Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What a Crock

Here's a ridiculous puff piece making the rounds of the left-wing media:
  • The FBI has helped to disrupt or prevent nearly 150 shootings and violent attacks this year, in part by steering potential gunmen toward mental health professionals.
    There have been hundreds of these disruptions since 2011, Attorney General Eric Holder told an audience of police chiefs in October, touting the behind-the-scenes work of a small FBI unit based out of Quantico, Va. In most cases, the FBI has helped potential offenders get access to mental health care.
And just how do they come up with this number? Easy, they made it up.

There is no way to gauge how many shootings the feebs have "prevented." There is no set of indicators that point to any individual as a "shooter." There are warning signs in some people, behaviors that might lead one to believe they have the "potential" to harm themselves or others, but most people displaying those behaviors do not end up shooting up offices, school or public places.

We're going to claim that we, personally, have prevented about 25,000 shootings by merely noting that no shootings have taken place in our presence over the past decade. We use a 10-year measurement because some poor bastard did manage to get lit up as we rolled up to an in-progress call, but since then, we've been batting 1.000. Perfection!

We'll also note that the feebs have completely missed all the warning signs of Sandy Hook, Aurora, the DC/Navy Yard shooting along with a few dozen others in recent years. With a miserable track record like that and a sizable body count to hang on their blown calls, we can see why they'd want to make shit up for Holder's/Obama's political agenda.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, this is from the same Govm't agency that gave us judy wies?

Yep... it all makes perfect sense now.

12/18/2013 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do Not Trust Eric the Red. Do not believe Anything he says. Probably the only thing keeping him out of jail is the fact that he is the nation's attorney general.

12/18/2013 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinda like some shithead telling you he gonna get ur job office....

12/18/2013 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous xcop7903 said...

Just like the NSA and homeland security supposedly prevented dozens of terrorist attacks by spying on American citizens. Turns out, most of these terrorist acts consisted of sending checks to suspected extremist groups. Guess they needed millions of rounds of hollow-points to stop cash transfers or checks.

12/18/2013 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If what they say is true, and they've prevented all these shootings, then any attempt to increase the scrutiny would-be gun owners are subject to, based on "mental health concerns" is superfluous, right? It's simply not necessary.


12/18/2013 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the FBI are taking a page out of McFailure's Compstat mumbo jumbo book?

12/18/2013 02:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance... baffle them with bullshit.

12/18/2013 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And these are the same people who brought you Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Miami Bank Robbery shootout and Little Bohemia. A REAL competent and trustworthy group.

12/18/2013 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, everyone. This is very frightening. Read this and the post above about how dart is complaining about concealed carry and saying there aren't strong enough powers for excluding mentally ill people.

Socialist are in charge of this country. They don't even hide that word any longer. Look at what the Soviet Union did to its people. If you were not a loyal party member, you could find yourself in a mental hospital for years. A great way to get rid of political rivals. Now Holder-of-Obama's-balls is saying the FBI send people to the nut house to stop violence.

NYPD tried that with one of their coppers too. Just say a guy is crazy, lock him in a hospital and he has to prove that he isn't bat shit nuts to a communist head shrinker.

You are at serious risk of losing your Constitutional rights to these socialist assholes. Your freedom and liberty are at risk as at no other time in the history of this nation. You better wake up to who these corrupt socialist criminals are and stop voting them into office to rob you of your rights.

12/18/2013 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FBI propaganda beats the Kremlin or the U.S.M.C. for chutzpah!

12/18/2013 07:02:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

I call that entire article BULLSHIT. It's just more propaganda from the Barry O'Mugabe Regime.

Especially that nice made up little story about the college student psycho who was committed. Though one aspect of the story was *interesting* and should have been the real focus and tip-off to any real Shrink or LEO -- the psycho Tortured Animals, 'animal abuse'.

So that IMHO should be a tip-off something's wrong not any 'fascination with guns' -- any Boy who doesn't get interested in Firearms as they grow up is gonna wind up wearing a Dress -- and hangin' out with 'guys' like Rahm & Obama as adults.

Important note; the NY Post is labeled by the left as Right-Wing (and maybe in NYC it is 'right'), but that's really bullshit - all things being equal. When it comes to Guns the NY Post would be happy if every gun in the US was melted down, including those of the Armed Forces and Police. (on the anti-gun scale in NYC media: The NY Slimes is #1, NY Daily News #2, NY Post #3)

12/18/2013 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the mainstream media keep harping on gun control as a means to solve these problems? If you look at most of these shootings, the shooter has mental health issues. How many of these shooters are on some prescribed drugs? You know-- that ones on TV that say they might cause suicide, etc. I wonder why that might not be an avenue of investigation?
Oh right-- huge advertisers for the mainstream media-- the drug companies. Got it now.

12/18/2013 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was McCarthy doing that press conference? Sounds like more of that kind of nonsense. Why not though. Apparently the sheep keep eating it.

12/18/2013 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Joe Goebbels said...

I'm so proud...

12/18/2013 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This from the AG that gave us Fast and Furious, and the FBI that turned a blind eye to F and F.

12/18/2013 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FEEEBS are no different than CeaseFire...what was that million dollar payout for Rahmbelina?

12/18/2013 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit, I thought this article was from The Onion!

12/18/2013 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know Ceasefire started working for the FBI too. Do the Feebs pay them $1 million per year too?

Violence Interrupters...where have I heard that term before....

Can you tell me how many shootings CPD has prevented? Just ask the crystal ball unit.

12/18/2013 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when is the NY Post left-wing media?

12/18/2013 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats certainly Washington DC bullshit...not street agent info

12/18/2013 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pre-crimes, it was in Minority Report with Tom Cruise.

12/18/2013 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I prevented 32 shootings today. I got paid about 139 bucks so each prevention only cost the city around four bucks. That's a good deal of I ask me.

12/18/2013 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also have prevented many shootings (while off duty might I add) by passing gas in elevators that were sure to carry potential offenders. Had it not been for my foul stench the safety of our public would have been greatly jepoardized. Now if only my wife and the guys who share my car could be appreciative.

12/18/2013 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have NO faith in the agencies that protect obunghole or anyone in his cabinet.THE SECRET SERVICE used to be great guy's I worked many years w/ them at the airport. I also worked w/FBI guy's who were pretty good bunch. I did several months w/ATF on a Task Force they would refer to us as "locals" but I have lost faith in all of them for watching over that commie and his buddies even though I know it's their job and the protect the office not the man crap but this guy is taking our country down and their going along for the ride I just can't see why they don't do something about it. The Military is doing the same thing I just don't understand they are here to uphold their OATH'S To defend the Constitution as we all are.....LOST.

12/19/2013 02:58:00 PM  

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