Sunday, February 02, 2014

Super High-Tech Lab

  • Devel Newell allegedly fired repeatedly into a group standing outside a strip mall last summer on the North Side.

    Chicago Police officers arrested the 30-year-old repeat felon, but he insisted he wasn’t involved in the June 10 shooting, which left two men with bullet wounds to the legs.

    Police found 9mm bullet cartridge casings at the scene and recovered a 9mm Smith & Wesson pistol, which they brought to a new police lab in a West Side warehouse. After less than two weeks of testing, forensic investigators had some intriguing results. Fingerprint tests confirmed Newell used the gun in the shooting, prosecutors said. But investigators also learned the pistol was used in a December shooting almost 18 miles away on the South Side.

    Newell is facing charges in the June 10 shooting, including being an armed habitual criminal. He isn’t charged in connection with the unsolved 2012 shooting, but the confirmation that the gun was used in that crime gave detectives a new lead to follow.
This is a good thing. Of course, McCarthy is given a bit of credit, and it may be slightly deserved. At the same time however, we have to tip our hats to the old-timers who, years ago, warned that farming out this job to the State, would result in years-long backlogs and untested weapons. 

They were exactly right and the Department was exactly wrong.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lab is a great idea. Keep this stuff in house and we'll get better and faster results.

That way it will be quicker for the Crook County Courts to throw the case out after an arrest is made because there are too many brown and black people in jail.

We have to keep those socialist voting people outside doing their thing or it could upset the natural criminal order of things here.

2/02/2014 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Modern science is great.

2/02/2014 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the downstate ISP firearms lab is getting a big chunk of earmarked money from the new CCW permits. They might actually start getting their crap together if they don't have the poorhouse excuse.

2/02/2014 10:02:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Nice to see them back.

2/02/2014 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Last of the Dicks from A-6 said...

I remember when Mr. Daley closed our lab, one of the finest in the entire country and put the cost onto the State of Illinois in order to stick it to the republican Gov. and save the city budget a ton of money, Where did all of the money get diverted to ? Not into the pension fund. All of the same people just got new checks from the state instead of the city. Everyone knew that Chicago's work was going to completely overload the system and it did. Excellent planning as usual. The thought of solving crime and assisting the CPD never entered into the equation.

2/02/2014 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a great place to put a Crime Lab, they now have no place to hold big meetings when they conduct these big ass raids, not a lot of thining put into this spot, the poor ET's and Crime lab coppers have to carry all their inventoried property up from the cars, then go park the cars a block away, we have tons of unused space where this lab could have went, Homan Square is an accident waiting to happen, just wait for some big theft to occur when Junior and his boyz enter the building, walk into the ERPS and take a lot of dope, especially when you have an incompetent group working the guardshack, you have fat ass dude on days who just sleeps, followed up by the crybabies on 3rd watch,

2/02/2014 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With a name like "Devel" what do you expect?

2/02/2014 04:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't McCarthy get that gun off the street all by himself?

2/02/2014 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD had its own crime lab at 11th and State.then Daley got into a fight with then Gov. Ryan and the State took over the crime lab and policing the expressways. Guess it was a bad idea.

2/02/2014 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a real good idea, every top company chooses what they out source. Somethings have to be done in house for internal control. Meaning turn around time. Outside agencies will choose who or what cases get Don first.

Business major.

2/03/2014 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Went to New York and Newark to see how they do it??? Now that's sad. The state hired former Chicago Lab personnel to get their lab up and running and also hired some former personnel.

2/03/2014 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Last of the Dicks from A-6 said...

The republican gov. that Daley screwed in the crime lab deal was Jim Edgar, not Ryan.

2/03/2014 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"At the same time however, we have to tip our hats to the old-timers who, years ago, warned that farming out this job to the State, would result in years-long backlogs and untested weapons.
They were exactly right and the Department was exactly wrong."

What's that? Experienced veteran police officers warn about something and they are proved correct? Why damn, who would have though that. I would have bet on the political appointee from out of town who blows shit right out of his ass. And I thought sure that Daley knew what he was doing when he sowed the seeds of ruin within the CPD.

What's next, eliminate radios to save money? I am shocked the CPD Marine Unit still exists.

2/03/2014 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old lab was full of political hacks. Firearms and Chemistry people were good, but Toolmarks and Documents people were a joke. Polygraph was hit-or-miss.

2/03/2014 11:35:00 PM  

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