Monday, February 03, 2014

Aspiring Actresses and Actors to Starve

We had to sort through an inordinate number of comments in the "Economic Disaster Coming" post where we pointed out that most elected officials have no idea how the real world works and opined that they might benefit from a few Econ 101/102 type courses. The ignorance on display was makes us think that the entire City Council showed up in our comment section just to prove exactly how smart they aren't. If they hadn't spent so much time swearing at us, slandering our parentage and displaying their libtard tendencies, we might have published more of them.

In any event, we stand by our previous statements that if city government jacks up the minimum wage to $15/hour, hiring will stop, unemployment will skyrocket and the death spiral will tighten. If costs go up businesses are left with few options:
  • raise prices, leading to a decline in sales;
  • reduce profit margins, leading to a decline in share prices;
  • reduce workforce
There may be another option of two, but the basic drive is to cut costs and increase sales, thereby increasing profits. How to cut costs? Automate!
  • Applebee's, the nation's largest casual dining chain, on Tuesday will announce plans to place tablets at every table in every one of its U.S. restaurants by the end of 2014. Folks can use the tablets to pay whenever they want -- and to order things like appetizers, desserts or even play video games.

    The action follows a similar move by rival Chili's, which already has begun the process of placing tablets at its company-owned locations. IHOP, also owned by Applebee's parent, DineEquity, is looking into tablets, too.

    The way Americans pay for and order food when eating out is about to be turned on its head. If these high-tech moves — already common at eateries in parts of Europe and Asia — are a hit domestically, much of the $70 billion full-service and casual dining industry is expected to follow.
No more out-of-work Liberal Art majors struggling to make ends meet on less than minimum wage and tips.They'll be living in boxes on Lower Wacker looking for the next Salvation Army truck to come by.

Of course, we'll save money eating out since we won't have to tip anyone, and our DineEquity stock will being headed up. So it's a win-win we suppose. Thanks Chicago Aldercreatures!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be a good thing. The more people out of work, the more people dependent on the government for their very lives. Government dependent folks are will vote for what keeps them alive.

2/03/2014 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone will still have to bring the food out to your table, SCC…and we will likely tip them. Waiters/Food servers/whatever you want to call them won't entirely disappear once this computerized order taker nonsense becomes commonplace…you will still need human bodies in the sit down restaurant biz.

2/03/2014 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until McDonald's turns the registers around and puts in touch screens with pictograms of the different items.

Push the "double cheese" symbol, tap your smartphone, collect your order and go.

Been seeing this coming for 20 years.

2/03/2014 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking about rahm emanuels plan to have more public/private corporate partnerships to grow chicago's economy...

consider this...


How Cronyism And Corruption Brought Down Detroit

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/02/2014 - 15:48

Detroit U.S.A.: Once the most prosperous city in America. With a booming manufacturing sector and cultural magnetism, the city had bright horizons after World War II. But as the 1960?s rolled in, the marriage of Big Business and Big Government overtook Detroit. The central planners in government needed the powerful corporations, and the powerful corporations came to depend on the bureaucracy, too. The marriage worked well for the politicians and for their corporate cronies, but Detroit itself entered a decades-long decline. How did so much money change hands between the world's most powerful corporate leaders and government officials while delivering on so little of the promise sold to America by central planners? Bankrupt: How Cronyism & Corruption Took Down Detroit answers this question, and many others.


America watched as Detroit slowly bled people, jobs and revenue. Politicians tried spending money. They tried raising taxes. The more they taxed and spent, the faster the city declined....

more ;

2/03/2014 12:51:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

"No more out-of-work Liberal Art majors struggling to make ends meet on less than minimum wage and tips."

I don't care how many or what kind of applications you put on a tablet...

there is simply no substitute for the bewildered looks, strained social interactions and the inability to perform the menial tasks required of waitstaff that accompany the pot smoking simpleton taking your order.

And nothing beats handing the 20-something-year-old dolt at the register a Twenty and a Single for a $10.63 purchase. You can almost hear their brain going into vapor lock, mouth agape, eyes glazing over.

These bottom feeders actually serve an invaluable purpose - they provide the occasional reminder to my children as to why education (sans Liberal Arts) and picking the right friends to hang out with is something I've harped on them about since...forever.

As my father used to say: "The world needs ditchdiggers, too, son".

2/03/2014 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a beautiful piece of illinois economic propaganda right here.

Report: Illinois Among Top Five States for Private Sector Business Growth

[...]...Illinois, under Quinn, created 18,000 more business establishments in 2012 than 2009, up 5%

like the 'crime is down story you'll notice that they have chosen 2009 -- a bottom --a period right after the economic implosion first hit -- a low with something like 200,000 illinois jobs lost during 2008 and who knows how many business establishments lost

nevertheless, the casual observer will read there were 18,000 more businesses created ...

more is better. man illinois must be the land of opportunity creating all them businesses.

okay.. so let's go here

under the 'labor force data' in the 'employment' column we can click on the dinosaur in the back data row and see how many more jobs illinois created from these 18,000 more new business establishments

jan -- 2009 -- 6.066.592 employment
dec -- 2012 -- 6,045,497 employment

oh... i don't know but that looks like we lost about 21,000 jobs and change from those 18,000 more businesses that were created hahaha.

in fact here's 2013 ..

dec -- 2013 -- 5,973,455 employment

it's worse. much worse, what is that 72,000 'more' jobs lost over the last year.

man-oh-man we must have really created a lot of new businesses in 2013 to lose that many jobs eh... wonder why they only did the report up to 2012 /sarc

hell in apr 1997 illinois employment was 5,973,554 compared to dec 2013's 5,973,455.

that's sixteen years my friends.

are you buying the more jobs new jobs bullshit. we had more people working sixteen years ago.

now ask yourself...with zero people added to the workforce where did all our college grads go over the last 16 years. mom's basement.

2/03/2014 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow our pensions will be to blame for this too.

2/03/2014 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is exactly what is the going to happen but some how everyone in Chicago will find a reason to blame the big bad Republicans.

2/03/2014 03:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Hugh G. Rection said...


"The Citywide Team

It's Almost Election Time

Election ballots will be going out soon for the FOP Lodge 7 election. They are scheduled to be mailed on February 11, 2014. They must be returned to the US Post Office by close of business on March 6, 2014. The ballots will be counted on March 7, 2014.

We ask you to consider the members of The Citywide Team when casting your ballot. We have the Experience, Integrity, and Leadership you deserve."

Not a fucking chance. Citywide Team? No, I will vote for the American Communist Party first.

2/03/2014 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How to Cut Costs?...


Send the jobs overseas to where they grow cheap labor, cheap taxes.

2/03/2014 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"The Citywide Team

It's Almost Election Time

Election ballots will be going out soon for the FOP Lodge 7 election. They are scheduled to be mailed on February 11, 2014. They must be returned to the US Post Office by close of business on March 6, 2014. The ballots will be counted on March 7, 2014.

We ask you to consider the members of The Citywide Team when casting your ballot. We have the Experience, Integrity, and Leadership you deserve."

Not a fucking chance. Citywide Team? No, I will vote for the American Communist Party first.


Kinda sad how desperate those assclowns are to hold their spots.

The best part is that they're using YOUR DUES MONEY to create and send that email blast not to mention whoever they pay to design and maintain that shitty website of theirs. They are USING FOP RESOURCES TO FINANCE THEIR ELECTION CAMPAIGN !!

The other folks running have to pony up dough outta their pockets. This is not right!! I hope someone on the Election Committee mentions this at Tuesdays meeting. You suck Billy Boy , your days are numbers and so are the rest of the pathetic clowns on the ShittyWide ticket.

2/03/2014 04:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fart Dude said:

....there is simply no substitute for the bewildered looks, strained social interactions and the inability to perform the menial tasks required of waitstaff that accompany the pot smoking simpleton taking your order.

That paints the perfect mental image. Thanks for the early morning chuckle. Can't tell you how many times I've wanted to strangle the kid because he had to repeat every part of our exchange when ordering breakfast. It's just a damned shame that this generation of misfits is supposed to lead our country. Funny how this ignorance and stupidity isn't as common when you travel to other states. The kids working at various places are actually polite and well spoken and don't answer with a "huh" or "whhhaaattt"? I weep for my kids and grand kids.

2/03/2014 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 city council seats...tops.

don't need more.

50 morons and tens of millions to operate that silly circus of a useless chamber.

2/03/2014 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will still need waitstaff to deliver your order to your table but they will be doing much less wait service which means a much smaller tip. I'll bet most waitstaff voted democrat. You get what you vote for. Hah!

2/03/2014 06:09:00 AM  
Blogger James said...

As we all know, tablets won't work in 'certain' areas unless attached to the table by construction towing chains.

2/03/2014 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heres a good article about the misconceptions on minimum wage. The article's title should actually be "why the Left is soooo wrong on minimum wage"

2/03/2014 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I already refuse to use the self checkout lines at Jewel,HomeDepot etc.,as they put people out of work. I will not patronize any eaterie that does this tablet thing.

2/03/2014 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These politicians fell asleep in college, Economics 101!

The mayor, council, governor and Springfield idiots can't even balance their checkbooks!

Move from Illinois NOW!

2/03/2014 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember a interview with a college grad complaining that he couldn't find a job and was " forced " to work " menial " job's.
When asked what his degree was in, the response was " 15th century French romantic poetry ", that was his specialty.
Now he'll be replaced by a tablet.

2/03/2014 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5) As I put down big $ on the Broncos, I will search for suitable candidates that do not have "CITYWIDE" affiliated with them.

2/02/2014 02:30:00 PM

Hey, how'd that work out for ya?

2/03/2014 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I suppose that you use the anti-labor self checkout lines, don't you?

2/03/2014 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The balls of certain FOP candidates using email addresses from the union to spew their nonsense. Leadership, the kind that leads to deadlines passing?Experience, the kind that makes "tactical decisions" causing membership the lose of retro money? Integrity, the countless lies and lies and lies. No thanks.

2/03/2014 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The balls of certain FOP candidates using email addresses from the union to spew their nonsense. Leadership, the kind that leads to deadlines passing?Experience, the kind that makes "tactical decisions" causing membership the lose of retro money? Integrity, the countless lies and lies and lies. No thanks.

2/03/2014 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If no one has a job,, who will pay taxes for our salaries?

2/03/2014 08:30:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

This will not work at Beatrice's.

2/03/2014 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous White Privilege Hillbilly said...

Bread and circuses.

2/03/2014 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest danger to our civilization are the self anointed saviors of the people who are so arrogantly stupid and narcissistic that they promote their backwards ideas with a religious fervor.

A guy named C. S. Lewis commented on this once before most of us were born:

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

You know there never was any such thing as a robber baron but that is a whole other conversation.

2/03/2014 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chili's has had them for a couple years. Very convenient to pay, except when the waiter screws up the bill. There also is a percentage slider for the tip.

2/03/2014 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How am I getting emails from citywide team when I never signed up for list. Appears it's from the FOP mailing list. Doesn't agular control that?

2/03/2014 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until McDonald's turns the registers around and puts in touch screens with pictograms of the different items.

Push the "double cheese" symbol, tap your smartphone, collect your order and go.

Been seeing this coming for 20 years.

Your so smart, not as intelligent as J.A. From 020, but still pretty smart.

2/03/2014 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"The Citywide Team

It's Almost Election Time

Election ballots will be going out soon for the FOP Lodge 7 election. They are scheduled to be mailed on February 11, 2014. They must be returned to the US Post Office by close of business on March 6, 2014. The ballots will be counted on March 7, 2014.

We ask you to consider the members of The Citywide Team when casting your ballot. We have the Experience, Integrity, and Leadership you deserve."

Not a fucking chance. Citywide Team? No, I will vote for the American Communist Party first.

How about "None of the above".

2/03/2014 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7-11 in the downtown area and goldcoast have had touch screens to order sandwiches for many years. It is a great system and I hope it spreads around.

2/03/2014 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the new U.S. , you are not allowed to make a profit from your business. If you do, the Democrats will confiscate it to keep themselves in power.

2/03/2014 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wendy's already has centralized call centers for drive through. McDonalds already has order kiosks in its test stores. Pizza hut and many more have internet ordering systems. The biggest indicator to what a restaurant's bottom line will be is its labor cost, and no business will operate at a loss. For every hire you have at McDonalds you'll have over 100 applications. An increase in the minimum wage will directly decrease the employees hours and benefits, and decrease the workforce. Many employees working these jobs know that if their wages are artificially inflated, they will be worse off in the end.

2/03/2014 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats Illinois going to do with our surplus, maybe pay owed money into our pension LOL

2/03/2014 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone needs to write and update the programs and someone must install and maintain the hardware. Technology creates more jobs right down the line, but if you have an Arts degree and no programming, you're screwed.
Stupid politicians just help speed up the change with higher costs and regulations that destroy the current jobs.
Raise the minimum wage, redistribute wealth, destroy the economy. Marx was wrong. Communism failed. Capitalism and free markets create and innovate.
Anyone who denies BO is a socialist, or that the dem's are oligarch's with only their own interests and wallets to worry about, no matter the consequences, then you are either ignorant, naive, or one of them.

2/03/2014 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will not be voting for the city wide team. And anyone else who has been following should not vote for them either. And if you haven't been following along then shame on you and again do not waste a vote on those corrupt guys.

2/03/2014 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fully automated restaurant.

2/03/2014 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6 People shot throughout the city on Friday night going on Saturday morning. Crime is down with snow falling.

2/03/2014 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Citywide. They are the problem not the solution.

2/03/2014 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't care how many or what kind of applications you put on a tablet...

there is simply no substitute for the bewildered looks, strained social interactions and the inability to perform the menial tasks required of waitstaff that accompany the pot smoking simpleton taking your order.

And nothing beats handing the 20-something-year-old dolt at the register a Twenty and a Single for a $10.63 purchase. You can almost hear their brain going into vapor lock, mouth agape, eyes glazing over.

These bottom feeders actually serve an invaluable purpose - they provide the occasional reminder to my children as to why education (sans Liberal Arts) and picking the right friends to hang out with is something I've harped on them about since...forever.

As my father used to say: "The world needs ditchdiggers, too, son".

There are a lot of policemen and firemen's kids who are waitresses and bartenders working their way through school. And most of them aren't "Art Students". I'm glad your "elite" status prevents you and your family from stooping so low. Bottom Feeders? GFY you sanctimonius SOB.

2/03/2014 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minimum wage is for those with minimal skills. Why pay higher wages for something you could do in a self-serve system?

2/03/2014 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can Citywide send a blast email off the FOP server but I have to pay 10,000 dollars for a mailing because I'm an independent and don't work in the office.? At candidates meeting, Anna Hanley asked for email list and was denied.

2/03/2014 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if they ever fully automate the military or police force with robotics then we are gonna see some real shit.

an army of machines with zero worries about loyalty to carry out the tyrants commands without concern for public opinion backlash or empathy.

sounds like the tin-foil hat conspiracy stuff i know until you google how many top generals have been removed from command by obama and the recent bullshit going down with obama replacing the people in the bunkers responsible for launching the nucs.

2/03/2014 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you here about the 003rd District Lt that denied a 003rd district Sgtz request for time due
so that he could be off to take his kids to school and his wife to chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer? That Sgt bitched to anyone who would listen the rest of the tour! The police department aint your friend!
003rd copper who was there!

2/03/2014 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Someone will still have to bring the food out to your table, SCC…and we will likely tip them. Waiters/Food servers/whatever you want to call them won't entirely disappear once this computerized order taker nonsense becomes commonplace…you will still need human bodies in the sit down restaurant biz.

2/03/2014 12:17:00 AM

The food will come out and you self serve. Or cute little made in communist China robots will bring them. Kitchen staff only, comrade.

2/03/2014 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And nothing beats handing the 20-something-year-old dolt at the register a Twenty and a Single for a $10.63 purchase. You can almost hear their brain going into vapor lock, mouth agape, eyes glazing over."

2/03/2014 01:23:00 AM

"Yaw don got zac change?"


2/03/2014 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I own a small business, very small. If these idiots raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks, I'm done. Not going to downsize, I'm just done. Out of business, period and it won't be by choice. I know I'm not the only one.
If that happens, see ya later ILLinois. I'll join the flight of hard working producers and leave this state to the takers and politicians.
Signed, NAC (not a cop)

2/03/2014 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Hi SCC and Kids. 10 G here. A split in the Super Bowl. Dumped a lil Vigorish but had a ball! Very good NFL season. Just over 57 large for regular and post season games-10 G don't do preseason. Just want to thank SCC and you Kids for all your support. Lets stay safe. 2 more yrs for me then gone. Stay in shape this off season. You too Biff. Sorry I gave you some grief. Sure you are a good guy. We're brothers and sisters in BLUE. See you in September the GOOD LORD Willing.

2/03/2014 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do we keep electing people whose specialty is politics? All they know how to do is amass power. Why isn't running a successful business or some legit form of earning a living a requirement for a serious candidate? They seem to think money will materialize from thin air if they just mandate it. I've developed a distrust of urban planners and political science majors.

2/03/2014 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minimum Wage for everyone...including police and fire. Think about much skill does it take to observe someone committing a crime and take action? It take ZERO education to know something is against the law or on fire.

The more people making minimum wage the better. This way, the business owners can afford to hire more employees.

Then you have ALL those folks who make minimum wage spending their money to buy products designed for minimum wage earners.

The wealthy, of course will continue to save their money and buy imported goods from Asia and Italy and handmade suits and ties from France, Italy and England.

People who earn $500,000 per year don’t SPEND $500,000 per year...they still only buy maybe 10 pairs of shoes a year for their family, but how many folks are out there earning $500K per year versus people earning MINIMUM WAGE?

See? The more people earning minimum wage, the more people spending ALL their money to make ends meet....

It makes PERFECT sense.

2/03/2014 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hugh G. Rection said...


"The Citywide Team

It's Almost Election Time

Election ballots will be going out soon for the FOP Lodge 7 election. They are scheduled to be mailed on February 11, 2014. They must be returned to the US Post Office by close of business on March 6, 2014. The ballots will be counted on March 7, 2014.

We ask you to consider the members of The Citywide Team when casting your ballot. We have the Experience, Integrity, and Leadership you deserve."

Not a fucking chance. Citywide Team? No, I will vote for the American Communist Party first
I'm going through the whole ballot and picking people that are not current of former board members.

I'm then calling each district and asking at least 5 guys from each district which one of their guys is the real deal.

2/03/2014 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you think that a company like "Square" with it's point of pay technology and devices are such a hit? Just this weekend I went to a small Mexican Restaurant in Blue Island. Yes, there was a server, but no cashier. The server walked me up to the counter where there is an Ipad for payment. Swipe the card, sign with your finger, get a receipt via email. No cashier, no salary to pay. They can raise the minimum wage all they want, if the businesses go all won't make a difference. Work your way through high school or college as a waiter or waitress? Forget it, those jobs are circling the drain.

To the poster who says that there will always be a need for waitstaff? Yes, to a degree. But where there were six people in the past will now be two or three just setting plates down.

Remember when there were toll takers in every booth on the tollway? That's the lesson here.

2/03/2014 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: OK, you think we have it rough with our cold and snow? Check out how Atlanta falls apart with 2 INCHES of snow! 2 lousy inches!

Stung by the roughly 2 inches of snowfall that shut down most of metro Atlanta last week, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal is appointing a "severe weather warning and preparedness task force" to recommend how the state can better prepare for storms and communicate alerts to schools and others.

"We're going to be as prepared as we can to be ready for the next storm," he told reporters at the state Capitol.

Deal also said Georgia will soon introduce severe-weather alerts similar to its Amber Alert system for endangered missing children and will overhaul the "state emergency app" to include alternative traffic routes and shelter locations.

2 inches and the place is a shambles. Imagine if a real zombie apocalypse were to hit town.

2/03/2014 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) get ready for the thieves to cry no money for the required pension contributions and contract they have taken so much the family and friends theft program when will the Feds ever come in opps never Barry says no!,0,1659900.story

2/03/2014 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta get out of this shity.

Oh look who's hiring,

2/03/2014 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...As my father used to say: "The world needs ditchdiggers, too, son".

2/03/2014 01:23:00 AM"

The city tried to create new jobs by forcing senior citizens to hire people to shovel the snow on their sidewalks.

Try to find a neighborhood kid willing to pry himself away from his I-Phone or whatever long enough to do the job for a few $.

Believe me I tried and not just for myself but for some really incapacitated people.

2/03/2014 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best news I've heard today! This should send all the goofs in Bucktown and Wicker Park packing up their rusted out Subaru's and thirty year old Volvo 240 station wagons, complete with Obama bumper stickers, and heading back to Vermont, Maine, Ohio, Oregon.... Shoot, maybe a real Republican might get elected in Illinois one day without these sissy boys diluting the strength of our votes.

2/03/2014 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm all for this in fast food establishments... Now my order will not be messed by some moronic worker who cannot understand what no mayo means.

2/03/2014 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did the citywide team get our email addresses? Did Aguilar take them from the FOP website? Citywide team is pathetic.

2/03/2014 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - watch the movie Idiocracy, the first 15 minutes are a interesting prediction of what is coming.

A relative of mine, who I thought had some sense, said how great it would be when min wage went up to $10...when I said "why stop there, make it $50", she said "That would be even better!". I felt like crying.

2/03/2014 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois has many amenities, and quality of life attractions that neighboring states do not have. This will insure that Illinois is always a top destination for business and families to relocate to. Despite, a few small marginal areas, Chicago is a world class city.

2/03/2014 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My ballot is for sale start the bid at $5 anyone

2/03/2014 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Did you here about the 003rd District Lt that denied a 003rd district Sgtz request for time due
so that he could be off to take his kids to school and his wife to chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer? That Sgt bitched to anyone who would listen the rest of the tour! The police department aint your friend!
003rd copper who was there!

2/03/2014 11:28:00 AM

Maybe the lieutenant didn't get Rahm's memo that it's all about the children.

2/03/2014 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I already refuse to use the self checkout lines at Jewel,HomeDepot etc.,as they put people out of work. I will not patronize any eaterie that does this tablet thing.

2/03/2014 06:55:00 AM

Totally agree. I worked in a grocery chain as a teenager and I refuse to help them put people out of work with that idiot machine.

2/03/2014 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A recent report from the Oxford Martin Schools Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology attempts to quantify the extent of that threat. It concludes that 45 percent of American jobs are at high risk of being taken by computers within the next two decades.

The authors believe this takeover will happen in two stages. First, computers will start replacing people in especially vulnerable fields like transportation/logistics, production labor, and administrative support. Jobs in services, sales, and construction may also be lost in this first stage. Then, the rate of replacement will slow down due to bottlenecks in harder-to-automate fields such engineering. This technological plateau will be followed by a second wave of computerization, dependent upon the development of good artificial intelligence. This could next put jobs in management, science and engineering, and the arts at risk.

2/03/2014 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous Anonymous said...
If no one has a job,, who will pay taxes for our salaries?

2/03/2014 08:30:00 AM<<<

BHO will just do what he is doing now....

just keep running those printing presses at The Bureau of Printing and Engraving overtime.

2/03/2014 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This self service stuff actually started about 50 years ago at gas stations!

How many of you remember a "full service gas station" where the station attendant came out to pump your gas, check oil and windshield washed!

Now we all don't think twice pulling up to a gas pump and paying at the pumps now!

This is just progress in a computer society!

2/03/2014 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
well. here's your obama/emanuel economy..

Wal-Mart outlook hit by store closings, food stamp cuts.

1/31/2014 01:29:00 PM

Actually that is the point. Big business gets record profits on the backs of taxpayers. They should pay enough so that we do not have to subsidize their workers healthcare, food etc. Why should taxpayers pay for this when billions in profit can pay for it. That's the point.

As for it causing business to resort to technology and eliminate workers, well they would do that anyway. Because the almighty dollar means more than anything. Even if workers were paid .50 cents, if technology made it cheaper companies would still get rid of the workers.

2/03/2014 06:46:00 PM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

There are a lot of policemen and firemen's kids who are waitresses and bartenders working their way through school. And most of them aren't "Art Students". I'm glad your "elite" status prevents you and your family from stooping so low. Bottom Feeders? GFY you sanctimonius SOB.

Another mental midget misses the point(s).

Unless the police or fire kids you speak of (or your kid, for that fact) are pot smoking idiots that can't make simple change or stay focused long enough to put my order in without fucking it up, it doesn't apply.

If you're on the job, you're one that obviously "slipped through the cracks" and shoulda been a ditch digger, you dumb bastard.

So you go fuck YOURSELF, you reading comprehension challenged idiot.

2/03/2014 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares we are all fucked anyways. trust me, I studied economics for 6 years degree and masters. worked as an economist before I got on the job for 13 years. Our city and country are too far in now to ever recover and that is 100 percent truth. the only way the country can recover from this mess is if there is a meltdown. If there is a full meltdown and depression like era again then the government can reset and stop all funding and programs. Then the government can start over from square one again. We will loose our military which will have to be fully volunteer and social programs, pensions, medical systems will all be zero. the country will rebuild from nothing. everyone will be poor and money will mean nothing for about 10 years or so. wealth will not mean anything again for about 7-9 years. there will be no imports and the country will have to rely on itself for the majority of things. everything will go back to being domestically made because nobody will do business with the U.S. IN the backround this will strengthen the US as it is now doing for russia. Russia is about 5-9 years away from being the most successful and powerful country again militarily (9 years) and economically (5-7) years. Russia has had to start over again and they are progressing by leaps and bounds on a quarterly basis. It is some of the most rapid growth the world has seen in the past 60 years. On the flip side the united states has seen the quickest economic and military decline in the world since the great depression. By the way, the United states is declining now at a faster rate than when the USSR fell... scary. Im not a doomsday prepper freak, im not a conspiracy theorist or one of the boners that stores tons of water and ammo in my basement... that will not help anything... but I am a person that knows about what kind of financial trouble we are in. The city just put its second foot in the grave today by borrowing a billion dollars today.

2/03/2014 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a fucking chance. Citywide Team? No, I will vote for the American Communist Party first.

Why am I receiving SPAM e-mail from the City Wide ticket. FOP selling out already. Wasn't e-mail lists NOT provided for independent candidates and any other Team than Aguliar's? Wow this must be experience and leadership at work - What a shit show.

2/03/2014 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
who cares we are all fucked anyways. trust me, I studied economics for 6 years degree and masters....

2/03/2014 07:41:00 PM

We can tell how educated you are by your rambling.

2/03/2014 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares we are all fucked anyways. trust me, I studied economics for 6 years degree and masters. worked as an economist before I got on the job for 13 years. Our city and country are too far in now to ever recover and that is 100 percent truth. the only way the country can recover from this mess is if there is a meltdown. If there is a full meltdown and depression like era again then the government can reset and stop all funding and programs. Then the government can start over from square one again. We will loose our military which will have to be fully volunteer and social programs, pensions, medical systems will all be zero. the country will rebuild from nothing. everyone will be poor and money will mean nothing for about 10 years or so. wealth will not mean anything again for about 7-9 years. there will be no imports and the country will have to rely on itself for the majority of things. everything will go back to being domestically made because nobody will do business with the U.S. IN the backround this will strengthen the US as it is now doing for russia. Russia is about 5-9 years away from being the most successful and powerful country again militarily (9 years) and economically (5-7) years. Russia has had to start over again and they are progressing by leaps and bounds on a quarterly basis. It is some of the most rapid growth the world has seen in the past 60 years. On the flip side the united states has seen the quickest economic and military decline in the world since the great depression. By the way, the United states is declining now at a faster rate than when the USSR fell... scary. Im not a doomsday prepper freak, im not a conspiracy theorist or one of the boners that stores tons of water and ammo in my basement... that will not help anything... but I am a person that knows about what kind of financial trouble we are in. The city just put its second foot in the grave today by borrowing a billion dollars today

For a guy who knows everything and the solutions, it appears you didn't do well as an economist with a masters because you came on this job.

2/03/2014 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"...As my father used to say: "The world needs ditchdiggers, too, son".

2/03/2014 01:23:00 AM"

The city tried to create new jobs by forcing senior citizens to hire people to shovel the snow on their sidewalks.

Try to find a neighborhood kid willing to pry himself away from his I-Phone or whatever long enough to do the job for a few $.

Believe me I tried and not just for myself but for some really incapacitated people.

2/03/2014 03:06:00 PM

Kids and odd-jobbers used to walk around the neighborhoods looking for shoveling jobs. Don't see that anymore. Too bad, us baby boomers are having a rough time this winter.

2/03/2014 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Aspiring Actresses and Actors to Starve "

Funny you should mention this with Shortshanks in the hospital having delusions about his greatness or maybe bouts of terror and guilt and fear of eternal damnation.

His stupid economics about the movie industry caused almost the total collapse of what was once a thriving industry. This employed not only "Aspiring Actresses and Actors" but carpenters, electricians, painters, teamsters, food service and a host of other Chicago working people including Police Officers. What we have now is nothing compared to what we had in the Mid-80s.

But Shorty wouldn't allow an anchor studio to be built. When someone tried they were not connected and they were Italian (Not Vanecko which is Russian) so the cry went up that mob money must be involved.

He put a 6 ½% rental tax on equipment and everything went to Canada and then they idiot cries when the movie CHICAGO was made in Toronto.

Now a movie studio complex is being built in Chicago, on the site of a steel factory another industry they ruined. Who is building that studio, a company called Cinespace. They were founded in Toronto when Richie chased all our movie jobs up there.

God save us from the Democrats.

2/03/2014 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several baristas and waiters are eye-balling some of the roles that the late P.S.Hoffman signed on for prior to giving himself the HotShot. Actors are tuffer and more cold hearted than you think.

2/03/2014 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's the Lt in 003?

2/03/2014 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While monitoring a southside zone today I heard an officer while out of breath asking for an assist . Officer had no clue where he was. Oemc said that the gps was not working. The officer was also 99 why is anyone trying to be a hero and getting into a foot chase and scuffle by yourself/ not knowing where you are/without backup/ not worth it officer. Could have turned out real bad

2/03/2014 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you here about the 003rd District Lt that denied a 003rd district Sgtz request for time due
so that he could be off to take his kids to school and his wife to chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer? That Sgt bitched to anyone who would listen the rest of the tour! The police department aint your friend!
003rd copper who was there------------------------------------------
Retired and been hearing how these merit J.O.' treat their peers. Family always came first in the CPD, bosses always took care of copper' with family health problems.
In the old days, if the brass heard of a copper who needed to be with his family and got fucked, the Lt. would be detailed to the midnights, far-far away from his home. This Lt. is vomit in every degree. This is very sad to hear. The NYC guy and Rahm probadly will make this mutt a cmdr now ! If but the mayor Daley' ever got wind of shit like this, pity anyone involved. Hey, the Daley' did their thing, but took care of city employee' very silently.
Good health to all CPD and their families.

2/03/2014 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also do not use self checkout, and furthermore I do not put my cart in the assigned place, another job removal spot. I have been forced to pay bills on=line but I still find ways to make the bank have employees available for me. Fuck obumma and his pos wife and everyone who voted for him, especially the dumb shits I worked with.

2/04/2014 02:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
This self service stuff actually started about 50 years ago at gas stations!

How many of you remember a "full service gas station" where the station attendant came out to pump your gas, check oil and windshield washed!

Now we all don't think twice pulling up to a gas pump and paying at the pumps now!

This is just progress in a computer society!

2/03/2014 06:42:00 PM<<<

Yeah yeah, and gas was 35 cents a gallon and you got S&H Green Stamps or glassware or the Sunday paper. That all went the way of the pin-boys at bowling alleys.

Now we have ATMs, Amazon and aand even sell checkouts at almost any major store.

If you want to do something about it, whenever possible buy American products. Look at the labels especially with food products.


2/04/2014 04:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I already refuse to use the self checkout lines at Jewel,HomeDepot etc.,as they put people out of work. I will not patronize any eaterie that does this tablet thing.

2/03/2014 06:55:00 AM

Totally agree. I worked in a grocery chain as a teenager and I refuse to help them put people out of work with that idiot machine.

2/03/2014 05:24:00 PM

....and them horseless carriages!!!! Them kids and their new fangled ideas. Why in my day.............

It's progress, not a conspiracy. Relax.

2/04/2014 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Illinois has many amenities, and quality of life attractions that neighboring states do not have. This will insure that Illinois is always a top destination for business and families to relocate to. Despite, a few small marginal areas, Chicago is a world class city.

2/03/2014 04:08:00 PM

Everything's great and crime is down. Fuck you!!!

2/04/2014 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for the Lt. in 003 , you got 2 options. One is called SIF if denied the hit the Medical. This is what this job has come to.

2/04/2014 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I also do not use self checkout, and furthermore I do not put my cart in the assigned place, another job removal spot. I have been forced to pay bills on=line but I still find ways to make the bank have employees available for me. Fuck obumma and his pos wife and everyone who voted for him, especially the dumb shits I worked with.

2/04/2014 02:56:00 AM

You are such a rebel!

2/04/2014 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
This self service stuff actually started about 50 years ago at gas stations!

How many of you remember a "full service gas station" where the station attendant came out to pump your gas, check oil and windshield washed!

Now we all don't think twice pulling up to a gas pump and paying at the pumps now!

This is just progress in a computer society!

2/03/2014 06:42:00 PM<<<

Yeah yeah, and gas was 35 cents a gallon and you got S&H Green Stamps or glassware or the Sunday paper. That all went the way of the pin-boys at bowling alleys.

Now we have ATMs, Amazon and aand even sell checkouts at almost any major store.

If you want to do something about it, whenever possible buy American products. Look at the labels especially with food products.


2/04/2014 04:40:00 AM

Your missing the point, Officer!

When your raise costs on anything [i.e. products or services], businesses WILL make adjustments and if necessary eliminate jobs!

Read the Wall Street Journal, about jobs lost everyday in order to save money! As a stockholder of some of these companies, I'm glad to see waste cut out and increase my dividends! :)

It is also impossible to buy just American in a global economy!
I have seen Chevy cars, 100% built in South Korea and Honda's built in Greensburg, Indiana!

Who's jobs would rather support? I voted Honda

Oh by the way, I am registered to vote!

2/04/2014 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally agree. I worked in a grocery chain as a teenager and I refuse to help them put people out of work with that idiot machine.

2/03/2014 05:24:00 PM

....and them horseless carriages!!!! Them kids and their new fangled ideas. Why in my day.............

It's progress, not a conspiracy. Relax.

2/04/2014 05:40:00 AM

No, it's not a conspiracy; it's a cost-cutting measure for the big grocery chain. And, as I stated, I'm not going to help them replace a human with a machine and put someone out of work.

2/04/2014 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


>>>Now we have ATMs, Amazon and aand even sell checkouts at almost any major store.

If you want to do something about it, whenever possible buy American products. Look at the labels especially with food products.


2/04/2014 04:40:00 AM<<<


...Now we have ATMs, Amazon and and even >>>self serve <<< checkouts at almost any major store....

2/04/2014 04:40:00 AM

2/04/2014 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is also impossible to buy just American in a global economy!
I have seen Chevy cars, 100% built in South Korea and Honda's built in Greensburg, Indiana!

Several years ago the Crown Vic due to the origin of its parts was classified as an import. And the Honda Accord was a domestic car.

2/05/2014 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are a lot of policemen and firemen's kids who are waitresses and bartenders working their way through school. And most of them aren't "Art Students". I'm glad your "elite" status prevents you and your family from stooping so low. Bottom Feeders? GFY you sanctimonius SOB.

2/03/2014 10:40:00 AM

+1!!! Very well said! I have to laugh when I hear coppers talking as if they themselves were members of The Onwentsia Club...when in reality, they couldn't afford to PARK there, let alone play.

Something about that SHINY STAR on their chest seems to mentally register as if it were a DIAMOND ENCRUSTED Harry Winston piece.

Bunch of goofs failing to realize it is the very party they swear allegiance to that would just as soon dissolve their union AND pension if given the chance.

2/08/2014 06:00:00 PM  

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