Overtime $$$
- The Chicago Police Department plans to free up a third of its force during a pair of international summits this spring by switching officers to 12-hour shifts, police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said.
The added hours will result in more money in the pockets of police after the G-8 and NATO conferences in May — a security tab Mayor Rahm Emanuel hopes will be picked up by the federal government.
"It's going to cost some money because we're going to go 12-hour tours, which means we're going to be paying out overtime," McCarthy recently told the Tribune.
The city's nearly 12,000-strong police force generally works in three 8 1/2-hour shifts. By adding 3 1/2 hours to the shift, McCarthy said he will be able to dedicate enough officers to the summits.
Of course, it's not couched in terms of public safety or the lack of a city-wide response unit or the almost criminal lack of manpower. No, the money quote is "The added hours will result in more money in the pockets of police...." as if we had enough money already and "Damn those greedy police officers for not working for free."
Personally, we're checking the money box every single day and hoping for a few canceled days off during the events.
Labels: events
I think it's funny we learn about our work schedule from a news article..God forbid they actually notify us first..
As a civilian, I get pretty angry during the Taste when there is so little police presence in the neighborhoods so that CPD can work down there. This is another example of CPD and other City services(I'm not blaming you guys)being diverted to some Mayoral dream project that is meaningless to most of us.
How about a rebate on my property taxes, Rahm?
Anyone who though Carothers or Kulbida weren't pieces of shit, check out their latest move.
Kulbida was given permission to take over the old WC's office and kick the lt's out. Not only did he kick them out but he made them empty out the lockers the watches used to store equipment. Oh yeah he had the guns taken out of there also.
Will I still be able to get EVENT NUMBERS???????
It would be nice if the City would address the police through the chain of command or unions rather than going through the media.
Nothing to worry about. There's plenty of cash in the State of Illinois to cover it. There must be, Illinois has a new ambassador;
"Gov. Pat Quinn has chosen Rev. Jesse Jackson to act as a goodwill ambassador representing Illinois at the 100th anniversary celebration of the African National Congress in South Africa next week."-Chicago Tribune
Unfortunately, the comments section for this article in the Trib is close. Huh?
All's well........
It's nice that we all have an opportunity to finally make a little overtime but there's a couple of problems with that. What vehicles are these overlapping shifts going to use? Is one watch from every district city wide going to be sent to the protests?
I'm sure the department has everything figured out so we don't have to worry our little heads.
12,000 strong police force? More like 9,000.
kass wrote a column today 5Jan. It will eventually come to haunt us some day if we do not call that nujmber to wake up those fools. We need to get behind this.
Bring it on, CHA CHING!
"Personally, we're checking the money box every single day and hoping for a few canceled days off during the events."
Fianance says: always money only for Federal event numbers (any outside payors). Remember Obama victory meet and greet? Dem convention? $ only; no comp time.
also? when did FOP website become channel for dept news? Dept informs us; reading OX order; Dept announced . . . I might as well look at my blackberry!
Since when do we have 12,000 uniformed working Police Officers ?
Just thought it'd be good to get the word out for those that won't be able to attend the funeral, there will be LIVE funeral coverage on both Channel 7 and on their site. Here's the link for their live feed. R.I.P. Big Cliff.
Fuck that, I will take the time so that I can be with my family.
I dont want the overtime,nor do I want to work all fucked up hours. This will only fuck with your personal time away from your family. Also some of us have other full time positions outside of this job that will get screwed up. The money is NOT worth it. And they want to take away duty availability?
it's win win for the police
Do they seriously think I'm going to work my off time for the city. They can switch me to 12 hours and I'll have more time with my family.
OT why aren't the XO's swiping in and out , short work days .
Another political spot created , what are the duties for 8 hours?
Captains worked a few hours as wc's
xo is sweet spot $125,000 + 45 min a day comp time and $10,000 supervisors quarterly checks a year for doing no OT
Just learned that it has been realized that the "new unit" that has been talked about here, will likley include mostly involuntarily selected P.O's and Sgts on a 90 day detail starting March. They are aware that getting enough people to volunter is not going to happen. They are revieweing training records and will be selecting those with advanced training. Looks like mostly former 253 and 153. The attitude is , these officers have an obligation and this is thier job. Back to thier current assignments in June. Future call outs possible for incidents of civil unrest.So not a new unit at all.
I know that there are 2 sides to this issue, but in reality it is always better to check the time box and to save as much as possible for the final buy out when you retire. The time is worth more and more each year with raises, and makes a nice retirement bonus. Obviously with a young family and other responsibilities that is not always possible, but my advice is to use the time box as much as possible.
025 to be renamed 013.
024 to be renamed 021.
001 and 002 to be remaped.
013 and 012 to be renamed 012.
The new maps are on the department's intranet.
The department/city will have to purchase new name tags for everyone involved and change all the signs and paperwork throughout the dept.
This great brain storm is just saving the taxpayers MILLIONS huh???
How long did it take the Barry Bunch to pay for their use of Grant Park after his Election? A year? Two years? Longer?
Don't hold your breath Rahm, better shut down the Libraries and Museums now to save up enough to pay for this fiasco
And more tired POlice, and more tired POlice means mistakes. Be very careful we did this in 68 and a few coppers got jammed for civil rights beefs. Also Kent State had troopers working long hours with little time off. Be careful and go home safe
Having PO's work 12 hour shifts and paying the overtime is a hell of a lot cheaper than actually hiring more cops during the year to fight crime on our streets. Again this city gives two fucks less about the citizens who must try to stay in one piece every day. The Racoon is more worried about his image than some old lady walking to the corner store to buy milk and bread.
3 1/2 hours ot, is not going to be enough when the lawsuits come down for all kinds of shit, including but not limited to police brutality, false arrest, violation of 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ammendment. Officers have think hard out there before getting emotinal, you know very well that not one white shirt including McJerseyShore is not going to have your back when the shit hits tbe fan and its all over youtube. Just remember the officers who pepper sprayed the students, after editing the video, the media portrayed them like fucking Nazis.
1200 ???????????????????????????? Thats a really rough number.
great ,now lets go to two watches and 12 hr shifts after the g8 is over!the experiment will b tested during g8!!THAT IS THE PLAN!MORE DAYS OFF,WHILE MANPOWER IS STABLE!ANOTHER PROBLEM SOLVED!
I am checking the money box!
Speaking of overtime, look at this! A number of sergeants went for training this week to become stationn supervisors. Well in the 23rd district, this must not apply. For Thursday on the third watch in 023 there is no Lt available. So instead of having the sergeant do what he or she was trained for, they are having the day Lt work four hours overtime into the third watch and the 1st watch Lt is coming in four hours earlier to work the reamining four hours of the third watch. Can someone tell me how this is saving money? Your going to pay two lieutenants overtime instead of letting the sergeant do what he or she was trained for and be the station supervisor. Oh and by the way also taking money away from the sergeants when that grievance is won by the sergeants assc. These Lt's are just money hungry whores!
Ewwwwww, look at those nasty protesters tearing up the city. Eww look now the protesters are smashing out those windows. Honey badger don't care, honey badger don't give a shit!
Look at the 23rd district today on the 3rd watch, the day Lt and the 1st watch Lt splitting the third watch so they both get overtime. Why did the sergeants go for training to become station supervisors if they are going to pay Lt's overtime whenever there is no Lt working a specific watch. This is saving money?
Odd to see this news story appear at midnight on a Thursday.
What'll be better than extra hours and the possibility of a few cancelled RDOs will be having (hopefully) the arbitrator siding with those of us denied our 5/5B furloughs.
These fuckers need a wake-up call post haste. They're coming after everything we hold sacred. Time with family, seniority and, right around the corner, our pension.
They're trying to increase your workload and responsibilities without additional compensation - all while making your forced residency in this shithole city more and more expensive. This is what they call the City of Chicago & CPD D.P. (yes, as in Double Penetration).
They have absolutely no reservations about circumventing or altogether ignoring your contractual rights. They have no
regard how the turmoil they create effects you or your family. They couldn't care less about you, as you're merely a necessary evil in their respective existences.
Fight back as best you can before we're past the point of no return. Take a look at how the captains, in essence, sold out every last one of us of lesser rank to accommodate themselves. These few clout-heavy jerkoffs have been reaping the rewards of an unneccessary rank for far too long, while helping to deplete a flailing pension fund at the same time.
The majority of these clowns were useless as merit Sergeant, never mind merit Lieutenant and then Captain. Ask any copper how many hours their Captain or Lieutenant averaged at work on any given day, especially when there was one of each on the sheet that day. The hardest decision those clowns had to make that day was who was going to take which half of the shift. All those years of milking the system dry wasn't enough for these greedy fucking bastards, as evidenced by what may very well be their "Fuck You" Swan Song to the rest of us.
Next up...go ask one of your sergeants about how they caved-in to the city and took it in the ass with their "wellness" program. Ask them how much it's going to cost them annually for each covered spouse/dependent if they don't play according to the rules made up by the City. The implications/precedent in this are disgusting.
The time is now to dig in and fight for what the guys and gals before us fought so damn hard for. Give NOTHING back lest you invite your enemy to pilfer even more from you.
so I guess it is no longer a rumor--- 1st and 2nd watch will cover the district in 12 hour shifts and 3rd watch will be sent to a foot post somewhere--- 12 hours on your feet for maybe a week in a row--- ouch--- where do you eat, where do you find a clean bathroom to use, how will officers get downtown--- I just did a quick calculation on o/t for myself ( based on 5/15-5/22) checking the money box for everything it came out to 3210.00 before tax--- if the federal government doesn't pay this their is no way in hell the city will pay it....
Total bullshit. At least they're not using that pie in the sky figure of 13,500.
*** Off Topic Important
Pay Attention ***
I recently had a talk with a CFD boss. He told me that CFD is also in training for G8. CFD boss said that they are being told that if/when CPD goes down, CFD is the next line of defense. CFD boss said they are being taught "techniques" regarding protesters. I don't want to get too specific about what was said, trolls are watching.
Hmmmm, will CFD be deputized for the G8? Maybe this is why that vague deputization clause was hidden in the latest ordinance.
Checking the money box every day and 3 canceled RDO's in the mix too!
That's like a minimum of 71 hours!!!
Plus if I'm super lucky a late arrest just b4 check off to squeeze the orange just a little more and push the 100 hour mark for the period!!!
Mister Mayor, who's going to protects my babies in Englewoods when all dem Police's is downtown, shoooot maaaan you know what im saying dog?
Hey Mcjersey. When you come into foyer filled with Coppers.. How about speaking to a couple people before going downstairs to make out with Biggane.
Who was broad walking around in fuck me heels... Heard she was exempt... No flats in closet?
The City's nearly 12,000 strong police force???
We could only wish.
Knock about two thousand off that and it's accurate.
I know I'm checking the money box and I don't want to damn I.O.U. Either. And to public don't be fooled paying us time and a half is a bargain considering we re going to be dealing with professional agitators who use every trick in the book to get the police to beat them so they can sue the city and fund their next protest. Being spit on, hit with G_d only knows what bodily fluids these jerks are using,and the long work hours is worth way more than we re actually going to paid.
15 year old with no criminal record killed Englewood last night. Family talking about his life was on "57th" Yeah because he was a fucking GD from there. Go look at his facebook. Gang signs, "Flin Boyz" "Gettin off dat loud"
Oh Wow..........Overtime !
I Can't Wait. Gee Wiz, Overtime !
I Feel A Lot Better, Now.
Twelve Hours of Dealing With Trained Anarchists, bent on causing disruption, instead of Eight.
Boy O Boy, Overtime !
Is it true they cleared the entire det floor at area 1? Where r people working on their cases?
Get ready.....cause we know the OEMC traffic aides can't help at all.
"The added hours will result in more money in the pockets of police...." as if we had enough money already and "Damn those greedy police officers for not working for free."
Its going to look great during contract negeoations.
The city's nearly 12,000-strong police.........
I thought the article was about the Chicago Police Department.
you must have quoted the wrong article. Everyone knows CPD has less than 9000 Sworn.
I wouldn't be surprised if the OT is Federal money and has to be taken in cash.
So now it's mandatory OT? Can they make u work it?
If we are supposed to have gotten rid of house mice, why does the first deputy still have a driver?
12 hr days suck. The city has failed it's budgeted obligation to maintain a fully staffed,competent police dept. now they are playing cover-up. If you work days and think you'll miss getting pulled into the mayhem,think again. Now is the time for an F.O.P. led class action lawsuit against the city for subjecting officers to unnecessary hazards. We should have adequate manpower on ANY watch to address any incident that arises. Once the city gets its foot in the 12 hr day door watch for that to be put on the table for contact negotiations. WE NEED TO STOP BEING PUSSIES...NOW!
How come the city doesnt keep up the amount of officers that retire,quit,pass away,go on disability,or get fired? I understand that 2500 positions were eliminated from the budget, but it doesn't excuse the city with keeping up with atrition. Every month at least 30 officer retire, the city has prior notice of said retirements, so why doesn't the city have any plans to replace these officers ASAP? Our numbers keep shrinking and it's getting really dangerous out there. I hope we don't ever have to bury one of own again and God help the city if it does happen due to lack of manpower!
I'm gonna hit the money box on these assholes for doing this stupid shit!
Make the City and Feds pay!
Da Pelon
12,000 officers? Where are they?
So instead of having a properly manned police force, we will force the already over-extended officers to work longer shifts. Sound like a plan. Thanks Mr. Mayor.
Wait a minute!!!
Did anyone else catch the connection?!?!
The Rahmster cut the TASTE OF CHICAGO in half and moved it to after Independence Day.
All the budget for police overtime for 2012 will be spent on G-8 and NATO.
There will be none for TASTE OF CHICAGO, for burglaries, for felony upgrades, for murders.
And it's all OUR fault.
Show me the money
Sorry this is off topic SCC, but I just heard that Capt. TL is now an inspector and no longer at Gangs.......any truth to this? Also what is gonna become of Sgt. RK aka burger king, now that he has no ones ass to kiss and since the other Lt.s know his MO?
1/3 of the new and improved CPD is about 4,000 police. Homeland security advises at least 6,500 to handle these two events. I think we're a little light.
Yep I'm sure it was us greedy police officers who asked to have these summits. Yep greedy ass pooleeces
Another rumor out there is about all district rapid cars being asigned to their areas. 014,015,016,017 and 025 all working out of the area once the detectives leave. A new type of unit for saturation.
So does this beg to question that we are way undermanned for this event? I dont wish any ill will towards any of us, but i hope that 2000 officers go down with sprained ankles, knees, soft tissue damage that will require 6 weeks or more off and the taxpayers will see what their elected officials have done to their public safety.
this overtime is MANDATORY!!!!this is due to lack of manpower!WAKE UP MEDIA!!DONT DRINK DA KOOL AID OF DA MAYOR!!AND CRIME IS UP NOT DOWN!!
Scc, do you think you made the list?
The Feds will never pay and the city will eat the costs.
Yes, SCC, we will probably be painted as "greedy" because we will be earning a VERY SMALL amount of overtime pay for this event.
Nevertheless, even with all of this money, we will be paupers compared to the Exalted Rahm Emanuel Family. When Rahm works for the government, a supposed "public servant," he REALLY knows how to game the system. Never forget how Rahm mercilessly took advantage of the taxpayers when he "worked," I mean attended, 6 meetings for Freddie Mac, just a few short years ago:
Chicago Tribune: March 26, 2009: RAHM EMANUEL MADE $400,000 FOR ATTENDING JUST 6 MEETINGS AT FREDDIE MAC. "The board met no more than six times a year. Unlike most fellow directors, Emanuel was not assigned to any of the board's working committees, according to company proxy statements. Immediately upon joining the board, Emanuel and other new directors qualified for $380,000 in stock and options plus a $20,000annual fee, records indicate."
There is NOTHING that Rahm could possibly do for Freddie Mac that could reasonably or ethically justify taking $400,000 from a government-related agency for simply parking his butt at 6 of their meetings over an entire year, with no committee responsibilities at all, according to the Tribune!
Nice example, Mayor Rahm Emanuel! When will the taxpayers wake up and realize this Rahm guy is a first-rate ethically-challenged con-artist.
Occupy City Hall, and demand Rahm's resignation!
Every time I think that HackyMac can't say anything more stupid, he never fails to amaze me.......does Rahm, The Impaler expect us to do this shit for nothing?
Fuck both of you.
Also, fuck you to Steinberg, Goude and Mitchell
Just wondering how much Rham and company are going to skim off this little adventure?
And it starts here. Says: Divide and Conquer
Im all for the overtime, but why is it that we learn these things through the media.
don't worry Gary. don't mind if i do. i plan to double the hours on the books from this event and get few things done around the house. don't worry about me. i'll make it work for me one way or another. after all...
12000 strong? Maybe if you count actual boots on the ground, as each po has 2 feet....
Anonymous said...
Anyone who though Carothers or Kulbida weren't pieces of shit, check out their latest move.
Kulbida was given permission to take over the old WC's office and kick the lt's out. Not only did he kick them out but he made them empty out the lockers the watches used to store equipment. Oh yeah he had the guns taken out of there also.
1/05/2012 07:01:00 AM
And this affects you how, exactly? I don't worry about what the bosses do. Not worth the calories expended on such thoughts....
check the money box? NO WAY. with bank rates the way they are, with deferred comp tanking, with the market in shambles, I'll take TIME...it will INCREASE IN VALUE when I cash it out.... Essentially, you are making them pay you way more in the end...plus, it keeps your salary low for tax time. if you makd 33 now, in 20 years you can cash out at 90... that is triple in 20 years.... just my opinion. Now, let the "you are hair gel, screw you, back in my day, look kiddo, etc" comments commence...
know that there are 2 sides to this issue, but in reality it is always better to check the time box and to save as much as possible for the final buy out when you retire. The time is worth more and more each year with raises, and makes a nice retirement bonus. Obviously with a young family and other responsibilities that is not always possible, but my advice is to use the time box as much as possible.
1/05/2012 09:22:00 AM
yeah , keep thinking that. or you could enjoy that time while you are young and have a family and friends. secondly you could enjoy the money at a lower tax bracket now. that retirement bonus only comes if your alive and well, and is spread out over several years.
Has any PO been caught over the limit on the random breathalyzer ?
Sounds familiar?
In order to cut costs, the new budget will thus eliminate positions from the armed forces and initiate changes to the pension and health care plans for military vets.
Those changes will help balance the Defense Department’s budget as the Pentagon unveils that it will continue to invest billions in cutting edge weaponry and cyberspace capabilities.
Anonymous said...
Anyone who though Carothers or Kulbida weren't pieces of shit, check out their latest move.
Kulbida was given permission to take over the old WC's office and kick the lt's out. Not only did he kick them out but he made them empty out the lockers the watches used to store equipment. Oh yeah he had the guns taken out of there also.
does it surprise anyone? carothers is dumb for letting bubblehead do as he pleases.bubblehead is the powerhungry stroke in this case.
bald headed xo kicks lts out of his office , keep close tabs on his starting and quiting time
does he change in and out of uniform on company time
where are the inspectors
iad and inspectors should check if xo's swipe in and out everyday
pam zekman , where areyoo
xo's receive almost 20,000 a year in comp time + quarterly pay checks for doing nothing
sgts acrually work late to check off beat cars and report early to complete supervisor log
let the xo or new captain inspector be the station supervisor
Michael said...
so I guess it is no longer a rumor--- 1st and 2nd watch will cover the district in 12 hour shifts and 3rd watch will be sent to a foot post somewhere--- 12 hours on your feet for maybe a week in a row--- ouch--- where do you eat, where do you find a clean bathroom to use, how will officers get downtown--- I just did a quick calculation on o/t for myself ( based on 5/15-5/22) checking the money box for everything it came out to 3210.00 before tax--- if the federal government doesn't pay this their is no way in hell the city will pay it....
1/05/2012 10:58:00 AM
Who cares about breaks, food and bathrooms. You will stand your post until relieved. That is your duty. The white shirts have the command posts.
Permitting or scheduling lieutenants to work overtime when a sergeant is available as Station Supervisor needs to be grieved by the Sergeants Association if it isn't already. The Department got the Captains out of the way and created the XO and Station Supervisor positions as way to avoid paying Out-of-Grade. The Department (shockingly/roll eyes) isn't holding up their end of the bargain.
So now it's mandatory OT? Can they make u work it?
1/05/2012 02:20:00 PM
Duh, yeah.
How can you not know this?
Oh, wait; I'll bet you have 'childcare issues'.
15yr old shoot in Englewood last night...(on the news) He was a great kid and Doting Father!!!! Ha!
Permitting or scheduling lieutenants to work overtime when a sergeant is available as Station Supervisor needs to be grieved by the Sergeants Association if it isn't already. The Department got the Captains out of the way and created the XO and Station Supervisor positions as way to avoid paying Out-of-Grade. The Department (shockingly/roll eyes) isn't holding up their end of the bargain.
1/05/2012 06:37:00 PM
Station Supervisor scheduling was delayed until Sunday...Some districts are starting early, but Patrol sent e-mail to start Sunday.....also, no PO's pissed hot yet for alcohol, but last year, when supv's were being tested, 2 Sgts and 1 Lt got caught.
The WC- sorry, Station Supervisor- in 16 told us that Commander and the XO are having a staff meeting with the Lts asking them for suggestions on how to make the "new system" work. Let's see, f@$k the Lts out of Captain pay, leave them NO hope of ever getting promoted to Capt, meaning there is no chance of Sgts making Lt to fill those spots nor for PO's to make Sgt.
Do it THEN ask them "now how do we make it work?"
Here's what we told the Lt. "let THEM figure it out". His response was "I don't care if anyone does another shred of work, just back each other up and go home safe. Let the braintrusts figure the rest out"
This is Rahms way. Play everything out in the media first and give it his slant so that if we fight it, we are the bad guys. Too bad our unions are so useless.
To the poster inquiring about the female exempt in heels, it is downtown EB's former Lt KM. She works in the compstat unit. Word at HQ is that she has been coming in every day during her furlough to follow the boss around.
sgts acrually work late to check off beat cars and report early to complete supervisor log
Surely you jest. Let's not play these pimpy games or we can have inspectors and your friend Pam Zekman looking for you when you duck.
Sorry this is off topic SCC, but I just heard that Capt. TL is now an inspector..
True, Leo did not rquest him or want him.
Anonymous said...
Anyone who though Carothers or Kulbida weren't pieces of shit, check out their latest move.
Kulbida was given permission to take over the old WC's office and kick the lt's out. Not only did he kick them out but he made them empty out the lockers the watches used to store equipment. Oh yeah he had the guns taken out of there also.
1/05/2012 07:01:00 AM
And this affects you how, exactly? I don't worry about what the bosses do. Not worth the calories expended on such thoughts....
Probably because it's one of the bitch Lt's or "watch secretaries"...waaaaaaaaa
11;09am>cfd will begin classes on the g8 summit soon very soon,shhhhhh.
Mister Mayor, who's going to protects my babies in Englewoods when all dem Police's is downtown, shoooot maaaan you know what im saying dog?
1/05/2012 11:18:00 AM
have no fear, babycakes, i'll be there.
Ask Bubblehead if he ever paid back the money he stole from the 11th District golf outing. He should have been fired years ago, the thief!
Anyone who though Carothers or Kulbida weren't pieces of shit, check out their latest move.
Kulbida was given permission to take over the old WC's office and kick the lt's out. Not only did he kick them out but he made them empty out the lockers the watches used to store equipment. Oh yeah he had the guns taken out of there also.
1/05/2012 07:01:00 AM
Yes and by 9:00 a.m. the call was made to the dep. chief. The door was opened, the rifles brought back down, and the Lt. was back sitting inside the office.
I know that there are 2 sides to this issue, but in reality it is always better to check the time box and to save as much as possible for the final buy out when you retire. The time is worth more and more each year with raises, and makes a nice retirement bonus. Obviously with a young family and other responsibilities that is not always possible, but my advice is to use the time box as much as possible.
1/05/2012 09:22:00 AM
check the money box? NO WAY. with bank rates the way they are, with deferred comp tanking, with the market in shambles, I'll take TIME...it will INCREASE IN VALUE when I cash it out.... Essentially, you are making them pay you way more in the end...plus, it keeps your salary low for tax time. if you makd 33 now, in 20 years you can cash out at 90... that is triple in 20 years.... just my opinion. Now, let the "you are hair gel, screw you, back in my day, look kiddo, etc" comments commence...
1/05/2012 05:54:00 PM
do you rahmballs munchkins really think that we can't smell you?
Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching!
if i had a choice they could keep the $. its forced O.T, they are not doing you a favor. whatever, either way.
Dont worry they'll take back any money surplus you make in the next contract...
02:20 Of course they can make you work overtime. Show me anything in the contract that forbids mandatory overtime. Happens everyday for dets working a homicide, beat man making a good arrest, etc.
Do you realize you are on the CPD? This isn't a 9-5 weekend off job, but my guess is for you it probably is or close to it.
10:58 Four men to a car to get downtown, port a pottys for washrooms, and a box lunch provided by the city would be my guess
OT: While they bitch about us being paid legitimate overtime for two simultaneous summits Rahm BEGGED the President for, THIS is going on.
From the Washington Post:
"Harry Thomas Jr. resigned Thursday night, hours after he became the first sitting D.C. Council member to be charged with a felony, when federal prosecutors accused him of embezzling more than $350,000 in government funds and filing false tax returns.
In a statement issued shortly after 8 p.m., Thomas said: “I am resigning my position as a member of the Council effective immediately. I made some very serious mistakes and exhibited inadequate and flawed judgment. I take full responsibility for my actions. I am truly sorry.”
A plea hearing in the case has been scheduled for Friday morning before U.S. District Judge John D. Bates, and in his statement, the Ward 5 Democrat said he would plead guilty to two federal crimes."
02:36 Class action suit by the FOP sounds like a great idea. They should file it soon so it gets through the courts by say December 2013 if lucky. That will really help. More than likely 2nd watch will get pulled in, there will be extra manpower as furlos will not take place, inside people don't need 12 hours to do their jobs so some could be detailed. Alot of available manpower on days, school officers and officers doing anything pertaining to the schools wont be needed the extra 4 hours when the schools are closed
Anonymous said...
So now it's mandatory OT? Can they make u work it?
1/05/2012 02:20:00 PM
Yes they can. Check your job description. Maybe you should have read it before you actually took the job asshat!
06:42 They have 4 months to take care of the "issues"
You ain't getting a break. 12 hours on the line. When that is done you will go into the station to process your dozen arrestees. Who do you think will fill out your arrest report for you? Your secretary??
Anonymous said...
Has any PO been caught over the limit on the random breathalyzer ?
1/05/2012 06:00:00 PM
Morning of the 4th! P/O from 007 blew a .09! Was drinking until 2300 the night before, and the early roll-call was his demise. If you lads have any sense at all, and you are out drinking the night before you have to work, you'll call and take 8 hours. Better to lose your time than your job!
Its going to look great during contract negeoations.
1/05/2012 01:11:00 PM
negeoations???? WTF not even close. I'm not the spelling police but Fuck man come on lol. Don't make all us cops look so fucking dumb.
So now it's mandatory OT? Can they make u work it?
1/05/2012 02:20:00 PM
Yes that's why you get that duty availability check that you bitch about them taking away in the next contract.
If we are supposed to have gotten rid of house mice, why does the first deputy still have a driver?
1/05/2012 02:35:00 PM
Why do we still have 5 people working the desk? Why do we still have 2 watch secretaries working together each day on the same watch? Why do we have 10-12 people working in the commanders office? Why do we have phony foot posts and made up incident cars on the sheets but never on the streets? It's called the CPD that's why!!!
sgts acrually work late to check off beat cars and report early to complete supervisor log
1/05/2012 06:18:00 PM
LOL who the fuck are you kidding? They don't come in early, they do their logs after roll call as they sit in the station for 2 hours before hitting the streets. And as for the staying late and earning the extra .75 a day on the books. Bullshit. Sgts tell the troops to come in and check off early or leave the check off sheet on the desk while they are driving home. The extra time is the biggest scam going. Almost as bad as the 2 Lts splitting 4 hours a day working between them. It's all legit
"15 year old with no criminal record killed Englewood last night. Family talking about his life was on '57th' Yeah because he was a fucking GD from there. Go look at his facebook. Gang signs, 'Flin Boyz' 'Gettin off dat loud'"
Did you also notice in that same article they called him a doting father?
It was almost as if they couldn't decide whether to pigeon-hole him as a "teen" or a "family man".
if i work an extra 4 hours, i can generate another two event numbers.
Since when do we have 12,000 uniformed working Police Officers ?
1/05/2012 07:48:00 AM
I think it was a typo - 12,000 uninformed....
Permitting or scheduling lieutenants to work overtime when a sergeant is available as Station Supervisor needs to be grieved by the Sergeants Association if it isn't already. The Department got the Captains out of the way and created the XO and Station Supervisor positions as way to avoid paying Out-of-Grade. The Department (shockingly/roll eyes) isn't holding up their end of the bargain.
1/05/2012 06:37:00 PM
A/5 DC office says any out of grade slips for station supervisor duties are to be returned "denied."
023. Burger king made all of us at the late roll call stand at attention at Lemmon head's last official roll call. He even told one senior officer that he better stand up or be reprimanded. Now lemmon head is gone, poor sgt. BK has nobody's balls to fondle any longer. Maybe now might be a good time to get his feet fixed, before he wears out his knees with our next boss.
The Feds will never pay and the city will eat the costs.
1/05/2012 04:49:00 PM
Shit... More like the feds already gave the city its money and its gone already!
As a civilian, I get pretty angry during the Taste when there is so little police presence in the neighborhoods so that CPD can work down there. This is another example of CPD and other City services(I'm not blaming you guys)being diverted to some Mayoral dream project that is meaningless to most of us.
How about a rebate on my property taxes, Rahm?
+ 1
We are just paying for someone's political resume builder.
A civilian.
Ewwwwww, look at those nasty protesters tearing up the city. Eww look now the protesters are smashing out those windows. Honey badger don't care, honey badger don't give a shit!
1/05/2012 10:30:00 AM
Fucking Hilarious!!
Any PO bid to the 3rd watch and assigned to a detail other than what he/she is assigned to during the summit, or ANY OTHER TIME; FILE A GRIEVANCE!!!!!
Will the brass please try something new. Instead of informing officers thru the media, can you send out a memo so officers and their families can make arrangements for day care etc. since you are disrupting many lives and families. Somehow the higher ups feel the messed up lives and schedules of most officers isn't bad enough. They need to keep everyone in the dark until the last minute. Similar to disbanding units and springing new assignments and hours on us with 2 days notice.
To the whiner in 023 , do you really need the 30 bucks in out of grade or the title for the day. Keep it not worth the 20 bucks take home.
Who is the sgt. in 023 on third watch crying to be a station sup. Get a life
LOL who the fuck are you kidding? They don't come in early, they do their logs after roll call as they sit in the station for 2 hours before hitting the streets. And as for the staying late and earning the extra .75 a day on the books. Bullshit. Sgts tell the troops to come in and check off early or leave the check off sheet on the desk while they are driving home. The extra time is the biggest scam going. Almost as bad as the 2 Lts splitting 4 hours a day working between them. It's all legit
1/05/2012 10:28:00 PM
Thanks for bringing that up. Let's start those roll calls on the hour and x-off waits until the end of tour. Good eye officer. SPARs for everyone Mr. XO.
Anonymous said...
Total bullshit. At least they're not using that pie in the sky figure of 13,500.
1/05/2012 11:04:00 AM"
McGeneralissimo said outside the Owens funeral that he had 13,000 police working the case. I'm supprised he wasn't struck by lightning when walked into church.
XO's are required to swipe in and out , where is iad and inspectors to monitor this .
02:46 Can't any officer be detailed to anyplace for 90 days. Bidding to the 3rd watch doesn't guarantee you a permanent assignment
I will do the job with no out of grade pay! I am a team player!
I guarantee a lot of those Sgt.s in 023 I mean the new 019 are gonna be in for a real treat.....if you think they are gonna keep 49 Sgt.s in one district your drinking the kool aid..... And and Sgt. RK (burger king) on 3rd watch will likely get sent to the ghetto for the first time in his career....and here's the real sweet thing, Sgt. BK has the new Inspector Capt.TL ( already dumped from gangs) cell phone.... Overheard him salivating about really going after the blue shirts via Inspector TL..... he's got his cell number and can't wait to pimp out coppers to inspector Lemonhead....have fun on 3rd watch in 023 no, I mean 019 boys and girls......
take a poll. i'm sure the vast majority of officers don't want the g8/nato crap here no matter how much overtime we get. a little extra money isn't worth the garaunteed injuries and lawsuits that are on the horizon.
Boot's on the ground! HA HA
Class action suit by the FOP sounds like a great idea.
For what? For a suit to be successful, there has to be damage. How are you being damaged? By making you do your job? You are a police officer. You signed up to protect people. The department and the city say that you are needed in this emergency situation. Whether it turns out to be an emergency is neither here nor there. They think it will be, so we have to step up. You'll get paid. Do your fucking job and quit whining. Two days after it's over you will be back to your usual routine: driving around aimlessly all day hoping that nothing happens so you can go home and eat ramen noodles in your Moms basement.
03:20 Love it, a refreshing change. Most of the comments are sue for safety issues, sue for not providing security for desk crews, sue for not enough police, sue for mandatory overtime a suit is the answer for everything.
Anonymous said...
I know that there are 2 sides to this issue, but in reality it is always better to check the time box and to save as much as possible for the final buy out when you retire. The time is worth more and more each year with raises, and makes a nice retirement bonus. Obviously with a young family and other responsibilities that is not always possible, but my advice is to use the time box as much as possible.
1/05/2012 09:22:00 AM
check the money box? NO WAY. with bank rates the way they are, with deferred comp tanking, with the market in shambles, I'll take TIME...it will INCREASE IN VALUE when I cash it out.... Essentially, you are making them pay you way more in the end...plus, it keeps your salary low for tax time. if you makd 33 now, in 20 years you can cash out at 90... that is triple in 20 years.... just my opinion. Now, let the "you are hair gel, screw you, back in my day, look kiddo, etc" comments commence...
1/05/2012 05:54:00 PM
do you rahmballs munchkins really think that we can't smell you?
1/05/2012 08:45:00 PM
Yeah dickhead I'm really trying to trick you, although based on your comment that would be easy enough. Maybe somebody should show you how to add, subtract and multiply, or show you how to use a calculator. I am trying to figure out if you are just a fool or a fool and an asshole.
BTW, I wrote the first comment.
McGeneralissimo said outside the Owens funeral that he had 13,000 police working the case. I'm supprised he wasn't struck by lightning when walked into church.
1/06/2012 06:19:00 AM
The Owens funeral. If you are referring to slain police officer Cliff Lewis please get the name correct or else you sound like a real ass!!
Thanks for bringing that up. Let's start those roll calls on the hour and x-off waits until the end of tour. Good eye officer. SPARs for everyone Mr. XO.
1/06/2012 05:49:00 AM
How about Mr. XO (lol) maybe you work a full tour also. Christ its been day 4 of this bullshit overpaid unnecessary position for you and you can't even work a full tour. Blow me and stick your overpaid not earned position you meritorious promoted hack.
take a poll. i'm sure the vast majority of officers don't want the g8/nato crap here no matter how much overtime we get. a little extra money isn't worth the garaunteed injuries and lawsuits that are on the horizon.
1/06/2012 01:30:00 PM
Yeah, take a poll. They'll definitely cancel both summits because they find out the police would prefer they don't convene them in Chicago.
Interesting. I work in 007 on the 2nr watch. I was working early roll call that morning as you say. Funny I didn't hear about this on the 4th of July or anytime since. Please explain why he was sent to blow on the 4th of July since taking the breathalyzer test for P.O.s just started January 1st 2012. More rumors????
Sorry I apologize. I reread the post. And I see it wasn't the 4th of July. My fault. But didn't hear anything about Jan 4th if that's what you referring to. Must have been kept hush hush.
Anonymous said...
The WC- sorry, Station Supervisor- in 16 told us that Commander and the XO are having a staff meeting with the Lts asking them for suggestions on how to make the "new system" work. Let's see, f@$k the Lts out of Captain pay, leave them NO hope of ever getting promoted to Capt, meaning there is no chance of Sgts making Lt to fill those spots nor for PO's to make Sgt.
Do it THEN ask them "now how do we make it work?"
Here's what we told the Lt. "let THEM figure it out". His response was "I don't care if anyone does another shred of work, just back each other up and go home safe. Let the braintrusts figure the rest out"
1/05/2012 07:37:00 PM
if the commander asks me how to make it work. i'll tell him to go F@!* HIMSELF. thats how to make it work.
There is only one way to hurt the city in a time like this ;
Everytime, comp-time is like letting them use a credit card. Squeeze them dry........
They will never like us but, they will learn to respect us for doing it. It will only work if everyone gets on board.
P/O checking the money box.
Anonymous said...
Lt Sesso, 011. It was a pleasure working for you. In my over 20 years, I've never worked for a better WC. Hate we're losing you. You 1st watch guys have no idea how fortunate you are.
1/06/2012 07:57:00 AM
PLEASE TELL ME HE'S TRANSFERING TO 010? He is a good boss.
McGeneralissimo said outside the Owens funeral that he had 13,000 police working the case. I'm supprised he wasn't struck by lightning when walked into church.
1/06/2012 06:19:00 AM
Owens is dead? He was sitting next to me at roll call yesterday. I thought he smelled a little ripe. Apparently the zombie wars have started and nobody sounded the alarm?
if the commander asks me how to make it work. i'll tell him to go F@!* HIMSELF. thats how to make it work.
1/07/2012 12:58:00 AM
Sure you will Mr. Blog muscles
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