Thursday, January 13, 2011

Emanuel Wants It All

  • In contrast to his main rivals in the mayor’s race, Rahm Emanuel has told labor leaders that he favors reducing pension benefits for the city’s existing work force and not just for new hires.

    Although Mr. Emanuel has not yet publicly detailed his plan to confront the city’s perennial budget deficits and the severely underfinanced employee pension funds, he told union officials in a private meeting on Dec. 15 that he thought it could be necessary to cut the pensions of all employees, said people who attended the meeting.

  • “The sticking issue for all of us is the pension issue,” said a labor activist who attended the meeting with Mr. Emanuel. “I can’t tell my members we are going to support a guy who is going to cut your pensions.”

    The labor leader and others who attended the meeting said they did not want to be identified for fear that Mr. Emanuel would retaliate if he were elected.

At least Rahm is fitting right into the "benevolent dictator" mold that Shortshanks perfected so well.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't seem too 'benevolent' to me. Dictator? He's got that one down already.

I guess pensions don't seem too critical to a guy who's a multi-millionaire in a family of multi-millionaires.

Mine is pretty critical to me, though. Have decided to vote for Chico.

1/13/2011 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you, Rahm.

You don't even live here.

1/13/2011 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sergeants Union is endorsing Chico

1/13/2011 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" . . he told union officials in a private meeting on Dec. 15 that he thought it could be necessary to cut the pensions of all employees, said people who attended the meeting."


FUCK THE FOP if they endorse this guy!!!!!!

Liberal demo-crat PRICK!!!!!!!!!

The Sergeants Union is endorsing Chico.

1/13/2011 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start putting money in deferred comp asap. Even if you do $100 a check in a fixed option. In the end, it will be the difference between hamburger and dog food for dinner. The next 3-5 years will be the most difficult time for public employees. Everybody is gunning for us because of our pension. Vote for Chico!

1/13/2011 01:30:00 AM  
Blogger It's McTwitter! said...

Rahmbo's bag of tricks includes Chicago filing for bankruptcy. After doing this, he can break labor agreements. Many cities are on the verge of bankruptcy; Chicago is in dire straights and not far from its inevitable bankruptcy. The first shafting will go to guys who retired at 55 for the free health insurance. That will be the first to go.

Watch the mainstream media bastardize our hard earned benefits. Where the hell were they during Daley's ass raping of the city?

1/13/2011 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what are the odds that he's Fops pick for mayor?

1/13/2011 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe I still hear officers saying things like "he's not so bad, at least he can run things right, give him a chance"

Listen, Rahm wants to cut your pension, wake up. He also wants to cut your salary.

He IS that bad, and worse.

Anyone but Rahm!

1/13/2011 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[QUOTE]The labor leader and others who attended the meeting said they did not want to be identified for fear that Mr. Emanuel would retaliate if he were elected.[UNQUOTE]

Well, that is Chicago and Emanuel's style, so perhaps those labor leaders aren't so stupid after all......

1/13/2011 02:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The state has what.. $69 Billion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities?

It may take awhile however once the citizen taxpayers realize and follow the money trail of their 2% FICA tax reduction that Washington gave them and then the 2% Illinois tax increase that took it right back away -- they are NOT going to be happy campers.

It's taking money out of their social security plan and putting it into the public pension plan.

So there's your transfer of wealth plain and simple and it's all of our faces.

Mayoral candidates are going to promise us ANYTHING to get elected and no-one is going to hold them accountable.

For example is Gitmo closed? Did Washington stop catering to lobbyist..yeah...those were recent campaign promises too. The list goes on...

1/13/2011 03:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miscreant Millionaire

1/13/2011 03:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

question: can he do this to police and fire pensions without changing the state law? especially with the recent state law modifications? how would this work.

1/13/2011 04:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this Pr@ck came out and stated he would kill the first born of every family to reduce the population he would still get elected by the sheep.

1/13/2011 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been saying this for weeks. This guy is NO friend of any city employee. He wants you to work for free with NO health benefits or pension. So when you leave the employment you can collect welfare because goverment employees do not get social security. And what will happen to all those employees already retired "Go back to work pal Rahm has his hand in your pocket and he's taking 50% of your pension away". He has said this several times to the news people. You can NOT blame the city employee for the fincinal mess the cities in it lays at the foot of DALEY. He changed the laws over the years so he dose NOT have to pay the cities full share in the pension funds every time it came due. Luberman just had the state law changed and the city will not pay into the teachers fund for several years and at the same time tried to pass a law so teachers CAN NOT strike! What recourse will they have. Rahm is for Rahm and big business and NOBODY else. If the goverment pensions are gone businesses will do the same as to their contributions in employees 401k plans which business have been trying for years to halt without any backlash from their employees or goverment regulators. We the citizens just bailed out the big banks and businesses but when you middle class want something go screw your self pal! We need to band together and let everyone know to vote for anybody but RAHM! 12/Jan/11 SNEED states DALEY is having RAHM the heir apparent keep his personal friends and family on the city payroll when he leaves office in select spots his daughter Nora Daley just got Navy Pier.

And their coming for you NEXT!

1/13/2011 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck him do not vote for him you will be in a soup line, when you retire.

1/13/2011 05:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This city and state deserves whatever the duly elected officials dish out. Just keep voting for all those irish democratic fucks. They'll take good care of you.

1/13/2011 05:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why he had brought up residency. If you want to live outside of Chicago he wants some pension and medical. He has made this clear by his comments. If you think he is going to give residency without something big you are crazy. To me, residency is not worth giving anything up regarding pension and medical. Those are the only 2 reasons I stay. I just have a bad feeling about this one. Hope I am wrong

1/13/2011 05:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will say it again. If Davelle does not join forces with Chico, a vote for Chico will mean a vote for Rahm. In this case I will vote for Carol Mosley Braun.

If Chico and Davelle join forces then I will definetaly vote CHICO!

I cant believe what Rahm is openly stating he will do to our pensions. Its like he is hoping for the hate vote!

1/13/2011 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this twerp gets elected to be Mayor of Chicago, we're screwed and so is everyone else.

1/13/2011 06:24:00 AM  
Blogger It's McTwitter! said...

Rahm is a piece of shit liar. His TV ads say the Washington gun lobby tried to block the hiring of police officers.

Rahm, when and where did this happen?

1/13/2011 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The brave labor leaders are afraid to voice their concerns about Rahm's plans for cutting pensions in fear of retaliation. Then how will the membership know what their brave leaders recommend for the rank and file. This is insane. This guy hasn't even been elected yet and people are cowering due to his reputation for being a vindictive jerk. Nevertheless, it looks like he will be the next mayor owing to his coronation by the media and others. Just wait. If you thought Daley and company were autocratic and corrupt, this will be much worse.
With the general assembly raising income taxes by 67% and abolishing the death penalty for even the most heinous crimes and the likely election of Emanuel as mayor, Chicago is well on its way to becoming another Detroit.

1/13/2011 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of Rahms " great" ideas for CPD can't be accomplished without violating either the contract ( replace bid desk people,alter our medical etc.) or the state constitution( lower our pension). This prick is a snake though so don't think he still won't try those things. We must get the word out that this asshole is absolutely not our friend and he cannot be trusted.
Someone needs to ask Rahm what his income is and how many government pensions he will collect. He's your typical hypocrite politician.

1/13/2011 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad the media is giving us a daily over-dose of The Rahm Show. Chico is going to pull off a shocker.

1/13/2011 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that is the guy that I want to vote for!

1/13/2011 06:55:00 AM  
Blogger Schicklegroover said...

NONE of the mayoral candidates, no matter what they say today will look out for your pension when it soon comes down to taxpayer vs. police. The taxpayers= shitload of votes.
The police= handful of votes.
They will do only what they are forced/pressured to do and that can only come from our VOICE. And who is our voice SUPPOSED to be? The FOP. Many years ago I dropped a post here trying to talk SCC into unmasking and running for FOP office but it's simply not his thing. I take heart this election because I have read Mike Shields platform and I agree with most of it. Most important, he understands that PENSION is the highest priority and he is outlining specifics, not the vague bullshit we usually are offered. The reason I believe he will honor his promises is his past performance. He has put his money where his mouth is by voting to open the pension books to the Inspector General, whistle-blowing Huberman (insert your own joke here) and calling out Shortshank's HACK S. Neely, the City Treasurer for pay-to-play that led to Shortshank's NEPHEW bilking our pension. Mike isn't perfect but that took gotta-push-'em-in-a-wheelbarrow size STONES and SMARTS that are sorely needed in this Daley-created Ragnorak we are enduring.

I am voting for Mike Shields. But know this, Mike: You will be held accountable for your promises. Don't let us down.

1/13/2011 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! It's all the city workers and their pensions. Why don't he take the "sanctuary city" label off, and make all these illegal immigrants accountable. How much of our tax dollars are educating and medicating individuals who are breaking the law and have never contributed to society except for the hand out. We need to help ourselves before we can provide for others. Back when I became a police officer, I quit my mon thru fri, 9 to 5 job and people thought I was crazy. The private sector was thriving, but I sacrificed and took a pay cut, worked weekends and midnights. Now that the economy is in the tank, we're the problem. The enemy within!

1/13/2011 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But guess what? . A lot of officers I talked to said to me already "gee, I am not going to vote because Rahm is going to win". And then we bitch and moan about how bad things are.

1/13/2011 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many pensions will Rahm get when he finally retires ?? These political scum bags can get as many full pensions for as many positions as they held. That is a drain on the budget !!!!! This has to stop ! Rostenkowski took full Social Security from many who paid their quarters in before coming on the job. He said it was a drain on the system. Total bullshit !!

Politicians need to clean their own house of draining State & Federal systems.

It's time to end the "Don't do as I do, Do as I say" !!

The democrats need to change their party name to "Fuckin' Thief Party" !

Send rahm packing on election day. We don't need another Shortshanks !!!!!

1/13/2011 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who are we kidding he will win and the unions will support him. the people of this city and county would vote democrat regardless.

1/13/2011 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

our current mayor is going to get agreat pension and he left the city in horrible shape.

1/13/2011 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city promised me a pension, they lied. I promised to work, now its my turn to lie.

1/13/2011 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look for an Indiana style pension system. Fifty percent will be max with option to purchase healthcare. You can leave at twenty years but will recieve no more than 50%. Those not vested, under ten years, I would be real worried.

1/13/2011 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just when you think we're getting out from under the rock, we are shoved deeper into the pit.

3M has been working the circuit and burning up the phone lines trying to secure a top spot on the CPD.

Well, it looks like he may have succeeded. 3M has been rubbing elbows with Rahm who is impressed by the Boy Wonder.

There are rumors of some imminent moves. If Roussell and Ray Ray move up then we will know 3M is running the ship.

If you think things are bad now, just wait...

1/13/2011 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He can't be anti union he is a democrat. He worked for our last 2 great democrat presidents.

1/13/2011 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm was discussing city vehicles yesterday. He want's to shrink the size of the city vehicle fleet to save money.

He was lamenting on everyone using carpools and public transit and then said "If I'm mayor, I will still use public transportation ON OCCASION."

What? Like once a year maybe?!

This guy is a punk..he can't be trusted. He will be worse than Daley!


1/13/2011 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not going to happen, but you can kiss that 10% raise goodbye. Illinois income tax is going up, Property taxes for sure will go up, plus they will make us pay a bigger percentage into our pension. So for five years were not getting shit.....and thats the reason they are not getting shit from me. Maybe an event number.

1/13/2011 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the result of voting irish for the last 75 years. The termites have eatin the structure clean there is nothing left.

1/13/2011 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't vote for RAHM!

1/13/2011 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Moreover, it appears union bosses either didn’t want their members to find out about Rahm’s plans, or they don’t want their members to find out CUTS ARE LIKELY TO HAPPEN ANYWAY, REGARDLESS OF WHO WINS."

1/13/2011 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Hey, I'm Just Sayin, said...

Anonymous said...
Mine (pension) is pretty critical to me, though. Have decided to vote for Chico.

1/13/2011 01:11:00 AM

AGREED... and good for you!


Haven't you heard all the rhetoric?

The PUBLIC PENSIONS are bankrupting the state. I saw Mike Flannery saying that EMPHATICALLY, over and over on Fox News. Check out the comments on ANY mention of public employee pensions on the blogs or in the MSM. WE are greedy bastards! WE don't DESERVE the EXORBITANT retirements we are getting. When this shit is repeated over and over, the sheep believe it is FACT.

EVERY TIME this shit gets mentioned, SOMEONE (hello FOP & FOP candidates!) should be at least TRYING to counteract these claims and setting the record straight. The crisis in the public pensions is a crisis ONLY because the lawmakers refused to contribute to the funds as they are legally and morally OBLIGATED TO DO! Yet all these "honest" politicians and their media mouthpieces just keep spitting out the company line from the crime families. It makes me want to puke!

And btw, if you think Chico is going to do ANYTHING different than what Rahm is advocating, (or ANY of the candidates, for that matter), you are sadly mistaken. The government has decided on who their scapegoat is going to be and they have put our pensions in the cross-hairs. You can expect the next mayor, NO MATTER WHO WINS, to join the attack to make himself look better.

1/13/2011 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Bye Rahm!

Hello Chico!

1/13/2011 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you do see some major changes in our pension with the so called trailer bill that is being worked on right now, look for a mass bailout. I have 24 yrs I would bail right now if I know the max I will get is say like Indiana 50%. Go now with 60% or stay and get 50% let me see....Later Gator

1/13/2011 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck paying into the pension. Give me my money and I'll invest it myself. I have a great financial planner at Ameriprise and should be set when I retire in 16 yrs without the pension. I'm goning to start ripping down street signs, light poles and whatever I can get my hands on from this city and state, and go cash it in at the recycling facilities. Fuck this liberal pussyfoot Il. goverenment. They want to take from me I'm gonna take from them. Check the money box on every slip regardless of how much or little overtime you worked.

1/13/2011 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pensions of current police, fire and teachers should remain relatively unchaged. However, I just cannot see other government workers being allowed to retire at 50 years of age with a full pension. Sorry, I just cannot see it. This is what is pissing off the public, many of whom have to work until 65 because they cannot get any help with health care until medicare. The patronage jobs just are too generous and not sustainable. And, age 50 is way too young to retire from the police and fire unless you are disabled. You will see changes in these programs nation wide. Or, you will see the pension funds go belly up in 10 years.

1/13/2011 09:40:00 AM  
Blogger hemorrhoid said...

I'm tellin' ya, boys and girls: Watch out for this guy: O Come, O Come, Emanuel!! He's gonna screw you like dee bull does dee cow!

I believe Emanuel and Obama played a significant role in getting the police contract arbitrator (what's his name: Benn?) to lower the money raise for police!

Watch him!!!

1/13/2011 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor is powerless with regards to pensions. The Mayor cannot change a single thing.

1/13/2011 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks, theoretically he can't change existing, earned pension benefits. It's in the state constitution.

Now, he can change things going forward . . . but at least he shouldn't be able to take away anything already earned.

1/13/2011 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm's BS statements are nothing more that election speak. They are meaningless. Whomever gets elected will be the person what has to come up with realistic solutions that will work with existing contractual agreements.

My only real concern is if the city declare bankruptcy. At that point, all bets are off.

1/13/2011 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great that our fucked up FOP leadership endorsed this jag before they knew anything about his platform.

Typical Donahue, Doherty, Bella nonsense. Curry favor with the guy you think is gonna win regardless of anything else.

If anyone votes for any of these clowns that are currently part of FOP you gotta have your head examined.

I don't know shot about Mike Shields but I'll take a chance on change rather than this bullshit status quo.

1/13/2011 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this will never happen but if cpd Cfd streets and San ctu etc banded together signed petitions that they and their families would vote in a block that could be a huge eye opener for the thieves.

1/13/2011 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...But guess what? . A lot of officers I talked to said to me already "gee, I am not going to vote because Rahm is going to win". And then we bitch and moan about how bad things are.
1/13/2011 07:21:00 AM

I don't get this because I haven't heard one person outside of the media mention Rahm in a positive light or say they arre going to vote for him. It's all a media fabrication.

1/13/2011 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess he won't get the City worker vote.

1/13/2011 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where the hell were they during Daley's ass raping of the city?

1/13/2011 01:33:00 AM

pandering to the moochers and their masters?

1/13/2011 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, that is Chicago and Emanuel's style, so perhaps those labor leaders aren't so stupid after all......

1/13/2011 02:59:00 AM

so being balless is now considered being smart?

1/13/2011 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how would this work.

1/13/2011 04:24:00 AM

ask mikie madigan.

1/13/2011 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this Pr@ck came out and stated he would kill the first born of every family to reduce the population he would still get elected by the sheep.

1/13/2011 04:47:00 AM

only the families of the working citizen population.

link card holders would be exempt.

sort of biblical, if you think about it.

1/13/2011 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is for Rahm and big business and NOBODY else.

1/13/2011 05:29:00 AM

big business depends upon consumers.

big business does not care where consumers get their income.

thus, big business profits greatly from our current welfare travesty.

anyone remember what eventually happens to the camel?

1/13/2011 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will say it again. If Davelle does not join forces with Chico, a vote for Chico will mean a vote for Rahm. In this case I will vote for Carol Mosley Braun.

1/13/2011 06:11:00 AM

and mike madigan thanks you for being an idiot.

1/13/2011 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the general assembly ....... abolishing the death penalty for even the most heinous crimes and the likely election of Emanuel as mayor, Chicago is well on its way to becoming another Detroit.

1/13/2011 06:31:00 AM

the laws don't apply to me.


1/13/2011 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad the media is giving us a daily over-dose of The Rahm Show. Chico is going to pull off a shocker.

1/13/2011 06:40:00 AM

only if the turnout exceeds 80%.

1/13/2011 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But guess what? . A lot of officers I talked to said to me already "gee, I am not going to vote because Rahm is going to win". And then we bitch and moan about how bad things are.

1/13/2011 07:21:00 AM

so, what you're saying is that the mutts that will vote are smarter than the average cop?

1/13/2011 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who are we kidding he will win and the unions will support him. the people of this city and county would vote democrat regardless.

1/13/2011 07:30:00 AM

that's because there are no Republicans on the mayoral ballot.

1/13/2011 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

our current mayor is going to get agreat pension and he left the city in horrible shape.

1/13/2011 07:41:00 AM

tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.....

1/13/2011 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Schicklegroover: Did you know that Mike Shields has two of Deb Kirby's leagal eagles on his TEAM? He's a fraud. Tell us what he's done about UNDERFUNDING at the pension board. The answer is NOTHING. He promised , but he did NOTHING. Tell us what he did about UNDERFUNDING, Schicklgroover. Please.

1/13/2011 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/13/2011 07:49:00 AM

rahmbo's idea of public transportation is the limo being paid for by the tax paying public.

1/13/2011 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So for five years were not getting shit.....and thats the reason they are not getting shit from me. Maybe an event number.

1/13/2011 07:56:00 AM

actually, we are getting shit and getting shit on.

1/13/2011 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Greggie is duh man said...

I got a "free" FLOP book AND cover at 26/Cal today, so I'm gonna vote Shitty-wide. Status quo, baby!

1/13/2011 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chico is best for the police. Read yourself on the FOP web site.

1/13/2011 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idiots of this city will further vote for another crook and sad thing is Emanuel is smarter than Daley. In the next few years we will cement our legacy like Detroit and Cleveland. Better face the fact that Emanuel will bust the unions. RIP CHICAGO. I am moving to Mexico.

1/13/2011 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yall better vote for Braun she is backed by Madigan and Burke, the Irish connection. Chico and Emanuel will keep making big money if they are not elected and wont have a say in the pension programs. Chico and Emanuel are slave drivers. Del Valle will drop out any day now and back Chico.

1/13/2011 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous M. Shakman said...

Rahm Emmanuel is now on record as saying he wants to cut pensions of all active employees, police and fire included. This is in opposition to state law and recently enacted pension legislation effecting police and fire but why bother with minor details like the law.

I didn't see anywhere that he also wants to cut the pensions of high ranking city officials now leaving office. Plenty of rank and file workers but none of the upper echelon of bosses. Hmm, something fishy there.

Outgoing Mayor Richard M. Daley is going to get 2 (three) public pensions, Illinois State Legislature pension, Cook County States Attorney pension and City of Chicago Mayoral pension. Daley will get 80% of his mayoral salary for life with that last pension. Plus regular COLA bumps.

Which of those will Rahm Emmanuel like to cut? All three or, most likely, none?

How about if Daley keeps one and gives back the other two, for the public good of course.

And how about Daley's close family friend, Outgoing Police Deputy Chief James Keating. He will get 75% of Deputy Chief's salary, around $125,000 a year, plus COLA, for life. And that is on top of his new salary as head of Navy Pier security which pays around $170,000 a year.

This flies in the face of the new law prohibiting double dipping. But Daley conveniently appointed Keating to this position, quietly, in the last days pf 2010 and thus gets in under the wire. How convenient.

How does this shared sacrifice thing work again? We sacrifice and the political hogs get their share it seems to me. As usual.

1/13/2011 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the residents of the 36th Ward:
You current APPOINTED aldercreep, John Rice, signed on to the letter that Daley sent to Quinn asking him NOT to sign the pension legislation that would work to ensure our pensions. Here is a guy who has a large constituency of police and fire and yet does not take the opportunity to back away from shortshanks to support the people of his ward. Do not elect him! Police have a great opportunity to get some police officers into the city council with the next election. Let's make sure that we vote our own into office. A sergeant by the name of Motzny is sunning for the 36th ward alderman. I am sure that as a supervisor he has pissed a few people off in his career. That goes with the job. But if we don't back our own we are as big as the goofs that we talk about on this blog who keep voting for the idiots who are screwing us on a daily basis. We have to band together. Vote in a cop of firefighter in EVERY ward where one is running. Let's show our solidarity and let's try to get something done to improve our lot in life and guarantee our futures.

1/13/2011 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all are very funny. The chickens are now coming to roost. Taxes going up and pensions going down. Capitalism at its best. Land of the thief and home of the slave! Funny thing is you all will vote for Emanuel who is a tyrant metrosexual! Democrats have never been liberal, who writes these comments. Dems take take take us for granted. Didnt Emanuel get kicked out of the Clinton's staff? FOP about to sell out for some more democratic soup. Big cities haven for the thiefocrat.

1/13/2011 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I've heard from my neighbors is that they're going for Chico.

1/13/2011 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm was discussing city vehicles yesterday. He want's to shrink the size of the city vehicle fleet to save money.

He was lamenting on everyone using carpools and public transit and then said "If I'm mayor, I will still use public transportation ON OCCASION."

What? Like once a year maybe?!

This guy is a punk..he can't be trusted. He will be worse than Daley!


1/13/2011 07:49:00 AM
LOL you go boy Rambo LIAR! The mayor has hidden 35th and normal inside the "hidden"garage a fleet of 18 vehicles,Lincolns,police spec crown vics,vans etc all for the use by mayor and his extended family! Burke has cars,the goofy treasurer has cars and a HUGE police security D-# detail all the overtime for sitting around doing nothing,but getting that girl coffee and hot chips why?

1/13/2011 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch out people. Rham will rule with an iron fist and if you thought Daley favored shaddy deals and dabbled in coruption, well, you haven't seen anything yet. Do not trust this guy. Chico, or Devalle would be a much beter choice. Rham will make Detroit happy that there is a Chicago.

1/13/2011 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expect Rahm to tone down the pension reduction statements and like a true democrat and zing us after the election. " it was taken out of context, allow me to explain, I want to increase pensions before i plan to reduce pensions for government employees"
After getting grilled by labor organizations he'll retract and back pedal.
Still Gov JellyFish has the pension reform bill on his desk with the ride along bill for the benefit of the City.
I'm going with Chico now.

1/13/2011 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't understand why people think Chico will be so much different than Emmanuel. Daley had appointed Chico FOUR times to different city positions: Mayoral Chief of Staff, President of CPS, President of the Chicago Park District, and Chairman of the Chicago City Colleges. Do any of us really believe he won't feel indebted to Daley to take care of his people once he's out of office?

Quotes taken directly from the FOP mayoral questionnaire:

When discussing pensions, any increase in retirement age must be addressed

When examining possible solutions, everything needs to be on the table.

So...Chico would consider RAISING the retirement age and EVERYTHING needs to be on the table. That surely doesn't sound like a guarantee that our pension is safe from changes like increased contributions or reduced pension percentages.

My point is Chico is a career Chicago politician with a longstanding relationship with Daley. Just because he's a lifelong Chicago resident who grew up in the blue-collar Back of the Yards neighborhood does not mean he's necessarily looking out for city workers like us. By the way, I hate the thought of CMB or Rahm being elected mayor and will probably vote for Chico because I do TRULY believe he is the best candidate.

1/13/2011 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous The Irishman said...

Fuck you and your Irish comments you imbecilic twit! You ignorant fuck- 3/4 of the Democrats aren't of Irish ancestry. There are a few jagoffs who are, the rest are made up of the same heritage that spawned you. The bigger problems are the mindless fucks that elect any of these jagoffs just because of name recognition. You are all mindless sheep following a pack of wolves only to be slaughtered. Every one of the political hacks that are in power were put there by the mindless and inept citizenry, and every one of them needs to be dumped from office at the earliest possible moment. Jagoffs like the one here who thinks only Irish politicians are the problem are the root cause of the real problem, and that is because they vote by culture, heritage and friend of a friend rather than seeking out the best choice. You’re an ignorant fuck who can't rationalize past playing with yourself, so just grab hold and watch the world go by.

1/13/2011 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emanuel, Dont worry, you got my vote, yea Right, after you said that you are planning to change our pension. Chico you do got my vote.

1/13/2011 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a 25 Year Chicago Firefighter, its best to start planning your course of action if Rahm gets into office and cuts pensions for existing employees.

1) Called deferred comp up today. They told me that if one has $200,000 in there and all their money is in the fixed account, one can get $2300.00 a month out and it will last for 10 years. $2300.00 minus 20% federal Tax and 5% State of Illinois tax.

2) If i take a lesser pension, say 67.5% which is apprx $5200.00 a month before taxes,i will use my deferred comp money To make up the difference to get me into my 60's. I figure by that time, my mortgage will be paid and i will be debt free, and when my deferred comp money runs out, my pension should be sufficient since i will have no mortgage.

3) As far as the medical, i think the 55 and out will not be around forever. I think since Rahm was Obama's Chief of Staff and helped ram the Obama healthcare down everyones ass, all retirees and city employees are going to be put on that anyway! Wait and see!

3) Try to put as much as you can into deferred comp, because if you are lucky enough to have at least 20 years on and age 50, bailout before they make cuts to the pension for existing employees and use deferred comp to hold you over.

Just suggestions in case the worse occurs. Anyone have any other ideas if they cut pensions?

Anyone other then Rahm. VOTE FOR CHICO!

Submitted by a 25 year CFD member!

1/13/2011 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But guess what? . A lot of officers I talked to said to me already "gee, I am not going to vote because Rahm is going to win". And then we bitch and moan about how bad things are.


I know it there was a law stating to current members "if you don't vote this election you will lose your job on the CPD the next day" 40% of the dept would be fired the next day. with this new lazy hair gel police its going back to stone age with the city due to being uninvolved, lazy and self centered.

1/13/2011 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now - after submarining the Dream Act - Rahm wants to have a Chicago Dream Act while cutting my pension? I'm not anti-immigrant, not anti-dream act but if you have the money for that, you have the money for my pension!

1/13/2011 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I said before, if we (CPD) don't get our families involved in this campaign to get rid of the Rahm, we are all doomed.

I like Chico, but Chicago is not ready for a Hispanic Mayor. I think Carol is the likely choice.

1/13/2011 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of all the rumors and guessing on our pension, both for current employees and retirees of the CPD, does anyone have any court decisions or rulings on changing the pension for current employees and retirees. I'm sure other citys have tried it and have either succeeded or the courts have prevented them from changing the pensions of current employees or retirees which appear to be a contract. What are the laws and court cases and rulings that I'm sure went up to the supreme court.
Quit the second guessing and get the rulings or laws governing this

1/13/2011 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am undecided whether to vote for Rahm or Chico. I am not a fan of Rahm, Daley, Obama, Quinn or the rest of the Socialist party. I am a realist. The reality is that if we don't get a healthy city financially soon, our pensions are in trouble. I know how and where I would trim the city budget, by cutting the money that goes to those who will not work. In my eleven yrs, I've seen the max pension time drop from 32yrs to 29 and a day. What makes us think that it won't go back up to 32 or higher? What makes us so sure that the pension will be there at all? I don't like Rahm, I don't trust Rahm, but he might be able to fix this financial crisis. Will we suffer a bit, perhaps, but I think he might have the balls to cut some of the bullshit money that goes to those who will not work. What will Chico do to fix our situation? Eventually he will go after union labor and us included, but I don't see him cutting the spending on "those who will not work." As far as the residency issue, if you own property in the city and have more than 8 yrs on you would be crazy to take the offer of lower pension, wages, benefits etc in exchange for residency. I understand this is an individual decision for every copper, but it won't be an individual decision per copper. We will vote on it and majority rules, everyone will be stuck with the consequences. This could split us worse than the strike split the firemen.

1/13/2011 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous NW Retiree said...

I am voting for Mike Shields. But know this, Mike: You will be held accountable for your promises. Don't let us down.

1/13/2011 06:59:00 AM

Shields did let you down. R U stupid or something? Our pension is still underfunded and he was suppose to protect it instead of aspirng a gig for FOP president. You people vote for him, you all deserve what you get!

1/13/2011 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Called deferred comp up today. They told me that if one has $200,000 in there and all their money is in the fixed account, one can get $2300.00 a month out and it will last for 10 years. $2300.00 minus 20% federal Tax and 5% State of Illinois tax.

This is not true they WILL NOT GIVE YOU ANY LEGAL ADVICE. You guys tell stories all the time.

1/13/2011 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! It's all the city workers and their pensions. Why don't he take the "sanctuary city" label off, and make all these illegal immigrants accountable.

Because big business what cheap labor- every thing can not be sent to communist China. BOYS

1/13/2011 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only hope to get the right results is to pimp Braun. With her financial situation she will understand the working man's situation. Chico and Emanuel have silver bullets up their asses.

1/13/2011 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Called deferred comp up today. They told me that if one has $200,000 in there and all their money is in the fixed account, one can get $2300.00 a month out and it will last for 10 years. $2300.00 minus 20% federal Tax and 5% State of Illinois tax.

"This is not true they WILL NOT GIVE YOU ANY LEGAL ADVICE. You guys tell stories all the time."

Actually that's not legal advice there chief. Deferred comp representative can surely figure this out. Simple math. Your total money X daily multiplier (currently 1.008), and give you the amount of interest you earn per day. It's not hard to figure out how long the money will last given a % number of what you want deducted per month to live off.

1/13/2011 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Irishman said...
Fuck you and your Irish comments you imbecilic twit!

Whatever, go have a fucking Jager bomb or a Guinness and keep voting 11th & 19th Ward Democrat, you fuck.

1/13/2011 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only hope to get the right results is to pimp Braun. With her financial situation she will understand the working man's situation. Chico and Emanuel have silver bullets up their asses.

1/13/2011 09:06:00 PM

so, what you're saying is, there is no hope.

1/13/2011 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is dangerous....

1/13/2011 11:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NW Retiree said...

I am voting for Mike Shields. But know this, Mike: You will be held accountable for your promises. Don't let us down.

1/13/2011 06:59:00 AM

Shields did let you down. R U stupid or something? Our pension is still underfunded and he was suppose to protect it instead of aspirng a gig for FOP president. You people vote for him, you all deserve what you get!

1/13/2011 08:39:00 PM

Must be Rich Aguilar writing. Mike Shields has the backing of many and growing and he doesn't need to bum rap the current FOP. They are doing their own self-destruct.

I have found Mike Shields to be the real deal. I defy anyone to prove otherwise.

1/14/2011 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Like I said before, if we (CPD) don't get our families involved in this campaign to get rid of the Rahm, we are all doomed.

I like Chico, but Chicago is not ready for a Hispanic Mayor. I think Carol is the likely choice.

1/13/2011 06:13:00 PM

Forget race, Hispanic, schmanic, Chico will get my vote because he is the most likely to prevent Rahm from taking over everything in sight. And he knows how to run everything.

Put it this way, we are most likely much less fucked with Gery Chico than with Rahm where a thorough reaming is guaranteed.

1/14/2011 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Guess he won't get the City worker vote.

1/13/2011 10:50:00 AM


Rahm is being talked about like a dog at my City job. He won't be getting votes from Trades.

1/14/2011 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant believe what Rahm is openly stating he will do to our pensions. Its like he is hoping for the hate vote!

1/13/2011 06:11:00 AM

That's exactly his strategy. Get the vote of the police/fire/city employee haters. There's more of them than us!!

1/14/2011 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Chico, but Chicago is not ready for a Hispanic Mayor. I think Carol is the likely choice.

1/13/2011 06:13:00 PM


What's wrong with having a Hispanic mayor? Chico is qualified and has held high level positions in local government. I'm Caucasian and live in the 5th Congressional district. I never voted for Emanuel when he was in Congress. Why would I want him for Mayor?

1/14/2011 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous noone90210 said...

But guess what? . A lot of officers I talked to said to me already "gee, I am not going to vote because Rahm is going to win". And then we bitch and moan about how bad things are.

Why doesn't a cop run for mayor?

who are we kidding he will win and the unions will support him. the people of this city and county would vote democrat regardless.

Have you tried educating people about not voting Democratic?

that's because there are no Republicans on the mayoral ballot.

Have you considered running as a Republican and/or contacted Republican Committeemen?

1/14/2011 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the media focus in on politicians who receive 80 percent, EIGHTY PERCENT, of their salary after only ten years of public service?

they don't because nowadays the politicians control the media, who then spoon feed the masses the information that the politicians want you to hear.

1/14/2011 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its Chico or Dell Valle for me

1/14/2011 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get this because I haven't heard one person outside of the media mention Rahm in a positive light or say they arre going to vote for him. It's all a media fabrication.

1/13/2011 10:47:00 AM

Just what got the current POS POTUS elected....Media

1/14/2011 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lifting residency is not worth our pension or health care. But it is worth these measly 1-2% raises. If we give up anything, we should give up the $26 a pay period we just got (and will soon be losing to tax increases). Lifting residency will give us some freedom from these dictators. GIVE US FREEDOM!

1/14/2011 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you considered running as a Republican and/or contacted Republican Committeemen?

1/14/2011 09:13:00 AM

1. Republicans wrote off the city, as a viable election target decades ago, ie., the pathetic Epton drunk walk to defeat.

2. Republicans preferred to cut deals with the machine ever since, deals that amount to tribal splitting of the spoils of political warfare.

3. were the Illinois Republicans ever to regain control of the state's Legislative Branch and Executive Branch, then, and only then would the Republicans ever consider attempting to break the stranglehold the Democrats have over this city and county.

4. until such time, only the independently wealthy would even consider running for elected office in this city, and, even then, only those with money to burn.

5. and were a Republican to ever succeed, you can be sure that that Republican would be a RINO, as much of an improvement as even a RINO would be to our once, long, long ago, fine municipality.

6. there are no Republicans with BALLS, as having balls requires, at the very least, the willingness to risk affecting the bottom line. no currently self-proclaimed Republican ever willingly chooses to risk diminishing his/her bottom line. it's practically heresy to suggest it.

1/14/2011 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy just f$cked himself.

1/14/2011 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Rahm say he's going to reduce the freebees to the freeloaders yet?

1/14/2011 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous noone90210 said...

Re: 1. Republicans wrote off the city...

Thank you, for your insight. :)

1/15/2011 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The state dictates our pensions not the Mayor

1/15/2011 07:19:00 PM  

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