"Counting On" Fines, Fees
- Mayor Rahm Emanuel is counting on $120 million in fines from red-light and speed cameras — and $10 million more from higher parking fines and impounded vehicle storage fees — to balance his $6.97 billion 2014 budget, aldermen were told Tuesday.
“You’re basically telling motorists, `You’re not welcome in the city of Chicago.’ It’s pretty onerous on drivers,” said Ald. Scott Waguespack (32nd) on the eve of the mayor’s budget address to the City Council.
If anything, Waguespack and others believe the $60 million estimate from speed cameras is a low-ball figure.
They point to the 204,743 warning notices churned out by speed cameras installed around four parks in just 40 days during a recent test run. That would have generated $12.2 million in fines if those cameras had been playing for keeps, which they are now.
“You could tack on another $10 million or $20 million. The intersections they’ve picked are going to be extremely lucrative,” Waguespack said.
"Lucrative." Let that put to rest any speculation that these devices are anything except revenue generators.
And what happens when people just stop coming to the city? Maybe instead of staying overnight at a hotel (tax), grabbing dinner at a fancy downtown restaurant (tax tax), and seeing an expensive show in the theater district (tax tax tax), people rent a movie, catch a suburban show or just don't come to Chicago? No sales tax and no opportunity to fine the crap out of them.
And what happens when people just stop coming to the city? Maybe instead of staying overnight at a hotel (tax), grabbing dinner at a fancy downtown restaurant (tax tax), and seeing an expensive show in the theater district (tax tax tax), people rent a movie, catch a suburban show or just don't come to Chicago? No sales tax and no opportunity to fine the crap out of them.
Labels: money questions
If everybody managed their household finanaces they way Rahm is running the city's, there'd be bunches of deservedly homeless people lurking around...
This city is destroyed beyond hope, care or salvage as a result of the ongoing criminal political media and Gold Coast/North Shore big money fund raising corporatist war against what's left of Chicago's middle class.
...Particularly Firemen and Policemen.
Already happening here. Used to come to the city several times a month. This year only been about four times all year.
Parking, hotel taxes, redlight cameras flashing every two seconds never knowing if its you or the next guy and all the other hassles. Not worth it along with the rising crime rates.
Spray a bit of the clear shiny coat on the rear plate. Problem solved.
Simple, obey the traffic laws and you don't have to worry about fines. Don't drive, take public transportation, and you don't have to worry about traffic fines. Running a big city ain't cheap.
Only 19 more years until I can move...not like im counting or anything.
The city of Rosemont would like to thank the mayor of Chicago. What with the Casino, the new outlet mall, entrtainment district complete with bars, comedy club, restaurants and a skating rink, not too mention all state arena and several theaters. Why would anyone go to Chicago?
Holy shit! How appropriate!
My parents just came into town for a quick visit from out-of-state and are now sleeping off a great meal and numerous drinks that we enjoyed..............IN THE SUBURBS! Too funny!
Seven years to go, and I can't wait to leave this SHITHOLE and enjoy a peaceful life with many friends and family in a beautiful state with none of the liberal bullshit from the clinging turd that is Illinois!
(I'd tell you guys which state, but I don't want the word to get out. Suck it, Chicago!)
Area Dick + One
Most expensive cigarettes in nation, highest priced gas, tax on a bottle of water, red light cameras, speed cameras, $100 parkers and up, almost $200 for county "court costs" at traffic court, muggers everywhere, parking meters that require a credit card to pay for, slow moving traffic, everything here is expensive. Damn near half the population is drinking the water the workers carry, what's not to like? Maybe we can get some more of those geniuses at the U of C to "fix" the problems. That stinking thinking from the U of C and Hyde Park is what got us in this mess.
“You could tack on another $10 million or $20 million. The intersections they’ve picked are going to be extremely lucrative,” Waguespack said.
A tacit admission by the alderman that the speed cameras aren't "for the children", but that they are in fact, designed to make money.
Weren't we told countless times by the Mayor and our media lap dogs that these camera's were for the safety of the children?
Let it begin.
I know that my job is tied to it. .....i don't care.
This government is so sick and twisted. .....it needs to end.
Chicago is gone.
The new name is Nottingham, where you have to pay some money just to move about it or pay a fine or excessive tax for some frivolous reason.
I will not step foot in it for feast or beast.
Count on Chicago becoming a Ghost Town.
Well, at least for those suburbanites that patronize restaurants, theatres, shopping areas, entertainment venues and downtown.
Many "taxpayers" are living just about paycheck to paycheck. They cannot afford getting an extra bill in the mail like a $100 speeding ticket.
PLUS, they will tell their kids the same - get a ticket and YOU will pay for it.
As with most HS and recent college graduates who still live at home, they don't make more than minimum wage at the job they have so they cannot afford to get ticket that will suck half to all of their week's pay up. (remember, they are probably working part-time because otherwise their employer would have to pick up benefits for them)
So be prepared to be let down when it comes to collecting that revenue. Especially, if the tickets go to those on LINK cards. Do you really think they will pay a fine?
The only thing left to do is cut the budget. Those of you who thought the well would never dry up better think again.
No. I'm not kidding. Liberals love this. They don't care that it's a pathetic excuse for enforcement or that it's a tax meant to increase revenue.
Look at election results in this town. 85 to 95 per cent Democrat depending on election cycle.
let them get raked. They love their new master, the state, it fills the void from their enlightened rejection of traditional institutions.
This is progress. They'll be the ones volunteering to be implanted with chips to track their thoughts, medical records, and financial transactions.
As long as it's for obama, pelosi or reid, and as long as it upsets the "crazy tea party racists," they'll be happy to pay their share, sterilize themselves, regulate movement, speech, fuel consumption, banish fast food, corporations, and tax unacceptable behavior.
"It's for the children" LOL
Cut the salaries of the a hold alderpersons.
Why Why 50 Aldercreatures?????
If Anyone didn't read that story..
Rush Hour Tickets to 100.00
Street Cleaning to 60.00
9-64-170A Tickets up from 25.00 to 75.00
Fire Hydrants from 100 to 110.
HCP violation from 200 to 250.
Impound fee from 10 to 20 per day for the first 5-7 days.
open letter to all businesses that are located near the new speed cameras
Meter parking in downtown Skokie: ten cents per hour. We have some nice restaurants there. The Village Crossing movie theaters are less then five minutes away (free parking).
I'm a police officer living near the border of the burbs, I refuse to give the city any money. I do all my shopping, get gas and dine in the burbs. Been doing this the last 10 years. I'm a 25 minute ride from downtown and have not been there in 10 years. Fuck the city, that's how I take a stand.
The solution to this is, drive your car outside the city limits and patronize your favorite businesses out in the suburbs!
Chicago SUCKS anyway!
Mayor Rahm MUST have failed in Economics 101 class at that Fancy Smith College, where he majored in ballerina studies!
Rahm is surely stupid if he thinks revenue will go up!
In reality, more revenue will leave this city!
I know I try and don't spend a dime here. In fact, if you add it up it is cheaper to drive outside the city in tax savings and cheaper priced products! Its a fact, try it!
Da Pelon
That's right! If people just went somewhere else and not spend in the Chicago; the city will be up shits creeks with no money generated.
I spend very little hre: I sprnd in Indiana and when I travel out of state.
And he thinks going up on the cigs won't increase the organized activity on street corners for 'loose squares'?
We need more speed cameras. The quality of drivers has really gone downhill. They even had to take parallel parking off the state test since many couldn't pass it. Perhaps revenue from them could be put into the city's pension funds?
motorist unfriendly?
that's an understatement.
look at the tax on gas then parking redlight cams and now speed cams
more and more people with the $ and skills are moving out it's also the sales tax the cigarette tax amusement tax liquor tax and of course property tax soon there will be no real working people left
imagine a whole city of nothing but illegal aliens and welfare recipients
oh right detroit!
I live in the suburbs and avoid crossing into Chicago whenever possible. The city, and its businesses, have lost many times over the $ they made from my few parking / red light tickets.
I don't plan on giving them a chance to give me a speeding ticket :)
It so much easier to go to a nice restaurant in Oak Brook, Rosemont, Orland, Naperville, etc
::::: 'Rahm Emanuel is counting on blah, blah, blah, more taxes, blah, blah, higher fees blah, blah, taxes blah blah — to balance his $6.97 billion 2014 budget ...' ::::
Go ahead you tutu wearing freak, there's still 2 1/4 pints of blood left in the city's twitching carcass, bleed it dry ya asshole.
>>>>> Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd) questioned Emanuel’s decision to create new programs before “stabilizing” the city’s budget. ----> The mayor’s planning to: increase spending for summer jobs, after-school, children’s health and vision programs; bolster cultural programming in neighborhood parks and set aside $4 million more for tree-trimming, rodent control and graffiti removal that, aldermen complain, have fallen months and even years behind. <----
Oh-oh Alderman Reilly, now you've done it. Your gonna be off Rahm's Christmas Card list plus no more BBQs at Rahm's house for you either. Questioning Tiny Dancer?...really, where the hell do you get off at, huh Buster? (LOL)
**** [THE POLICE & Safe Passage] 'Yet another issue is what aldermen call a shortage of police officers masked by the mayor’s decision to spend as much as $120 million on police overtime this year. ... After churning out enough recruit classes to hire 740 new officers by Dec. 31, Emanuel’s budget includes money to hire only enough officers in 2014 to keep pace with attrition. ---> “We tried a year of just treading water and an awful lot of police overtime,” said Ald. John Arena (45th). “I still want to see what’s the overall plan in terms of getting our murder rate down and how we can justify not making any significant changes in the number of officers.” ~~~~ snip~~~~ (Ald) Waguespack said, “I had two shootings in less than a week...a girl get beaten over the head at DePaul. Crime seems to be picking up in ways we haven’t seen...in many years. Officers in many of the districts have already been pulled to other districts for the South Side Safe Passage. .... One or two officers are covering two beats. It’s just not enough.” .... Pressed on how he would pay for more police hiring, Waguespack said, “The mayor’s got to figure that out. If he’s putting money back into these new areas he wants to invest in, maybe we should take a look at that and say we need to put more into police bodies on the street.” ****
Oh-oh. Looks like the Indians are getting restless and some are leaving the reservation. But do they realize whose judgment they're questioning, the great and fearless leader, Warrior Chief Raccoon Eyes. Yes children, great chief Raccoon Eyes, known for going into countless battles wearing only a Pink Tutu and armed with only a Steak Knife in one hand while screaming Dead!..Dead!..Dead! at the top of his high-pitched voice, and repeatedly stabbing the table like it was someone he met naked in the East Bank Club's Steam Room who rebuffed his advances to 'get jiggly'. (rotflmao!)
+++++ Seriously, though you have to read the whole article to get down to the police and crime issue, it looks like Fran Speilman somehow committed a 'random act of journalism'(tm, Rush), or was allowed to by her paymasters at city hall and DNC headquarters. Or maybe she's allowed one 'sort of critical' article of Rahm per year and this was it. But at least it's in print, someone in gubmint that's on record saying Chicago needs more police. +++++
Oddly, they never mentioned anything about safety in the story. Only the words "money, fines,lucrative". Politicians are so full of shit. Just like the assholes in Fox River Grove, IL ("Little Moscow, U.S.A.").
Anonymous said...
Simple, obey the traffic laws and you don't have to worry about fines. Don't drive, take public transportation, and you don't have to worry about traffic fines. Running a big city ain't cheap.
10/23/2013 12:48:00 AM
Sure, take public transportation in Chicago.
Then you won't be a 'revenue' victim, you'll be a 'robbery' victim.
Apparently the fuckin idiot who said just don't drive doesn't have a family. Responsible parents take their kids to school go to work and attend numerous events with their family so they need transportation. A lot of good people also live check to check. They receive a citation but cannot afford to pay it. The fine doubles immediately. Still can't pay it and receive another citation now the city is placing a boot on your car and suspending your license for financial purposes. Now that good parents life has become more difficult due to finances and the issue of not being able to transport their family around. If they run into a copper with no discretion capabilities they are being arrested for driving while suspended. So fuck you rahm trying to balance politicians fuck ups off the backs of the working class. Why doesn't the media look at the big picture. They are just making life more difficult for normal people.
How much will our pension fund get??
Will County, Dupage County and NW Indiana are all smiling as they write this asshole a Thank You card for all the money he's sending them.....
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Spray a bit of the clear shiny coat on the rear plate. Problem solved.
10/23/2013 12:26:00 AM
It's illegal.
It doesn't work.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Simple, obey the traffic laws and you don't have to worry about fines. Don't drive, take public transportation, and you don't have to worry about traffic fines. Running a big city ain't cheap.
10/23/2013 12:48:00 AM
Especially when you add in those items that don' appear on the official budget.
I was planning a trip to the South Loop Binny's store until I remembered how much the city likes to gouge suburbanites for everything.
I'll pass and take my business elsewhere.
Purchase a good radar detector with a downloadable GPS chip for red light, speed camera locations. In addition, purchase a clear license plate cover that reflects the radar or laser beam. Total expenditure about $450. That's the price of about 4 tickets. Drive safely and then you can give Rahm a big FU.
Chicago will be the "new" Detroit. Mark my words. Not a LEO
Hey Rham, I got an idea (but what do I know). Start by stopping with the pet projects like Maggie Daley Park at $55M. Why do we need another thing named after the Daley clan? Why do we need another park anyhow?
How anybody gets a ticket anymore for a RLC is beyond me. Granted I got one recently but these things are obvious and their location does not change.
Bribe needed to secure red light camera contract; $2,000,000.
Red light or speeding camera ticket; $100
Look on baby momma's face when she gets fine in mail cause baby daddy got caught speedin in her ride wit other baby momma in car; priceless.
I used to have a bunch of favorite city restaurants and places to visit. Now, rather than 24 trips spending about 100 a pop average, I'll make a couple trips to relatives for holidays and spend $0.00. When the machine tries to charge for access I will have to have relatives come to my suburban home for every holiday, or guess I won't see them.
Rahm wants to bleed the middle class a little more.
He's such a smug, condescending asshole.
Remember it's all for the children!
Fines are not the only thing...Uncle rahm wants your pension!
It's for the children don't ya know.
Now they want to make bike owner register and take a class. arrest me now cause I ain't doing it! I barely ride my bike and don't need to take a damn course!
Two years till I'm maxed out, but well short of 55.
I'll pay my own way, I don't care!
I'll go somewhere where they respect the working man (and woman) and those who pay taxes instead of treating us like shit and taking money from those of us who've earned it and giving it to the thieves (politicians & connected friends) and the freeloaders.
The city I've always loved is gone unless there's a drastic change in government and I mean SOON, and we know that's not gonna happen!
OT Isnt it interesting on how he places Chicago's pension "crisis" ahead of the states. It appears he wants action on ours before the states.
Then in the next few paragraphs he cries poor mouth but has money for the schools
Emanuel also alluded to Cullerton's recent remarks that state government's pension shortfall isn't a "crisis," though Cullerton did acknowledge the city's pension problem is.
“The pension crisis in Illinois is not solved until relief is brought to Chicago and all of the other local governments across our state that stand on the brink of a fiscal cliff because of our pension liabilities," Emanuel said.
I doubt Chicago will become a "ghost town" as a result of these taxes. There are too many unique cultural institutions and restaurants and such that will always drive people in from the burbs and surrounding states.
Now, will there be ENOUGH people traveling in ENOUGH times to balance the budget out? That is a valid question.
These continually rising taxes (combined with threat of fines and crime) definitely affect suburbanites plans. And if the economy continues to plateau or go south, well… it's not good for Chicago…
"This is progress. They'll be the ones volunteering to be implanted with chips to track their thoughts, medical records and financial transactions. As long as it's for obama, pelosi or reid, and as long as it upsets the crazy tea-party racists..."
We like your thinking but we're gonna tweak this just a little bit...
"This is progress. They'll be the ones volunteering YOU (the "selfish," hate crazed remnants of Chicago's formerly formidable middle class) to be implanted with chips..."
Especially you wild-assed, out of control cops...
Rahm in Suntimes today- City is spending $75 million on overtime, but there is no money.
FOP New's: Mikey Shields thinks he is going unnoticed in Springfield and on the sneak by having a Bill floating around in Committee which would allow him to retire with his current salary as FOP President. This is fact. Funny how this happened in the Spring and we find out now. I hope this does not go anywhere but the fact is he personally is trying to get this passed behind our backs. Please call your legislators and let them know this is a outrageous. One more example of Mike Shields taking care of himself only. On top of it I though he had our Pensions as his number one concern. Call your legislators and make sure this Bill gets stuck in Committee and no where else.
"I'll go somewhere where they respect the working man (and woman) and those who pay taxes instead of treating us like shit..."
10/23/2013 03:43:00 PM
These dirty m/fers were actively trying to figure out how to whack state and muni employees who flee Chicago and Illinois upon retirement with an additional "tax" because "Well, if you can afford to flee, you can afford the "fee." It's for the children!"
If you do leave this state, you have a duty, where ever you settle, to be vigilant and warn people about these "progressive" m/fers from large socialist democrat municipalities in states like New York, California and Illinois.
They're like fucking Gypsies migrating to other places and bringing their bright fucking ideas with them on how they can make things "better for everybody" with other people's money...
>Cue Rahm Emanuel & Co.<
To paraphrase an older and wiser head than ours...
"Aye... The motherfuckers must have lye on the bottoms of their feet. They even kill the fucking grass everywhere they go. Let alone everything else..."
Spread the word about these libtard free-booters and doers of fuckery who shit all on their utopias then flee when collaspe is imminent only to reinvent themselves when they land.
Colorado is lousy with libs who fled Califonia and you see they problems THEY'RE having with these goofs trying to push their anti-2A rational thought hating agenda.
Know these evil m/fers for what they ARE!
I haven't bought gas in the city in years. all the suburbs have restaurants and theaters too.shopping centers all over. Chicago=financial raping.
I don't like this either, but for all of you whiners who think it's so great in the suburbs, I lived there and it's not. Cops all over you for going 5 over the limit, BS like illegal lane changes, lots of ticky tack stuff. Seat belt violations. Court costs are really high when you go to court for your supervision. It is as much a revenue racket out there as anywhere, maybe more so. My last year out there, I got stopped four times coming home late at night, for nothing -- the officer wanted to engage me in a conversation to see if I'd been drinking. No thanks, I'll take you city cops any day.
@ 10/23/2013 03:43:00 PM
Rahm has all but said that he has no use for people who can think for themselves...
The Chicago that a whole lot of us knew and loved has been strangled and left head first in the back yard catch basin...
Smart and aware people smell the deathly odor.
The media, City Hall and certain catered to constituencies pretend not to notice.
Those who can flee, ARE fleeing.
Rahm is here to pick up the loose change that fell from Crime King Shorty's pockets and give it over to his friends in the Gold Coast/North Shore cocktail party and big money fundraiser/phony charity cabal.
Private monies from the Gold Coast/North Shore have flat out purchased municipal governance denying the taxpayer full and equal access to that which HIS hard earned treasure has payed for.
21st Century taxation without representation.
Rauner, Msall, Fahner et al are giggling like giddy schoolgirls because they've had a hand in the hijacking of an entire economic engine for their own benefit.
Their false crying about muni employee pensions is just, diversion, distraction and a construct of propaganda by a compliant media apparatus.
May a full moon fall and smother the shit out of them all for intentionally destroying this city and giving it to the dogs...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey Rham, I got an idea (but what do I know). Start by stopping with the pet projects like Maggie Daley Park at $55M. Why do we need another thing named after the Daley clan? Why do we need another park anyhow?
10/23/2013 11:21:00 AM
How difficult is it for you to understand that the park you're talking about has nothing to do with Maggie and everything to do with repairing the shit construction that was done on the underground parking lot beneath Millennium Park?
No, they shouldn't have named it for Maggie, but the money was going to have to be spent no matter what. The thing was caving in.
10/23/2013 11:10:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Purchase a good radar detector with a downloadable GPS chip for red light, speed camera locations. In addition, purchase a clear license plate cover that reflects the radar or laser beam. Total expenditure about $450. That's the price of about 4 tickets. Drive safely and then you can give Rahm a big FU.
10/23/2013 11:11:00 AM
Any license plate cover is illegal. Clear, pink, reflective, non-reflective, curved, flat... Illegal. You're either going to pay a speeding ticket or you're going to pay a plate cover ticket.
In addition, purchase a clear license plate cover that reflects the radar or laser beam.
Any sort of plastic covering including clear has been against the IVC for at least 3 or 4 years.
Does anyone doubt that the 'Outfit' would run the city better and skim half of what the alderthieves do?
I have never been pinched by a red light camera and I am confident I will never be pinched by a speed camera. Do you know why that is? It's because I am not a stupid lead foot that believes I can make time by driving in an urban setting like a moron. I want the speed cameras humming away picking off the knuckle heads 24 hours a day. I always have chuckle, every time I see a red light camera flash. Bottom line, it is all revenue that contributes to my pay check and pension.
Fuck the alderman who voted yes to these cameras. Once these cameras start stealing money out of people's hands all the next candidate has to do is promise to start the fight to remove them. Rahm is gone next election so stop kissing his ass you cowards.
I was planning a trip to the South Loop Binny's store until I remembered how much the city likes to gouge suburbanites for everything.
I'll pass and take my business elsewhere.
There's a Binnys in Orland
How anybody gets a ticket anymore for a RLC is beyond me. Granted I got one recently but these things are obvious and their location does not change.
10/23/2013 11:22:00 AM
I got one at Chicago and LaSalle. Was driving parallel to a squad and didn't realize the light had changed as we were acknowledging each other. No problem paying, it, but now I know that intersection has a camera.
There is an app on iPhones that warn you to red lights -- Trapster.
I loved my alderman (Pawar) being quoted questioning whether or not taxpayers will find it worth it to drive out of the county to avoid Rahm's new cig tax. Ha. At six bucks a pack x30, and fifty cents a gallon of gas x15? YES, Rahmwhore. It is worth it.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have never been pinched by a red light camera and I am confident I will never be pinched by a speed camera. Do you know why that is? It's because I am not a stupid lead foot that believes I can make time by driving in an urban setting like a moron. I want the speed cameras humming away picking off the knuckle heads 24 hours a day. I always have chuckle, every time I see a red light camera flash. Bottom line, it is all revenue that contributes to my pay check and pension.
10/23/2013 08:54:00 PM
COme back on the site and post when it happens to you. Because it will.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
FOP New's: Mikey Shields thinks he is going unnoticed in Springfield and on the sneak by having a Bill floating around in Committee which would allow him to retire with his current salary as FOP President. This is fact. Funny how this happened in the Spring and we find out now. I hope this does not go anywhere but the fact is he personally is trying to get this passed behind our backs. Please call your legislators and let them know this is a outrageous. One more example of Mike Shields taking care of himself only. On top of it I though he had our Pensions as his number one concern. Call your legislators and make sure this Bill gets stuck in Committee and no where else.
10/23/2013 05:48:00 PM
Thanks for the very wordy, but vague, post.
Could you give us the bill number? Or the name of whoever is sponsoring it?
I'd sound like an idiot calling my rep and saying I'm against this sorta kinda thingy about Mike Shields' salary or pension or something like that.
"Bottom line, it is all revenue that contributes to my pay check and pension."
10/23/2013 08:54:00 PM
Yeah. Keep telling yourself that, genius. Our pension will be long gone if Emanuel has his way. All you'll have is your paycheck.
Start saving now.
Only 19 more years until I can move...not like im counting or anything.
Hell, by that time the Pre-Crime Unit will be up and going and issuing you tickets before you even get behind the wheel.
Oh, and I have 5 more years until I can move.....and I AM COUNTING!
Geez.....I can't remember the last time I patronized a Chicago restaurant. Living on the NW side there are plenty of great places in the suburbs.
Grocery shopping......all done in the burbs too.
My only fear is that when its time to go ( 5 years and counting) I won't be able to sell my house because things would have gotten so bad that NO ONE what's to live in Chicago.
10/24/2013 03:10:00 AM
So start writing Rahm and his cronies.
I made the same darn suggestion about
Daley and his jerks, and until we get
a quality Mayor/Council I will continue to make the same suggestion.
Treat their vehicles like you would a
Revenue/Finance or SerCo or CPM vehicle.
Thanks for the very wordy, but vague, post.
Could you give us the bill number? Or the name of whoever is sponsoring it?
I'd sound like an idiot calling my rep and saying I'm against this sorta kinda thingy about Mike Shields' salary or pension or something like that.
No one would have the balls to introduce a bill like that. I'm calling this one pure BS
Anonymous said...
Simple, obey the traffic laws and you don't have to worry about fines. Don't drive, take public transportation, and you don't have to worry about traffic fines. Running a big city ain't cheap.
10/23/2013 12:48:00 AM
Go ride your bicycle through Wrigleyville and get robbed and beaten.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have never been pinched by a red light camera and I am confident I will never be pinched by a speed camera. Do you know why that is? It's because I am not a stupid lead foot that believes I can make time by driving in an urban setting like a moron. I want the speed cameras humming away picking off the knuckle heads 24 hours a day. I always have chuckle, every time I see a red light camera flash. Bottom line, it is all revenue that contributes to my pay check and pension.
10/23/2013 08:54:00 PM
COme back on the site and post when it happens to you. Because it will.
No, it won't. Stop wining about cameras. Obey the traffic laws. The most important thing we do as police officers is enforce traffic laws. Far more people die on the roads then are murdered. I want these unguided missiles, ticketed, fined, licenses suspended and their vehicles confiscated. Are you blind, don't you see how the driving habits of citizens have deteriorated? We are loaded down with jobs and don't have as much time for traffic enforcement. And so what if it is a revenue grab. If the city ends up with safer streets and and more revenue it is a win win. I'd much rather have cameras than speed bumps, traffic circles and cul-de-sacs. I also don't want a property tax increase. Now I will sit back and wait for the personal attacks.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have never been pinched by a red light camera and I am confident I will never be pinched by a speed camera. Do you know why that is? It's because I am not a stupid lead foot that believes I can make time by driving in an urban setting like a moron. I want the speed cameras humming away picking off the knuckle heads 24 hours a day. I always have chuckle, every time I see a red light camera flash. Bottom line, it is all revenue that contributes to my pay check and pension.
10/23/2013 08:54:00 PM
COme back on the site and post when it happens to you. Because it will.
No, it won't. Stop wining about cameras. Obey the traffic laws. The most important thing we do as police officers is enforce traffic laws. Far more people die on the roads then are murdered. I want these unguided missiles, ticketed, fined, licenses suspended and their vehicles confiscated. Are you blind, don't you see how the driving habits of citizens have deteriorated? We are loaded down with jobs and don't have as much time for traffic enforcement. And so what if it is a revenue grab. If the city ends up with safer streets and and more revenue it is a win win. I'd much rather have cameras than speed bumps, traffic circles and cul-de-sacs. I also don't want a property tax increase. Now I will sit back and wait for the personal attacks.
10/25/2013 11:37:00 AM
You mistake me for someone who whines (not wines) about the cameras.
I love the cameras for a different reason. They are going to be the biggest reason Rahm Emanuel is voted out of office, which I can't wait to see happen.
As for you, unless you simply don't drive in this city, you will find yourself victimized by one of these cameras. It will either malfunction, or you'll be in a position of having to avoid an accident and will run afoul of one, or some other unanticipated problem will occur and you will collide with the system.
And, as I said, we'll all be interested to hear what you have to report here, once that happens.
My apologies, but I can't believe you're the police. Traffic enforcement is important, but it certainly isn't the most important thing I've done on this job in my three decades.
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