Friday, August 02, 2013

Wave of Violence Coming!!!!

  • While social commentators have long suggested that extreme heat can unleash the beast in man, formal study of the so-called heat hypothesis — the theory that high temperatures fuel aggressive and violent behavior — is relatively new. Using examples as disparate as road rage, ancient wars and Major League Baseball, scientists have taken early steps to quantify the potential influence of climate warming on human conflict.
    Now, three UC Berkeley researchers have pulled together data from these and other studies and concluded that the incidence of war and civil unrest may increase by as much as 56% between now and 2050, due to warmer temperature and extreme rainfall patterns predicted by climate change scientists.

    Likewise, episodes of interpersonal violence — murder, assault, rape, domestic abuse — could increase by as much as 16%, they report in a study published Thursday by the journal Science.
  • The 20 to 30 year ocean temperature cycles turned back to warm from the late 1970s until the late 1990s, which is the primary reason that global temperatures warmed during this period. But that warming ended 15 years ago, and global temperatures have stopped increasing since then, if not actually cooled, even though global CO2 emissions have soared over this period. As The Economist magazine reported in March, “The world added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010. That is about a quarter of all the CO2 put there by humanity since 1750.” Yet, still no warming during that time. That is because the CO2 greenhouse effect is weak and marginal compared to natural causes of global temperature changes.
In any event, someone better whisper to McWeatherDoesn'tAffectCrime that science says least so far....until the next great revelation.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

More bullshit, crime is out of control in Chicago due to the animals getting everything for free, have no responsibility, the judges is crook county are corrupt, then we have Tom "puppy dog" dart on a news piece how he give he inmates in county jail, chickens to lay eggs, and of course a garden, and lets them work our, learn guitar, have singers perform for them, and these democratic morons wonder why crime is way out of control. Add to the lack of police hiring, the pension not being funded, 50 why do we need 50 alderthieves who take millions in needed money, a park for the wife of the corrupt Daley, DePaul 100 million facility being built using taxpayer money for a shit team! Bike lanes costing millions, and how many exempts doing nothing do we have?

/rant off

8/02/2013 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whelp we need to ask ourselves who is making the pro or con argument with regard to global warming and who backs them financially.

For those that have been around awhile we can remember the tobacco debate when it cam to related diseases.

So-called paid researchers where marched in front of the cameras and printed in the media telling us all how safe smoking was and how there was "no evidence" of anything -- bastards!

Published: August 1, 2013

Greenland soars to its highest temperature ever recorded, almost 80 degrees F.

The Danish Meteorological Institute is reporting that on Tuesday, July 30, the mercury rose to 25.9 C (78.6 F) at a station in Greenland, the highest temperature measured in the Arctic country since records began in 1958.


The DMI says the warmth was not “unnatural”, but explains it fits into a long-term pattern of climate warming.

“[T]here is an indisputable gradual increase in temperature in Greenland,” DMI writes. “Along the way, any ‘warm event’ thus have a higher probability of being slightly warmer than the previous one.”

Related, from 2012: Greenland ice sheet surface melt: massive meltdown or meaningless trickle?

This warm temperature extreme in Greenland comes on the heels of an astonishing heat wave in northern Siberia.

Wunderground weather historian Christopher Burt described a “perhaps unprecedented” streak of 10 days in the central Arctic region of Russia in which temperatures exceeded 86 degrees F (30 C) in mid-to-late July.

Prior to this, it was the desert southwest reaching heat milestones. Recall Death Valley set the record for hottest U.S. temperature ever recorded in June, climbing to a blistering 129 degrees.

At the moment, China is in the midst of a record-breaking heat wave. And in Alaska, Fairbanks and Anchorage have ongoing historically long streaks of warm weather.

These heat events were all likely set up predominantly by the configuration of naturally varying weather patterns. But elevated greenhouse gas concentrations may well be tacking on a small warming contribution, nudging these extreme events into record territory.

more >>

Now march Gov Quinn and his coal mining experts out -- so they can tell us that it's all hooey -- coal creates "much needed" jobs

8/02/2013 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya don't say, SCC!

How about this one?

Why aren't the academic bojank artists at Northwestern U. or U. of Chicago leading the charge on this? They're usually right out in front of anything that can potentially be twisted to cast The Police as a contributory causative of a crime related phenomenon such as this...

"We be hot an' Po-leece be all up in heah 'rassin' us an' shit fo' no good reason an' shit! We finna be mad... An' shit!"

U-C Berkeley?

>Fart Noise!<

Another fruity-nut, moon-bat, light in the loafers, yellow-pinky bastion of Trotskyite iniquity has a "world changing" idea...

"Wave of Violence Coming!!!"

This shit is a scream.
Think about it...

It's too damn much for these smarter than everybody else m/fers to wave down an old grey-haired Copper or three and ask about violent, rotten sons of bitches doing the violent, rotten shit that violent, rotten sons of bitches are wont to do.

Regardless of the weather...

Straight and unfiltered talk from an old street cop tends to give those with tender sensibilities and those with their heads buried firmly in the sand a bad case of the yips.

And when Dude Inc. finds these people in their willingly compromised position and takes liberites, The Police will be blamed for the soreness, discomfort and resulting affliction.

"You Cops make us uncomfortable... You're big, scary and unfriendly plus you curse, spit and drive too fast and hit people way too hard. Why can't you guys play nice?"

Whoops... Why, that's gist for another study!

8/02/2013 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listening to BBC, they just had a very interesting interview with a scientist, who indicates "Shifts in climate are strongly linked to increases in violence around the world, a study suggests." If anyone needs a study to prove there's a link, read this article. One very interesting thing he said during the interview, which is not in the article (sorry, couldn't find a link to the audio, but maybe you can find it) is that a study in the 1930s linked smoking to cancer, yet it took decades to figure out what the link was. He said they are at that point, there's a "link" between climate and behavior, but they are looking for the link, which they believe is physiological.

Check it out:

8/02/2013 04:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Okaaaaay, how did Al Gore find this website?!?) /s

Troll, you are a non-thinking, over educated --> PINHEAD if you believe that crap. It's called W-E-A-T-H-E-R, you numbnuts, it c-h-a-n-g-e-s (I typed reeeeal slow so you can understand that). Or something else, like with an agenda.

You're 'apparently' brainwashed by that phony and discredited 'Hockey Stick' model which the whole Globular Warming (sic) money grab is based on: Thermometers located on blacktop air port runways, on black tar roofs, out in direct sun light, close to building exhaust fans, close to AC Condensing units (where that HOT air stuff comes out). They were in every wrong place an actual Mech Engineer would NEVER, EVER, put a temperature sensor.

Oh, but oddly, a hockey stick where all years with cool temps were ELIMINATED from the data compilation. Hockey Stick? No, more like Bullshit.

But worse than the money grab, the whole fucking scam is just a new leftist ploy to control everyone! From light bulbs, to how you travel, to where you live, to the temp in your own fucking home. And not only do you pay more for 'your fair share' you pay even MORE if you 'need' more, or use 'too much'. (Now WTF is 'fair' and too much'???)

It's the every evil 'ism' rolled into one shiny new package for the sheeple: Totalitarianism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and 'Globalism'. It's a takeover without firing a fucking bullet. Well fuck that, and fuck you. I'm an American, I'm free. And YOU are either an idiot, or a very dangerous person. I hope it's the former versus the latter.

So turn on BBC Radio, eat some tofu, then put on your smoking jacket and smoke your pipe. Just stay away from ME and MINE, 'pal'. Got it.

8/02/2013 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Establish laws like Saudi Arabia. They are doing a good job of keeping crime in check.

8/02/2013 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tense: Bill O’Reilly Clashes With Chicago Democrat Who Publicized ‘Suspicions’ That Police Are Killing Black Children
Aug. 1, 2013 9:30pm Jason Howerton

Bill O’Reilly called out Illinois state Rep. Monique Davis (D-Chicago) on Thursday over her “irresponsible” comments about her constituents’ “suspicions” that police are actually gunning down black children in Chicago. Her comments, made on a radio show this week, appeared to give credence to a “destructive” rumor that she should have shot down immediately as an elected public official, O’Reilly said.

However, Davis refused to take responsibility for publicizing the outrageous allegation and claimed she was merely passing along what others had told her.

Video at:

8/02/2013 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is absurd. Anyone who has worked the High Crime areas knows that these people lack the ability to act with each other in a manner that does not end without a violent resolution to conflict. Add to that the fact that when people live in filth they take to the streets. The living conditions in these areas are filthy so people leave their apartments in the heat. They choose to buy $200 shoes rather than an air-conditioner. BECAUSE THEY EXPECT THE STATE, AND THE STATE IS THE TAXPAYERS TO PAY FOR THE AIR CONDITIONER AND THE PAINT TO MAKE THE APARTMENT LOOK LIVABLE. The violence is cultural, not Global Warming or anything else that is beyond their own control.

8/02/2013 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Perry F'ing Mason said...

Global warming? The only hot air coming out is from all the liberals who have no clue how to run a country.

Next case.

8/02/2013 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of debating the merits global warming, let's concentrate on the part of the study that shows a DIRECT correlation between rising temperatures and rising violence.

8/02/2013 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was at roll call today nothing said about possible attacks! Keep turning a blind eye to this!

8/02/2013 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its 02 Aug 13 hey mass transit supervisors do you know where your vehicles are ?

8/02/2013 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call Bullshit on this one for sure.

8/02/2013 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New research from Princeton University and UC Berkeley published today reveals a link between big shifts in climate and precipitation and a rise in interpersonal violence, institutional breakdown, and especially inter-group violence, such as war.

8/02/2013 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no. Will they have to close the beaches due to the heat??

8/02/2013 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up with still having to type in the verification info?
I thought it was supposed to only be for a few days... it's been a few weeks already.

8/02/2013 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McWeather was called to city hall late this afternoon. Anyone have the scoop?It might be that a certain video tape showed up at Rahms office.

8/02/2013 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous CppThis said...

Chicagoland liberals must be so mad. They've got to choose between two of their favorite bedtime stories: AGW will cause the apocalypse and Crime Is Down And Weather Has Nothing To Do With It.

8/03/2013 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
(Okaaaaay, how did Al Gore find this website?!?) /s

Troll, you are a non-thinking, over educated --> PINHEAD if you believe that crap. It's called W-E-A-T-H-E-R, you numbnuts, it c-h-a-n-g-e-s (I typed reeeeal slow so you can understand that). Or something else, like with an agenda.

You're 'apparently' brainwashed by that phony and discredited 'Hockey Stick' model which the whole Globular Warming (sic) money grab is based on: Thermometers located on blacktop air port runways, on black tar roofs, out in direct sun light, close to building exhaust fans, close to AC Condensing units (where that HOT air stuff comes out). They were in every wrong place an actual Mech Engineer would NEVER, EVER, put a temperature sensor.

Oh, but oddly, a hockey stick where all years with cool temps were ELIMINATED from the data compilation. Hockey Stick? No, more like Bullshit.

But worse than the money grab, the whole fucking scam is just a new leftist ploy to control everyone! From light bulbs, to how you travel, to where you live, to the temp in your own fucking home. And not only do you pay more for 'your fair share' you pay even MORE if you 'need' more, or use 'too much'. (Now WTF is 'fair' and too much'???)

It's the every evil 'ism' rolled into one shiny new package for the sheeple: Totalitarianism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and 'Globalism'. It's a takeover without firing a fucking bullet. Well fuck that, and fuck you. I'm an American, I'm free. And YOU are either an idiot, or a very dangerous person. I hope it's the former versus the latter.

So turn on BBC Radio, eat some tofu, then put on your smoking jacket and smoke your pipe. Just stay away from ME and MINE, 'pal'. Got it.

8/02/2013 06:29:00 AM

Right on the money.

It's Agenda 21,look it up. It's happening now in Chicago.

8/04/2013 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's called ghetto brain swell. More H2O / air = more swell.

8/06/2013 09:40:00 PM  

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