Sunday, February 02, 2014

Homeowner Charged

The guy who killed the burglar in his house the other day?
  • They did end up dinging the homeowner for an expired FOID card. That in itself should be a life sentence (assuming you're not a Daley).

    In all, a job well done by the homeowner. 
That's some crime fighting there! If the homeowner had just fled the residence and surrendered all of his worldly goods to whatever the burglar could carry, he wouldn't have been charged with anything and no one would know he had an expired card.

Might this be an opportunity for the NRA to sue to get the FOID Card eliminated from existence all together? Illinois citizens (with the exception of Chicago Police officers) are not required to register weapons any more, so what is the purpose of an FOID Card anyway? It certainly seems to be yet another redundant bit of government, this time used to persecute (yes, persecute) an otherwise law abiding citizen defending his home and the lives within it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then they'd better go back and charge the convicted felon who owned a bar that shot a burglar in Englewood.

2/02/2014 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the original thread about this, there APPEARS to be a legit offer by Todd Vandermyde to help the homeowner.
Somebody from the watch should be able to put the two parties in touch with each other, since Vandermyde says he has no contact info.
Just to be on the safe side, maybe remind the homeowner to contact him through legitimate channels, instead of the email address listed in the other thread (just in case it's some nut job and not the real guy).

2/02/2014 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever so called cop charged the VICTIM of a crime with defending his home is a pure asshole. And the supervisor who refused to put the asshole cop in place is twice as bad.

I hope you both get dragged into court over this un-American bullshit. These are the types of gun grabber cops that the socialists love to have at their disposal.

These are the ones that will be herding people into camps one day. Your type has done it all through history from Nazi concentration camps through Soviet gulags. FEMA camps will need you soon.

2/02/2014 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be a great case for the NRA to beat Chicago again. Then Chicago can cut another check to the NRA for legal fees.

2/02/2014 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're a cop, you should be a member of the NRA. Great benefits for law enforcement free of charge. Look into it. Join the fight against the city and its socialist gun grabbers.

2/02/2014 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm, as dictator of Chicago, will soon require all non-Party members to carry government issued Bill of Rights cards. You can have your precious rights, but you'll have to pay for them.

You want to speak freely? Pay Rahm.

You want to keep and bear arms? Pay Rahm.

You want to worship freely? Pay Rahm.

You want to be secure in your homes and papers? Well, now you're going too far. This is a dictatorship after all. We need more cameras to spy on you because you're a counter revolutionary American. We'll need to read your mail, listen to your phone calls and monitor your computer use.

Socialism. Ain't it grand?

2/02/2014 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who was the super cop who thought to charge the guy? Have you no shame?

2/02/2014 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arresting the homeowner?

"You guys GOTTA find something to charge this guy with!"

Somebodys are gonna GET IT if/when the homeowner seeks civil redress.

Foid Card requirement is null in home defense isn't it?

Sometimes, good Police work can be finding a lawful and justifiable reason NOT to pinch someone.

2/02/2014 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NRA YES !!!!

This Victim SHOULD be the test case to get rid of the FOID card !!

2/02/2014 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Dougherty was at our roll call yesterday and it reminded me of why I voted for him last election. I will admit I voted for Mike Shields. I was impressed by his style and brashness. My feeling was he would be a big risk big reward type of personality. I also knew he could be dangerous so I voted for Bill Dougherty, Frank Dimaria, Rich Aguilar and Sid Davis (the citywide team)My thought was they would use experience and leadership to help guide Mike. As they say the rest is history and the citywide teams experience and leadership was non existent for 2 years and 10 months. Now that they have deposed of Shields they are going to save the day? Bill you should have shown leadership 2 years ago, maybe we would be getting a retro check.

2/02/2014 03:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only that SCC, rumor in 012 is the guy has a safe inside his house that they are trying to get into with a warrant. Just repeating what I've heard. What the fuck does that have to do with anything? It's not in plain view, here is the gun I shot him with, what's in my safe is none of your fucking business. But there are plenty of hand job officers on this job (gun team) that can't wait to get inside that fucker. I've heard some things about those guys on the gun teams and they can kiss my ass.

2/02/2014 03:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justice WoW you cant even defend yourself Shitcago Pols Crazy about "GUNS!!" but have some of the Largest security details in the country Lowly citizen fend for yourself

2/02/2014 04:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have had Patrick Daley's Sawed off shotgun from Michigan

2/02/2014 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is like tempering mercy with justice.

2/02/2014 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois citizens have never been required to register firearms except in Chicago and maybe a couple other towns.

2/02/2014 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's also a fee for an FOID card.

2/02/2014 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what if the homeowner picked up a hammer and struck the burglar dead what would the Office of Cook County State Attorney's charged the homeowner- I am just saying a man's home is still his castle despite the CCSAO wanting to make headlines for past and current political mistakes!

2/02/2014 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would they charge the home owner with if he got is ass kick or or possibly killed? Its ok for a shit bird to screw you over, but before you defend yourself a loved one, or your home home or property, be sure all your papers are in order. Who ever made the choice to charge this person should be removed from their position! When a citizen can longer protect them self and has to be fearfull of possibly being arrested for doing so, we no longer live in a free state.

2/02/2014 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Especially about the citizens. And cops too because even with a FOID card you have to go through a background check anyway when you buy a gun. And for us, like the citizens, there is still a waiting period unless you have a duty weapon exception letter. The FOID card is meaningless.

2/02/2014 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes great job. Remember if your going to own a gun make sure you have a valid FOID card. It just males things easier.

2/02/2014 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. I too believe that the Foid card should be abolished for some of the same reasons you stated.

2/02/2014 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad my name isn't on that paper.

2/02/2014 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On scene, was not anyones decision at a district level to charge this guy we were all very happy with him.

2/02/2014 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in May. I did this story about FOID. A bit of historical reference, but mainly rye program was created in 1963 as a way for government to maintain a list of people that were eligible to purchase and own firearms.

Worth a few minutes read...

This is a huge issue when you read a vague GO/SO TB and the like and see things that call for you to search a home without consent or a warrant to secure the scene of al firearms. Next they'll have you remove all the utensils out of the kitchen... Keep in mind that the idiots at Legal or MLA will not be in federal court with you for blindly following a department order.

2/02/2014 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He broke the law, right?

2/02/2014 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever so called cop charged the VICTIM of a crime with defending his home is a pure asshole. And the supervisor who refused to put the asshole cop in place is twice as bad.

I hope you both get dragged into court over this un-American bullshit. These are the types of gun grabber cops that the socialists love to have at their disposal.

These are the ones that will be herding people into camps one day. Your type has done it all through history from Nazi concentration camps through Soviet gulags. FEMA camps will need you soon.

Hey asshole, you have no idea how our job is done, and who makes what decisions in cases like these, a higher up or detective with states attorney made that decision,NOT the street cop initially handling the job, these are mandatory notifications, so STFU!!! 90% or more of us support guns for the non criminal public! YOUR the asshole, keep making your ignorant assumptions about something you know NOTHING about, jag off.....

2/02/2014 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Todd V. said...

no it was me that posted the info request. and that is my email. If they have council, they can have them contact me. Or we have some lawyers that we use here pretty regularly.

You will find that my email is posted over @ Illinois carry pretty regularly. I'll even give out my cell here if you gys think it would help.

I don't know if this would be the death nail for FOID as judges seem to be slow to agree with us ont he regulation side, but you never know.

Job one is getting this guy off the hook if their is no other issues. DV, felon or such.

2/02/2014 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Not only that SCC, rumor in 012 is the guy has a safe inside his house that they are trying to get into with a warrant. Just repeating what I've heard. What the fuck does that have to do with anything? It's not in plain view, here is the gun I shot him with, what's in my safe is none of your fucking business. But there are plenty of hand job officers on this job (gun team) that can't wait to get inside that fucker. I've heard some things about those guys on the gun teams and they can kiss my ass.

2/02/2014 03:58:00 AM

Gun team pussies that don't respect the Constitution. Rahm"s lap dogs. These are the cops that need to be watched very closely. They are shameless assholes and tools of the Chicago socialists. You un-American pussies can kiss my ass.

2/02/2014 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Subject only to the police power, the right of the
individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be

2/02/2014 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If libtards claim it's racist to show a legal ID to vote (due to cost), isn't is ALSO racist that these same people demand an FOID that costs money?

2/02/2014 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He will beat this case after being dragged through the system for a while. That's the price he pays for living in this shithole. All in all, great job eliminating another piece of shit.

2/02/2014 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys have sympathy because he was charged for not having a valid FOID card? It will get thrown out in court anyway.

Maybe you're not aware, but if any of you had an expired FOID card, you would immediately be placed into a no-pay status.

Hey, fuck him. Why should he get away with something I'm held accountable for?

2/02/2014 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave it to these hair gel cape crusaders on this fucking job, to screw a homeowner trying to protect his home. PO's beware these type of motherfrs will even railroad their own or us, anything to make a name for themselves......

2/02/2014 10:21:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Not cool.

2/02/2014 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? said...

TO 2/02/2014 03:45:00 AM: C'mon Rick even Bear is tired of hearing this bullshit. Your idol, Mike, is gone deal with it.

Read his own Sept 2013 FOP Newsletter Article where he admits he intentionally didn't send the letter. Not Dougherty's or anyone else's fault. Mikey is the only one to blame.

2/02/2014 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But there are plenty of hand job officers on this job (gun team) that can't wait to get inside that fucker. I've heard some things about those guys on the gun teams and they can kiss my ass.

Total strokes with no respect for the Constitution , created by Shortshanks. Anybody that jams up a clean citizen over expired foid issues: strokes that should be sent to pushing a beat car in the ghetto.

2/02/2014 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/02/2014 03:58:00 AM

Lick my sweaty balls you douche! Did you get dumped off a team and are pissed, so now you gotta throw mud? If you knew shit about how this department works then you would know WHO would have charged this guy. Stop rambling on about what you "heard" and talk about what you know... NOTHING!

2/02/2014 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Whatever so called cop charged the VICTIM of a crime with defending his home is a pure asshole. And the supervisor who refused to put the asshole cop in place is twice as bad. 

I hope you both get dragged into court over this un-American bullshit. These are the types of gun grabber cops that the socialists love to have at their disposal.

These are the ones that will be herding people into camps one day. Your type has done it all through history from Nazi concentration camps through Soviet gulags. FEMA camps will need you soon.

2/02/2014 12:42:00 AM


2/02/2014 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We still are getting a retro check. My understanding is Shields told them he'd take care of it. So that's like at the end of the tour, you go to check the back seat and your partner says I got it. You expect him to get it. The next day you come in with a CR number obviously your partner didn't take care of it. Did you know he didn't take care of it no. If we lose any retro it will be for the first year. If you're that much of a dogass copper (which from your post I'm assuming you work north of madison and probably are) and can't make back that 1500-2000 dollars in overtime somewhere else then you area useless hump. I ain't voting for any disability using asshat nor am I voting in a young guy again. That backfired the last time.

2/02/2014 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Not only that SCC, rumor in 012 is the guy has a safe inside his house that they are trying to get into with a warrant. Just repeating what I've heard. What the fuck does that have to do with anything? It's not in plain view, here is the gun I shot him with, what's in my safe is none of your fucking business. But there are plenty of hand job officers on this job (gun team) that can't wait to get inside that fucker. I've heard some things about those guys on the gun teams and they can kiss my ass.

2/02/2014 03:58:00 AM

If this is true, it is a sad day in Amerikuh. The officer in 012 needs to relocate some of his items to a family's place. Most of the the time we are our worst enemy. Sad.

2/02/2014 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From my cold dead hands,remember your oath!

2/02/2014 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So no one cares that the burglar would still be alive if he hadn't broken into this guy's house? I think I remember a few years ago a pet dog mauled/bit a burglar & the dog owner was charged, the dog was euthanized. This pisses me off so much! The victims have to defend themselves twice - once against the criminal, then against the justice system. If I had a weapon, I'm sure I would have done the same. For now, I'll use my knitting needles.

2/02/2014 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever so called cop charged the VICTIM of a crime with defending his home is a pure asshole. And the supervisor who refused to put the asshole cop in place is twice as bad.

I hope you both get dragged into court over this un-American bullshit. These are the types of gun grabber cops that the socialists love to have at their disposal.

These are the ones that will be herding people into camps one day. Your type has done it all through history from Nazi concentration camps through Soviet gulags. FEMA camps will need you soon.

Must not be a cop....Police do not charge people, the States Attorney does. It's up to them, not us, we just say "here's what we have".

Old Retired Guy

2/02/2014 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Whatever so called cop charged the VICTIM of a crime with defending his home is a pure asshole. And the supervisor who refused to put the asshole cop in place is twice as bad.

I hope you both get dragged into court over this un-American bullshit. These are the types of gun grabber cops that the socialists love to have at their disposal.

These are the ones that will be herding people into camps one day. Your type has done it all through history from Nazi concentration camps through Soviet gulags. FEMA camps will need you soon.

Kick bricks douchebag. Get off our blog and go back to your desk job.

2/02/2014 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever those gun grabbing Nazis do things like this it isn’t the State Attorney’s office that takes the hit with the people – it’s us.

There was a statute pasted a number of years ago that protected victims from prosecution for gun registration ordinance violations. A clever lawyer should be able to argue that statue should also protect people in this position too because it was the intention of the General Assembly to protect citizens from prosecution in self defense cases.

He should have rolled the body into the alley and pretended he didn’t anything about it.

2/02/2014 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relax. He'll apply for a new FOID and will continue the case until it arrives. Once he gets it they'll drop the case for compliance. At least that's what should happen.

2/02/2014 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sometimes good police work can be finding a lawful and justifiable reason NOT to pinch someone."

Very true, and well said.

2/02/2014 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Not only that SCC, rumor in 012 is the guy has a safe inside his house that they're trying to get into with a warrant..."

02/02/2014 03:58:00 AM


Please tell us that there aren't Policemen fucking STUPID & THIRSTY enough to go running to a judge to crack this guy's safe?

OK... These coppers either tried to bluff the guy into saying "open sesame" and got pissed when he told them to go scratch or the sight of a locked gun vault has visions of gun snatching sugar plums dancing in their empty heads.

The problem is, that is if this is true, (Please... Anyone in close proximity keep the "spirits of the air advised) there isn't a shortage of tiny brain judges in Cook County who will ok a warrant.

The warrent is approved, coppers get to crack the safe, homeowner gets it stuck in his ass with additional charges and jail time then this legal atrocity comes undone when cooler heads prevail in Apellate Court.

Then the big, neck-bolt having Frankenstein Monster 1983 Tort Action walks in and unzips for every copper involved.


Nary a judge or state's attorney is going to have a hair out of place (immunity) behind this but you best believe every copper with their names on ANY document related to this and every supvervisor who SHOULD HAVE thrown a flag on this are going to be sad, sore and sorry...

2/02/2014 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

give the home owner 60 days in the McHenry county jail,and a carton of smokes and lets pick up his bond,sounds fair to me...

2/02/2014 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was there the home owner who was on two crutches by the way , after he shot the guy unloaded the gun and locked it up in his safe before fire and cpd arrived.god bless this guy he did the right thing he should get a medal not harrased. the news would of loved to report the flip side- three people break into said apartment beat up crippled resident and gang rape his daughter. what a joke this world is!defend yourself your a criminal

2/02/2014 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only that SCC, rumor in 012 is the guy has a safe inside his house that they are trying to get into with a warrant. Just repeating what I've heard. What the fuck does that have to do with anything? It's not in plain view, here is the gun I shot him with, what's in my safe is none of your fucking business. But there are plenty of hand job officers on this job (gun team) that can't wait to get inside that fucker. I've heard some things about those guys on the gun teams and they can kiss my ass.

Can't be the Area South gun team. They haven't recovered a gun in a year. NO shit. I couldn't believe it either. Most have not made felony arrest in 2013 either. Yup, it's for real. NOT

2/02/2014 03:58:00 AM

2/02/2014 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do understand that this is all handle by Det.'s. P.O.'s are not even allowed in the house once a killing occurs. Hello.

2/02/2014 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Whatever so called cop charged the VICTIM of a crime with defending his home is a pure asshole. And the supervisor who refused to put the asshole cop in place is twice as bad.

I hope you both get dragged into court over this un-American bullshit. These are the types of gun grabber cops that the socialists love to have at their disposal.

These are the ones that will be herding people into camps one day. Your type has done it all through history from Nazi concentration camps through Soviet gulags. FEMA camps will need you soon.

2/02/2014 12:42:00 AM

More than likely, it was some BOSS or the SA's office that insisted on the charge. Calm down.

2/02/2014 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Generally speaking, I don't know why the hell you'd charge the owner. However, lets not fall for the monday morning quarterback bullshit. If what the above poster says is true about the "safe" that they, presumably the police, are trying to get a warrant for, the victim may be sitting on a nice cash/stash house, which would explain the HI. Any copper knows the reason for the uptick in brazen HIs in Chicago and surrounding burbs. If you don't, I'll spell it out: stash/cash houses!

Not saying that is the case here but thats the only logical reason I could see charging a "victim" here.

2/02/2014 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bill Dougherty was at our roll call yesterday and it reminded me of why I voted for him last election. I will admit I voted for Mike Shields. I was impressed by his style and brashness. My feeling was he would be a big risk big reward type of personality. I also knew he could be dangerous so I voted for Bill Dougherty, Frank Dimaria, Rich Aguilar and Sid Davis (the citywide team)My thought was they would use experience and leadership to help guide Mike. As they say the rest is history and the citywide teams experience and leadership was non existent for 2 years and 10 months. Now that they have deposed of Shields they are going to save the day? Bill you should have shown leadership 2 years ago, maybe we would be getting a retro check.

2/02/2014 03:45:00 AM

F Off. At least Bill stood up to Shields. The rest of the Shields Team morphed into the Angelo team. They all let Shields pick his trial committee AND all voted to excuse Shields for not sending the letter. Now they blog bullshit while disability Daddy rapes our deleted pension fund. Nice!

2/02/2014 02:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Who was the super cop who thought to charge the guy? Have you no shame?

2/02/2014 01:02:00 AM

Yeah, we are in the most anti gun county in the country and we should let the only requirement to own a gun in this state slide. I'm sure there were bosses there and orders given. Okay tough guy, go back to your car and finish watching your movies and screwing everyone else over with your jobs. Nice monday morning QB'ng the job...wait you wouldn't have a clue anyways it occurred south of Madison, you'd be hiding from the big bad criminals anyways.

2/02/2014 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need the FOID because:
1) it eliminates the criminal element from obtaining one, which
2) cuts them out of legitimate gun purchases too.
Sure, they can always pick one up on the streets, but if the courts ever take the 'without having an FOID seriously' it might result in longer prison sentences.
It's an option for the state to act upon.

2/02/2014 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Illinois citizens have never been required to register firearms except in Chicago and maybe a couple other towns.

2/02/2014 05:29:00 AM

I only registered my duty weapons. Fuck them on all the rest. No way I register my bazooka or RPG.

2/02/2014 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to see if he had applied for a FOID and it took ISP forever to get it back. However, absent some criminal past, this would be a good test case.. Where is Anita on this? What about defending the homeowner?

2/02/2014 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the strength of the expired FOID
card can the perp's survivors file
a wrongful death suit against the
homeowner and win ?

2/02/2014 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Homeowner should have had Vanecko there to punch the burglar's lights out instead. This way no charges would be filed, at least not for a long time, and then only if a special prosecutor got appointed.

2/02/2014 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some thirsty officers. This is embarrassing! No fucking common sense. Well thanks for giving us another black eye morons.

2/02/2014 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Bill Dougherty was at our roll call yesterday and it reminded me of why I voted for him last election. I will admit I voted for Mike Shields. I was impressed by his style and brashness. My feeling was he would be a big risk big reward type of personality. I also knew he could be dangerous so I voted for Bill Dougherty, Frank Dimaria, Rich Aguilar and Sid Davis (the citywide team)My thought was they would use experience and leadership to help guide Mike. As they say the rest is history and the citywide teams experience and leadership was non existent for 2 years and 10 months. Now that they have deposed of Shields they are going to save the day? Bill you should have shown leadership 2 years ago, maybe we would be getting a retro check.

2/02/2014 03:45:00 AM

F Off. At least Bill stood up to Shields. The rest of the Shields Team morphed into the Angelo team. They all let Shields pick his trial committee AND all voted to excuse Shields for not sending the letter. Now they blog bullshit while disability Daddy rapes our deleted pension fund. Nice!

2/02/2014 02:59:00 PM

Retro check yep that $600.00 cash would change the world, worry about Pension, keeping 4 and 2, free 55 and out health care,holding on to holiday pay when your off, uniform allowance and duty pay. When this gies to arbitration wizard we will get all the retro like sergeants and lieutenants now tell mommy we said hi and enjoy your cocoa and extra marshmallows!

2/02/2014 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You guys have sympathy because he was charged for not having a valid FOID card? It will get thrown out in court anyway.

Maybe you're not aware, but if any of you had an expired FOID card, you would immediately be placed into a no-pay status.

Hey, fuck him. Why should he get away with something I'm held accountable for?

2/02/2014 10:19:00 AM

YOU shouldn't be accountable for having an FOID, either. The whole premise is stupid, illegal and just another money grab.

2/02/2014 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone is getting all upset for nothing. This is a homicide!! A justifiable one but a homicide nonetheless. Detectives and States Attorneys have to be involved. Every "i" dotted and "t" crossed. The charge had to be placed because his FOID was expired. He'll renew it and that will be the end of that. Discretion is not an option when there is a person killed.

I have no problem with FOID except it should never expire and cost nothing to get. It should only be revoked, suspended or cancelled through due process. That means Ex Parte orders should not apply. Fat chance on any of that though.

2/02/2014 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Maybe you're not aware, but if any of you had an expired FOID card, you would immediately be placed into a no-pay status."

Aren't police officers exempt from the FOID requirements by statute?

2/02/2014 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Citywide pure evil... What is Kevin Graham
Qualifications??, Saul is last person should be in charge of our money, Mark D. So does that mean your going to give up ur 85,000 a year job to b a trustee?

2/02/2014 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bill Dougherty was at our roll call yesterday and it reminded me of why I voted for him last election. I will admit I voted for Mike Shields. I was impressed by his style and brashness. My feeling was he would be a big risk big reward type of personality. I also knew he could be dangerous so I voted for Bill Dougherty, Frank Dimaria, Rich Aguilar and Sid Davis (the citywide team)My thought was they would use experience and leadership to help guide Mike. As they say the rest is history and the citywide teams experience and leadership was non existent for 2 years and 10 months. Now that they have deposed of Shields they are going to save the day? Bill you should have shown leadership 2 years ago, maybe we would be getting a retro check.

2/02/2014 03:45:00 AM

F Off. At least Bill stood up to Shields. The rest of the Shields Team morphed into the Angelo team. They all let Shields pick his trial committee AND all voted to excuse Shields for not sending the letter. Now they blog bullshit while disability Daddy rapes our deleted pension fund. Nice!

If Bill is such the crusader, he should have sent the letter on behalf of the union. He knew mike didn't send it, and as a matter of political grandstanding he sat back and watched the union implode.

Not to mention his harsh treatment of Harold brown over something very trivial.

While Bill may have been a good candidate, he has made some bad choices that should warrant a no vote in the upcoming election.

2/03/2014 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daugherty stood up to Shields? Billy was kissing Shields' ass, try ing to get his hockey buddy, Jim Bailey on Shields's ticket. When Shields' wouldn't go along with dumping Frankie D for Bailey, Billy turned on Shields. Daugherty, Aguilar liar, Capperrelli, and now Bailey? How many hockey players do we really need on the board. Daugherty looks and acts like he's been hit in the head with too many hockey pucks.

2/03/2014 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

On the strength of the expired FOID
card can the perp's survivors file
a wrongful death suit against the
homeowner and win ?

2/02/2014 08:16:00 PM

Ask OBama, he wrote the law....

2/03/2014 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When a citizen can longer protect them self and has to be fearfull of possibly being arrested for doing so, we no longer live in a free state.

2/02/2014 06:36:00 AM

Did you think you still live in a free state? With a dictator in the mayor's office violating the Constitution for over 25 years banning guns and arming his criminal aldermen?

With spending millions on cameras to spy on you? With stealing from you and sending his goons to beat you and get away with it?

2/03/2014 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You guys have sympathy because he was charged for not having a valid FOID card? It will get thrown out in court anyway.

Maybe you're not aware, but if any of you had an expired FOID card, you would immediately be placed into a no-pay status.

Hey, fuck him. Why should he get away with something I'm held accountable for?

2/02/2014 10:19:00 AM

Hey Dummie!

The idea is to get the NRA to overturn, another stupid law against the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution!

So Shuddup! Gun Team Fucko!

2/03/2014 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOID is unconstitutional on its face because it's a PRIOR RESTRAINT on a Constitutional and Creator-Endowed Right.

No criminal is going to apply for the card because they'd be charged with another crime, and maybe, just maybe, the State might, possibly show up to arrest them for attempting to acquire firearms when they're prohibited from having them.

Law-abiding people apply for the damn things, but then the Government knows who 'probably' has firearms, because they have the card. That in, and of itself, is a great risk to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness - because the Government CAN NOT BE TRUSTED with such information.

History has proven time and again that it's abused to the detriment of the populace.

FOID ought to be repealed, or declared unconstitutional and all the information destroyed. Those who voted for it should be brought up on charges of Treason and Sedition.

2/03/2014 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
On scene, was not anyones decision at a district level to charge this guy we were all very happy with him.

2/02/2014 08:15:00 AM

Then at what level was the decision made?

2/03/2014 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
He broke the law, right?

2/02/2014 08:45:00 AM

Moron. If Daley had an UNCONSTITUTIONAL law on the books for over twenty-five years, do you think that our socialist politicians could do the same?

What if they make a LAW that says you can be detained for going to church? An asshole like you would run out and get those pinches, right?

You are a non-thinking jackass, and as such a tool for the forces of evil.

2/03/2014 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You guys have sympathy because he was charged for not having a valid FOID card? It will get thrown out in court anyway.

Maybe you're not aware, but if any of you had an expired FOID card, you would immediately be placed into a no-pay status.

Hey, fuck him. Why should he get away with something I'm held accountable for?

2/02/2014 10:19:00 AM

Really, dumb ass? Really? So if you are subject to an unconstitutional rule, you want to stick it to others too? What kind of warped brain do you have? You are a typical dumb fuck cop that Rahm and Daley love.

2/03/2014 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect that the detective and his supervisor had no options/choice on charging thishomeowner.

2/03/2014 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

On the strength of the expired FOID
card can the perp's survivors file
a wrongful death suit against the
homeowner and win ?

They don't need an expired FOID to file a wrongful death suit. Happens all the time. Plenty of relatives have been paid in civil court on good police shootings.

2/03/2014 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a case a few years back on a Northern suburban homeowner who shot and wounded a home in vader.Did not have a FOID.Won his case and State law changed.Who the fuck from the SAs office did this...oh never mind I forgot this is Illinois/Chicago.

2/03/2014 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ISP reminds Illinois residents:

If your FOID card expired, you may not purchase ammunition until your new FOID card is issued; and

It is a petty offense to possess weapons when the FOID card is expired for less than 6 months and the applicant is not otherwise disqualified from owning, purchasing, or possessing weapons. However, if the FOID card is expired for more than 6 months or the applicant is disqualified from owning, purchasing, or possessing weapons, the class of offense and penalties are increased. Law enforcement officers have the ability to check the status of a FOID card holder’s application before taking enforcement action.

The ISP encourages Illinois residents to lawfully store their weapons, especially during times when their FOID cards are expired.

2/03/2014 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(430 ILCS 65/16) (from Ch. 38, par. 83-16)
Sec. 16. When 2% of the number of registered voters in the State desire to pass upon the question of whether the General Assembly should repeal this Act regulating the acquisition, possession and transfer of firearms and firearm ammunition, they shall, at least 78 days before a regular election to be held throughout the State, file in the office of the State Board of Elections, a petition directed to the Board in accordance with the general election law. The petition shall be composed of county petitions from each of the counties throughout the State and each county petition shall contain the signatures of at least 2% of the number of registered voters in the county. The petition shall request that the question "Should the General Assembly repeal the Act entitled 'An Act relating to the acquisition, possession and transfer of firearms and firearm ammunition, to provide a penalty for the violation thereof and to make an appropriation in connection therewith,' approved August 3, 1967, as amended?" be submitted to the voters of the State at the next ensuing State-wide election at which such question may be acted upon.
(Source: P.A. 81-1489.)

(430 ILCS 65/16.1) (from Ch. 38, par. 83-16.1)
Sec. 16.1. A petition for the submission of the proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
To the State Board of Elections
The undersigned, residents and registered voters of the State of Illinois, respectfully petition that you cause to be submitted, in the manner provided by the general election law to the voters of the State of Illinois, at the next State-wide election, the proposition "Should the General Assembly repeal an Act entitled 'An Act relating to the acquisition, possession and transfer of firearms and firearm ammunition, to provide a penalty for the violation thereof and to make an appropriation in connection therewith', approved August 3, 1967, as amended?"
Such petition shall conform to the requirements of the general election law. The Board shall certify the question to the proper election officials who shall submit the question at an election in accordance with the general election law. Upon request of any citizen for a reproduced copy of the petition and paying or tendering to the State Board of Elections the costs of making the copy, the Board shall immediately make, or cause to be made a reproduced copy of such petition. The Board shall also deliver to such person his official certification that such copy is a true copy of the original, stating the day when such original was filed in its office.
(Source: P.A. 81-1489.)

(430 ILCS 65/16-3) (from Ch. 38, par. 83-16.3)
Sec. 16-3. The Secretary of State shall cause the question to be plainly printed upon separate ballots as follows:
Should the General Assembly repeal the Act
entitled "An Act relating to the acquisition, YES
possession and transfer of firearms and
firearm ammunition, to provide a penalty ---------------
for the violation thereof and to make an
appropriation in connection therewith", NO
approved August 3, 1967, as amended?
(Source: P.A. 77-1819.)

2/03/2014 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the strength of the expired FOID
card can the perp's survivors file
a wrongful death suit against the
homeowner and win ?

Perp? We don't have perp's. We only have offender's. You watch too much television.

2/03/2014 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever so called cop charged the VICTIM of a crime with defending his home is a pure asshole. And the supervisor who refused to put the asshole cop in place is twice as bad.

I am sure that the decision to charge the homeowner was not one that the officer was happy with. The higher-ups leaned on it to make it so.

Also here is an angle to consider. Initially the Department did not charge the homeowner. But his name was released to the press.

That is a big-time civil violation (releasing the name of someone arrested but not charged) That's why Sanford, Fla never commented on Zimmerman's arrest on the initial night-because he was released with out charging.

Or the guy that fatally shot the 2 robbers out east (NJ?) about 6 weeks ago. Shooting was ruled Justifiable-Non-Criminal and the department rightfully refused all requests to release the shooters name.

I suspect that homeowner was RWOC'd but his name got out. So to cover it's behind the Department and maybe the CCSAO, laid a minor FOID violation on him.

Isn't the usual practice in Crook County on these cases that if the defendant shows that he is not barred from having an FOID, the case is dropped, and the gun is C&D? (Which is what the powers that be want-can't have a gun that has tasted blood allowed to continue to exist.)

2/03/2014 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone is getting all upset for nothing. This is a homicide!! A justifiable one but a homicide nonetheless. Detectives and States Attorneys have to be involved. Every "i" dotted and "t" crossed.

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". E.g. David Koschman. Yup guess someone missed the t's and i's on that one.

2/03/2014 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". E.g. David Koschman. Yup guess someone missed the t's and i's on that one.

Although both equally dead in the end you can't compare the two investigations. One was knocked out and died over ten days later and the other was SHOT dead right then and there. Dead bodies draw lots of attention!

On a much lesser scale if you were in a serious crash and not at fault but had no proof of insurance you'd still probably get a ticket for it. And the ticket would be tossed after bringing proof to court. This citizen will/should just renew his FOID and that's the end of it.

At least it should be. So don't make inane comparisons.

2/03/2014 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOID renewal times have been so far behind. Maybe this guy sent in and is still waiting. Wait times have improved lately.

2/04/2014 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you're not aware, but if any of you had an expired FOID card, you would immediately be placed into a no-pay status.

Hey, fuck him. Why should he get away with something I'm held accountable for?


(Now, check out this 5-year olds rant...what's next-"Sticks and stones....?" Really!

Really, dumb ass? Really? So if you are subject to an unconstitutional rule, you want to stick it to others too? What kind of warped brain do you have? You are a typical dumb fuck cop that Rahm and Daley love.

2/04/2014 12:49:00 PM  

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