Saturday, January 15, 2011

Another Green Light Story

Shortshanks must be settling up some scores before he leaves:
  • A $2.5 million pest control contract with a company with zero employees purportedly owned by a 97-year-old woman. It turned out to be a “front” for a firm owned by her son.

    A social service agency that owed $1.35 million in federal payroll taxes and used city grants for unauthorized expenditures, including car loans for personal vehicles, private school tuition and business expenses for the president’s husband.

    A now-bankrupt law firm hired to collect overdue city water bills that allegedly pocketed more than $200,000 that was supposed to be going to the city.

    Inspector General Joe Ferguson is doing his job digging for dirt — and still finding plenty of it, according to his latest quarterly report.

You can't swing a dead cat by the tail in City Hall without hitting twenty or thirty scandals. The surprise here should be he's finding so few rather than many at one time. A quarterly report? seriously?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, for the love of GOD someone catch Daley dirty. PLEASE! Daley and his crew remind me of the many horror movies where the masked man with the knife is hiding behind the door in the dark while the poor girl is standing right next to him, but can't see him. You just want to yell at the TV, "turn around, he's right there. Can't you see him!" It's so obvious to everyone watching. LETS GO FEDS!!!

1/15/2011 12:21:00 AM  
Blogger It's McTwitter! said...

Read this blog. Plenty of scandals revealed here.

1/15/2011 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sad joke our city and even our country has become. In the end, our nation will fail because of: 1. Treacherous politicians and their cohorts who stole from the citizenry. 2. And the citizenry that allowed it to happen by not doing anything about it.

1/15/2011 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feds should do there jobs

1/15/2011 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Ferguson is like the rest of us working stiffs. He does his job but he's not willing to die for it. (in ref. to his inability to find many scandals at one time)

1/15/2011 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the emasculated - to say nothing of incompetent - US Attorney? Nowhere to be found. Make the guy a judge already and quit pretending like there's actual anti-corruption efforts taking place around here.

1/15/2011 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The surprise here is that shortshanks is not in jail.

O'Malley will not do anything about this, just like he had the plug pulled when a continuing investigation would have shown the POTUS-elect to be dirty and no better than all the other crooked pol's and race baiting poverty pimps in Crook County, Illinois.

1/15/2011 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats just silly. Silly, silly, silly.Who knows what Hoffman found. Will JPud have a news conference, crime by any other name is still a crime, right?
Maybe, just maybe, more indictments will come before ShortShanks leaves. What a disgraceful administration.
Blame the greedy police, fire and teachers. And still let us not forget the 50 aldercrooks are up for pay raises soon.

1/15/2011 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shields at the 18th District Friday and all he has is bashing Sid Davis. Guess what Mike some of us worked with Sid back in the day in Englewood. He is the real police and you never were in your nine years on the job.

1/15/2011 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Common Sense said...

The City of Chicago has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on shady 'minority owner' businesses.

This system has allowed unprecedented theft of taxpayer money. It is too sensitive a subject and the watchdogs are afraid to be called racist. They will not go after these thieves. These are set asides for the politically correct feel good types.

Now that they have wasted and outright stolen enough money to put us in the toilet: Can we please forgo this useless and expensive program

Maybe we can just go with companies that give a good price, have been in business for longer than a week and have actually done business we can verify?

1/15/2011 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shields goes to roll calls and bum raps Sid Davis from the FOP. He really doesn't know or care about the good things Sid has done for the POs in the military. When we get deployed we now get both the military and city checks. Our pension is covered. We don't have to worry about the finances on the home front and can concentrate on staying alive. Thanks and God bless Sergeant Major.

1/15/2011 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This from the guy who stated last week that corruption needs to be rooted out of state politics.

1/15/2011 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most corrupt city, in the most corrupt county, in the most corrupt state! If the Feds went after the Quinn, Stroger & Daley axis of corruption/evil the way they went after Cozzi, the air would be a lot fresher.
But I understand, daddy Daley showed little Ritchie & Bill how to do it, little Ritchie should his son & nephew how to do it. Something the family should be proud of. Now to pass the legacy to the grandchildren. Sad, really sad when your think about it.

1/15/2011 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"With All Our Rage, We Are Still,
Just Rat's, In A Cage"

1/15/2011 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is truly a reflection that we are NOT living in a democracy. We are in a feudalistic-type society, where the king doles out money from the public coffers to those who are loyal to him.

Look at Berrios hiring his kin. Flagrant nepotism. No punishment.

Laws at this time do not seem to apply to the short king of jolly ol Crook County.

1/15/2011 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not that the citizens have not tried to do something about it.[Corrupt, criminal Chicago politicians]. It's the Feds job to investigate and prosecute crimes by politicians isn't it? They are the ones who are intentionally dropping the ball do to no pressure by the politicians who want to clean up this stuff, and the taxpayers have nobody else to complain to. Lived in the City for over 50 yrs. and still only a few of many Chicago, Crook County and Illinois corrupt politicians have gone to prison. WHY ? It all smells of much higher up corruption, and Mob influence.
Even a blind man can catch a fish in his own bathtub.

1/15/2011 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like the gift that keeps on giving no? Remember this..

City puts heat on clout-heavy cafe (Unpaid property taxes, scandal, sex, unions, the mob in Chicago)

1/15/2011 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soon it will be time to once again march the little doe-eyed children and young school teachers in front of your high def TV screens -- to use as tools -- to beg for more tax dollars. for the kids..look at the poor kids don't ya know. Yeah jam that money in your pockets to build your own ego's city hall. "Hooray for me and eff you" right?

1/15/2011 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you'll note on that link above about the Millennium Park Grill and all the Mayors friends and the clout.. I give you this...

Merry Christmas to the taxpayers ho..ho..ho..


Millennium Park restaurant wins tax dispute

December 24, 2010 Leave a Comment reports: The Illinois Supreme Court has sided with the owners of the Park Grill restaurant in a five-year-old dispute with Cook County, ruling that the restaurant in Millennium Park is not required to pay property taxes.

In a 4-3 vote, the court affirmed earlier decisions by the Cook County Circuit Court and Illinois
Appellate Court that the restaurant is operating under a license with the Chicago Park District,
not a lease, which would be taxable.

The restaurant, which opened in 2003, drew controversy amid reports that its investors included allies of Mayor Daley.

The county assessed the property at $502,550 in March of 2005, contending the agreement was a lease, and the owners countered with a lawsuit five months later saying the restaurant was not subject to property tax.

Get the full story:


The Park Grill, as part of its deal with the Park District, gets free water, gas and garbage pickup. The garbage pickup costs taxpayers about $245,000 annually.


The Park Grill starts to pay some taxes and we may be able to put a few more cops on the beat eh?

What kind of lease deal is this anyways that charges based on the income of the restaurant? Pretty sweet deal no?

1/15/2011 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

15/2011 01:32:00 AM

Anonymous said...
Joe Ferguson is like the rest of us working stiffs. He does his job but he's not willing to die for it. (in ref. to his inability to find many scandals at one time)

1/15/2011 02:03:00 AM

As a police officer; I did my job but I was not going to die for it.

1/15/2011 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

15/2011 01:32:00 AM

Anonymous said...
Joe Ferguson is like the rest of us working stiffs. He does his job but he's not willing to die for it. (in ref. to his inability to find many scandals at one time)

1/15/2011 02:03:00 AM

He must also tread cautiously. He might come across a life changing event.
People in government "commit suicide" for the strangest reasons.

1/15/2011 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/15/2011 11:59:00 AM

did you intentionally omit the Madigan name, or was it merely a brain fart?

1/15/2011 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This from the guy who stated last week that corruption needs to be rooted out of state politics.

1/15/2011 10:04:00 AM

he was talking about the fall guys, and only the fall guys.

ironic, would it not be, were he to end up being one of the fall guys?

1/15/2011 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we can just go with companies that give a good price, have been in business for longer than a week and have actually done business we can verify?

1/15/2011 08:59:00 AM

only if dey gots da propally tick envalopes.

1/15/2011 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who does the vetting for these "vendors"? Why is it always "after the fact"?? Hope the next mayor, whoever it is, puts a stop to this outrageous and costly nonsense.

AND, regarding "minority contracts", enough of the "contract" with a guy who has an office and phone in his basement who happens to be a cousin of an alderthief, posing as a contractor...he gets his BIG cut and does absolutely NOTHING and sub-contracts the deal to someone who actually does that type of work needed. The raping of the taxpayers has to STOP NOW. The citizens of Chicago have to demand that services be provided by a legit contractor who knows what they are doing....someone NOT connected to the hype at shitty hall.

1/15/2011 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous CPDCOPPURR said...

Whomever is bitching about Michael K. Shields needs to get a life.. HE is the breathe of fresh air CPD has been begging for. Look at what he has done, exposing things, keeping people honest and true blue all the way. So to you asshats that are "trying to bash" STFU we need him out there as our voice. He is more then qualified for the job. He is and has always been a cops cop as well as his brother Dan.

Jealousy will get you know where. Straight arrows are straight arrows who will not be swayed by the temptations of CROOK COUNTY. He will work for us to make sure and try to block the nightmare of a 2% raise won't happen again.

VOTE TEAM SHIELDS. He and his team are all we have left of this once great Department. GO MIKE!!!!!

1/15/2011 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shields goes to roll calls and bum raps Sid Davis from the FOP. He really doesn't know or care about the good things Sid has done for the POs in the military. When we get deployed we now get both the military and city checks. Our pension is covered. We don't have to worry about the finances on the home front and can concentrate on staying alive. Thanks and God bless Sergeant Major.

1/15/2011 09:01:00 AM

I agree. Sid is all good. Shields is a pompous arrogant ass.

1/15/2011 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that the City screws with the IGO more than any other department. They have 24 unpaid days, most work a mandatory 8.5 hr day, and average salary of $75k BEFORE unpaid days and not elgible for monetary overtime and the comp time can't be cashed out when leaving the City. The City council designed an office that very few qualified people can afford to stay at long emough to make a difference unless they've got a rich spouse or another income.

1/15/2011 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The US Attorney operates at the whim and wishes of POTUS.

1/15/2011 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But it's the lowly police and firemen's pensions that are the problem right? I'd love to see Ritchie Daley pay for what he's done to this once great city.

1/15/2011 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was the point. No one should be willing to die for a job. Especially in this honorless city. I withdraw that last comment. Chicago is filled with honorable tax-paying, hard working, honest citizens that would no more sell a promotion or a position than shove their mother in front of an el train. They are the only reason police and fire still show up at work.

1/16/2011 02:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Shields goes to roll calls and bum raps Sid Davis from the FOP. He really doesn't know or care about the good things Sid has done for the POs in the military. When we get deployed we now get both the military and city checks. Our pension is covered. We don't have to worry about the finances on the home front and can concentrate on staying alive. Thanks and God bless Sergeant Major.

1/15/2011 09:01:00 AM

I agree. Sid is all good. Shields is a pompous arrogant ass.

1/15/2011 06:41:00 PM

Vote coming up real soon.

We will see then what the majority thinks.

The FOP Election of Officers, ballot packages get sent out first week of February, mail back immediately. Due back by the morning mail pickup at the PO Box on Mar 4, 2011.

VOTE officers, this is your union, you decide who will run it!

1/16/2011 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VOTE TEAM SHIELDS. He and his team are all we have left of this once great Department. GO MIKE!!!!!

1/15/2011 05:58:00 PM


Mike has not done enough to help our pensions. What - keep Huberman out! Please.

Mikes team is less than desirable.

Mike needs more time under his belt before he screws up our lodge.

1/16/2011 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will someone tell just what did Mike Shields say at roll call?

Other than show a video of the Huberman fiasco, what has Mike done?

He certainly DID NOT go to Springfield this past November to try and protect your pension.

1/16/2011 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though im not a Shields fan, ask Sid davis how well he handled the behavioral program debacle. Everytime I went to talk to him he'd offer me a candy bar and tell me how there was nothing the Fop could do. Fop did a lot of good in the last couple years. However they way they handled this was inexcusable.

1/16/2011 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike needs more time under his belt before he screws up our lodge.

1/16/2011 08:39:00 AM

so, what you're saying is that you prefer those who have experience screwing up our lodge to those who have no experience screwing up our lodge?

1/16/2011 06:11:00 PM  

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