Saturday, April 09, 2011

FOID Privacy Advances

  • Gun owners in Illinois could have their identities shielded from public disclosure under legislation that passed the House Friday.

    Attorney General Lisa Madigan has contended lists of gun owners who have Firearm Owner Identification cards should be retrievable under the state’s Freedom of Information Act.

    Legislation sponsored by Rep. Richard Morthland (R-Cordova) would amount to an end-run around Madigan. Morthland’s bill passed the House 98-12 and now moves to the Senate.

    “I appreciate the work of the attorney general,” Morthland said. “But there is a pressing need to keep this information private. It would create a situation where there’d be increased possibility for gun violence in the state of Illinois should this not pass.”

    Most of the “no” votes were Chicago-area Democrats.

No surprise that Chicago democrats would be against anything that reduces citizens' reliance on the government, especially something that might adversely impact a significant portion of their voting bloc.

The easier (and better) solution would be to eliminate the FOID card entirely, seeing as how it's only purpose is to have a list of doors to knock on should Illinois ever ban guns entirely.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do we find the list of Dems who tried to kill it?

4/09/2011 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic: Was picking up a few things at Dominick’s this evening. The cashier was telling me that it's been a long day. Apparently the LINK system went down statewide and recipients were furious that they had to use their own money on food. It put a smile on my face. :)

4/09/2011 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every Police Officer and most Federal Agents and decent law abiding citizens must posses an FOID card. For what good reason did this woman want to make our names and addresses public, someone please tell me, because this is about the dumbest political move I've ever seen, bar none. The "Chief Law Enforcement Officer" of the State of Illinois, kowtows to the liberal media, and feels the need to release that information to the public, why, for what reason. This selfless act, proves beyond the shadow of a doubt, that she has absolutely has no qualification to be in the position she now holds. But don't fear sweetie, Daddy will make sure all the bad press goes away and his baby girl Lisa remains completely protected and continues making lots of money with plenty of benefits. Phony sons of bitches. The State of Illinois, and Daley's corruption HQ, Chicago, has stage five cancer.........AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE CANCER TO RUN IT'S COURSE!!!

4/09/2011 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These Chicago Democrats are the same ones who would have their supporters burglarizing the homes on the list!!!!!!!!!!!!! They all be shitheads!

4/09/2011 04:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do we find the list of Dems who tried to kill it?

4/09/2011 12:09:00 AM

The roll call vote is here

4/09/2011 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sort of ot: the u.s supreme court ruled that people who posses carry permits from other states may bring there guns into illinois without a foid card.

4/09/2011 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are from out of state and licensed to carry, you don't need no stinkng FOID card, and you get to tote your piece in the Land of Stinkin'. Illinois Supreme Court, 4/7/11:

4/09/2011 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How do we find the list of Dems who tried to kill it?

4/09/2011 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to follow gun rights legislation in Illinois, bookmark this page:

4/09/2011 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if all of those democRAT politicians would exclude themselves from the list? I mean Mell got the ordinance suspended when he forgot to register his multiple handguns in Daley's handgun free city. Remember that one?

Hypocrite pieces of shit. Daley was on the news spewing his anti gun crap and dodging questions about his nephew killing someone in a drunken bar brawl the other day.

I can't wait for the day the devil pulls him down to hell. Hopefully it's sooner than later.

4/09/2011 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do we find the list of Dems who tried to kill it?
4/09/2011 12:09:00 AM

I'm not seeing the record on yet, maybe not until next week? Bill number is HB3500

4/09/2011 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry (Daleys lap dog) Osterman, was to scared to show for the vote, and took an unexcused absence. It's a friggin shame that so many of the chicago area reps are against anything to do with law-abiding taxpayers defending themselves. Madigan voted against the bill also. Both Madigans are no friend to the taxpayers.

4/09/2011 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC:"The easier (and better) solution would be to eliminate the FOID card entirely, seeing as how it's only purpose is to have a list of doors to knock on should Illinois ever ban guns entirely."

Thank you,Thank you,Thank you.

4/09/2011 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do other states keep records of firearm owners through FOID cards?

Funny how you don't need a government issued card for the other constitutionally protected rights such as speech, religion, press. . .

4/09/2011 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question ? What would Lisa be doing if she did not have her powerful fathers influence ?

4/09/2011 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic: Was picking up a few things at Dominick’s this evening. The cashier was telling me that it's been a long day. Apparently the LINK system went down statewide and recipients were furious that they had to use their own money on food. It put a smile on my face. :)

4/09/2011 12:13:00 AM

It should make you angry. If they have their own money then why do they have the link card.

4/09/2011 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now or Never!!!

Heat is needed on the Illinois General Assembly

We're coming down to the wire. Every day, the co-sponsors of HB0148 are trying to make sure they have the votes needed to pass the bill and also override a veto in case Gov. Quinn wants to spit in the face of law-enforcement in lieu of carrying on outgoing Mayor Daley's legacy. Quinn assumes a huge risk by vetoing - there aren't many voters who would shy away from him because he signed a concealed carry bill. But there are 1.5 million or so gun owners in Illinois who he'd upset.

Now is the time to put pressure right where it belongs - on each and every legislator in the Illinois House. Please contact YOUR state legislator to make sure he or she is 100% behind this and will vote for it. If you are 110% confident in them, then please contact some of the Chicago area legislators who have not signed on. Remind them that all the police organizations are behind this. We NEED this in Illinois - it will make everyone safer.

Illinois also needs this in order to be closer in-line with the US Constitution. It won't be long before the current laws in Illinois are struck down because they amount to a blanket ban on bearing arms - a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution!!!

As always, be polite and respectful when dealing with legislators, even if you think they haven't the faintest clue when it comes to individual rights and freedoms. Give them the reassurance that gun owners are trustworthy and concealed carry will not cause problems.


4/09/2011 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC I too support the abolish of the FOID system. Thug told me he has never had and never will have a gun card. He also told me that his carrying case is the space between his waist ban and his skin, sometimes 2 o'clock, sometimes 4 o'clock, and always loaded.

4/09/2011 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Registration sets the table for confiscation...

The Great Chicago Gun Ban was solely to protect the legacy criminal organizations like the outfit and the protected criminal political class (mayor, aldermen, commissioners, directors, their mouthbreathing henchmen and the like) from the notion that the upright citizen will exercise their U.S. Constitutional right and the judgement of reasonable men in protecting themselves, their property and their hard earned treasure from criminal and bureaucratic trespass.

U.S. Citizens aren't welcome in Chicago... And as all with sight and sense can see, Chicago has done EVERYTHING to run U.S. Citizens away to create a socialist, sanctuary utopia & Potemkin Village where the few labor arduously and without reward to support the core constituency of ther many resolute non-contributors.

U.S. Citizens aren't welcome here because they have a nasty tendency to think for themselves and question the constant spew of dummy-crat yellow-pinky, lib-tardism.

No small wonder much capitol has been expended and much ink spilled in the ongoing attempts to destroy CPD... (Lately it seems we are beset by idiots from within)

CPD is considered "out of control" because it isn't a province of the yellow-pinkies. We can point out (arguably so) that diminished standards have allowed the swelling of our ranks with less than desireables and the promotion of bonafide incompetents to positions of rank and authority has been orchestrated by those seeking our destruction.

We will NEVER SEE a wholly competent, rigidly law enforcement based exempt echelon.

That would be the worst nightmare come true for the media and the protected criminal politician class currently running/ruining this city.

They fear The Police turning, advancing, gaining hearty public support and coming after THEM instead the Police fighting a constant rear-guard action on the battlefield of public perception.

Are we the only ones who see this?

More off-key, tone deaf orchestra of fuckery by Daley Inc.

The ears of the people should be really sore by now...

4/09/2011 01:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is by no means an attack on Chicago PD or it's fine officers but I have to tell you that the rest of the state would like to see Chicago become part of Indiana. The rest of the state is sick of having all of our laws dictated to us by the liberal democratic mutts that come from Crook County. Maybe you guys could become like Washington DC?

4/09/2011 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"'s only purpose is to have a list of doors to knock on should Illinois ever ban guns entirely."

It's easier to maintain lists of law-abiding citizens; they march right in and sign up.

It's obvious that they're lying about "crime prevention," isn't it?

They can't keep you locked up in your house at night, alone with with their TV, but they can turn Pookie loose to do the job.

"Conspiracy theory?" Ha. Look outside.

4/09/2011 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Lou said...

One of the NO votes was Jackonsen from ChampaigN WHO WAS A CO-SPONSOR OF THE BILL!!! How do idiots democrats like this get elected over and over again??

Another no vote was form Speaker Madigan AKA Lisa's Daddy.

4/09/2011 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Chuckles said...

"How do we find the list of Dems who tried to kill it?

4/09/2011 12:09:00 AM"


Follow this link for who voted how:

4/09/2011 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOID who knows Carry and conceal YES. Post this link card nonsense illegals gettting Link. cut it for 1 year balanced budget

4/09/2011 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Off Topic: Was picking up a few things at Dominick’s this evening. The cashier was telling me that it's been a long day. Apparently the LINK system went down statewide and recipients were furious that they had to use their own money on food. It put a smile on my face. :)

4/09/2011 12:13:00 AM"

he who laughs last laughs best

you're a lot closer to the edge than you think

- the economic chalkie

4/09/2011 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Madigan is a Closet Police-Hater, just like her Dad. She gave NO consideration at all to the countless Police personnel whose home addresses will be available to Public, and law abiding Taxpayer firearm owners, therefore endangering them and their families. Just another Touchey-Feeley Bird-Brained Democommiecrat. It makes her Feeeeeellll good, as Dr. Michael Savage says, so who cares who could be hurt by it in the future. The trouble with all these Politicians is that every time they get an idea, THEY think it's a GOOD idea, because, with their over-inflated Ego's, it must be brilliant because they thought of it. Then it gets implemented and causes a bigger government-created mess, and they just walk away, without being held responsible to clean up their mess, before being allowed to attempt to create another one. Why can't all these Madigans, Daley's, etc; just dry up and fly away once and for all ? Haven't they RAPED the Taxpayers enough ? When IS enough, enough already?

4/09/2011 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Willie the Whale said...

OT - Interesting article about social websites and law enforcement:

4/09/2011 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the day the devil pulls him down to hell. Hopefully it's sooner than later.

4/09/2011 08:32:00 AM

remember, only the good die young.

4/09/2011 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey lisa, just tell people where you live already if that's what you really want, but leave me and my family the hell alone!

4/09/2011 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good! Madigan is a fool and a hack anyway. She should not even be a lawyer. We shouldn't even have FOID cards to begin with. No other state does. Illinois SUCKS!!!

4/09/2011 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Write our state attorney general a letter and tell her what you think about making FOID holder's addresses public.

The below was found on a public access web site listing candidates for IL Attorney General in the November 2, 2010 general election. This is public knowledge, not hidden, not secret, this is not anything anyone cannot get on their own.,%20OfficeSequence,%20PartySequence,%20BracketID,%20vwCandidates.ID


4/09/2011 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Question ? What would Lisa be doing if she did not have her powerful fathers influence ?

4/09/2011 11:18:00 AM

She'd be walking the halls of traffic court shaking the bushes for red light cases.

4/09/2011 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa Madigan is CLUELESS. This woman never tried a case-not even in traffic court! What else would one expect!

4/09/2011 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from an email i got from

Illinois General Assembly to Pass HB0148 - Family and Personal Protection (Shall-Issue Concealed Carry) Act!!

The bill has NOT been called to a full house vote yet, but the subject of this email really is something you could read in the newspaper this month!! Concealed Carry has a real chance to pass NOW. But we need everybody reading this email to act NOW.

Quick summary of progress:

1. Illinois House Bill 0148 has passed out of committee and is waiting to be called to a full vote on the house floor.
2. The bill nearly has the 71 votes needed to override a veto - if Gov. Quinn does veto a bill that goes to his desk.
3. The Illinois Sheriff's Association has click here concealed carry by unanimous vote
4. The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police has officially supported concealed carry.
5. The Chicago Police Lieutenants Association has officially supported (you must be logged-in to with your user account to view this link) concealed carry.
6. The Chicago Police Sergeants Association has officially supported concealed carry.
7. The Illinois Farm Bureau has resolved to support concealed carry legislation in Illinois.
8. The US Supreme Court has affirmed what we already knew - the right to keep AND bear a firearm is a fundamental right. This makes Illinois' laws that completely prohibit bearing arms unconstitutional!!!
9. Multiple "open carry" events were held on private property in Illinois in 2010. 2011 will bring even more!!

Now or Never!!!
Heat is needed on the Illinois General Assembly

We're coming down to the wire. Every day, the co-sponsors of HB0148 are trying to make sure they have the votes needed to pass the bill and also override a veto in case Gov. Quinn wants to spit in the face of law-enforcement in lieu of carrying on outgoing Mayor Daley's legacy. Quinn assumes a huge risk by vetoing - there aren't many voters who would shy away from him because he signed a concealed carry bill. But there are 1.5 million or so gun owners in Illinois who he'd upset.

Now is the time to put pressure right where it belongs - on each and every legislator in the Illinois House. Please contact YOUR state legislator to make sure he or she is 100% behind this and will vote for it. If you are 110% confident in them, then please contact some of the Chicago area legislators who have not signed on. Remind them that all the police organizations are behind this. We NEED this in Illinois - it will make everyone safer.

Illinois also needs this in order to be closer in-line with the US Constitution. It won't be long before the current laws in Illinois are struck down because they amount to a blanket ban on bearing arms - a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution!!!

As always, be polite and respectful when dealing with legislators, even if you think they haven't the faintest clue when it comes to individual rights and freedoms. Give them the reassurance that gun owners are trustworthy and concealed carry will not cause problems.

4/09/2011 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/09/2011 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The message boards for the Trib, ST and the TV stations are all full of haters who are full of glee that the evil gun owners will be public knowledge.

4/09/2011 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is whats great about the internet and also scares the shit out of demagogues. The media may be on lockdown on reporting thoroughly the truth about issues such as this. But thanks to blogs like this one and others the truth still gets out.

Sic Semper Tyranis.

4/09/2011 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This is by no means an attack on Chicago PD or it's fine officers but I have to tell you that the rest of the state would like to see Chicago become part of Indiana. The rest of the state is sick of having all of our laws dictated to us by the liberal democratic mutts that come from Crook County. Maybe you guys could become like Washington DC?

4/09/2011 01:54:00 PM

First off, Indiana wouldn't have us, they have Gary already and wouldn't want its retarded, bigger brother in the mix. It would be fun to see the Hoosier hayseeds kick these retarded liberals asses on a daily basis, along with our criminal element that would be reduced to, "Wha chu mean I gots to go to jail fo breakin' the law, a Class 4 Felony used to be probation"?

When I was a young man, I used to agree with Royko that Chicago should be a city-state to free it from the rest of Illinois. I still heartily agree, but not for Chicago's sake. It is for the rest of the state to free it from the muddled thinking that goes on up here. There are more unfit, non working, communist, socialist, gun-grabbers and in general, just more malcontents here per square mile than anywhere else other than maybe San Francisco and New York.

I would love for Chicago and Cook County to be part of anything but where I live. It's a great place to visit but you have to be really stupid to want to live here.

4/10/2011 04:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here a the twelve (all Democrats, by the way) who voted NO and would like to make your FOID information public...

Daniel Biss - 17th District
Barbara Flynn Currie - 25th District
Sara Feigenholtz - 12th District
Mary Flowers - 31st District
LaShawn Ford - 8th District
Robyn Gabel - 18th District
Greg Harris - 13th District
Constance Howard - 34th District
Naomi Jakobsson - 103rd District
Lou Lang - 16th District
Michael Madigan - 22nd District
Rita Mayfield - 60th District

4/10/2011 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the poster who pointed out that out-of-state residents can carry in illinois, thank you very much but your link only takes you to the court page. i looked through and found the link and the case, and it is very interesting.

the case is about a traffic stop with an indiana resident who had a handgun in the backseat's armrest. he had an indiana permit but did not have it with him.

according to the IL sup. ct, if a handgun is in an armrest of a car or factory-built compartment, that is now considered "cased" by the courts now. being "uncased" is one of the elements of the felony charge.

at trial, the prosecution argued that because the defendant did not have his indiana permit card with him at the time of the stop, he could not show it at trial. the supreme overturned that.

essentially the sup court also said even if you have a FOID card, you do not have to have it with you when you are stopped. this means that if we charge someone with not having a FOID, we should also run his/her name in the FOID database of LEADS (HD86 i think) and document that.

here is the link to the case.

this brings you to recent cases. click on the case summary for:

People vs. Holmes.

Docket 109130 NREL

in this day and age of policing, all police officers should be keeping up with appellate and supreme court rulings, both to know the laws and to save your butt in the future.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters.

4/10/2011 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone see Hilliard and the reverends on the Chicago Propaganda cable channel? hilliard and the reverends are against concealed carry in illinois. they argue there is too much gun violence. they of course forget to mention any citizens who, while armed, successfully defended themselves against armed offenders and the state would not prosecute them. they also forget that criminals would not be the ones applying for concealed carry.

can't wait to see the propaganda channel under the rahmulins.

4/10/2011 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

join the NRA!!

4/10/2011 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Sort of ot: the u.s supreme court ruled that people who posses carry permits from other states may bring there guns into illinois without a foid card.

4/09/2011 07:02:00 AM

They always could.

4/10/2011 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is by no means an attack on Chicago PD or it's fine officers but I have to tell you that the rest of the state would like to see Chicago become part of Indiana.
What makes you think Indiana would want Chicago?

Better large chunks of it slide into Lake Michigan some night. Start with city hall.

4/10/2011 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOID who knows Carry and conceal YES. Post this link card nonsense illegals gettting Link. cut it for 1 year balanced budget

4/09/2011 04:02:00 PM

Dear Above Poster,
Please attend an English as a Second Language course. Then, come back and translate the above post into a language vaguely resembling the one we speak here.
Thank you.

4/10/2011 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the u.s supreme court ruled that people who posses carry permits from other states may bring there guns into illinois without a foid card."

Maybe, but that never stopped an overzealous/uneducated/uninformed/Catholic school under-achiever/military hero wanna be from locking out-of-staters up.

4/11/2011 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The FOID who knows Carry and conceal YES. Post this link card nonsense illegals gettting Link. cut it for 1 year balanced budget

4/09/2011 04:02:00 PM"

Dear Above Poster,
Please attend an English as a Second Language course. Then, come back and translate the above post into a language vaguely resembling the one we speak here.
Thank you.

4/10/2011 09:56:00 PM

The FOID, who knows?

Carry and conceal? YES.

Post this:

link card nonsense, illegals getting Link? cut it for 1 year, = balanced budget.

too complicated for you to figure out?

4/11/2011 05:15:00 AM  

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