What's Growing at 1300?
What's that popping up through the carpet?

It's mold. And evidently lots of it. Trouble is, it's working it's way up through the floors and walls of the Police Academy.
From an e-mail:

It's mold. And evidently lots of it. Trouble is, it's working it's way up through the floors and walls of the Police Academy.
From an e-mail:
- The mysterious white substance kept popping up on the carpeting in the upper floors and downstairs in various offices. The management was notified the first week of August. The inspectors came out the following week and inspected. Three weeks later we were given an oral report that the mold is not dangerous. No one has been able to produce a written report documenting these results.
The FOP was contacted, who in turn contacted the Dept of Labor who is yet to inspect the Academy. A safety grievance was filed. Did I mention that over 15 workers at the academy are currently ill with upper respiratory infections, fever, etc? Did I mention that Cuello and Shear came to inspect and said it's totally unacceptable?
Did I mention that they turned the heat on 80 to try and cover it all up? Some of the mold disappeared but that doesn't mean that it isn't still in the carpeting. It just isn't showing it's spores publicly. An officer went in his locker yesterday to get his hat. Filled with mold. As well as his blouse, refer, tie and every other item of clothing there. Over the holiday weekend an instructor forgot to rinse out his cup that had green tea residue and came back 3 days later to find a hairy mess in his cup?
There is a petri dish in the middle of the office that a co-worker purchased. It contains the fuzzy growth of a carpet sample that was taken. (It still has to be mailed in for analysis). Never mind we have a suburban class in there I wonder what the hell they are thinking of our dirty building?
Could you post this please before we all drop dead? Perhaps someone will give a shit when it is public knowledge. Over a month later and nothing has been done about this.
And in case you were wondering, here's a picture of the petri dish one enterprising officer purchased in an attempt to identify what was making everyone sick:

By the way, whoever told the officers that mold "isn't dangerous" is full of crap.
So we have bosses authorizing the homeless and all their various diseases in our workplaces, now the Department is training suburban recruits (and hopefully some CPD ones shortly) in an environment that is almost guaranteed to make them ill for the duration of their stay along with anyone using the gym and workout equipment.

By the way, whoever told the officers that mold "isn't dangerous" is full of crap.
So we have bosses authorizing the homeless and all their various diseases in our workplaces, now the Department is training suburban recruits (and hopefully some CPD ones shortly) in an environment that is almost guaranteed to make them ill for the duration of their stay along with anyone using the gym and workout equipment.
Labels: safety issues
Welcome to the world of actually working the streets. Filthy squads, touching dude that's all nasty. And let's not forget some of the stations, 011, 021, 013 to name a few. No one should have to work in those conditions. But you will get little sympathy from anyone working the street and dealing with much worse. Especially with your m-f 9to5 schedule. Easy solution bid out.
Start making cheeeese!
We had abestos hanging from the ceilings in 012 locker room and lock up through the 80s ,90s and probably still now ........Two former lock up keepers from the
70s have died from lung cancer so dont think for a minute they care about you . Be a whisle blower for your own saftey....and a good lawyer would hurt either.....
nothing to fear, we had the same problem in our police training academy here in Somolia,you will start off with a slight cough which will proceed to headaches and then vomiting and then you will be buried in a mass grave,
anyway you look at, mold and mold spores are bad for you. they didn't give a shit about all the officers and detectives in the bldg on 39th wood and they don't give a shit about any of the officers at the academy. your safety and family first saying is bullshit. we're all expendable to them.
sorry, i picked a booger and stuck it under my desk when i was in the academy back in 1997. i did not think it would morf into this mold. er sorry about that.
I thought all mold was dangerous.
Who wants to work around that?
Who wants to endure that nasty smell?
Who wants to continually have to take their moldy uniforms to the cleaners?
Would that be something that would be covered under Ald. Beale's uniform commissary? lol
By the way and incidently, the CFD not only has a uniform commissary they also get a uniform allowance!
I feel sorry for the recruits that have to "bear crawl" across those carpets. Lean and rest will be even more of a punishment now.
Forget about the 15 recruits that have respiratory issues because of this problem. We need to investigate these medical abuses....ya know? Too many people going on sick leave.
Lawsuit mangs! Cha-ching.
"There is a petri dish in the middle of the office that a co-worker purchased. It contains the fuzzy growth of a carpet sample that was taken. (It still has to be mailed in for analysis)."
Allow me to save you the time, trouble and cash of mailing said sample to a far away laboratory for analysis.
That fuzzy growth is a hybrid of the following: Clout, Cluelessness, Cowardice, Entitlement, Nepotism and Cronyism.
Aforementioned symphony of caustic microorganisms have accumulated over time after being deposited by a majority of recent CPD Training Academy instructors - employees that should've never been given the opportunity to invade it's host in the first place.
Combined and allowed to flourish over the last decade-plus, this strain of CPD fungus has morphed into the culprit responsible for the caliber of officers (and subsequent Brassholes) churned-out of that experiment gone horribly awry.
No antibiotic "cocktail" yet exists that possesses the efficacy to completely eradicate the liberal applications of Hair Gel responsible for the perpetuation of this epidemic.
Area Five has it all over who do I call?
HELLO MOLD! Also look at 3340 W. Fillmore, please check out those elevators, you have only been told for 7-12 yrs. so far or so...
no employee should ever be subjected to this unhealthy kind of enviornment
either fix it or close it down
Everythings ok no big deal..... Let less fortunate crash at 9ity hall lots of room there especially when the gas bags that run the most corrupt city in the western world are not there...everybody share in helping the less fortunate let's grow some of that mold/special stuff there maybe some of those assholes/alderman will wither away and we can save a ton of money to help the city with its budget problems!!
Hush up that talk SCC!
Next thing you know, somebody will end up connecting the dots to all the Police Stations that known and notorious cancer clusters as well as places where Coppers have a disproportionate incidence of of allergy symptoms, upper respiratory ailments and the like.
Our medical policy is "too generous" and "out of line" with what's offered in the private sector.
The city has done much to keep a lot of shit about our working conditions suppressed.
Throw in DTEB's tomfoolery about how the homeless, the insane, the disease/vermin ridden and the funky & unwashed of ass are now allowed to nest undisturbed at Police Stations now and you have a Department that's telling the workers "Fuck You now hurry up and die. We're sick of you and your complaining. Get to work!"
No worries... Coppers are expendable.
It's the shortshanks and 9.5 way of safeguarding the taxpayers from "da greedy Coppers."
Doing the right thing to safeguard the well being of Coppers will cut into the Chicago political-criminal enterprise's Police budget skimming operation.
You know... 13.5K on paper and 9.5k in real life.
Nuttin' important to see...
We don't really have to be concerned about people becoming ill while working out on the gym equipment at the Academy. The equipment in what used to be a
$4 million dollar state-of-the-art workout facility is falling apart even faster than the mold is growing in that petri dish. This phenomenon began during the Weis era; the Dept. refused to find and pay a contractor to maintain those expensive ellipticals and treadmills, and a lot of them just don't work now. Maybe when McNutty returns from Ground Zero he can assign someone from 3510 to seriously look into the problem, because it's quite clear to
those of us who work and use the gym there that
Howard really doesn't give a damn, or is powerless
to change this situation to anyone's satisfaction.
Of course the inspectors gave an oral report, then they can deny anything. It is white mold and is danerous to upper resiratory health. But don't take my word for it. Let's see the lab's report.
Cut to the chase...call OSHA!
I can tell you first hand. Mo;d will get into your lungs and make you feel like you want to die. I found out the hard way. Sometimes you can't see the "Bad Molds" They are behind walls. No Molds are good for you,but there are some worse than others.
So sue the pants off of the city if you become sick.
Welcome to the world of actually working the streets. Filthy squads, touching dude that's all nasty. And let's not forget some of the stations, 011, 021, 013 to name a few. No one should have to work in those conditions. But you will get little sympathy from anyone working the street and dealing with much worse. Especially with your m-f 9to5 schedule. Easy solution bid out.
Hey asshat! Nice way to blame the officer and not the idiots you SHOULD be taking to task for this!
Jealousy is ugly.And you yourself said the safety problems are everywhere...
I'm not the original poster and don't work at the academy.
This is what is wrong with us--backstabbing, jealous motherfuckers who hate other p.o.'s.
FYI, not all academy instructors have clout--a lot, but not all. Who do you propose teach there? Janitors? Civilians? Who works 9-5 there except maybe bosses?
I wish everyone would quit hating on everyone else and learn to stick together--and to stick UP for one another...
...because we are going to need to do that sooner rather than later.
I feel sorry for the officers who have to work under shitty conditions, whether it's at the academy or out in the trenches.
Grow up!
HELLO MOLD! Also look at 3340 W. Fillmore, please check out those elevators, you have only been told for 7-12 yrs. so far or so...
9/13/2011 01:51:00 AM
What's wrong with the elevators???
Area Five has it all over who do I call?
9/13/2011 01:38:00 AM
I called OSHA way back when, but can't remember who finally came out to 11th & State.
The media is your best bet.
Officially, your first move should be a to-from documenting the issues so it is on the record.
So sue the pants off of the city if you become sick.
9/13/2011 04:40:00 AM
P.O.'s cannot sue the city for that.
Over the holiday weekend an instructor forgot to rinse out his cup that had green tea residue and came back 3 days later to find a hairy mess in his cup?
That would be normal. However, the rest is not. Document every sniffle.
Do the 'whistleblower' laws protect those bringing this to light? I'm sure people there are reluctant to raise a stink (ha!) because they are afraid of losing their spots. That should not be the case.
You all can bitch about clout babies, but if they do it at the academy that means they'll do it anywhere. Raising safety issues shouldn't equal getting dumped or harassed by bosses.
OT--Miami Headline Story!
MIAMI (AP) — The Miami police chief who in two stormy years on the job clashed with the mayor, prosecutors and city manager was fired Monday after officials determined he disobeyed orders about personnel moves within the department.
The city commission voted 3-2 to oust Miguel Exposito, who had been with the department since 1974 and chief since November 2009. A majority agreed that Exposito ignored direct orders from the city manager, Johnny Martinez, not to demote or take other personnel actions against three top executives at the 1,100-officer force.
The police chief's lawyer said something like--'they may as well have put strings on him like a puppet.'
The chief would not go along with the program and got fired--hmmm.
Great. Another health hazard.
Skip the DOL call OSHA and someone needs to get a sample of the mold and send it out to determine the type
Just on the news...Daley's security staff to be cut from 6 to 3 beginning Thursday.
Rahm said his security detail was meant to be 'transitional.' They said something about taking Maggie to and from the hospital but I missed it.
I was constantly sick when I was going through the academy (respiratory issues) and was rarely sick before attending the academy. After I graduated, my health instantly improved.
There is something really wrong with that place.
Take photo's and samples and send them to the Illinois EPA.
Relax it's just pixie dust.
Obama is looking to put people to work, how about we spend some money hiring contractors to fix up these run down police stations instead of spending billions around the globe trying to buy friends.
12:50:00 AM:
You, sir or M'am, owe me one new keyboard. That has got to be some of the funniest s**t I've read in a long time! The visions in my head as I read this are too hard to explain, but I kind of pictured a group of useless anti-superheros standing around after being bred from this mold, dumbfounded and trying to put their special 'powers' together to make some kind of plan or save the world. Too bad they were all CPD bosses and they all just fizzle out. You have a gift when it comes to writing, no doubt. Same goes for you Box Chevy. You two missed your true calling it seems, keep up the great work.
And remember not to accept a Friend invite on Facebook by your LT, it will only lead to problems.
Deputy Shear and Bonita Amado, both civilians are in charge of our facilities. Wonder why they haven't taken care of the many health hazards we have. This stuff didn't just start. I noticed the high level of humidity and smell in the academy for the past 10-12 years. I know I'm not the only one.
Some mold is fairly benign, some fairly nasty. Mold is pretty much everywhere. Like germs and viruses.
Usually it is an indication that the area is damp. Turning up the heat is not going to solve this problem. A/C might take the dampness out, but really you have to find the source of the water and fix it to resolve the problem.
Better ventilation would probably help as well with the dampness. It is maybe more likely that the respiratory problems are a result of poor ventilation than mold, but no way to know for sure without testing. A lot of buildings have started developing these kind of problems as an unintended consequence of trying to save energy that resulted in poor ventilation.
It's the way of the city. Check out most of the stations. Leaking roofs, burned out lights, and yet those building engineers just sit back and play cards in their office. Perhaps they should be privatized too? They did the janitors. Now the floors get cleaned all the time.
Allow me to save you the time, trouble and cash of mailing said sample to a far away laboratory for analysis.
That fuzzy growth is a hybrid of the following: Clout, Cluelessness, Cowardice, Entitlement, Nepotism and Cronyism....
While I find this funny, I work at the academy. Most of the people that this applied to have been reassigned with a few exceptions. Don't forget those last few classes of recruits were the bottom of the list. Lead by the sad selection of FTO's we are left with, it's no wonder that some turn out bad. Many have turned out to be good cops. Getting involved in being the police off duty. Working hard so you don't have to.
The carpet at the academy is original to the building. If the city has money to bribe teachers into a longer school day, they have money to get this shit carpet out of our offices before someone gets really ill. I can bid out, but I love my job, I care about my co-workers and I have a passion for teaching. I work hard every single day. That applies even if I am in an administrative position or not. It's called work ethic. You should try to get some.
From the FOP news updates:
American Police Beat Magazine is offering a half-priced subscription to FOP members. Complete and mail or FAX the subscription form to:
Jill Brooks
American Police Beat
43 Thorndike Street, Floor 2
Cambridge, MA 02141
FAX: 617-354-6515
Isn't this the magazine where they dump (send) hundreds of copies to Headquarters and the Academy?
Why pay for it when it is free?
What is FOP doing about it?
keep working!
Mold in the workplace?
You are aiming at the wrong issue.
Who is in charge of cleaning the buildings? Sounds like they are not doing their job.
Are they also "city employees" or an outside hired firm? Guess there are more people earning a paycheck without doing their work.
Those people (city employee or "outside contractor") should be made to eat whatever is in that Petri dish.
I am so tired of hearing about city workers and "outside contractors" (who are attached to some clout) getting paid without doing their job.
And save some of "the Dish" to feed their clout as well. Justice will be served.
Next case.
We had OSHA stop by our printing plant once, looking to cite us for all kinds of innocous B.S. Safety posters missing, (they weren't) interviewing employees trying to dig up some complaints, (there were none) and the funniest one of hanging a noise meter on a pressman to see if there was an excessive noise level on his machine. (he was deaf) Bottom line is they found minor crap to slap some fines on us to justify their existance, and left. I guess glaring examples of health & safety BY Government is ignored.
You sure as hell know this wouldn't be tolerated in the City Hall! Once again, it's an indication of how little the City actually thinks of the PD. Yet they wonder why moral is so low.
The clothes in lockers have mildew. The guns get pitted in the lockers. The floors seap between tiles. The dehumidifiers fill up repeatedly throughout the day
How coincidental. Rahm get in now the only place that can train new police officers has a problem with mold. Now he can say we can't hire any new officers because the training facility is unsafe.
Testing for your safety in the CPD:
Anonymous said...
Area Five has it all over who do I call?
9/13/2011 01:38:00 AM
Ghost Busters!
Just had my brother look at the picture via email,he is a research scientist and he said that "It is definitely mold spores that will eventually cause cancer, the spores are also airborne as evidenced by the dish, this is VERY DANGEROUS, building should be condemned."
Have no fear! Walsh Construction is on the way! No bid contract in hand & cost overrun in the making.
Send the results of the certified testing of all mold results to:
You can also link to her on LINKEDIN
You can also contact the READER and BGA with the test results.
The sooner this information becomes public, the better for everyone.
Welcome to the world of actually working the streets. Filthy squads, touching dude that's all nasty. And let's not forget some of the stations, 011, 021, 013 to name a few. No one should have to work in those conditions. But you will get little sympathy from anyone working the street and dealing with much worse. Especially with your m-f 9to5 schedule. Easy solution bid out.
9/13/2011 12:13:00 AM
What the fuck is wrong with you guys? First of all, issues such as those that you mention have been brought up and discussed numerous times on this blog. Secondly, this is not a patrol vs. admin, patrol vs. units issue. It is a health issue, it is a safety issue. By the way, I had to go down to the academy for in service training. Since I work in a district does this immune me and all others from health hazards that exist at 1300? Stop being so short sighted, bidding out and strapping on a beat car doesn't fix the problem in that building or any other building.
You can't always control the environment that you encounter on the street but the Department should damn well ensure that none of us has to work in a hazardous environment that it controls.
Way off topic, but was there an attemted break in at the Marine Unit?
Expect NOTHING from the FOP. There may be about 25 people assigned to the academy. They don’t care about you.
When is the last time any P.O. saw a representative from the FOP a roll call?????
Maybe in 2 years when election time comes around.
I am trying to get a petition and have the membership sign it. I no longer want the FOP to be called lodge 7. I want it to be called lodge 0. That’s right 0. Expect NOTHING.
Hey Howie WTF? Now the building reflects your leasdership and the lack of good training
Mold on the floor? That's your biggest problem?! I agree with the early post- bid out to 021 and see how you feel about a little mold on your feet. Spiders that drop from the ceiling, roaches that fly, a locker room in the basement that floods with every rain so any uniforms smell like sewer and oh yeah the never-ending peeling paint that makes it look like we work in an abandon building. Yeah, I feel sorry for you and the mold in your coffee cup that you should have washed out anyway! Spare me.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
We had abestos hanging from the ceilings in 012 locker room and lock up through the 80s ,90s and probably still now ........Two former lock up keepers from the
70s have died from lung cancer so dont think for a minute they care about you . Be a whisle blower for your own saftey....and a good lawyer would hurt either.....
9/13/2011 12:18:00 AM 012 is a cancer cluster.Practically every lock up keeper has come down with some sort of cancer.Desk crews were wheezing and scratching from some toxic exposure.I can name a couple dozen officers from the last 20 years who've developed cancer.
so all these years it wasnt Kool-aid it was mold, dam that explains a lot!!!
I have something like that growing under my nut sack. should I be worried? who cares about respitory problems, I don't want my crank falling off.
Bleach kills it! Get on it!
Anonymous said...
Cut to the chase...call OSHA!
9/13/2011 04:34:00 AM
Yea that worked so well when they called about the 1819 Pershing building. When TRU was working out of the 5th floor they had water coming through the ceiling tiles every time it rained. What's worse is that it was a 6 story building and the 6th floor was vacant and covered with dead pigeons and pigeon droppings. The rain would come in the roof, soak through the dead pigeons and droppings THEN make it's way to the 5th floor.
OSHA came in and said everything was fine but could never explain the black slime mold migrating from the top floor into the area where TRU was located.
Great Web Blog. Are you ever going to comment about the feds running drugs and guns to and from Mexico?? It would seem to me only a natural conclusion that this criminal behavior is putting police in Jeopardy.
moldy smoldy--- how about all the asbestos and lead contaminants at city facilities--- 2 very large black females used to come into the station once a month and test the water coming out of the drinking fountain in the police station lobby--- they would then close down the fountain and wrap it with red hazard tape--- a few weeks later someone would come and turn it back on and remove the tape--- then they would return and shut off the fountain and red tape it again--- it was quite comical--- I always thought working down in the tubes would kill me off but now station houses are just as bad or worse....
File IOD reports each and every day.
011 021 013, back in the day those were the modern stations!....... KID
The Patrol Division is also growing -- three POs are leaving Dowager Emperor Daley's detail per the Rahmulan.
Which Area 3 District will get those go-getters for half a period before they move to an "elite" unit?
You have to document this. Put it on paper and start the paper trail so nobody can say it was unreported.
BOP 011-011-111
Due to newly discovered hazardous conditions at the Chicago Police Department Education and Training Division, the previous order allowing homless to remain overnight in police facilities, will not pertain to this facility. While we are certain that the mold problem is in no way harmfull to police personnell, we can not say with certainty that the homeless will share the same protection.
We are confident of the reliability of the inspection report, as it is the same company that has ensured us that the building is lead free, and that the high lead levels in range personnell is completely coincidental.
white mold is harmless, black mold is toxic. The white mold here is common. If you see black mold then you might have a problem.. the white mold pictured here is the same you would find out in nature. Its disgusting that its in your office but health wise your fine, it will not effect your health.
Simple solution, buy the property across the street from 35th street and put a new academy there. The chicken place and that nasty building are leveled. Oh wait, we have no money. No big deal we have no recruits anyway.
Rest easy and feel better. Cuello and Shear are on it. There is no doubt all that mold just up and ran out the front doors of the academy when those two formidable mold-fighters arrived on scene. Thank the heavens for Cuello and Shear. Oh, and Lodding, too. The Mold-Busters trio. We are so, so blessed.
OT Re: Fast and Furious Scandal
Ayone else notice that Dennis Burke, who resigned as US Attorney in Phoenix due to this scandal, was Janet Napolitano's Chief of Staff when she was Governor of Arizona?
seriously??? you work at the academy. quit your bitchin. If you want you can come and work my beat car everyday and I will take your spot at the academy. Throw some bleach on the mold and you will be fine. and besides, thats white mold, its non toxic and not detrimental to your health.
When I am on furlough, I am never sick. The minute I go back to work and spend enough time in the district, I get sick. I've had a horrible issue with my nose for the past year, something I've never had before. When another officer heard me talking about it, she had the same exact problem with her nose and she said the problem goes away when she is on furlough too. The conditions of our buildings are not healthy for us but no one cares.
truth is you can put just about anything into a petri dish and it will look like that picture. Not saying there is not a problem there but dont fly off the handle because of that pic.
When the city first took over the building known as the SEARS warehouse at 3340 W. Filmore. They began a extensive clean up of the
4th & 5th floor at 3340 W. Filmore regarding the asbestos and garbage that was left behind from the previous owner, they hired the X-Convict Alderman Farena's company of X-convicts back to work to clean it up. Low and behold the job was to big and done half ass. They walked away without finishing the job and left the asbestos and garbage for somebody else to clean up. Here it is fall of 2011 and the work is NOT done and the 4th & 5th floor is used by several units and the swat as a practice area. Over the years bosses have come and looked at the huge open office area and clamed it for their unit only to find the clean and restoration up would be enormous chunks out of their budgets and not worth the cost!
Check out the mold in the mens locker room in the 2nd district. while you are in there, check out how many urinals and toilets are broken and dont even think about washing your hands with hot water or soap, that isnt happening.
Can someone help me I cant find the link to seniority bidding where it shows the bids to districts???? Did FOP remove it or do I need some glasses......
OSHA Regional Office Region #5
230 S. Dearborn
Emergengy # 1-800-321 OSHA
file a complaint
they will tell you there are no mold in workplace guidelines...BS !
Ask Rahmbo what he'd say if mold were found in his kids school!
The intelligence of that mold eclipses that of most of out exempts. It just doesn't have any clout.
I prefer the mold to the scumbag democrats that infest the winter hallways of out police stations.
ot, can we please call out the fn jackoffs that decided to give Vanecko the money from our pension fund to by the defender building. then tar and feather these dickheads...
My cousin sent me this link to this story. He is a suburban police officer. I am a biologist with a master degree and teach at the college level in South Carolina.
Visually, nobody can tell you that it is Stachybotrys chartarum (black mold) or is not based on a visual inspection. In my experience the mold can take on many different color permutations depending on its environ. I wouldn't bet my health or the health of anyone on it. Now understand also that the conditions that caused this mold to grow are the very same conditions that could spawn SC.
So you first test for the mold type, (need a pro for this, not just an inspector with no training) A pro can determine visually within 10 seconds if it is SC under microscope, samples should have been taken throughout the areas, etc. The samples needed to be taken under EPA guidelines for public buildings. The Union should first ask this question. (guess what I moonlight as, paid for a nice boat)
Now here is what I want to stress: ONCE A SAMPLE IS DETERMINED TO BE SC, there is NO TEST that can determine if it is releasing, or has released mycotoxins, (mold spore poison in laymen's terms),all strains of Stachybotrys chartarum MAY produce mycotoxins. Whether a mold produces mycotoxins depends on what the mold is growing on and conditions such as temperature, pH, humidity or other factors. When mycotoxins are present, they occur in both living and dead mold spores, and may be present in materials that have become contaminated with molds. While Stachybotrys is growing, a wet slime layer covers its spores, preventing them from becoming airborne. When the mold dies and dries up, air currents or physical handling can cause spores to become airborne.
UNDERSTAND, once it is present, it is more dangerous when it is dried up. Effected building materials need to be removed.
Currently, there is no test to determine whether Stachybotrys growth found in buildings is producing toxins. There is also no blood or urine test that can tell if an individual has been exposed to Stachybotrys chartarum spores or its toxins. Basically if it found in the building, someone says they are sick, they are sick from it. Nobody can prove otherwise. (not encouraging fraud here, just stating a biological fact, and a legal standing as well)
Finally, whoever turned up the heat to 80, with a high humidity level. That person increased the spore growth rate exponentially. Good job maynard.
Practically speaking, the first place to find the mold, the easiest determinator, is the air intake on the HVAC system. If this was not tested, then the whole thing is a sham.
One other thing: just because SC is not found in the building; the conditions are such that other problems are not existing that are a direct cause of the high level of illness in the sample population. Wherever you have a mold problem, you also have a fungi, bacterial, and viral stew.
So I just saw the young Honor students mama on ch 32 news, her son was shot in the chest while standing on a corner in 024 and her response without a tear in her eye, "Not all black kids is gang bangers, is all da polices fault for not doing they job's" Seriously? Sounds like it's a little parenting and CPS, who taught her English? Ahh yes the English language, a lost art... Keep your kids off corners and longer school days that will solve everything, instead blame the Police that's the easy thing to do...
how many shot last night in the city? And yet there are no issues nor shortage of Police, Hey baby mama from Rodgers Park, blame the mayor for not hiring and properly staffing the Police Department not the Police for your honor student taking one in the chest...
"Police ain't doing they job" Screw you, look at the big picture not just your free hunk of cheese
Rodgers Park is an arm-pit any way, send Penny there she'll fix it!
Someone needs to call OSHA, stat!
Give me a break! If the academy is so "icky" come deal with the multitudes of crap we are exposed to everyday. The reason you are hidden at the academy is not your outstanding skills, its your sense of clouted entitlement to not have to deal with those ugly situations we are thrust into everyday. For the 5 hrs you are coming and going I think you can deal with it, if not fill out the P.A.R. Form.
Mold -- I mean, this is really graphic -- mold, and no air raid sirens to blow if something bad happens...
Whatta town.
No laughing matter. Asbestos related cancer, mesothelioma has no cure. I'm sure alot of coppers are sick and don't even know it yet. Mesothelioma is not detected until it is well into a late stage. but one thing is for sure..no one cares.
Keep working and generating good numbers for this wonderful city that appreciates us so much.
Look at all of the buildings in which windows cannot be opened.
This is a very recent development, historically speaking. It's not as though humans have evolved into some sort of cave beetle, no longer needing fresh air and sunshine. Any hygiene textbook from 1899 has the answer.
Remember when the State of Illinois building was going up? I talked to a glazier on the job, who told me that it was a real nightmare, over 240 different shapes and sizes of glass to keep track of.
Once it got going, the heating system went bats, with temperatures in some offices soaring to over 140 degrees; law enforcement was becoming afraid to keep ammunition in the place, fearing "cookoffs."
Architect Helmut Jahn's answer? "Quit your job and go work somewhere else."
Modern architecture is insane. It is all about the enormous egos of its practitioners.
Look at what happened to the hospital in Joplin, Missouri, known to be tornado country; every shred of glass blown out and heavy doors ripped off their hinges and hurled across the patients' rooms. Whole place wrecked.
No shutters. You know, steel shutters -- like liquor stores in bad areas have.
No backup generators, either -- those cost money -- so people died when life-support systems failed. The smooth little executive they sent from the huge corporation which owns the hospital glossed right over that at the memorial ceremony they held, preferring instead to speak of "the heroism of the staff."
Same sort of mess in New Orleans after Katrina -- except the windows held, temperatures soared inside when the power failed, and there was no alternative means of ventilation. Many patients were euthanized under these intolerable condtions, but the whole thing has just sort of been glossed over, an embarassment rather than the crime that it was.
No lessons learned anywhere. Look at the operators proudly giving a tour of the gleaming new Childrens' Memorial Hospital here -- another towering castle of glass, glass, glass.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Welcome to the world of actually working the streets. Filthy squads, touching dude that's all nasty. And let's not forget some of the stations, 011, 021, 013 to name a few. No one should have to work in those conditions. But you will get little sympathy from anyone working the street and dealing with much worse. Especially with your m-f 9to5 schedule. Easy solution bid out.
9/13/2011 12:13:00 AM
This is a fine example of what our department has come to. There is no fucking UNITY on this job. Everyone cares only about their situation and or they are jealous of what some other officer has. Unless we have UNITY we are screwed and we have no one to blame but ourselves.
notify osha and pam on channel 2 .
This just proves that the idiot bosses simply don't give a shit for their people!
Da Pelon
To all the street lawyers on this job who spread ignorance like mold in a building,
You cannot sue your employer for negligence when you are covered by workman's comp. You surrender those claims under the worker's comp state statue
But, as long as it makes you feel good, keep thinking you'll be rich someday after a lawsuit payday just like the rest of the mutts who spend most of their life in a cage.
All those Mesotheilioma commercials are suing the MANUFACTURER not the employer.
In Area One we used to have an office pool to see how many dead cockroaches would be behind the light panels at the end of the week.
Back around the year 2000 there were a lot of broken tiles in the locker room at 35th and Normal. When we expressed concern about asbestos and other issues we were told it couldn't hurt us and not to worry. One of my co-workers asked one of the bosses if he would let his kids work in the same conditions and we got the reply "I wouldn't let my kids be the police". Good to see not much has changed...
Ya think all the money City Hall has skimmed from the Police Budget (well, money skimmed from the general fund that was originally allocated for CPD but fiscal fuckery aside...) and diverted for concrete planter boxes and other silly shit could've been investment in equipment, training and properly constructed infrastructure?
Instead, we get decaying, leaking, mouldering, cancer causing, crooked, prematurely falling apart shit slapped together by clouted Daley Inc. contractors.
Bozo on crack, Cookie on weed, Wizzo on pcp & a drunk Mr. Ned could have done better.
We wondered for many years as to why City Hall suppressed actuarial studies and the like that would reveal to the tax payer what Coppers know, as far as our working conditions, the shit we're intentionally exposed to and the true life expectancy/quality of life of Chicago Police Officers.
Because it would give lie to the popular mindset of coppers living the life of Riley and cast the powers that be in the negative light they deserve.
Because it's all bad fucking news and the city would be held culpable/liable which means (Gasp of Horror!) actually doing the right thing (Another Gasp of Horror!) to improve conditions which equates to spending the money they diverted from CPD on CPD.
Be mindful of this shit when 9.5 starts rotating his dentures about how the "greedy Coppers" didn't shoulder their share of "sacrifice" in "helping" him get the city's financial house in order.
By our reckoning, CPD has "helped" the city to the tune of around $3 to $4 Billion over the last decade due to a "lay-off," err... The intentional decision to allow our ranks to dwindle through attrition and not hiring.
This alone begs the question of how the FUCK did these fools manage to spend this city into such a hole with that much skimming going on?
The hanging tree should get a good work-out for this bullshit but since a propaganda war has been declared on The Police, we doubt it'll happen.
Again... remember this when 9.5 starts trying to convince everybody that the crazy he's trying to sell is new, improved and stays crunchy even in milk... He's full of shit if he says we haven't "given anything" to help.
Battery to P.O,'s are through the roof and we've hung too many Stars in that display case over the last decade.
We've given plenty...
Intentionally driven to a critical mass of having nowhere near the help we used to have on the streets to the point of being unable to Police this city the way it should be Policed.
What is 9.5's and Joizey's end game?
The ongoing legacy of using "clouted" contractors paying a premium and getting substandard products.
Also OSHA has no authority, the Illinois Dept. of Labor does though.
Completely OT..............
This is to the two officers in 009 who work the Sox detail.
You two should be ashamed of yourselves.
Not only have you worked EVERY Sox home game on the days you are not RDO, starting at 1730 and leaving between 2200-2230 on average,(saying you were requested by the team HAHAHA)...
But now that the season is almost over you want to be one of the DART cars(yea I know but its a response by the DC of 009 to those crime zones). Crying to sgt JW that you should get it while bitching about the guys who are put on it (thats right,not requested but told to be DART)
In so doing you are pushing guys off of a 1700 car that NO ONE ever wanted except for officers with kids and working spouses. You two NEVER requested a 1700 start but somehow feel you deserve to work a DART car.
"Put us on DART when the Sox are off or on the road,we'll work our half day when the team is home...oh and once we are on DART we will turn over the Sox detail to someone else next season".
"Just do it sarge,we deserve it plus I grew up in Bridgeport"...
I guess everyone who's from Bridgeport feels they're entitled to something.
somebody should look at the cancer cases from Homan Square. There have been MANY!
Indoor relative humidity should be between 25% - 60% to stay within the range that does not promote mold growth. Anything above 60% and you start to have mold growth. For more information on mold and it's preferred environment, see:
Ex-mayors and aldermen security in the news again.
We can't afford to be paying coppers to be on call 24/7 in case millionaire Maggie Daley has to go the the doctor.
What are we paying these coppers..six figures to be on-call chauffeurs?
Can't wait to see what other city employees will be demanding these retirement perks that go into perpetuity and file a discrimination lawsuit for the taxpayers to defend when they don't get them because of the example that is being set here.
It needs to stop.
You're not winning the hearts and minds of the taxpayers with the sob stories any more.
1 in 6 people are in poverty in the USA wake the f---k up.
We're sorry your sick maggie but we can't afford it anymore.
019th District's ceiling above the tiles and in-between the second floor is loaded with mold according to one of the electricians / workers who was running wire.Get your gear and get out of the station,so your not breathing this crap for long periods of time.Desk crew and office workers should do some investigating.Of course the City will say it's harmless.
oh yeah. completely safe.
That's why the EPA's own remediation procedures call for PPE equipment including protective suits and respirators.
Decisions...decisions..this job be so hard.
Let's see.... do we want to clean up a health hazard or spend $7 million dollars on a park with a fish pond and bird bath?
Do we want to clean up a health hazard or fund the millionaire aldermen and ex-mayors 24/7 on-call private overpaid chauffeurs
Westside-Inside-Do-Nothing ROCKS! Outstanding verbiage and application of descriptors. "Wordsmith" is an understatement in describing your sarcastic, yet poignant contributions to this blog.
Can I safely assume you're NOT a CPD supervisor, haha???
Nothing but love for you guys and gals on CPD! Keep your heads up, things will get better eventually.
* 30 Year Educator & Fan Of The Police
Completely OT..............
This is to the two officers in 009 who work the Sox detail.
You two should be ashamed of yourselves.
Not only have you worked EVERY Sox home game on the days you are not RDO, starting at 1730 and leaving between 2200-2230 on average,(saying you were requested by the team HAHAHA)...
But now that the season is almost over you want to be one of the DART cars(yea I know but its a response by the DC of 009 to those crime zones). Crying to sgt JW that you should get it while bitching about the guys who are put on it (thats right,not requested but told to be DART)
In so doing you are pushing guys off of a 1700 car that NO ONE ever wanted except for officers with kids and working spouses. You two NEVER requested a 1700 start but somehow feel you deserve to work a DART car.
"Put us on DART when the Sox are off or on the road,we'll work our half day when the team is home...oh and once we are on DART we will turn over the Sox detail to someone else next season".
"Just do it sarge,we deserve it plus I grew up in Bridgeport"...
I guess everyone who's from Bridgeport feels they're entitled to something.
9/13/2011 03:11:00 PM
Stop crying you dog you don't do anything anyway on that 1700 start, if those guys wanna work on that start time so what, what are you going do besides bitch here on this blog why don't say something to their face you coward. I thought you wouldn't so shut up now and go back and do nothing like you usually do.
WRT: '...The carpet at the academy is original to the building. If the city has money to bribe teachers into a longer school day, they have money to get this shit carpet out of our offices before someone gets really ill."
Dawww come on now. Admit it.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice $7 million dollar park way up on the north side so you can look at the little birdies and fish-ees.
City hall likes it.
So do the clouted workers that will get the contracts to build it.
They know all about landscaping and setting pavers, building mold not so much. Besides that mold is scary and dangerous.
If any of you have family members with asthma, allergies or respiratory issues I wouldn't go inside that building to be dragging the spores home. It may be hard to believe for some but people do still die today from asthma attacks...even kids.
WRT: "...You cannot sue your employer for negligence when you are covered by workman's comp. You surrender those claims under the worker's comp state statue"
How many people go through this building that are not City of Chicago employees that can sue because they are not covered by worker's comp?
Ask Rahmbo what he'd say if mold were found in his kids school!
He'd probably tell them to build a new school, which is exactly what they're doing on the grounds of the old doctors hospital around 58th and Stony Island in 021.
The 'Lab School' (Which is comprised of several buildings conjoined together) is in atrocious condition. This could be said of most buildings on the 'pristine' University of Chicago campus. If any of you here had to walk through their basement you'd realize mold is probably the least of your worries. Hell, they don't even clean up their asbestos -- instead warnings are posted on doors housing mechanical equipment warning you of exposure.
You are not going to get cancer from a few broken floor tiles unless you are breaking them all up without wetting it down and wearing a mask. There is asbestos and mold in your own houses without you even noticing it. The city should get it fixed but in the meantime don't worry about being exposed to this shit for a few minutes a day in the locker room and take care of your everyday healt, your weight, exercise, smoking, alcohol etc.
We have had mold in Area Five for years. And I believe a detective called OSHA and was told they do not inspect government buildings. Someone can correct me if that information is wrong about OSHA please correct me but that is what I was told. Just fyi. So Im not sure what organization besides the media to contact.
Call the EPA (Federal) Region 5 serves the Chicago area. They are located downtown in one of the federal building.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
white mold is harmless, black mold is toxic. The white mold here is common. If you see black mold then you might have a problem.. the white mold pictured here is the same you would find out in nature. Its disgusting that its in your office but health wise your fine, it will not effect your health.
9/13/2011 10:19:00 AM
The black mold can be whats known as Stachybotrys it can cause bleeding in the lungs. Also not all mold is killed by bleach, from looking at the mold pictures, I am sure the mold spores are in the air and being recirculated thru the air system and being breathed in.
(1) Until something is done for the lockers and everything else, you can kill whatever mold is in the air and immediate vicinity by using a spray bottle with 25% vinegar and 75% wood alcohol.
(2) If you can bring in dehumidifiers, do so and bring in steamers. Steam kills mold that it comes into contact with, but it is then necessary to reduce the humidity below 50%.
(3) Have a contractor install UV lights in the ventilation system which are designed to kill mold. The mold will continue to live in the ventilation system even if the visible mold in the carpets, lockers, etc., appear to have been removed.
(4) If you have a cleaning crew that thinks that the problem can be solved with household bleach, they are mistaken. If they won't listen, bring in someone who knows what they are doing.
Simple solution, buy the property across the street from 35th street and put a new academy there. The chicken place and that nasty building are leveled. Oh wait, we have no money. No big deal we have no recruits anyway.
9/13/2011 10:20:00 AM
Nasty building? The northeast corner of 35th Michigan?
This is to the two officers in 009 who work the Sox detail.
You two should be ashamed of yourselves.
Not only have you worked EVERY Sox home game on the days you are not RDO, starting at 1730 and leaving between 2200-2230 on average,(saying you were requested by the team HAHAHA)...
But now that the season is almost over you want to be one of the DART cars(yea I know but its a response by the DC of 009 to those crime zones). Crying to sgt JW that you should get it while bitching about the guys who are put on it (thats right,not requested but told to be DART)
In so doing you are pushing guys off of a 1700 car that NO ONE ever wanted except for officers with kids and working spouses. You two NEVER requested a 1700 start but somehow feel you deserve to work a DART car.
"Put us on DART when the Sox are off or on the road,we'll work our half day when the team is home...oh and once we are on DART we will turn over the Sox detail to someone else next season".
"Just do it sarge,we deserve it plus I grew up in Bridgeport"...
I guess everyone who's from Bridgeport feels they're entitled to something.
9/13/2011 03:11:00 PM
Lol WTF is a DART car. Is that one of those made up, do nothing plain clothes cars that come in late, have no supervision and you duck out early?
MIAMI (AP) — The Miami police chief who in two stormy years on the job clashed with the mayor, prosecutors and city manager was fired Monday after officials determined he disobeyed orders about personnel moves within the department.
The city commission voted 3-2 to oust Miguel Exposito, who had been with the department since 1974 and chief since November 2009. A majority agreed that Exposito ignored direct orders from the city manager, Johnny Martinez, not to demote or take other personnel actions against three top executives at the 1,100-officer force.
Hey, thanks for taking the time to write all of that.
Is there anywhere to send a sample you take yourself?
At least it would be a start.
Although now that the cat is on the blog and out of the bag, there might be some official action to look into it.
Thanks again. That was very enlightening:)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Give me a break! If the academy is so "icky" come deal with the multitudes of crap we are exposed to everyday. The reason you are hidden at the academy is not your outstanding skills, its your sense of clouted entitlement to not have to deal with those ugly situations we are thrust into everyday. For the 5 hrs you are coming and going I think you can deal with it, if not fill out the P.A.R. Form.
9/13/2011 12:49:00 PM
Wow, what a dickhead answer. It does not just effect the POs there it affects everyone in the building. The civilians who cant bid out, what do you want them to do, quit their job? How about the people who use the workout room, or those who go to the range, or those who go to in service training or those returning service Officers. There are many people this effects but since it doesn't effect you who cares. Your attitude is the reason why we can never get decent contract. All for me and screw everyone else.
Anonymous said...
Why pay for it when it is free?
9/13/2011 07:49:00 AM
That's what she said!
It appears to be Black Mold for sure. Call EPA and ask for an inspection. I called about the Black mold in my building and EPA gathered evidence, and soon the Association will be receiving a $10,000.00 fine. Then my Attorney will be contacting them for exposing me and my family to this stuff for years. Cha-Ching!
OT , does Rahm use the F word when talking to all ladies or does he just disrespect Black Ladies .
Where is the rev sharpton , jackson , senator durbin on this incident . If Superintendent McCarthy used the F word toward a female black , it would be on the World news .
I guess everyone who's from Bridgeport feels they're entitled to something.
9/13/2011 03:11:00 PM
Don't cry, buttercup. Everything will be alright.
b saw more mold than that at the captains quarters .
I work hard every single day. That applies even if I am in an administrative position or not. It's called work ethic. You should try to get some.
If you came on the job to serve in the academy, you don't have a work ethic (singular, dummy). We were all in the academy, once,so don't try to sneak up on any of us with this "work ethic" bull shit. We all know what we all know. Save this bull shit for the fat girl at the end of the bar.
Contact OSHA
If the city says the mold is safe then how can you question it. Between carrying bedbugs home on your clothes and mold in your lungs they won't have to pay out much when you retire if at all. It all makes economic sense.
To all the street lawyers on this job who spread ignorance like mold in a building,
You cannot sue your employer for negligence when you are covered by workman's comp. You surrender those claims under the worker's comp state statue
But, as long as it makes you feel good, keep thinking you'll be rich someday after a lawsuit payday just like the rest of the mutts who spend most of their life in a cage.
All those Mesotheilioma commercials are suing the MANUFACTURER not the employer.
Reply to the jailhouse lawyer.
Have you ever heard of a Chicago police officer getting a settlement for injuries received as a Chicago Police Officer? That would be called a workmans Comp settlement. Only problem is that no Chicago Police Officer has ever received a workmans Comp Settlement because we do not have a workmans comp insurer. In the private sector you get injured on the job you get paid by workmans comp while you're unable to work. You then get a settlement if your injury diminished your abilities physically from your pre injury condition, a lump sum payment that is not taxable just like the wages you were paid while you were paid while injured.
If your employer provides an unsafe work enviornment that causes you harm you can sue the fuck out of them period. In Chicagos case they have no Workmans Comp provider so they will foot the bill. Just a dumb copper who knows.
For sometime now I have been reading your most excellent blog but have never posted before. The mold issue is something I have been dealing with for the past year. It IS a very serious matter. I have tests done regularly (I was diagnosed with cancer in 2004, subsequently became fed up with doctors and found someone who REALLY understands all illness....including cancer of course) that actually show the levels of mold toxins in your body. Mine had been very low until last October when it shot up to 2800 (that's the number that the test shows....that number ideally should be 0). Something like 24% of people cannot detoxify mold toxins....the rest of the population can. But when there is a lot of it, apparently no one (at least I can't) can handle it.
I started doing a lot of reading about this problem. Especially helpful (but quite alarming) was a book called "The Mold Warriors" by James Schaller, M.D.
I had never noticed a "moldy smell" in our house. I have never seen mold here nor smelled it and yet I still have a problem with my mold toxin levels. And it IS one of the many factors that can lead to cancer.
It sounds to me as though you have a VERY dangerous situation in that building and I'm really sorry to hear about it.
Near North is Toxic too why did CPS give it up?????
I previously posted at 9/13/2011 12:32:00 PM
My second from the last paragraph should have read:
One other thing: just because SC is not found in the building; the conditions are such that other problems may exist that are a direct cause of the high level of illness in the sample population. Wherever you have a mold problem, you also have a fungi, bacterial, and viral stew.
---I meant to say the opposite of what I originally typed---
per rahm: screw the police and their filthy, cancer-ridden facilities...just make sure there are chauffer cops available to take Maggie to and from the hospital.
But now that the season is almost over you want to be one of the DART cars(yea I know but its a response by the DC of 009 to those crime zones).
A DART car, WTF is that????????????
How do I become a DART officer and is there extra pay in it??? Would love to throw that on the resume, and...what does DART stand for? Anyone??????
what happened with the new supe that is being hushed and swept under the huge 35th st rug?
9/13/2011 05:31:00 AM
This is what is wrong with us--backstabbing, jealous motherfuckers who hate other p.o.'s.
Hi...you must be new to the CPD...this is the Norm of almost ALL PO's on the job regardless of their actual Rank.
Bitch about Exempts...Normal
Bitch about FlOP...Normal
Bitch about how the citizenry don't bend over backwards just because you are "the Police"...Normal
WHINE about Revenue tickets on your St. Juded/Fop medallion Personal Car because you can't be bothered to follow the rules you are Paid to ENFORCE.
Bitch about all the Criminal Acts you KNOW are happening Daily by the Administration...but never Step Up to the Plate and FILE a complaint with a Federal agency.
Speaking as someone that has a Call Number for the Academy of 1423...and has passed the Power Test multiple times but doesn't have Clout...
I find the Health hazards to be Criminal...and you all should FILE CHARGES for Criminal Negligence by Everyone that has Supervisory Power in the CPD for allowing this to continue past the first notice.
And you have an ANOV book for a reason kids...
Equipment or facility supplied (range, refrigerator, dish- washer, garbage disposal, air conditioner, fans, mirrors) not maintained in safe and sound working condition [13-196-590 & 13- 196-630(b)]
All Police Stations fall under "facility supplied" in the broad and general terms.
I guess everyone who's from Bridgeport feels they're entitled to something.
9/13/2011 03:11:00 PM
They deserve to have the Clerk and Revenue up and down every street of Ward 11 every day.
Years ago they were offered plenty of cash for that run down place they dumped a ton of salaries of nonhired p/os into rehabing the place"getting rid of the asbestos" know this sh#t. OHSHA please
in the old town hall almost everyone who worked in the secretary's office during my tenure there 1978-1995 died from some type of cancer
The toilets in the basement would overflow when it rained Then the shut off valves were shut off and an unsuspecting user wouldnt know it and they wouldnt flush
Thanks Daley for a new station. Thats one thing you did right.
Chicago's former first lady has served the city for decades, and she is comfortable with having the officers take her to and from appointments, Emanuel said in explaining why it is appropriate for police perform the duty.
"While we're a city of big shoulders, we're also a city of big hearts," the mayor said at an unrelated news conference.
"Two of the officers are for Maggie Daley, the former first lady, who's battling cancer. I made that decision. Because as she's dealing with her health issues, getting to and from the hospital for her health care should not be a problem for her, and I didn't want it to be a problem."
"She has done countless thousands of hours on behalf of the city as a first lady, and this is a -- in my view -- a minor and small token of a way of saying, appreciation," Emanuel added.
more >> http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/politics/clout/chi-daleys-security-detail-cut-in-half-20110913,0,4629816.story
So each and every officer of the CPD that has decades of service and thousands of hours that they have given to the city should get the same consideration right?
The city with the big shoulders wants the politicians with the fat wallets to pay for it.
How 'bout that! We're all in this together they say. We need to cut these entitlements they say, So how come we keep coming up with these special entitlement exceptions for the clouted ones?
A majority agreed that Exposito ignored direct orders from the city manager,
What did he think was going to happen to him when he repeatedly disobeyed orders from his boss? The stupidity of some people amazes me some times.
Dart car? Let me tell you,I've run into a couple of the Dart car officers. They are something else, the swarthy Italian one and his rather large Bohemien partner make my leg tingle. A/1 dick
I wanna get on that butt DART car!
Save this bull shit for the fat girl at the end of the bar.
9/13/2011 06:48:00 PM
That was the fat girl at the end of the bar.
A DART car, WTF is that????????????
How do I become a DART officer and is there extra pay in it??? Would love to throw that on the resume, and...what does DART stand for? Anyone??????
Destroy And Repel Turds (DART)
mold is no joke... it can kill... also a lot of people gonna be coming threw next month for the power test... huffing them mold spores in
I had a bad black mold problem in a place I was living a while back. I didn't even realize it until I came down with a severe chest infection and ended up in the hospital, coughing up blood for hours. Mold is bad for you, black mold can be deadly. There is no way to tell if it is black mold simply by looking at it. The mold hiding in the ceiling of my place was every color from white to yellow to black. Also, just because it isn't visible on the outside of everything, doesn't mean it isn't actually inside of it. In building materials, especially drywall and shit like that, mold can spread quick and be invisible to the naked eye. This needs to get fixed asap or you will likely see a lot of people going to the hospital.
The problem if you do get sick, as I think was posted, is that it is impossible to determine that you got sick from mold. Therefore, I'm pretty sure it is extremely hard to get compensation if you suffer serious injury from it. The best thing to do, if fixing it isn't a viable solution, is to get air purifier systems. These things can clear spores out of the air but won't be a permanent fix. In the end, the walls, ceilings, or anything else infested with mold needs to go. There are professionals that deal with these issues that can give you the real facts, as I'm going off what I remember from long ago.
Getting tests done on different samples is the first step. If it is black mold and I were in your position, I would stay the hell out of that building at all costs.
I know this covers a lot of what another poster already said, but I figured I would give you my 2 cents. Best of luck trying to get this fixed.
All the talk about black mold vs white mold and Stachybotrys kind of confuses the matter. This is most likely not "black mold." However, that does not mean it does not compromise the health of members in the building.
Aspergillus is not considered a "toxic mold", and yet it still causes Aspergillosis.
Some people are highly allergic to mold or may develop severe reactions due to exposure. Mold exposure affects people differently.
A mold may be benign to a young healthy person, but not to a worker who is allergic to it, or who has asthma or any other respiratory problems. It might not be benign to anyone who is at an increased risk of mold/fungal infection due to having cancer, diabetes, or any of the many reasons someone might have a lowered immune system. It might not be benign for pregnant women.
My point is simply that even if it is "white mold" it's not healthy to sit in it for 8 hours a day, every day, breathing it in, for years. Just ask the CDC.
11th & State was far worse. At a certain point, no one was allowed on the 10th floor because of the unfixable leak in the ceiling, dripping sewage into the asbestos-filled tiles.
And you have an ANOV book for a reason kids...
Equipment or facility supplied (range, refrigerator, dish- washer, garbage disposal, air conditioner, fans, mirrors) not maintained in safe and sound working condition [13-196-590 & 13- 196-630(b)]
All Police Stations fall under "facility supplied" in the broad and general terms.
9/13/2011 08:47:00 PM
Whip out that pen of yours and show us how it's done. We will follow.
Check city hall, there's alot of scum there.
Why's it got to be black mold!
Ok. Look at where you work. Look at the cars you drive, the equipment you are given, the way anything on this department is handled. I don't know why anyone would be even the least bit surprised. This department is an embarrassment. When you are amongst officers from other departments and they openly laugh at your department....that's something called a clue.
Anonymous said...
mold is no joke... it can kill... also a lot of people gonna be coming threw next month for the power test... huffing them mold spores in
9/13/2011 11:32:00 PM
What are they going to throw?? Or did you mean through??
College educated no doubt.
in the old town hall almost everyone who worked in the secretary's office during my tenure there 1978-1995 died from some type of cancer.
9/13/2011 10:04:00 PM
True. All nice people, too. Very sad.
This dept has the worst upkeep issues regarding facilities. Hey the new stations are just as crappy. They hire the worst cleaning staff my blind brother can do a better job.
1300 Jackson opened in the fall of 1977; In the mid 80's I was detailed there as an instructor; from the day I walked in in 1985 until the day I was promoted and returned to patrol, I , and everyone else in the building, endured symptoms of what is now called sick building syndrome. IN 1991, a new building engineer was assigned to the academy; while checking out his new domain, he found that the screening protecting the intake fans on the upper level had been breached, and that the remains of several hundred birds and rodents were lodged in the filter medium that apparently had not been changed since the building was built. This mold thing is really not surprising.
when east germany was dissolved, we assisted the west germans with determining what soviet block equipment they could use from the Deutches Democratic Republic Army. All of the tanks/armored vehicles were determined to be a health hazard, exhaust leaks, no venting of gases produced by weapon systems. The stuff was eventually sent to museums and third world countries as part of economic aid or destroyed. Also the west germans dismantled all the security cameras put in East Berlin which were put up by the communists "to ensure the safety of their people". Welcome to Democratic Republic of Chicago.
CPD took over near north high school because Department of Homeland Security as part of the whole TARA training deal gives city money to cover cost to rent a facility to conduct TARA, city rents near north to TARA(DHS) and gets rent for a facility which otherwise ould be vacant. DHS covers salary of POs, LTs SGts assigned as TARA staff as well as cost when members are off street to attend training. It's a cash cow for city, that is why they always make sure everyone goes to TARA training. So it brings to question if the department is getting all this federal money where is the money budgeted to the department but covered by grants (as well as this rent paid by DHS) going? How about transparency on this instead of posting member's salaries.
If you just leave the petri dish next to a piggy bank you can grow a politician.
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