Monday, May 12, 2014

Pick on Rahm Week

The Tribune gets in on the act (you might need a Tribune password to access the whole thing):
  • In most worlds — business, politics, personal — an arrogant person who accomplishes things is not only tolerated but celebrated. Many of us will take an ass-kicker who gets results over a cautious consensus-builder any day of the week.

    That's why Chicago voters picked Rahm Emanuel for mayor in 2011. They liked his rascally persona: the dead fish delivered to a pollster who disappointed him, the shower confrontation with an uncooperative member of Congress, the reported, "Take your (expletive) tampon out and tell me what you have to say" to a male White House staffer who wasn't on point.

    The strutting. The finger-pointing. The swearing. Come on. We loved it.

    But Chicago's affection toward Emanuel has shifted in a way that is different from the natural fizzle elected officials experience in their first terms. Here's why. Emanuel has stretched the continuum in opposite directions. His arrogance is oversized for the record he has amassed. He's beyond bossy. He's a walking personality disorder. But his audacity exceeds his accomplishments. That's a dangerous combination.
The entire editorial by Kristen McQueary is a brutal take down of Rahm. We think she's a bit mistaken about the supposed Chicago voters enamored with Rahm - Rahm scammed a judge into believing he was a Chicago resident (has anyone ever seen his tax returns for his Washington years? His voting record?), bought the black church votes and won an election that was famous mostly for its extraordinarily low turnout.

The editorial even provoked a reply from political brain David Axlerod, most (in)famous for foisting an unqualified community organizer upon the Illinois legislature, the US Senate and the White House.

Not only is the Trib editorial board beating up on Rahm, Kass gets a few jabs in (again, you might need a password):
  • Is it possible to make Mayor Rahm Emanuel even the teeniest bit likable?

    I desperately want to help him, and I know you do too, because one look at the guy and you know he needs help, but he's too full of pride and arrogance and fear of showing even the tiniest weakness to ask us.

    So I ask on his behalf: How can we make Mayor Prickly into Mayor Personable?
We assume sarcasm on Kass's part. No one likes Rahm. He's not a likeable character. He's pure asshole and ambitious as hell with no tempering of compassion, understanding or sympathy. A psychotic bully in other words...or as the Tribune editorial said, "a walking personality disorder."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah and so was Daley.

5/12/2014 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Take your (expletive) tampon out and tell me what you have to say" to a male White House staffer who wasn't on point.

The strutting. The finger-pointing. The swearing. Come on. We loved it.

I'm sorry. I don't agree. His vulgar, misogynistic and violent outbursts don't make me like him. His inability to get beyond his own ego and correct the ills of the city make him a despicable character. It's no wonder that Karen Lewis handed him his own ass. It's very easy to defeat a little tyrant.

Those who hide behind foul language and the pretense of violence that they can not produce are rather comical to those who understand violence, as most real police officers do. This might be the reason he despises law enforcement as he does.

5/12/2014 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a great city in the 1980's. Gone long gone..

5/12/2014 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So there it is. We have a nut job running our city. Our once great city.

5/12/2014 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's the lesser of the two evils; Emanuel or Preckwinkle?

You know a *real* Republican will never win in Chicago. Hell, they re-elected Judge Cynthia Brim after she was found not guilty be reason of insanity, and Jesse Jackson after, well, you know...


5/12/2014 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog, but Rahm don't need no stink'n ciy worker's votes. For example, only approx. 29% of Police are registered voters. Of those registered, maybe only 5% actually vote. We are a non-issue to start with. My fellow PO's, that is why the politicians don't give a damn about us all. This years OT is estimated to be budgeted at 125 million dollars, slop it up, cause we are going to need it.

5/12/2014 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why Rahm Emanuel can't be president

He's his own best policy person. He's his own best political person. He's his own best communications person. He is every idea that comes up here.

5/12/2014 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know his right hand man he is nothing like the little tyrant yet still he does his bidding what is wrong with politicians what is the driving force behind their actions are they worried about loss of power loss of jobs I just can't understand how someone so unqualified can run this country this state this county and this city it's mind boggling.

5/12/2014 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will make no difference what the papers report. Rahm's voters can't read!

5/12/2014 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It'd be awesome if this meant that voters have so much discontent for Rahm that he's got no chance for re-election. Unfortunately the sheeple seldom think and vote like that. Sad but true.

5/12/2014 03:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is like a hardon on a 19 year old. Little or no conscious and looking to fuck something. Then after he's done fucking he almost immediately feels a physical and psychological need to fuck something again.

Many of the things he's done like closing schools were unfortunately necessary, but he's just such a narcissistic little prick. Everything is more about the press conference than the actual good being done.

Fuck him. I'd vote for anyone not named Shaw before I'd vote for Rahm.

His schtick about renaming Stony Island for Bishop Brazier and then opening a new magnet school on the NORTH side and naming it after President Obama is so openly transparent that the black community is laughing at him.

What's next a new addition to a school in Lincoln Park named after Dr. King?

I really think almost any semi serious politician would defeat him. Here's to you Quigley, fucking Tom Dart, Preckwinkle, Fioretti etc etc. Someone needs to have the balls to take on the little prick.

I'd run myself, but unlike Rahm I realize my personality is not conducive to elected office.

5/12/2014 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I know his right hand man he is nothing like the little tyrant yet still he does his bidding what is wrong with politicians what is the driving force behind their actions are they worried about loss of power loss of jobs I just can't understand how someone so unqualified can run this country this state this county and this city it's mind boggling.

I just can't understand your lack of punctuation in your post!!!!

5/12/2014 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the current round of Democrats, this man is all about divide and conquer. Unfortunately he doesn't realize what a destructive strategy this is to the City (or Country) as a whole. He only sees how it will benefit himself.

The Emmanuel brothers as a whole cannot see beyond themselves. They are a crude, narcissistic bunch. There impact on this Nation is downright dangerous and not amusing at all. Everyone, please stop taking it lightly.

5/12/2014 05:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone but Rahm

He declared war on our retirement security.

5/12/2014 06:39:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

How do you know that only 29 percent of police officers are registered voters?

5/12/2014 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm from Wilmette and I really hate having to deal with you city pieces of sh*t. I've loated the inhabitants of this cesspool city since I raised called racial slurs as a youngster when I visited Foster Avenue Beach. You're going to re-elect me anyways, you morons.

5/12/2014 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Good Morning Vietnam:

General Taylor: Woah, Dick, put the brakes on. I wanted to wait until airman left to talk with you. Dick, I'm transferring you.

Sgt. Major Dickerson: Transferring me? Where to sir?

General Taylor: You're going to Guam.

Sgt. Major Dickerson: Guam sir? There's nothing going on in Guam. Why Guam?

General Taylor: Dick, I've covered for you a lot of times cause I thought you were a little crazy. But you're not crazy, you're mean. And this is just radio.

Voters need to send Rahm to to political Guam.

A lot of citzens who didn't vote for him and probably those that did thought he was a crazy little asshole, but thought, in spite of that, he could get the job done with what's evidently a Napolean Complex.

It's also evident he really isn't very bright and the job is a real bitch, given the economy decades of Democrat control (even Republicsns in IL govt were Democrsts for the most part) and Madigan & Daley stealing with both hands,leaving the City and State in a total mess.

He wanted the job and he had his shot. All he needed to do was look to the North and see what Gov. Walker has been doing in WI and look to what OH and IN and Texas has been doing.

But he and the rest of the IL kleptocracy don't know how to lead. They know only how to talk with paper assholes and steal.

5/12/2014 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous chiefjaybob said...

Perhaps if this blog were to finally shut down, all of the viscous lies about him would stop circulating and everyone could see him for the magnificent, beautiful doer that he is.

Holy shit, my fingers just caught fire.

5/12/2014 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the person who referenced Emanuel or Preckwinkle. Even scarier would be Karen Lewis putting her hat into the ring.

5/12/2014 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is quite a bit of chatter, a lot of plausible, that Rahm is thinking about running for higher office.

Personally, I'd be against it. Rahm is such a fucking ego maniac, I think he would only be satisified in a position where he is king.

5/12/2014 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Great blog, but Rahm don't need no stink'n ciy worker's votes. For example, only approx. 29% of Police are registered voters. Of those registered, maybe only 5% actually vote. We are a non-issue to start with. My fellow PO's, that is why the politicians don't give a damn about us all.

True that. Just look at the FOP election for proof of that. The retirees were the only ones to vote.

5/12/2014 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exchange "Rahm" for "Garry".

5/12/2014 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't need to be a premium member. Just google the headline and open it through google. Works with all their articles.

5/12/2014 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Great blog, but Rahm don't need no stink'n ciy worker's votes. For example, only approx. 29% of Police are registered voters. Of those registered, maybe only 5% actually vote. We are a non-issue to start with. My fellow PO's, that is why the politicians don't give a damn about us all. This years OT is estimated to be budgeted at 125 million dollars, slop it up, cause we are going to need it.

5/12/2014 12:59:00 AM

Yup, keep making up numbers from out of the sky as to how many are registered and how many vote. You're as full of it as compstat.

5/12/2014 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Great blog, but Rahm don't need no stink'n ciy worker's votes. For example, only approx. 29% of Police are registered voters. Of those registered, maybe only 5% actually vote. We are a non-issue to start with

Then register to vote. Get your eligible family and friends to register too. Then vote. Quit bitching and at least try to make a change for the better. The greatest privilege we have in this country is the right to vote. If every cop, fireman and teacher grouped together as one complete voting block I would imagine that it would both impressive and feared by those in power.

5/12/2014 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mean little man.

5/12/2014 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous said...

"Pick on Rahm Week"- the realization by some in the local mainstream media that City Hall presstitution is no longer profitable as it once was? By the way, about McQueary's "The strutting. The finger-pointing. The swearing. Come on. We loved it." Someone in the Rahm camp believed the super-tough-guy persona appealed to Chicago voters. Remember this campaign ad on TV?


5/12/2014 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If not for their religious backgrounds, the little dictator and his chief propagandist could have become party activists in Berlin circa 1933.

5/12/2014 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally on point observation about the low number of police officers who take part in voting.

5/12/2014 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rudy guiliani for mayor 2016

5/12/2014 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This town is already doomed. We are up to our eyebrows in debt and the city keeps borrowing more money. All of the pension funds could go belly up and crime is out of control. Only thing our city council had to fret about was banning plastic bags at the store. This is the mentality of our politicians. Good taxpaying folks are leaving this city in droves. Detroit is a great example of where Chicago is headed on a fast track.

5/12/2014 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's no wonder that Karen Lewis handed him his own ass. It's very easy to defeat a little tyrant."

Karen Lewis lost. Look at all the school closings. Emmanuel will be mayor as long as he wants to be. Ari's money and the low voter turnout will ensure it.

The only hope is if Toni Preckwinkle runs and splits the black vote so another candidate can win.

5/12/2014 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COL Rick Miles is helping Rham to the trash heap

5/12/2014 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would love to see some 5 foot female teacher slap the shit out of him and show the world what a pussy he really is.

5/12/2014 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little man, little dick, big ego. We see this on the job all the time. Just another jagoff. Nothing to see here- move along, folks.

5/12/2014 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a great city in the 1980's. Gone long gone..
Illinois use to be a Reagan State Too
Detroit went the same slow way

5/12/2014 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dump Rahm. Anybody but Rahm.

5/12/2014 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a side note on the Tribune password thing. I refuse to sign up out of principal, but I've found that all you have to do to get around it is to go to "Google News" and type a portion of the article's title in the search box. You'll get the full story without having to sign up for a Tribune password.

5/12/2014 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way Rahm wins is if he and the dems find a way to steal the election.

5/12/2014 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The New World Order = Liberalism is a hybrid combination of communism, socialism and fascism and far worst in its latest incarnation obamaism

Keep an eye on his star pupil, who of course thinks he can "one-up-him" with his version of rahmism!

5/12/2014 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Rahm reported how much revenue has been generated by the 2000 plus newly legal gaming machines operating in the City of Chicago? Could it be as much money as the traffic cameras, or perhaps as much as the pipe dream casino would give his budget?
Just asking.......

5/12/2014 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this negative response to the polls on Rahm, will surely have an effect on him, his highness did not look good last night on TV at the Hawks game, I think that he is going to be a one term mayor. He has certain ly pissed off the black community and they are going to surprise him with Toni Preckwinkle. !!!!! I will gladly put up a lawn sign for anybody but him.

5/12/2014 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He should have stuck to the arts...He a great tiny dancer...just say'n

5/12/2014 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:59am---Where do you get your statistics on police voting--out of your ass?

5/12/2014 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ssc listen up you all have it all wrong. rahm is just a gate keeper for the daley 11th ward crime. family like a battleship which has no port, our next mayor is nora conroy daley. the 1th n 19th wards will rule the city again as for rahm maybe vp spot us senator or cabinet position. the dale\y crime saga continues. also bruce rauner for one term as gov and then lisa madigan. for ever

5/12/2014 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the answer to this question but here it is anyway - so, how come Emanuel can make a "gay" joke about the guy with the tampon and not be called "homophobic" or have it become the news of the day for two weeks? Seems to me, if there are any journalistic standards in place, the reporting should make known that da Mayor elect has said things that would make Donald Sterling blush.

5/12/2014 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone that is intimidated by a nine fingered ballerina deserves everything they get.

5/12/2014 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"[Rahm's] schtick about renaming Stony Island for Bishop Brazier..."

5/12/2014 03:33:00 AM

Stony Island is a wonderful name. Derives from a geological feature.

...and now...

Stretch of Cicero Avenue could be renamed for Nelson Mandela

"The Illinois House today approved a measure to name a section of Cicero Avenue for the late Nelson Mandela. Mandela Road would start at Roosevelt Road on the south and end at West Grand Avenue...

"Rep. LaShawn Ford, whose district includes the stretch of road, [said] “There will be a big sign or plaque at every stop light, serving as a tribute to the inspirational leader’s memory.”

"Ford, who faces a federal bank fraud charge, said he decided to sponsor the resolution because “Mandela is all about education, reform and freedom.”,0,7369441.story

5/12/2014 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has he ever improved, other than his own fortunes? He's all attitude, no substance, and a rude one at that. I never voted for him.

5/12/2014 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ald Fioretti is the only person that can beat him.

5/12/2014 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

25% of the registered voters come out in this city. Rahm has 29%, Preckwinkle 25%, plus or minus 4% in any poll equals a statistical tie. Rahm is beatable

5/12/2014 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm was elected by the black community because he was endorsed by POTUS Barack Obama and the only reason the black ocmmunity voted for him was because of that endorsement. POTUS also only took Rahm Emmanuel to Washington with him. Noticably none of the North Lawndale politicians were even given a tought becuase they are so corrupt and dimwitted. Rahm ignored the black community and when the grumblins started to be heard, made a few attempts at pretending to try and make improvements in the black areas. As I was told by several, too late!

5/12/2014 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: Rahm V Karen Lewis

She beat him because she stood up to him. That's exactly the way that you handle bullies. A bully is a coward at heart.

All good coppers hate bullies. Maybe that's why no one likes Rahm.

5/12/2014 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only help I want to give to Rahm is a Shovel, a 55 gallon bag and around 100 pounds of Lye and Lime.

5/12/2014 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Nose 4 News said...

Even Rahm is picking on Rahm!

5/12/2014 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been saying it since he forced his way into office.
Nobody really likes this guy. he wasn't liked as a child, as a teenager and as an adult.

I mean nobody (including family) ever liked this guy and he absolutely knows it. That is why he is what he is. A conniving deceitful hateful little man with no heart.

But as truly unlikely as he is, he also is intelligent and very driven. He will be reelected and continue to punish his enemies which are growing in numbers every day.

That's what dictators do.

5/13/2014 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm was elected by the black community because he was endorsed by POTUS
Cops voted because FLOP endorsed Gee Now DeaNo is Silent

5/13/2014 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Axelrod has made a career out of smearing the political opponents of his clients and practicing "big lie" techniques.

5/13/2014 04:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember little Rahm, he was a hyper little boy in HS not very liked and behaved like a gnat. He did however like to engage in activities that would change your mood. He really was left in his brothers shadows and was a mommas boy with all the ballet dancing and all. He really wouldn't be anywhere without his brother Ari who has laid all the groundwork for little bro Rahm, laid the path for him to follow. Rahm cannot interact with people unless he feels a superiority to them which goes back to his childhood and HS days. He wasn't really liked then, those who did like him only pretended to for their own selfish reasons. Just like now no one really likes him but he's the big little bully in the room with a big bank account. I think he's gonna learn soon that even with all his money he still will be rejected my most who know him.

5/13/2014 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen Lewis beat Rahm because he ignored everyone who told him not to close the schools and he must address the issue of crime and corruption in the black areas and he did neither. Now goodbye Rahm

5/13/2014 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your comments about Rahm's school days in suburbia confirm stories that I heard from people who attended the same high school with him. He was a stoner and when his parents were absent it has been alleged that his house served as an unlicensed pharmaceutical dispensary according to other high school burnouts. There is some cryptic material in the book about the Clinton White House (Unlimited Access) and the failure to vet staffers which included an anonymous profile of someone whose name was omitted, but seemed to be suspiciously similar to RE. The author opined that many members of the Clinton staff would have been denied security clearances prior to 1992.

5/13/2014 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my African/American neighbors said to me yesterday that he's sorry he voted for that m'fker and will never vote for him again.

I hope he takes that will to vote to Hilliary, Quinn, Prekwinkle etc.

5/13/2014 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This would be interesting to see this covered on TV News.

The Union League Club of Chicago will hold their Spring Luncheon tomorrow, Wednesday. Their guest speaker will be the new Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Chicago Field Division, Robert J. Holley. "Mr. Holley will discuss the strategies needed to challenge Chicago’s gang and violent crime problems that currently plague the city."

May I suggest that the first thing they do is review the case reporting. Find out who ordered that not just violent crimes but property crimes be downgraded to give a "crime is down" picture.

Then do a Manpower Audit. Find out which areas of the city have become POLICE SERVICE DESERTS because Rahm has not been hiring police and McCarthy has been pulling them away from a lot of neighborhoods.

Rahm and McCarthy lie to the citizens all the time, crime is down, we have enough police, this isn't a burglary, this isn't a homicide...

But remember Rahm and McCarthy, it is a crime in itself to lie to an FBI Agent.

5/13/2014 05:03:00 PM  
Blogger VoteRahmOut said...

Rahm needs to go, Chicago needs to start electing some Republicans in order to provide balance. I have voted Democrat for the past 20 years and supported both Obama and Emmanuel and now I wonder what the hell I was thinking

5/13/2014 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You admit to voting for Rahm and Barack. You, sir , are an asshole.

5/14/2014 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree sir!.. Is a BIG- Ass crime to lie to the FBI

5/15/2014 12:03:00 PM  

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