Thursday, April 18, 2013

Gun Control Bill Fails in DC

And the president throws all sorts of temper tantrums, blaming the minority Republicans for obstructing the bill and amendments.

Last we checked, there was a democratic majority in the Senate and the Obama/Biden team couldn't even hold that together.  Mark Kirk (RINO-IL) voted with the democrats on each and every amendment, but in the end, it was between 4 and 8 democrats defecting to minimize the damage to their own reelection chances that sank this.

Gallup even came out with a poll that said only 4% of Americans think gun control is an important issue:
  • Only 4 percent of Americans think guns and gun control are an important problem facing the country, according to Gallup, and far more Americans are concerned about the economy, unemployment and the federal debt.
About as many people are concerned about gun control and are concerned about North Korea - and the Norks are threatening us with nuclear annihilation on a near daily basis.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for Mark Kirk, but I won't make that mistake twice.

4/18/2013 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The calls for "gun control" and rallies to stop "gun violence" are all media related. The only way to keep the focus on violence in Chicago is to narrow it down to one specific topic or category or the press can not or will not carry the story.

4/18/2013 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats hold 53 seats, and Republicans hold 45 seats, and there are two independents. The Bill needed 60 votes to pass. Just because Democrats are in the Majority, doesn't mean they can get a Bill passed.

4/18/2013 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch this, and you decide.

4/18/2013 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

useless politicians

Gotta keep pulling levers, flashing lights, and blowing smoke-- from behind the curtain-- in order to keep the gravy train flowing

politicians are in the same boat as welfare recipients-- don't do any work and leach off of tax money

4/18/2013 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"For Obama, stinging gun bill defeat is personal and political"

The problem with this guy, other than his arrogance, is that he doesn't understand what's going on.

Aside from being angry because he looks like an ass, he's got a lot to learn.

Most gun owners want nothing more than to be left alone. Mr. Biden spoke of a "conversation" and
you'll often hear the word "compromise" thrown about by the anti-gunners.

What conversation? What compromise?

They bring NOTHING to the table and are surprised when they leave empty-handed.

OFFER SOMETHING, Mr. President. I'd LOVE to be able to buy a handgun, out of state, without having to go through an FFL holder. If these "background checks" you propose are so effective, interstate purchases should be no big deal.

Or how about this: Nationwide concealed carry for CCW holders?

Give gun owners something and you might just get something in return.


4/18/2013 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HB 0997, the ISRA supported version of Concealed Carry will be coming up for a vote at any time. It is urgently important that you take action immediately.


1. Call your State Representative and politely inform them that you are a law-abiding Illinois firearm owner and that you want them to vote “YES” on HB0997. If you do not know who your state representative is, the Illinois State Board of Elections has an interactive search page here:

If you know who your representative is, you can find their contact info here:

2. Politely inform your representative that you OPPOSE any bill that is a “MAY ISSUE”

3. Be sure to pass this alert on to your friends and family and ask them to make calls as well.

4. Be sure to post this alert to any and all Internet blogs and bulletin boards to which you belong.

A big thank you to all who made calls this morning on the amendment for HB831. It did not pass, but could always get another amendment and get called again.

Your participation is making a difference!

4/18/2013 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous xcop7903 said...

POtuS sure was a lot more emotional about the gun vote than he was about Boston the day before. How many were shot and killed in Shitcago while he was a do-nothing commune-ity agitator, a do-nothing state senator, a do-nothing US senator? While his "angry" wife was pulling down six figures for a no show job at U. of Chicago Hospital? Phonies, both of them.

4/18/2013 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama scared our friends and family into buying guns. Most of them do not like guns but now feel the need for them. Luckily they bought late last year before the firearm supplies were plentiful. Obama forced more citizens to buy guns and ammo than hitler, castro, and osama combined. Yes with the most strict gun laws we have the highest gun related crimes in the nation. Thanks to our liberal koolaid drinking judges and two faced revs and alder savages this will continue on. Violent acts witnessed at ford city mall is coming to your block. Its not a matter of if but when.

4/18/2013 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it, rich politicians with police or secret service protection, rich people with private body guards telling the rest of us to call government sponsored dial a prayer (911) and wait minutes for the police when seconds count.

4/18/2013 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is this the very same Gallup poll the news outlets and the Great Black Dad that said 90% of americans approve and want expanded background checks?
the reason why he is having a tantrum is he was taught a valuable lesson on
how "democracy" works.If "90%" really wanted this it would have been a done deal. he learned that americans DO care about the Constitution and their rights
(love how USSC shot little lisa madigan down)

4/18/2013 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Mt Greenwood Hillbilly said...

Only 4 percent of Americans think guns and gun control are an important problem facing the country...

But getting over on We The People is important to 96% of Liberal Democrats.

4/18/2013 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"only 4% of Americans think gun control is an important issue" equals a loud minority that thinks/wants gun control.

Gun control is not meant to protect the American People.

Gun control is meant to protect the American Government from the American people. The American government is headed toward a Socialism and do not want a public that can defend what they earned from those who seek to "redistribute their wealth".

As far as the Norks go, remember what Admiral Yamaoto supposedly said about invading America. "It would be impossible; there would be a gun behind every blade of grass."

I was just watching a History Channel program on people who are prepared to defend themselves in case of a breakdown of American society. One person was from South Korea and said that gun control there kept the citizens from owning guns and left them defenseless. So if the Norks invades the Souks(?) these people would be screwed.

Now why didn't Hitler or other despots invade Switzerland? Because every Swiss household is in the militia and has their weapon and ammo at the ready.

Why is the U.S government buying a billion and a half rounds of hollow point ammo and armored vehicles yet they refuse to use these tools and personnel to secure our borders? Who are they preparing to war against?

4/18/2013 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck that cocksucker Kirk.

Vote for the Dem next time just to punish him.

He's anti- gun.

He's pro-amnesty.

....and would love to cut your pension.

4/18/2013 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless the NRA!

If only my taxes worked as well as my NRA dues and donations do.

4/18/2013 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey socialist scum, how does it feel when Americans tell you to go fuck yourselves and your socialist policies? Get used to it. You pushed too far. People are waking up. They're beginning to remember that they're still free and your way only leads to slavery.

4/18/2013 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama was standing at that podium throwing a temper tantrum. Nice try asshole your not taking anyone's guns away you prick!!

4/18/2013 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kirk needs to be replaced. He has turned into "Durbin Light".

4/18/2013 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for Mark Kirk, but I won't make that mistake twice.

Agreed and I suggest since there is bound to another vote or amendment, send Mr Kirk an e-mail or fax or phone call and let him know what your views are and this about what we think and want not his personal feelings. We are the ones that vote and he only gets 1. I did and if enough people do he will get the message

4/18/2013 08:49:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...


4/18/2013 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U.S. Defense Dept. to Stage Night Drills in Tinley Park.

The exercises, which will include local public safety agencies, will be run the nights of April 23 and 24 and will involve helicopter operations and breaching buildings using live explosives.

4/18/2013 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God it failed. However, it's not over yet unfortunately. They will keep coming at us and will continue to use the families of Sandy Hook as propaganda. I wouldn't be surprised if some parents of the victims get backing to run for political seats in the future to try to come after guns again. And that goof Michael Bloomberg could throw money behind them too.

4/18/2013 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know,what's more important,having a gun in my hand as the nuc's approach or not having a gun in my hand ? That is the question?

4/18/2013 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To add to the comment on the amount of firearms held by the non-military arms of the government, this headline appeared this week.

"Why Do The Philadelphia Police Have 1,356 Full-Auto M-16s?"

And Ramsey is quoted as trying to figure out where a couple of them disappeared to. Surprise Surprise

4/18/2013 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really believe that our government should focus on real issues like restoring our manufacturing in this country. This would result in jobs thereby people will spend money on homes, cars etc. We all know criminals get their guns illegally and no matter what they propose it will only affect the law abiding citizen. It is the person behind the gun that kills people not the gun itself.

4/18/2013 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats hold 53 seats, and Republicans hold 45 seats, and there are two independents. The Bill needed 60 votes to pass. Just because Democrats are in the Majority, doesn't mean they can get a Bill passed.
4/18/2013 12:56:00 AM

Exactly. If the 5 Dems who voted against had voted for it, it would have gotten 59 votes, still short. The Dems knew this, so those 5 were free to vote against it to help themselves.

4/18/2013 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give gun owners something and you might just get something in return.


4/18/2013 01:10:00 AM

your progressive panties are showing.

or is it a thong you're wearing?

try selling that 'bring something to the table' shit to your liberal butt buddies.

'gun owners' already have had our 2nd Amendment Rights infringed upon, since 1968, hell, since 1934.

if you want a 'flexible' Constitution and Bill of Rights, just say so.

4/18/2013 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it the liberals want to do a background check on all citizens who wish to exercise their 2nd amendment rights, but we can't do it on suspected illegals in this country or the democratic candidate for president on '08?

4/18/2013 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is the U.S government buying a billion and a half rounds of hollow point ammo and armored vehicles yet they refuse to use these tools and personnel to secure our borders? Who are they preparing to war against?

4/18/2013 04:08:00 AM

what might be the next free handouts to their voting base?

a pistol and a box of ammo with every link card?

4/18/2013 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gleaned from the Scum-Times online comments section regarding POTUS Sparkle-Farts constantly surrounding himself with unwitting dupes/human props to help drive his gun-snatching agenda...

"Tragedy Pimp"

Good GOD does that tidily sum up the yellow-pinky liberal gun snatching agenda!

These are some of the most genuinely disingenuous, disconnected and willfully blind people EVER!

Instead of showing political back-bone and putting teeth in existing laws to KEEP GUNS OUT OF THE HANDS OF CRIMINALS, they keep pushing legislation to TAKE GUNS OUT OF THE HANDS of people qualified and desirous of owning them and carrying them.

TRUTH: Criminals are just that... They will ALWAYS find a way to illegally obtain guns or any other weapon or thing which they are expressly forbidden by law to have in their hot, sweaty little hands.

WHAT PURPOSE is served by constantly trying to slide through legislation that is thoroughly beshat with gun-grabberism in the false hope that CRIMINALS will fall in line?

Or are they really telling the American People who know the true intent of 2A to fuck themselves and be prepared to be rendered totally defenseless?


The liberals will do what their confréres in the Catered to Constituency do.

Look up high and ask the sky "WHHYYYYY?"

We figure The Good Lord loves a man who knows he won't make a good victim and acts accordingly.

God's Law and the Law of Nature to fight back when you and yours are threatened.

The yellow-pinky Trotskyite, liberal nanny statists have a problem with "fighting back" in the first place.

It's a BIG PROBLEM if aware, informed and stubbornly refuse to be bullshitted people fight against them, their rapturous visions (which are a nightmare to the common sense man) and agenda.

Sparkle-Farts threw a hissy like a 10 year old girl.

(From what we've seen, he throws like one too... He had no good rough, tough, hard and upright fightin', drinkin' and cussin' men to teach him some "man" things.)

And like a 10 year old girl, he is going to try and have his vengeance against the American People by way of Executive Order.

Of which he has cut quite a few since he can't "govern" the way he wants to.

Sign of a failed presidency...

He's smarter than the whole of the entire Republic and it galls him that people won't acknowledge that and let him have his way.

A hollow poot-butt foisted on this nation by Daley Inc., the criminal political media cabal of Chicago and the Illinois Combine to shield them from federal prosecution for their 40+ year conspiracy of epic theft from the tax payers and the ugly conjoined effort to prevent the tax payers from seeking relief and redress via the ballot...

The system has been gamed and every safeguard compromised...

Funny... The main ones pushing "gun control" are the politicians who destroyed the earning power, sense of relative security and safety, sense of freedom and the ability to enjoy the hard earned fruits of your labors and the joy of passing on a little of that fruit, whole and unfucked with to your children...

Heh... *You Coppers are wild and out of control! You think old fashioned and funny thoughts that scare us!*

4/18/2013 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama said is his cry baby speech that 90% of Americans W A N T his gun control laws. Yeah okay, more like the other way around.

4/18/2013 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm playing devil's advocate here. I think every time a politician brings up gun control they receive big fat envelopes filled with cash courtesy of the gun and ammo companies for increasing their sales.

4/18/2013 03:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwwww come on, be don't even know what Socialism is, do you?


Anonymous said...

Hey socialist scum, how does it feel when Americans tell you to go fuck yourselves and your socialist policies? Get used to it. You pushed too far. People are waking up. They're beginning to remember that they're still free and your way only leads to slavery.

4/18/2013 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kirk stroked out, and while he can walk and talk - he's got no brain any longer... he needs to resign

4/18/2013 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck that cocksucker Kirk.

Vote for the Dem next time just to punish him.

He's anti- gun.

He's pro-amnesty.

....and would love to cut your pension.

4/18/2013 05:35:00 AM

no, vote him off in the republican primary, then vote for the same republican in the general election.

screw that vote for a dem bullshit.

4/18/2013 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous CppThis said...

Interesting that someone would bring the Koreans up. Let's take a journey across time and space to one of the ugliest chapters of American history and discover why a Korean guy knows he's got more to worry about than Fatboy Kim starting a war.

South Central Los Angeles, April 29, 1992. Four cops have just been acquitted of beating up Rodney King and angry mobs, stirred up by urban revruns and other agitator groups, take to the streets for six days of anarchy in the U.S. After beating the tar out of some random non-blacks the rioters come down in full force on Koreatown because...well, nobody really knows why since none of the cops on trial were Korean and the simmering black-Korean tension is by all accounts an artificial construct of said agitators. Perhaps they just couldn't stand a minority group working hard, engaging in entrepreneurship, and not demanding free stuff.

As the mobs drew near and the LAPD faced its moment of truth with a global audience, the cops assigned to protect Koreatown got back in their cop cars and drove away. The Koreans were now on their own. With half the city on fire and nobody to turn to, they formed militias to protect themselves, bringing whatever weapons they had available and constructing makeshift barracades to minimize the damage from what was to come. For the next four days militias and shopkeepers would trade shots with looters and vandals until the National Guard finally arrived to put down the riots. All told, more than 50 people were killed across the city and more than a billion dollars in damage was done. Koreatown never truly recovered.

Koreans know this day as Sa-E-Gu, or 4-29, with similar gravity as many Americans hold a certain day in 2001--and for the same reasons. It was the day that they learned that the government cannot protect them in a crisis, and the day that everybody saw that the second amendment is hardly an abstract concept. And, years before Katrina, it was also the day that we all saw that the need to personally defend yourself from threats foreign and domestic is always one crisis away. That this happened in California, a state so ardently devoted to destroying the American people's right to bear arms, is ironic but not surprising given that many of California's current political leaders at the time spent the aftermath of the King riots making excuses for the rioters and then using it to justify even more taxes, regulations and entitlement spending. That's how California operates, and it's what the anti-gunners think the rest of America should be: a dystopia where the connected elite shepherd mob violence to enrich and entrench themselves.

4/18/2013 10:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm playing devil's advocate here. I think every time a politician brings up gun control they receive big fat envelopes filled with cash courtesy of the gun and ammo companies for increasing their sales."

You're thinking of Illinois-best politicians money can buy!


4/18/2013 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better red than dead...


4/18/2013 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"WHAT PURPOSE is served by constantly trying to slide through legislation that is thoroughly beshat with gun-grabberism in the false hope that CRIMINALS will fall in line?"

The "purpose" is to make it look as if they're doing something about a problem that they have no clue as to where it begins, or how to solve it.

The west & south-side shootings are a political necessity for many of these politicians. It provides job security because the people who keep voting these pols in, actually believe that a law alone can solve problems.

This type of politician doesn't believe the criminals will fall in line. Quite the contrary; they're hoping that the criminals won't fall in line.

The other purpose served by this barrage of bad legislation is misdirection. People won't be paying any attention to the pension mess they've created, double and triple-dipping politicians, etc.


4/18/2013 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give gun owners something and you might just get something in return.


4/18/2013 01:10:00 AM

your progressive panties are showing.

or is it a thong you're wearing?

try selling that 'bring something to the table' shit to your liberal butt buddies.

'gun owners' already have had our 2nd Amendment Rights infringed upon, since 1968, hell, since 1934.

if you want a 'flexible' Constitution and Bill of Rights, just say so.

I don't disagree with you at all.

I'm not talking about compromising on our right to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms.

I'm talking about POTUS's arrogant-ass, thinking that he can ramrod this stuff down our throats and expect us to take it without even offering anything in return.

Unlike POTUS & Company, at least it's a two-way conversation. One that we can still say NO to.

NRA Life Member

4/18/2013 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Agreed and I suggest since there is bound to another vote or amendment, send Mr Kirk an e-mail or fax or phone call and let him know what your views are and this about what we think and want not his personal feelings. We are the ones that vote and he only gets 1. I did and if enough people do he will get the message"

4/19/2013 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm talking about POTUS's arrogant-ass, thinking that he can ramrod this stuff down our throats and expect us to take it without even offering anything in return.

Unlike POTUS & Company, at least it's a two-way conversation. One that we can still say NO to.

NRA Life Member

4/18/2013 11:20:00 PM

they've got nothing to offer but removing what they've already shoved up our asses, circa 1968.

not just the laws they've imposed upon all 50 States of the Union, but the continuing propagandizing being imposed upon us through their public reeducation schemes, at all grade levels, their propaganda dominated media machines, both in 'news' and entertainment, and their 'big brother government' manipulations effecting all areas of our economy.

the old saying, 'there ought to be a law....' has been taken to it's most egregiously un-American extreme.

and they're still not satisfied.

so, no, they don't want a two-way conversation, only the appearance of a two-way conversation.

'do not ask for what you cannot take' should be the first words out of our mouths.

then we'd see them as they are, takers, not makers.

4/19/2013 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Only 4 percent of Americans think guns and gun control are an important problem facing the country, according to Gallup, and far more Americans are concerned about the economy, unemployment and the federal debt."

The gun issue is being used to redirect people's attention from the really important issues.

4/19/2013 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KIRK IS A JERK. Never vote for this piece of shit again.I had a feeling and was not alone in beleiving this guy was a weak kneed DEM . in disguise.As for Barry "TOUGH SHIT" it will never change!Look at Boston , do you think people should have the right to defend themselves? The hell w/his administration , useless.

4/19/2013 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are the laws on Illegal Immigration working ? People entering our country with duffle bags that could be filled with guns , drugs , chemical weapons.
Democrats don't care , worried about taxing the law abiding citizens that want a gun for hunting , target practice or personal protection .
Are there laws against selling drugs and possing guns in Chicago ?
It appears most homicides are gang and drug related in chicago . Let's enforce all our laws before we make new ones , that's the problem in Chicago .

4/19/2013 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Hot Pursuit said...

I guess he'll want t deport the masjority who won't go along with his bullshit would be a hell of a lot cheaper to deport him and his group.
Just saying

4/19/2013 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just emailed Mr Kirk about his recent vote regarding gun control PLEASE DO THE SAME let him know he works for us not Washington

4/19/2013 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they've got nothing to offer but removing what they've already shoved up our asses, circa 1968.

not just the laws they've imposed upon all 50 States of the Union, but the continuing propagandizing being imposed upon us through their public reeducation schemes, at all grade levels, their propaganda dominated media machines, both in 'news' and entertainment, and their 'big brother government' manipulations effecting all areas of our economy.

the old saying, 'there ought to be a law....' has been taken to it's most egregiously un-American extreme.

and they're still not satisfied.

so, no, they don't want a two-way conversation, only the appearance of a two-way conversation.

'do not ask for what you cannot take' should be the first words out of our mouths.

then we'd see them as they are, takers, not makers.

Repealing the 1968 GCA is *exactly* what I was alluding to!

I KNOW they don't want a conversation-nor do they want compromise. It's their way or the highway.

We're on the same page, I assure you!


4/20/2013 08:18:00 AM  

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