Friday, January 31, 2014

Economic Disaster Coming

  • Even as President Obama and Governor Quinn push for a $10 an hour minimum wage across the state and nation, there’s a referendum on some Chicago ballots to boost the pay even higher.

    WBBM Political Editor Craig Dellimore reports that aldermen like the South Side’s Leslie Hairston say $10 isn’t enough.

    They back a ballot measure calling on major corporations to pay a $15 an hour “living wage” so workers aren’t stuck in poverty.
How about working hard, advancing, earning raises? Or forgoing the latest computer game, flashy shoes or expensive smokes, drinks and clubs? How about not having a child you can't afford and a car you can't pay for?

If you jack up the minimum wage by nearly 100%, we'll guarantee hiring in Chicago grinds to a halt. It's basic Econ 101 and no one in the City Council appears to have the slightest idea how it works. Money/Wealth isn't created out of thin air. Dumb decisions by lawmakers lead to real world consequences, in most cases disparately impacting the least fortunate.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed SCC we are in for a collapse of this state unlike any other, even Detroit will pale in comparison. On another note some threads are trying to get the big check FOP candidates to debate each other, it would be fantastic if they would, and could someone in the know name the candidates that have gotten CR numbers on other coppers, noway could I ever vote for someone that does that, and how could any copper that does that to a fellow copper even consider running for a 6 figure job, that coppers pay them for! If you get CR numbers on coppers how can you defend others who have numbers?

1/31/2014 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Well we're movin on up"...

1/31/2014 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...,0,4063005.story

Get ready to lose your pension as the masters of theft meet!

1/31/2014 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rahm just recently returned from a trade mission to asia... to promote chicago business .. to create jobs

ya see what we got don't ya..

motorola mobility sold to china

1/31/2014 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ObaMAO just put his little plan out there to increase the pay of FEDERAL employees. It won't take effect until 2015 and will impact about 100,000 workers.

Now there's the Illinois politician who did nothing showing his worth! Wow! 100,000 fucking people will make more in tax dollars! The country is saved by the Messiah! Vote dumbocRAT!

1/31/2014 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if the City Council plans to jack up the minimum wage some forty percent or more, then shouldn't OUR wages go up proportionately?

1/31/2014 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The corporations may try at first but when customers refuse to pay double the amount and same store city sales plummet. ....
It's like an invitation for businesses to leave Chicago or automate. Either way, the number of minimum wage jobs will be greatly reduced.

1/31/2014 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just don't see why someone who works at mcdonalds deserves $15 an hour. I also don't see alot of companies staying in business now because of the minimum wage hike up-- Or there will be a lot of lay offs coming in the future. I'm not some annoying whiny hag who believes the less fortunate shouldn't be able to make more money in jobs that allow almost no room for advancement, but c'mon! $15? No one is complaining about the the $2 dollar hike it seems except the people making what, $100,000 a year or so? Just STFU and help work on the 92% of our young men not even having a job!

1/31/2014 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you get rent subsidies, free food, free clothes, free healthcare, free child care, and babysitting money, How can you not live off,10 an hr.

1/31/2014 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Perry F'ing Mason said...

Illinois is so screwed up.

Does anyone else see the TOTAL incompetence in these jokers who are in office? Seriously, would you hire ANY of them to run a small business?

I wouldn't hire any of them and they are making good money for messing up the whole state. (so are their cronies)

Vote them out - OR don't cry when your union rep comes to you and asks you if you want a total one-time cash settlement for your pension (nickels on the dollars you "thought" you were going to get) OR take a reduced pension of about 15-20 cents on the dollar.

Once this state declares bankruptcy, ALL bets are off as far as any "Constitutional guarantees" for your pensions.

It's "negotiation" time and your union (actually their lawyer) stands in line with ALL the other creditors' lawyers and the court decides what - if anything - you get.

With YOUR union and its crew of "experts", I wouldn't be counting on buying that big townhouse in Florida just yet.

Think this is BS and it will never happen?? Better start taking some time and sitting in on some Bankruptcy court hearings to see how things get "divied up" when the real sharks in the water come to play.

Been there, done that.

Next case.

1/31/2014 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The stupid people should not be given a ballot. As SCC said, "If you jack up the minimum wage by nearly 100%, we'll guarantee hiring in Chicago grinds to a halt. It's basic Econ 101 and no one in the City Council appears to have the slightest idea how it works. Money/Wealth isn't created out of thin air. Dumb decisions by lawmakers lead to real world consequences, in most cases disparately impacting the least fortunate."

This link says it all!

1/31/2014 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the people obama is rewarding are the wall street shareholders.

it's being done via corporate bailouts and federal reserve interest rate manipulation.

talk about lazy and working hard and earning things.

whelp a corporation can reward it's sit-on-their-ass do nothing shareholders or they can reward their employees that are actually doing the hard work.

now, that said, take a look at where the average wage has been going and tell us who's getting the rewards.

the corporations itself isn't working hard.

the corporations don't need to hire more people...not as long as the fed reserve is handing out nearly free money.

the corporations have been using that hand out money to speculate in the stock market with. hell if you can get a loan with 1 percent interest why work...why create anything.

just keep rolling over that company debt with more loans using the lower interest rate loan to pay off the higher interest rate loan you made a few years ago. as some point you hit zero and then you declare bankruptcy. if you happen to have a large enough workforce you can hold that workforce hostage demanding a government/taxpayer bailout or you will behead their careers.

nothing hard about that.

and whos' the so-called job creators here when you think about it. the ceo's hoarding the corporate handouts or the min. wage workers buying all the things they can't afford.

1/31/2014 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The stark difference between Marxism and Capitalism. Unfortunately these statists/Marxists will take the nation down with them.

1/31/2014 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wealth Distribution

Keep Voting One Party Rule
only the Clouted and those that get the crumbs benefit

FLOP is a great example of this I don't get the benefits of a good contract and I pay dues for what?

1/31/2014 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No hiring means No new folks to buy your house Enjoy that ass pain too Shitcago and Illrus state are for the clouted few and they claim democratic principles to buy off their voters While you are left in the lurch

1/31/2014 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

central planning's ponzi scam is not going to end well.

food stamps have already been cut across the board.

obamacare rape job shoved down everyone's throats has taken more disposable income out of the economy

and speaking of disposable income...

what do you suppose that is going to look like when the january heating bills arrive in early feb with this bout of global warming we've been having.

there's a major drought out west where we get a large percentage of out produce and the cattle herds are at a 60 year all time low.

the chickens have the h1n1 virus and the west coast sea food is glowing in the dark from the ongoing fukushima disaster.

sears, jc penny, best buy, abbott labs, issuing more layoffs as we speak

and homicides in chicago have dropped so much that even rahm's baby, accretive health had to layoff close to 200 people. they have no-one to strong arm and brow beat in the er rooms on how they plan to pay for their gsw's i guess.

yet we ain't seen nothing yet.

1/31/2014 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this some of the fundamental change that Obama was hoping for? Are these people completely insane? Are the people that elected them sane?

1/31/2014 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't there an Economist or a noted Nobel or a Professor at U. of C. or even at Daley College, who can explain to the Minions or to Quinn or to the President, how money works? It trickles down not trickles up.

1/31/2014 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More Illegals to be granted citizenship too The flood gates will never stop and the economy will Your kids will never have the lifestyle that you worked so hard to get This country is on the downward and never recover Bye Bye USA

1/31/2014 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stupid Democrats at their finest

1/31/2014 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why stop at $10 per hour? Why not $20 per hour, a much better living wage? Let's go higher, $30 per hour?When does the Government decide what a low skilled worker should make?

1/31/2014 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If $15.00 an hour is good, wouldn't $50.00 an hour be even better?

I can't wait to buy my $20.00 hamburger or my $10.00 a gallon gas.

"Living" wage is the same as "affordable" housing and "fixed" incomes, nothing but buzz words.

1/31/2014 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would you expect from Illinois politicians? Dumb decisions by dumb people, you don't have to be smart to be a politician. In order to be a police officer in Chicago you have to have at least 2 years of college. What are the educational requirements for an alderman? CPD officers have more education and advanced degrees than a majority of the brain dead politicians in the city and county.

1/31/2014 05:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JThis will help better our world.
Just look at the cost of living,people need a living wage. Our catholic church tells us to help the poor, this is important. people need hope. All to often only a select few make profit. I pray that this passes and that we all see the light of a better society. We need to do the work of god like father Escriva believed in. God Bless. I work at the Academy at 1300 W. Jackson
and the police

1/31/2014 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke! Hard work on this Police Dept. Don't get you shit either! While the Mayor is looking to cut our pensions and benefits in half!

1/31/2014 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Presently minimum wage in Illinois is 8.25 an hour and they want to raise it to 10 or 15 dollars, If I knew voting democratic would get me that kind of money I never would have gone back to college.

1/31/2014 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The State just told middle class workers that it could not pay all the money it borrowed and owed its pension funds and cut promised and earned benefits.

However the same legislators now want to give a gift to corporations with a new tax cut.

So we just had a redistribution of wealth.

Take modest and earned pension monies and give them to the corporations.

1/31/2014 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why go to college and earn an advanced degree? work at McDonalds. Would you like fries with your socialism?

1/31/2014 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When it's free, it's never enough.

1/31/2014 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minimum wage jobs are ment to be entry level jobs while you work your way up to better paying jobs that require more skills.
So instead of dropping out of school, fathering or bearing multiple children, take some of the wages you get, and instead of buying drugs, Jordan's or X-boxes, spend it on education to improve your job skills & make yourself marketable for higher paying jobs.

1/31/2014 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need about $22.00 an hour to "live" and not exactly high on the hog. You cannot live on $8-10 bucks an hour.

1/31/2014 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion that would save thousands, perhaps millions annually in Illinois AND possibly the U.S.
I'm surprised no one thought of it earlier.
When signing those B.S. bills into law, use a lone .19 cent Bic pen, or steal one from the Patrolmen's Federal Credit Union.
Get rid of those 50-100 specialty pens that are only used to write one letter then given away to some political crony.
You may think that I'm over estimating the savings on pens, but think again, they come from... Vanecko Pen Co.
You're Welcome.

1/31/2014 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you mandate this? End of dollar menu, big business could pay this, what about mom n pop business? This would be the final nail In the coffin for the as they are barely hanging on now!

And this:,0,7487272.story

Madigan wants to cut business taxes in half, great idea michael except that the state claims it is trillions in debt correct? How mike do you propose to make this up? I know you guys will close the family and friends piggy bank fund you and your minions like the daleys have stolen from all these years lol!

1/31/2014 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This ass of a president is either trying to start class warfare or is too ignorant to see this kind of raise is going to expand firings people let go from the work force etc. the country is on the brink of revolution why do politicians have their heads buried in the dirt?

1/31/2014 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Daley-Emanuel death spiral continues.

1/31/2014 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...,0,7487272.story

1/31/2014 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$15/hr is actually $19.50/hr when you include payroll taxes. If I'm paying someone $8.75 now, why the fuck would I want to double their pay? What do I get for that increase?

More effective and efficient employees? Do they cover the cost of those additional wages? Do I still make the same profit?

If not, then fuck it. I may already have enough money such that I just don't care about the business if I'm not going to make my profit numbers, so I don't care if I close it.

It's HARD WORK running a business, growing/keeping sales, making a payroll, and eeking out some profit to reward myself for the risks I take in running the business. If I'm not going to make what I feel is enough, then fuck it - I don't need it so buh bye.

I either close it entirely, or I just move to a more business-friendly State where I can make my profit...

Illinois is fucked up - you can't tax your way out of this hole - you have to GROW your way out of it. You do that by cutting taxes, and regulations so businesses are willing to invest, and so they can justify the costs of hiring someone else instead of installing a machine, or just spending the money to move...

You want more money? Provide more value to the employer, otherwise forget it. If you don't want the job, I'll hire someone else who does. Flipping burgets isn't a $15/hr job - sorry, but if you want $15/hr, you should have stayed in school, learned something, taken the risk to go to college, take out some loans, and get a real job that pays more.

1/31/2014 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You cannot make a man worth a given amount by making it illegal for anyone to offer him anything less. You merely deprive him of the right to earn the amount that his abilities and situation would permit him to earn, while you deprive the community even of the moderate services that he is capable of rendering. In brief, for a low wage you substitute unemployment."

From Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt

Read the whole thing:

1/31/2014 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF!!!! let's just give them everything. I'm fucking stuck in poverty and retired from CPD. I don't get to enjoy my golden years because we are paying for illegals and their litter families! ENOUGH!!!

1/31/2014 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I took economics in graduate school I struggled with the classes. I never thought they would be so tough. Maybe out political class should do the same, especially in the law of supply and demand. Raise the minimum wage too much and companies will automate and do with less human workers. manufacturing is coming back to the US because the average wages are rising in China and the rest of Asia and the rule of law if weakening. The US has the transportation, the educated work force and the rule of law.

1/31/2014 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why the African American community continues to be taken in by this policy of appeasement by their own leaders. Ok, I get why the takers are, but there a quite a few blacks who want to get a decent job and move up the food chain. Yet they continue to elect leaders who roll them with hand outs, not help up. When will they figure out the democrats are keeping them on the plantation?
And immigration? Does the black community really believe that Barry's immigration policy will benefit jobs creation for them?
Give him a fish vs teach him to fish.

1/31/2014 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

minimum wage was never meant to be the wages for the head of the household or breadwinner. Min wage is for the unskilled, entry-level workers. Enough of this already. Once again, pandering to the illiterate, illegals , dropouts and dummycrats.

1/31/2014 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if the City Council plans to jack up the minimum wage some forty percent or more, then shouldn't OUR wages go up proportionately?

Yep, there it is. The typical Chicago city worker answer- "Well then I get some too"

The core of the problem

1/31/2014 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jacking up the minimum wage will kill the economy, which is just what the left wants. Government has its hands in all industries, and now it will try to strangle them off. This has to stop. What ever happened to the tenants of capitalism, the invisible hand that guides our economy, and laissez faire "leave it alone" policy of government keeping hands off of business?
We have a socialist government now, which is government running business. The next step is communism, government owning business. None of our elected officials are stepping up to stop this, what is our next move?

1/31/2014 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the fact that a large number of the "protest crowd" is composed of "rent a mob" idiots who were paid less than the minimum wage to assemble and wave signs on cue. If you have ever seen these mopes marching in circles around City Hall, it is readily apparent that none of them are employable as menial labor. What they are good at is chanting slogans and not much else. This is street theater straight out of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," which is Obama's Bible. Unfortunately, the television cameras record it all uncritically and report the same as news. These mobs do not want to work for wages. They feel entitled to the money and this empty posturing is just another shakedown.

1/31/2014 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If $15 becomes minimum wage I am quitting my current job and working at Mc Donalds. Why the fuq even try? Tax Payer subsidized insruamce, free phone, rent assistance, food assitance... No more getting up early, being on time, performing, producing accurate repeatable work product, no more sweatng the mortgage, health insurance payment...

1/31/2014 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can some economist show me what food stamps, section 8' free insurance, free phone, subsidized gas and electricity affect hourly wage. I would bet once these costs are factored in I would be shocked to see these folks are making more than 30 bucks an hour on someone elses back already

1/31/2014 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you listen to the ultra lib white girl who was trying to explain how this would be good for society because (in a valley girl voice) "everyone would have more money to spend"!! What part of a $10 #1 meal at McD's or doubled grocery bills doesn't she understand.

I do love the Alderman who proclaimed the $13 an hour she made working at Jewels (sic) wasn't enough.

1/31/2014 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This seems like a sly way of increasing tax revenue. The more money people make, the more taxes they pay. It all sounds a little underhanded that they are basically giving themselves (the govt.) a raise (more money to tax) all at the expense of businesses. The next thing you know they will be voting on their own personal raises.. oh wait, they already do that too

With all that great economic news and possible tax incentives coming out of wisconsin, why would any business stay in illinois. perfect time to be raising the state minimum wage and make it even less attractive to do business here... a$$hole$.

1/31/2014 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you SCC but let's not forget that the average copper lives way beyond their pay too. Harleys, new cars, boats, jet skis, summer homes in surrounding States and the ever present Catholic school ransom, I mean tuition. I suppose the big difference is that most coppers are willing to work at Chuck E Cheese for a side job 30 hours a week to pay for all that extraneous shit. VRI certainly helps!

But really, there is less advancement opportunity in a factory then on CPD. Funny considering most CPD exempt should be working factory jobs.

1/31/2014 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw that threshold s and tom tunney are bringing assisted housing to Belmont and Sheffield. I dreamed of owning property there for years. Priced out now ssi nut cases and serial masterbators will live their free trying to transition back to "life".

1/31/2014 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have the politicians given any thought to the college educated highly qualified and highly motivated out of work folks who would be more than happy to work at McDonalds for a $15 min wage? Buhbye high school dropouts with no skillset, motivation or work ethic. What happens when they are passed over in favor of a hire with more skills and edumacation? Lol, it will be federally mandated "no skills hiring guidelines". Face it, we are screwed.

1/31/2014 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another disaster, similar to Detroit,you would think barry obama like other presidents before him would at least take care of financially of his hometown Chicago! But I guess not, Detroit went bankrupt, pension plans were erased, do you think in this corrupt city/state/county it cannot happen?

On another note why the silence on the contract billy? has anything at all happened? any offers at all? why are we not in arbitration? Crickets as usual! Tommy Mcdonough any insight? You were at our roll call nice pens and paper same as dohertys stuff!It has been on this blog and many other places why not debate the top paying positions? It could easily be done,it would let the membership that pay these inflated salaries the chance to ask questions in a forum, where the top 5 candidates could resond why not?

1/31/2014 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How about working hard, advancing, earning raises?"

When making this comment, did you factor in CPD, where raises are automatic no matter how hard (or not so hard) you work? Or did you take into consideration all the comments which state words to the effect of, "I'm only answering my calls and doing nothing else"?

1/31/2014 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous D-O-N-E said...

1 February 2014:

Still no retro check for sergeants.

No DSS back-pay from grievance that was won.

City STILL refuses to pay on the NATO 6th and 7th workday.

Ahh, what the hell... lets see what's playing on Netflix... HEY! "House of Cards" Season 2 starts February 14th with Kevin Spacey. GREAT Show!!

1/31/2014 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you thought all those school loans and payments were going to make a difference of sending your kids to college......... Those low skilled workers will be on the plus side hauling in the cash, while your still paying for college, and the grad may make only a bit more than the burger flipper. (No disgrace to the flippers...just an analogy)


1/31/2014 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last contract the CityWide guys lost us 6.1% when short shanks was give money way for labor peace in case we had gotten the Olympics. These same guys submarined Shields and we lost our retro for 2012. That’s 8.1%.

At the rate the CityWide guys are going we will be getting food stamps to supplement our income at retirement.

1/31/2014 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pensions>tick tock tick tock......

1/31/2014 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the basis of the Cloward-Piven strategy to collapse the economy and make everyone dependent on government. It started with Johnson's Great Society in the late 60's and has created the overloaded welfare system in place today.

Anyone who has voted Democrat in the last 30 years, and everyone who votes Democrat in the future, is voting for the collapse of the United States.

Put "Cloward-Piven strategy" in a search box and check it out.

1/31/2014 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny thing about minimum wage - it's what people are paid who do jobs that a reasonably responsible 14 year old could perform. Back in my youth, one of my jobs (I held down 3 at the time) was a minimum wage position at a pet store, cleaning bird doo. There were two other people working there doing similar jobs - they were both dropouts, living on welfare and the boss felt sorry for them. When minimum wage was increased, they got dumped and I was kept on, because I could actually MAKE CHANGE and put inventory on shelves in a LOGICAL manner in addition to cleaning bird doo. Unless the people Leslie Hairston represents have additional job skills that make them worth more in the marketplace, increasing minimum wage will guarantee they will be in the unemployment line.

1/31/2014 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is as dumb as not allowing big box stores in the city like Walmart. Walmart moved across the street into the suburbs. After millions of dollars in lost tax revenue the city and alderman were sucking walmarts dick to get them into the city. Somebody should go into a city hall meeting and show the council a replay of all their stupid past fuck ups. Every major decisions these morons make is always WRONG

1/31/2014 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Senator Clay Davis said...

"How about working hard, advancing, earning raises? Or forgoing the latest computer game, flashy shoes or expensive smokes, drinks and clubs? How about not having a child you can't afford and a car you can't pay for?"

Shee-it. Just let the working poor sign up for V.R.I. on Michigan Ave. Why should the "working hard, advancing, earning raises" CPD get to grab all the V.R.I. whore monies?

1/31/2014 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The stark difference between Marxism and Capitalism

Marxism is when the powerful get rich
Capitalism is when the rich get powerful

1/31/2014 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is John Galt?

1/31/2014 01:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if people would stop loosing overtime slips due from court or extention of duty we would not have many issues within. This is our economic disaster!!!

1/31/2014 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well. here's your obama/emanuel economy..

Wal-Mart outlook hit by store closings, food stamp cuts.

1/31/2014 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone know why a DHS police truck marked "Field Operations" would be patrolling in 016?

1/31/2014 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at your pension deposit arriving this morning. Mine is .53 cents less than last year. My wife's is 66.37 less per month thanks to Rahm raising the insurance rates. He did not want us to get our 3%,raise so he took it by increasing the medical insurance. Thanks Rahm! Did everyone else's go up 60% or just Rahm's favorite employees Police and fire?

1/31/2014 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome to the world of big government, i.e., the Democratic liberals, aka central planning, who will and where you can live, how much of your money is too much money, how to live your private (used to be private in a free country) life, and on and on....socialism, ain't it great?
signed, your community organizer

1/31/2014 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if the political apparatus is truly concerned about the working poverty class at the corporate walmarts and fast food resteraunts, etc..

here's an idea.

instead of putting it on their precious corporate exec's to raise wages how about raising income tax deductions and lowing tax rates so that a min-wage worker pays zero, federal, state, county, city, taxes.

i mean really.

what's the point of taking taxes from a 7.50/hr 30 hours a week walmart worker then in return give them food stamps so they have enough nutrition to go work the next day.

i'm not just talking about income tax either. sales tax, fuel tax, excise tax. tax on electricity, tax on phones, tax on heat.

pretty idiotic to try to demand that the working poor chip-in and pay their so-called fair share of taxes when they can't even support their families or themselves and get back some of tax money via welfare programs like food stamps anyways.

the tracking of this welfare money for the working poor to make sure they are not buying too many sugary soft drinks amounts to busywork building empires -- empires made up from clouted positions for friends of politicians.

not very efficient.

however....if you do that. then you end up taking away what the political apparatus would call 'a tool'

what tool is that.

the 47 mil. people across the nation including the 2 mil. in illinois on the food stamp program that are used as tools to give banks like jp morgan a contract to run the benefit 'link' cards.

oh.. are they not so noble to do that for us. no-no..don't look at the contract, the ceo bonuses for frauds, the wink and nod deals. look at the food stamp program they run for us all.

a distraction if you ever saw one

1/31/2014 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same doom and gloom was predicted every time the minimum wage was raised before, and just the opposite happened -- the raise in the minimum wage fueled a spending spike instead. Why? It's simple -- because people making minimum wage largely spend every extra dollar they make. The simple fact is that even the proposed hike doesn't come close to catching up with inflation and productivity gains since the last wage hike. I mean, imagine if police salaries were frozen for years and years despite increases in the cost of living and increased workloads -- you'd rightfully complain about that, wouldn't you?

1/31/2014 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC you say members in the city council or the people who support this "living wage" nonsense do not understand basic economics.

I beg to differ. They do understand economics. They understand it fully. They want to destroy capitalism because capitalism gives people true choice and true liberty. Free markets work and the extreme left hates this. They want people to be completely dependent on the government; which is them rather than be dependent on yourself and our family and loved ones.

This is nothing new. Karl Marx and the extreme left advocated destroying capitalism on purpose so the only alternative people have for dependence is the government.

1/31/2014 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before you jump the gun remember that this is a non binding referendum placed on the March 18th ballot.

However, in this socialist Democratic city this referendum will have huge support. Even though it is non binding- the effect it will have is huge. No one in their right mind would relocated a business in the city of Chicago. Because they will be scared to death that this non binding referendum may soon one day become an official law.

1/31/2014 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Agreed SCC we are in for a collapse of this state unlike any other, even Detroit will pale in comparison. On another note some threads are trying to get the big check FOP candidates to debate each other, it would be fantastic if they would, and could someone in the know name the candidates that have gotten CR numbers on other coppers, noway could I ever vote for someone that does that, and how could any copper that does that to a fellow copper even consider running for a 6 figure job, that coppers pay them for! If you get CR numbers on coppers how can you defend others who have numbers?

1/31/2014 12:09:00 AM

You have to be one of the biggest idiots on the job. Either you have never come across a copper that was a complete idiot or you are an idiot. Probably the latter of the two. There are some people on this job that never should have been hired.

1/31/2014 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed. We've only just begun to see and hear of the numerous disasters with Obamacare. People who previously were insured, now cannot get insurance! Another brilliant wet dream by our fearless leader...Can we just ask him to stop coming up with more of his "bright ideas"???

1/31/2014 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just heard that jackass governor quinn stroking att for creating a few hundred illinois jobs,

listen up people..

just because a corporation makes a job creation announcement that doesn't mean an existing illinois resident or even a us citizen will get that job,

case in point..

AT&T Report - H1B Visa and Green Card Profile | › Visa Sponsor‎
AT&T has filed 1768 labor condition applications for H1B visa and 107 labor certifications for green card since 2001. During fiscal year 2011-2012, it filed 442 ..

- ------------ -

with usa unemployment off the charts....with currently over 93 million working age americans out of the workforce,,,with all the recent underemployed and unemployed college grads [well over 40 percent of recent grads ] that have moved back home to live in their so-called mom's basement, these corporations fabricate foreign worker visa applications claiming a shortage of skills here -- that the skills gap needs to be filled by foreign workers, and the politicians approve the visa request.

93 million people and att can't find their skills here.

mayor rahm's arc corp can't find welders here, etc.


are you buying that crap. out of 93 million people.

not to mention if these jobs are living wage jobs or even permanent ones.

and of course even if they tell you that they are 'living wage jobs', 'good jobs', 'permanent jobs' what do those words mean when they come out of the mouths of a politician or a corporate exec.

it depends on what the definition of 'is' -- is. right.

crime is down. your pension is protected like your right to bear arms by the constitution. if you like you doctor you can keep your doctor and raising the debt ceiling doesn't raise the nations debts.

better believe the disaster is right here, right now.

1/31/2014 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more entitlement generation bullshit. always crying about things not being fair. i'm sorry but if you are unskilled, uneducated and unmotivated then you deserve to be poor and hungry until you get motivated enough to do something for yourself. no more fucking handouts that reward laziness.

1/31/2014 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't get the posting yesterday from the 5 Parker's/Movers a day imbecile out of my head. It is time to start having Senior Officers call these idiots out. The only thing you should be coming in with everyday, is something that doesn't line the pockets of this corrupt machine and steal from the hardworking people. 0 Revenue is the only negotiating tool we can use.

1/31/2014 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Wow 60 days in jail in county, be the will be sleeping in deluxe directors room, with catering from Ruth Chris steak house. If I was a no clout copper he would of got the max, or anyone without he Daley crime machine they would of done serious time! What about the 60 Million he and his friend davis stole from our pension fund? Any federal indictments coming? Vanecko the nephew of the crime boss who did this to Chicago!

1/31/2014 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will just squeeze the middle class some more. Every business out there will just jack up their prices on everything to compensate so instead of your Dunkin Donuts coffee being $2.00 it will be $4.00. This means the guy making $15.00 an hour still can't afford shit and now you can't either. Socialism forced down our throats.

1/31/2014 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another way the democrats secure more votes as the elections approach. The Illinois politicians cater to that class of people and we don't have enough people who will actually show up to vote in a republican

1/31/2014 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the picture of Vanecko on the front page of the Trib look like a thumb with a face on it?

1/31/2014 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only the ghetto politicians would even think of this nonsense. More more more, and where do they think the money is going to come from. And I assume that all their constituents will promptly get off welfare once this happens right? And, of course work that much harder!

1/31/2014 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vanecko gets 60 days for murder? WTF. Unbelievable. What did Cozzi get for a pimp slap?

1/31/2014 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When you get rent subsidies, free food, free clothes, free healthcare, free child care, and babysitting money, How can you not live off,10 an hr."

The point is that if you pay people a decent wage they won't need free things to live maybe?

1/31/2014 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Basic math - what a concept! Everyone seems to feel that those rotten business owners are all sitting on a wad of cash. No one seems to follow the line of reasoning that says: if you have x amount of money to pay wages, and the cost of wages goes up, then the # of employees goes down! or the product goes up!
The average small business owner in the US has 20 or less employees, and is lucky to make a 10% profit. So look forward to all those 'evil rich' owners to shut their doors, or let workers go, or increase their prices. Then what?

1/31/2014 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice job citywide team for putting your poster on the 10th District Memorial bulletin wall. No vote from me.

1/31/2014 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This seems like a sly way of increasing tax revenue. The more money people make, the more taxes they pay.

OMG, buddy you really do need to learn basic economics, please.

What don't you understand about how paying people more money raises taxes WITHOUT raising the rate they pay?

And your claim it's at the "expense" of businesses? Of COURSE it's at their expense! Where've you been the last 10 years that you completely fail to understand the businesses have been making ever higher profits year to year for the last 10 plus years?

You really just think businesses should just be able to keep jacking up the price on everything just to make higher profits when they pay their employees nothing more than they have been?

Please, stop embarrassing yourself.

1/31/2014 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you pay people to be poor, they will be poor.

1/31/2014 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

o/t......60 days in jail for involuntary manslaughter?....are they kidding? or, is Cook County even more corrupt than reported?

1/31/2014 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Equal protection under the law my Ass!!! COZZI got 4 YEARS IN FEDERAL PRISON on top of serving state penalties for a slap to a shithead, oh COZZI ALSO APOLOGIZED TO THE VICTIM IN OPEN COURT. Yet this politically connected puke gets 60 days for a punch that kills a person. This was a real victim! Then special prosecutor Dan Webb stated the penalty was fair and justice for all involved. Wow I can't wait to leave this corrupt hell hole.

1/31/2014 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Venecko verdict sucks. Only in Chicago when you are connected do you get a break like that. My question is that I though the County Jail was for those awaiting trial. If jag off pled out he should go to a state prison system and not McHenry jail or Coor County. But I guess the SAO will make an exception.

1/31/2014 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Vanecko gets 60 days for murder? WTF. Unbelievable. What did Cozzi get for a pimp slap?

1/31/2014 04:19:00 PM

One of the best examples of Crook County 'justice.'
The only people getting a large sentence... 'just-us.'

1/31/2014 06:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

93 million people and att can't find their skills here.

mayor rahm's arc corp can't find welders here, etc.

It's actually true. As the industrial age wound down, more and more people went to college and got degrees, and expected their children to also get degrees.

Interest in going into a trade dropped precipitously so now there IS a shortage of skilled labor in the trades. Probably a surplus of jobs with not enough people to fill them.

It's basic economics.

But I still think Garr Bear and McTutu suck balls.

1/31/2014 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anyone know why a DHS police truck marked "Field Operations" would be patrolling in 016?

1/31/2014 01:41:00 PM

Better restaurants? Because O'Hare is in 016?

I'm out.

1/31/2014 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Can some economist show me what food stamps, section 8' free insurance, free phone, subsidized gas and electricity affect hourly wage. I would bet once these costs are factored in I would be shocked to see these folks are making more than 30 bucks an hour on someone elses back already

1/31/2014 09:16:00 AM

Excellent point.

1/31/2014 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
JThis will help better our world.
Just look at the cost of living,people need a living wage. Our catholic church tells us to help the poor, this is important. people need hope. All to often only a select few make profit. I pray that this passes and that we all see the light of a better society. We need to do the work of god like father Escriva believed in. God Bless. I work at the Academy at 1300 W. Jackson
and the police


God help us! I pray you are not teaching recruits! May I suggest an ESL class, then an economics class.

1/31/2014 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

our country will fold by august of this year,then lets see how many friends that we proped up over the years come to our rescue,Israel, Ireland,France,the list goes on....

1/31/2014 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could offer to pay these fools $75 an hour and they still wouldn't work. That's who they are and you can't change it. They would rather not work party all day and get the free gov. Hand outs

1/31/2014 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This entire post makes me want to puke.

Hey dumb asses, ever hear of working at entry level making min wage and working your way up? What's that you say? You have a smartphone and Direct TV and 2 kids to support? Well, FUCK YOU! I don't even have cable! And I have a master's degree! GO TO HELL!

--No Cop Here

1/31/2014 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a surprise QUINN is up for reelection and he wants to raise the minimum wage to 10. Sounds like hes trying to buy votes and doesn't really care about a jobs solution.

1/31/2014 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and whos' the so-called job creators here when you think about it. the ceo's hoarding the corporate handouts or the min. wage workers buying all the things they can't afford.

1/31/2014 12:41:00 AM

Do you even listen to the nonsense that dribbles from your pie hole. You sound like some goofy Bill Ayers wanna be.

Income inequality and corporate fat cats, do you hear anyone whining about the salary difference between Beyoncé and some barroom singer? How about Tiger and the guys that can't hit a straight drive?

Work your ass off, start a business and make your money. Quit whining. Not everybody gets a trophy in life. America is the land of opportunity, not hand outs.

1/31/2014 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True story: Last weekend I was talking to a very nice senior citizen Caucasian female in the waiting room of a doctors. She said she had to go work after the appointment. She is a widow and works 6 days a week at Von Maur in Glenview. She was really excited about describing her job and said that they do free shipping and free gift wrapping and was very sweet. She volunteered that she makes $11.25 per hour. She wasn't complaining or talking about entitlement...rather, she just works hard. If anyone deserves more it's her for her hard work, and good ethics, nit those lazy people that think the world owes them something b/c of where they live. And, I'm sure going to shop on Von Maur's from now on.

1/31/2014 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vanecko gets 60 days jail, 60 days home comfinement, and 30 months probation for killing someone. F you liberal, connected, Daley, rahm, McCarthy, west, south siders, liberal machine. I do hate liberals , this state, liberals in other states, F anyone who thinks their entitled to anything not earned. My time to retire is around the corner. Even if they take my pension I'll still leave shitcago even if I have walke out with my couch on my back. F F F you liberal America.

1/31/2014 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anyone know why a DHS police truck marked "Field Operations" would be patrolling in 016?

1/31/2014 01:41:00 PM

CBP vehicle from O'Hare probably looking for a lunch spot.

1/31/2014 08:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You need about $22.00 an hour to "live" and not exactly high on the hog. You cannot live on $8-10 bucks an hour.

1/31/2014 07:13:00 AM

You're right that's why they're given all the freebies like food stamps, section 8, Obamaphones, LIHEAP, etc. If you start paying someone $22/hr to work at McDonald's all that's going to do is make it cost prohibitive for them to employ people and it will ultimately cost people their jobs or force them to close their doors and go out of business. Minimum wage jobs aren't meant to be worked forever, they're meant to be used as a stepping stone to a better job within that company or another one. There will always be some people who are too lazy or dumb to aspire to something better; raising the minimum wage will never change that.

1/31/2014 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just pay everybody 1 million dollars a year. we will all be equal

1/31/2014 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The word everyone is grasping at is Inflation. That's what 15 per hour gets.

1/31/2014 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about we try to live on $10 an hour. Wouldn't be that easy huh. This city is so expensive that I barely get buy with what we blue shirts make. Frankly this city is nickel and diming me to death. I support the measure proposed because the corporations have to remain here because the market is here and so are many of their supportive industries. Besides it's time many businesses give back some of that corporate welfare anyway.

1/31/2014 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gimme dat money! Where my free cheese? my LINKs card (now called SNAP because I guess Snabble Babble sounds betta), Oh and my free public housing or SECTION 8, my free visits to Stroger in the CFD bambulance, my free cell phone and mo money! PELL Grants for free school. Wa hoo!!!!! Oh and now it's tax time. EITC. I am surprised they don't have free cars.

That's why the state is broke my friends. And you want a pension? There's your pension money right there.

MTS 009

1/31/2014 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...,0,4878519.story

1/31/2014 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same doom and gloom was predicted every time the minimum wage was raised before, and just the opposite happened -- the raise in the minimum wage fueled a spending spike instead. Why? It's simple -- because people making minimum wage largely spend every extra dollar they make. The simple fact is that even the proposed hike doesn't come close to catching up with inflation and productivity gains since the last wage hike. I mean, imagine if police salaries were frozen for years and years despite increases in the cost of living and increased workloads -- you'd rightfully complain about that, wouldn't you?


No I wouldn't like it. But if it happened, there wouldn't be a groundswell of politicians trying to get us an increase of 50% either. The minimum wage was. OT designed, nor implemented to become a wage which would support a family. It was to be a bridge that allowed the minimum wage earner to make some money while trying, either through education or initiative to seek a better career or livelihood.

Instead, it has become a way for a mostly satisfied group of people who are willing to hold their place while asking for more for the little that hey do. Is a raise to 15.00 an hour going to get me a friendly response at McDonalds? More that a surly "it's over there" when I ask a question at Wal Mart or my local store? Hell no. It will just be a bunch of overpaid entitled workers ignoring everybody.

As far as the involvement of politicians in the effort to raise the wage? Every one of those politicians know the reality of the false hope of an increased minimum wage. The false hope that the extra money will somehow lead to a better life and a better place to live and entry into better schools for the kids of the workers. All while the same politicians pass additional taxes, speed camera fines and higher sales taxes which will eat the increased wage. But the now fooled workers will now keep voting for the politicians whom will continue to line their own pockets and protect their turf.

It's a vicious circle.

1/31/2014 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janusz Kopycinski, Daley Heckler, Was Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison for heckling the mayor of Chicago.

Richard Vanecko killed a man on Michigan Ave, will get 6 months in jail.

1/31/2014 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for me and I'll set you free . Free to remain on welfare and I become a millionaire .

1/31/2014 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can u imagine if the roles were reversed? What if someone killed Vanecko on michigan ave?

1st degree murder. Over a decade in prison.

1/31/2014 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm says "its for the children".

Applying that logic- shouldn't Vanecko be put away for a while because he kills children on the streets of chicago?

1/31/2014 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is being done to enrich the crooked union bosses since their membership is dwindling. It's also being done to buy votes for the democrats. Those of us that strive to improve our lives for ourselves and are families are insignificant now. When are people going to stand up for themselves and say enough? We are the majority and we let the scum of society marginalize us with an arrogant sneer on their face.

1/31/2014 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) and city pays out more of our money millions and millions given away.,0,7206877.story

1/31/2014 10:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
JThis will help better our world.
Just look at the cost of living,people need a living wage. Our catholic church tells us to help the poor, this is important. people need hope. All to often only a select few make profit. I pray that this passes and that we all see the light of a better society. We need to do the work of god like father Escriva believed in. God Bless. I work at the Academy at 1300 W. Jackson
and the police


God help us! I pray you are not teaching recruits! May I suggest an ESL class, then an economics class.

1/31/2014 06:58:00 PM

There are workers at the academy who aren't the police, so this post could be from one of them. And he (or she) doesn't need an ESL class; he was speaking from the heart and his meaning came through loud and clear. Your response indicates that you could benefit from a little bit of light yourself.

1/31/2014 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's an 82% increase in labor expense! Either business owners go out of business and lay people off, or they pass it on to the consumer! We have the stupidest voters in America, bar none.

1/31/2014 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just look at the cost of living,people need a living wage
We need to do the work of god like father Escriva believed in. God Bless. I work at the Academy at 1300 W. Jackson
and the police
... So are you sworn of civilian? No cop would ever think like that. Are you telling recruits this stuff,Understand your beliefs but it's not police work

1/31/2014 11:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Janusz Kopycinski, Daley Heckler, Was Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison for heckling the mayor of Chicago.

Richard Vanecko killed a man on Michigan Ave, will get 6 months in jail.

1/31/2014 09:50:00 PM

'Justice', Chicago-style.

1/31/2014 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
How about we try to live on $10 an hour. Wouldn't be that easy huh. This city is so expensive that I barely get buy with what we blue shirts make. Frankly this city is nickel and diming me to death. I support the measure proposed because the corporations have to remain here because the market is here and so are many of their supportive industries. Besides it's time many businesses give back some of that corporate welfare anyway.

1/31/2014 08:53:00 PM

I pay my heating guy's kid ten bucks an hour to do lifting and carrying and fetching and little chores. I pay my heating guy a whole lot more than that.

The point is, once the kid learns the trade, he'll get a whole lot more, too. But, for now, he gets ten bucks an hour. It's up to HIM if he chooses to better his own lot in life by improving his skillset.

2/01/2014 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Just look at the cost of living,people need a living wage
We need to do the work of god like father Escriva believed in. God Bless. I work at the Academy at 1300 W. Jackson
and the police
... So are you sworn of civilian? No cop would ever think like that. Are you telling recruits this stuff,Understand your beliefs but it's not police work

1/31/2014 11:21:00 PM
This would be our Academy nut job chatty kathy.

2/01/2014 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who exactly is this "they" everyone keeps talking about? Never mind, that was a rhetorical question, I know exactly who "they" is that all of you keep mentioning. First, those LAZY "they", as people on SCC comments preach day in and day out, live the life of 'luxury' on food stamps, section 8, and don't work in neighborhoods that give whole cities a run for their crime rep. Now all of a sudden "they" seem to be the only ones who work minimum wage paying jobs, or so the SCC commenters make it seem that way, and all of a sudden words have changed *GASPS*! "They" aren't lazy? "They" work? "They" are trying to survive like everyone else? Make up your minds dammit! You're driving me crazy!

One person out of "they" community demands min wage should be raised another $5 and all of a sudden "they" are bashed as a whole. Now on to welfare whiners. Chicago cops make what about $20-21 an hour which equates out to THOUSANDS a month. Please explain to me how food stamp reciepients and section 8 voucher holders recieving a few hundred a month compares to anything a person in you officers position makes? I'm sure it's stressful slaving your butts off in areas where plenty don't even respect you while taking shit from the city, and I will never know that stress. But is it really that serious? Your life will always be better then "they".

I'm sure you see some "they" when they are servicing you on your coffee fill-ups and lunch breaks. "They" Probably even clean your stations and cars. When you stop in will you ask "they", the same people who help pay your salary, why they are getting $10.10/hr despite all this 'free' shit they are recieving?

2/01/2014 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The same doom and gloom was predicted every time the minimum wage was raised before, and just the opposite happened -- the raise in the minimum wage fueled a spending spike instead. Why? It's simple -- because people making minimum wage largely spend every extra dollar they make. The simple fact is that even the proposed hike doesn't come close to catching up with inflation and productivity gains since the last wage hike. I mean, imagine if police salaries were frozen for years and years despite increases in the cost of living and increased workloads -- you'd rightfully complain about that, wouldn't you?


Finally a person who took a basic economics course at the college level and has an understanding of Keynesian economics which by the way pulled us out of the Great Depression along with FDR signing minimum wage into law. The theory is simple the more money the middle and lower class have, the more people the more likely they spend it thus putting it back into economy. The upperclass on the othe hand tend to hold onto their monies. THIS IS A FACT backed up by research and stats. The theory doesn't support the idea of of a "minimum wage" but believes that a negotiation (unions) between the parties needs to take place regarding wages. FDR felt it wasn't enough and put into place the minimum wage.

The wage disparity in this country has continued to widen and when adjusted for inflation the middle and lower class income has declined while the upper has risen. If you look at the wage disparity between the upper, middle and lower class from about the Great Depression to about the early 70's you'll see a closing of the wage disparity, this was mainly achieved by hiking the middle wage and the formation of unions.

From the 70's til now the gap has severely widen between the groups mainly because frozen wages ( basically replaced by the Earned income Tax Credit in the 80's), busting of unions, cheaper labor overseas. It will not hurt the economy to raise the minimum wage just like it will not hurt this city when we get our measly pittance.

2/01/2014 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we need another real great depression so these babies can feel what it's like to be hungry. welfare, link, free phones, section 8, cable tv, video games, free school supplies. how about standing in line all day in the freezing fucking cold to get your ration of food that barely keeps your family alive for the day. that's what our grand parents dealt with who raised our parents properly. nobody is going hungry anymore and if they say they are they are completely retarded. with the amount of handouts and foodbanks available, no homeless person should be morbidly obese and yet i see them every fucking day. i'm done.

2/01/2014 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
JThis will help better our world.
Just look at the cost of living,people need a living wage. Our catholic church tells us to help the poor, this is important. people need hope. All to often only a select few make profit. I pray that this passes and that we all see the light of a better society. We need to do the work of god like father Escriva believed in. God Bless. I work at the Academy at 1300 W. Jackson
and the police

1/31/2014 05:33:00 AM

The Catholic church, huh? In this town that means father faker and a sex abuse organization that covered up for predators for decades. And now they are telling your feeble mind to push for socialism.

I really need to move out of this hopeless shit hole.

2/01/2014 03:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical for the aldermen who have part time jobs that pay over 100 grand per year. I can see where they're coming from.

2/01/2014 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anyone know why a DHS police truck marked "Field Operations" would be patrolling in 016?

1/31/2014 01:41:00 PM

CBP vehicle from O'Hare probably looking for a lunch spot.

Going back and forth around Carmen and Newcastle? No food there

2/01/2014 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JThis will help better our world.
Just look at the cost of living,people need a living wage. Our catholic church tells us to help the poor, this is important. people need hope. All to often only a select few make profit. I pray that this passes and that we all see the light of a better society. We need to do the work of god like father Escriva believed in. God Bless. I work at the Academy at 1300 W. Jackson
and the police
**Who is this idiot???

2/01/2014 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about we fire Leslie so we can hire more minimum wage workers.

2/01/2014 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Load up on some physical commodities. Do the opposite of what you read in the stock market. . Go to church they hate that.

2/01/2014 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They back a ballot measure calling on major corporations to pay a $15 an hour “living wage” so workers aren’t stuck in poverty."

Right, because that is how i got ahead, having major corporations mandated to pay me more so I wouldn't be stuck with a shit wage. Who are they crapping?

When I worked at McDonalds my pay during training was 90 cents an hour! Then it went up to $1.10 an hour, after training, and I got a free McDonalds meal once per shift.

My job was to carry sacks of potatoes up from the basement and start making the fries. From scratch, from potatoes. No one seemed to give a shit about me making $1.10 an hour.

That is why as soon as I could, I got a job making $2.00 an hour, and so on.

Not Obama people, gotta legislate a living wage for them or else it is racist. What about the checks? LINK, SNAP, Section 8, free cell phone and on and on. Do they still get those once they have a livable wage? Will they promise not to steal any more? Oh I am so glad!

2/01/2014 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Can u imagine if the roles were reversed? What if someone killed Vanecko on michigan ave?

1st degree murder. Over a decade in prison.

1/31/2014 09:57:00 PM

If someone killed a member of the Daley crime family the Attorney General of the US would take over himself. It would be a federal case and the death penalty would be sought.

Look at what Mumbles did to that sap from California, he sent two detectives out there to arrest him and held him in CCJ for months for calling city hall and supposedly issuing an angry threat against the stuttering prick. Go scrootin that!

2/01/2014 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When you get rent subsidies, free food, free clothes, free healthcare, free child care, and babysitting money, How can you not live off,10 an hr."

The point is that if you pay people a decent wage they won't need free things to live maybe?

1/31/2014 04:19:00 PM

Yep. Raise that minimum wage and all those expenses will just go away.

Let the market dictate wages. Less government intervention. Look to Wisconsin for a few answers.

2/01/2014 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

coming to Chicago soon,as soon as the crooked elected finish stripping away the curtains:

2/01/2014 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous PO'd Taxpayer said...

There are a large number of tax loopholes that need to be done away with in order to get the economy back on track and get the welfare weenies off the government tit. I have a master's degree and multiple certifications. When I moved back here after both my parents died, the only job I was able to get after the computer consulting firm I had worked at for 6 years went bankrupt was a call center job paying $11/hour. I'm still at that job, no longer part of the middle class. At least I have a job, but there are a lot of things I no longer can do. Obviously I'm not a cop, but I agree a lot of this crap has to stop.

It really pisses me off when they bring in truckloads of ghetto filth during our busy seasons. (They're really obvious, covered in banger tattoos, wearing all kinds of bling, logo apparel, etc.) They're lazy, smelly, most are pregnant (and whine about "they baby daddy"). They want to sit on their butts collecting money by pretending to work and still getting the government goodies, free iPhones and all.

Sorry to rant but this really makes me mad. just don't get me started on the H1B visa issue!

2/01/2014 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to do the work of god like father Escriva believed in. God Bless. I work at the Academy at 1300 W. Jackson
and the police
... So are you sworn of civilian? No cop would ever think like that. Are you telling recruits this stuff,Understand your beliefs but it's not police work

1/31/2014 11:21:00 PM
This would be our Academy nut job chatty Kathy
No Tommy Tommy the training officer

2/01/2014 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Who exactly is this "they" everyone keeps talking about? Never mind, that was a rhetorical question, I know exactly who "they" is that all of you keep mentioning. First, those LAZY "they", as people on SCC comments preach day in and day out, live the life of 'luxury' on food stamps, section 8, and don't work in neighborhoods that give whole cities a run for their crime rep. Now all of a sudden "they" seem to be the only ones who work minimum wage paying jobs, or so the SCC commenters make it seem that way, and all of a sudden words have changed *GASPS*! "They" aren't lazy? "They" work? "They" are trying to survive like everyone else? Make up your minds dammit! You're driving me crazy!

One person out of "they" community demands min wage should be raised another $5 and all of a sudden "they" are bashed as a whole. Now on to welfare whiners. Chicago cops make what about $20-21 an hour which equates out to THOUSANDS a month. Please explain to me how food stamp reciepients and section 8 voucher holders recieving a few hundred a month compares to anything a person in you officers position makes? I'm sure it's stressful slaving your butts off in areas where plenty don't even respect you while taking shit from the city, and I will never know that stress. But is it really that serious? Your life will always be better then "they".

I'm sure you see some "they" when they are servicing you on your coffee fill-ups and lunch breaks. "They" Probably even clean your stations and cars. When you stop in will you ask "they", the same people who help pay your salary, why they are getting $10.10/hr despite all this 'free' shit they are recieving?

2/01/2014 12:53:00 AM

No one is putting people down who actually work to make their lives better regardless of the job and regardless of the pay. The "they" you refer to are the bottom feeders of society that don't work or pay taxes yet take the most (food stamps, section 8, free healthcare, etc.) and contribute absolutely nothing while sitting at home all day. Raising the minimum wage will do nothing to help them because "they" are useless burdens on society and have no desire to contribute in any meaningful way.

2/01/2014 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally a person who took a basic economics course at the college level and has an understanding of Keynesian economics which by the way pulled us out of the Great Depression along with FDR signing minimum wage into law. The theory is simple the more money the middle and lower class have, the more people the more likely they spend it thus putting it back into economy. The upperclass on the othe hand tend to hold onto their monies. THIS IS A FACT backed up by research and stats. The theory doesn't support the idea of of a "minimum wage" but believes that a negotiation (unions) between the parties needs to take place regarding wages. FDR felt it wasn't enough and put into place the minimum wage.

The wage disparity in this country has continued to widen and when adjusted for inflation the middle and lower class income has declined while the upper has risen. If you look at the wage disparity between the upper, middle and lower class from about the Great Depression to about the early 70's you'll see a closing of the wage disparity, this was mainly achieved by hiking the middle wage and the formation of unions.

From the 70's til now the gap has severely widen between the groups mainly because frozen wages ( basically replaced by the Earned income Tax Credit in the 80's), busting of unions, cheaper labor overseas. It will not hurt the economy to raise the minimum wage just like it will not hurt this city when we get our measly pittance.


You're a fucking moron. How did that 780 billion dollar stimulus work out for us? That government spending on social programs like food stamps was going to fix the economy wasn't it? Our grandkids will still be paying that back in 75 years and it didn't do shit to pull us out of the recession we're still in thanks to libtard tax and spend money (we don't have) policies. There are more people (50 million) on food stamps today than ever in our history; according to your fucked up analysis the economy should be booming because they spend their benefits right? That's better than a good paying job with benefits right? That's fucking moronic!!! And the reason the wealth/wage disparity is at its greatest today is because of the failed policies of the worst president in our history. The last time it was this wide was 35 years ago during the tenure of the 2nd worst president in our history. Do you think that it's a coincidence the 2 biggest left wing loons and their policies caused that? The problem with libtards like you is that you still think socialism works despite the fact it's never succeeded.

2/01/2014 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
JThis will help better our world.
Just look at the cost of living,people need a living wage. Our catholic church tells us to help the poor, this is important. people need hope. All to often only a select few make profit. I pray that this passes and that we all see the light of a better society. We need to do the work of god like father Escriva believed in. God Bless. I work at the Academy at 1300 W. Jackson
and the police

1/31/2014 05:33:00 AM

It is help the poor, not give to the scammers, provide for the lazy, give to the do nothings so they can sleep late and get their nails done each week and have their hair piece re-weaved. The poor don't have cars and don't get falling down drunk or high regularly. The poor are grateful for a bowl of rice, they don't get free cable.

The poor are not fat, they are skinny.

2/01/2014 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Just look at the cost of living,people need a living wage
We need to do the work of god like father Escriva believed in. God Bless. I work at the Academy at 1300 W. Jackson
and the police
... So are you sworn of civilian? No cop would ever think like that. Are you telling recruits this stuff,Understand your beliefs but it's not police work

1/31/2014 11:21:00 PM
This would be our Academy nut job chatty kathy.
2/01/2014 12:31:00 AM

Many districts have their in-house nut job or resident communist.

019 has a female lockup keeper who counsels prisoners on how to file a complaint, how to get free shit, how to screw the police blah blah bah. Now that piece of shit ought to be on the other side of the bars.

2/01/2014 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
just pay everybody 1 million dollars a year. we will all be equal

1/31/2014 08:30:00 PM

When that happens, a loaf of bread will be a thousand dollars and a gallon of milk fifteen hundred bucks.

The guvment better make hairon cheap.

2/01/2014 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right that's why they're given all the freebies like food stamps, section 8, Obamaphones, LIHEAP, etc. If you start paying someone $22/hr to work at McDonald's all that's going to do is make it cost prohibitive for them to employ people and it will ultimately cost people their jobs or force them to close their doors and go out of business. Minimum wage jobs aren't meant to be worked forever, they're meant to be used as a stepping stone to a better job within that company or another one. There will always be some people who are too lazy or dumb to aspire to something better; raising the minimum wage will never change that.

1/31/2014 08:14:00 PM

Only problem with that pard is that there are not alot of good paying jobs anymore. Not everybody has a phone call to get a moosh city gig.Not everybody can be a doctor or lawyer.

2/01/2014 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the 70's til now the gap has severely widen between the groups mainly because frozen wages ( basically replaced by the Earned income Tax Credit in the 80's), busting of unions, cheaper labor overseas. It will not hurt the economy to raise the minimum wage just like it will not hurt this city when we get our measly pittance.

No stupid, the gap is widening because of inflation. The government is printing up money, which makes what is in circulation worth less. It is just that the slugs don't work and can't make up the slack, unlike us overworked middle class chumps who now work a second job or do overtime. Businesses try to hide inflation, but we see it every time we go to the store. Have you noticed the toilet paper roll is narrower. That half gallon of ice cream isn't a half gallon anymore. Notice candy bars and cup cakes are smaller. That is your dollar shrinking too, it is just a sneaky way business stick us with price increases, all to make the government look good too. Notice how government doesn't include fuel prices in their inflation numbers?

Oh, just give people more money, but how much is enough for minimum wage, $15-$20. What do you think happens when labor costs rise, it gets passed on to consumers in form of higher prices. Enjoy your $8 Big Mac stupid. Where did you take economics, UIC?Bill ayers or Alfred E. Nuemann must have been your mentors.

2/01/2014 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nyone know why a DHS police truck marked "Field Operations" would be patrolling in 016?

1/31/2014 01:41:00 PM

CBP vehicle from O'Hare probably looking for a lunch spot.

Going back and forth around Carmen and Newcastle? No food there
2/01/2014 08:17:00 AM

I know, ask them... they may be checking out the neighborhood to buy a place? Or its an extremely delicate operation that if.anyone did know, they sure wouldn't let you know on a blog. There is a thing called need to know. You obviously don't need to know... I sure as hell don't know but want to call you out on a boner question. Or you a troll. F off.

2/01/2014 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to do the work of god like father Escriva believed in. -That's Opius Dei Aka Da Vinchi Code Some consider a cult

2/02/2014 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you get rent subsidies, free food, free clothes, free healthcare, free child care, and babysitting money, How can you not live off,10 an hr.

1/31/2014 12:28:00 AM


2/02/2014 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minimum Wage for everyone...including police and fire. Think about much skill does it take to observe someone committing a crime and take action? It take ZERO education to know something is against the law or on fire. They teach you that in the Academy...just like they teach a fry cook to take the fries out of the oil when the buzzer goes off.

The more people making minimum wage the better. This way, the business owners can afford to hire more employees.

Then you have ALL those folks who make minimum wage spending their money to buy products designed for minimum wage earners. You know, like pillows. Hell, even millionaires only use maybe 2 or 3 pillows. But, there are many more minimum wage earners than millionaires, so the minimum wagers outnumber the millionaires and can therefore buy more pillows...

The wealthy, of course will continue to save their money and buy imported goods from Asia and Italy and handmade suits and ties from France, Italy and England.

People who earn $500,000 per year don’t SPEND $500,000 per year...they still only buy maybe 10 pairs of shoes a year for their family, but how many folks are out there earning $500K per year versus people earning MINIMUM WAGE?

See? The more people earning minimum wage, the more people spending ALL their money to make ends meet....

It makes PERFECT sense.

2/03/2014 01:09:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the Australian/New Zealander quoting softball:

Customers pay over a $1 more per burger pattie.

Also, Down Under is allowed by law to pay teenages around $8 per hour - half the minimum wage, so guess who has a lot of teens working for them?

Aussie McD's also stacks on the workload and responsibility, squeezing more out of the worker than their American counterpart. They also pioneered the "high end" coffee drinks and such to lure in the more affluent.

Back to Econ 101 for you.

2/03/2014 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At some point, the masses realize they can vote themselves a (nominal) wage increase. This is that point.

2/03/2014 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another reason to support Rutherford, save our pensions!

Listen to John Garrido, we must get rid of Rauner and Rahm!

2/03/2014 10:01:00 PM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

"...Why would a DHS truck be patrolling in 016..."

Looking for Starbucks?

3/01/2014 03:50:00 PM  

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