Open Post
Doing a bunch of preparations for a Bears party Sunday. The wings are marinating, the chili is cooking and the beer is chilling. Plus it looks like we're going to have to shovel again.
Open Post in the meantime.
Open Post in the meantime.
Labels: open posts
Does anybody know anything about a basic recruit class starting in April? According to the ILESB website Chicago is scheduled to start a class on or around 02 April that runs into September. If its true, I will be in that class. I ran into a PO who told me that somebody named Ernie Brown is updating the training for the academy. What can I expect???
good party for g.d. and capt. h. @ billy goats tonite. you are already missed.
How about posting the marinade recipe for the wings?
go blackhawks and pray for a bears win sunday at soldier field--- it looks like the weather conditions will be bad for the game sunday.....
Yeah, shovel the shit the Bears are gonna dish out. Don't figure them for winning this one.
The Bears will win on Sunday and then unfortunately they have to play a good team the following week.
are you kidding??? the only reason the bears have a remotely good record is because everyone else sucks.
Hey SCC, I was wondering if you would mind posting something about our how our government decided that cutting costs in a manner which will directly effect First Responders is an AWESOME way to balance the budget!! It BLOWS my mind to think that at a time when more and more of us are encountering individuals who seem to have ZERO respect for the Law, or those who enforce them, they are going to take away valuable training that is provided to us at no cost??? UNREAL.
I've taken some of these classes, and planned on take a lot more! For them to take away training that FEW of our departments offer (BUT SHOULD) is a shame. This training helps SAVE LIVES, including ours. I'm sure that those of us that have taken any of the training courses that this group offers will agree! Please read below and let Congress know that WE American LEO'S SHOULD COME FIRST!
Thanks SCC!
Please forward this to all your contacts (Law Enforcement and Non-Law Enforcement) and especially your Senators and Congresspersons. Ask them for help!
The FREE Law Enforcement Training Provided by NCTC, MCTC, RCTA, WRCTC and MCTFT are without funding and have canceled classes indefinitely until the Senate or Congress can get them funding. Over 100,000 law enforcement officers will go without the much needed counterdrug and terrorism training this year because of the lack of funding. Already, dozens of classes have been canceled since December 2010. Several thousand National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Counterdrug efforts in the US are already being laid-off as we speak. Without you fellow law enforcement officers 'hounding' your representatives, there will be no more training by any of these academies and soldiers will be laid off. Counterdrug Task Forces and other essential counterdrug operations will cease entirely in the next few weeks.
See below plea to our representatives. Mail it, email it, and phone in your requests for assistance for the counterdrug program!
Member of Congress
Member of US Senate
Washington , DC 20510
retired cpd copper selling his studio apt at the John Hancock is a stunning studio in a classy building
So... at what pay grade are the big boys at the union? Do trustees really make SGT. or LT. pay....why all the take home cars....why all the extra money..... its their job to push paper now...why get paid so much more than their rank before elected...
OK, we're game. What's the address? BTW, this is NOT J-Fed or Masters or me, Shortshanks.
Can I get an invite SCC?
Seahawks beat Da Bears. Let's get this sorry team over with.
Weis is staying to complete the mission.
Daley has told him to hold off on the manpower reallocation until after Rahm wins, in April. They don't like the low level of enthusiasm for Rahm in ALL white areas of Chicago and want to avoid this issue.
They even went to the extreme of stopping CAPS meetings to avoid discussion of reallocation. They didn't stop those meetings for any other reason.
Rahm can't get 51% in February. Thats why they had Davis drop out. They are counting on Carol to knock Chico out in round #1 and then roll over in April. If Davis stayed in, Chico would finish second and probably beat Rahm in April.
They don't need to be talking about cop numbers in white areas. Stripping white areas of police protection has been on Daley's agenda for years and Weis was hired to make it happen.
"He's the Superintendent. He's the expert, ask him!" Daley's final words as he and Weis leave for greener pastures in May.
I've been a Bear fan over 50 years and have followed them through thick & thin but this time I have to say that they will get their asses " WHIPPED " they will not be able to stand up to this better team . I will be satisfied if the Packers go packin'.
J Vader said...
Does anybody know anything about a basic recruit class starting in April? According to the ILESB website Chicago is scheduled to start a class on or around 02 April that runs into September. If its true, I will be in that class. I ran into a PO who told me that somebody named Ernie Brown is updating the training for the academy. What can I expect???
1/15/2011 12:14:00 AM
Expect to be lied to continuously for many years.
I ran into a PO who told me that somebody named Ernie Brown is updating the training for the academy. What can I expect???
If you want to know what to expect, get a copy of the movie A CLOCK WORK ORANGE and fast forward to the scene where the lead character is strapped to a chair, with metal prongs holding his eyes open while he sits and is forced to watch scenes of senseless violence.
Except in your case, you will be watching video, after streaming video on how wonderful this department is and how lucky you are to be here.
retired cpd copper selling his studio apt at the John Hancock is a stunning studio in a classy building
He's retired CPD and calls himself fire fighter jim???
hey J. VADER how do you know that you will be in that class? When did you apply?
YOUTUBE video of a copper running for Alderman in the 24th Ward spewed a bunch of racist crap about CPD and it's "racist officers". If that were an M2 who did that- he would of been fired on the spot!
J Vader said...
Does anybody know anything about a basic recruit class starting in April? According to the ILESB website Chicago is scheduled to start a class on or around 02 April that runs into September. If its true, I will be in that class. I ran into a PO who told me that somebody named Ernie Brown is updating the training for the academy. What can I expect???
1/15/2011 12:14:00 AM
Don't pay attention to what the ILESB wesite says. Those are only projections of possible training.
Each academy must provide a projection of what they expect to train so the state training board can do thier budget.
As for Ernie Brown updating training = the only training being updated is that of Debbie Kirby who is the new boss, replacing the old boss who supervised a bureau that was created just for him!!!!!!
Anonymous said...
are you kidding??? the only reason the bears have a remotely good record is because everyone else sucks.
1/15/2011 01:10:00 AM
Well,if everyone else sucks, that means the Bears are the better team.
I was around and thoroughly engaged with the '85 Bears team.
It was so AWESOME watching that defense just annihilate EVERYONE they played. Probably the best overall team in the history of the NFL!
We will never see another team like that one again. Parity in the league won't allow it. But if you think I'm going to whine about THIS team, who IS the NFC North Division Champion, and IS the # 2 seed in the ENTIRE NFC and IS only one of 8 teams eligible to play in this years' Super Bowl, well, you're just not a sports fan!
In 44 years of Super Bowls, the Bears have only been there twice. Four teams have NEVER played in a Super Bowl, (Cleveland, Detroit, Jacksonville, Houston Texans) and until last season, New Orleans had never been there either.
This team is not the '85 Bears, but if there is one thing I've learned about Chicago sports in my nearly 60 years on this planet, it is that you better savor the successes where you can find them, because you may not see it again for some time.
How many years did we have to wait for that Blackhawks Stanly Cup or the Sox World Series Championship? The Bulls in the Jordan era spoiled us but what did they do before or since? And, though my allegiance goes out to ALL of the Chicago teams, theres that OTHER baseball team on the North side that is Planet Earths' SYMBOL of championship ineptitude!
Nope, I won't complain about a Bears playoff team. I'm going to enjoy Sunday's Playoff even if it is only for one game. If they win, I'll enjoy any further games as well. You never know. It could be years before they have a real chance to win it all, right Cubs fans?
rumor has it that a cop on leave will be back to help cut waste and apply standards after the election. Is there a list of those that are stillon our rolls but collecting checks
will new mayor end the stream of illegals coming here. How long before mexican drug cartel violence is here. Atlanta has it but it's hush hush
Here's a question. What's going to happen to the 011th district sgt that threatened to shoot a po? Nothing? Hello? Anyone?
................................... Well Mr 011 District "Ranger" that sounds like Agg Assault, which is a crime. Now have the balls and arrest the Sgt.
No way, I'm to scared. That is why I put it on this blog. I was wondering if someone else would be willing to help me out. The Sgt is out of control and someone needs to do something about it. Maybe the Cmdr will see this and do the right thing. The watch is tired of this sgt.
1. you need to leave 011 you scared bitch.
2. all those calling for CRs and violence in the work place..thank god you do not work here in 011.
3. remember when you had a problem with someone, you "discussed" it in the parking lot? but of course you don't..cause you have to have some time on this job.. the balls to stand up for yourself and the will to not take shit from anyone regardless of rank...
"son..there ain't no draft no more"
LIFM.((free advice every morning))
Off Topic- A Lakewood, New Jersey police officer was shit and killed execution style by an offender. The offender is not in custody so far.
The officer was just 27 years old and was about to get married. My heart goes out to his family, fiance and loved ones. Rest in peace brother.
Have you seen the mobile strike force webpage on dept intranet? What a joke. Send everyone back to the watch. What a waste of time and money. Put them on the four and two schedule. No more working out and two hour lunches.
Don't let J-Fled read that you are drinking beer off duty. He may send Masters to investigate as to any rule violations.
The circus freak show came to 18 yesterday. Shields can't get enough of himself, showed the Luberman video but doesn't speak, then this group of freaks talked about shootings even though they have never been involved in a shooting. One things for sure they will fire all FOP attorney's and replace them with PO/Lawyers who work for Weis. Lawyers who never practiced any law that's the answer. My ash*&$# puckered.
Hey Mike you spent Friday in 018 nothing to do at the Pension Board?
So... at what pay grade are the big boys at the union? Do trustees really make SGT. or LT. pay....
FOP President gets Deputy Chiefs pay.
The other elected 5 guys in the office get Captains pay.
The 17 trustes that work in their units make an extra $400 @ month.
The city DOES NOT PAY for the salaries of the president and the 5 guys in the office. FOP dues go toward paying them.
Unit reps get their dues back at the end of the year and WATCH REPS get half their dues back. HOWEVER, they must attend at least half the meetings to be eligible.
Also, the Deputy Chief and Captains pay rate are NOT pensionable. They just get their D-1, D-2 or D-2A pay rates for pension.
Sergeant's Union
The sergeants union has 2 guys that work full time in the office. They are assigned there full time and ONLY MAKE SGT's PAY.
The also have to reinburse the city for thier salaries.
All the trustes in the Sgts union get $50 a meeting if they attend.
The Captains and LTs Unions do not have full time officials.
Why does someone keep crying about cops in 023 writing yuppie moms with kids? Ever deal with these obnoxious folks?
I was recently at a community meeting. I was shocked to find that the average citizen is not aware that we contribute 9 1/2 percent to our pension. This is the responsibility of the FOP to educate the public. Citzens believe they are paying for our entire pension. The media needs to put this out.
the president gets d8 chief pay $165,000.00 plus car oh markie how will you replace that easy money
dougherty, davis, bella, bailey, aguliar, caparelli, and demaria get d5 captain's pay $120,000.00 no car
the real theft of service is the $600.00 a month these paper pushers get in addition to the above salaries. the $600.00 a month is the pay the 17 trustees and three sgt at arms get for rubber stamping anything Markie's guys want to push through. And you thought the city counsel was a bloated wasteland.
at one time the city payed the rank salary of the fop inside guys for example doughtery would get po pay and your dues would be used to make up the difference for captain's pay approximately$40,000 but the city got smart and said the union must pay the whole salary for the inside guys approximately 1 million what a deal
ps caparelli was thrown out of the inside circle but he is comming back under bella the deal with caparelli was he did not get d5 pay but thn they gave him $40,000 to keep his mouth shut.
next time bella starts his dog and pony show at your roll call ask him what his salary is now and what it will be if god help us all he is elected to repalce Markiee for another 3 years of bullshit But be gentle bella might get really sick
unit 630
I have a feeling you're going to need some Pepto-Bismol for this game, SCC. Seahawks are likely going to win this one (AGAIN, AT SOLDIER FIELD!).
Vote Carol she is from a police family. We need to back up our own.sgt joe is a great guy
1/14/2011 10:02:00 PM
I like Joe, but his sister is a train wreck. Our pension is a stake here bucko. It's Rahm or Chico and Rahm wants our pension. Please think.
Seriously, how about posting that recipe for the wings. We're probably going to have to dig in this weekend for the game might as well enjoy it. Besides while shoveling snow, we'll have to get up all those dead seahawks falling from the sky. Enjoy your weekend.
The Chicago for Rahm campaign issued a press release Thursday evening touting Emanuel's plan for immigration Chicago.
"Just because Congress has yet to pass the Dream Act doesn't mean we will wait for progress in Chicago," Emanuel said in a statement. "All children in Chicago deserve to have access to a quality education, and we will make sure they have that opportunity."
Emanuel's plan would not provide a path to citizenship as a national DREAM Act would, but would "allow these children to access the same financial aid opportunities as every other child," according to his campaign.
"The number one prohibitive reason people don't go to college is cost," Emanuel said in an interview with Telemundo Chicago. "So I want to take a part of the DREAM Act, which Sen. (Richard) Durbin introduced, and make Chicago the first city in the country to adopt a Chicago DREAM Act."
So the City is broke and the illegals are a big part of the drain and a huge part of crime and RAHM is concerned about giving them more? We are already drawing huge numbers of illegals from other parts of the Country that are cracking down and RAHM wants to add to it?
There is a disconnect with the politicians. WE taxpayers need to remind them that we are the ones they are supposed to be listening to.
So, it didn't take long for our accidental guv to hire into a state job one of the lame-duck dumbocrats who gave him the vote for the tax increase. Same day she left, this broad got a job with some prisoner review commission for over 86K per year!
very composed dispatcher after the shooting in Tucson.
Anonymous said...
So... at what pay grade are the big boys at the union? Do trustees really make SGT. or LT. pay....why all the take home cars....why all the extra money..... its their job to push paper now...why get paid so much more than their rank before elected...
1/15/2011 02:39:00 AM
Trustees get a stipend of $600 a month and do not leave their unit, they still work at whatever police job they had before, in my case I drive a beat car. That is it, no Sgt or Lt pay.
No office job, no take home car. Only 1 (ONE) take home car for all of FOP officers. That goes to the president. No one else gets a car.
President gets commander's pay, others in the office get Captain grade. That is it for extra pay.
You can verify this, call 312-733-7776.
I've been an avid SCC reader for years, and for years, almost everyday, some boob cries about why there is no CR# on (insert name here) for (insert real or rumored travesty here).
If you are going to bring up an allegation, man up and put your name on a complaint or QUIT WHINING! Everyone on this Department wants someone else to do their dirty work. I guess it's easier than having integrity.
Vader said...
Does anybody know anything about a basic recruit class starting in April? According to the ILESB website Chicago is scheduled to start a class on or around 02 April that runs into September. If its true, I will be in that class. I ran into a PO who told me that somebody named Ernie Brown is updating the training for the academy. What can I expect???
1/15/2011 12:14:00 AM
Downtown Ernie Brown will update training? He cannot lead the patrol division. You can expect to work long hours with the best equipment available.
"The FREE Law Enforcement Training Provided by NCTC, MCTC, RCTA, WRCTC and MCTFT are without funding and have canceled classes indefinitely until the Senate or Congress can get them funding."
CPD needs no training. Of any sort. Once the mandatory academy training is completed, it's strictly learn-by-doing and OJT.
sometimes we get hurt or killed because of it, but that's the way it goes.
Oh wait, there is Streaming Video and "Officer Awareness", but OA IS NOT considered training, it's merely FYI.
once again the residency issue has come up because 2 of the mayoral candidates have said they would allow city employees to live outside of the city if they were elected mayor--- to bad this didn't happen five years ago because nobody can sell a home in chicago now--- also many are underwater or they will just lose money because property values have gone down--- I'm going to stay and hope the property values go back up--- the cost of educating the kids is less than the hit I will take to sell and get out.....
J Vader? Brother of Darth?
To the ODPO working the rave party in Wriglyville Fri night, where underage drinking, and fields of pot were being smoked, the house is being watched. Don't blame anybody but yourself when the party gets busted, and you go down with them. Just sayin......
J-FLED PINOCCHIO WEIS wear's our uniform to the funeral of Fred Rice a policeman. He is not a police officer or earned the right to wear our uniform. He should be arrested for impersonating the police. HE IS CLULESS.
Another brainless govt expenditure!
I mean, SERIOUSLY, people! How in the hell can the US Postal Service justify this???
Report: USPS Spent $32M On Lance Armstrong's Team
Financial records obtained by ESPN through a Freedom of Information request revealed the previously undisclosed amount of Postal Service spending from 2001 to 2004, when the federal agency heavily promoted the rider. Armstrong won the Tour each year from 1999 to 2005. ESPN reported on the records Friday.
Don't forget the Coors light for Jody!
what time should we be there,can we bring anything
enjoy your party scc
thanks for keeping us informed
go bears
Hey SCC,
Thought you would find this amusing, considering the city is always looking for ways to poke us in the ass, They are probably already looking in to it.
Where's Blago?
Why is he so quiet lately?
TMA attacked for writing ticket:
Personally i do not like to see anyone getting beat up, but i have to say many of these TMA's have it coming. They are the biggest bunch of jagoff's i've ever met. I still haven't met one single nice one. You can't even reason with them. They need that quota so you're definitely getting that ticket. Even if you are just returning from the meter box after paying, they'll still hammer you. And super unfriendly.
Does anybody know anything about a basic recruit class starting in April? According to the ILESB website Chicago is scheduled to start a class on or around 02 April that runs into September. If its true, I will be in that class. I ran into a PO who told me that somebody named Ernie Brown is updating the training for the academy. What can I expect???
Chicago is not hiring until after the new mayor takes office.
The budget reality for that new mayor will be NO hires in 2011 and probably none for 2012.
Sorry that's a Metro class..I'm just messing with you recruit.
I really don't like the way the citywide team is going around with their arrogant attitudes as if they owe us for their services.
Unit reps get their Due's back. Trustee's get an additional small stipend for expenses, etc. The executive board (elected officers) get paid more, maybe D3 (sergeants pay) The only one getting the big bucks and car is the President. The others get mileage and use their own cars, unless something has radically changed.
So quit your bitching or get involved and run for office!
The Rahmfather!
Save time, get a couple of buckets of wings from Jewel. Quick and tasty.
It is the year 2011. Does anyone in the CPD know anything if any of the officers that were placed in the Behaviorial Program going to get any monetary settlement because of the violation of the officers constitutional rights? It has been several years and the FOP states they are not looking into this at this time. Now, I don't know about you, but the FOP has generated a lot of ill will amongst the membership for not filing a grievance or lawsuit against the city for such illegal actions after the officers did not release the City of Chicago from any wrongdoing. Surely, there must be someone that knows something or what lawyer to see. A total of more than 500 officers wee affected. Please help.
What can I expect???
1/15/2011 12:14:00 AM
the unexpected.
How about posting the marinade recipe for the wings?
1/15/2011 12:18:00 AM
then he'd have to kill you.
retired cpd copper selling his studio apt at the John Hancock is a stunning studio in a classy building
1/15/2011 01:16:00 AM
does it have well and septic?
Bids are out
Appears Jodie is filling up the busy districts like 007, 011, 025
Both 011 and 025 getting 12 vacancies after getting 15 and 17 respectively last period in addition to PPO's a week ago
Members are encouraged to fax a copy (312-745-6961) or hand carry the completed PAR form to the Management and Labor Affairs Section. MLAS must receive the completed PAR form no later than 1000 hours on January 19, 2010.
Members may verify receipt at MLAS by calling 312-745-5806
District No. of Vacancies
004 12
005 12
006 12
007 8
011 12
025 12
New vacancies Seems only certain districts are getting loaded on manpower Has to be a reason
RIP NJ PO Christopher Matlosz. Another shot to death without even a chance to defend himself--again with no warning and for no reason. It gets old real quick. PLEASE take care of yourselves. It is obvious that you can't relax for a second.
OK Bears fans... ALL 14 of Devin Hester's kick-off return's for touchdowns.
All this talk from the City wide team, is a bunch of BS. Team shields is not in Weis or Kirby's pocket by any means. That is just not true. However, what is Mark D going to be doing after he pulls the pin? I hear he is all lined up for a big City gig. Sell us out and take the money and run. Thanks buddy your a true blue friend.
goodbye to our great captain in 004 t.m. you will be missed. have a long and healthy retirement. you always had time for everybody and always with a great smile. i stayed in 004 only because of you. you are one classy guy
So... at what pay grade are the big boys at the union? Do trustees really make SGT. or LT. pay....why all the take home cars....why all the extra money..... its their job to push paper now...why get paid so much more than their rank before elected...
1/15/2011 02:39:00 AM
Who feeds you this stupid shit??? Become involved in the union and you would know that the President makes D8 pay and the officers make D5, the rest get nothing but a per diem if they do something.
And as for cars Donahue is the only one I know of that has a car.
bears suck
Anonymous said...
Seahawks beat Da Bears. Let's get this sorry team over with.
1/15/2011 03:52:00 AM
Wow-wow, can these numbers be right? Maybe I'm not reading this right? This is jaw dropping!
Illinois sees increase in food stamp use
New statistics from the state's food stamp program show an increase in those receiving assistance in Illinois.
The Chicago Sun-Times reports Saturday that numbers from the Illinois Department of Human Services show about 857,000 households enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in December. That's 12.7 percent more than a year earlier.
The largest increases were in DuPage, Kendall, Kane and McHenry counties.
Illinois SNAP program director Jan Freeman says there has been an increase nearly every month since the fall of 2008.
857,000 ENROLLING IN DECEMBER!? That's what they're saying right?
Hey, look.
The USDA that runs this food stamp program that we now call SNAP and who's caseload data always lags a few months said in its Jan 5, 2011 report that as of the end of Oct 2010 Illinois had 1,720,960 people on food stamps.
If the Suntimes story is right and I'm reading it right that's almost a 50% jump in food stamps just over the last two months and it's mainly NOT in Cook country!
You'll notice that in the USDA's Jan 5 report showing Oct 2010 stats, year over year Illinois showed an 8.9% increase and now as of Dec 2010 we are at a 12.7% increase!
Can you say exponential increase...and they keep telling us how the economy is turning the corner and that we're creating jobs. What kind of jobs?
We are in deep yogurt my friends!
Illinois population is about 13 million people and almost one million of them were applying for food stamps in December.
Add the 857,000 in the Suntimes report for December to the 1,720,960 reported by the USDA in Oct. and we get 2,577,960 people and who knows how many we added in November 2010!
We're closing in on 20% of Illinoisans collecting food stamps.
One more point. Look at the bottom of those USDA numbers. The entire USA only added less than 300,000 people in Oct. and Illinois alone added 857,000 in Dec close to three times the number of people.
Heard from a FOP insider that the picked Chico..that was yeaterday (fri)should be announced soon. this is very reliable. take it to the bank.
I heard a rumor that:
Diane Phillips, a write in, demanded from 022 that she receive a police escort to 113th & Central Park because she didn't feel safe in Mt. Greenwood because of racism. The car had to babysit her for the whole debate.
If this is true it's a waste of resources, and who the hell authorized it?
So... at what pay grade are the big boys at the union? Do trustees really make SGT. or LT. pay....why all the take home cars....why all the extra money..... its their job to push paper now...why get paid so much more than their rank before elected...
1/15/2011 02:39:00 AM
god, every fucking election cycle it is the same old shit. no, trustees do not make sgt. or lt. pay. and the fop bought a cheap piece of shit dodge journey for donohue. he is the ONLY one with a car. there are no take home cars and there have never been any. here is a fact: there are more people on the shields team with take home cars than on citywide. deb kirby's clout babies. j-fed fof prez!
Talk about the embarrassment. A 7-9team will defeat an 11-5 team. The Bears can go hibernate while this Super Bowl will P X 2, Patriots v. Packers!
•¡VOTE those BUMS OUT!!!
The REAL JOKE down @t Le FLOP~haus on Washington is that "our" $ell-out "Lapdogs" rake in BIG BUXX (while JESSICA does A-L-L the WORK!)
•YES to Term Limits!
•¡DUMP §Hi†y-wide!
Does anybody know anything about a basic recruit class starting in April?
would be news to me, to date, I have heard JULY/AUG but anything is possible.... There is supposedly a short list of roughly 50 people left off of 2006 exam than can be hired anytime that were supposed to start last December but that was nixed... sure nothing will happen till some pieces fall into place with upper management..
who is ILESB
I am going to vote for shields. But shields has got to stop saying he was the real police in 011. I was ion 3rd watch when he was in 011 and he was the biggest dog. I will vote for him cause I think we need a change. But shields stop telling everyone "hey guys I sat right in those chairs the real police, I was on
midnights and 3 watch" please you spent 1 month on midnights then cried and made your phone to go 3rd watch .
To the ODPO working the rave party in Wriglyville Fri night, where underage drinking, and fields of pot were being smoked, the house is being watched. Don't blame anybody but yourself when the party gets busted, and you go down with them. Just sayin......
1/15/2011 11:03:00 AM
ut oh.
I'm going to stay and hope the property values go back up--- the cost of educating the kids is less than the hit I will take to sell and get out.....
1/15/2011 10:52:00 AM
not to mention the fact that it's the only way that values will even remain stable, let alone rise again.
I guess it's easier than having integrity.
1/15/2011 10:14:00 AM
you're confusing allegation with innuendo/rumor/gossip.
Same day she left, this broad got a job with some prisoner review commission for over 86K per year!
1/15/2011 10:02:00 AM
it's a coincidence.
yep, a coincidence.
that's their story and their sticking it to us.
There is a disconnect with the politicians. WE taxpayers need to remind them that we are the ones they are supposed to be listening to.
1/15/2011 09:59:00 AM
the vote totals at the end of elections convince them that they aren't.
I really don't like the way the citywide team is going around with their arrogant attitudes as if they owe us for their services.
1/15/2011 12:10:00 PM
did ya really mean 'as if we owe them'?
What can I expect???
1/15/2011 12:14:00 AM
the unexpected.
1/15/2011 12:23:00 PM
Sorry that's a Metro class..I'm just messing with you recruit.
1/15/2011 12:03:00 PM
see, i told you.
Seriously, how about posting that recipe for the wings. We're probably going to have to dig in this weekend for the game might as well enjoy it. Besides while shoveling snow, we'll have to get up all those dead seahawks falling from the sky. Enjoy your weekend.
1/15/2011 09:50:00 AM
my, what a trusting soul you are.
Please think.
1/15/2011 09:49:00 AM
don't beg.
don't ever beg.
And super unfriendly.
1/15/2011 11:47:00 AM
how's that working out for 'em?
Where's Blago?
Why is he so quiet lately?
1/15/2011 11:46:00 AM
a rat's got his tongue?
It is the year 2011. Does anyone in the CPD know anything if any of the officers that were placed in the Behaviorial Program going to get any monetary settlement because of the violation of the officers constitutional rights? It has been several years and the FOP states they are not looking into this at this time. Now, I don't know about you, but the FOP has generated a lot of ill will amongst the membership for not filing a grievance or lawsuit against the city for such illegal actions after the officers did not release the City of Chicago from any wrongdoing. Surely, there must be someone that knows something or what lawyer to see. A total of more than 500 officers wee affected. Please help.
If you are not smart enough to pick up a phone and call the FOP with your questions regarding the Behaviorial Program, it's probably good that you were placed in it.
Anonymous said...
How about posting the marinade recipe for the wings?
1/15/2011 12:18:00 AM
go to
lots of them there, GO BEARS!
Anonymous said...
"once again the residency issue has come up . . . I'm going to stay and hope the property values go back up--- the cost of educating the kids is less than the hit I will take to sell and get out....."
1/15/2011 10:52:00 AM
Take a look at the taxes in some of the better suburbs. Chicago taxes are a bargain, for now.
The circus freak show came to 18 yesterday. Shields can't get enough of himself, showed the Luberman video but doesn't speak, then this group of freaks talked about shootings even though they have never been involved in a shooting. One things for sure they will fire all FOP attorney's and replace them with PO/Lawyers who work for Weis. Lawyers who never practiced any law that's the answer. My ash*&$# puckered.
I think it's funny how Sheilds takes credit for the Huberman issue. It was the FOP 1st VP who brought the Huberman issue to Shields attention because Shields was running against Steve Robbins for Pension board trustee, who is now on the "Shields Team".
Larry Yellen wanted a statement from the FOP 1st VP and he let Shields make a statement, and let Shields take all the credit. Just ask Shields at the next roll call he addresses. Then ask him what has done lately.
Chicago Police Target Gang Controlled Drug Market in Town Hall (23rd) District
Six in Custody as result of ‘Operation Sugar Magnolia’
CHICAGO – The Chicago Police Department’s Gang Investigations Unit and Narcotics Unit, assisted by members of the 23rd District successfully concluded a 5-month long investigation on the city’s North Side.
‘Operation Sugar Magnolia’ targeted members of the Black P-Stones street gang operating in and around the area of Magnolia and Wilson in the Uptown neighborhood. This operation closed an estimated $500,000-a-year narcotics enterprise that is responsible for recent gang violence in the area.
"...Police were able to obtain arrest warrants on 10 individuals involved in gang and narcotics activity in the 23rd District."
retired cpd copper selling his studio apt at the John Hancock is a stunning studio in a classy building
He's retired CPD and calls himself fire fighter jim???
--1/15/2011 06:42:00 AM
Just Section 8 the place. That's what everyone else here says they're going to do.
Anonymous said...
Hey Mike you spent Friday in 018 nothing to do at the Pension Board?
1/15/2011 08:52:00 AM
Time due and furlough time, just like you.
President gets commander's pay, others in the office get Captain grade. That is it for extra pay.
You can verify this, call 312-733-7776.
1/15/2011 10:08:00 AM
The President's position in FOP's Lodge #7 has a D8 pay grade, which is equivalent to a CPD Chief's position. It makes for a great pension and, going at the right time, paid medical until attaining 65 years of age. Not too shabby.
The circus freak show came to 18 yesterday. Shields can't get enough of himself, showed the Luberman video but doesn't speak, then this group of freaks talked about shootings even though they have never been involved in a shooting. One things for sure they will fire all FOP attorney's and replace them with PO/Lawyers who work for Weis. Lawyers who never practiced any law that's the answer. My ash*&$# puckered.
1/15/2011 08:51:00 AM
THIS IS A BLATANT LIE BY THE BELLA TEAM. Never happened. Never showed any video. Shields said he'll only send experienced V/C detectives to shootings instead of Franky D or Sid.
It looks like TEAM SOPRANO is running scared and has to resort to lies and rumor.
Department directives and other resources are being put on the internet. Seems to be in beta testing phase at the moment, so not all directives are up yet. Go to:
There's a mobile site too:
Once upon a time on SCC I remember someone complaining that PO's might have to start swiping in and out.
This is a great example of why it Will happen:
Two Chicago Health Department managers have been fired and two others have been suspended without pay after the inspector general’s office found they allegedly falsified time records.
A deputy commissioner was fired Friday for allegedly failing to show up for work on some Fridays and Mondays and then falsifying work records to get paid for those days anyway. An inspector general’s office investigation found it happened “intermittently” over the last 18 months, according to the inspector general’s quarterly report.
Public Health Commissioner Dr. Bechara Choucair initiated disciplinary action against 21 employees — 17 identified in the IG investigation and four others found violating rules in a separate investigation by Choucair’s department. Two of the employees cited in the IG investigation were given stiffer punishment than Ferguson recommended.
Neither the IG report nor a Public Health department statement offered employee names, nor details of the alleged personnel rule violations.
Why does someone keep crying about cops in 023 writing yuppie moms with kids? Ever deal with these obnoxious folks?
1/15/2011 08:59:00 AM
Didn't you know?
The yuppies in 023 think they can park however they like because they Live in 44th ward or 43rd ward or 46th ward.
Although....I want to know what PO's in 023 write tickets.
Cause only time I see you all issue is during Street Cleaning and Rush Hour. Otherwise you kids drive by violations all day long and act like a 2%'r.
Anonymous said...
To the ODPO working the rave party in Wriglyville Fri night, where underage drinking, and fields of pot were being smoked, the house is being watched. Don't blame anybody but yourself when the party gets busted, and you go down with them. Just sayin......
1/15/2011 11:03:00 AM
People like you are rats. Who gives a fuck what this odpo does. Its his ass on the line. If you have a problem lock him up yourself. Dont go crying to this blog about the copper. This department is pussified. Im not going to to condone this off duty guys actions but for christ sakes do post that shit.
Anonymous said...
The circus freak show came to 18 yesterday. Shields can't get enough of himself, showed the Luberman video but doesn't speak, then this group of freaks talked about shootings even though they have never been involved in a shooting. One things for sure they will fire all FOP attorney's and replace them with PO/Lawyers who work for Weis. Lawyers who never practiced any law that's the answer. My ash*&$# puckered.
1/15/2011 08:51:00 AM
Listen, you don't have to be involved in a shooting to know what a shooting is..... We are Officer's........... We are trained for it....... We have lost so many, and it is apropos to talk about shootings, since we are several thousand down in man power, coppers are being shot at a record rate and followed from their districts and units and attacked. Life as CPD is harsh where we were once proud to be CPD and now hang our heads in shame. The shootings are completely relevant to the climate of working the streets and off duty. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. The blog is being infiltrated by the FLOP that has done nothing for us since they got in, because they are scared. You should be...... Team Shields is going to rock the vote!
And........ BTW do you have the balls to go on film, and get in peoples faces and stop people from getting into our pension????? Didn't think so....... So instead of hiding behind an anonymous name put your name up there big boy. Michael K. Shields has manned up, more then I can say for you!
They are coming for your pension. DON'T LET THEM DO IT!!! UNITE NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. I'm talking about CPD, CFD, S&S...all city workers. Emanuel cannot be allowed to succeed. We have power we just have to use it. I swear to God, if they cut my promised pension benefit.....
Have you seen the mobile strike force webpage on dept intranet? What a joke. Send everyone back to the watch. What a waste of time and money. Put them on the four and two schedule. No more working out and two hour lunches.
Why dont you mind your own position and trying working, might keep you busy enough not to worry about others. get a life
I defy anyone at FOP Lodge 7 to prove that unpaid furlough days were ever an issue for rank and file bargaining unit members.
I don't believe they can. I looked and I could find nothing. If it is true, then show us. Prove it. Put the documentation out there FOP.
1/15/2011 12:59:00 AM
How's this for proof, dickhead?
"A representative for the city budget office says the city is in negotiations with police and fire unions to accept furlough days."
Rahm wants to give aid to illegal immigrants for college AND change our pension. Sounds fair?? No reason why we shouldnt help pay for this. Im sure if I move to another country Ill get free schooling and health care.
Where does Chico stand on pension?
Just forget the residency. Forget it. What exactly do you think caused the downfall in Detroit? Just the automakers? Remember we had huge amts of auto factories right here in Chi town. The collapse of the Motor City was caused in large part when city workers were allowed to leave the city. The businesses that didn't follow them to the suburbs failed. I'll say one thing for Detroit, when they have politicians that are as blatantly corrupt as ours are, they dump them faster than a greased pig. When their mayor tried impersonating a Chicago politician they were all over him with the media leading the charge. In many ways Chicago is way, way worse than the Big D. Just like we say "OMG, were getting like Detroit!" They say "OMG, we're getting like Chicago!" One has dogs living in the city, the other has dogs running the city.
Just go buy some wings at a deli.
Note to those that were in the behavioral program. The Fop stated since you were not penalized monetarily its a waste of time to sue so therefore they are not geting involved. So you are on your own if you choose to sue.
Anonymous said...
I really don't like the way the citywide team is going around with their arrogant attitudes as if they owe us for their services.
1/15/2011 12:10:00 PM
I don't like the way the citywide team has done anything. They act like they are doing me a great big favor by taking my call and then I have to beg them to listen to my grievance and then they tell me to go see my unit rep!
Well fuck that shit! I am tired of being treated like a nuisance by people whose salary I pay.
I am voting straight Shields and his ticket. And if those fuckers turn out to be bums then we kick their asses out in three years.
The citywide guys have had it for none years, their time is up, they are never going to treat us any better. Now move the fuck over, new crew coming in.
Now go ahead Mike Shields, show us what you are made of, God Bless you and good luck. Just don't get comfortable and arrogant like the one guy down there who thinks he has a permanent position and talks to officers like they are all jerks.
The pensions that will be on the chopping block are...
1.Those who stayed longer than 20 years and got more than 50% of their salaries.
2.Those who don't have 10 years on yet, will converted to 401k.
New guys get shit because this was a shit job to begin with.401k will insure that the banks play with your money and you get shit when it is time to collect. JFled and his boys think of patrolmen as privates in the army, uneducated fuckups who can not be trusted. According to daley cops are lucky to have a fucking job period.
An interesting note to all this is that municipal pensions are not insured or backed up by the USA govt. Private industry pensions are. It was a nice ride while it lasted but everyone is broke and people are looking at police and fire real hard.
Anonymous said...
once again the residency issue has come up because 2 of the mayoral candidates have said they would allow city employees to live outside of the city if they were elected mayor--- to bad this didn't happen five years ago because nobody can sell a home in chicago now--- also many are underwater or they will just lose money because property values have gone down--- I'm going to stay and hope the property values go back up--- the cost of educating the kids is less than the hit I will take to sell and get out.....
1/15/2011 10:52:00 AM
Whatever they say, remember it is election time. I don't see residency changing in my lifetime.
It is the year 2011. Does anyone in the CPD know anything if any of the officers that were placed in the Behaviorial Program going to get any monetary settlement because of the violation of the officers constitutional rights? It has been several years and the FOP states they are not looking into this at this time. Now, I don't know about you, but the FOP has generated a lot of ill will amongst the membership for not filing a grievance or lawsuit against the city for such illegal actions after the officers did not release the City of Chicago from any wrongdoing. Surely, there must be someone that knows something or what lawyer to see. A total of more than 500 officers wee affected. Please help.
///////We hear a private attorney ended up getting fifty grand for his client because it was a violation of civil rights last year in October. The private attorney charged his client only 16% because he was the police. However, the police officer was told to keep his mouth shut. Problem is, when drinking, loose lips sink big battleships. The FOP does not want anyone to know about this because then they'll be forced to WORK. Hire a private attorney. You will get something, especially after someone else got something.
j vader, i believe there will b a class starting in april with about 50 recruits
does it have well and septic?
1/15/2011 12:25:00 PM
If you want well and septic, we have 6 acres, 200' lake frontage, fully furnished, 24x36 garage, newly remodeled bath and kitchen, turn key in the northwoods of wisc. $175,000.
A wife (now retired)
How was the tea and crumpets for the newly departed Sgt. Keating? The community room in 001 must have been packed.
ps caparelli was thrown out of the inside circle but he is comming back under bella the deal with caparelli was he did not get d5 pay but thn they gave him $40,000 to keep his mouth shut.
next time bella starts his dog and pony show at your roll call ask him what his salary is now and what it will be if god help us all he is elected to repalce Markiee for another 3 years of bullshit But be gentle bella might get really sick
unit 630
he then got "dumped" to the financial crime unit...not sure if he's made an arrest yet.
very composed dispatcher after the shooting in Tucson.
1/15/2011 10:05:00 AM
Not bad great work by all those units involved.
If this were in Chicago you would've had the dispatcher mumbling, too many chiefs not enough indians syndrome, TAC guys fighting each other for the gun, and the ppo from the other zone asking for an EVENT number while this is going on.
///////We hear a private attorney ended up getting fifty grand for his client because it was a violation of civil rights last year in October. The private attorney charged his client only 16% because he was the police. However, the police officer was told to keep his mouth shut. Problem is, when drinking, loose lips sink big battleships. The FOP does not want anyone to know about this because then they'll be forced to WORK. Hire a private attorney. You will get something, especially after someone else got something.
1/15/2011 07:32:00 PM
The above post is a TOTAL LIE. Think about it. Cop makes 50 grand and no one knows about it? Are you kidding. The lawyer would be sniffing out those cases all day long. It's straight up nonsense.
Now go ahead Mike Shields, show us what you are made of, God Bless you and good luck. Just don't get comfortable and arrogant like the one guy down there who thinks he has a permanent position and talks to officers like they are all jerks.
1/15/2011 07:28:00 PM
Too late. Shields is the most arrogant person you will ever meet.
FYI, Credit Union Christmas Gala TONIGHT....
While getting the run around at the North branch Credit Union for the last few days, while dealing with the issue of 90 debit cards being compromised,AGAIN....
My wife and I had the priveledge of finding out that the Credit Union, Our Credit Union.... Was preparing for a big "Christmas Party Gala tonight". Yes, you heard that right. That while many companies, many departments and our families are cutting back in this tough economy, The Credit Union is spending the money made off of our backs to provide the Credit Union employees an all exspense paid evening of food,drinks and entertainment. Oh, and lets not leave out the FREE hotel rooms offered to them in case they feel they may booze it up too much. Where do you ask is this event taking place in our city tonight? IT ISN"T.... Not only is it bad enough that the brain dead organizers have planned on holding this "CHICAGO PATROLMANS CREDIT UNION" event in the first place, they are having it in Oak Brook. So not only are they wasting the credit unions money on a party, they aren't even putting the money back into the city. So be careful out there tonight and stay clear of the path from Oak Brook to the city. Never know how many of the trusty employees that elect not to take advantage of the FREE hotel rooms may be on the road.
What happened to the days of old when the motto stood. WE SERVE THOSE WHO SERVE?
If you're ever feeling under-appreciated, read the comments in this Uptown blog about the drug bust yesterday. Some of the P-Stones who were arrested are the same idiots who committed a murder right in front of an undercover cop a week or so ago.
The community is so fed up with Hellen Shiller's embracing the thugs that they're writing love sonnets to the cops for taking the bad boys off the streets. Ten shootings and two murders in the last three months within a two-block area, and Shiller and her cop-suing son are ignoring the whole thing.
Was very impressed by Shields at roll call least he has the courtesy to come out and talk to POs instead of taking their votes for granted like the current FOP leadership.
ps caparelli was thrown out of the inside circle but he is comming back under bella the deal with caparelli was he did not get d5 pay but thn they gave him $40,000 to keep his mouth shut.
next time bella starts his dog and pony show at your roll call ask him what his salary is now and what it will be if god help us all he is elected to repalce Markiee for another 3 years of bullshit But be gentle bella might get really sick
unit 630
he then got "dumped" to the financial crime unit...not sure if he's made an arrest yet
Sounds like he should go after his clout Daley
Rahm, AND Chico, and probably Dell valle or whatever his name is WILL ALL be giving our pension over to illegal aliens... None of them is any good... Listen to what they are saying about everything, then think about where they will get the funds for all their "free" programs for illegals and welfare rats...
They will fund that crap before they fund our pension...
If you want well and septic, we have 6 acres, 200' lake frontage, fully furnished, 24x36 garage, newly remodeled bath and kitchen, turn key in the northwoods of wisc. $175,000.
A wife (now retired)
1/15/2011 07:50:00 PM
sounds great, but if the commute didn't kill me, the wife would.
The above post is a TOTAL LIE. Think about it. Cop makes 50 grand and no one knows about it? Are you kidding. The lawyer would be sniffing out those cases all day long. It's straight up nonsense.
1/15/2011 09:21:00 PM must be from the FOP and now are shaking in his boots knowing that the secret is out. I notice you are real quick to say it's a total lie. If the police officer had to hire a lawyer on his own, I'm sure he was frustrated enough to say screw everyone else. Those guys did get a screwing from the city and should get compensated.
Whenever I had questions about our pension, Mike Shields has ALWAYS been knowledgeable & very helpful so quit bum-rapping him! I didn't see FLOP doing anything!
Shields, what about Bob Paschke for President
Anonymous said...
ps caparelli was thrown out of the inside circle but he is comming back under bella the deal with caparelli was he did not get d5 pay but thn they gave him $40,000 to keep his mouth shut.
next time bella starts his dog and pony show at your roll call ask him what his salary is now and what it will be if god help us all he is elected to repalce Markiee for another 3 years of bullshit But be gentle bella might get really sick
unit 630
Hey Wayne,
When did you go to 630? Retire already!!! They aren't making another sergeants class.
Glock boycott?
Just a heads up about what's going on in NY because whatever batshit crazy ideas anti-gun morons come up with in other cities can potentially wind up here thanks to our own morons...
"Public officials are calling for the NYPD to boycott gun manufacturers who produce high-capacity magazines like the one that injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others"
can you imagine having to purchase a different primary duty weapon because Daley decides to join in the Glock boycott? FOP needs to jump on this hard and fast if it ever starts to become an issue
So... at what pay grade are the big boys at the union? Do trustees really make SGT. or LT. pay....why all the take home cars....why all the extra money..... its their job to push paper now...why get paid so much more than their rank before elected...
1/15/2011 02:39:00 AM
How about you tell us just how many Union Meetings you have been to, big boy?
retired cpd copper selling his studio apt at the John Hancock is a stunning studio in a classy building
He's retired CPD and calls himself fire fighter jim???
Vote Carol she is from a police family. We need to back up our own.sgt joe is a great guy
1/14/2011 10:02:00 PM
1st of all you have no idea what you are talking about, moron. Moseley Braun is a communist radical and associates with all those dirty reds. She is not "our own" and never will be.
In 1978, Braun was a leading member on the Committee to Elect Dr. John R. Lumpkin for the 7th Ward Alderman, Chicago. And who is John Lumpkin?
In 1976 John Lumpkin was nominated as a candidate for the Illinois Communist Party USA as an elector for the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates of the Communist Party USA, Gus Hall and Jarvis Tyner
The City wide team has dropped the ball more than once. They are lucky to be here still. Team Sheilds is the ticket. Lets not have another term of graft.
1/15/2011 07:28:00 PM
Too late. Shields is the most arrogant person you will ever meet.
1/15/2011 09:30:00 PM
I met him several times in situations which did not involve the dept and he seemed like his heart was in the right place. Yeah, he's learning the ropes but we were all young once. The attitude could be the result of people treating him like crap. His criticisms sound like the morons who complain about Jake Cuttlers body language. He is the only person who has confronted the issues. At least I don't remember him forgiving millions of dollars of debt to the city without asking the membership. When I asked about that I was told that in the grand scheme of things it meant nothing. So what is the grand scheme of the FOP?
What advantage does the Chicago Patrolmen's Credit Union offer over a regular bank??? Is it so important to have "Chicago Patrolmen" and a police star emblazoned on everything?
Wings don't have much meat on 'em. I prefer Hot Legs. Or thighs. Generally cheaper than a bag o' wings.
Cook the chicken any way you want. Afterward, coat chicken in a mixture of Frank's Hot Sauce, 1/2 stick melted butter, and celery salt.
Remove chicken from sauce and enjoy.
"I defy anyone at FOP Lodge 7 to prove that unpaid furlough days were ever an issue for rank and file bargaining unit members."
so, because the corrupt Chicago media does a story on i, it MUST be true?
Keep drinking the kook-aid junior.
I just knew all this crap would come up with Mike Shields should he ever seek elected office. He was the first one to grab the pension board by the balls and demand some answers. He had no agenda except the financial future of himself and all of us. Now if anyone see's a single flaw in the guy he's satan! Nobodys perfect. Nobody is going to get along with everyone. I could care less if this guy likes me personally or not. I just want him to continue to demand answers from the pension board and anyone else trying to fuck with the little bit of money I get. signed...A Retiree
I was recently at a community meeting. I was shocked to find that the average citizen is not aware that we contribute 9 1/2 percent to our pension. This is the responsibility of the FOP to educate the public. Citzens believe they are paying for our entire pension. The media needs to put this out.
1/15/2011 09:01:00 AM
its 9%
I heard a rumor that:
Diane Phillips, a write in, demanded from 022 that she receive a police escort to 113th & Central Park because she didn't feel safe in Mt. Greenwood because of racism. The car had to babysit her for the whole debate.
If this is true it's a waste of resources, and who the hell authorized it?
1/15/2011 02:45:00 PM
I did. What are you going to do about it?
Anonymous said...
"I defy anyone at FOP Lodge 7 to prove that unpaid furlough days were ever an issue for rank and file bargaining unit members."
so, because the corrupt Chicago media does a story on i, it MUST be true?
Keep drinking the kook-aid junior.
1/16/2011 01:24:00 AM
Exactly the point.
Do you believe everything you red in the newspapers or every story that pops up on TV local news?
Daley has a long history of planting bullshit with certain aldermen and news people for strategically timed release.
We're closing in on 20% of Illinoisans collecting food stamps.
Oh, it gets better. By law, each adult is required to work while collecting, 30hrs/week for a single parent and 35hrs/week for a married couple.
But, if they are enrolled in any type of rehabilitation program such as drug, alcohol or domestic violence, then they don't have to work. Enrollment in one of those programs covers the work requirement.
Anonymous said...
Now go ahead Mike Shields, show us what you are made of, God Bless you and good luck. Just don't get comfortable and arrogant like the one guy down there who thinks he has a permanent position and talks to officers like they are all jerks.
1/15/2011 07:28:00 PM
Too late. Shields is the most arrogant person you will ever meet.
1/15/2011 09:30:00 PM
We will see, real soon, what the membership thinks. In something called an FOP election of Officers.
They will vote, ballot packages go out first week in February, due back in the post office box by the morning of March 4th, not just postmarked, but in the box.
Then the votes get counted and the membership will have spoken.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
To the ODPO working the rave party in Wriglyville Fri night, where underage drinking, and fields of pot were being smoked, the house is being watched. Don't blame anybody but yourself when the party gets busted, and you go down with them. Just sayin......
1/15/2011 11:03:00 AM
People like you are rats. Who gives a fuck what this odpo does. Its his ass on the line. If you have a problem lock him up yourself. Dont go crying to this blog about the copper. This department is pussified. Im not going to to condone this off duty guys actions but for christ sakes do post that shit.
1/15/2011 06:31:00 PM
Rat?? It seems to me that the officer would only be a rat if they did arrest him. I'd thank the officer for tipping me off!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The circus freak show came to 18 yesterday. Shields can't get enough of himself, showed the Luberman video but doesn't speak, then this group of freaks talked about shootings even though they have never been involved in a shooting. One things for sure they will fire all FOP attorney's and replace them with PO/Lawyers who work for Weis. Lawyers who never practiced any law that's the answer. My ash*&$# puckered.
1/15/2011 08:51:00 AM
leave it to you to complain. you complain about fop not doing anything and now someone comes along who at least has stood up for our pension to begin with and youre knocking them down already. you must be doing pretty good. but i bet youll be the first cry baby to call them for help. if you dont like them just keep voting for the current fop like you did for the current mayor you asswipe.
I like Joe, but his sister is a train wreck. Our pension is a stake here bucko. It's Rahm or Chico and Rahm wants our pension. Please thik
Why would you vote for Rahm if he wants our pension?
How about you tell us just how many Union Meetings you have been to, big boy?
First of all flop is not a union. It's a collective bargaining unit made up of a bunch of Mayor Daley Puppets.
I have been to exactly 3 meetings in 15 years. I threw up harder after each one. I dont even vote during flop elections. The few times I have called flop I was told I had nothing or was told nothing was violated. Thats why I dont do any police work other than answer my calls. And now...I dont need flop. I hope flop pricks get what you deserve for betraying and selling us out all these years.
Too late. Shields is the most arrogant person you will ever meet.
I tell you what...He can dress in womens clothing for all I care. As long as he doesnt seel us out like dineen, nolan, and markie has! Not to mention all the ass munching followers who work at or has worked at the FLOP over the last 25 years.
J Vader said...
Does anybody know anything about a basic recruit class starting in April? According to the ILESB website Chicago is scheduled to start a class on or around 02 April that runs into September. If its true, I will be in that class. I ran into a PO who told me that somebody named Ernie Brown is updating the training for the academy. What can I expect???
1/15/2011 12:14:00 AM
If your planning on getting a job here in the city, do some research on the bosses. They won't be here when you get on, but you'll see their handi-work all over in the form of merit Sgt's and Lt's and the ever popular ghetto Christmas wishes.
Anonymous said...
I was recently at a community meeting. I was shocked to find that the average citizen is not aware that we contribute 9 1/2 percent to our pension. This is the responsibility of the FOP to educate the public. Citzens believe they are paying for our entire pension. The media needs to put this out.
1/15/2011 09:01:00 AM
9% and they don't know that we DO NOT CONTRIBUTE to Social Security because we have a government pension!
Anonymous said...
I just knew all this crap would come up with Mike Shields should he ever seek elected office. He was the first one to grab the pension board by the balls and demand some answers. He had no agenda except the financial future of himself and all of us. Now if anyone see's a single flaw in the guy he's satan! Nobodys perfect. Nobody is going to get along with everyone. I could care less if this guy likes me personally or not. I just want him to continue to demand answers from the pension board and anyone else trying to fuck with the little bit of money I get. signed...A Retiree
1/16/2011 02:00:00 AM
Well ask little Mikey where he was this past November when the state legislature was posturing to change the pension system in Springfied, ASK MIKE SHIELDS where he was.
He was at an FOP meeting.
At least Donahue was in Springfield the entire week the legislature was discussing this.
MIKE SHIELDS is WAY OVER HIS HEAD with our pension board.
The ONLY thing that Mike Shields has done while on the pension bd. is to halt Luberman from stealing a pension.
Great thing that he did there. But that is where it ends. He has done nothing else.
Ask yourself what he has done and can you vote for someone who has done so little and knows so little.
Anonymous said...
"I defy anyone at FOP Lodge 7 to prove that unpaid furlough days were ever an issue for rank and file bargaining unit members."
so, because the corrupt Chicago media does a story on i, it MUST be true?
Keep drinking the kook-aid junior.
1/16/2011 01:24:00 AM
Wow! You are truly out of touch.
Daley had a 16% raise and 3 unpaid furlough days on the table before he yanked them during the last contract negotiations.
Then the midget went on the news to tell all that we rejected a 16% raise! He never mentioned the unpaid furlough days!
I'm sure that those that work at the hall have the paperwork to back all this up!
Anonymous said...
They are coming for your pension. DON'T LET THEM DO IT!!! UNITE NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. I'm talking about CPD, CFD, S&S...all city workers. Emanuel cannot be allowed to succeed. We have power we just have to use it. I swear to God, if they cut my promised pension benefit.....
1/15/2011 06:56:00 PM
Here's a question:
With all this political postering about pensions by the mayoral candidates, what is Mike Shields doing other than campaiging.
Mike why don't you respond to some of this crap coming out of Emmanuels mouth about our pensions.
What can he or can't he do?
Can he just change them and rearrange them?
Mike where are you?
You are my pension bd rep.
Where were you when Quinn and the gang changed the law in Springfied in Novemeber?
Mike where are you?
Anonymous said...
The circus freak show came to 18 yesterday. Shields can't get enough of himself, showed the Luberman video but doesn't speak, then this group of freaks talked about shootings even though they have never been involved in a shooting. One things for sure they will fire all FOP attorney's and replace them with PO/Lawyers who work for Weis. Lawyers who never practiced any law that's the answer. My ash*&$# puckered.
1/15/2011 08:51:00 AM
Oh God NOT D. S.
I really don't like the way the citywide team is going around with their arrogant attitudes as if they owe us for their services.
1/15/2011 12:10:00 PM
I think you said that wrong. But please vote for Shields and the Kirby Kids. His candidates from the Superintendent's Office will give you a whole new take on arrogance. ya maroon.
All this talk from the City wide team, is a bunch of BS. Team shields is not in Weis or Kirby's pocket by any means. That is just not true. However, what is Mark D going to be doing after he pulls the pin? I hear he is all lined up for a big City gig. Sell us out and take the money and run. Thanks buddy your a true blue friend.
1/15/2011 12:58:00 PM
Exactly why it would be wiser to vote for people like mike shields who will return back department when he is done with FOP and will have to live under the decisions that he has made. He's too young to run away and retire.
The above post is a TOTAL LIE. Think about it. Cop makes 50 grand and no one knows about it? Are you kidding. The lawyer would be sniffing out those cases all day long. It's straight up nonsense.
1/15/2011 09:21:00 PM must be from the FOP and now are shaking in his boots knowing that the secret is out. I notice you are real quick to say it's a total lie. If the police officer had to hire a lawyer on his own, I'm sure he was frustrated enough to say screw everyone else. Those guys did get a screwing from the city and should get compensated.
I did. What are you going to do about it?
1/16/2011 05:10:00 AM
give you the credit you deserve.
When I asked about that I was told that in the grand scheme of things it meant nothing. So what is the grand scheme of the FOP?
1/16/2011 12:43:00 AM
"Public officials are calling for the NYPD to boycott gun manufacturers who produce high-capacity magazines like the one that injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others"
can you imagine having to purchase a different primary duty weapon because Daley decides to join in the Glock boycott? FOP needs to jump on this hard and fast if it ever starts to become an issue
1/16/2011 12:05:00 AM
'public officials' want to reduce the ability of their law enforcement employees to enforce the law without, potentially, effectively committing suicide in doing so?
i'm shocked, shocked, i say, at the mere thought that they would suggest such a thing.
I just knew all this crap would come up with Mike Shields should he ever seek elected office. He was the first one to grab the pension board by the balls and demand some answers. He had no agenda except the financial future of himself and all of us. Now if anyone see's a single flaw in the guy he's satan! Nobodys perfect. Nobody is going to get along with everyone. I could care less if this guy likes me personally or not. I just want him to continue to demand answers from the pension board and anyone else trying to fuck with the little bit of money I get. signed...A Retiree
What has he changed at the pension board in 2 years. It was Donahue and the current administation that got the funding for our pension in Springfield while Shields was up her campaigning. Pay attention to facts, not just what is said on this blog.
I met him several times in situations which did not involve the dept and he seemed like his heart was in the right place. Yeah, he's learning the ropes but we were all young once. The attitude could be the result of people treating him like crap. His criticisms sound like the morons who complain about Jake Cuttlers body language. He is the only person who has confronted the issues. At least I don't remember him forgiving millions of dollars of debt to the city without asking the membership. When I asked about that I was told that in the grand scheme of things it meant nothing. So what is the grand scheme of the FOP?
Then make sure you don't leave 5 years earlier with the rest of us at 75%. Stay 34 years and get the same 75% and you will have showed us. Thank god you're not running for FOP.
In response to 1/15/11 06:46 concerning the P.O. running for Alderman. You are absolutely right. That speech was horrible. Other African American Officers listening felt bad for the White officers. That is how bad it was. I have 24 years on and I'm a black man. I am also ashamed.
The President's position in FOP's Lodge #7 has a D8 pay grade, which is equivalent to a CPD Chief's position. It makes for a great pension and, going at the right time, paid medical until attaining 65 years of age. Not too shabby.
Not pensionable
All you BEARS haters can suck it. I hope your party is kicking ass SCC.
Anonymous said...
The President's position in FOP's Lodge #7 has a D8 pay grade, which is equivalent to a CPD Chief's position. It makes for a great pension and, going at the right time, paid medical until attaining 65 years of age. Not too shabby.
Not pensionable
1/16/2011 12:13:00 PM
The President's position in FOP's Lodge #7 is NOT pensionable.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
"I defy anyone at FOP Lodge 7 to prove that unpaid furlough days were ever an issue for rank and file bargaining unit members."
so, because the corrupt Chicago media does a story on i, it MUST be true?
Keep drinking the kook-aid junior.
1/16/2011 01:24:00 AM
Wow! You are truly out of touch.
Daley had a 16% raise and 3 unpaid furlough days on the table before he yanked them during the last contract negotiations.
Then the midget went on the news to tell all that we rejected a 16% raise! He never mentioned the unpaid furlough days!
I'm sure that those that work at the hall have the paperwork to back all this up!
1/16/2011 08:11:00 AM
Oh, those imaginary unpaid furlough days again. The ones in some news article quoted by an unnamed source.
No, those that work at FOP Hall do not have the paperwork to back this up or else it would have been out by now. In fact, it should have been out while the City's offer was listed on the FOP web site.
It wasn't. Anyone else but me notice unpaid furlough days were not written down anywhere but in some bullshit articles? If true, why didn't City think to include them in their offer sheet? Why did the arbitrator write that they were never a factor?
Now citywide says unpaid furlough days truly were asked for by the city of the FOP, the citywide fans loudly and vociferously proclaim their existence and as proof they point to a couple of news articles. That's all.
Great, that's like pointing to some scribbling on a shithouse wall and claiming that is proof.
Nice try. Still won't work.
Actually I do a lot more than listen to nitwit rumors on the internet. I thoroughly research my information, always know (as much as they'll reveal) what's shaking at the pension board, and if I miss a FOP mtg my retired friends keep me posted. You will do the same when you're retired and you live on a limited income. Hopefully by the time you retire the failing economy will have recovered enough so that you can enjoy yourself after a long career of busting your ass.
I met him several times in situations which did not involve the dept and he seemed like his heart was in the right place. Yeah, he's learning the ropes but we were all young once. The attitude could be the result of people treating him like crap. His criticisms sound like the morons who complain about Jake Cuttlers body language. He is the only person who has confronted the issues. At least I don't remember him forgiving millions of dollars of debt to the city without asking the membership. When I asked about that I was told that in the grand scheme of things it meant nothing. So what is the grand scheme of the FOP?
Who is Jake Cutler? I don't care if you are not a Bears fan, but at least get the guys name right if you are going to use it. Idiot!
Tucson shooting victim detained at taping of TV special
'You're dead,' man yells while photographing Tea Party spokesman
If this man was committed to an mental institution for shouting those words why is it our leading mayoral candidate can shout dead, dead, dead while naming candidates names and stabbing a knife into the table during a victory celebration back during Clinton's term?
'Rahm can't get 51% in February. Thats why they had Davis drop out. They are counting on Carol to knock Chico out in round #1 and then roll over in April. If Davis stayed in, Chico would finish second and probably beat Rahm in April. '
I've got news for you. Chico WILL come in second.
If Rahm doesn't get his ass out in some more of theses communities, Chico could even come in first. Don't waste a second thinking about Carol Mosely Braun. Stick a fork in her, she's DONE, and she can only blame herself for it.
"Public officials are calling for the NYPD to boycott gun manufacturers who produce high-capacity magazines like the one that injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others"
And that is the problem with the left. In case you missed it:
"...high-capacity magazines like the one that injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords..."
The high-capacity magazine that injured the Representative. Um, I think it was the BULLET that injured the Representative.
Legislate the shit out of the magazine, because the HUMAN behind it had nothing to do with it.
Not pensionable
1/16/2011 12:13:00 PM
Guess again.
Why isn't anyone talking about the Mayor race? We gotta pull together.
No Emmaul~ come on guys!
1/15/2011 06:05:00 PM
They all get the extra money, but it's not pensionable. Their pensions are based on their career service ranks.
Now citywide says unpaid furlough days truly were asked for by the city of the FOP, the citywide fans loudly and vociferously proclaim their existence and as proof they point to a couple of news articles. That's all.
Great, that's like pointing to some scribbling on a shithouse wall and claiming that is proof.
Nice try. Still won't work.
1/16/2011 04:35:00 PM
Hey vociferous asshole, i sent you a link to nbc 5 TV story. Still not enuff? You are FULLOF SHIT.
Anonymous said...
Not pensionable
1/16/2011 12:13:00 PM
Guess again.
1/16/2011 09:29:00 PM
Really truly not pensionable. No guess, it's fact.
Anonymous said...
Not pensionable
1/16/2011 12:13:00 PM
Guess again.
1/16/2011 09:29:00 PM
It is NOT Pensionable... CALL THE PENSION BOARD if you don't believe it dip-wad.
Diane phillips thing in 022 is true. However, a car was not down on it. It was a bull shit special attention.
What advantage does the Chicago Patrolmen's Credit Union offer over a regular bank??? Is it so important to have "Chicago Patrolmen" and a police star emblazoned on everything?
1/16/2011 01:02:00 AM
Answers to above:
#1 Do your homework. The last 3 cars I bought for myself and family were all financed thru CPD Credit Union. The best rates available, and taken right off your check.
#2 No.
'Rat?? It seems to me that the officer would only be a rat if they did arrest him. I'd thank the officer for tipping me off!!!!'
A copper working a rave or a bar doesn't need 'tipping off.' He/she should know Dept. regulations well enough to have nothing to do with working security at those kinds of events/businesses. If he doesn't, he'll know in time when the shit hits the fan...and it always does.
'Rat?? It seems to me that the officer would only be a rat if they did arrest him. I'd thank the officer for tipping me off!!!!'
A copper working a rave or a bar doesn't need 'tipping off.' He/she should know Dept. regulations well enough to have nothing to do with working security at those kinds of events/businesses. If he doesn't, he'll know in time when the shit hits the fan...and it always does.
1/17/2011 05:23:00 PM
hey I worked a party at hall once and it turned out to be that rave shit, I did not know what it was until 3/4 of the way through. I was outside most of the night until I noticed what was going on. I took what money I could get and was up. So maybe just maybe this guy did not know what he was getting into.
Anonymous said...
Now citywide says unpaid furlough days truly were asked for by the city of the FOP, the citywide fans loudly and vociferously proclaim their existence and as proof they point to a couple of news articles. That's all.
Great, that's like pointing to some scribbling on a shithouse wall and claiming that is proof.
Nice try. Still won't work.
1/16/2011 04:35:00 PM
Hey vociferous asshole, i sent you a link to nbc 5 TV story. Still not enuff? You are FULLOF SHIT.
1/16/2011 11:24:00 PM
No it is not enough, a link to an NBC 5 TV Story is only proof that there was an NBC 5 story.
It proves nothing. Did you read the story? That the City was "mulling" asking for unpaid days, that several machine alderman suggested the same thing. So what, that is all it proves. It was a bluff, the FOP blinked, we lost.
I'd like to play poker with those FOP boys. I'd make some money.
What that NBC 5 stuff does not prove is that the City of Chicago ever formally presented the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 7, with a demand that we officers take any unpaid furlough days.
No proof of that. No proof before your news "scoop" and no proof after.
My declaration stands, there does not exist any documented proof unpaid days were a condition of accepting the 16.1% raise. NBC or newspaper stories "suggesting" or "mulling" do not count as proof.
Even Arbitrator Edwin Benn wrote in his decision the City didn't ask for them and the membership didn't have to take them. I consider that much more "proof" than NBC 5 stuff.
1/18/2011 10:49:00 AM et. al.
here's how it worked:
1. delay negotiations well past the expiration of prior contract, to instill widespread discontent in the rank and file.
2. when a sufficiently high lavel of discontent has been stimulated, city places 'offer' on table, said offer being more than the city wants to agree to and less than the rank and file know they deserve.
2. fop negotiating team agrees, behind closed doors, not to accept offer.
3. rank and file assists in convincing the public that the 'offer' on the table is genuine, by vigorously, and publicly, rejecting it.
4. when the fruit is ripe, pick it, by pulling the 'offer' off the table and proceeding to the pre-arranged outcome from the city's hand picked arbitraitor.
5. thank you, to the citywide team, may we have another?
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