Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Hired to be Sacrificed?

This is exactly how we'd expect Rahm to operate:
  • Given the dire budget situation the city faces, it will be somewhat of a miracle if there are no layoffs. I am surprised they even hired anyone for the new academy class about to start.

    I wonder if they are being hired only to be laid off down the road as some kind of sacrifice. Do not underestimate their level of desperation. They know the gig is up and really bad times are coming for city workers.

    maybe the thinking is if they layoff 50 cops to prove their new found financial prudence they can scam the public into some kind of tax increase.
Rahm is always thinking further down the road than most people give him credit for. It's what makes him overly dangerous to a short-sighted plan. The only thing that trips him up on occasion is his own short fuse. Whoever put this up in the comments section would be an equally dangerous foe to Rahm.

So is it possible? Some of our more senior readers will remember Harold Washington had layoff notices sent to an entire class of recruits - we have foggy memories of a graduation ceremony delayed for a short period of time before the Council forced the issue? Someone can refresh it for us. It isn't out of the realm of though.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three things you dont mess with in Chicago are garbage pickup, snow removal, and layoffs of police. This is political suicide. Obviously the citys version of police layoffs is to not hire. But they will not lay off offciers. Besides they would have to get rid of all civilians first. And that would go against Arbys plan to civilianize more of the department.

10/04/2011 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes it is true...That was my class, 82-5. Hire date 30 Aug 82. I received the form letter from Fred Rice who was the Supt. at the time. Dated 25 Aug 82, it stated that as of 28 Aug. we would be laid off due to a serious financial crisis which required a reduction in the city's workforce. Of course it never happened, but put a bitter taste in our mouths. We graduated a few weeks late. Still have my letter and am still employed.!!

10/04/2011 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doubt this one. There are too many people (Carol Marin included) telling the populace we are hugely understaffed. I think the only 'layoffs' are the hundreds that WEREN'T EVER HIRED, which is insulting enough.

Does ANYONE have the numbers on how many put their papers in by the 30 Sept artificial deadline?

10/04/2011 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be so wrong.
Theise people wait for years, then jump through hoops months apart with short notice and spend 4-5,000.00 of their own money only to be used as pawns.

10/04/2011 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Da Rahmo better be careful he is walking a tight rope! The Nato and G8 are before the contract expires in June. If things are not going well with pre-lim negotations he may be holding one in his mouth and one in his a__. He can make all the changes he wants. Coppers are resliant they can adapt. Most coppers focus on the 1st and 16th. Da Rahmo will never cross this line. The Police Will Always Be Paid if not the city will go up in FLAMES! Who will replace the CPD? THE National Gaurd, ISP, CCS, Andy frain? I don't think so! Da Rahmo we are a Necessary Evil!!!!!

10/04/2011 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city's priority's have always been backwards. public safety seems to always be on the end of the list and not the lead priority. a shiny bean, a painted bridge, a revamped fountain, 1000's of trees, 100's of thousands of flowers and planters, power washing the sidewalks, new streets-curbs-sidewalks-street lights in all the ghetto districts where most of the tax payers dont live.

10/04/2011 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous DON'T TRUST A POLITICIAN! said...

You pretty much always knew where you stood with Daley. He was a thief and his goal was to steal the taxpayers blind and make sure his family and friends, (biological AND criminal), were all financially secure millionaires before he retired.

He also made sure he was treated as well or better than actual foreign "royalty", with his national and international "business trips" during which he traveled with an entourage of armed door openers, luggage handlers, man servants and hand maidens. I'd venture to guess only the President had more preeners at his disposal than Daley did of the elected politicos in this country.

With Daley, though, IF you could follow the money, you almost always had that 'aha' moment when you saw who got the city contract or who stood to gain from the mayor's actions.

Not so with this Rahm character, who was already a millionaire before taking this job. Nope, this guy seems to be all about the POWER that he eventually intends to use to make himself President. He is much more treacherous, it seems, than Daley... and more volatile.

While Daley sucked, Rahm is an elitist who thinks everyone should be bowing down to him. While Daley fought tooth and nail against our getting larger raises, Rahm is taking food out of the mouths of the city workforce with layoffs and furlough days. The layoff of 50 probationary cops to make a political 'statement' would not surprise me from this evil prick!

10/04/2011 03:26:00 AM  
Anonymous A SCC SUPPORTER FROM CT said...

From Ct & It's Budget Shennagins.

They Sent out Layoff Notices(Take The Reduced Bennys Etc Or Else) St Wide 2 Many People, Including A Class Of St troopers.

Most Conceded Except The Troopers & DOC, So They Were Laid Off.

Just This Past wk, The Dumbocrat Gov & His Minions Said That A sudden Wave Of Retirements Among CSP & The Resulting Savings Would Enable Them To Rehire The Rookie Class.

Straight Up, They KNEW That Those Guys were Retiring A Long time Ago & They Used It As A Hammer In The concession Negotiations.

Also, The CSP Union Is Suing The State Over Minimun Staffing requirements That By Law The CSP Is Understaffed But the Politicos Are Flouting That Law.

Tell Me Know, What Stinks In The Above Comments??

Just A Heads Up From This Part Of The Country as 2 What You Guys are Gonna Be seeing Soon It seems.

Stay safe Out There

10/04/2011 03:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still have my letter framed. I left my previous employer for job security with the Chicago Police Department. Fortunately the layoff did not occur. Once you were let go, there was no guarantee of being rehired.

10/04/2011 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was hired in Jun 0f 1981 with-in 6 months we were told that we could get laid off. The FOP was brand new in those days,but did save our jobs. insted of laying off sworn officers they had to lay off all civilian lock-up people first. And they did for about a month or two. All I can say is this. Don't give the city an inch,,,they will take a mile.

10/04/2011 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was working in HQ during the proposed layoffs in the early 80's. The debate centered around how to layoff supervisors. Supervisors wanted to revert to their lower rank instead of a layoff and the FOP said no to that concept. Also, it was determined that when you are promoted to any rank, you actually resign from your current rank and have a new senority date. It was a lively discussion. I do not see layoffs coming for police and fire, except, possibly in supervisory ranks. I do see a large reduction in gold stars coming before the end of the year when units will be consolidated and many will be commanded by captains and lieutenants. You would be surprised at the number of police officers ( d1) who are being payed at higher d pay ratings, as shigh as captain. And, these positions are pensionable. Many of the crime lab folks were being paid captains pay. Why would they want to be promoted? Can't speak to current conditions, but at one time well over half of the patrolmen ranks were carrying a higher D pay rating.

10/04/2011 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm doesn't think a couple of steps ahead--he thinks dozens of steps ahead. Don't think this isn't all in his grand plan of running for president.

He is a diabolical m*fcker.

10/04/2011 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A guy in 017 that just retired got a layoff notice back then. He was never laid off but he got a letter saying he would.

10/04/2011 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 50 recruits are being paid for with CTA funds. So the city has no direct $ in them.

10/04/2011 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiny dancer is just devious and evil enough to do something like this! He doesn't give a crap about people only his political ambitions.

10/04/2011 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what will be sacrificed is our duty and uniform checks!

10/04/2011 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous SCC Fan said...

Last month in an exempt meeting McNutty stated that there is a strong possibility of 200 P.O.'s being laid off next year.

10/04/2011 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt there will be layoffs. I directly talked to my alderman. He said Mayor Emanuel's budget proposal is for management to take a 10% pay cut and everyone else to get a 5% to 7% pay cut. Across the board.

If any fool tries to sacrifice their precious pay for a raise they won't get it. It's in our best interest to take a pay cut instead of a pay raise. The pay raise will be temporary anyways until the city figures out how to get it back.

We are right at the edge of a second Great Depression. It's better to have a job than no job at all. If the city lays people off because we were too stubborn to accept a pay decrease then we are the idiots and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Once the lay off train rolls out of the station anyone is fair game. Regardless of your seniority. Just ask the teachers union how the city disregards seniority when letting teachers go.

10/04/2011 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie Burke was part of that lie also. The city council threatened to lay off police and fire if Harold's plans were not passed. Laying off Sanitation workers would not get the publics attention. Fire and police are a life line for the public. I really believe there is a special place in the bowels of Hell for politicians. At least I hope so.

10/04/2011 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

35th Strret Mole---the REAL information>>

OK so OT has been saying alot of crazy stuff. But here it is the truth if you want it. yes the new Supt and his "guys" don't think very highly of CPD (exempts). I can't say that I blame them. If you remember when the new mayor was elected he had a friend of his and the Supt come into CPD to evalute the Department and make suggestions to the Mayor and new Supt what should be done? Well he IS follwoing it (the Supt). Understand something the Supt will NOT show his cards to anyone! He has learned his lessons from Newark's political game. The only way we at 35th St have any idea of what may be going on is by what the Supt requests as far as data and reports. No one knows what is going to happen until right before it does. So all this talk about what he is going to do is BS! The Supt has not allowed anyone to veiw the book that the guy worte on what to do. One thing that I can see happening is eliminating two areas and making the city North, South and West. The reasoning is the Supt has requested all the data/manpower from all the areas. In addition to calls for service. The supt has requested exempt memebers personnel files as well. By looking at the new organization chart, one can see the changes of exempt postions. For example no more Commander of the DOC.

Other data requested was how many P.O.'s are working in the front office in addition to desk at every station. As requested were the watch sheets. A request was made for views from city hall to create postions of sec's for commanders. Meaning no more P.O.'s in the front office. They did a quick study and found by hiring civilian or ret CPD on a contract level, they can save by paying no medical or pension and get the same results. Also same as desk crews (only one CPD sworn to handle desk, and watch sect dutities (along with the Sgt). By eliminating these positions that include all exempt's sworn Lt's Sgt's and P.O. office assistances will put the City over its 1,000 pledge. That is what is coming next. There will be very few inside office P.O.'s Sgt'S or Lt's anymore.

The Supt has also been requesting what the dutities or the Capt, Lt and Sgt's are according to the CPD. There duties I think will be changing. It seems to me that CPD will be more like NYPD but with less levels of rank. The new Supt hates the repeated levels of rank and red tape of police departments. The Supt knows he cannot eliminate or demote Capt, Lt's Sgt's or Det's but can change there duties big time. There has been several models that the Supt has been looking at. I don't think he will be making those choices until he knows exactly what he is getting. Meaning again he is not happy with the level or quality of supervisors in this department. That I can tell you is fact cause I have heard that from his mouth!

The other stuff is only thoughts on what he has requested and have been told/asked to look into. We are going to all have to weather out the storm just like Jody Weis until this guy proves to us. He may in the long run be able to change the way out CPD is run for the better with attempting to place qualified people in charge. But we all know how that goes in chicago. STAY SAFE

10/04/2011 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

garbage pickup, snow removal, and layoffs of police. This is political suicide
ONLY IF YOUR CLOUTED layoffs are coming watch they will make it difficult to saty just look st the Cpt in 023 Dist who denies CU to 25yr vets

10/04/2011 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The entire City has been going through layoffs for several years now. CPD: down 2000. I don't have numbers for other departments, but it's a safe guess that it's similar.

And still it wasn't enough. There's still a whole lot of ugly to get through.

The only good news I've seen: Rahm has made noises about dumping the Department of the Environment and its "demonstration projects" and its financing of the green dreams of a certain small, influential part of the electorate.

10/04/2011 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I was working in HQ during the proposed layoffs in the early 80's. The debate centered around how to layoff supervisors. Supervisors wanted to revert to their lower rank instead of a layoff and the FOP said no to that concept. Also, it was determined that when you are promoted to any rank, you actually resign from your current rank and have a new senority date. It was a lively discussion. I do not see layoffs coming for police and fire, except, possibly in supervisory ranks. I do see a large reduction in gold stars coming before the end of the year when units will be consolidated and many will be commanded by captains and lieutenants. You would be surprised at the number of police officers ( d1) who are being payed at higher d pay ratings, as shigh as captain. And, these positions are pensionable. Many of the crime lab folks were being paid captains pay. Why would they want to be promoted? Can't speak to current conditions, but at one time well over half of the patrolmen ranks were carrying a higher D pay rating.

10/04/2011 06:20:00 AM


In case you're not aware, the Sgt's and Lt's have bargaining rights, and therefore CANNOT be laid off. Also, I call bullshit on the number of Patrolmen getting paid at a higher rate than D1. I'm aware there are many Patrolmen getting paid at a higher rate, but to say "well over half" were getting a higher rate? Not even close!

10/04/2011 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

King Richard the First used to lay-off cadets to soften the tax hike blow.

009 days

10/04/2011 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let 's get rid of 30 % of our exempts , that's where the money is wasted . For every exempt eliminmated , CPD can hire 3 recruits .

10/04/2011 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't speak to current conditions, but at one time well over half of the patrolmen ranks were carrying a higher D pay rating.

10/04/2011 06:20:00 AM

Always wondered why the now-retired crime lab lieutenant, the brother of an infamous ex-alderman directly connected to rmd, never made captain and/or never left the crime lab once he got there as a lieutenant, until learning he was forever in a Crime Lab Technician III title which is equivalent in pensionable money to the rank of captain. Why leave?

10/04/2011 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

late. Still have my letter and am still employed.!!
ENJOY IT WILL NEVER BE THAT WAY AGAIN City needs money and the UnClouted will have to pay. I agree with the NYC Wall Street Protestors. Hope they come to Chicago for G8 / NATO. The system sux and yes Im a 16yr cop. Fuk this city I do as little as possible everyday

10/04/2011 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes it is true...That was my class, 82-5. Hire date 30 Aug 82. I received the form letter from Fred Rice who was the Supt. at the time. Dated 25 Aug 82, it stated that as of 28 Aug. we would be laid off due to a serious financial crisis which required a reduction in the city's workforce. Of course it never happened, but put a bitter taste in our mouths. We graduated a few weeks late. Still have my letter and am still employed.!!

10/04/2011 12:31:00 AM

Brezeck was Supt then. Byrne was Mayor.

10/04/2011 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Important issue. Dont "friend" your W/C on Facebook especially in 011. We in 011 have a W/C who has nothing better to do than look at the facebook accounts of his subordinates. After viewing the accounts if he sees something he does not like or agree with, he copies it and then forwards it in an email to the DC stating his disapproval. So do yourself a favor and dont accept friend invites form any boss. They will stab you in the back as soon as you turn around.

10/04/2011 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this will RHAM's barganing chip with the new contract . would you want to see fifty PPO'S dumped after 6 months on the job.

10/04/2011 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad thing about being laid off is that you don't have to be rehired. Usually there is a window or time frame, between a year or two where you are protected and have to be rehired, but after that you don't have to be rehired. Happened about 10 years ago with the ASA investigators

10/04/2011 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The public thinks we are overpaide anyway. We only encounter vics or offs. We dont rescue cats like CFD

10/04/2011 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you haven't caught on yet. Buy ammo, we're going to need it.

10/04/2011 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you do like the corporations do then you churn the workforce by forcing out all the employees with the higher benefit packages... then bring the new guys in at a lower pay and benefit rate.

You also count the new hires and hope to sweep the old employees that were let go or "opting for early retirement" under the rug so it looks like you're adding more when you're really just churning.

That said.

I'd say you can expect a take it of leave it "opting for early retirement" offer coming and that's the only reason why new classes are starting at the academy.

Or it may be possible that they will go after the pensions to force the older worker to opt for early retirement like is currently happening for the pilots of American Airlines as the company uses the crisis...the threat of bankruptcy... to instill a sense of fear in the workers to grab what you can now.

Face it.. There's no money. There's only money for the clouted city contractors, politicians friends and family members.

10/04/2011 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People just don't understand, yes there is money to hire at least 500 new recruits. Ask the city where is the money the city is saving from the 400 or so Officers that retired at anywhere from 80k to 100k yearly. (Going back 2 years)
For every Officer retiring, the city can hire 2 new recruits.
Get my point?
Me thinks the city is waiting for contract negotiations to hire new guys at a different rate or change their pension contributions to some where near 12%.
something stinks, just give it time to float up to the top...
Just Sayin....

10/04/2011 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...But they will not lay off offciers. Besides they would have to get rid of all civilians first. And that would go against Arbys plan to civilianize more of the department."

PPOs are not covered by the contract. PPOs could be layed off.

Sgts & Lts are protected by their contracts. They cannot be layed off until all civilians are layed off.

10/04/2011 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/04/2011 08:36:00 AM
And He will get this all done in 4 years?? Yeah I call bullshit!

10/04/2011 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Important issue. Dont "friend" your W/C on Facebook especially in 011. We in 011 have a W/C who has nothing better to do than look at the facebook accounts of his subordinates. After viewing the accounts if he sees something he does not like or agree with, he copies it and then forwards it in an email to the DC stating his disapproval. So do yourself a favor and dont accept friend invites form any boss. They will stab you in the back as soon as you turn around.

10/04/2011 10:31:00 AM

So, are you ten, or are you already a teenager? Are you really so stupid that you post stuff on Facebook that could come back to bite you?

10/04/2011 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, here's the next move. It's 'time'? Um, haven't we been dogged and chased and disciplined for several years now, for even the slightest unpaid invoice? Oh, he must mean those OTHER City employees!

CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says it's time for city employees to pay up.

Emanuel on Tuesday announced a plan to recoup $3 million that city employees owe for things like unpaid parking tickets, water bills and fines.

Emanuel says it isn't acceptable that city workers aren't paying what they owe. The mayor says they need to pay or face disciplinary actions, which could include suspensions or being fired.

Emanuel's push to collect employee debt is part of ongoing efforts to fill the city's budget hole. On Monday, Emanuel announced a plan to eliminate 400 senior and middle manager positions that's designed to save $25 million in next year's city budget.

10/04/2011 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do we have Horses and an Intel unit?

10/04/2011 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This new class is sponsored by the Department of Transportation. Once the recruits graduate they will be deployed to the CTA. This does not violate our contract because deployment to the CTA is a requirement of the grant.

10/04/2011 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please stop with the "Emanuel wants to be president" shit already. I want to be emperor of the US and that won't happen either.

Do you really think that the people in Georgia, Kansas, Idaho and maybe Arkansas and other states want this prick to be their president? This putz might want to be president, but it just won't happen. After the current idiot leaves office next year, the white house will be occupied by a republican for 8 years. Mayors and congressmen are not elected president. Senators almost never. The usual path to the white house is through a governorship. Now if the ballerina gets elected governor, he could try, but after this nit-wit Obama, do you really think that they'll put another Illinois politician in the white house?

10/04/2011 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/04/2011 08:22:00 AM
To this asshole who is pimping for emmanuel. We'll start talking salary reductions when all the taxes we are subjected to by being required to live in this city are all reduced accordingly. I didn't think they would consider lowering any taxes so no I won't take a pay cut so you can put me and my fellow officers one step closer to their new world order of socialism. We will however forego any raise if they will just deposit all of the city's portion of the TIFF funds into our pension fund to bring it back up to the proper funding level and let the Tiff fund be used for future emergency funding of our pension fund until all the money your predessors stole from it are restored. Oh, I didn't think that would fly either because that would prolong a class of people who were not dependant on the government as your plan is to, along with big business, eliminate pensions all together so there are no people left to stand up to your socialist agenda. Whoever you are you obviously have never been in a chicago street fight and if it's a fight you want tell emmanuel to bring it bitch.

10/04/2011 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Atrition by retirement just wont refill the ranks

10/04/2011 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry bout that?

10/04/2011 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...


We note that in today's scum-times online, comments are blocked/not opened regarding the story about the I.G. making noise about some of Maggie Daley's charity friends.

The I.G. must be barking up the right tree and somebody on the scum-times editorial staff let loose a nervous hershey squirt over the waistband of their tighty-whiteys and decided that opening comments would create too much heat.

Meanwhile, they're ginning up the next slanted-assed anti-Police
screed on orders of 9.5 to deflect from this little gem that inadvertently slipped past the censor-bots...

Some poor intern might end up making trunk-music in a burnt-out steal near Ferdinand & Tripp over this slip-up catching jaundiced, critical and baleful eyes.


These Gold Coast/North Shore whores have benefitted HANDSOMELY at the hand of the stuttering prick.

We wonder how much of the $12 to $15 Billion of municipal taxpayer treasure that went *poof* over the last 20+ years, was passed through the hands of the "who's who" of Chicago Society aka the fund raising arm of Daley Inc.?

Ehhh... Fuck it. Let's call it what it really is... Money Laundering. These pricks don't have a charitible fucking bone in their collective decayed carcasses...

Where else but in Chicago are charites fucking entrenched,fully integrated and inseperable from municipal governance the way they are?

Ya Funky Bastards...

Butter won't melt in mouths of these nasty whores & local media is running interference because some of their stinking asses might have to stand on the gallows of the taxpayers justice too.

They (local media) wouldn't say shit even though they have a mouth full of it...

We'll have to start studying the society pages more intently.

Now would be a good time to see a re-post of the Daley Inc. Crime Family tree.

"Dere go dat bullshit again."

10/04/2011 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm's handlers are making him play chess not checkers

10/04/2011 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC Fan said...

Last month in an exempt meeting McNutty stated that there is a strong possibility of 200 P.O.'s being laid off next year.

10/04/2011 08:09:00 AM

Obviously McNutty has never read the Contract between the City of Chicago and the FOP.

In it is a provision that requires ALL civilian employees of the police department to be laid off FIRST before any sworn members get laid off. They have to let several thousand civilians go before even one sworn. That is why the City's way of laying off is to just not hire. This will come back to bite them in the ass. Luckily I will be retired and well into my COLA raises.

10/04/2011 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...


9.5 is truly full of shit...

The current hair across his little narrow ass is "city employee indebtedness" and failure to pay what they owe the city in a timely fashion...

Does this little buster know about how the City of Chicago slow pays/no pays medical bills for injured Policemen?

Will he have standing to shit-talk Coppers who have had their credit cratered by this fucked up way of "doing business?"

We consider ourselves lucky that it's been a while since we've had to deal with the fuckery in Finance and from what we hear, not much if anything has improved.

9.5 is totally detached from adult cares and concerns like trying to keep body, mind & soul together.

Of course there's no chance in hell of him having to fight for his life in a pissy 13th floor stairwell and suffer the lingering effects of the same for the rest of his life.

What a small, vile, raisin-hearted manling...

10/04/2011 11:46:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

One of the guys I worked with went through the process and had a date to start the academy. Turns out, academy cancelled! OOPs!

This city does not give a damn about you. They give a damn about things that create REVENUE. Ironically however they're pretty fucking stupid about all the revenue they lose for ridiculous reasons which some of them I've posted on here and Chicago Budget Ideas.

The point is what does matter here is that certain people have and maintain key positions that ensure 'they' have a job and the $. That also includes their friends, family, and people that helped them to get there.

In 1893 during the Chicago World's Fair when H.H. Holmes killed all those people, Chicago Police were quoted as.... (say it all together) stating they were severely understaffed. I'm sure we can think of more other instances when the same happened as it now.

When I worked as a temp for Revenue, we were told to think of ideas that would generate $ as it would be presented at city halls meetings as... they loved that.

Murders, Domestics, etc do not generate revenue. That is how our city views you. $$$$

10/04/2011 11:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please stop with the "Emanuel wants to be president" shit already. I want to be emperor of the US and that won't happen either.

Do you really think that the people in Georgia, Kansas, Idaho and maybe Arkansas and other states want this prick to be their president? This putz might want to be president, but it just won't happen. After the current idiot leaves office next year, the white house will be occupied by a republican for 8 years. Mayors and congressmen are not elected president. Senators almost never. The usual path to the white house is through a governorship. Now if the ballerina gets elected governor, he could try, but after this nit-wit Obama, do you really think that they'll put another Illinois politician in the white house?

10/04/2011 07:12:00 PM

Just because you and I realize he won't win it, doesn't mean he doesn't plan to go for it. His ego dictates the plan, not common sense.

10/05/2011 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do we have Horses and an Intel unit?

10/04/2011 06:24:00 PM

Because we are not Mayberry.
Ask your question again during G8/Nato, though I think you'll clearly see the reasons WHY WE NEED THEM by then.

10/05/2011 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was class 82-6, we were laid off. The watch secretary called us in to turn in our badge, i.d. etc. It fell on my regularly scheduled days off. I was returned to duty with no loss of pay. I imagined some people lost money if it wasn't on their days off.

10/05/2011 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This new class is sponsored by the Department of Transportation. Once the recruits graduate they will be deployed to the CTA. This does not violate our contract because deployment to the CTA is a requirement of the grant.

10/04/2011 06:56:00 PM

They WILL NOT be deployed to the CTA.
They will be assigned to a district and the 50 CTA slots will be open for bidding by sworn members who are not PPO's!

10/05/2011 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched the entire channel 11 replay of the interview with the superintendent. He sounded sincere and believable. Time will tell. After so many years of cynicism, corruption and mayoral lies, it is hard to tell if anyone is telling the truth. I say give the man a chance. It is way too early. Way too many people on this blog bash Jody and now McNulty, but speak fondly of Uncle terry, Klein, Matt and the rest who have a proven track record of selling everyone out. McNulty has not done that as of yet.

10/05/2011 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do we have Horses and an Intel unit?

10/04/2011 06:24:00 PM

Because we are not Mayberry.
Ask your question again during G8/Nato, though I think you'll clearly see the reasons WHY WE NEED THEM by then.
---Becasue we need the clouted Horse's ASS LoL!!!!!!!!

10/05/2011 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want to privitize everything that is hurting families u dont care because u sitting on millions so u bring yourself to chicago and win as mayor but dont act like u cant get voted out because no weapon against us shall prosper so why u thinking about these wise ideas about a grid system, combinding police,and what ever bright ideas u thinking about relection is around the corner and just like u try to hand out pink slips and hurt people u can be getting one yourself in three more years you are to tuff for your own good.

10/11/2011 10:38:00 PM  

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