Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Madigan Lawlessness

Someone on the Republican side, the supposed party of "fiscal discipline," noticed that Illinois was broke and said something about it - after Madigan held a number of votes with no one actually around to vote:
  • Republican statehouse leaders ripped a proposal to give $100 million to construction efforts for President Barack Obama’s presidential library, arguing there’s no reason the cash-strapped state should dole out money when the president has proven himself a more-than-capable fundraiser.

    “When we’re sitting at $7 billion of unpaid bills, why are we dangling $100 million to the decision-makers to entice them to come to Chicago?” House Minority Leader Jim Durkin, R-Western Springs, told the Sun-Times editorial board Tuesday.

    Durkin and Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno, R-Lemont, took turns railing against the proposal, which House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, muscled through a House committee last week while the Legislature was on spring break.
Good point. Every other presidential library has been funded by private donations - it's actually written into Federal statute. We've gotten mailings from foundations for the past few presidents soliciting funds to house these museums. But now Illinois, a state that can't seem to pay its bills and with outstanding pension obligations approaching a hundred-billion dollars, pulling $100 million out of their ass seems possible.

And Madigan was in full dictator mode last week:
  • No Republicans attended the hearing and the committee was not supposed to have voted on the financing measure, which was not requested by the Barack Obama Presidential Foundation. Backlash over the vote has prompted Madigan to call for a re-vote by the committee.
The REpublicans are outnumbered on the committee, so why even bother having them around to cast dissenting votes against the Obamessiah? You know who Madigan blamed right away for his being caught falisfying voting records, right?
  • Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan says the Tea Party is forcing him to call for a re-vote on a bill to spend $100 million in taxpayer money to sweeten Chicago's bid for the Obama presidential library.

    Last week while on break between hearings, Democrats on the House Executive Committee voted to pass the measure while their Republican colleagues were not present. They then recorded the vote as "unanimous."
Those damn Tea Party folks. Actually expecting their votes to count when they weren't even in the room - when there wasn't even a quorum for the committee (which was officially in recess) to conduct business. Where do these people think they are, America?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate this dumocratic state with a passion... My non-dumbasscrat vote means nothing and I only have four to have 20 on at 50 years old and the funny thing is, my entire cpd class from '98 feels the same way.

4/23/2014 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask Mr. Bundy in Nevada if Obama should have a library. I heard that the site of the Obama Library in Chicago has an endangered rat species that lives in the area.
They're called Democ-Rats


4/23/2014 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC said: "But now Illinois, a state that can't seem to pay it's (sic) bills and with outstanding pension obligations approaching a hundred-billion dollars, pulling $100 million out of their ass seems impossible."
The reason Illinois can't pay its bills is because of irresponsible STUNTS like this one. The Illinois taxpayer exists solely to feed the insatiable gluttons in Springfield.

4/23/2014 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gang shit can wait. Let the FBI task force put all these assholes in jail so the whole state can survive.

4/23/2014 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does that tell you about the people that live in his district. All no-brain lemmings and not one viable candidate to run against him. A real person to run against him. Not some made-up name on a ballot.

4/23/2014 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember -- this "$100 million" is just bait to reel in a project that will end up costing $500 million or more -- and Madigan "does not rule out further state spending" later on.

Bend over -- here comes the Obama Library.

Michelle has already said that the Obamas may not come back here when Obama leaves office -- but we'll be stuck with this to pay for.

Put the damned thing in Hawaii where they seem to be most likely to settle.

...or maybe in Kenya?

4/23/2014 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The state can forget paying any pensions. When it gets down to nitty gritty, the pensions are a union problem and the unions will end up figuring out how to pay them, not the state.

4/23/2014 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyrants should all meet the same fate. Criminals in office creating laws to further their criminal goals is not acceptable.

4/23/2014 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Who cares said...

$100 Million for a library? WHY? Especially, as you pointed out, when it should be built on private donations.

$100 Million would be a sheer waste of money in a state that has some financial strength.

In Illinois, where the money shortfalls are counted in tens of Billions of dollars, that is sheer lunacy.

Take ALL that money and put it into a bridge that is in need of dire repair or add a runway at O'Hare. Name it after Obama.

I am sure they use the plane (AF-1) more than they use a library, so naming a runway would be more fitting.

4/23/2014 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But, by gum, don't vote for Rauner. He won't save your pension like Quinn and Madigan say they will save your pension. Baaah baaah

4/23/2014 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damned Tea Party people.

I caught a few trying to steal my rims a few weeks ago.

4/23/2014 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How well does the Jimmy Carter Museum attract visitors. An Obama Musuem will attract less visitors then Carter's. Where ever it lands it will be a flash in the pan like a failed resturant for most professional atheletes, Big grand opening and then after six months no one cares about it. Send it somewhere else.

4/23/2014 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a trick bag for the GOP. They are right about the state being almost broke but of course any opposition to $$$ for an Obama library is portrayed by the media and the Dems as "racist"

4/23/2014 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They know they can go against the will of the people because they have corrupted the voting process and steal elections.

4/23/2014 06:50:00 AM  
Blogger I Voted For Obama said...

I'm against it only because libraries have books.

4/23/2014 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call his office



4/23/2014 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous said...

Speaker Madigan's ulterior motive for this library funding push? From the Sun-Times website yesterday:

"The library funding issue might resonate with African American voters - a traditional Democratic constituency that Republican gubernatorial nominee Bruce Rauner wants to make inroads with.

Madigan spokesman Steve Brown dismissed the suggestion the speaker is trying to drive a wedge between Rauner and African-American voters.

Brown said anyone against state funding for the library was in league with Republicans' Tea Party wing..."

4/23/2014 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put the Obama Library, (which should be interesting since he will be remembered in history as the most incompetent President in U.S. history)in the Maggie Daley Memorial Park! Then we could make it a Democrat Party Theme Park. We could have rides based on the pursuit of Clout and Influence. One ride could be dodge the Feds.

4/23/2014 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Hot Pursuit said...

and the bullshit gets deeper and deeper.....
They think their invisible and nobody notices.
Only in Illinois can the dead vote in masses and when nobody is home....a full vote.

4/23/2014 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Take ALL that money and put it into a bridge that is in need of dire repair or add a runway at O'Hare. Name it after Obama.

"I am sure they use the plane (AF-1) more than they use a library, so naming a runway would be more fitting."

4/23/2014 02:49:00 AM

Name it after Emanuel. Something like 57 trips on our dime that he simply refuses to itemize, to explain.

This is called "transparency."

4/23/2014 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The State of Illinois is broke.

$100 Million we do not have.

For a library we do not need.

For a President that nobody likes.

Madigan has lost his fucking mind.

A beautiful new library. Where cops with busted pensions can go to relax. And read documents which aren't present. Because Obama refuses to release them. What a concept!

The Clinton and Bush libraries were both privately funded.

Barack O-Dickhead is probably the most successful fundraiser ever to run for office. So get to work, mf'er!

4/23/2014 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put the goddamned three or four books in a closet of the Bill Clinton Library. I haven't been to the Clinton Library much, the lines are way too long for me. Where is it again?

4/23/2014 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had Enough ? Are You Ready To Do Something About It ? No. Truth Is None Of Us Sheep, Have The Courage To Throw Away Everything, and Stand Up To These Dictators. Make No Mistake, These People Rule Over Us as Elite Dictators. Sure You Can Post Anything You Want On This Site. You Can Vote For Whichever One Of Them Decides To Run, But In The End,The Results Will Be The Same.
"With All Our Rage,We Are Still Just Rats,In Cage"

4/23/2014 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad part is every moron on the southwest side will vote for him again.

Year after year stories surface about how corrupt he is yet they keep electing him

F**king Morons!!!!

4/23/2014 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you were Obama would you want your library in Chicago, or Hawaii where he grew up?

4/23/2014 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This crook has got to go......

4/23/2014 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The state can forget paying any pensions. When it gets down to nitty gritty, the pensions are a union problem and the unions will end up figuring out how to pay them, not the state.

WTF are you talking about. The unions have nothing to do with paying the pension. What planet are you on.

4/23/2014 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let Hawaii house all his sealed records.

4/23/2014 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey it's simple math, the money is
not there for financial obligations
but it's there for feel good and make us look good projects.
Oh, and WGN 9 just reported that
Mike Madigan was "re-elected" as
the ruler of the Illinois democrats
in Springfield.

4/23/2014 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing is going to change until the
electorate wakes-up and gets off their lazy behinds and realizes that
they have the power to stop this
garbage by voting these thieves out
of office and stop going along with
the status quo. The boys in Springfield and City Hall are not
rulers and should be working for our
benefits not to enrich themselves.
How does the saying go,"silence is acceptance".

4/23/2014 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't an article like this run over and over on CNN or the BBC along with the CHIRAQ slogan so people can see why this city suffers everyday from abuse and misuse of tax payers money and citizens not having what they deserve !!!

4/23/2014 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...,0,92369.story

Looks like Susan Mendoza is trying to justify her do nothing but use her job to get another political position. Maybe herbie pulgar could help you enforce this pathetic attempt for press?

4/23/2014 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason Illinois can't pay its bills is because of irresponsible STUNTS like this one. The Illinois taxpayer exists solely to feed the insatiable gluttons in Springfield.

4/23/2014 12:36:00 AM
The shenanigans may take place in Springfield, but make no mistake, the conductors of this tomfoolery almost all come from Chicago and Cook County. The stupid voters up HERE are the cause of the problems of the whole state. You get away from Cook County and you can meet some normal people.

4/23/2014 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to "Chiraq", capitol of "Madiganistan"...

4/23/2014 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an idea for an Obama museum that will save everyone money and still accurately reflect the essence of liberalism. Just erect a fence around a vacant garbage and dime bag saturated lot on the south or west side and put up a sign that says President Obama library and museum. It would capture the essence of unemployment and economic failure that have been the cornerstones of this administration and Illinois.

4/23/2014 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Take ALL that money and put it into a bridge that is in need of dire repair or add a runway at O'Hare. Name it after Obama.

"I am sure they use the plane (AF-1) more than they use a library, so naming a runway would be more fitting."

4/23/2014 02:49:00 AM

Name it after Emanuel. Something like 57 trips on our dime that he simply refuses to itemize, to explain.

This is called "transparency."

4/23/2014 09:02:00 AM

REFUSES to itemize???

4/23/2014 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In lieu of a library, I recommend we build the worlds biggest outhouse to commemorate the 8 years of his office. Then we put Obama's name on it. So Obama and all you dumbasses who voted for him will be reminded how this country's gone to shit in so little time.

We're fucked up so bad we dont even realize it.

Like the junkie sitting on the curb so mentally and emotionally fried he doesnt even know how screwed up he really is - THAT'S us folks. That's our America. That's our kid's America.

4/23/2014 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This country and state is getting exactly what it asked for. We are getting what we deserve.

4/23/2014 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon said:,0,92369.story

Looks like Susan Mendoza is trying to justify her do nothing but use her job to get another political position. Maybe herbie pulgar could help you enforce this pathetic attempt for press?

4/23/2014 01:08:00 PM

I don't have a problem with this and neither should you. If I got to buy a city sticker for my truck and my wife's car, they should too. The registration game has gone on too damn long. Same for all those out of state plates from LA or TX or CT etc that don't change over to IL after the state law required 10 days.

4/23/2014 07:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spot on description of Madigan in control of the Illinois General Assembly along with Senator Cullerton. Two very, very despicable people.

How is a Presidential Library paid for and funded?

A Presidential Library is constructed with private or non-Federal funds donated to non-profit organizations established usually for the express purpose of building a Presidential Library and supporting its programs. Some libraries have also received construction and development funding from state and/or local governments.

The library is then transferred to the Federal government and operated and maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) through its congressionally appropriated operating budget. Some staff and programs at Presidential libraries are paid for with funds from associated private foundations organized to fund the construction of the library and provide continuing support for library programs and special events, such as conferences and exhibitions.

4/23/2014 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT. Pension News.

Did anyone else hear on the news that 43rd Ward Alderman Brendan Reilly has a solution for the city's pension funds that does not involve diminished pensions or benefits, raising property taxes or a casino?

Was previously unimpressed with him, but if he fights TD 9.5 and sticks up for us, Reilly has my vote when he runs for mayor.

4/23/2014 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first thing the irate Republicans should do is hold another - actual - vote on the matter.
And the should immediately repeal that obscure, Machiavellian rule that allowed Madigan to pull this thievery off.
Then, they should embrace term limits. It won't do much to change the Madigan dictatorship, but it will prevent another one.

4/24/2014 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous rtoz said...

$100 million will pay for alot of search committees, consultants, and other useless but expensive business/political/legal parasites
to get well paid while pretending to so some real work about a decision that has already been decided. Much like the Olympic bid of Mayor Daley which died a well deserved demise. As far as Madigan's legislative chicanery are there any actual penalties for this type of political fraud? Because unfortunately no matter how egregious this was, the story will have all the longevity of a soap bubble in a windstorm, such is the state of todays media.

4/24/2014 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To use a Deadwood phrase "the dirty cocksucker" washes his balls in the liquid of deceit.

4/24/2014 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT. Pension News.

Did anyone else hear on the news that 43rd Ward Alderman Brendan Reilly has a solution for the city's pension funds that does not involve diminished pensions or benefits, raising property taxes or a casino?

Was previously unimpressed with him, but if he fights TD 9.5 and sticks up for us, Reilly has my vote when he runs for mayor.

4/23/2014 09:25:00 PM

He's the 42nd Ward Alderman.

43rd is Michelle Smith

4/24/2014 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's the 42nd Ward Alderman.

43rd is Michelle Smith

4/24/2014 08:30:00 PM

Okay. Thanks. Even if he is from the MOON, if he is standing tall for us, he has my vote!

4/27/2014 05:43:00 AM  

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