Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New FTO Grievance

The City just can't leave these guys alone. Every single time there is an effort to create a legit FTO program to train the new guys and gals, the Department goes and make it even less desirable to do the job:
  • The Lodge was notified of a Bureau Patrol order issued by Chief Wayne Gulliford on Friday. This order states that Field Training Officers will be credited with .75 hours of overtime for the completion of a Daily Observation Report. It goes on to say that if an FTO is assigned more than one recruit, the FTO will continue to only receive .75 hours of overtime.
Due to the already massive shortage of FTO's, they have been puting PPO's with FTO's two and three deep. They actually had to order special SUV's without cages so that there weren't cops riding around in the back seat like prisoners.

And for all this double training, double responsibility, double paperwork, the Department decides to take away the compensation that they lured these folks in with in the first place. Way to go! How long did this FTO program last this time? Not even a year? And a class action grievance is the end result with rumblings of a mass resignation of FTO's in the offing.

The Department is under orders to make a 10% cut in the budget this year. Figure no new cars, probably a lot more foot patrols for the new kids, less training, overtime cuts in the units/Detective Division (again), and who knows what else.

Make the job work for you boys and girls, because it isn't getting any easier or any more fun.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said it hasn't been fun for a long time.

10/23/2013 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know how every copper can be heard saying at one point in his or her career that the job just isn't the same as it used to be... Well, it's not! And the way their training new coppers is Not a good thing! The city is going to get coppers killed! FOOT PATROLS in the ghetto? What are 3 or 4 recruits walking in the shit neighborhoods going to accomplish? Other than be at Risk for an ambush! Sorry to say, it's going to happen...

10/23/2013 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department is ruined. Yea they got a FTO patch but how many of them actually can teach and show the newbies the safe way to work? Most of the ones I know lover dodging jobs and don't know how to do a arrest report. Who is teaching who?

10/23/2013 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take it from an FTO, the position sucks! Riding around with three PPO's is a huge headache without much compensation. These PPO's need one on one instruction not a training officer that has his attention being pulled in every direction. Take these "chevrons" and shove it

10/23/2013 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

where do I sign up. I heard that Mr T is the new FTO in 010 and 011. He knows his shit. He tells fools to shut up, he tells sgts to quite their jibber jabber, when asked he immediately tells citizens his name, first name Mister, middle name period, last name T. And last but not least when confronted he doesnt blow his stack, he tells people, DONT MAKE ME MAD!!!

10/23/2013 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this while the new commander of 11 is starting up with humpers again. He then went on to say if guys don't produce they'll be walking foot patrols. So let's threaten an already demoralized group of officers by telling them produce or walk the beat. Another quota demand if you ask me. When will they understand?

10/23/2013 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just irks me to no end. This fig city with the double standard. Remember Jfled was given double his salary because he supposedly was doing double the work? As was Cortez Trotter when he supposedly had double work. Cline even gave his buddy Maurer a higher boss title and a higher salary because he was taking on more bodies in the patrol unit. This city sucks.

10/23/2013 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy shit these PPOs will be clueless down the road. They don't do paper or take jobs and ride together with no guidance.

10/23/2013 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without fail...

Over the last 20 years, the city and the department have been unable to refrain from fucking with and fucking up the FTO program.

Training, beyond what is given in the academy, has intentionally been given the short shrift because there are no REAL Policemen in the command echelon who have a big enough fuck to give in order to set a definitive course of correction.

Ain't gonna happen because the people in charge are deathly afraid of the notion of politics, clout and the multi-generational bullshit of who you know, who you blow, who you stoop, squat, lean and bend over for and who knows and is blowing, stooping, squatting, leaning and bending over for whom.

We suspect it will be a cold day in Hell before the above mentioned bullshit is taken out of the equation in all aspects of Chicago Policing.

"UH-UH! You guys might gain enough traction and support from the public to come after US!"

*The Police ARE the problem in Chicago! If only we can "fix" THEM, everything else will fall into place.*

10/23/2013 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the most parts of learning as a rookie and the department makes the FTO position so undesirable.

10/23/2013 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 10% budget cut? Gee, I hope this doesn't affect any gold star promotions, heaven knows we need more bosses.

10/23/2013 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why should anyone be surprised. after all these are the same ppl that are going to steal the pensions and healthcare as soon as they can figure out how to tell you that the words in the constitution don't mean what you thought they mean.

they would rather spend ten times the money on city lawyers to handle lawsuits then to honor their contracts and act with honor, ethics and morality.

it's called creating a crisis that you can use, now send the money to the city legal team and friendly city law firms.

10/23/2013 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking it's time to jump ship.

10/23/2013 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PPO's in 3 aren't allowed to go over the air to assist units or their f1 sgt has a shit fit and cusses them out. God forbid they have a question. If they do have a question they can either ask her and listen to a rant about "I told you not to do shit. You wouldn't have this question if you weren't doing anything, like I told you in the first place." Or they can ask the first PO they see for help and take a 50/50 chance they get the right advice.

10/23/2013 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't need to worry about those pesty recruits for long, because the fresh faced FTO in my district says that by taking the FTO gig, they're all being fast-tracked to sergeant. Unfortunately this young man is training recruits to trust the department at its word with nothing in writing.

10/23/2013 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...less training..."

What?? Fewer Streaming Videos???

Oh, drat!!!

10/23/2013 01:40:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Us guys who've been around the block a few times tried telling the folks with delusions of FTO grandeur that the department would stick it in their asses.

It wasn't a question of "if", but "when". And "when" is NOW.

Allow me to repeat what the dinosaurs preached to me a quarter century ago, as it's still relevant as ever on this job:


Had you the mind to listen to the "Salty, bitter Old Timers" and applied some common sense, you would've seen that the pittance in salary bump just ain't worth it; regardless of the noble intent behind mentoring PPOs, the risks greatly outweigh the rewards*.

Consider this latest "Fuck You" from Rahm & Co. as a blessing in disguise and get out while the getting's good.

"Make the job work for you boys and girls, because it isn't getting any easier or any more fun."

Couldn't have put it more succinctly on my best day, SCC.

* No, you FTOs will NOT be given "extra credit" towards your rank order on the sergeants test because you're the latest batch of Koolaid drinkers.

10/23/2013 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cmdr. Washington will cut the hair gels down and send many back to patrol.
The short days and big egos are in the past. Let them drive their own vehicles to work and share U/C cars that stay put when not work related.

10/23/2013 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha hahahaha !!!!!

You suckers didn't listen when we told you not to jump at those FTO stripes. Now it has come back to haunt you, just like we all knew it would. Too much college on this job. This is the result of 80% of the department having less than 6-7 years on the job. The HAIRGEL clogs their ability to think.

10/23/2013 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never claimed to be the best cop or best FTO in the city, but I had a very good officer in a north side district who trained me, Officer DS, who is now retired. It is because of what he showed me back in the late 90's that I thought, why not try to be that type of officer to the new ones?

It is very clear to me that the Department does not value the FTOs. I know that there are problems with the program. I know that everybody has an idea or plan how to make the program better. However, I tried to do the best that I could with ever changing working conditions so that hopefully, I can mentor good officers.

Well this latest "ploy" by the department has made the job more undesirable than ever.

There is no way that a recruit can be trained by an FTO if the FTO has to supervise two, three and sometimes four recruits. Yet, many FTOs did it because the majority of officers did not want to be trainers. That is neither good nor bad. Those officers know what they can and can't do related to being an FTO. However, some of us stayed, because we were stupid to believe that we can make a difference in the careers of new officers. I've been around for over 15 years. I should have known better. The department apparently does not care about having good FTOs or well trained recruits.

Taking away this "benefit" was really the last true way of compensating an FTO holding one of the worse jobs in the department. No one wants to be an FTO. Many officers complain about FTOs. Yet, this is the one position that can significantly change a recruit into a good officer, or a bad one.

So, now the good FTOs are to the point of saying, I have had enough.

Well, I will see how this plays out with the arbitrator, but I would definitely never recommend this position to anyone! It's bad enough that everyone is a critic of the FTO program, or particular FTOs. It is worse that the Department does not care to support the FTOs by giving them some benefit or incentive to remain as an FTO.

Maybe it simply is time for all of us FTOs to resign and let the next generation of trainers take over. Obviously, the Department doesn't seem to care about this issue. Otherwise they would not be playing these constant games of saying, "The FTOs are important" but now "we are going to make your jobs miserable by giving you 2-4 recruits and reducing your compensation for the work."

They screwed FTO's over about 10 years, ago and the majority quit. Now they are doing it again. This time there is no one left on the FTO list. So, maybe THE TIME IS COMING for the the FTOs to resign. Let the bosses do the the field training. They seem to be so smart any way that they can have my stripes and their gold braids. Let them train the new officers. As for me, after writing all of this, I've decided I am done.

10/23/2013 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Wayno nice-get rid of those fto's that want the extra money-keep those who would do it for nothing or .75. Guess youll have about 20 FTO's left only son's of supervisors and clout that see that as a promotional test before sgt. HMMMM read the order ASS it says A report for A ppo in the singular. grievance won back pay $$$$$$$$ thks Wayno. note the use of Wayno was solely created and used by me. call me disgruntled FTO

10/23/2013 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we can start using our own cars for a tour once a week.
on those days we'll have our partner use a camera to take photos of drivers on cell phones and they'll receive the anov in the mail with a form explaining their photo is on file and if they contest it and lose, they'll have to kiss Rahm's stubby little mutated digit.
seeing as how camera documented traffic violations are all the rage and I'm watching ridiculous liberals on the news raving about how much they love the idea of revenues from enforcement as the newest and latest tax love affair, they'll love this, too, I guess.

10/23/2013 04:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christ people. So you need .75hrs a piece given to fill out a daily report online that takes what, five minutes? Sounds like a bunch of whiny BS to me

What's ridiculous is that they shortened the PPO cycles down to 3 weeks instead of 4. There is a cycle in December scheduled for 2 weeks. What the hell do you expect to teach in 2 weeks??

10/23/2013 04:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So are they saying if they have 3 PPOs they should get .75 Hrs for each? If a Sergeant supervises 1 or 100 he only gets .75 right?

10/23/2013 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another problem is the lack of giving a crap in the fto section at the academy. The fto suck ass that seems to run the show out of his cubicle has no balls. He is too scared to join the street ftos and stick up for whats right. He is too scared to lose his desk job and go back to 015. Pathetic company man. Im hoping for another bobble head video of this goof to come out. "Um yea ftos you can um basically go ef yourselfs um yea"

10/23/2013 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You know how every copper can be heard saying at one point in his or her career that the job just isn't the same as it used to be... Well, it's not! And the way their training new coppers is Not a good thing! The city is going to get coppers killed! FOOT PATROLS in the ghetto? What are 3 or 4 recruits walking in the shit neighborhoods going to accomplish? Other than be at Risk for an ambush! Sorry to say, it's going to happen...

10/23/2013 12:19:00 AM

Saw an 11th dist. recruit standing on Kedzie--she was looking up at the sky. Couple other recruits looking like deer in the headlights.

Pay attention! The maniacs in 11 will try to disarm you! This isn't the academy anymore, it's real.

10/23/2013 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
One of the most parts of learning as a rookie and the department makes the FTO position so undesirable.

10/23/2013 12:45:00 AM

Translation? Anyone?

10/23/2013 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hahahaha hahahaha !!!!!

You suckers didn't listen when we told you not to jump at those FTO stripes. Now it has come back to haunt you, just like we all knew it would. Too much college on this job. This is the result of 80% of the department having less than 6-7 years on the job. The HAIRGEL clogs their ability to think.

10/23/2013 02:07:00 AM

80%? A simple employee search can show you seniority. Idiot.

10/23/2013 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having retired a few years back, I'm reluctant to give my 2 cents. But, here goes, back in the late 90's the powers that be realized the FTO program was in a shambles. A serious attempt to overhaul this essential program was made. Some aspects good some bad, but there was an attempt to improve it. Dealing with FOP was a problem but the biggest problem was dealing with the City and the exempts. At one meeting it was mentioned that a decision would impact morale negatively. The person (non exempt) who mentioned this was looked upon as if he was nuts. That is where the Department stands. Shame on the people in the Chiefs office where are the people that speak there minds, where are Gulliford's advisers? All yes men and yes women too! This smells like an idea from O'Neil, Shame on you Wayne for not going to bat for this program. You have just dug the program deeper in the grave and it will never recover. There is no future for the CPD. How sad!

10/23/2013 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So stay the extra. .75 only do one report cause that's all you had time for quit crying about every little thing. Pension and healthcare all that matter.

10/23/2013 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on fto's grow some fucking balls!!! say something!! ya'll continue to give in and give up!!!!

10/23/2013 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
All this while the new commander of 11 is starting up with humpers again. He then went on to say if guys don't produce they'll be walking foot patrols. So let's threaten an already demoralized group of officers by telling them produce or walk the beat. Another quota demand if you ask me. When will they understand?

10/23/2013 12:34:00 AM

In the old days, this was a simple problem. No one works and he cannot put everyone on a foot patrol. Today, no one sticks together. There will be a small minority that will work above and beyond what is necessary to save their car. It is what it is. Bitching on the blog accomplishes nothing. Talking at roll call will.

10/23/2013 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals love camera enforcement until they are the target of the enforcement.

Then it is Government intrusion.

10/23/2013 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*The Police ARE the problem in Chicago! If only we can "fix" THEM, everything else will fall into place.*

Oh we have been "fixed" already

10/23/2013 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FTO gig, they're all being fast-tracked to sergeant.

my balls! there are a ton of boss' kids that need those stripes first.

10/23/2013 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One would have to be soft as puppy shit to be an FTO these days.

10/23/2013 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked for Wayne Gulliford in the past. He was fair and even keeled. I doubt this order is from him. It is from the bean counters at City Hall.

10/23/2013 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI - Every year since 2009 the police budget has been cut 10%. Going into 2014, that means a 50% budget reduction in 5 years, at least on paper.

Want to know why you have no usable equipment/vehicles?

To be fair, most of the cuts were to overtime. Patrol felt it first in early 2000's, but each unit has been slowly stripped of overtime. The brain trust is desperately trying to figure out how to cut court OT costs. Again.

10/23/2013 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous 003rd sgt koolaid said...

That f/1 sgt in 003 is a good person she is trying to keep those ppos out of trouble while they are on probation and know nothing. There is a reason to the madness make probation first worry about being the po po later. 003 is bad enough.

10/23/2013 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am disgusted with the dept. We have only been fto's for 5months! I knew i would get screwed but I honestly thought it would take a few years. 5 months! I gave up my partner, have to make sure 2-3 ppos are safe, make sure I'm safe because I never know how they're going to react, try to teach 2-3 ppos effectively even though everyone learns at a different pace, etc, etc, etc. And what made it half doable is I got 1.5 hrs a day. The actual "fto pay" is pennies but the daily o.t. made it ok. Well, now its not worth it at all! There are less than 200 ftos city wide. Why screw us!!! They fix this or I walk. I will go back to making several arrests and make up the fto pay that way, without the headache. Thanks bosses, u guys know how to take care of your people. Im done!!

10/23/2013 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't do paper or take jobs and ride together with no guidance.

10/23/2013 12:35:00 AM

Sounds like VRI.

10/23/2013 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean the FTOs really do complete the paperwork on their own time ?

10/23/2013 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess that one million dollars Rahm gave to Cease fire to reduce gang violence, and that ten million dollars that Rahm gave to Whole foods to build a store in Englewood, was taxpayer money well spent. Think about that while you're walking those foot patrols!

And we still don't have a contract!!!

10/23/2013 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometime they will put a PPO back in the lockup with a Detention Aide when the FTO takes off.

10/23/2013 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup! Mass exodus of FTO's would send a message.

10/23/2013 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why anyone would take that job anymore. Almost everyone I know resigned, myself included. Keep the $200 or so each month. This department is a laughing stock on how they train new people and how they take care of FTOs. But let's promote more deputies. Yeah, that's a good idea. More people to sit on their asses downtown with a 6 figure salary.

10/23/2013 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is very clear to me that the Department does not value the FTOs.
Does the city value any of their employees other than the clouted ones?

10/23/2013 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is an FTO in 009 who has been called back from disability after 13 years. This FTO was told to expect to train 2 new recruits in the upcoming days. How is this fair to the anyone? Who will be training who?

10/23/2013 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of officers still don't get it. The reason why the city keeps fucking with us is because they can and they can get away with it each and every single time. Think about that.

10/23/2013 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
All this while the new commander of 11 is starting up with humpers again. He then went on to say if guys don't produce they'll be walking foot patrols. So let's threaten an already demoralized group of officers by telling them produce or walk the beat. Another quota demand if you ask me. When will they understand?

10/23/2013 12:34:00 AM
You mean jimmy o Grady clout heavy guy whose relative was what sheriff? He's so mad he got dumped now try to take it out on the troops? Great thinking jimmy!

10/23/2013 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

All this while the new commander of 11 is starting up with humpers again. He then went on to say if guys don't produce they'll be walking foot patrols. So let's threaten an already demoralized group of officers by telling them produce or walk the beat. Another quota demand if you ask me. When will they understand?

10/23/2013 12:34:00 AM

I am willing to bet that all of you big bad "real police who work in the ghetto" will be trembling and bringing in parkers, movers, impounds, contact cards and arrests. Keep up all of the hard work. It is greatly appreciated by your department and mayor.

10/23/2013 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(During a deposition)

Plaintiff's lawyer: "Supt McCarthy is it normal police practice around the country to put trainees out on patrol without one on one supervision from a qualified Field Training Officer for a period of 10-12 weeks? When you were with the NYPD and the Newark PD, did you follow this practice"?

GMac: "That was then, this is now,,,we have to do more with less"

Lawyer: "So my client was shot and maimed by a trainee recruit because you chose to ignore common practice and put a raw recruit out on the street without supervision as required by your own general orders and training"?

GMac: (as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out two ball bearings and begins to roll them around in his hand) "I'm surrounded by ineptness and disloyal officers. It's not my fault, everybody under me is incompetant, I'm the only one here that knows what he is doing. I was brought into a sloppy and inept organization, I've been fought tooth and nail about trying to instill the New York style of me being the Supreme Leader. The tales of my alcohol abuse, my berating of junior officers, my improper shooting a streetlamp, my arrest for MFing an officer over a parking ticket,,,,LIES, LIES, LIES"

Defense lawyer: "Mr Mayor, your up next, what caused you to pick this person to be your Chief of Police"?

10/23/2013 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Social Security COLA is CPI.

Proposed COLA for retired police, fire and teachers is half of CPI.

How is that fair?

10/23/2013 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is the City WANTS the FTOs to quit. That way they can create a new position, "recruit liaison" or some other nonsense a la DSS... That way they can assign regular POs to train without having to pay anything out of grade (just like desk officers acting as whatever the equivalent of desk sgt is).

10/23/2013 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop showing the nice food spots to the new guys. They are going to ruin it for the rest of us.

10/23/2013 03:31:00 PM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Three PPOs in a car with an FTO. That is no way to learn.

10/23/2013 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's all the suckholes lining up, touting how Gulliford is such a standup guy & he's a Policemans policeman & all the other bullcrap you like to blabber singing their praises?

10/23/2013 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being an FTO on north side cannot be that bad because all the FTOs in my district have over 3000 hours each.

Big bucks when they retire. They should eliminate the .75 and give them D2A pay like the Mike Shields proposed.

10/23/2013 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
One would have to be soft as puppy shit to be an FTO these days.

10/23/2013 09:23:00 AM

Look, jagoff. Having trained many PO's, I can tell you that a good FTO teaches, but also learns, from the PPO's he works with.

It has been very rewarding, but someone like you, an asshole with attitude, would never understand what it is like to help someone starting out in what has become about the most difficult job in the world.

Shortsighted piss-ants like you are like lawyers and whores, your only measurement is money. That's why you will always be poor.

I suppose you send all your children to CPS. Their teachers are among the highest paid in the country. And they produce some of the worst students with the lowest graduation rates.

No matter how much you and all the other crybaby whiners got paid, it would never be enough. Yes, the department is attacking us FTO's, but it's sad when backstabbing scabs like you side with them by attacking us too.

Tomorrow I will not be a low-life like you. I will go to work and my life will matter because I want to make a difference. Maybe someday one of my "students" will save your life. At least I can have pride in what I do.

10/23/2013 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New police officers are the steel workers of the 1970's ,most police officers can be replaced with armed private security. For half the pay and civilian report writers for one third of the pay .the new civilian and private security would be happy to do your job.

10/23/2013 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair, most of the cuts were to overtime. Patrol felt it first in early 2000's, but each unit has been slowly stripped of overtime. The brain trust is desperately trying to figure out how to cut court OT costs. Again.

And yet the "great lakes task force" comes in with 1 BS arrest and 8 PO's on the paper. Bet their OT won't be cut.

10/23/2013 09:47:00 PM  
Blogger iknowpeople said...

I happen to have a copy of the afraid. Be very afraid.

Not an officer

10/23/2013 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So ogrady is going to clamp down on patrol when he let people run rampant in narcotics? What a freaking joke!
I don't have a problem with humpers, we should be accountable for our day. But why is it only patrol seems to be accountable?
McCarthy thinks he is legitimizing things, well I would think things were legit if I made 250k and got everything I asked for.
The new word on cpd is, Entitlement!

10/23/2013 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the wealth of knowledge in this police dept., why is it that the ALPHA Girls aren't tapped as FTO's????

10/23/2013 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 12.21pm,,,,thanks for the laugh,,,for those of you who don't get it because of your age,,,,order the 1954 film "The Caine Mutiny" on OnDemand or a PPV and see Bogart in one of his finest and last roles

10/23/2013 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair, most of the cuts were to overtime. Patrol felt it first in early 2000's, but each unit has been slowly stripped of overtime. The brain trust is desperately trying to figure out how to cut court OT costs. Again.

And yet the "great lakes task force" comes in with 1 BS arrest and 8 PO's on the paper. Bet their OT won't be cut.

Maybe it's because the city doesn't pay their overtime, the Marshals do. Boo hoo...

10/24/2013 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Idea, maybe...

if you have 2 and three ppos with one fto,

why not offer the chance to two regular partners to not be broken up, but instead, if they volunteer,

and only if they volunteer, and if their sgts. agree, two regular partners on a regular car can take a ppo.

4 weeks. Then another two partners, another 4 weeks, then another two partners.

meanwhile, both partners get a half hour a day... hell, some cars would do it off the books for 1 on the end, every day they have a ppo, one on the end, and only if they tought somethjng that day that you can put on paper. First let the ppo ride quiet, just watch and guard and go along...then let the ppo start to do instead of watch and so on.

plenty of partners out there that are willing to take a ppo and do what they can to get them ready...all they have to do is ask, throw an early duck, don't force it, don't seperate people.

10/24/2013 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I know is that I feel screwed here. The FTO's are angry and want to grievance, and being a PPO, now I feel like forced baggage onto someone. They are not motivated to want to train any more, and I'm stuck trying to figure out this job pretty much solo. The Academy didn't prepare anyone for this and much of what I've figured out/learned so far, differs vastly from what the Academy taught. I want to learn this job to do it right; not feel like I'm just getting thrown at someone and becoming their baggage for the whopping 3 weeks our cycles are for.
Maybe I'll just take that suburb spot that called.

10/24/2013 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They screwed FTO's over about 10 years, ago and the majority quit. Now they are doing it again. This time there is no one left on the FTO list. So, maybe THE TIME IS COMING for the the FTOs to resign.

Maybe this is what the department wants. Every FTO quits and they will just go back to placing the PPO's with regular PO's, with NO EXTRA COMPENSATION.

When I came on in the early 90's there were no FTO's. You were placed with an officer for several weeks and then "graduated" to working alone.

10/24/2013 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NEVER VOLUNTEER FOR ANYTHING! Learned this lesson the hard way in my first 5 years.

-kma club

10/24/2013 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Humper reads:
Looking for my car
Car wash
Grease and oil
Foot patrol
Mission number
Foot patrol
Streaming video training
Good night squad

10/24/2013 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I came on in the early 90's there were no FTO's. You were placed with an officer for several weeks and then "graduated" to working alone.

And suprise, you survived and became a good police officer. I came on in the 70's and saw no FTO's in the 70's and 80's and we turned out some fine officers just by working with another officer for a period of time, usually quite a few different officers and it worked out pretty well

10/24/2013 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Wayno nice-get rid of those fto's that want the extra money-keep those who would do it for nothing or .75. Guess youll have about 20 FTO's left only son's of supervisors and clout that see that as a promotional test before sgt. HMMMM read the order ASS it says A report for A ppo in the singular. grievance won back pay $$$$$$$$ thks Wayno. note the use of Wayno was solely created and used by me. call me disgruntled FTO

Read the contract its pretty clear!
Not to exceed .75 a day!!!

10/24/2013 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is an FTO in 009 who has been called back from disability after 13 years. This FTO was told to expect to train 2 new recruits in the upcoming days. How is this fair to the anyone? Who will be training who?

10/23/2013 11:31:00 AM

Its not rocket science

10/24/2013 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll just take that suburb spot that called.

10/24/2013 05:31:00 AM

Great attitude, rookie. You'll fit in with the .CPD just fine......

10/24/2013 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Great attitude, rookie. You'll fit in with the CPD just fine"

10/24/2013 09:35:00 PM

What is YOUR problem?
You ought to be commending the "rookie" for having the sense to get the fuck away from this shit-show before it's too late for him.


10/25/2013 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the contract its pretty clear!
Not to exceed .75 a day!!!

10/24/2013 05:01:00 PM

For "a" PPO

10/25/2013 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That f/1 sgt in 003 is a good person she is trying to keep those ppos out of trouble while they are on probation and know nothing. There is a reason to the madness make probation first worry about being the po po later. 003 is bad enough.

10/23/2013 09:35:00 AM

This has to be a joke! That SGT is a piece of shit. Her and that M/4 SGT (who was also useless as a dick) are awful!

Fact is you get into shit in 003. You on-view a lot of stuff. These kids need help and want to learn! Meanwhile their useless Sergeants are on the internet doing nothing while the PPOs ask the Tact guys for help.

I don't care if downtown told the Sergeants to keep the kids out of trouble. If they need help, help them!

10/25/2013 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/23/2013 10:31:00 PM

Because what they can teach only requires Knee Pads and Goggles.

10/25/2013 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I know is that I feel screwed here. The FTO's are angry and want to grievance, and being a PPO, now I feel like forced baggage onto someone. They are not motivated to want to train any more, and I'm stuck trying to figure out this job pretty much solo. The Academy didn't prepare anyone for this and much of what I've figured out/learned so far, differs vastly from what the Academy taught. I want to learn this job to do it right; not feel like I'm just getting thrown at someone and becoming their baggage for the whopping 3 weeks our cycles are for.
Maybe I'll just take that suburb spot that called.

Written by an unhappy FTO or maybe the spouse of an unhappy FTO who doesn't know the length of the cycles

10/25/2013 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the wealth of knowledge in this police dept., why is it that the ALPHA Girls aren't tapped as FTO's

What a silly question. Its because after 3 cycles with the ALPHA girls, the PPO would be smarter than all the other po's on the CPD including the bosses.

10/25/2013 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am disgusted with the dept. We have only been fto's for 5months! I knew i would get screwed but I honestly thought it would take a few years. 5 months! I gave up my partner, have to make sure 2-3 ppos are safe, make sure I'm safe because I never know how they're going to react, try to teach 2-3 ppos effectively even though everyone learns at a different pace, etc, etc, etc. And what made it half doable is I got 1.5 hrs a day. The actual "fto pay" is pennies but the daily o.t. made it ok. Well, now its not worth it at all! There are less than 200 ftos city wide. Why screw us!!! They fix this or I walk. I will go back to making several arrests and make up the fto pay that way, without the headache. Thanks bosses, u guys know how to take care of your people. Im done!!

So you dumped your partner for 1.5 a day.
Seems doing all those wonderful things are only motivated by the 1.5 a day.
I know alot of officers that are doing that for the PPO's after they get off their cycles and do it for nothing but knowing its the right thing to do.

10/25/2013 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Written by an unhappy FTO or maybe the spouse of an unhappy FTO who doesn't know the length of the cycles

OR, written by a PPO who knows the cycle length better than you do, and actually wants to get trained on this job instead of hearing whining and crying that you lost 1.5hrs a day when you make $70K+ in the first place...

10/25/2013 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are the ALPHA girls?

10/26/2013 12:52:00 AM  

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