Monday, January 17, 2011

Is This Important?

Interesting if it's an actual shift in policy:
  • Attention all chicago police officers: I just returned from MY union meeting, Laborers 1001. The city issued a PRB, Public Request for Bid, for Recycling collection. The bid was changed from the previous bid to remove ALL language requiring prevailing rate nor living wage pay scales, union membership, NOR city residency requirements for employees!!!
Looks like a move against the Laborers Union? Can anyone explain the ramifications?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Union busting has begun!

1/17/2011 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure they are looking to give another contract to daleys criminal empire "friends and family program"and cut more city workers!

1/17/2011 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The bid was changed from the previous bid to remove ALL language requiring prevailing rate nor living wage pay scales, union membership, NOR city residency requirements for employees!!!"

Aren't these issues the very ones that aldermen argued against Wal-Mart over?

Again, a different set of rules exists when it's the city doing business.

1/17/2011 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess there's nothing in their contract about being replaced by NON-UNION employees?

Oh GAWD how I'd love these fuckers to try and publish a bid for privatizing the police!!!!

1/17/2011 04:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They must have done studies examining how many votes the union actually controls.

Many people out of work or struggling now are anti union so this type of push would be popular with people already screwed in this economy.

They figure, screw us too, why should we be making a decent wage.

1/17/2011 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A company from Morris, Illinois (Grundy County) installed our new water meter.

1/17/2011 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well we dont have to worry about union busting because FOP has never or will ever be a union.

1/17/2011 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Sir..My advice..Buckle up for a VERY bumpy fiscal 2011-2014..12:02am poster..Exactly right.Do you think that it is a coinkadink the man who implemented NAFTA as Commerce Secretary is now the Chief of Staff in DC?? Bill Daley nor his brother are friends of labor. The only thing the DEMOCROOKS want is to steal from the working middle class and give to their future illegal alien voters. Research what Meridith Whitney forecasted in mid December 2010. This is a VERY bright lady who warned of the 2008 mortgage house of cards.The Chicago machine KNOWS they are filing for Chapter9 Bankruptcy and they dont care!!!

1/17/2011 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous bobbo said...

Streets and San workers make too much money just to stand around or pick up garbage. I know a driver making over a 100 grand a year.

1/17/2011 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wont be long till the city moves against the FOP. This wont be a Union busting move BUT a senority busting move.

Eventually the City will, in an effort to re-assign/detail coppers to areas of "increased Criminal Activity" attempt to delete portions of the contract that guarenteed bidding/senority rights to districts.

How will this be accomplished?Easily. Appeal to the sense of greed we all possess. Small Raise, a few more V-hours & P-Days, Take Home Vehicles/Radios. Make the CPD more like the ISP.

A HUGE undertaking at first, but the appearance of a larger more professional force will be overwhelming to the general public and a political public relations bonaza.

Just a preminition after talking to some HQ people.

1/17/2011 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What ramifications? You goofs will still vote for Rahm just like you elected shortshanks.........and he goes and screws you over? Oooh, big suprise there.

1/17/2011 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

garbage collection will be privatized by the next mayor and every home owner will be paying for garbage pick up

throw out a couch extra money
another tax for the working class

1/17/2011 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First union busting then pension busting next.

1/17/2011 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then they will bust your pension. They believe that it is cheaper to support retired police and firemen on welfare than pay their pensions.

1/17/2011 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until they unveil the fire department privatization!!

1/17/2011 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous I love it said...

I feel bad for all the city workers.

Supposedly there's already a pilot program on the far south side for private garbage removal.

What a bunch of assholes.

1/17/2011 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's some advice knowing that you are most likely a hard-working person that works for his money for a living. Go to your local CVS store and pick up a large bottle of vaseline. ( The vaseline will make it hurt less ).

1/17/2011 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More union busting and paving the way for more of daleys criminal empire to ever expand! Who's getting piad off now? Did you see today's suntimes?looks like oily ed burke in cahoots with gang banging thugs! How much was burke paid off? The envelope please!

1/17/2011 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WRT: "...privatizing the police!"

Don't think it can't happen. We privatized the military to a certain extent right? Blackwater security and other foreign contracted soldiers?

1/17/2011 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To make way for another "friends and family" scandal.

1/17/2011 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet all you stupid idiots vote straight Democrat every freaking election because "your union told you too". The Democrats are the NAFTA party, responsible for sending more jobs overseas than any other congressional bill in history, AND the artitect (Bill Daley) is BACK in the Whitehouse with his buddy (Rahm) soon to be running Chicago. If ANY labor union in Chicago endorses Rahm, I hope you get what you deserve.

1/17/2011 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

living wage only applies to Walmart

1/17/2011 03:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

( The vaseline will make it hurt less ).

1/17/2011 11:36:00 AM

does it work for you?

1/17/2011 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bobbo said...

Streets and San workers make too much money just to stand around or pick up garbage. I know a driver making over a 100 grand a year.

1/17/2011 08:09:00 AM

clean up your room and stop wiping your boogers all over the walls.

1/17/2011 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in Flawida. I pay about $30 ever 3 months. Have been doing it for years.

Twice a week, no prob. Can you math in in Chicago?

Same WSI.

1/17/2011 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

07:20 am.
You complain about the union, when is the last time you went to a meeting and gave your opinion? That's right, I'll see you tomorrow at 7 pm.

1/17/2011 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
More union busting and paving the way for more of daleys criminal empire to ever expand! Who's getting piad off now? Did you see today's suntimes?looks like oily ed burke in cahoots with gang banging thugs! How much was burke paid off? The envelope please!

1/17/2011 11:42:00 AM

And of course Burke knew nothing, right? Funny, a man who prides himself of being in "the know" with his finger on the pulse and being wise beyound his years, knew nothing about the guy. Strange how he and Daley just never know things.

1/17/2011 06:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wont be long till the city moves against the FOP. This wont be a Union busting move BUT a senority busting move.

Eventually the City will, in an effort to re-assign/detail coppers to areas of "increased Criminal Activity" attempt to delete portions of the contract that guarenteed bidding/senority rights to districts.

How will this be accomplished?Easily. Appeal to the sense of greed we all possess. Small Raise, a few more V-hours & P-Days, Take Home Vehicles/Radios. Make the CPD more like the ISP.

A HUGE undertaking at first, but the appearance of a larger more professional force will be overwhelming to the general public and a political public relations bonaza.

Just a preminition after talking to some HQ people.

1/17/2011 08:16:00 AM

Take home vehicles and radios? Who gives a fuck about that? Only the clouted get vehicles and anyone who thinks a take home radio is a perk and needs to listen to it at home is really really soft!

1/17/2011 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean that their union actually tells them the truth???

1/17/2011 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Depts. Related to public health and safety cannot and will not be privatized. Do you think some shithead in Englewood is going to pay for police service or garbage pick up. What happens when they have no police in their neighborhoods and the garbage is pilled 20 feet high. Call your alderman? Can't its beem privatized.

1/17/2011 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Public Request for Bid, for Recycling collection. The bid was changed from the previous bid to remove ALL language requiring prevailing rate nor living wage pay scales, union membership, NOR city residency requirements for employees!!!

Read that again and again..there is a bid out for anyone to handle Recycling and its the second time that bid was put out, the first time the city reject all bids (to low) he wants to privatize recycling and he will im sure. Lets just hope the money he gets from this goes into all city pension funds

1/17/2011 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Da Mob owns Waste Management. Daley is probably required to get them in the door before he leaves. It would look way too shady if Rahm walked in and put all the mob owned businesses in place.

1/17/2011 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard Mark D is out campaigning. Mark has always disliked Greg, Fallon and Craparelli. Now their all friends? Clue me in on this one flop?
At least Mark had the sense to not trust greg with money. he learned from his mistakes with Cap.

1/17/2011 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets just hope the money he gets from this goes into all city pension funds

1/17/2011 09:56:00 PM

this man's got joke, fo' shizzzle!

1/17/2011 11:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If recycling is privatized, it will be just like the parking meters. But, everyone will be charged even if you don't recycle. This was an idea by city counsel to raise your water and garbage bill. All this will take place after the city elections. I'm tired if being over taxed by democrats.

1/18/2011 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think about it. The guys at the private garbage compnies start out at about 12-13hr. These strts and san drivers make like 28.00 hr and the guys on the bask make like 24.00hr .Its a no brainer.Its pulling a can to the truck and pushing a button or lever. Its not the the old days where they rolled the cans. Lets be serious they used to be done by noon and bs til 330 .Its as good as done.

1/18/2011 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck This City!!!

1/18/2011 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think about it. The guys at the private garbage compnies start out at about 12-13hr. These strts and san drivers make like 28.00 hr and the guys on the bask make like 24.00hr .Its a no brainer.Its pulling a can to the truck and pushing a button or lever. Its not the the old days where they rolled the cans. Lets be serious they used to be done by noon and bs til 330 .Its as good as done.

I hate to say it, but this is right. The carts make this not much of a job for blocks and blocks. Sure, every so often there is a couch or something, but not for recycling. There's just no way this job is worth $28 or even $24 an hour any more.

1/18/2011 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well we dont have to worry about union busting because FOP has never or will ever be a union.

1/17/2011 07:20:00 AM


Oh Lord! Give it a rest already!!

1/18/2011 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Think about it. The guys at the private garbage compnies start out at about 12-13hr. These strts and san drivers make like 28.00 hr and the guys on the bask make like 24.00hr .Its a no brainer.Its pulling a can to the truck and pushing a button or lever. Its not the the old days where they rolled the cans. Lets be serious they used to be done by noon and bs til 330 .Its as good as done.

I hate to say it, but this is right. The carts make this not much of a job for blocks and blocks. Sure, every so often there is a couch or something, but not for recycling. There's just no way this job is worth $28 or even $24 an hour any more.

1/18/2011 10:52:00 AM

FUCK YOU and Im a cop in this city ! I have a condo and continuiously watch my PRIVATE garbage guy not fully empty my dumpster! Just pulls the top layer of garbage while on his cell phone and empties just enough to keep the lid closed. I have ALSO seen the CITY guy who DOESN'T have to bother with my area because its a condo clean it up and actually sweep the area around.(to which he received a Christmas card because of it) You think you can raise a family on 20-28.00hr? then take a pay cut my fellow copper. Bottom line is that we are ALL garbage collectors so shut the fuck up!

1/18/2011 10:18:00 PM  

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