Rockford Altar Boy (UPDATE)
Before the media starts listening to the family of the armed robber shot and killed by an off-duty deputy, we'd just like to present Exhibit #1 from a facebook page started by his friends:
No, he's not practicing sign language. He's a gang banging piece of crap who participated in an armed robbery, threatening to take by force the rightful property of complete strangers because he and his thug friends had a gun. He's exactly where he belongs - dead on a slab in the county morgue and hopefully his friends join him there soon enough. Good riddance.
We're also informed by some of our readers that the organization the deputy serves specifically prohibits the carrying of weapons off duty. One would hope that this misguided policy is being revisited as we speak.
(any facebook savvy readers who want to report this page are welcome to do so - we don't do that social media stuff)
UPDATE: Winnebago County appears to have the same sort of off duty rules that we do, guidelines if you will. Unfortunately, in this day and age, it doesn't pay to go out and enjoy yourself without running the risk of compromising your safety. Each situation is unique.

We're also informed by some of our readers that the organization the deputy serves specifically prohibits the carrying of weapons off duty. One would hope that this misguided policy is being revisited as we speak.
(any facebook savvy readers who want to report this page are welcome to do so - we don't do that social media stuff)
UPDATE: Winnebago County appears to have the same sort of off duty rules that we do, guidelines if you will. Unfortunately, in this day and age, it doesn't pay to go out and enjoy yourself without running the risk of compromising your safety. Each situation is unique.
We're also informed by some of our readers that the organization the deputy serves specifically prohibits the carrying of weapons off duty. One would hope that this misguided policy is being revisited as we speak.
The officer works for a really chickenshit Department.
This is unbelieveable !!
Aw, he's just a boy. And that bad deputy shot him. (sarcasm)
If you get a chance,,,go to the facebook link from this jackoff. There is some latin queen who makes a comment about the "Police" i almost fell off this chair while trying to read her so misspelllllled words..No doubt she was calling him "her Babies daddy"
Aw dawg, he was just starting to turn his life around, he just needed some funding yo......
Seriously, dead on a slab is where he belongs. The deputy needs to move out west as he obviously has the right stuff. (Which would be the wrong stuff in Illinois) Vegas Metro is always hiring.
Seriously, what kind of loser-ass agency prohibits off duty carry?
What a fucked up department-a sworn officer can't carry a weapon off duty? WTF is wrong with these people? Don't they read the papers? This kind of shit is going on all over, and no one knows when they are going to walk right into it. Some "policy" that department has.
Which gang sign is he flashing? I lost track of all that stuff when the gangs created splinter fractions.
Looks to me like the misguided yoot might have severe arthritis in his hands. No? I tried. One less to worry about.
Why is it corrections officers can carry off-duty, yet not at work? So why let them carry at all?
bye bye
done I reported it as offensive
OT: Homeless man stabs 2 people who harassed him on the Red Line,0,6163226.story
RollaBum Now with a 50% more chance of a Stabbin!
Happy Tuesday. Stay Safe All.
this story has an excellent outcome, appropriate for the NRA magazine American Rifleman armed citizen blog.
NIce homework to whomever found this photo. Now lets see if the media has the stones to show it!
I live in that county and I believe that the actual story is a little more complicated. Ihey are not prohibited from carrying off duty, but are prohibited from drinking while carrying off duty. He may have been intending to have a beer with his pizza.
Chicago Trib headlines should have been "Armed assailaint killed by deputy" not "boy killed"....jagoffs.
Nah uh...he juss funnin is all.
I know a guy that is acorrections officer in Will County. He can be armed to and from work with his department supplied Glock. Other-wise no off duty carry.
NO.....WRONG!!!!! They are not prohibited unless they anticipate drinking or engaging in some type of activity which makes carrying a concealed weapon impractical. I suspect in all honestly the deputy innocently assumed he did not need his weapon. I am certain his perspective has now changed and he wil probably go out and purchase or start carrying an o/d weapon.
its amazing how the media protect these gangbangers. if your in a gang you should not receive any benifits from the government at all even a d/l. they are outlaws and members of criminal organization that cause misery..
Why do I have to look at this piece of shit? We all understand what he is/was about and to have to look at this worthless piece of shit makes me sick..
the real tragedy... the tax payers will be paying for the other three thugs medical care.
"...where he belongs - dead on a slab in the county morgue..."
Couldn't agree with you more, SCC.
Consider the Facebook Page reported. Now, we'll see what they do about it.
CC now!
ba bye banger
Another future "domestic terrorist" dead great job!
Damn, only the one died.
SSSSHHHHHH Don't give Rahmmie and McAsshole any ideas
As an officer who must also deal with misguided off duty carry policy, I applaud him for having the mindset his supervisors obviously lack. Let's hope he doesn't end up with time off for doing the right thing.
I bet he looks just like that now. Plus a few bullet holes of course.
Whether the policy is misguided or not. He put his organization at risk because he did not obey policy. Not to mention, any other officer that was standing there unprotected, because he was obeyig policy. Lawsuit coming his way and the organization.
Quick! Crop out those hands throwin' up gang signs and just show the face!
You media people know how -- done it any number of times before.
Dont you get it.... The sheriff doesnt have a right to be armed, but the perpitrator had a right to be a gang member. Thats what these liberal nut cases believe.
"He's exactly where he belongs - dead on a slab in the county morgue and hopefully his friends join him there soon enough. Good riddance."
Yeah, congratulations and best wishes to Drawer No. 37.
Cold in there, huh?
OT: Jason Kaczynski is the recipient of the lambert tree. In case you do not know he shot the killer of thor. Jason we are very proud of you.
OT: Somebody needs to find that homeless guy who stood up to those two savages last night on the red line and pin a medal on his chest.
what's up with dudes fingers--- was he on the jerry lewis telethon or something like that--- to bad he got hisself kilt, I'm sure he was going to be an upstanding citizen who went to work everyday and paid his taxes--- I'm sure he was ready to turn his life around after a few more stick ups---
"the organization the deputy serves specifically prohibits the carrying of weapons off duty."
WTF kind of sheriff's department is this? Who is the rocket scientist liberal puke in command that came up with this idiotic policy? Whoever it is should be terminated for being a moron.
CPD retired guy who lives in the Rockford area. Just spoke with a friend of mine who is a Deputy Chief of the Winn Co. Sheriff's Dept. WCSD does not have a policy forbidding off duty deputies from carrying a firearm. The depts. policy for carrying OD is that a deputy must carry the department issued firearm which are H&K .45's. According to the Deputy Chief the offenders in this case entered and put a gun into the ear of the OD officer. The owner of the pizza place grabbed his hand and a struggle ensued. The owner was carrying a Glock .45 and the officer grabbed it from his waistband and emptied the magazine in about 1.5 seconds. 1 dead, head shot, 2 gut shot in bad condition, and 1 shot in the hip with the bullet entering the hip and going into the stomach. All 3 survivors are in serious to critical condition
the organization the deputy serves specifically prohibits the carrying of weapons off duty
So if someone arrests violent felons, and their gang friends are V felons, and the V felon WILL be released, the cop can't arm themselves.
Makes perfect sense....IN BIZZARO LAND!!
Welcome to hell sir. Grab your pitchfork and report to room 1 where you will burn for eternity.
He finnah gettin' ready to start gettin' his ged...
Just Wow. This is the first time I have ever heard of an American PD or SO prohibiting the carrying of off duty arms by qualified members.
Why would anyone work there, except to get experience and go to another department?
They must have a seriously unqualified Chief or Sheriff to make that rule.
Good Guy 4
Bad Guys 0
See if honor roll is made against the law. These kids would stop getting shot. BAN HONOR ROLL
Want to bet that 'department' is a really local Suburban one?
And I'm happy to see that with the crack of a bullet, another Alter Boy got his wings.
One less dead asshole. Enjoy you stay in hell......
What kind of liberal department doesn't let their officers carry off duty? wtf
"We're also informed by some of our readers that the organization the deputy serves specifically prohibits the carrying of weapons off duty. One would hope that this misguided policy is being revisited as we speak."
Unfriggin' Believeable!
But if he retires and passes a H.R.218 course he can carry.
Either stretch H.R. 218 to allow active LEOs or pass Concealed Carry in Illinois.
Off topic. Bt 811 had 32 burglaries and attempt burglaries in 60 days. This area is all city workers and is a great example of how shit is being glossed over.
Call the Alderman and get vocal. This is total bullshit and we should not stand for it.
I live in that county and I believe that the actual story is a little more complicated. Ihey are not prohibited from carrying off duty, but are prohibited from drinking while carrying off duty. He may have been intending to have a beer with his pizza.
10/04/2011 09:34:00 AM
Too fucking bad. It's the same way here. No carrying while drinking but I'd rather break that little rule then be shot or killed. Then again our little rules actually say we are not to even drink off duty. It's the Chicago way lol
Fuck the gangbanger. His family raised a POS and so the the family can go to hell and join him. His girlfriend and friends are welcome to tag along.
Bad rumor. Winnebago Co. deputies can carry their weapon off-duty. Ditto with Rockford P.D.
Consider the Facebook Page reported. Now, we'll see what they do about it.
10/04/2011 11:15:00 AM
It's still up, as of this post. And the relatives are bitching because someone posted a sympathy note on the R.I.P. memorial page. Go figure.
Thanks, retired guy, who posted the actual story here. Now, maybe the know-it-all Monday morning quarterbacks can go back to their caves.
for what it's worth, I reported page to Facebook this a.m. upon seeing your post, SCC. However, the page is still up. I doubt they will remove it which begs the question about their policing policies, just like craigslist has been questioned about allowing advertising for prostitution though I believe craig's finally caved and did something after people were murdered...
For those of you who live in Mt Greenwood---2211's beat....there is a M-2 mid 30's and a F-2 unknown age trying to do burglaries of houses in the middle of the day. They hit a house today at about noon on 112 and Kedzie, while last Wednesday they tried to hit a house on 112 and Troy. Both times they got scared off when they encountered an occupant just inside the doorway.
Female drives the getaway car, a white Jeep I think. Both times they went northbound on Kedzie and crossed 111th St. Lock and load your guns boys and girls.
mah baby ditn' do nuffin
Good stuff!!! One less low life scumbag off the streets. Oh and yes Chicago you have a messed up department that wont let its state certified LEOs carry while on duty, but can carry off duty.....and even that is in question. Its chicago CDA police. Chicago Department of Aviation Police they patrol both city airports with marked squads and are unarmed. unbelievable!!!
Based on per capita violent crime stats, Forbes magazine has just ranked Rockford as the 10th MOST VIOLENT CRIME city in the nation. Springfield is also in the Top 10. Detroit is #1.
Whether the policy is misguided or not. He put his organization at risk because he did not obey policy. Not to mention, any other officer that was standing there unprotected, because he was obeyig policy. Lawsuit coming his way and the organization.
Your an idiot, thank god he grabbed a gun, he probably would of been dead otherwise, i pray to god your not a cop. This America, every misguided shithead sues regardless, wakeup, there is no suck thing a good police shooting according tothe aclu/naacp/liberals/socialists/ghetto people. To that i say FUCK THEM ALL!!!!!!!!! GOOD JOB OFFICER.
ROCKFORD, Ill. (AP) - Winnebago County Sheriff's officials say an off-duty deputy shot and killed a 16-year-old and critically injured three others during a Rockford pizzeria robbery.
Winnebago County Sheriff Richard Meyers says the deputy involved in the Saturday night shootings was a 29-year-old U.S. Army veteran who served in Iraq. Meyers did not immediately identify the deputy, who was put on paid administrative leave.
Rockford Police Chief Chet Epperson says the deputy was talking with a friend at the restaurant when the suspects entered the business. 1 of the suspects pointed a handgun at the deputy and his friend. A struggle ensued and the deputy used an employee's handgun to shoot the suspects.
The 16-year-old died at the scene. Epperson says the other three suspects are being treated for life-threatening injuries.
This was published for the ignorant mfers who have this officer being disciplined and the city being sued because the deputy you ass u me was carrying a weapon in violation of department policy.
Looks like vice lord to me
Based on 2010 FBI UCR for per capita VIOLENT* crime in Metropolitan Statistical Areas with populations of over 200,000, FORBES ranked the TOP 10 MOST VIOLENT cities in America.
1. Detroit, MI
2. Memphis, TN
3. Springfield, IL
4. Flint, MI
5. Anchorage, AK
6. Lubbock, TX
7. Stockton, CA
8. Tallahassee, FL
9. Las Vegas, NV
10.Rockford, IL
* VIOLENT CRIME = Murder, Rape (Sexual Assault), Robbery and Aggravated Battery
Why is it corrections officers can carry off-duty, yet not at work? So why let them carry at all?
10/04/2011 08:36:00 AM
To keep weapons out of any possible reach of the prisoners. These same rules apply in our lockups as well.
Anonymous said...
Why is it corrections officers can carry off-duty, yet not at work? So why let them carry at all?
10/04/2011 08:36:00 AM
You're not allowed to have a weapon in a jail, that's why.
Why don't you get a job as a corrections officer without a firearm off duty and see how fast you just stay home. Don't you think the dogs go places? Maybe places you go when off duty? They remember these corrections officers and might try something when they see them, that's why they should be allowed a weapon off duty.
We had the same policy for many years here at the
UCPD. Nimocks told us to just ignore it, but he
never changed it. The only good thing our doofus
replacement Chief Lynch ever did was recind that
order. Guess the University didn't think we needed
to feel safe coming to and going from work.
Hard to believe in this day and age and in this
country that any Dept. would have such an archaic
rule on the books, but look how long it took for
ours to be updated; Nimocks was our chief for
20 straight years!
He's got a MySpace page
About me:
Rabbit wearing a bow tie (The Playboy logo) * Martini glass * Top hat - representing celebration * Cane * White Gloves * Dollar sign * Five-point star Love, Peace, Truth, Freedom, and Justice - All five points of the star in order clockwise [Love/Truth/Freedom/Peace/Justice in 1980's (5 points).] * Crescent moon - per Islam. * Scimitar or "Arabian" sword - per Islam. * Pitchforks pointing down as symbol for disrespect (to the Gangster Disciples),and Black Disciples, but all Disciple Nations in general such as Maniac Latin Disciples,Spanish Gangster Disciples, Insane Gangster Satan Disciples and Young Latino Organization Disciples * Broken Heart with wings with pitchforks if it is pointing down or broken in half it is mainly a symbol for disrepect towards (to the Gangster Disciples,and all the Disciple Nations who use that also) Like the Black P. Stones, the Vice Lords also utilize psuedo-Islamic ideology and symbolism in their gang motif; the star and crescent moon being the most visible examples
Is it true that Chicago Police officers are not allowed to drink even when they are off duty? I have a nephew who is CPD and he says he is not allowed to drink while off of work. If this is true how can this be legal on behalf of the employer?
not a cop
C'mon! Didn't you know Boo was just starting to turn his life around?
Oh, wait. That's the same bullshit they say about every POS who's a thieving, drug-infested murdering cockroach.
Enjoy your dirt nap, scumbag!
BTW, it's been awhile. I hope all of Chicago's Finest are doing well.
Take care and be safe.
There's a Mike Sago tribute video on YouTube, too. It accepts comments.
They make this too easy.
If you get a chance,,,go to the facebook link from this jackoff. There is some latin queen who makes a comment about the "Police" i almost fell off this chair while trying to read her so misspelllllled words..No doubt she was calling him "her Babies daddy"
Unfucking Believable!!! They made a Facebook page for a Fucked up Gangbanger who got wasted while committing an armed robbery!!! This Country is fucked-up !!!!!!
Consider the Facebook Page reported. Now, we'll see what they do about it.
10/04/2011 11:15:00 AM
Why would you do that? Leave it up for the world to see for themselves!
Whether the policy is misguided or not. He put his organization at risk because he did not obey policy. Not to mention, any other officer that was standing there unprotected, because he was obeyig policy. Lawsuit coming his way and the organization.
10/04/2011 12:30:00 PM
WTF are you talking about?
.....What kind of liberal department doesn't let their officers carry off duty? wtf.....
Maybe he saying thank you in sign language for shooting my dumb ass and stoping me from hurting anyone else. Great job!!!
It should be a law that LEO's cannot be prohibited from carrying OD if they wish....
Anonymous said...
Aw dawg, he was just starting to turn his life around, he just needed some funding yo......
Seriously, dead on a slab is where he belongs. The deputy needs to move out west as he obviously has the right stuff. (Which would be the wrong stuff in Illinois) Vegas Metro is always hiring.
Seriously, what kind of loser-ass agency prohibits off duty carry?
10/04/2011 06:29:00 AM
Federal law, HR 218, gives the officer the right to carry a concealed weapon. That would seem to trump what his cowardly agency declares. I would think it is good for active and retired officers.
"Whether the policy is misguided or not. He put his organization at risk because he did not obey policy. Not to mention, any other officer that was standing there unprotected, because he was obeyig policy. Lawsuit coming his way and the organization.
10/04/2011 12:30:00 PM"
WTF you talking about?
Unfriggin' Believeable!
But if he retires and passes a H.R.218 course he can carry.
Either stretch H.R. 218 to allow active LEOs or pass Concealed Carry in Illinois.
10/04/2011 03:42:00 PM
Problem here is if the Dept has a rule against OD carrying, then you can be fired for violation of the rule . Regardless of HR218 or anything else. These rules need to be attacked on the court level.
Check out the comments on the Rockford site. Especially because it has the cases against these "fine young men" on the 2nd page...
Why when I saw that photo of the POS throwing up gang signs in Rockford I was not the least bit surprised???
OT- the 2nd annual Chicago Police Memorial Foundation Poker Tournament is Weds Oct 12th at the Horseshoe Casino. Registration begins at 4:00pm with the tournament starting at 6pm. Total prize pool over over $32,000. This years event is the official kick off media charity tournament in preparation for the World Series of Poker Circuit events. Come out, play and meet some of Chicago's media personalities including Richard Roeper and Ron Magers. For ticket information go to
Why is it corrections officers can carry off-duty, yet not at work? So why let them carry at all?
They can carry off-duty because they are peace officers.
Guns in the jails???? Are you daft, man???????
20 of the inmate POS's would jump them and take the gun in a heartbeat. They don't give a sh!t if one of their gang members catches a round.
Anonymous said...
Off topic. Bt 811 had 32 burglaries and attempt burglaries in 60 days. This area is all city workers and is a great example of how shit is being glossed over.
Call the Alderman and get vocal. This is total bullshit and we should not stand for it.
10/04/2011 04:16:00 PM
just visit any joliet casino and you will run into ald. zalewski. you can tell hime to his face!
i believe that the young man is displaying the universal sign for unprotected anal sex?
Here is his rap sheet in case anyone needs proof these guys were pieces of shit all around.
2011-CF-0002763 Pending People of the State of Illinois vs. BRANDON LEWIS SAGO Defendant
2011-CM-0000307 Closed pending clerk action People of the State of Illinois vs. BRANDON LEWIS SAGO Defendant
2006-CM-0006185 Closed pending clerk action People of the State of Illinois vs. BRANDON L SAGO Defendant
2006-CM-0006184 Closed pending clerk action People of the State of Illinois vs. BRANDON L SAGO Defendant
2006-CF-0003224 Closed pending clerk action People of the State of Illinois vs. BRANDON L SAGO Defendant
2005-OV-0001280 Closed pending clerk action People of the State of Illinois vs. BRANDON L SAGO Defendant
2005-TR-0003670 Pending People of the State of Illinois vs. BRANDON L SAGO Defendant
2005-TR-0003669 Pending People of the State of Illinois vs. BRANDON L SAGO Defendant
2005-TR-0003668 Pending People of the State of Illinois vs. BRANDON L SAGO Defendant
2002-TR-0056218 Closed pending clerk action People of the State of Illinois vs. BRANDON L SAGO Defendant
2002-F-0000338 Closed pending clerk action JULIA HORTON vs. TORONA SAGO
H & K .45 duty weapons?..Sweet!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic. Bt 811 had 32 burglaries and attempt burglaries in 60 days. This area is all city workers and is a great example of how shit is being glossed over.
Call the Alderman and get vocal. This is total bullshit and we should not stand for it.
10/04/2011 04:16:00 PM
The reason is because you are a taxpayer. Your beat car gets moved to handle the non-taxpayer jobs. This happens on the west end of 022 and the North end of 016.
Crime Tip #17 -- How to keep violent crime stats down.
The Cook County medical examiner's office today ruled the death of a 53-year-old Chicago man a homicide, though police are not classifying their investigation as such.
...the medical examiner's office concluded he died as a result of bleeding in his head that was caused by a fall during an assault.
Police said that Woods was in a fight with another person at his home...
That the death was ruled a homicide does not necessarily imply that a crime took place. The ruling means that Woods' death was caused by another person, but it does not account for intent or other factors.,0,195574.story
3 shot in drive-by on far South Side
Three teens were hospitalized after being shot in a drive-by shooting in the West Chesterfield neighborhood on the south side, police said.,0,794167.story
Okay so yeah but what was the drivers intent?!
Was a crime really committed or were there other factors?
Just because three kids were shot in the back doesn't make it a drive-by does it?
Maybe they pulled a U-turn or something as no-one was shot from the front so therefore is wasn't a 'drive-by' at all.
In fact this needs more investigation because until we know what the intent of the driver was I see no crime at all..
lol...this is what you call transparency on crime reporting stats in Chicago. The crimes are transparent so you can't see them.
Where? What drive by? Where? How do we know that their was criminal intent.
All LE officers must be allowed to carry off duty. To not allow this is complete insanity. Killers carry 24/7.
Wake up you liberal fools.
Tax break for casino could cost schools. Quinn v. Rahm
How do u all feel about Chicago Avaition Police not being able to carry on or off duty, even though they are police certified?
Is it true that Chicago Police officers are not allowed to drink even when they are off duty? I have a nephew who is CPD and he says he is not allowed to drink while off of work. If this is true how can this be legal on behalf of the employer?
not a cop
10/04/2011 07:12:00 PM
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! No, not true. And, if he actually believes the hooha he's telling you, he's not old enough or smart enough to be allowed to be the police.
Good stuff!!! One less low life scumbag off the streets. Oh and yes Chicago you have a messed up department that wont let its state certified LEOs carry while on duty, but can carry off duty.....and even that is in question. Its chicago CDA police. Chicago Department of Aviation Police they patrol both city airports with marked squads and are unarmed. unbelievable!!!
10/04/2011 06:13:00 PM
King Richard II didn't want tourists to be intimidated by seeing guns on the belts of law enforcement officers at our airports, so he prohibited it. STUPIDEST thought process on the planet. (Maybe they can throw their shoes at terrorists and yell, "Stop that, please!")
I have never felt safer than in Europe's airports. Love those Uzi-carrying LEO's in certain cities there.
I don't understand why so many posters are bragging about reporting the dead idiot's photo as offensive and requesting that it be taken down.
Doing so means that the public will only see the 8th grade graduation photo that the family's civil attorney hands out to the media.
wheres the media picture for this piece of shit. karma, she always a bitch.
i believe that the young man is displaying the universal sign for unprotected anal sex?
10/04/2011 10:25:00 PM
........slow, fat and right over the plate with little arc.......
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! No, not true. And, if he actually believes the hooha he's telling you, he's not old enough or smart enough to be allowed to be the police.
10/05/2011 12:55:00 AM
Hey jagbag, you should have told this person to speak with their nephew, instead of allowing yourself to be pulled into their conversation. You are a tool.
Anonymous said...
How do u all feel about Chicago Avaition Police not being able to carry on or off duty, even though they are police certified?
10/05/2011 12:03:00 AM
if you ever met avaition officer Mark aka "gloves" @ midway you would not let him carry a slingshot!
..the idiot is saying,,,the last robbery I pulled they shot me in my fingers ,,but I got away.
Anonymous said...
Is it true that Chicago Police officers are not allowed to drink even when they are off duty? I have a nephew who is CPD and he says he is not allowed to drink while off of work. If this is true how can this be legal on behalf of the employer?
not a cop
10/04/2011 07:12:00 PM
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! No, not true. And, if he actually believes the hooha he's telling you, he's not old enough or smart enough to be allowed to be the police.
10/05/2011 12:55:00 AM
There is a catch-all rule that says a Chicago Police Officer cannot be intoxicated on or off duty. It is there to snag the misbehavers. Of course, if a Deputy chief were caught DUI in a south suburb, the Superintendent would be called to go get him out of jail and smooth the whole thing over. (really happened)
Just don't expect the same to happen for regular cops unless they are very closely related by blood to an exalted gold star boss.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
How do u all feel about Chicago Avaition Police not being able to carry on or off duty, even though they are police certified?
10/05/2011 12:03:00 AM
if you ever met avaition officer Mark aka "gloves" @ midway you would not let him carry a slingshot!
10/05/2011 09:58:00 AM
A few Aviation police at O'Hare used to collect signatures for former Alderman Pat Levar who was the head of the Aviation subcommittee. They aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. I have far more confidence in the CPD.
Another collection of the shit birds finest moments.
..the idiot is saying,,,the last robbery I pulled they shot me in my fingers ,,but I got away.
Actually, he is doing his impression of Rahm Emanuel.
Another turd down the shitter!!!!!!
Which gang sign is he flashing? I lost track of all that stuff when the gangs created splinter fractions.
10/04/2011 07:49:00 AM
Eat shit media troll. Go eBay or something.
Anonymous said...
Is it true that Chicago Police officers are not allowed to drink even when they are off duty? I have a nephew who is CPD and he says he is not allowed to drink while off of work. If this is true how can this be legal on behalf of the employer?
not a cop
10/04/2011 07:12:00 PM
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! No, not true. And, if he actually believes the hooha he's telling you, he's not old enough or smart enough to be allowed to be the police.
10/05/2011 12:55:00 AM
There is a catch-all rule that says a Chicago Police Officer cannot be intoxicated on or off duty. It is there to snag the misbehavers. Of course, if a Deputy chief were caught DUI in a south suburb, the Superintendent would be called to go get him out of jail and smooth the whole thing over. (really happened)
Just don't expect the same to happen for regular cops unless they are very closely related by blood to an exalted gold star boss.
10/05/2011 12:13:00 PM
Reading comprehension 101: The 'nephew' says we CAN'T DRINK OFF DUTY.
You are interpreting having a drink, at all, even one, which the 'nephew' believes we can't have, to >>> 'being drunk'.
They are not the same thing. For three decades, I've known when to say 'when'. Sounds like you don't see the distinction.
Hey, 'nephew', go have a drink. If you're going to party, if there's any danger you'll get drunk, don't carry. But your star does NOT translate to never being able to have a glass of wine with dinner ever again, until after you retire.
It makes me sick that there are some white guilters that are actually sticking up for that shithead, as noted on its' Facebook page. What is the world coming to?? Bravo Zulu to the off-duty officer for serving and protecting. As Tommy Lee Jones said in "The Fugitive", get yourself a Glock. For off-duty carry that is!
He is no gangbanger! Poor honor student just has carpal tunnel. From all his Facebooking.
Facebook is gay. Guess there needs to be some defriending of the dead crook now...
So those cops can't carry guns off duty? Hell, to fix that make it so CCW is legal in IL (cop or not). Their local problem in Winnebago County can get solved by a global solution.
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