Thursday, December 19, 2013

An Amusing Take

No reason, not police related, just an off-beat take on something that pops up whenever left-leaning, socialist, Occupy, Marxist, re-distribution-ist liberals peek in:
  • In 2012 the CEO of Walmart made $20.7 million. Walmart has about 2 million employees (as far as I can tell, this is only counting the employees in the American stores). So, if you divided the CEO’s entire pay among the employees they’d each get $10.35 more per year- that’s not quite 20 cents per week; a half a cent per hour for full time employees. Woohoo.

    Now, look at a paystub and see how much the various governments” steal from every paycheck, and then tell me who the real parasite is.
Again, it's just an alternative way of looking at something that is used as a straw-man by people who don't understand numbers. Or economics. Or capitalism.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, just like who makes the most money off a gallon of gasoline today.

12/19/2013 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. Just where do all those deductions go ?

12/19/2013 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When government takes money that I honestly earned out of my paycheck, through it's various taxes, it is theft pure and simple. Of course if I protest this theft by government, I will have everything, including my freedom taken away.

12/19/2013 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there's several problems with that ceo pay thought process tho.

let me ask you something.

who should be rewarded; the people that are working or people that are sitting home on their ass watching the stock ticker all day.

where are the company profits going.

where should they go first to non-working do-nothing share holders or to the people that are working.

by rewarding the shareholders and putting them first you encourage the non-working non-producing, which by the way pay less income tax on their capital gains income.

those shareholder profits which the company exec's love to give preference to -- because they themselves have huge stock holdings and options on -- are being subsidized by the rest of us via welfare programs like link card food stamps

therefore, if you want to subsides the walmart employees so the company can pay out larger stock bonuses to it's exec's don't complain about handouts because you've just endorsed it.

don't work. borrow money and put it in the ponzi stock market instead. you get lower taxes that way and if the company profits start to fail just drop a dime to washington and demand more welfare so wages can be cut..


12/19/2013 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of this entire qe money printing thing that is supposed to encourage companies to expand and create jobs because interest rates are manipulated to new all time lows have you noticed that it ain't working.

in fact the easy borrowing of money is having the exact opposite effect -- the money is being used to destroy jobs via mergers and buyouts.

for example.

if you don't think that there's layoffs coming from the recent american airlines merger you need to get educated.

then there is talk of t-mobile merging.

go right down the list. industry by industry. the free money the fed is handing out is being used to buy out the competition, consolidate and destroy jobs.

and the automaker bailouts, what was done with that money and the cheap fed money that followed. it's being used to expand in Brazil and Asia as plants are shut down here. the exec's that were in charge are leaving and popping their golden parachutes before all the bailout money is gone and they would have to show that they know how to run a business.

run like hell baby. it's all coming apart.

don't think so. try googling how many banks the usa had running in pre-2008 and compare it with today;s numbers of banks in operation. massive consolidation.

the free market is gone. lobbyist have bought and paid washington off and we have government sponsored monopolies now. a hand full of billion dollar corps are in control. you see it in banks. you see it in healthcare. laws set-up to protect the powers to be from any competition.

think obamacare as the most recent example.

12/19/2013 01:30:00 AM  
Blogger I Voted For Obama said...

I was never good at math.

12/19/2013 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:00 AM obviously missed his classes on economics 101 and how capitalism works in school. Or, maybe he was never taught, just indoctrinated in socialism and Marxism.

12/19/2013 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate that store-always have...
Why? because like Walgreens they killed so many Mom and Pop stores...

I don't care if there prices are 'supposedly cheaper', which a lot of times, they aren't.


12/19/2013 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big government and regulations cost us all too much soon things will snap.

12/20/2013 08:27:00 PM  

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