "The Shield". To each his own but WOW!!!
It is true that they have to wear a pin that looks like this, it shows pride in their unit. If they are caught without out it they will be disciplined. How can you discipline someone for not wearing a pin that your not allowed to wear?
12/16/2010 12:09:00 AM
Kind of like the 7 Dist/ 7th Cav Sabres Pin & 11 w/ the fillmore ranger ballcaps& hoodies.
What a bunch of Juvenile Silliness. Maybe when we decide to grow the fuck up the Citizenry will take us seriously
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